THE COIRS AND GOERS HAPPENINGS OF INTEREST TO YOU AND ME. What Your Friends and Their Friends Have Been Doing the Past Week. — Eat Sowle’s Candy. —Dr. Wilson, Wahl’s building. —By your seed corn at Heck’s feed store. 15-2t. Neal Thornton and John Higgins were Wyruore visitors Sunday. Miss Florence Judd spent Sun day with her parents in Dawson. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schaer left Sun day for their new home in Superior. Frank Nims of Nirns City was down to see the elephant do a base ball stunt. There are always freaks every-1 where. Falls City was no exxception show day. —Landrigan, of course, for furni ture and undertaking. Opposite the court house. —We have some fresh Red Seat flour in now. Come and get a sack. —C. A. Heck. * Will Zoeller, Jr., was visiting with his parents, Oscar Zoeller and wife, of this city over Sunday. P. Fisher was in town Thursday af ternoon, hut did not go out to see Robinson’s clowns play silly. Miss Fern Fowler came up from St. Joseph Saturday and spent a few days with relatives and friends. Mrs. C. H. Marion and daughter re turned the first of the week from a visit to relatives in Iliawatha. Rev. F. E. Day conducted services at. Nelson Sunday. Mrs. Day had charge of the Christian services in this city. Quie a number of Zion people were in attendance at the Children’s Day exercises at the Evangelical church last Sunday. Rev. Bex and little Jerometta Kel ly came down from Burcliard Monday to spent a few days with old friends at this place. —Young’s Pantorium cleans and presses ladies skirts. 44-tf Fairbury booze joints are having a iiard time of it. The police up there are on their trail and making it ex ceedingly hot for them. Nothing like that ever happens in Falls City, If ever a delinquent is hauled up for |iis sins, it is because he was awk ward enough to let himself be caught and not because of any effort to en force the laws. In other words in Falls City punishment is meted out. with a view to save the face of the administration and not for the good of the offender, nor to satisfy violat ed law. Dr. Chester A. Brink returned from Ocean Park, California, early Mon day morning. The doctor had gone to the coast several weeks ago to be with his mother while being operated on for gall stones. Mrs. Brink, though seventy-three years of age stood the operation well and is con valescing rapidly. When an occulist told a dear old saint who was having trouble with her eyes, that she must keep away from suffering and worried folks, and avoid all strain on her nerves, she exclaimed, “Land sakes, young man, I aint getting these specks to wear in heaven!” Mrs. Sam Marts returned (he lat ter part o* the week from a visit to her son, Earl Marrts and family, at Wymore. She reports the new grandson as doing nicely. Editor Dalbey of the Shubert Citi zen was in Falls City show day. While j John Robinson’s acrobats were doing their stunts, he called at The Tribune office for a quiet talk on private matters. Mr. Dalby is planning im provements for his plant. The building committee of the Cath olic church made a trip to Lincoln the first of the week. The will push the work on the now building as rap idly as possible, and when completed will be a beautiful structure. Miss Louise Peterson, who has been ill with rheumatism for some time, is able to be up town again. Will Nettlebeck and family of Shu ber were in the city Sunday evening. They spent a short time at the home of the former’s mother. Mr. and Mrs. Orange Neff and chil dren came down from Alliance, Neb., Tuesday to attend the funeral of their daughter, Mrs. Howard Long. The June Bride As a Stellar Attraction Outshines Any Old Comet Even Halley's Not Excepted Madam Rumor has it that this June will see numerous weddings in and around Falls City the coming month. On the strength of this information we have weighted our shelves with those pretty and useful things that the sensible bride yearns for. Dependable Silverware In this department we are particularly Strong—we are headquarters for everything in the Silverware line that the prospective housewife may desire. Hand=Painted China The kind that the ladies rave over and the bride natur ally expects. We are headquarters for Cut Class too, and are showing the best line ever brought to the city. DAVIES & OWENS JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS FALLS CITY, NEBRASKA No intoxicated persons allowed about the Air Dome. Everything guaranteed strictly wholesome and unobjectionable. Miss Alice Crocker and little broth er of Pawnee City are visiting their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Judd in this city. Win. Zoeller, Sr., from Preston was in Kails City last Sunday to attend the Childrens’ Day exercises at the Evangelical church. Mrs. John Martin returned the lat ter part of the week to her home in Council Bluffs, after a visit to her parents in this city. Prof. T. J. Oliver and two daugh ters, Helen and Kachel and son, Thom as, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Stephenson at Shubert Sunday. Prof. Darner of the Falls City Business College lias an order from a New Yolk concern for two hun dred lines of expert penmanship. Farmers turned out in a magnifi cent way Thursday to sc* the show. It was too wet to work in tin* fields so they took a day off to see the sights. Mrs. Earnest Oberland returned to /her home in Concordia, Kansas the first of the week. She was called here by the death of her father.Ste phen Prior. Mrs. W. C. Sloan and two sons re turned to their home in Verdon the latter part of the week, after a visit to the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs John Hossack. Rev. Watson will be unable to fill his appointment at the Preston Breth ren church next Sunday, hence Eider Tuttle has agreed to take his place. Mr. Tuttle will conduct divine ser vices there next Sunday at three o’clock In the afternoon. All are invited. If a girl wants to he known that she is going to the races, all that is necessary is to walk the streets with a poo! hall loafer or a boozy young sport from the country.—-Jour nal. The Childrens’ Hay exercises at Zion were quite a success Sunday. The day was ideal, the program well rendered and interesting, and a full house in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. John Berry of At chison attended the funeral of Mrs. Berry's sister. Mrs. Howard Hong, on Wednesday. Before buying pictures of any kind you should'inspect the line on exhibition at the new store of E. Landrigan. Mrs. Linn Long of Parsons, Kans., attended the funeral of Mrs. Howard Long Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Wittwer and mother were business visitors to this city Wednesday. —Have you seen the beautiful pic tures which E. Landrigan is selling at cost. —The Air Home will hold its grand opening, Monday. June 27. Ike Smith of Hock Creek was in the city Saturday. —If it’s shoes you want, call at the Home Shoe store. 5 4-11 H. Pence and S. A. Little were in St. Joe Wednesday. Dr. D. G. Griffiths went to Omaha the first of the week. The Air Dome will open with the Metropolitan Stock Co. .1. It Whipple, Poland China hog sale, November 19, 1910. .1, R. Cain, Jr., was a visitor at the home of his father Sunday. Rev. Watson's playground is grow ing popular among the boys. Rev. Lsely of Maple Grove and wife were in town Wednesday. Report will have it that the small pox are not yet exterminated. Mrs. S. 1,. Redwood went to the country Saturday to visit friends. Dr. Bailey will be looking for a job as contractor after tile dedica tion. The work on the foundation of the new Christian church is moving along rapidly. Hugo liall was very sick with the measles. He is much better at this writing. Herbert Kerr and wife have arrived in town and will spend the sum mer here. TheAirDome will seat over SOO peo ple. 500 reserved seats at 20e and 350 at 10c. Mrs. diaries Ititer of Oshkosh, Ne braska attended the funeral of her sister, Mrs Howard Long, .1. R. Cain of Stella is the logical county option candidate for the state senate from this district. Will Cook is visiting his father in/ this city. He is one of Nebraska City’s enterprising barbers. Charles Long came down from Lincoln to attend (he funeral of his sister-in-law, Mrs. Howard Long. Mis. Ray Gould lias returned to her home in Omaha after visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Heaeoek. Rumor Las li that the M. P. Div ision officials are to be transferred here today. We hope the rumor may materialize. W. A. Margrave and Sons shipped five car loads of cattle Wednesday to the I.oe Live Stock • commission of Kansas City. Delegates from Palls City to the State Sunday School convention speak in terms of highest praises of the big meeting. By buying out twenty different com panies for tin1 entire season the cir cuit is aide to give 75 cent service for 10 and 20 cents. Tile Air Dome is on (he circuit which includes. Lincoln. Topeka. Kan sas City, Atchison, Witchita, Sedalia, Joplin and similar towns. Several fellows tried to get into the game at the National Saturday night but were barred out. They now have the laugh on the elect seven. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Eichelberger of Morrill, Kansas drove to this city Wednesday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Long. Mrs. Eichelberger is a cousin of Mr. Long. State Superintendent Poulsen, of the Anti-Saloon League made a hurry up call on the Eallls City preachers Thursday evening. Evidently some thing is about to drop. The Burlington railroad is contem plating the placing of Inter-urban mo tor service on its line out. of Lincoln. If their plan materializes it will be a great convenience to Eastern Neb raska and incidentally magnify tin coin’s importance. The Childrens’ Day exercises held in the grove by the Emanuel Sunday school of Speiser township proved a very pleasant, affair. A good audi ence gathered to listen to the pro gram. Everybody enjoyed the treat and went away happy. The1 dredge south of Dawson work ing on the Northfork toward Salem is already out of sight down the bot tom. This particular machine is making the best time of any of the five dredges now working on the main channel in the Nemaha bottoms. Frank Peck’s Claim Dates. .J. B. Whipple, Poland China Hog sale, October. 15, 1910. Storage. We can store your household goods until you get a house. Phone 396 or call pi, the warehouse of Heck & Wamsloy, one block from the Burling ton depot. The Size of Jhe United States. The United States with 8,602.990 square miles including Alaska is: 378 times the size of Belgium. 253 times the size of Denmark. 225 times the size of Holland. 175 times the size of Greece. 89 times the size of Portugal. 70 times the size of England. 56 times the size of Italy. 28 times the size of Norway. 20 times the size of Sweden. 18 times the size of Spain. 17 times the size of Prance. 16 times the size of Germany. 14 times the size of Austria Hun gary. WAS EQUAL TO THE OCCASION Sergeant’s Military Instinct Enabled Him to Cope With Entirely Unfa miliar Situation. While looking for pirates along the Chinese coast, Admiral John Moresby encountered some strange adventures and some that were ludicrous. One of his experiences lie describes in "Two Admirals." When visiting the mandarin of Tien Pach, he with ids blue button, robes and attendants, I with our paymaster, gunner, and a guard of ten marines and a sergeant, tea was offered to us, and accepted as a matter of course. Then, in an access of politeness, the attendant proceeded with the ten to (lie guard, stiflly drawn up In the courtyard, the men with rifles shoul dered. The sorg -ant looked round distract edly for guidance; he had no prece dent for a tea party on duty. The men staled with cool contempt at the spoonful of acid tea. Fearing lest a refusal might be an affront, i hastily said, "Sergeant, let the men take it." He looked at me for nn instant with, a long, horrified look of remonstrance; then, stepping to the front as if drill jug, he gave the word: "Order arms! Ground arms! Take, the cups! Drink the tea!" l-ike Wordsworth's "forty feeding like one," they grasped the cups and with a single gesture, emptied them down their throats. Next came the stately commands: "Return the cups! Take up arms! Shoulder arms!” It was done. The sergeant was him self again; he felt he had been equal lo the ocasion, and I stilled my un seasonable laughter iu a cough and a handkerchief. Youth's Companion. KEPT HIS PRESENCE OF MIND Colored Man Believed in and Practised Making the Most of Adversity. A group of men were discussing hu man nature and tho difficulty of look ing always on the bright and glitter ing wide of things when the dingy, dark brown side Is uppermost and seems destined to remain uppermost. "It’s a great ihing to cultivate a disposition to make the most of things in this life," remarked one of the group. "The most striking illustra tion 1 ever had of that was in a big horse race at a county fair down the state about ten years ago. The man driving alongside of me let his horse' swerve on the back stretch and my sulky was upset. That caused a gen eral mixup and a colored driver right behind me got unloaded and his sulky broken to pieces. Well, 1 lay there for a minute and then as I didn't seem to be much hurt, 1 started to get up. 1 " 'Hey, boss, don’ you go gittin’ up,' yelled the colored driver at me, ex citedly. ‘■’Why?’ I asked him, somewhat puzzled. " ’ 'Cause,’ he answered, ‘y’ all lay right what’ yo' is, and in a minute they'll sen' roun’ liyah and haul us back pas’ the gran’ stan’ in u calh hinge. ‘ "Sure enough, they did,” says Al bright. ‘‘And when we drove up that home stretch in the open hack they sent after ns, that colored man was the happiest person I ever saw. Now, that's what 1 call making the most of things.” How to Hunt Wolves in India. The authorities of Harzibagh are in viting sportsmen to help in the exter mination of a pack of wolves which have established a reign of terror in the neighborhood, according to the Al lahabad t India) Pioneer. The reward is at present 50 rupees for each full grown wolf. Eleven children have been killed between February 7 and 23 in the tract lying between liarlil and Cohwparan police stations, a dis tance of 13 miles. The wolves hunt from early morning till noon and again from two o’clock till sunset. The authorities make the following suggestions: Sportsmen should not. at tempt to ride up to the wolves. When the pack is sighted the sportsman should send away his pony and his attendants and should approach them leisurely and alone. He should wear a turban and make himself look as like a peasant as possible. The rifle should be carried as if it were a stick. When Wine is Not Wine. The Paris wine merchant who has received six months’ imprisonment for selling adulterated sauterne should have taken expert advice before em barking on his career of crime. Her man, the dramatist, who In early life had a high reputation as a chemist, was once called to give evidence re garding a certain brand of wine. As he testified that it was wholly inno cent of grape juice, the merchant was heavily fined. On coming out of court tlie defendant asked Herman, “How is it that you were aide to swear so pos itively that there is no grape-juice in tlifit stuff of mine?" "Because if there had been any, in combination with the other elements you used, it would have caused tartaric acid to form on the barrel." "Thank you so much,” replied the enlightened adulterator. “You'll find some on the barrel next time.” Not Interested. "Do you believe in corporal punish ment?" Inquired the professor “Really,” replied Mrs. Cumrox. "1 never discuss my husband's business affairs. 1 leave tie e corporation ques tions entirely to the financiers and the- lawyers." xcr.tsiol m mi The Excelsior Entertainers A Trio of Infinite Variety and Superb Talent HEAR THEM AT The Falls City Chautauqua Aug. 6 to 14, 1910 E K. HURST. Secretary xclusive w Makers Wril Pflaurn & Co. Chicago {][ This two button model for Young Men, designed by Weil Pflaum & Co., Chicago, promises to be come the bit of the season. ^ It is an extremely stylish garment, full of snap, life and color. Intended for the Y oung M a n who wishes something out of the ordinary, yet it car ries no suggestion of freakisbness. Made prin cipally in novelty wool ens. A large variety to select from. $10, $12, $14 ;ind $16 Suits STRAW HATS, OXFORD SHOES Seansonable Lines of Men » and Youth's Furnishings Underwear. Hosier/.'.Collars and Ties WAHL Sc PARCHEN WE KEEP OPEN UNTIL NINE O'CLOCK Sold On Its Merit . o -■ • . M We sell the Crown Piano on its merits. We can show you point by point where the Crown Piano is superior to any other piano you can buy at any price Remember your piano is the most im portant purchase you will ever make for your home. It costs but little more, if any, to be sure that it is a good one. We sell the Crown on terms as easy as any good piano can be offered to people who know the difference between a questionable "induce ment and real piano value for their money. Many inferior pianos will cost you more than a Crown, Price does not determine value I've sold Crown Pianos in this territory for 16 years. That is good evidence of their merit. I also handle Strech &. Zeidlcr. Pease and Concord Pianos. These instruments are strictly high grade and too fine to be ped pled from house to house through the country, as a great many dealers do That alone is proof enough that they are a cheap grade of pianos Anyone contemplating buying a piano in the near future we will be pleased to have call and inspect our pianos AT E LANDRIGAN S NEW FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING STORE. OPP COURT HOUSE. I tell on time monthly payments and take old instruments in exchange CLARENCE E. SMITH