The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, June 17, 1910, Image 4

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Consolidations Falls City Tribune,
Humboldt Enterprise, Rulo Record,
Croc ker s Educational .lourtml and
Dawson Outlook,
Entered as second-class matter at
Falls City. Nebraska, post otlice, Janu
ary 12. 1904, under the Act of Congress
On March 3, 1*79.
Published every Friday at Falls City,
Nebraska, by
The Tribune Publishing Company
Editor and Manager.
Or ie year...-.$1.50!
Ktx months . .. 7a
Three months .-<0
The Tribune takes no pleasure ih
publishing the lapses of delinquent
members of the human family. It is
our effort to seb i I ns largely as
possible only those hems of news
that will advantage, as well us inter
est our readers. However there are
unpleasant happenings that need he
told. It is good for the people to
know certain ugly truths, though un
pleasant and bitter to hear. Fur
ther more we do not take kindly to
being intimidated, when violaters of
the law add the unpardonable blun
der of threatening us to their other
ains, we feel constrained to speak
out Wo cannot understand how
men can go on in their deviltry dally
breaking the In arts of their loved j
one , without a pang of remorse, so
long as they are not caught, but the
day they are exposed they begin to
beg for lienency, for their good wives
and mothers, ami respectable friends'
sake. Their behavior is too base
and cowardly to be given a moments
consideration. Why did they not con
sider their weeping, heart broken
ones living in dally torture because
of the very shame of it all, before
the strong hand of publicity threat
oned them?
When' I do n dirty Job, making ray
self liable to be held tip as a public
example or exposing myself to ridi
cole and contempt, 1 hope to have
manhood enough to take my medicine
■without whimpering. The disposition
of Kalis City delinquents when caught
to whine and crawfish, is to my mind
most detestable. If gambling is un
honorable business, no one need be
ashamed to have hi» name published
In connection with a general round
up. If on tin* other hand it is a
breech of law and good morals, and
an offense against society and the
state, it is to the interest of the of
fender to fell, and feel keenly, the
smart, of public castigation.
There are times when nothing will
do a. boy as much good ns a sound
spanking. As he grows older and
wiser, he looks upon these experi
ences as among the most helpful of
bis life. There are times when such
an old time laying on of the shingle
is os good medicine for our souls. We
heartily despise the disposition of
sonic of our very respectable friends
to dodge th(> cure. Take it boys, like
heroes, it will do you good. We are
printing these tilings for your own
good, and we hope* you are big
vnough to appreciate our pains.
* * *
The names of the first gang of
gamblers caught red handed in the
oid gambling room over Leed's ivhis
hey ranch, as copied from the police
docket follow:
K. Knickerbocker.
Charles Foehlinger.
Rubideau F. Grim.
F. N. Kanaly.
H. Bear hey.
V. L. Bradley.
The second batch rounded up by
Marshal Marts, in room No. ill of
the National hotel last Saturday night
as copied from the police docket are:
I. Maust.
George Shields.
I). Delph
D. Robinson.
F. J. Camblin.
O. K. Walling.
E. B. Simon.
Bill Garnett.
• * •
One of the serious faults of farmers
and country people generally is to
ape the habits, customs, and life of
the city. The result is disastrous to
the country and of no possible ad
vantage to the city. The farmer of
today borrows a large per cent of his
pleasures, his ideals, his methods,
his morals, from the city. Naturally
his tastes develop along lines that
are entirely out of sympathy with his
actual surroundings. Is it any won
der then, if country boys and girls
jgrow restless, dissatisfied and hurry
off to town every opportunity that
Why should not farmer boys and |
girls have games for their own amue -(
mi nt the same as city boys? The
objection Is raised that there is no
time. The hoy, and the man for that
matter, finds time to go to town to
see tlie show, tile hall game. the
questionable play, etc. How much bet
ter if tlie game was played in the
country, by tlie country boys, witli
a country crowd. All the possible
good of tin thing would thus be
gotten out of it and the abuses avoid
All work and no play makes .rack
a dull boy." This simple truth no
doubt will account for tlie lack of
elasticity on tlie part of most coun
try people. They grow up among the
cattle and they allow themselves
about as wide a range. Tlie children
are kept on the grind until they be
come like minded or run away to
town. Your country boy hitches up,
dons ills best and hit's away to town.
There is no other place to which he
can go The country offers him lit
tle or nothing, in town every tiling
is different, there boon compan
ions waiting for him. Public amuse
merit challenge him on every corner
lie may be awkward but nobody no
tices it. lie may be unlettered, but
his cash speaks for him. lie is a
hale, good fellow ill every turn. Is it
any wonder ho likes to go to town,
becomes citified and likely a boor.
Let the country cease borrowing
from the city. Let country people
begin to develop their own resources
socially as they already are develop
ing them economically. The country
ran he independent of the city and
must In order to be nt her lies! Let
country people»lie true to their call
ing and life. Let the country schools
and churches he countrified. Tench
and preach the ideas and truths that
milk ■ for tin- country gentleman and
the country lady.
One of tlie objections to County Op
tion raised by wet towns, is that it
gives the farmer tlie right to vote the
town dry. This, of course is true, and
at ft! st sight does look jug-handled
and unfair. lint there is another
side to Oils ipiestfon. A side which
the i ity people have been abusing for
generations, and it is only fair to
tic farmer that after yoarrs of in
justice and abuse he is coming into
his own.
County Option gives tin- farmer the
sam > rights in relation to the town,
that tlie city man lias been exercis
ing towards tlie farmer. As long as
the cities were free to make men
beastly drunk and send them in this
condition to their homes in the coun
try to abuse their families and their
neighbors, they did not raise the cry
of unfair. Cor years the saloons
have set (heir traps to snare the
farmer boys, gouge them of their mon
ey, and ruin them body and soul. The
city 1ms taxed and still is taxing the
saloon for the privilege of grinding
its develish grist. In turn the farmer
is taxed to pay court costs to take
care of the product of the
saloon. The farmer lias been
the sufferer in every way. It is
therefore but simple justice that
the farmer be given opportunity to
defend himself atul his property.
Some Things That The Nebraskan
Should Scatter Broadcast.
A well known publicist lias describ
ed a “bonanza'' as being “a holt*
in the ground for sale by a liar."
The definition is tsuo only in part—
a "bonanza" is not nlways a hole in
the ground. People who are looking
for "get-ricli-guiek" schemes need not
look to Nebraska. But people who
are looking for homes in a land
where the soil is fertile, where the
air is pure, where educational facil
ities are best, and where the toil of
■he husbandman or the industry of
the manufacturer is rewarded in
bounteous measure—people looking
tor homes in that kind of a country
should study Nebraska.
Here are a few fives about Nebras
ka that homeseekers should study,
and which loyal. Nebraskans should
scatter to the four corners of the
Nebraska raises more wheat, oats,
barley, corn and alfalfa to the acre
than any other state in the union.
,ln 1909 the average yield of wheat
per acre in the United Suites was
15.8 bushel; the Nebraska average
was 20.1.
In 1909 the average yield of corn
per acre in the United States was
25.7 bush'd*; the Nebraska average
was 25.7,
In 1909 the average yield of hay
per acre in the United States was
1.12 tons per acre; the Nebraska
average was 2.22.
Nebraska soil is peculiarly adapted
to the growing of every cereal and
fruit that may profitably be raised in
the t*?mpc-rate zone. It is “the
buckle of the corn belt of the world.-*
It is the third largest com producing
state In the union, with a smaller
corn acreage than either of the state*
that arc ahead of it in total produc
A decade ago Nebraska was not
i ounted among the wheat producing
states. Today it is the fourth wheat
producing state in the Union, and
raises more wheat to the acre than
cither of tlie three stales exceeding
it in total production.
The two states that excel Nebras
ka in corn production were old and
well settled states before Nebraska
was admitted into the Union. Of the
the three states that excel Nebraska
in the total of wheat produced, two
were old and well settled before Ne
braska was admitted, If Nebraska
can rank this high so early in her
history, what will her position he at
the close of the first quarter of the
present century?
There is a difference between
“cheap land" and “low priced" land.
There is very little “cheap land” in
Nebraska. Hut. there is a great deal
of “low priced land"—land that
may tie secured at a low price on
easy payments, and which will pro
duce abundantly. .Millions of acres
of raw land are obtainable—land that
lias never been touched by the plow,
and which is as fertile as any the
sun ever shone upon. With the ad
vent of intensive farming the "big
farm” is disappearing, and its place
is Ic ing taken by the small farms.
This means that there are hundreds
of thousands of acres of improved
farm land upon the market, obtain
able at a reasonable price and upon
good terms. Kvery year hundreds of
farmers are etiing, amply rewarded
for their long years of labor, andn
lheir land holdings are for sale.
The home seeker need look no
further than Nebraska. The far
northwest is famous lor wheat, but
Nebraska went lands are just as pro
ductive and in addition Nebraska soil
will grow corn, oats, rye, barley,, al
falfa, potatoes, etc, just as profusely
as it grows wheat.
There are approximately 411,000,000
acres in Nebraska. Twenty-five mil
lion acres are as yet untilled.
Let the hotneseeker investigate Ne
braska. Nebraskans simply say to all
inquirers, “come and see!”
There is land in Nebraska, subject
to homestead. Write to the United
States Land office Lincoln, Nebraska,
for information.
I*or farm land. Improved and unim
proved, write to any reputable real
estate denier in Nebraska. The real
estate J .ters who advertise in this
newspaper are worthy of confidence.
Nebraska offers homes to the indus
Letter From our Regular Correspond
ent at Kansas City.
Kansas City, June 13, 1!H0. Itaih
er light receipts of cattle for the past
month or more, have prevented pack
ers from storing up much dressed
meat in coolers, and when the de
mand from consumers began to in
crease two weeks ago, the reserve
supply was soon exhausted, and kill
ers have been forced to exhibit anx
iety for supplies recently. Receipts
from Native and Western territory
continue moderate, and tilt' flux of
tattle from quarantine territory now
coming to market is not large enough
previous to today to relievo the
strain. The market lias, therefore,
made fairly good gain each of the
pas two weeks, the advance last
week 25 cents on tiost fed steers, and
25 to 5o cents on butcher grades. The
stockers and feeders remained about
steady, as present prices are one
dollar higher than a year ago. and
buyers hold some skepticism about
cattle paying out at prevailing prices.
The supply today was above expecta
tions, 19,000 head here, half of which
are in the quarantine division. Best
steers are stead to a shade lower,
account of scarcity, top sales to
day at $8.45, S'* 35 and $8.20. Medi
um cattle are off 10 to 25 cents to
day, bulk of steers at $0.40 to $7.50,
plain light steers downward to $5.50,
cows at $3,50 to $6.50, heifers $4.50
to $7.60, bulls $3.75 to $5.90, calves
$4.50 to $8.25, stockers $4 40 to $5.80,
feeders $5.00 to $6.25.
After considerable fluctuating hogs
closed last week in the same notch
as close of previous week. Heavy
weights lost some prestige during the
week, the lights seem to be slated to
take the lend in the near future. The
run is 9,000 here today, liberal else
where, and packers seized the chance
to enforce a decline, ranging from
10 to 16 cents, top hogs at $9.311-2.
which is only 12!j cents under Chi
cago top today, hulk of sales here
$9.20 to $9.30. Shipping demand is
good, as many small plants heretofore
closed for a season, are opening tip,
having decided that no money can be
made by not running. Competition is
therefore better, and packers who
talked of putting up their droves
shortly at nine dollars have ervised
heir ideas during the last week.
Live Stock Cor.
Humboldt promises to have some-:
thing doing, July 4th. Rev. Cardy is]
to play middleman between tb<> two
ct-’rans, Walsh and Kotouc.
here and there.
News Of Interest From Our Neigh
boring Towns.
Itulo ha* set the dates for her
annual street fair. The affair will be
pulled off August 18, lb and 20.
• * *
From present indications there
will lie a record breaking attendance
at the summer session of the Peril
* * * •
Sup. J. \Y. Crabtree's friends are
busy boosting his candidacy for the
Superintondant of Public Instruction.
Bishop’s seat.
* * *
There were 1S2 graduates from
tile I ern Normal this year.
* * *
Auburn has something big up her
sleeve. They promise to tell us
all about it next week.
* * *
Morrill's new stock yards are al
most completed. They cover two
acres of ground and are modern in
their appointments.
* * *
Th ■ memberb of the W. R. C. and
(!. A. R. gave a picnic at Shubert on
June 11. A good program was ren
* * *
The liquor dealers in Convention at
Cincinnati appropriated $r>0,000,000 to
be spent in fighting (he growth of
temperance sentiment in the United
* * »
The Shollenborger-Dahl man clique
are getting the lines laid for a brew
er’s convention at Grand Island, July
26. Dahltnah will throw his strength
to Shollcnberger, and our non
committal governor will pledge fealty
to the brewers.
* * *
The students of York College want
a sewer system and more lights, to
he in service when school opens in
the fall.
* * *
The secretary of state is register
ing on an average of thirty auto
mobiles a day.
* * *
West Lincoln has licensed a whole
sale liquor joint. The f e is $2,000.
* * *
Nebraska City offers $10,000 1o a
capable man who will start a bus
iness college in their town. Does
that mean that Falls City has not in
terest enough in her own school to
keep it here?
Our Friend, The Angleworm.
One of the most indefatigable work
ers is that homely thing, the angle
worm And he always makes liis
work Count for us. Have you ever
been out of a morning and found the
earth all burrowed full of holes in
Hie garden or 1 lie back yard? Per
haps you have wondered what did it
all. And you were surprised to be
told that the angleworm lias been
boring away all night long there1. And
what for? I am sure you will a&k.
It may be nobody knows just what lie
does mean to do; but one thing lie
surely does do. and that is, he loos
ens the earth up wherever he goes,
so that it is far more "crumbly,” and
so more easily tilled. Not only that.
The angleworm brings up from far
down in earth soil that never has
been used in growing crops. You
know the surface of our lands is al
ways under the harrow, and so it in
time becomes exhausted. The angle
worm gives us new soil, richer, more
easy to work, and so calculated to
produce bettor crops. Some people
who have watched this ugly creature
say he stirs immense loads of earth
every year. They have even given
us their word that on an acre, every
year, angleworms digest ten tons of
earth. What a worker our friend is!
I o Mark the Day
you call her thine, the handsom
est engagement ring you can af
ford is none too good. Come here
and we ll help you choose wisely
and according to your means
For the Faster tide
it will be just as well to secure
the ring now. That will give us
plentyof time to attend to the en
graving all wedding rings should
R. B. Simpson
North Window Kerrs Pharmacy
Relative Growth of Corn in Straight
and Crooked Furrows Easily
Accounted For.
He was a long, lank mountaineer,
leaning on the log "rider” of a log
: ‘fence in the shade of an Ozark post
toak. Behind him, hitched to a difipi
i dated plow, two bony mules, with
drooping ears and lazily flapping tails,
drowsed in the sun,
“Fine crop of corn you’ve got there,"
said the passer-by, who had stopped
for a drink from the gourd dipper at
the Bpring. “But aren’t those rows
rather crooked?”
"I reckon so,” answered the farmer,
surveying the straggling rows of dis
couraged looking corn. "Yes, they're
right smart crooked. 1 reckon it'd
break ary snake In two to foller them
“What’s the reason?" inquired the
one thirsting for information. “Isn’t
it just as easy to make ’em straight?"
The “native" shifted his “gains” on
his shoulder, and changed his quid of
tobacco from one cheek to the other.
"Wall, you see, stranger,” he Im
parted confidentially. “A heap more
corn’ll grow in crooked rows than in
straight ones."
“You don't say! How do you ac
count for that?"
Flapping the rope lines over the
mules’ backs and preparing to make
another furrow across the corn patch,
the mountaineer replied: “There’s a
heap more crooked rows than there's
straight ones. Haw, Buck, git up,” he
His Knowledge of Human Nature En
abled Him to Rise to Head of
His Profession.
“Young man,” says the automobile
manufacturer to the new salesman
who has astonished the organization
by the rapid fire sales he has made in
the two months of his employment,
“I must congratulate you on your
“Thank you. sir," replies the new
salesman, modestly.
“I know we build the best auto In
the market," says the manufacturer,
“but even at that 1 cannot under
stand how you can sell ten times as
many machines as the very best man
we have had prior to you. How do
you do it?”
“Well, sir," explains the new sales
man, the light of honest pride in his
eyes, “1 always ask the customer to
take a ride in one of our machines as
the first move toward getting acquaint
ed with its riding qualities. Of course
he accepts the invitation. I then take
him out on the boulevard and get ar
rested and fined for fast running. Aft
er that there is no argument.”
Ten minutes later the new salesman
leaves the private office with a block
of preferred stock tucked away in his
inside pocket.—Judge's Library.
First English Horse Races.
Chester possesses plausible claims
to be the birthplace of the British
turf. It was one William Lester, who
about 1609, “being mayor of Chester,
did cause three silver bells to be made
of good value to be run for upon the
Roode Dee.”
This seems the earliest definite es
tablishment of a horse race. From
the nature of the prize was derived
the proverb “To bear the bell,"
though the bells in this case existed
long before the “ring.” Our ances
tors being more easily satisfied in
the matter of amusement than their
degenerate descendants there was ap
parently only one contest The “Ches
ter cup,” which has been substituted
|for the "best bell,” is now worth
£2,500, to say nothing of Cheshire
cheeses for the three placed horses.—
Westminster Gazette.
One-Sided Cities.
If streets are one-sided, cities are,
too. No one, as far as the present
writer knows, lias ever attempted to
give an explanation of the fact that
when a town sits astride a river that
flows east and west, the north side
has a monopoly of the best streets.
It certainly is so in London, as it was
in ancient Rome. Glasgow is another
case in point. In Paris too, the north
side of the river has distinctly the ad
vantage of the south. As for New
castle-on-Tyne, its general attitude to
ward this overgrown and rather grimy
quarter on the south bank of the Tyne
is that of one who says, "Can any
good thing come out of Gateshead?"
Why should this be so? And why
should the west end of every city you
can find on the map be, from a social
point of view, far removed from the
east? Why is not Whitechapel Road
Piccadilly? To the unprejudiced ear
the names ring with equal music.—
London Chronicle.
Unacquainted With Romance.
Being a poet, Tennyson was natu
rally opposed to the stern realism of
the present day. "Scientiflc knowl
edge," said he, "is spreading, and is
crushing all the romance out of chil
dren's lives. It was only yesterday,”
he continued, "I was walking in the
fields with one of my nephews—a lit
tle chap of ten—when we came to one
of those peculiar circles which the
country people call 'fairy rings.’
'Look', I said; ‘look here, my boy;
here is a fairy ring.' 'A what, uncle?'
he said. ‘Why, a fairy ring! The old
folks would tell you that these fairy
r ngs are so called because the fairies
were dancing here last night.' Oh,
uncle,’ he replied, quite gravely, it is
quite well known that these lairy
rings, as you call them, are caused by
. n>ecies of fungus.’ ’’
Has Great Value in Diseases of the
Throat—Strengthens Respira
tory Murc'es.
Dr. Emil Bunz! of Vienna, in speak
ing of diseases of ihe throat and rem
edies, said that yawning hail its great,
value. Yawning has recently been
recommended independently as a val
uable exercise for the respiratory or
“According to Pr. Naegll, of the Uni
versity of Puetticb.” said Dr. Buuzl,
“yawning bring? all the respiratory
rmuscles of the chert and throat into
'action and is, therefore, the best and
nnost natural means of strengthening
them. He advises everybody to yawn
as deeply as possible, with arms out
stretched, in order to change com
pletely the air In the lungs and stimu
late respiration. In many cases lie
has found the' practise lo relieve the
difficulty in swallowing and disturb
ance of the sense of hearing that ac
company catarrh of the throat. The
patient is induced to yawn through
suggestion, imitation of a preliminary
exercise in deep breathing.
' “Each treatment consists of from
six to eight yawns, each followed by
the operation of swallowing. It
should be added, however, that it is
quite possible for deep breathing to
bo overdone, particularly by persons
with weak hparts and it is at least
open to question whether the ob
stacles to free respiration, which the
yawning cure is alleged to remove,
are not useful in preventing the en
trance of germs and other foreign
Misguided People Who Would Abol
ish Poverty Herein Shown the
Error of Their Ways.
i Forgive those who would abolish
i poverty, for they know not what they
do. To abolish poverty would hurt
business immeasurably. There are a
j great many people who get their live
lihood by dispensing charity. If pov
| erty were abolished, they would have
■ to join the army of the unemployed.
Furthermore, all the technical Knowl
! edge of how to assist a pauper with
I out pauperizing him would be wasted.
Then there is another end to It.
I When a man gets rich he invariably
i has two tasks before him. First, to
! build and try to Inhabit a larger house
i than any other man ever built and
i tried to inhabit, and, second, to en
gage in some unique and picturesque
charitable enterprise. A reporter,
serving up a modern quick lunch bi
ography of rich magnates, would be
entirely at sea if he could not cata
logue the beneficent activities of the
said magnates.
What would a poor rich man’s life
be worth if he could not give a little
of his too much in order that he might
pass down into the files of history as
one who loved the poor, one who loved
(he poor so much that he got immense
ly rich and thus set them a shining ex
ample, besides offering them generous
Without poverty, no charity, and
the three graces would become a
duet. Hinc illae lachrymae.—New
York Times.
- ■
The Languages of Paradise.
Every language has Its admirers; In
"Lucile” the author, Owen Meredith,
maintained that when he heard French
spoken as he approved he "found him
self quietly falling in love.” Edward
Hutton is another instance of this lin
gual fascination. In stating his prefer
ence in his enchanting “Cities of
Spain,” he recalls an interesting
medieval legend. He says:
“And as i listened to the splendid
syllables of the Castilian tongue that
rang eloquently through the twilight
I remembered the saying of that old
Spanish doctor of whom James How
ell tells us in his ‘Instructions for
Forraine Travell,’ to wit, that Spanish,
Italian and French, these three daugh
ters of the Latin language, were1
spoken in Paradise; that Hod Al
mighty created the world In Spanish,
the tempter persuaded Eve in Italian
and Adam begged pardon in French."
—Youth’s Companion.
Worth Remembering.
Many a man, like the ancient Per
sian, Ali Hafed, who wishing to be
rich and place his children on thrones
through the influence of wealth, has
searched in vain north, south, east
and west, when there were acres of
diamonds on the old farm, found there
by the observant man, who dug in his
own garden. Your fortune is in the
shop where you work, in the store
where you wait, in the house where
you sit, or on the farm where you cul
tivate the soil. Y’our riches are with
in your present reach. There are
riches in every rubbish heap. Only to
the mummified, conservative, vision
less traditionalist no more progress
is possible. You cannot do better any
where than just where you are. What
you need, others need.
Artist and His Work.
The great artists, like the great
heroes, have always done whatever
came to hand. Michelangelo grumbled
and said he was a sculptor when
Julius II. set him to paint, but he
painted the roof qf the Sistine chapel.
Shakespeare chafed at the popularity
of the fool in the drama of his time,
and then produced the fool in “Lear.”
If either of them had waited for per
fect conditions and an inspiration un
trammeled by circumstance he would
have done nothing They produced
masterpieces because they made the
best of things as they were. And this
is the business ot thp artist in life