The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, June 17, 1910, Image 2

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    The County in General
The “Doings” of our Country Friends
^ and Neighbors.
.las Cronin was a Si. Joseph vis
itor Thursday.
Janus Cfiborne was a White Cloud
visitor Hu' first of the week.
James Whipple of Fortescue visited
with Hulo friends Sunday. (
Mrs Emma Mi Vev was a Falls City
visiter one day last week.
Wes Hunker of Fortescue was a
Hulo visitor the first tin* wet k.
.Mrs James Hobisou is visiting her
parents tit Cleat mon1. Mo, this week.
A crowd from Hulo went up to
Falls City Thursday lo see the circus.
M s. John Hopkins went to Atch
ison on a shopping tour, last Monday.
Mrs. Claude Yocum of Fairvlcw,
Kns . is visiting her mother. Mrs
(ins Johnson visited with home
folks tit Nebraska City Saturday and
Miss Lena Slaver of Salem visited
< her sister, Mrs. Hobert Henderson
last week.
Mrs. Hoy Williams was called to
Skidmore Monday by the serious ill
ness of her father.
Mrs. Emma Kero left the first of
the week to visit with relatives in
Wymore and Hiller.
Mrs. !». C. Fickle and two children
returned Monday from a visit with
relatives at Fortescue
John Cuvorzagto went to St. Joe
one day last week to visit Ills son,
who has been very ill
Mrs. Edith Bradford and baby, who
have b t it visiting in Hulo returned lo
their honte in Wymore Monday.
Credit Sitin’ of St. Joseph. wltrt
has been visiting friends in Hulo re
turned to her homme one day last
Mrs. S. .1. Munson returned Mon
day from a visit with relatives in
C'harlston, 111. She was accompanied
by her sister, Mrs. Kstlier Green.
Rev. L. I,. Hall of Kalla City filled
the pulpit here Sunday morning and
evening. Rov. Wachtel has been at
his home in Lincoln sick for the past
two Weeks
A crowd of Mrs. Will Groves'
friends met with iter Wednesday of
last week to help celebrate her birth
day. A nice dinner was provided by
the guests, and an enjoyable day was
spent, She also received a shower of
post cards.
M's. Susan Holts of Kansas came
last week to see old friends. She is
very feeble and was accompanied by
her daughter, Mrs. Alice Tilton, of
I'niontown, 1‘enn. They left Tuesday
for Hrock, Neb., to visit with I’rof.
Witinan and family.
Old Dutch!
Will Clean it! f
Easier, quicker and Ifcj
better than so?p, soap
powder, scouring-brick or ‘ >
metal-polish. Just you try
it and see. This new, handy
b uHJmimrl f''1nor>PrtA Jam fill iSSSi
New and Better Way
Wet the article,sprinkle
with Old Dutch Clean
ser, rub well with cloth
or brush, rinse with
clean water and wipe
dry. Nothing equals
Old DutchCleanser
for quick, easy and
hygienic cleaning.
.loo Wattnn from near Shubert was
in town Thursday.
Walter Vouch and wife wore Falls
City visitors Inst week.
Herman Fisher was a business vis
itor in Fails City last week.
Several front here saw the base
■all game at Falls City Saturday.
Will Nedrow and family returned
home from the county siai Friday.
Mrs. .John Keefers is enjoying a
v isit front her sister from Nebraska.
M and Mrs John Mark are the
parents of a little sou. born June 12.
(J'andmn Keldon loft Monday for a
visit with her daughter at. Teetimseh.
Mist I'hhol Cook returned Friday
from a visit to her sister in Falls
James Wells and family were Falls
City visitors the latter part of the
Thomas ( tinninglmni visited his
daughter. Mias Pearl, at 81 Joe last
Hr. W. K. Shook and little daughter
Mildred, of Shubert were in town Sal
u rd ay.
Stephen Sloan of Norcatur, Kas,,
is visiting old time friends here at
prest lit.
Mesdatnes Snell, Dillon and Weddle
were sltopiitrig in Falls City one (lav
last week.
Mr. and Mrs C. O. Humphrey left
Thursday lor Chicago for a short visit
with lelativos.
Charles Wear, Norman Heln
/.ehnan and Clarence Stump drove to
Dawson Sunday.
Miss FI I a .lorn eanie in from Nor
eatur, Kas.. for a visit with Christ
Jura tmd family.
Miss ^Amelia Nusiiaum returned
last week after a short stay with
friends at Stella.
( lilye V 1.11 in returned noute from
I>oilg' (’it v. Has., where he visited
(toy iiiid Mont hum.
Howard Conover arrived Thursday
afternoon from Caldwell, Idaho for a
visit with his mother.
Childrens’ Day exercises will lie
held at the Congregational church
Sunday ev 'iiing, .lime lit.
Mrs. K. \V. Morris and children of
Wymore are the guest^ of the
former’s sinter, Mrs. Dr. Thothas.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Corn, Grate an
101 In•! Bailor and Stella Johnson made
a visit lo Dawson Saturday evening.
Mrs. John Keefers and little duugli
tor. Ardell, left Friday afternoon for
Nebraska City for a visit with Mrs.
Leeft r's parents.
Abrahamui Truby returned to his
home in ttten Filler, Kas.. after a
very pleasant, visit here with Wes
Stump and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Howe, who have
been visiting relatives here, left, Tues
day for Trenton, Nebraska to visit a
short time. From there they will
go in Hillings,Mont., where they will
v isit iheir son, Clarence.
Mrs. Dan Griffiths and sister. Miss
i it la I Cunningham, went to Bt. Joe
last week to attend the graduating
1 xei ises of lie trained nurses depart
men: of Fnswortli hospital of which
Miss I’earl Cunningham was a mem
M;s, 1. A. Inn was a Uurftiia \ is
ttor last wet k.
Mrs. Rudolph A’oegle was ;t llnrada
isitor Tni'stlay.
<1. W. Duerfcldt tutd family attend
.1 tit' i ireu.i in Falls City.
Antone UerttccU sjh at Sunday with friend. Jo-,I ph ochwaug.
It. ■'•. Dunn and family attended 111"
circus in Fails City Tursday. 1
Mr. ami Mrs. Stienbrlnk of Salem
spent Sunday at N. A Arnold's.
Adolph Mark ittul Mrs. Joseph Mark
' were liarada visitors last week.
Grandpa Voeglc is still quite ill.
Dr A'anOsdel is taking eare of hint.
Mrs. Ileinke and daughter, Anna
i and l’ete Shilling were Falls City vis
itors last week.
I A. Dunn tlnd family spent Sun
day with llev, though and family of
i the Brethren church south of here.
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Lippold and fan;
! ily and Mr. and Mrs Joe Koegler at
tended the Catholic church near Shu
bert Sunday.
Mrs Strecker gave a party Sunday
evening to a few of her friends. Dur
ing the evening light refreshments
were served.
TRADE MORAL—Nobody would
have known the Good Samar
itan's kind act were it not for
Our Saviour's parable. Be the
home folks' Good Samaritan,
Mr. Merchant; make this pa
per your commercial bible;
write your own parable and
put it in our advertising col
Tory Walker returned from a six
weeks’ visit in Kansas.
J. M. (Joodloe and wife were shop
ping in Auburn Monday
Mrs, Jennie Griffith visited last Fri
1 day and Saturday with her sons'
1 family.
Miss Rlanche Monel le is home from
Atchison, where she has been attend
1 ing Midland college.
Mrs. Wm. Brown visited in Fulls
j City last week with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Rice McNulty.
Rev. Davies of Bethany preached
I at the Christian church last Sunday,
* both morning and evening.
Mrs. Adam Snyder is hero from
Texas visiting at tin* home* of her
brother-in law, David lieiniick.
Mrs. John Dswald of Falls City is
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Kdwards east of town.
Miss Hannah iiourke left Tuesday
for Colorado Springs, where she goes
with the hope of regaining her health.
Mrs. Hattie Snidow and daughter,
Miss Una, of Falls City visited over
Sunday at the home of Win. Hoppe
and family.
I S. Vad< r has been visiting in
Iowa the past week, having been
called then by the death of his
brother’s wife.
Miss Alina Plasters returned home
from Lincoln last week, where she
hud been attending the State Univer
sity llii> past year.
Miss Allie Davis has returned from
David City, where she taught school.
She lias been employed for next year
at an advance in salary.
Tile meetings at the Baptist
church are still continuing with good
interest. Rev. Williams and his
assistants are certainly fine.
Miss Cora Higgins was called from
Lincoln last week to nurse her grand
mother, Mrs. Christy, near Shubert.
Pile old lady has been sick some time
and no hop,, are entertained for her
Mrs. Walker, living east of here, is
on the sick list.
Mrs. Fairbanks was in Dullois the
first of I In- week.
A little son was horn to John Lara
bee and wife last week
Mr and Mrs. Ay< rs spent Sunday
with Frank Smith and wife.
Mrs. Sarah Gentry and Myrtle Dur
yea drove to Falls City Monday.
Mrs. W. S. Lynde of Beatrice is vis
iting numerous old friends and neigh
bors about, here this week.
Frank Dunham of Arkansas surpris
ed his sister. Mrs. II C. Macron and
family, last week by making them an
unexpected visit. This is his first
visit to this county since his remov
al ovi r thirty years ago.
Quarterly meeting ser\ ice was held
at the Bethany church Sunday, con
ducted by Presiding Klder W. S.
hynde. Tliis will perhaps he the
elder’s las) trip here as he expects
to soon settle on a claim in eastern
Colorado, hoping that the change may
be helpful to bis wife's health.
Win. Ebel was in Shubert Saturday.
Harley Butler was in the city on
Mrs George urgi-ss was quite ill
this week.
John Shulenberg of Sluthei I was in
Baruda Sunday.
U. II. Dunn and faminil.v spent Sun
lay with C. if. Martin.
A. K. Butler spent the week end
with his family at St' lla
E. iv Boli jaek and John Sailors
were in Verdon Monday.
C. 1\ Kukcr and family were shop
ping in the city Saturday.
Miss Verda Williamson visited last
week with Kails City relatives.
Frank Siemering. Jr., and famil\
spent Sunday with Otto Diet/ke.
A. W. Nixon and wife and B. F.
Randall spent Monday in Verdon.
Amos Burgess has been laid up
with threatening blood poisoning.
Frank Burgess came over from
Bigelow. Mo . for a brief \isit last
Misses l.ouisa Kuhlman and Audrey
Wilemman are attending summer
in Peru.
Isace Clark of Tecumseh visited
Itis sister-in-law. Mrs. Hannah
Stephenson, this week.
W. A. Cox ml wife and R. N. Will
iammson and family spent Sunday
with C. V. Cox and family.
One of the Werner boys sustained
a broken arm this week, the break
was most serious being in the elbow
A number of our young people
went to Maple Grove Sunday evening
to attend the Childrens’ Day ex
ercises. *
Quarterly conference will be held
at the Evangelical church, June 25
and 26. Presiding Elder Dilliw will
be present.
Mrs. Paul Smith and son and Harry
Hendricks drove up fromm the city
on Monday to visit with their uncle,
Isaac Clark.
HUMBOLDT. Segrist drove to Auburn Tues
Hazel Harding is visiting in Utica,
Neb., tliis week.
Melvin Ford Is visiting relatives in
Beatrice tliis week.
Win. Cooper was a passenger to
Bern, Kas„ Tuesday.
Leonard Mann was a business vis
itor in St. Joe Monday.
Mrs. Verni Graves spent the first
of this week in Lincoln.
Joseph Graves and family left Mon
day for a visit in Lincoln.
L. ('. Edwards and wife of Falls
City spent Sunday in tliis city.
Rudolph llnizda and wife of Table
Rock were in this city Sunday.
Fern Albright of Dawson was in
Humboldt a short time tliis week.
Grin Shrauger of Pawnee City
spent a short time in Humboldt this
Mrs. Donald Mel vers of Omaha is
visiting R. E. Walzke and family this
.Mrs. Mary Mann and daughter.Miss
Winnie, spent last week in Table
Joy Mann and family of DuBois
were guests of friends in this city
Airs. A my Smart returned Sunday
from a visit with friends in Auburn
and Peru.
.Miss Mary Goodridge of Table
Rock spent several days in Humboldt
this week.
Mrs. Frank French and children re
turned Tuesday from a visit with
Stella friends.
Archie Hummel returned Wednes
day from 1 incoln, where he had been
attending school.
Mrs. Jesse Goodale and little dau
ghter returned to their home in
Lewiston, Thursday.
Miss Ruth Davis left Monday for
Lincoln, where she wil 1 visit her sis
ter. Mrs. Clara llasler.
Miss Maybelle Davis returned Sat
urday from Lincoln where she had
been attending the University.
Hr. Young, a noted temperance loo
tur r. addressed a large audience at
the Methodist church, Sunday.
\ litbrcy Yates of Stella came to
tliis city Tuesday and is a guest of
Wm. Albright and family this week.
Mrs. Sarah Marburger returned on
Friday from Falls City where she bad
been visiting her sister, Mrs. Schmol
Gail Thompson returned to his
home in Auburn Tuesday after spend
ing several days with friends in this
Mrs. L. .1. Garver left Thursday for
Mitchell, S I)., where she will visit
her (laughter, Mrs. Grace Beyer and
Helen Wilson, after spending sev
eral days with Humboldt friends, re
lumed Monday to Salem, where she
lias employment.
Miss Liliith Waggoner returned the
last of the week from Pawnee City,
where she had been visiting rela
tives and friends.
Lou Marburger and son. Willard,
went to Table Kook Sunday, when
they met Master Lee, who had been
visiting in Lincoln.
Miss Minnie Pelrashek returned on
Wednesday from Missouri Valley
where -li ■ had been employed as
principal of the seiiool at that place.
Misses Rose Wozab, Rose Hnizda,
find Olga lloleebek were among those
fiomi.i Humboldt who attended a
house party of Miss May Petrashek
in Table Rock this week.
Robert Travers who plays ball with
the Grand Island team, came to Ibis
city Saturday to join his wife and
little ton, Frank, who are spending
tlie summer with Humboldt rela
tive’. They departed Monday for a
brief visit in Lincoln, after which Mr.
Travers will go to Grand Island and
Mrs. Travers will retun to this c ity.
mu— i ii wun» > n i ■im—r n~nn"rii - mimmmi
Send Them
^ ^ $ $
V Q y V* V ▼
i An ad. in this paper for
any business whatever is
a money gram to the buy
ing public from you.
They' appreciate your
belief in their financial
They buy your goods.
A money gram never was
marked “collect.”
The currency pours into
your cash box of its own
free will.
If your bargains are advertised
“big," your sales are big.
People appreciate big. strong
forceful trade announcement*.
Such ads inspire conn ial
iCa'pj u*Ui, :.w. •») \V. &. L.)
Hslinsss Carr.p Meeting.
The- National and Nebraska State
Holiness Association unite this year
In holding a great t amp meeting on
the State Fair ground. Lincoln. Neb.
Dr. ( . .1. Fowler, Roc. C. VV. Ruth.
Rev. Will Huff with J. M. Harris and
wife as song lenders, have been se
cured as workers. Excellent accom
modations will be offered all who
attend and the expenses will be’
brought to the minimum. Tills meet
ing is Inter-denominational and peo
ple Loin all churches are invited to
attend and feel at home. A great
spiritual feast is expected. You can't
afford to miss it. Remember the
date, .July 15-25. Write for circu
lars giving full particulars to Rev.!
W. 11. ‘Prescott, Secretary, 1210 O.l
St.. Lincoln, Neb. -»
Busy Norwegian Factory.
Norway has a factory In which 24,
000 pounds of haddock can be turned
Into tish halls in a day.
Hydrophobia in Germany.
Though hydrophobia has been
stamped out of Britain, it is still ram
pant in Germany, where every year
over 2,500 dogs and cats afflicted with
the disease are destroyed.
A Tintinnabulating Tenor.
Country Opera Director—"What do
you think of our tenor?" Stranger—
“If I were you I'd hire him out as an
imitator of the phonograph."—Flia
gende Blaetter.
His Opportunity.
"A man in Winsted, Conn , ate 18
eggs at a sitting," says the Buffalo Ex
press. Perhaps he was determined to
take full advantage of the recent
slight slump In price.
She—"How far can your ancestry
be traced?" He—"Well, when my
grandfather resigned his position as
cashier of a county bank they traced
him as far as China, but he got away.”
We Make
A Specialty
of attending to business entrusted to us
in such a way that our customers will
appreciate the fact that we consider their
interests and ours identical.
Farmers State Bank
By an experienced critic is the only one
that will pass muster if you're the
subject. No one is willing to take
chances on their teeth,
enables this office to locate the trou
ble and treat teeth properly. Intricate
operations performed satisfactorily.
Consultation free.
Falls City, Nebraska
The Kansas City Star and Times
The Star and Times, reporting the full twenty-four hours'
» i ws each day in thirteen issues of the paper each week, are
furnished to regular subscribers at the rate of 10 cents
per week.
As newspapers, The Star and The Times have no rivals.
No other publisher furnishes his readers with the full day and
night Associated Press reports, as does the Star and Times.
This should recommend the papers especially to tlie progressive
merchant and farmer- i
I deliver both the Star and Times to the su’ scribers door
promptly on arrival of trains. j
Give me a trial.
Should you want Tho Star by mail send 10c per week. $5.20 a year.
Address The hunsas ity Star.
Letter Heads
Bill Heads
Cards Anything and everything in the
way of high-grade commercial
printing. Our assortment of job
type is complete, our press facili
ties of the best, and our workmen
true typographical artists. This
tells all the story of our facilities
for doing job printing of the right Cards
kind at the right prices. 1^ i
Bill Heads
Letter Heads
Office over Kerr’s Pharmacy
Office Phone 260 Residence Phone 271
Phones: Nos. 177, 217
Sam'l. Wahl Building