The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, June 10, 1910, Image 1

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    The Falls City Tribune
Vol. VII FALLS CITY, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 1910. Number 24^
Various Kinds of Entertainment by
Individuals, Lodges, Clubs,
Churches, Etc.
Rex Oliver, the youthful but none
theless enterprising ami efficient
foreman of the Trego County Re
porter of Waukeeney, Kas., and Miss
Etta Kapp of Falls City were united
in marriage Monday night by Rev. F.
E. Day in the latter’s study. The af
fair was pulled off so unexpectedly,
and with so much dash as to take the
friends of both bride and groom com
pletely by surprise.
They left Tuesday morning for Wau
kecncy, where Rex has a home fur
nished and awaiting their arrival.
Rex’s strategy was not quite equal
to his getting out of Falls City with
out the customary pounding with rice
at the hands of such of his friends
as got next to his plans before he
made his escape. Both parties are
well known in Falls City and very
popular with the young people. The
Well-wishes of many friends go with
them to their new home. May they
hi richly prospered.
' Win. ('. Margrave and Miss Ida
Pribbeno were united in marriage at
2:30 ]). m. on June 1, at the home
of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles F. Pribbeno, in Preston.
The wedding was a very pleasant,
though quiet affair, being witnessed
by immediate relatives only. After
congratulations and best wishes
were extended, the guests were invit
ed to a very elaborate dinner, to
which old and young did ample jus
Mr. and Mrs. Margrave are taking
an extended trip to Buffalo, Niagara
Falls and other points of interest in
the east. On their return, they will
be at home to their many friends on
the Margrave ranch, southeast of
Preston. REV. A. MATTILL.
Kaffee Klatcli met Tuesday with
Mrs. S. B. Miles and enjoyed a very
pleasant session. Miss Grace Mad
dox of Indiana was a guest of the
Miss Laura Naylor was hostess to a
company of young people Tuesday ev
ening A new and rather unique
game was played, it is called pro
gressive Soapolio. It proved great
sport for those present. A light
luncheon was served by I lie hostess
and a good time voted by all.
Miss Naylor greatly surprised her
guests by announcing her marriage
August 28, 1909, to G. Fred Cummings
of Omaha. Mr. Cummings is attend
ing Armour Institute, Chicago, and
has another year before he will grad
uate. Mrs. Cummings wished to re
tain her position as teacher in our
schools and kept her marriage a se
cret. She will join her husband in
Chicago this fail and they will begin
housekeeping there. Hearty con
gratulations were the order of the*
Mrs. Clem Firebaugh entertained
the W. R. C. Monday evening. The
gathering was complimentary to Mrs.
Mary Firebaugh, who left Wednesday
for an extended visit with relatives
in Wyoming. The evening was spent
with music and social conversation.
Nice refreshments were served by the
Work of Council.
Ordinance 232 became a law' at the
council meeting Monday night. It
provides for raising the present price
for electric lights from 30 to 40 per
cen t.
The council appointed a committee
to look into the water situation more
closely and bring in a report.
The council transferred $1,200 from
The occupation tax fund to the water
and light fund Monday night.
To Correspondence.
Correcpondenee for The Tribune
should reach the office not later
than Wednesday forenoon, to insure
insertion. If our contributors will
keep this in mind it will save them
occasional disappointments.
~ New Janitors.
Janitors for the coming year are: i
High school, Fred Chesley; Harlan.
Roe Hendricks; Central. Irvin Yoder.'
Funeral Services at O. A. R. Hall
Wednesday Afternoon. Rev.
F. E. Day Officiating.
Stephen Prior, another of our old j
soldiers boys quietly passed away
a his residence in this city on Mon
day morning, .lime 6th, after a very
short illness. Ht had been in his
usual health the day before and re
tired at night feeling as well as
usual. About four o'clock in the
morning he woke up, suffering from
a severe attack of his old trouble,
the asthma, and dic'd in about fif
teen minutes.
Mr. Prior was born near Marietta,
in Washington county, Ohio, March
4,1835. llis faher was a farmer, who
owned his farm. When lit* waB about
ten years old his father moved to
Parkersburgh, West Virginia, where
he purchased a farm. He lived there
about three years and then they all
moved to Adams county, Ohio, and
from there to Brown county in the
same state.
When he was about nineteen years
old'liis father and family moved to
Jackson County, Iowa.
lie lived in Iowa some six or
seven years, hiring out as a farm
band by the month, and then he
moved to Doniphan county, Kansas,
where he worked in a saw mill.
November 1, 18G1 he. enlisted in
Company K. 50 Illinois Infantry. This
regiment was then in Kansas City,
.Mo., and lie soldiered during the win
ter of 1861 in Missouri scouting.
It being reported a company of
rebel soldiers was being organized
at Wbiteville, his company went out
there after them. Had a lively skir
mish, captured thirty two prisoners
and took them back to St. Joe.
This raid was made at night, and
as a result he was taken sick with
pneumonia, and was laid up in a
hospital at St. Joseph for two months,
meanwhile his regiment being order
ed soutbf he being left behind in
the hospital.
When convalescent he started to
join his regiment at Corinth, Mis
sissippi. While rnroute on the cars,
there was a bridge washed out in Mis
souri, making it necessary to cross a
river on a ferry boat. It Was rain
ing hard at the time, and he was in
the rain nearly all day. This gave
him a relapse, and lie was taken to
a hospital at Quincy, Illinois, where1
he remained about two months, and
was then transferred to St. Louis
and discharged in June, 1862.
He returned to Daniphati county,
Kansas, where he purchased eighty
acres of farm land, but his health be
ing too poor to work on the farm he
rented the same.
At White Cloud, Kan'Bas, Dec 6,
1857 lie married Margaret Woodward.
There are five children living from
this marriage: Mrs. Ellen Colhour,
Oregon, Mo.; Mrs. Mary Fryman,
Craig, Mo.; Pearl Prior, Fairfax, Mo.;
Stephen Prior, Falls City and Mrs.
Annie Gregory, Independence, Mo.
His wife died near White Cloud,
Kas., June 2, 1880.
He was married the second time to
Elizabeth Colhour at Highland, Kas.
They went to housekeeping at Iowa
Point on a farm, his boys doing the
farm w’ork. He moved to Caig, Mo.,
and from there to Falls City, Neb.,
where he has since made his home.
He has three children by the second
marriage: Mrs. Carrol Oberland of
Concordia, Kas., and Miss Irene and
Elmer Prior of this city.
He joined the Grand Army of the
Republic when living at White Cloud,
Kas., and united with Veteran Post
No. 84 of Falls City soon after mov
ing here.
Mr. Prior on coming to Falls City
went into the draying business, which
he followed until a year or so ago
when he gave it up on account of fail
ing health. He was industrious, care
ful and honest in all his dealings with
his fellow' citizens, with a genial,
good nature, that endeared him to
his acquaintances and made him a
general favorite with his comrades of
the Grand Army of the Republic.
The funeral was held at. the Grand
Army hall Wednesday afternoon, Rev.
F. Ellsworth Day officiating, and his
body laid to rest in Steele cemetery.
Robert Daniel, infant son of Mr.
and Mrs, Kottman, after a lingering
siege of pneumonia lasting several
weeks, died Friday, June 3. The be
reaved family have the sympathy of
friends and neighbors in their sorrow.
Following is The May Report Sub
mitted by tne City Treasurer.
Hal on hand May I. 1
Water and Light fund. 2222.40
Elec. Light, bond and int... 110.20
General fund . 1163.20
Occupation fund. 3266.50
Sinking fund. 464.4S
Library fund. 170.20
M. and 1 Park fund. 239,22
Park Improvement fund.. . 290.32
Sanitary and Poor fund.. .. 116.20
Emergency fund. 1161.20
Oisbu rsements.
Water and Light fund. $1846.53
General fund. 771,04
Occupation fund. 878.61
Sinking fund. 660.00
Library fund.. .. 112.61
Firemans fund. 8,00
M. and l Park fund. 77.20
Park Improvement fund.... 241.92
Sanitary and Poor fund.... 196.70
Emergency fund. 1197.87
Water and Light fund....;. $634,39
Elec. Light bond and Int. 992.21
General fund.399.S5
Occupation fund. 2898.9
Sinking fund. 1104.49
Library fund. 242.79
Firemans fund. 171.75
M. and I. Park fund. 892.14
Park Improvement fund_ 290.32
Sanitary and Poor fund .... 559.18
Emergency fund. 1634.65
Meeting Close at The Baptist Church.
The series of meetings or Bible lec
tures conducted by K. 1!. Williams,
the evangelist and his singer, closed
Sunday evening at the Baptist church
with a very large congregation in at
These meetings were very unusual
in character, not only in the great
light thrown on the logical connection
of the truths presented from nigh) to
night, but in the manner in which
they were conducted, as Mr. \> 111
iams did not give the invitation to
“come forward” as is the usual cus
He believes, when the truth is re
vealed in such a way that the sinner
sees himself as he is—he will need
no urging to confess his own weak
ness, and will surrender willingly.
lie felt his first duty then was to
tell the story of the Christ and His
relation to man, and man’s salvation.
This story he told anew each night,
and held the congregation in rapt
attencion at each succeeding recital,
and even though one might not agree
with every statement made in the in
terpretation, yet he remained spell
bound at the power back of the state
ment; and he was given an incentive
to Investigate for himself. In con
sequence then the writer feels that
the harvest is not yet—but the seed
is sown for an abundant crop, for
w'hich the Lord be praised.
Mr. Coleburn’s rendering of the
hymns, many of them his own com
position, as well as hts prayers, car
ried in the same spirit afresh were
impressive and inspiring.
Christian Church.
There will be special services at
the .Inline opera house next Sunday
morning and evening.
10:00 a. in.—Bible School. Remem
ber this is the church in Bible study
and if you are interested in the study
of the Word, come.
11 a. m.—Preaching by Mrs. Eva
B. Day. Her subject will be “Wor
ship and Work.”
2:30 p. in.—Junior Endeavor.
7:00 p. in.—Young Peoples' Prayer
8:00 p. in.—The Endeaverors assist
ed by friends will render a splendid
program consisting of readings, solos,
duets and special instrumental music.
All are most cordially invited.
St. Thomas Church.
George Little Nelde, rector, third
Sunday after Trinity, Holy com
mun'on at 7:30 a. m.; morning prayer
and sermon at 10:45, theme, “At the
Table of Zaccheus.” Evensong and
sermon at 8 00 p. in. Sunday school
at. 9:45 a. m. Seats free.
There seems to be a ease or two
of real destitution among the camps
of foreigners who are working on
the M. P. grading gang. There is
no occasion for letting helpless child
ren suffer while they are quartered
in our midst.
In the Lead and Running Easy
Up the Stretch Without a
Touch of Whip or Spur
Tht' game between Nebraska City
anti Falls City played ai the former
place las Friday proved to be one of
the best games ever played In the
For seventeen innings the two
teams struggled through the nerve
broaliing contest until darkness stop
ped the game without n score being
made by either side. While Miller o
Nebraska City pitched great ball,
McCabe's work was simply wonderful.
He struck out. twenty-four men, strik
ing out every man on the opposing
team at least once. In the sixteenth
inning he struck out the side on nine
pitched balls, and in the seventeenth
he struck the side out on ten pitched
halls. I’otcet’s work was equally bril
liant, he accepting twenty-six chances
without an error.
Falls City would have won the
game in the twelfth inning if it, had
not been for an unavoidable acci
dent.. Sloan was the first, man up
and made a two-base hit that, would
have been a home run if a tree had
not stopped it. Martin, the next man
up, hit to deep left. Sloan had
plenty of time to score hut in turn
ing third base lie stepped in some
mud and fell twisting his knee and
was compelled to crawl back to
third. Miller was subsit uted to run
for him. With Miller on third and
Martin on second, I’oteet came to
bat. The opposing pitcher gave him
four halls purposely, not willing td
risk him hitting it. McCable then
came up and drove a fly to center.
Miller, who should have waited until
the ball was caught before leaving
third, lost liis head ami ran in and
was doubled at third by the center
fielder who caught McCabe's hit.
The real play of the game, how
ever, and one that will live long In
tlie memory of the spectators, was
made by Sloane in the fifteenth in
ning. Nebraska City had a man on
second with two out. Chapman lilt
a two base It it. to dee)> center. Sloane
went over fast and picked the hall
from the grass and shot it to l’oteet
like a bullet. The base runner was
speeding for home between third
and the plate and a score seemed cer
tain, but the quiet, unassuming
Sloane, who is developing inlo a re
markable player, was master of the
situation, i’oteet did not have to
move an inch to receive the throw so
true was it, and the score was shut
off by inches. The Falls City crowd
stopped yelling when they were all
in front exhaustion and the game
went on into darkness and history.
We append the official score:
Falls City.
ab r h po a e
VanTappan, 3b. 7 0 2 0 3 0
Annis, ss. 6 0 1 3 2 0
Sarver, if. 6 0 0 2 0 0
Hansom, cf...7 0 J 0 0 0
Sloane, rf.6 0 1 0 10
Martin, 2b. 6 0 1 6 3 0
McBride, lb. 6 0 0 16 0 1
Poteet, c. 5 0 1 22 4 0
McCabe, p..... 6 0 0 2 7 0
Totals. .55 0 7 51 20 1
Nebraska City.
ab r h po a e
Mayfield, if. 6 0 1 3 0 0
Waller, c. 7 0 1 10 10
Hitcher, rf. 7 0 0 0 0 0
Hicklin, 2b. 7 0 1 2 HO
Badura, cf. 6 0 0 5 1 0
Chapman, ss. 401 4 11
Moore, lb. 6 0 0 27 0 0
Morarlty, 3b. 7 0 1 2 4 0
Miller, p. 6 0 0 I 11 1
Totals.66 0 5 61 29 2
Score by Innings:
Falls Ciy—
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0—0.
Nebraska City—
0000 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 000 0-th0. [.
Sacrifice Hits—Annis, Sa*vul J land
Sloane. 'riJ
Two-base hits PoteetmSloane and.
Chapman. riioH ejnnl n;:
Struck out by MeCabOrr-’4f iby Mil
ler, 10. -o/.iV/ it -1 r:i
Base on balls,! ,\i< Cube 6, Miller 1.
Passed balls. Waller ,2.
Hit by pitc-lur, .Miller 2.
Time of gaunt. 3 hours. 15 minute's,
empires. Smith and ^b tcher,
The rainy weather is working a
hardship on the fans.
Wv took the gjtme frqnj Maryville, j
Monday, the score being 5,-. to 4.
Since then we have spent the time
remeigbering the Nebraska City sov
entoi n-inning game. We are at the
head of tlic' league1 by a safe mar
gin, and it' the best team in the
league, backed by tlit* most loyal
fans, can hold it, we will stay In
first place until tlit* season closes.
Our pitching staff is coming in for
much favorable cement from the Lin
coln and Kansas City papers. We
are glad to see tills, but some times
the bigger (earns have a way of rob
bing the smaller ones. Nothing would
please us better, however, than to
see our boys make good.
Nobody likes to see good, growing
weather better than we do, but if
the farmers have all the rain they
want, we could stand a little sun
shine on the ball grounds all right,
add base ball.
Richardson County ftoad Making.
In a trip taken last week and cov
ering nearly seventy-five miles of
roads In Klcliardsou county, I was in
terested tu noting the great variety
of road conditions as well as the
methods of road making as followed
by supervisors and farmers In the
various localities. There are roads
and roads. The difference between
the extreme of good roads and bad
roads is worthy of note, it is very
evident that the chief cause of bad
roads does not lie primarily in tin*
soil nor location but is chargeable
to ill advised methods of road mak
Richardson county roads arc cap
able of being kept in as fine condition
as any ordinary dirt roads. In fact
the large percentage of lime in our
soil rather favors good roads, if (lie
right methods are followed and a suf
ficient amount of work is put on
them. The lime soil, If properly grad
ed and dragged will become very com
pact and almost Iraprevious to water.
In the course of several years of reg
ular use they would reach a consis
tency and resistance elrnost equal to
concrete. It 1h chiefly a matter of
effort and correct method.
The mere use of the King drag Is
no guarantee that satisfactory re
sults will follow. It must be used
advisedly. In the first place the
roads should be carefully graded, with
a highly arched center. They should
also ho kept narrow and the area In
regular use made as small as possi
ble, this will make the labor of ear
ing for them the least possible and
will concentrate the advantages of
travel to the road and will reduce Uie
surface exposed to ruin fo a mini
mum. If then the drag is judiciously
used, and the dragging done from the
margin towards the center, the arch
will be retained and the water that
falls on the road will he quickly
shed. \
Farmers object, to the more stren
uous methods of road making because
of the time and expense required.
They forgot to calculate the loss trt
them in time and money, because of
Imd road conditions, they also fail
to consider the experience of other
sections of our country where farm
ers have been grievously taxed for
th“ building of concrete or macadam
roads. The time is fast approaching
when good roads will be demanded.
Laws will be passed and taxes levied
and the roads built. It. will be too
late to protest, then. The time to act
is now and by putting our dirt roads
in the best possible condition
enjoy tlie* advantages of good roads
the greater part of the year, and in
tins way successfully prevent more
radical road legislation by making it
- JU
Lady Killed at Salem—Houses Darvn^
ed Near This Place,
— 12
Mrs. Anna ShienflgW, who malt's
her home with her daughter. Mrs.i.r.
VV. Youngmau of. Huniltoidt, I'eceii ’d
word of tlic death of her sister, M s.
Martha of Saleu),. from a
stroke of during Uim ato ;n
which passed over Uiehardsou cot :i
t.V1 'Vt^Hliiesflay' ijiorni^g. Mrs. Si f
der w'jfs^seventy years old and leav s
IVe'r liiiMbnrtd1 'till'd1 three growtv chi I
baVfie'nifa’rs lire ijlt
availnbioUat.iitihV fcfttfe of going lo,
pretis. I M o lieu; i •bet
■/ /liiiu.i bin
Duyin^ $e, ,\\’eduesdgy morning
shower lightning struck kitchen tihiii
neya for S. M innick east of towf,
and W^m.'lfarir throe miles west if
town. The Farmers’ Mutual Companl
is making the needed repairs.
Daniel Wamsley. wife and child, sifif
fered a severe electric shock Wee#
uesday while in tint ham during till
storm. Some cows , were also stuiit
nod, but no trace can be, found tljal
the barn was struck.
Churches to Take Important Part
In Fight on Tuberculosis
An Annual Service.
Over 4,000.000 churchgoers, nearly
4o,ooo sermons and preachers, and
more than 1,250,000 pieces of lit
erature, are some of the totals giv
tu In a preliminary report Issued to
day by the National Association for
the Study and Prevention of Tuber
culosis, of the results of the first
National Tuberculosis Sunday ever
held, on April 24,
The report states that fully one*
eiglith of the 33,000,000 listed com
municants of the churches of the
United States heard the gospel of
health mi Tuberculosis Sunday, and
that the number of people who wore
reached by notices and sermons print
ed in the newspapers will aggregate
25,000,000, Hardly a. paper in the
country failed to announce the oc
From clipping returns received at
the Nation'll Association's headquar
ters, it. Is (stimuicd that fully 20,000
newspapers, magazines, religious and
technical Journeys gave publicity to
Ibis national event. For tills assist
ance on the part of the press, the
National Association desires to ex
press its thanks. ■*'
Although the movement for Tuber
eulosls Sunday was handicapped by a
lack of time anil funds, the National
Association feels that, the campaign
has been worth while. Many foreign
countries observed the day also, The
plans are now under way for a wider
observance of the day In 1911. The
active co-operation of 'every religious
denomination, besides that of the
governors, mayors, and public official
as well as that of other agencies will
be sought.
The promoters of this movement an
nounce that they do not wish to in
terfere with the church calendar of
any denomination. It Is not planned
to have a special Tuberculosis Sun
day as a regular church day. Tho
plan is to have the subject of health
arid particularly tuberculosis, brought
ni> In the churches for any service or
part of a r ervlee and as nearly sim
ultaneously in alf parts of the coun
try as possible.
Mrs. Margaret Mettz, the wife of
It. ('. Mettz, died tit the family resi
dence on chase street in this city,
at five o’clock Wednesday morning,
.lime X, 1010, after a lingering illness
considerable duration caused by can
cer. Tile funeral will be held from
the Methodist church Friday after
noon at two o’clock.
Mrs, Mettz’s maiden name was
Scott, she was born at Newcastle-on
Tyrc, England, May 28, IS.’IO. When
she was about thirteen years old her
parents came to Warren, 111., where
on June 2, 1861 she was married to
Barton C. Mettz. They lived around
Warren a few years and in the ’all of
1870 removed to Arago in WUf ( junty,
After a residence of l.„XjWJpt Ara
go a change was » and
after three years j*ej^p<' iwu .jy Salem
the family nmvp^.tp. Jj’Vi^.tptj . Af
ter an
olh|,r«^a l(*rior
N'cli ..auiT MiJi three
( JP° The
litfshan4togprt^p;^;j M^z^ alsi sur
vrJK.jyW wft
v'f chr stian
01 a!l
t|» .rat&n^lftiMext<'dlnt?
syrtipatjiy. tp, tlip-j UpjjeavtpJ.-, hut band
api1'ryfa(f|'pa|at sort iw.—
,lilHSn99m >:ho'v/ isenEob
■/llGMrrtorb .nn — vtlioi
ihildren’s Day.
tStfllXiy, C’hildrenal I>i^S, will
be obseryy^j^Rthe idfcl urch
at t o oPt toe \11i*t 1m nj| a
seruujjV f p Hogflsl on
the Avoi'K pntfi^^tn^dfcj- senopL i
A o«fvA&eilio#^ tailed to
all. itev. d. It. ^s’anniuga.j
Salvation Army.
Member* of the N’cfiYaeku City Sal
vation Army are in town this wiek.
The rain ana mml has iuterferd with
iuul Urn* Iww jg*'i’n
abje to do much by way of behl ing