The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, June 03, 1910, Image 8

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    Henry C. Smith
f- %
240 acres well improved, li miles from Depot in Kas. Good spring. Best of terms. Will take
40 acres as part payment, balance long time at low interest.
200 acres 1 x/i miles from depot, Richardson county, Nebraska. Good buildings and land. Will
take 40 or 80 acres as part payment
lfiO acres upland, 1 mile from depot, Richardson county, Nebraska. $12,000.
160 acres Johnson county, Nebraska. 80 rods to church and school. Best of terms. Might rent
107 acres near Brownville, Nebraska.
80 acres #-mile from Falls City high school. *
040 acres, $8,000 improvements Also 640 acres adjoining. Will take 100acres a~ part payment.
Fine running water. A No. 1 opportunity.
Money to loan
Some Cure Disease. Others Empty
the Pockets Some Have
Merit. Many Have Not
The term "Patent Medicines" is
a misnomer. None of the so-called
patent medicines arc patented. Such
preparations have lien patented at
various limes and the name sticks
to all that class of proprietary pro
perm ions. The original makers of
Bateman's Drops claimed letters pat
cut tmm King (icorge III. and Hod
frey’r Cordial was also a patented
article according to the claims of its
makers. A lew patents were is
sued in titis country in an early day
and Ihcpat 'iit. office is still authorized
to issue patents on "Compositions of
Matter," provided they be new and
valuable. Makers of medicine do not
ask for patents because it involves
the 'ilitig of the formula, accessible
to the public, in the patent office anil
because they fire not new. owners
of these goods protect themselves by
copyrighting their label, their name
or their trade mark. These cannot
be infringed upon without liability un
der the copyright or trademark laws,
inn anyone can make a duplicate, if
hi knows how,of any medicine on the
market, without liability if he does
not 'nfrlngo on the name or trade
mark According to the advertise
ments of *he patent medicine men,
they are all "New Discoveries,"
"Wonders of Science,” "Original Com
binations, “Remarkable Products of
Years of Research,” etc., etc. Tiles,'
terms are merely advertising verbi
age. They are not to he taken ser
iously. They are not new discov
eries. They are not wonderful nor
remarkable. Few of them art) even
original and many of them are en
tirely unscientific.
Some adsolutely worthless nostrums
hHV<' been big sellers. The people
swallowed the advertising and then
tile medicine. It wasn't "no cure
no pay,'* it was "no cure and big
Thirty years ago a "patent" could
he put on the market and by Judi
cious use of a modest advertising ap
propriation it could lie brought into
prominence and the people clamored
for it. It quickly relieved them too
- if their loose change. It is much
more difficult now because advertis
ing has become so common it has
h'si some of its power and it takes
much more and of a more expensive
kind to do the work. Also because
the people are better educated and
not quite as easily humbugged. How
ever. there are still some very not
able examples of nostrum ingenuity
that do wonders in transfering the
i oin from many pockets into one
Of course there are differences in
patent medicines. Some of them
have been such ridiculous mixtures,
that we arc forced to the conclusion
that they emanated from Ignorance
rather than cliarlatauny and that lias
been true of quite a number. In
several instances persons with no
med'cal knowledge have acquired "re
ceipts" in which they had the "con
fidence born of ignorance." The
faith of tlie owner of the "receipt"
induced others to believe. Then the
owner began putting up his medicine
for ah and his advertising bname
more and more blatant until lie was
"Doctor" and his medicine could
only be described by using all the
superlatives of the circus poster
• There have been plenty of others
that didn't have as honest an origin
as this. They were fakes, pure
and simpl ■. Deliberately put out
by f ikirs, who had the money to pay
expert advertisers. Some of them
proved to be gold mines and some
of them didn't. But merit didn't mine
— I
. /Id. XOisdom
l Widiom's wiy*
you wisely seek.
lie never OOUfnwwl
(Copyright, 1W, bj \V N. UO
the gold. H was presumptuously
brazen advertising that, did it.
We can hardly consider patent
medicines as a ( lass, because there
are good ones and bad ones We can
better divide them into two classes:
h’lrst Ready made medicines I mean
by ilmt, preparations of considerable
merit, moie or less scientific in
make up and of medicinal and in
trinsic value.
Second Nostrums and under (Ids
head belongs all mixtures of little
med.cinnl value or made from crude
or unscientific receipt* or that
make claims that are palpably false
or that depend upon “fog horn” adver
In my next article I will consider
"Ready made Medicines."
Morsman Drug Co.
News Of Interest From Our Neigh
boring Towns.
The roads for at least two miles
out of Morrill are to be regularly
dragged. Who will be tho next?
Lincoln will vole June MO, to issue
$100,000 in bonds to extend the pub
lic parks and $31 ft,000 for a new
high school building.
Hastings lias cherry trees in full
bloom again, since the frost killed
the first crop of blossoms.
New York City lias passed an ordi
nance providing a farm for drunks.
The fellow wdio gets drunk more than
once a year will be given a vacation
to the farm.
A Beatrice saloon keeper sampled
bis goods too freely last week and
was taken home helplessly drunk.
His good wife refused to receive
him in that condition. Now the
good men who vouched for Ills sobri
ety have an elephant on their hands'
A game of base bull was stopped by
the authorities at Seward last Sun
Broken Bow lias twelve young men
in the graduating class and only sev
en ladies. Broken Bow is greatly
elated over the showing. They
declare it is because Broken Bow lias
long been a temperance town. Boys
have better opportunities and fewer
31,000 old soldiers died last year.
The ranks of the veterans are fast
breaking up under the attacks of old
Morristown, 111,, has passed an ordi
nance compelling saloon keepers to
take care of all meu they make
drunk. They must keep them until
sober under pain of having their li
cense revoked.
All Through Trains to Be Electric
In tin1 history of American rail
roading no such extensive and costly
improvements of coach lighting has
e'er been attempted up to tliis time
as that which will be made effective
bv the Burlington Route the first of
Ju no.
On that date all of its through
train? will lie electric lighted from
locomotive headlight to observation
1 platform. The most efficient electric
lighting system yet devised has been
adapted, namely, the dynamo system.
With this system there is installed
in the baggage car of each train a
high-power dynamo which supplies
tiie current for the entire train. Or
dinarily, when the dynamo car is de
tached, there is a distinct dimming
of 'lie lights, but under the dynamo
system not only is enough current
generated to light the train when it
is in motion or standing still, but
enough surplus current, is stored in
each Individual ear to brilliantly light
it for several hours without any dir
••ct current from the dynamo. This
j In itself is a big improvement over
other systems of ear lighting.
With this great improvement, the
i Burlington Route, which already is
unexcelled in its equipment, dining
' ■ ar service, regularity with which its
trains run “on time,’’ and complete,
block signal equipment will have pas
senger service as nearly perfect in
all details as it is possible to make it.
Will De in Fails City, Nebraska on
Thursday, June 9.
There is certainly no traveling en
tertainment tn America, perhaps in
the world, which presents exhibitions
so varied, so attractive and so multi
tudinous as do the John Robinson
Shows. Since the days of Noah a
more complete menagerie has never
been seen. Traditional, poetical and
enchanting scenes never before equal
led or witnessed in the gorgeous
arenic display.
Kvery act in the inonstter program
is a revelation to the beholder. The
finest specimens of horse flesh in
the world, the highest nerialists in
the circus profession, the champion
riders, both male and female, the
finest specimens of the cutest ponies
In the world the grandest specialties
ever exhibited; the funniest clowns
on earth are with the John Robinson
Almost every circus claims to have
a show that cannot lie duplicated,and
an aggregation of performers the like
of which cannot lie brought together,
but the fact is that every circus
of any consequence has a double
This show carries two completel
large canvasses. In case one is des
troyed liy fire or storm, another must
be ready to put up. When a failure
to give a performance entails a loss
of from $10,000 to $20,000 for ex
penses, (ho matter becomes serious.
The big show will be in Falls City,
Thursday, June 9th.
Salem Building.
A number of contracts for new
buildings to replace the ones burned
in the recent fire, have been placed,
and the work of construction Is un
der way. In a comparatively short
time Salem will emerge from the
debris of the catastrophe, a better
town for toe experience.
The bank will build on the old
site. The contract has been let
to Joe Graves. The material will lie
M. Ij. Dowell’s new store will also
go up on the old site. The contract is
let for a oni' story, brick with base
ment. 24 xlOO.
Sh’ldneck Uros. will build on the
south side of the street. They will
build 80x100 in two departments with
doe Hanger is also planning to build
on the old foundation, 24x70 with two
Jim Malone will build east of
the drug store, with brick. 20x00.
H. H. Kelley will build with brick
on the old restaurant site.
Mr. Spurlock will build a one story
brick on the old Index foundation.
The Southeastern Nebraska Tele
phone company will rebuild on the
old site at once. Other buildings are
being projected and will go up with
all possible dispatch. Salem will be
a busy place during the next few
The daily papers are discovering
I hat the Nebraska Anti-saloon league
has no offensive organization in any
legislative district or county in the
state for influencing platform dec
larations or nominating candidates
for the legislature. Letters are pub
lished from the weekly newspaper
editors of the counties in the first,
second, third and fourth districts,
showing that no such organizations
The only wonder is that the astute
dailies have been so long in making
the discovery. The Anti-saloon
league is a magnificent collecting ma
chine, and there its effectiveness
stops. It disclaims any part in con
ventions or paltforms, makes no pre
paration for the nomination of suit
able candidates at primaries, and
and simply attempts to carry elec
tions by proclamations issued from
the headquarters at Lincoln, and from
tile national headquarters in Ohio.
The Capital lias frequently suggest
ed that the failure to secure a county
option legislature two years ago was
because earnest county optionists be
lieved the state was organized, when
in fact tlie organization was only a
pretence, and that the coterie res
ponsible for this situation had been
so intent on securing donations from
churches to keep up salaries that the
nomination of candidates had been
totally neglected.
The campaign is too far along this
year, and the issue is too vital to
wilfully permit of the same mistake
again. The fact that an organiza
tion keeps up its existence and main
tains “superintendents” and “at
torneys” on fat salaries through the
aid of money collected on the in
side of churches does not exempt it
from sensible criticism. What is
demanded is less proclamation and
more result.
What, the Anti-saloon league claims
is that it worksentirely within the
church,—that it is the church in
action against the saloon. It organ
izes by naming three men in each
church whose duty it is to furnish to
the headquarters at Lincoln the names
of the church men who will vote
against the saloon. These men are
to be instructed by mail from Lincoln
how to vote, and the sum of $."0,000
is to bo collected for this purpose.
None of this money is to be per
mitted for use in the local counties.
General Superintendent Baker, of
Ohio sends out notice that some of
the churches may retain some of the
money thus collected for their local
campaign, "but not for long, if they
have a name to live and want to re
tain it.” Could anyNlanguago be
more vigorous or any plan more
It might seem that, inasmuch as
the money is collected in the
churches, those who do not pay and
who do not belong to the organiza
tion have no call to criticise. This
Listen, Women! Learn to Cook
I wouldn't take the price of two season tickets
and have my wife not know how to make one
thing she learned how to make in the Domestic
Science Department of the Chautauqua last
summer—and that one thing is “Marshmallow
Salad.” I’m not the only one, either: another
fellow told me that six times in one day.
The men on the CHAUTAUQUA Hoard liked the
plan so well they’re going to have that, depart
ment stronger than ever this year.
They have engaged MRS. JENNIE Q. BARLOW
to have charge of it, than whom no better pre
pared nor more capable exists.
mr». Jennie V/. Ddriow
She will be on the ground the whole week, and will not only
lecture, but demonstrate. Here’s what she says in a letter to
Mr. Lichty:
“Ladies will please bring teaspoon and sauce dish to
sample all articles prepared."’
Whew-ee ! It she’d said MEN, that auditorium would have
been full every morning, but a friend of mine told me women
were so curious they’d go through lire to sample what some
other woman had done, and then say, “Huh! 1 could do that
well myself.” I don’t believe that of Falls City ladies, but they
do say that back east, where Mrs. Barlow was lecturing, that
those who came to scorn remained to beg for more. Anyhow, it
will pay all to attend Mrs. Barlow’s work, and in fact, the whole
Falls City Chautauqua
August 6 to 14, 1910
E. K. HURST, Secretary, Falls City, Neb.
P. S. — Chapter Two on Mrs. Barlow will follow. If will be the
thrilling part. Watch for it.
would bo true if the league only per
formed the work of the state, and did
not seek to prevent work originating
in any other source. The fact that
prominent salaried officers of the
state league desert the state and
hire themselves out to Colorado com
munities just while tile spring cam
paigns are on in Nebraska, and fail
to show their Colorado earnings in
the treasury statement, is perhaps
also a matter for complaint from
thos-' who pay, only. lint there need
be no secret about it.
Tiie plain facts are that the good
preachers of Nebraska could furnish
the ’ists of their membership without
expense, and could influence that
membership themselves ten times
better than can any mail order
scheme. And the money that is
poured so freely into the mysterious
treasury of a “league” of three men
at Lincoln could better be used in
the communities and counties, organ
izing for practical results under the
leadership of local men.
County optionists should at once
awake to the situation. Let us have
an end to these high-priced proclama
tions, and this hat-passing in commu
nitks for the benefit of salaried do
nothings, and let us have some ac tual
and sensible work done where work
counts. The county and state con
ventions are coming close, and the,
nominations are to be made. These
are vital issues in every precinct in
the state. Organize and fight. Don’t
imagine for a moment that the walls
of this modern brewery Jerico can
be tumbled down by the blowing of
ram’s horns,—especially when tho
horns are in the exclusive hands of
three officers who first demand all
the available1 funds as an inspiration
for full breath and long-continued
blowing.—State Capitol.
St. Thomas Church.
George L. Nele, rector. Second
Sunday after Trinity. Choral cele
bration of the Holy communion at
10:45 n. m. The music at this service
will be Gounod’s setting of MMass
from St. Cecelia. Theme1, “The Dam
nation of Dives.’’ Evensong, and ser
mon from the Gospel for the day.
Sunday school at 9:45 a. m., Mr.
Hoy Fairchild. Supt. A cordial wel
come. Seats free.
Lyman Millinery Stock
To be Sold at the
Cost of Materials
The Lyman Millinery Stock has been turned over to
the undersigned to be sold at most any old price. The
stock is new, very well bought and is all of the very
newest style. Every woman needs an extra hat or
so, especially since they may be had for so little.
If you need a flower to beautify an old bonnet, a
piece of velvet, or anything in the millinery line, this
Trimmed Hats will be sacrificed. Over a hundred of
Don’t Overlook this Chance
to Buy Millinery at the
Bare Cost of Raw Materials
-- i-C ^ , I
list Door North City Hotel F. L. BRITTAIN, in Charge I