The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, June 03, 1910, Image 7

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Select Reading.
• Tell me what a man reads and 1
will tell you what he is," said a wise
writer; for little by little the things
that we read become our thoughts and
make the very texture of the mind.
During the last few months the at
tention of the American people lias
been aroused to tlie consideration ol
pure and impure foods. This ag
itation has done good, for with the
abundance of good food there is
little excuse for using any food
which is harmful. The time has
come when the American family must
give better attention than in the
past to another matter—the choice
between goed and bad reading. We
have read enough about wickedness
in both public and private life; tooj
many stories of criminal transactions;
too much about the evil and not (
. nougli about the good in life.
For our own sake, and stili more j
for the sake of our sons and daugh
ters, it is most important that, we j
should select, our periodicals with
great discrimination. Let these sub
scriptions be only for clean, whole
some. patriotic periodicals; those
which present the good.n ot the bad,
in human life and endeavor.—Select
"The best physical laboratory in
America is the well-regulated Ameri
can farm. Here tlie boys and girls
study nature first-hand. Here they
observe the growth and life of plants
and animals. Here they breathe pure
ah, become familiar with the beauties
and wonders of the natural world.
Here they make character. To have
added to all these opportunities the
advantages of a high school educa
tion, without any of the disadvantage
that attend spending of the evening
without chores or home duties. in
tin town, is an educational condition
that is almost ideal.”—Prof. J. L.
Sunday School Topics.
One of the remarkable lessons so
frequently overlooked in the study
of Christ’s life, is that of his readi
ness to meet each and every emer
gency. lie was never caught un
awares, or unprepared. He was
ever and always equal to the de
mands of each new occasion. If the
multitude was hungry he fed them.
If the people w'ere in distress he
helped them. No matter what the sit
uation might be he was there, ready
to meet it.
Christians, wlia are given to ex
cusing themselves because of their
insufficiency, will do well to study
and imitate the preparedness of
Christ. He never excused himself.
He has left for his followers only a
record of achievement. There tire
no flunks in his life story. He did
things, he was no dodger. Its the
Christians business to be prepared.
Excuses ai r only evasions, confession
of lapse of opportunity if not of duty.
Cut them' out. Face the situation. Ho
tie Master’e work. The business of
the true soldier is to fight, not run.
The odds may he against him, but
lie faces the enemy and dies if need
be hut never shirks. How different
th< average Christian of our day.
Dodging is getting to be a fine art.
To say I am not prepared has a
sanctimonious sound. To neglect a
n ligious duty is regarded as an in
dication of superiority. Follow Me!
was the master’s command. Be ye
More Faith Needed.
Great reforms have never been
known to come quickly. Radical
changes do not take place suddenly.
The greatest tidal wave upon our
oceans’ shores, of which history has
any record, is known to have come
from beneath the surface. The great
and .mighty surging of the waters
have first come from below and are
known as the undercurrent. It is
not the first gust of wind that
sweeps bare the surface; it is not
the first dash on the great battle
field that carries one to victory; you
must be sustained and supported by
the mighty forces you have left be
hind. One who rushes too rapidly
ahead of the procession, destroys his
usefulness in the final conflict, his
strength is of no avail unless a
healthy public sentiment sustains and
supports him. Until then, he dashes
his energies and efforts like the
ocean wave upon the shores of a
rock bound coast and they aro lost,
and lost forever.
We are a practical business people
whose environments are of the com
mercial atmosphere, in which moral
ity and high character must come
from the individual himself and not
from restrictive legislation. When
mankind relies upon external help
lie has sorrow, if self-reliant, he has
strength and joy. The greatest re
ward for which mankind may strug
gle to acquire, whether he realizes it
or not, is the salvation of his own
soul; and the greatest teacher, the
One who set the most illustrious ex
amples, was our Great Redeemer who
practiced by precept and example, i
And, when his disciples faltered in
the great crusade against wrong, vice |
and immortality, his strongest re-!
buke was uttered when he said, “Oh
ye of little faith.” Its application is
apparent when you know the lack of
faith of so many of our good men and
women in Nebraska today, who are
unaware of the full strength, vitality
and vigor of the existing statute re
specting our liquor laws. When the
tax-payers of the county say it is
unfair that they must pay the cost of
criminal prosecutions which are the
outgrowth of the liquor traffic, with
out having had any voice in the grant
ing ef the license, and are told that i
Section 1G of Chapter GO of the
Compiled Statutes of Nebraska ex
pressly provides that the liquor deal
er and his bondsmen are liable, in
an action upon the bond, for the re
payment of those costs and expenses,
and when they reply that, the law has
never been enforced and cannot be,
in the language of the Great Teacher
permit me to say “Oh ye of little
faith." it can and will be enforced,
whenever the general public so de
sires, and it will meet the full re
quirement of our expectations.—
A boy returned from school one day
with a report that his scholarship had
fallen below the usual average. And
this conversation took place:
"Son,” said tin' father, “you’ve fall
en behind this month, haven’t you?”
“Yes, sir."
“How did that happen?”
“Don’t know, sir.”
The father knew, if the son did
not. He bad observed some dime
novels scattered about the house,
but had not thought it worth while
to say anything until a fitting oppor
tunity should offer itself. A basket of
apples stood upon the floor, and he
“Empty out those apples, and take
the basket and bring it to me half
full of chips.” Suspecting nothing,
the son obeyed.
“Now,” he continued, “put those
apples back into the basket.” When
half the apples were replaced, the
boy said:
“Father, they roll off. I can’t
put any more in.”
"Put them in, I tell you.”
“But, father, 1 can’t put them in.”
“Put them in? No, of course you
can’t put them in. You said you
didn't know why you fell behind at
school, and I will tell you why.
Your mind is like that basket— it
will not hold more than so much. And
here you’ve been the past month fill
ing up with chip-dirt—dime novels.”
The boy turned on his heel, whist
led, and said, "whew! I see the point!'
The Curse of The Black Plague.
By Prof. Chas. A.Mitchell.
If (lie Indiana siate board of health
is right, multitudes of young men
are not fit to become fathers. Twen
ty years ago the physicians in this
country became greatly exercised
over what is called the “White
Plague,” by strenuous efforts and
concerted action, sanitariums and
tent colonies were established, and
millions of pages of literature were
spread broadcast, until today, con
sumption is greatly diminished.
But there is a far greater plague
in this country, called the “Black |
Plague.” Certain blood taints that j
are spreading rapidly among our j
young men. The Indiana state board J
of health declares that one of these
venereal diseases, and recent scienti
fic investigation has shown it to be |
even worse than the other form of j
venereal infection. They declare that
four-fifths of the men of America who
reach the age of thirty, have been
poisoned. That three-fourths of the
operations upon women in the hospit- j
als are because the husband had
sown his wild oats and poisoned his
blood and infected his innocent and
unoffending wife. Four-fifths of the
children born blind become so be
cause their fathers, when young men,;
had sown their “wild oats.” One
half of the childless marriages are
from the same cause. It is the great j
threatening danger of this nation.
No girl should marry, unless her
father or brother has found out that
the young man is safe. No young
man should be given a license to
marry unless he can show a clean
billof health from venereal contamina
tions. A grandmother, at the close
of a woman’s meeting rushed up to
mo crying, and said, “You do not talk
half plain enough. My daughter is
dying by inches, because her hus
band lived a crooked life.”
A little love, a little trust,
A soft impulse, a sudden dream—
And life as dry as desert dust
Is fresher than a mountain stream.
—Stopford A. Brooke.
The Falls City State Bank
Will be pleased to loan you what money you tnay need
on approved security.
This bank desires your business and is in a position to
extend such accommodations and courtesies as are con
sistent with good banking.
If you are not already a customer we herewith give you
a hearty invitation to become one.
Falls City State Bank
Cheap Monuments
arc not to be found with
our heavy stock of impor
ted and Fine American
We are not trying to com
pete in price with the
cheaper granites; but can
assure you GOOD WORK
at so near the price of the
inferior granite that you
(can’t afford to take the
risk. Be safe and place
your order with us.
Falls Citv Marble Works
Established 1881. R. A. F. A. NEITZEL, Mgrs.
Special June
Sale of
We now have 22 patterns
in Dinnerware for you to
select from. Haviland and
Avenir French Chinas,
Austrian Chinas and the best of English and
American Wares. We show samples of all pat
terns IN THE SOUTH WINDOW. This is the
largest and best line of Dinnerware shown in the
county. See it and get prices.
Chas. M. Wilson's
f 7
f. Auctioneer
Y v
7 V
Y v
Y If you contemplate having a
J* \*
Y sale see me or write for terms
Y *
Y at once. I guarantee satisfac-*.
% tion to my patrons. *
: v
* *
—The Candy Kitchen for brick ice
Summer Footwear
H. M. Jenne Shoe Store
The Central
Credit Co.
Lock Box No. 12.
REPORTS on financial standing
and reliability of firms, corporations
and individuals anywhere.
Domestic and foreign COLLEC
TIONS given prompt and competent
Paste this in
Your Hat!
Poland -China
Saturday, Oct. 15, 1910
Saturday, Nov. 19, 1910
The Auctioneer
Before arranging date write, tele
phone or telegraph, my expense
Phone* 168-131-2161 Fall* City, Neb
Mrs. M. A. Lyle Mrs. N. E. Byerr
Next Door Went Kuropeati Cafe
On Corner.
Practising Nurses
Falls City. Neb.
Best Harness on earth is made at
Wachtel's. Saddles. Whips, Etc.
Everything for the horse. Repair
ing and Oiling. Phone 384.
: D. S. HcCarthy i;
: drat and ::
: TFiAKfSFEiFf ::
\ I’romj»t attention given \ [
! to the removal of house- j [
hold goods. ! !
PHONE NO. 211 I*
urn w mumihi ik-w
Phone 24H Over Richardson County
General Praefioncer
Calls Answered Day Or Night
In Town or Country.
For Kent—Vacuum Cleaner, witfc
or without operator. Phono 268 or
426. 17-tf.
A Broad Choice
of Vacation Tours
To the Pacific Coast -From June 1st only $60.00 round trip, direct
route, and, on special dates in May, June and July, only $50.0#;
$15.00 additional via Shasta Route.
To the East—Ask nearest agent about the various special rates to
be in effect, commencing May, to principal eastern cities.
Yellowstone Park—All kinds of tourist rates to this wonderland,
including diverse tours through scenic Colorado, Yellowstone
and Gardiner entrances; also to Cody, (eastern entrance), in
connection with Holm’s personally conducted camping tours
through the Park, July 29, Aug. 19 and Sept. 9. Apply early.
Mountain Tours To Denver, Estes Park, Salt Lake, Hot Springs,
S. P., Sheridan and Ranchester, Wyo., (for the Dig Horn re
gion), and Thermopolis, Wyo., the coming wonderful sanita
rium- IS million gallons of hot water daily at 130 degrees.
Call Or Write describing your proposed trip and let us advise you
L. W. WAKELEY, General Passenger Agent
E. C. WHITFORD, Ticket Agent, Falls City, Neb.
Real Estate and Loans
Money to Loan at 5 and <i per tent interest on good real estate
security. Also money to loan on good chattel security.
rolls City, Nebraska
Passenger Trains
South Bound
Tr. 104—St. Louis Mail and Ex
press ..1:50 p. m.
Tr. 106—Kansas City Exp., 3:41 a. m.
Tr. 132 x K. C.local leaves. .7:30 a. m.
Tr. 138 x -Falls City arrives 0:00 p. m.
x Daily except Sunday
North Bound
Tr 103 -Nebraska Mail and Ex
press. 1:50 p. m
Tr. 105— Omaha Express... .1:48 a. m.
Tr. 137 x—Omaha local leaves 7:00 a to.
Tr. 131 x—Falls City local ar
x—Daily excent Sunday
l ocal Frt. Trains Carrying Passengers
North Bound
Tr. 102.x ToAtchison.11:10a. m.
South Bound
Tr. 191x—To Auburn.1:23
Burlington Route
West Bound
No. 13—Denver Exp.1:10 a. m.
No. 15—Denver Exp. (Local). 1:40 p. m.
No- 43—Portland Exp.10:17 p. m.
No. 41—Portlancl Exp.2:2<> p. m.
No. 121—Lincoln Loc. via Ne
braska City.5:00 a. m.
East Bound
No. 14 St. .1., K. C. & St. L. .7:38 a. m.
No. 44 -St. J., K. C. & St. L- .4:11 a. in.
No. Hi—St. J., K.C. ct St. L. .4:22 p. m.
No. 42 -St. J., K. C. «& St. L. .4:35 p. tn
No. 122— From Lincoln, via
Nebraska City. 8:45 p m.
E. (i. WHITFORD, Agent.
—We have some fresh Red Seal
flour in now. Come and get a sack.
—C. A. Heck.