The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, June 03, 1910, Image 6

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    Commences Ends
Sat., June 4 Sat, June II
is in allowing myself to be persuaded to almost give goods away in this Sale
which will last seven days, commencing Saturday, June 4th, and ending
Saturday, June llth. In this Sale I expect to sell everything as it is adver
tised, for cash, as long as the goods last.
One lot of Ladies’
Dress Skirts sold
at $ I and $ 1.7o, go
at $1.(58.
One lot of Ladies'
Dress Skirts, sold
at $(5.50 to $7..’0,
now fjo at $3.OH,
One lot of Ladies’
Dress Skirts, sold
* at $8.50 to $10, fro
now for $5.18.
1 lot Apron Check Ginghams, cheap at h^c,
will sell at ac.
0-4 Unbleached Sheeting; regular juice 2sc, j
now priced at 21c.
0 4 Bleached Sheeting sold at 40c, now selling
at 24c.
Table Linens
70-in. width Table Cloth, sells at aOc; now
priced at 42c,
72 inch Silver Bleached German Linen, $1.00
quality for OHc.
72 inch Bleached, extra line, and sold at $l.2a,
this sale for HHc.
Dress Ginghams
All our choice Dress Ginghams, sold every
where at 121c and lac, go at 10c.
India Linons
Hi\c quality sell at ac.
121c quality sell at 71c.
20c quality sell at 12Jc.
2ac and 40c quality sell at lac.
Bleached and Unbleached Muslins
Hope Bleached all know this brand—at 7Jc.
Heavy Unbleached Muslin; cheap at he, this
sale at (lie.
All-linen, regular 12c quality for (i|c.
Regular 15c quality for 8<lc.
Best Table Oil Cloth
Best brand made, worth 20c, will sell at 14c,
All our 10 and 12lc Percales during this sale
will go at 7lc.
One lot 36-inch width French Gingham, goods
worth 35c, to close at 10 2 3c.
Dress Linens
A complete line of colors and black. Goods
worth and sold at 35c, in this sale we will sell
at 19c.
Ladies' Shirt Waists
Just reecived a new line of Waists.
65c and 75c waists, now 50c.
$1.00 and $1.25 waists, now 75c.
$1.50 waists, now $1.00.
$2.00 waists, now $1.50.
$2.50 waists, now $1.75.
This includes our All Linen Tailored Waists.
Km broideries
I test quality of Swiss in edging anil insertion
15c quality will sell at 7.1c.
20c and 25c quality will sell at 15c.
80c and 25c quality will sell at 20c.
10c quality will sell at jJ5c.
50c quality will sell at *l5c.
Corset Cover Funbroidery, 25c and doc, now 25c.
h5c Flouncing at (55c.
SI.oo and SI.25 Flouncing at s5c.
Fresh new goods and choice patterns to select
f roin.
All Kinds of Laces
One lot Valenciennes Laces, worth 5c to H^c,
go at 2c.
Torchon Laces, every thread linen, cheap at
10c a yard, Ibis sale 55c a dozen.
The Best in hosiery
One lot Children’s Clack and Crown Hose,
worth 10c, will close at 5c.
25 dozen Ladies Clack Stockings, worth 15c,
for Sc.
All onr Silk-tinished, including Silk-embroid
ered, sold at 40c to 50c a pair, during this
sale at 25c.
This includes the Topsy Hosiery best on earth
Every pair guaranteed.
Wash Goods— Assorted Colors
One table assorted colored Wash Goods, in
Flaxons, Silk Ginghams and Silk Stripes,
will close at 10c.
Some of these goods sold as high as 50c yd.
Choice White Dress Goods
You will find these goods cheap at regular
20c quality go at 12' _• c.
25c quality go at 15c.
30c-qiuility go at 20c.
85c quality go at 25c.
loc and 45c quality gro at 80c.
Pillow Slips
.Pillow Slips, :;t'> inches by 15 inches, 20c qual
ity, at 15c. >
Silk and Wool Dress Goods
Our entire stock of Wool and Silk Dress Goods
will sell at a discount of 25 per cent.
80-inch Black Taffeta Silk, si quality for 75c.
80-inch A1 Black Taffeta Silk, worth $1.25,
now only 80c.
80 inch Klaxon and Linaire Cloth, sold at 80c
to 85c, will sell at 22Cc.
48-inch Air Line Cloth, very tine and sheer,
85c and 90c values at 50c.
Soisettes, Crystal Cloth
Soisettes, Crystal Cloth, Egyptian tissues,
cheap at 25c and 80c, positively fast colors,
go at 19c.
Shoes! Shoes!! Shoes !!!
In Tans, Ox bloods, Gunmetal and Patent
Regular $4.50 shoe, this sale $8.48.
Children’s Tan Oxfords, worth $1.20, at 98c.
Children's Tan Oxfords, worth $1.50, af $1.29.
Ladies’ Tan < )xfords, worth $2.50, at $1.79.
Ladies’Tan Shoes, worth $2.75, at $1.89.
Children’s Tan Shoes, worth Si.75, at $1.29.
Children's Tan Shoes, worth $1.50, at $1.19.
Ladies’ Patent Leather Shoes, worth $3.50, for
Men's Work Shoes, worth $2.50, at $1.98.
Bed Quilts
One lot Bed Quilts, full size, $1.75 to $2.00, go :
at Si.25.
Room Rugs
Art Squares and Mattings can gro at a big' dis
count during this sale.
Ask to see them.
Commences Saturday, June 4, Ends Saturday, June 11
Fresh Groceries
Choice Coffee reduced to 12c, 14c and 17c.
Best Uncolored Japan Tea, 37c.
Choice Gunpowder Tea, 36c.
2 1-lb. cans Crystal Baking Powder, lac.
2 cans Dutch Cleanser, 15c.
5 lbs. Rice, 25c.
5 lbs. Navy Beans, 25c.
4 lbs. Prunes, 25c.
Quart Jar Queen Olives, worth 30c, at 23c.
Pint Bottle Catsup, worth 15c, at 7c.
Two 15c packages Post Toasties for 25c.
Two 15c packages Grape Nuts for 15c.
Two 15c packages Shredded Wheat for 25c.
10c package Seeded Raisins for 7c.
15c package Puffed Rice for 12c.
Two 5c packages of Yeast Foam for 5c.
Six bars Ben Hur Soap for 25c.
Seven bars Diamond “C” Soap for 25c.
One package Argo Starch for 4c.
One pound Bulk Starch for 4c.
Canned Goods
im pound can 15c Apricots, 12c.
21-pound can 20c Peaches, 18c.
! 2^-pound can 20c Green Gage Plums, 13c.
I 21-pound can 15c Sauer Kraut, He.
21-pound can 10c Pumpkin, 7c.
21-pound can 15c Sweet Potatoes, 9c.
! 21 -pound can 25c Sliced Pineapple, 19c.
2-pound can 15c Stringless Beans, 8c.
! 2-pound can 10c Early June Pease, 7c.
, 2-pound can 20c B. C. Pease, 14c.
2-pound can 10c Corn, 7c.
i 2^-pound can 10c Corn, 8c.
21-pound can 10c Tomatoes, 8c.
| 3-pound can 25c Frazier Axle Grease, 15c.
Tinware! Tinware!!
4-quart Tin Bucket, 10c.
12-quart Tin Bucket, 17c.
12-quart Galvanized Bqcket, 17c.
Two Tin Cups, 5c.
Tin Pieplates, each 4c.
Jap. Dust Pans, 10c.
Galvanized Tubs, each 50c, 60c and 70c.
Schram’s Large Top Pint Fruit Jars, 57c.
“ (in Quart Fruit Jars, 69c.
“ “ “ y2 Gal. Fruit Jars, 88c.
All our Ladies’ Tailor
Made Suits will go at
One-Half Their Value
Rain Coats
and Jackets
All our Rain Coats and
Jackets at the full dis
count. Don’t fail to
look at them.
All Our Dress Trim
mings, Allovers, Ltc
at One-Fourth Off
Kalamazoo Corset Co., Makers
Our stock is fresh and
new. all bought this
season, and we are safe
in saying that there are
none better made. Ask
to see the Parisian.
Both tit and wear are
guaranteed or money
One lot of All-Silk Rib
i bons. Black and all
ft colors, width (50; sold
A as high as 20c; a No. 1
goods, go at 10c.
Wash Dress Goods
The very choicest of Choice Wasli Dress Goods,
Matsuida cloth, Aramons, Charms novelty
waistings, Sumida silks, all this season’s
new novelties, sold usually at 50c to 60c; in
this sale they will go at 35c.
One lot of Towels, sold regularly at 5c each,
this sale’s price, per dozen,
Huck Towels, red borders, cheap at $1 per
dozen, in this sale they go at, each 5c.
Lace Curtains
The $1.50 quality go at 90c.
The $3.00 quality go at $2.
The $5.00 quality go at $3.50.
All our 15c to lHc Swiss, also 36-inch Silkaline,
will sell at 10c.
Ladies’ Muslin Underwear
These goods are bought direct from the
factory. There are none better. We can sell
you these goods for less than you can buy the
All our 35c and 40c garments, now 25c.
All our 65c and 75c garments, now 50c.
All our $1 and $1.25 garments, now 75c.
All our $1.50 and $1.75 garments, now $1.
All our S2.50 and $2.75 garments, now $1.75.
All our $3.50 and $4.00 garments, now $2.25.
$5.50 and $6.00 very choice White Skirt, $3.90.
hats and Caps
Large assortment of Hats and C’ai)s for men
and boys at a bargain.
We want you to please read this ad carefully and then kindly call at your first opportunity and look
at these goods. This is our first deep cut in prices since in business and we wish to prove to you
that we are giving the very best for the least money possible.