The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, June 03, 1910, Image 2
The County in General The “Doings” of our Country Friends and Neighbors. VERDON. Dr. Griffith was up from Full* City on business Wednesday. E. A. Harden and wife are en tertaining relatives from Oregon. Frank Bennett, and family wen in Falls City tin first of the week. Miss Cauuiia 1 lull returned Tliurs-! day after spending a few days in Peru. Coin Swim good and little nephew, Basi’. Boyle, were Falls City visitors recently. .Mbs Lucy .McManus came up front Falls City last week for a visil with her sister. Charles Wilkinson of Auburn is tin- guest of hi* uncle, Charles Hen derson and wife. Miss Verna Wilkinson left the latter part of the week for a visit with friends at Preston. Mis* Gertrud.- l.utii h ft Tuesday for California where site will prob ably remain until October. Walter Vench, Norman Weaver, I li. Hall and John Weaver went to Lincoln Thursday in their autos. Mr. and Mrs. Bicker and family of Shuberi attended the funeral of Mis. Wilkinson last Wednesday. Orlando Veal ami daughters. Hazel and Irene, tame up from St. Joe Sunday for a visit with friends. Miss Susan Hart left Saturday for Chicago where she will spend her summer vacation with relatives. Mrs. Mattie Bennett left Wednes day for Lyicoln. Sin- will also visit relatives at Crete before returning. Miss Alic< Hasenyagcr arrived Sun day afternoon from California anti will visit relatives in and near Ver dou. Mrs. .itiiia nan iook me train <>n Tuesday for Franklin, Neb,, for a visit with her son. George Hall, and family. * We failed to announce last week that a nine-pound hoy arrived at lIn* heme of Clinton Hums and wife on Friday, May 20. Mr. and Mrs. David Griffiths left last week for Dodgevllle, Wisconsin, where they will spend the summer with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Howe of San Diego. Cal., arrived Tuesday after noon for a visit with Mr. Howe’s sis ter, Mrs. Harry 11. Richardson and family. Miss Kmmu Hanika of Falls City attended the funeral of Mrs. Lillie Wilkinson last week. She was a guest of Mrs. Hull and daughter. Miss Florence, while here. The St. Joseph Commercial Club of 100 members visited Verdop for a had hour Saturday. They were ac companied by the St. Joseph Military band. A good sized crowd met them at the depot and they were escorted over the town in automobiles. A number of souvenirs were distributed by the members of the club. Old Dutch Cleanser IrvTfve FarmKiichea is the 'reatest help and convenience. It Cleans, Scrubs, Scours, Polishes. Pds, kettles, pans, boilers, sinks and flat-irons; milk ' pails and separators; wood floors, etc., easier, qtiicker and better. Some cleaners are harmful. Avoid caustic and acid. Use this One handy, all-’round cleanser for all your cleaning —a time and labor saver throughout the house. TO CLEAN FLOORS Wood, Linoleum or Stone Wet—sprinkle with Old Dutch Cleanser and rub with mop or scrubbing brush; then mop with clean water. This will give you quick, unusual and most satis factory results. LARGE SIFTER CAN WILLIAMSVILLE. Eugene Dunn was a Harada viistor Saturday. John Koso was in Kalis City one day last week. N. A. Arnold was a Falls City vis itor last week. Hi nry Slemi rinK was a Falls City visitoi Saturday. Joy Stage I and Miss Fay spent Sun day at H. J. Dunn's. Mrs. X. A. Arnold is recovering from hot recent Illness. I. A. Dunn and son, Eugene, Were Falls City visitors last week. Grandpa Voegle is slowly re covering from his recent illness. Jesse Dunn spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, I. A. Dunn. 10. E. Butler and family spent Sun day at the home of M. M. Hendricks. Rev. Gelek went to Canada last week to officiate at his son’s wed ding. IVti r Shilling and Mrs. Henry II Henke were Falls City visitors Sat urday. Charles Ludwig and family spent Sunday with Herman Ludwig near Harada. 10. 10. Butler and sons, Henry and Ralph were Falls City visitors Wed nesday. Grandpa Duerfeidt spent a few days tills week with Will. Zubriek and family. Miss Bertha Karst planned a very pleasant surprise for August Karst and Emil Gluttz last Friday night. The weather was had and not. many attended bat those present thorough ly enjoyed the evening. RULO. John Ranker of Reserve was a Rulo visitor last Monday. George Gnosman was a Falls City v isitot one day last week. Rev. A 10. Wnehlel sepnt Thursday of Inst week in Falls City. Della Mac in spent a few days lust week with Preston friends. Ella Goolsby of Forest. City spent last week with Rulo relatives, James Glenn oT Highland was a Rulo visitor tiie first of the week. Elsie Wilson of Kansas is visiting with her grandmother, Mrs. Noland. Mr. and Mrs. Jud Carpenter of California are visiting Rulo relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rra/.zo of Fortes cue were Rulo visitors one day last week. Mrs. Kate Pierre and daughter arc visiting relatives in St. Joseph this week. Mrs. Robinson and Pauline Kirk were Falls City visitors the last of the week. Mrs Danneeker and daughter Kui lna were Falla City visitors one day last week. Jessica I’oteet of Falls City spent last week in Rulo. the guest of Miss Hope Ward. Rev. M. C. Rrooks of Falls City and our home pastor exchanged pul pits Sunday night. Kiln Carpenter returned to St. Joe Monday evening after a §hort visit with Kulo friends. Frank Vanvnlkinberg came up from SI Joe last week for si visit to his parents and little daughter. Nina Aikman left Sunday for Illi nois. Neb., to spend the summer with her sister, Mrs. Frank ISobst. Grandpa and Grandpa Ocatnb left for \ erdon Sunday afternoon to vis it till tr son, Charles Ocomb and fam ily. Floyd True came down from Union last week to \ isit home folks. He left for Salem Wednesday where he expects to spend the summer on a farm. Mrs. Goosman and two sons left Friday for St. Joseph, where they will visit a few days. They will also spend a couple of weeks in Iowa before returning home, Mrs. Mary Cunningham, who re moved from tills place a few years ago died at her home In San Jose, Cal., on May 1910. The sympathy of the community goes out to her childien, the two sons are resi dent 3 of this city and the daughter, Miss Alice, lived with her mother in California. Mr. Cunningham died at that place \ few years ago. Arrangements were made for Me morial services Monday, but for a time it looked as though the pro gram could not be carried out on account of the rain. However about eleven o’clock the sun came out and by two o'clock the weather was fav orable. The school children from the convent and public school march ed. each carrying a flag and a bunch of flowers to be used in the dec oration at the cemeteries. The line formed in front of John Mooneys’ res idence and marched to the bank cor ner. crossing over to the east side and continued the march southward until the band stand was reached. They then crossed the street on the west side, where the crowd were ask ed to gather to listen to the pro gram, which consisted of addresses, and vocal and band music. All were more than pleased with the entertain ment. SHUBERT. Ed Shubert of Verdon was in town Monday. Joe Lewis visited friends here Saturday. M. A. Veach of Veron was a busi ness visitor here Monday. George lirishy of Verdon visited with relatives here Saturday. Mrs. Elder Murfy is now visiting relatives and friends at Hethany. Warren Hutchings of Rails City visited his son, Guy and family, Tues day. Jo? Ritter and wife of Salem cain< up Monday to attend Decoration ser vices. William Smiley and family of Ne maha visited with her brother, ('has and family, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Oathoul ac companied by Mrs. Wheeler left on Tuesday for a two months visit with relatives at Portland. Oregon. The St. Joseph Commercial club was greeted here on Saturday after noon by a large crowd of people who thoroughly enjoyed a visit from them Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Shirkolk of Shubert spent Sunday at the home of Charles Kluilenherg and wife,and made the acquaintance of their little son, Charles Orval The commencement exercises of the Shubert high school were held in the Christian church May 20. Although the evening was very dis agreeable and a large crowd attended. The class of 1010 was composed of five members: Georgia Chandler, Cre< toria Wiles, Ethel Donaldson, Eliza beth Ahern and Howard Riggs. The program consisted of music recita tions and an address. BARADA. Charles Noyes was up from St. Der oin Saturday. I*. I>. tlushard was in Falls City the first of the week. Harry Butler and sister, Nellie, were in the city Tuesday. Anthony Bucholz and wife were Falls City visitors Tuesday. C. V. Cox and family visited on Tuesday at the home of \V. A. Cox. I. A. Dunn and family were guests at the home of \V. F. Butler on Sun day. Will Schmel/.el of Falls City was in this section of the county on bus iness. Mrs. it. H. Dunn and daughter, are in Oregon, Mo., with Philip Markt and family. Miss Kittle Butler was elected K. I, C. K. delegate to the York conven tion in June. Jacob Peters, Byrd Mitchell and Floyd Orr with their wives were in Falls City Monday. Mrs. Sarah Wamsley and Mrs. Belle Williamson went to Yerdon last week to attend the funeral of their cousin, Mrs. Wilkinson. C. 11. Martin and family. Rev. Ks sey, Mrs. It .1. Dunn and daughter. Fern were guests at the home of .1. A. Martin on Sunday. Mrs. K.A.Thompson and Mrs. Julia Roe were up from the city one day last week to visit Mrs. John Whittle, who has been quite ill. The Ladies' Aid enjoyed a picnic dinm r at the home of Mrs. Sarah Wiliams on Wednesday. Quilting was the order of the day. Mrs. Kmma Siemeriug, Mrs. Conrad denies and daughter, Ada, and Miss Lizle Siemering are visiting in Re public, Kansas with Mrs. A. C. Stein brink. Sunday a splendid Memorial ser mon was delivered by Rev. A. Ea sley at the Evangelical church in the presence of the old soldiers of this community. E. Burgess moved his house hold goods of Ralph Wheeler to Falls City on Tuesday to be shipped to Corning, Mo., where Mr. Wheeler will open up a photograph studio. On Sunday, May 20, the infant child of John LaMarr was brought over from Shubert. and interment was made in the Harris cemetery. We extend sympathy to the bereaved par ents. Mrs. C. H. Martin entertained her Sunday school class of twelve girls at her home on Sunday afternoon. The girls say they had the best time ever. Mrs. Martin, assisted by her daughter, Mrs. R. 1[. Dunn, ser ved strawberries and cream with cake and oranges and bananas. OHIO. Henry Meinhart is serioltsly ill at this writing. Mrs. Milt Strauss entertained her sister a part of last week. John Yocam spent Sunday with his daughter, Mrs. X. Feck. John Hutchinson spent last Sunday with relatives in Falls City. Lizzie Goolsby visited her aunt, Miss Minnie Allison Sunday. James Gilmore spent a couple of days last week in Wilbur, Xeb. Mrs. A. Elshire was a guest of Mrs. Chester Stump Thursday. Ed Kimmel and family visited at the home of Ed Ruegge Sunday. Charles McDowell and wife spent Sunday in Falls City with relatives. Win. Huettner and family spent Sunday with Martin Nolle and family. Leura Camblin visited her sister, Mrs. Frank Cook, a part of last week Grant Goolsby and family were guests of friends near Bara da Sun day. George Brecht and wife were the guests of fi. A. Burk and family Sun day. . Ruth ileincman of Fails City was a guest of F, M. Shaffer and family Sunday. .'daole Auxitr of near Verdon spent the past week with her uncles at tills place. Rev. Watson of Falls City spent Sunday at the home of F. M. Sliaf i'T and family. Mrs. Hahn of Falls City visited one day last week with her daughter, Mrs. .1. Reischick. Mrs. Wes Nedrow entertained her mother, Mrs. ,1. Stump, of Falls City a few days las', week. Truman Knisley returned from McPnorson, Kas., and will work for ills brother, Floyd, this summer. Laura Ruegge of Falls City visited with her sister, Mrs. Ed Kimmel and her brother, Ed Ruegge, this week. O. If. Prichard and wife were the guests of tile former’s sister, Mrs. Nat Auxier and family, near Salem Sunday. Frank and Guy Lichty, Chester I,. Stump and a Mr. Harris of near Shu bert and their wives visited at the home of Delos Spickler and wife on Sunday. Mrs. Mary Wicks, who has been spending the past month with her brother, Wes Nedrow, returned to the homo of her daughter, Mrs. Elmer Kanaly. Henry Woodring and wife spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. C. Schulenberg, near Shubert. Their daughter, Priscilla, accompanied them and spent the week with her sister. STELLA. G. U Slocum and wife visited Sa lem relatives last week. S. It. Freed and wife were Auburn visitors the latter part of last week. Miss Fannie O'Donald visited her brother and family at Auburn last week. Mrs. Bessie Flasket and children of Auburn were in Stella to attend the Decoration services Monday. Mark Goolsby and wife of Falls City are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Grant Smith, south of town. Mrs. P. I). Ailor of Auburn visited the latter part of last week with her husband's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Aiolr. Mrs. Clements, who has been in poor health since January, was able to attend church services in Stella Sunday. The “big show” was on Tuesday evening whne A. .1, Baldwin and Ar nold Barstler got busy and floated Main street. Mrs. Z. Pixley and Mrs. Boy Grif fith were called to Brock last Satur day by the serious illness of the former’s father. Mrs. Joseph McGonagal and little daughter arrived Saturday from Crete for a visit with her paents, Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Fankell. mrs, j. k. tain, .Jr., ami daughter, and Mrs. Caroline I laggard are visit ing in Kansas. They expect to be away about three weeks. Mrs. F. K. Fankell, who has been with her daughter, Mrs. John Holland in St. Louis since the holidays, is now visiting an old schoolmate at Independence, Kas. Dan Sarvis and wife and Win. Sut ton and wife of Auburn came down Sunday to attend Decoration ser vices. They returned home Tues day. Mrs. Scott Argabright and chil dren visited in Auburn over Sunday with her parents, and a sister from California. The sisters had not met for fourteen years. The members of the Research club and their husbands spent Wednesday evening picnlcing at the park. The gentlemen spent the evening in im proving tlie park while the ladies pre pared the supper. The body of Alfred Hager who died in a Kansas City hospital Saturday, was brought to Stella Monday morning and taken to the hmoe of his brother in-law, Norman Smilie, and on Tues day afternoon was taken to Prairie Union for the funeral and burial. HUMBOLDT. Arrangements have been made for a Fourth of July celebration in Hum boldt. The Linger Longer club met with Mrs. I. Shirley Wednesday af ternoon. Mason Shurtleff of McCook was transacting business in Humboldt on Saturday. Mrs. Rudolph Hnizda of Table Rock visited Humboldt friends and relatives the first of the wreek. C. C. Campbell, wife and son, Linn, of Hastings are guests of rel atives and friends in this city. Elton Nims returned to his home in this city the last of the week after spending several days in Texas. Mrs. Jesse Goodale and little dau ghter of Lewiston are visiting Mrs. Tina Crawford and other relatives. Mrs. Charles Legg of Liberty vis ited the latter part of the week with R. Mitchell and wife near town. Mrs. Arthur Coekeran and children left Wednesday for their home in Wyrnore after a visit with Humboldt relatives. Misses Rose Hnizda and Olga Hole chek attended the commencement ex ercises held in Table Rock Thurs day evening. Harry Philpot and wife, accompani ed by the latter’s mother, Mrs. Brad ley visited in Dawson the latter part of the week. Mrs. Ray Miller and little daughter of Grand Island are visiting B. F. Gravatte and other relatives in tills city this week. Fnion Memorial services were held in the Presbyterian church Sunday I morning. The sermon was delivered by Rev. K. .1. Cardy. Mrs. John Calvert and little son, John of Sutton visited friends and attended commencement exercises the 'ast of thi- week. After a program and initiation of new members at the K. of P. hall the Alumni banqueted at the Park hotel, Tuesday night. J. Rock Williamson returned Wed nesday from Falrbury and Lincoln. While in tiie former place he at tended tlie G. A. R. encampment. John Mehlin. an itged German, died suddenly at his home in this city Sat urday. Funeral services were con ducted at the family residence Mon day afternoon. A large crowd assembled at the opera house Monday evening to wit ness the home talent play, “The Confederate Spy." It was exceed ingly well rendered. A farewell reception was given at the home of S. M. Phil pot Friday ev ening in honor of Mrs. Edward Nor ton, who will leave in a few days for her new home in Arcadia. The eighth grade graduating ex ercises took place at the high school building. Tin' class colors, green and white were used as decorations, and a good program was rendered. Invitations announcing the ap proaching marriage of Miss Dessie Lee of this city to William Jacobs of Lincoln, were issued this week. The event is to take place at Lin coln June 8tIt. I A reunion of the Chaffin family was held at the home of Lute Skalak. Sunday, previous to the departure of S. M. Chaffin and wife who left Tues day evening for Oregon. They have long been residents of this commu nity and have several married child ren and many friends living in this city. The commencement exercises of the Humboldt high school were held in the opera house Friday evening. Those receiving diplomas were as fol lows. Nellie Hist, Faye Sanford, Ce cil Youngman, Dicey Ray, Daisy Al bright, Mittie Gridley, Florence Hos ford. Hattie Dorland, Helen Smith, Nettie Wozab, Boyd and Alfred Rist and Sam Zimmerman. NIMS CITY. Posey Gentry is in quit' poor health this spring. Mrs. Jake Marmot and Edna Stal der of Falls City and Jake Stalder of Seibert, Col., were called here by the death of their father, .1. E. Stal der. Mrs. Lesley and daughter. Lu cerne were up from Salem one day last week. Childrens' Day exercises will be held at the Christian church and both Sunday schools will take part. Mrs. E. J. Duryea and niece, Mrs. Sarah Gentry, visited last week with the former’s sister, Mrs. Andrew Duryea near Bern. Rev. Adams of Humboldt preaches at the Christian church every Sun day at three o’clock instead of every two weeks as we were informed last week. Presiding Elder \V. S. Lynde will preach and hold communion ser vice at Bethany, U. B. church Sun day the 12th, at eleven o'clock. Also at Middleberg school house at three o’clock. Quarterly business meet ing at Middleberg Saturday at two o’clock. The community was shocked on learning last Friday morning of the sudden death of .1. E. Stalder, who with his family have occupied the hotel building here for a few months. When called to breakfast he did not respond and investigation showed that lie had passed away. The cor oner was summoned and a verdict was returned of heart failure. He had been in poor health for some time. His wife died a few months ago. He leaves a family of ten children, two of whom are married. Lion Had The Toothache. “King Sampson,” the famous lion with the John Robinson Shows, has quite a history. He is a real African lion, and one of the few lions on exhibition that was actually born in the jungle and instead of being se cured while a cub, was captured when almost full grown, after a desperate battle with native hunters. There is something of the lordly freedom of the wild beasts in King Sampson’s walk and manner, while his great size and beauty of his head and mane makes him particularly interesting to the students and artists and he has had enough photographs taken of him by sight-seers to paper the biggest house in town. “Would he hurt anybody?” inquire an amateur zoological student, with one foot in the air ready to run. “Oh, 1 don’t know. That depends. Maybe it wouldn't be a good thing for a stranger to go into his cage. He would likely resent that as an in trusion on his privacy,” replied the keeper. “But he would never make ' a row if I was to go to sleep in his den. The only time I ever had any trouble with Sampson was last season on the road. One day I noticed he had suddenly developed a cranky disposition. He never resentted iny going into his cage,so I was at a loss whatt to do, so I called the doc tor with the show. He will be seen at the John Rob inson Shows. All the animal.) are kept in prime condition. The date is Thursday. June 1st at Falls City, Neb. “Why, he has a slight toothache,” said the doctor, after examining him. “You would naturally think the King wou'd object to ayone fooling around his jaws, but he .seemed to know the doctor was there to help him, so after the medicine man cleared out the cavity in one big tooth and spray ed a little antisepttic solution into it and plugged up tin1 hole wltth a fist full of amalgum, he never whim pered and kept his mouth wide open without the slightest urging. The next day he was all right, and has never had an ache since, so far as I have been able to discover.” Money In every community there is enough money in hiding to start a respectable bank. This money is not only liable to be lost by theft or tire, but it is placed where it does not bring in any in come to the holder; neither is it of use to the public. Deposit this “dead" money with us. Then it will get into circulation and be of some benefit to yourself and also to the community. The more money there is in circulation, the cheaper the rate of interest; the easier it is to borrow, and the more prosperous the general business conditions. Farmers State Bank PRESTON, NEBRASKA A CRITICAL EXAMINATION! By an experienced critic is the only one that will pass muster if you're the subject. No one is willing to take chances on their teeth. SCIENTIFIC DENTISTRY enables this office to locate the trou ble and treat teeth properly. Intricate operations performed satisfactorily. Consultation free. DR. YUTZY Falls City, Nebraska R 1J. ROBERTS IDE.NTIS'T Office over Kerr’s Pharmacy Office Phene 2*50 Residence Phone 271 EDGAR R. MATHERS DENTIST Phones: Nos. 177, 217 Sam’l. Wahl Building