The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, June 03, 1910, Image 1

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    The Falls City Tribune
Various Kinds of Entertainment by
Individuals, Lodges. Clubs,
Churches. Etc.
Early Morning Wedding.
Miss Elizabeth Sanford, the only
daughter of Mrs. Delia Sanford of
this city, was united in marriage to
Mr. e arl Schaer of Superior, Neb.,
Wednesday morning, dune 1, at St.
Francis Catholic church, Kev. Father
Hoffman officiating.
The ceremony was witnessed by a
eirci 1 of friends and relatives. The
ring ceremony was observed, Mr.
Neal Thornton and Miss Dora Olines
acting in the capacity of'groomsman
and bridesmaid.
The newly wedded pair left on
the 7:40 train for Excelsior Springs,
where Mr. Schaer has business in
The hridt is well known in Falls
City and enjoys the pleasure of a
large circle of friends. Her partner
in life lias been engaged in the hotel
business at Superior for a number of
years, and is botli popular and pros
. The Tribune extends its best
wishes for a long and useful life to
th< contracting parties.
The members of the Womans Aux
iliary of St. Thomas church held
tht;r meeting before the summer sea
son, at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
P. H. Jussen last evening. As is
the custom, their final meeting as
sumed the form of an annual picnic.
It was the best of its kind ever held
in the parish.
The entire membership was present
and by 6:30 o’clock »be spacious
lawn was well filled with men, women
and children. Before the signal to
fall to on a great supper, a general
conversation ensued. Many weighty
subjects were fully discussed and dis-'
posed of, among them being the lat
est mode of wearing the hair; the
latest style of shirt waists, and just
how hungry one ean become before
they lose all interest in life generally;
the last score by “our team,” au-.
tomobiles and cyclones—there must
be an affinity between them—and
cyanide in capsules, came in for a
major part of the general talk.
The big and little boys played ball.
It may not be amiss to mention that
Dr. Miner, Rojit. Neltzel, Roy Fair
child and Tom Hargrave displayed
surprising skill along (his line, and
may have eye to a possible future.
The supper was suberb, splendid,
real, honest—no “dainty refresh
ments,” but the real thing from sand
wiches to pie. At eight o’clock the
crowd filled the house, and with Mrs.
Neide at the piano they made the
welkin as well as the house ring
with all the old songs our parents
used to sin. As went well as a “mar
riage belle’ until Mrs. Neide struck
up "Dixie.” She is Southern all
through, you know, and just couldn’t
help it. At the first strain the crowd
broke loose. We will draw a veil
over it. It, was all right, however.
" 'They kept that “Dixie” business up
for naif an hour. It was a beautiful,
but touching picture to see Mr. Jus
sen, Charles Hargrave and Judge Wil
hite all wrapped in a three cornered
“trio.” earn with a smile that won’t
COM.' off.
At 9:30 the guests departed, all
glad that they had been there and
planning for another picnic in the
near future.
Tuesday evening sixteen of the
graduates spent the evening ai the
beautiful home of Miss Sadie Daesch
ner, just south of Preston. At eight
o’clock, a three-course dinner was
served. A unique idea and one
which reflects much credit to the
judgment of the hostess in caring
for her guests, was in providing bibs
instead of napkins for them. After
dinner the time was spent in playing
games until eleven o’clock when
they returned to the city, all feeling
that they had had a splendid time.
Trie Pythian sisters held a.kensing
ton at the home of Mrs. R. A. Dittmar
Monday afternoon. They plan to
meet twice a month. The afternoon
was spent in a social way and light
refreshments were served.
Thr> Thursday Bridge club met in
postponed session last Friday with
Mrs D. G. Griffith, and passed an en
joyable afternoon with this favorite
game. Guests were present for two
tables and many interesting games
played the honors falling to Miss
Grace Maddox. Dainty refreshments
were served at five o’clock at the
close of n very delightful afternoon.
Mrs. D. M. Davies and Miss Grace
Maddox were guests of the club.
Mis. James Powell gave a dinner
Monday to a number of her friends.
The afternoon was spent in a social
Feels Amply Repaid For His Efforts
in Behalf of Children.
Mils Loretta Sheehan, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. John Sheehan, lias
bee'i awarded a free scholarship at
Highland College, Highland. Kansas,
in recognition of the honor of having
made the highest average in the ex
amination for high school diplomas in
Brown county, Kansas.
The young lady is but twelve years
old, and is the daughter of parents
who realize the importance of regular
attendance, and the regular attend
ance in this case sometimes entailed
sacrifice on the part of the parents -
there were long drives in cold and
rainy weather, and sometimes the
farm work lagged in order that his
children might be at their post on
time, but, in the language of Mr.
Sheehlan, ‘one feels well repaid for
the sacrifices made for children when
they see the same is appreciated and
taken advantage of.”
Mr. Sheehan has recently moved
to a farm south of Salem, and his
daughter will attend school at that
place one term before entering High
land College.
The man who has children to feel
proud of has a heritage that is un
purchasable, and one that helps to
round out years of labor and flavor
them with contentment.
He Will Probably Take Part in
the Great National Meet at
7 Chicago This Month.
David Reavis, .Tr., the high school
'pole vaulter, raised the state record
at the stale high school track meet
held in Omaha last Saturday to a
mark that will endure for many
year.! to come.
Notwithstanding adverse condi
tion.'., consisting of mud and rain he
not only won the event but raised
the record from ten feet three inches
to eleven feet two inches.
Tiie Sunday Omaha Bee run his
picture and had this to say of his
“A number of records were smash
ed, principal among which was the
pole vault. Davie Reavis, the Falls
City high school boy who has been
tied for the state high school record,
raised the vaulting record from ten
feet three to eleven feet two. He
won the meet by going over ten feet
six .nehes and then went after the
record, fie cleared the bar easily at
eleven feet two inches and doubtless
would have gone higher but for the
sudden rain that came up as he was
making his final trial."
Here is a suggestion that we maKe
without comment. One hundred and
forty-six high school hoys from out
the state participated in this meet
and the Falls City boy was the only
one compelled to pay his own ex
penses. The school board of other
schools defrayed the expense of
their contestants. There is a nation
al meet to be held in Chicago in
June. York, Omaha, Lincoln, Kear
ney and many other schools will have
their boys there. Falls City, which
has the finest athlete in the bunch,
and which has but to enter to put
this little old town at the head of
the list as the holder of a world's
record, will not be a participant.
Tin' same condition obtained in the
debates. Our young people worked
untiringly to prepare their arguments
in the hopes of winning honor for
their school and our city, yet, when
the trips were made to the seat of
the contest the young people were al
ways compelled to pay their own
If a like condition prevails in any
other school in the state wo have
never heard of it.
The Burlington Represented.
At last Saturday's hall game the
Burlington was ably represented in
the rersons of .1. L. Mendenhall, .1.
R. Weatheral, ('. C. I>. F. A., and W.
! H. Btoek, agent at Auburn. They all
proved to be fans of the 33d degree
variety, and seemingly enjoyed Falls
City’s victory.
The Largest Class Ever Graduated
From Public Schotlj Gov.
Shallenberger Talks.
Tile commencement exercises for
the class of 1910 of our high school
was held at the city auditorium last
Thursday evening.
The class was the largest that has
ever graduated from our public
schools, twenty-five in all, and one
may look many schools over and many
times before they could find a better
looking, brighter, more intelligent
class of young people.
The stage was made very attractive
by the use of potted plants, cut
flowers and a liberal amount of
draperies in class colors, purple and
The exercises were very late In
opening, owing to the hour lhe hack
conveying the graduates arrived
and for this reason some changes
were made in the order of the pro
After the invocation by Kev. Bail
ey. who was announced by Supt. 11.
S. Wood, thi> Glee Club sang, "Hap
py Hays Gone By," and were heartily
Governor Shalleuberger was asked
to sneak preceding the (’lass Prophesy
as he was lo take the ten o’clock
train for Lincoln. His address pleas
ed all who heard him, though it was
very evident to all that it was not
given in full because of the lack bf
time. It was full of patriotism and
left witli the graduates, whom he had
first in mind, a lesson of high ideals
of citizenship, mental achievements
for Hie good of their nation first,
which meant a lasting name for them
selves, rather than material weaitii
for the individual, the one thing
the governor seems to think in which
our nation has become truly great.
His tribute lo our flag and Nebraska,
and her material and educational re
sources was a fine bit of oratory,
and a splendid item in a scholarly
Miss Maybelle Poteet and David
Reavis of the senior class gave excep
tionally fine musical numbers and
were given cordial greetings by the
audience. The Class Prophecy by
Miss Loretta Reaver and Miss Hel
en Schock was very original and
quite lo the point in witty references
and was wi ll received by the class
and the audience.
After the presentation of the
diplomas by John Lichty, the presi
dent of the school board, the Glee
Club sang “Drink to Me Only With
Thine Eyes,” which closed the exer
cises, after which the class held a
short and informal reception upon
the stage to receive the congratula
tions of their friends.
Following is a list of the members
of the class:
Elsie A. C. uauey,
Loretta A. Beaver,
Ethyl Stephens Bohrer,
Jean Cain,
Sadie Sylvia Daeschner,
Edna DeWald,
Helen M. Gagnon.
Florence W. Gerhardt,
Mary Jenkins,
Harry Jones,
Quinton V. Lively,
Emma Marie Mattill,
Helen Marcella Me M ahon,
Florence Neitzel,
Maybelle Poteet,
Lela Powell,
David Dorrington Reavis,
Ruth Reavis,
Louise Rule,
Gladys Elizabeth Ratekin,
Helen F. Schock,
Morion Simanton,
Robert E. Steele.
W. Ballow Wanner,
Amos Yoder.
His "Best Licks.”
There was one individual, in par
ticular, in Falls City, who was deter
mined that Decoration Day, for 11)10,
should lie a success in every particu
lar, and to that end he labored, un
ceasingly. His "best licks” were
brought into play, and when the day
was done, barring a hitch or two,
where Jupiter Pluvius prevented a
porf rt forming of the program pha
lanx, it was conceded by all that it
was a charming programs; a day well
spoilt and a day rounded out with an
earnest desire to honor those to
whom honor was due.
For his untiring efforts to this
end, for his unquenchable enthu
siasm, the thanks of the community
and of the old veterans ns well, are
due to Commander John L. Cleaver.
Drop Game on Home Lot to Shens
Win Two Lose One Abroad
Win Two 2d Place
In the opening game with Shenan
doah, Falls City went down in defeat
to tlie tune of (i to 5. Rain fell
during most of the game andthe mud
dy condition of the ground made* er
rors numerous and almost unavoid
able. Sanicr was on the rubber for
Falls City and considering conditions
pitched fine. It was his first game
with our team and put him at a dis
advantage. Miller took Ills place in
the fourth inning, but too late to
overcome the lead.
Shennndoth-0 0 0 -1 0 2 0 0 0 -6-12-10.
Falls ity—1 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 1-6- 7- 2.
On a dry field Falls City redeemed
herself by taking the game from
Shenandoah by a score of t! to I.
Duran pitched for Falls City. The
support given Falls City was good, en
abling the team to come through the
game without an error. Ward was
on the slab for Shenandoah and al
though a little wild he pitched a
good game, but was replaced by Ev
erett In tin* ninth inning.
Shenandoah-0 <> 0 0 0 u l 0 0—1-4 G.
Falls City—1 0 0 0 1 12 1 *-6-6-0.
Our base ball team is still doing
fine. We won two of the three
games played at. Shenandoah. We
would like to have had all of them
hut to take that per cent of games
away from home is good, and we
should be satisfied. We have the
best, team in the league and when
the hoys get hack on the home
grounds playing before such enthu
siastic fans as Falls City can find, we
will soon he at the head of the list
where we belong.
Monday—Falls City ti and Shenan
doah, 1.
Tuesday—Shenandoah fi and Falls
City A.
Wednesday—Falls City !• and Shen
andoah 1.
The Shenandoah game of Thursday
was v nightmare that should be for
Watch Miller; he will develop into
one of tlie best pitchers we have.
McCabe, Duran, lleacock and Mil
ler will make the strongest pitching
staff in the league.
Falls City is after the pennant. In
the absence of accidents, the flag is
The Shenandoah players state that
our team is far and away tlxe best in
the league.
Manager Bill is the finest infielder
in the league. If he could peg
across the way Martin can, he would
he the limit.
Aside from a weakness on gioiind
balls McBride could not be improved
on at first. On throw balls lie hax
them all bested.
Sarvis hacking up third on a
throw from right field Saturday shows
how our boys are playing together
and using tlieir heads at all times.
Clarinda seems to be the hunch
we must beat. It is too bad that we
don't meet them until June 13.
Marysville has a splendid team but
the town is not supporting it. If
Hiawatha could get this franchise it
would In1 a splendid tiling for the
leagi e.
“Lefty” Duran certainly had the
Indian sign on Shenandoah Saturday.
But three hits were made off him
and one of these was the worst kind
of a scratch.
Heacock has signed up and witli
regular work will lie one of the
best in the league.
Martin and Van Tappen continue
their sensational work that has made
them so popular with the fans.
Sloane lias the best eye on the
team. A curve never fools him and
they must come over before ho will
A left handed pitcher is a liodoo
Hansom says they all ought tn
he hung
McCabe’s record up to Monday was
throe straight shut outs. Can you
hem it?
Tho crowd makes a mistake by
cheering every time Martin, Poteet.
and other long hitters go to the bat.
It puts the opposing fielder next to the
fact, that they are liable to hit It. out
of the lot. Poteet was robbed out
of a long hit the other day because
tile crowd yelled and the out fielder
caught the cue and played buck. Of
course when the season gets older
the teams will know who can hit
ii out, but there is no need for the
crowd to inform them and thus bent
the hoys out of a few home runs.
Saturday’s game was the host yet
played. Our hoys gave the cleanest
exhibition of fast fielding possible1,
and, for the first time, showed the
fans their full capabilities.
Kalis City continues to turn out
the biggest crowds on the circuit.
Illick and Shanier were both re
leased Saturday. Both ure> good men
and tar ahead of some' of the visiting
pitchers wno have worked Imre (ids
spring, but our financial abilities are
limited and tlm team is well supplied
with pitchers.
It is rumored that Omaha and St.
doe rre watching two of our pitchers
with longing eyes.
Achum is getting new players and
will probably be greatly strengthened
by the tint i the te'ani plays here.
No games lids week. Wo play
Maryville here next Monday. Tuesday
and Wednesday, and Auburn here
next Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
Here's hoping for good weather. The
corn’s getting weedy.
Morning Rain Interferred With Pa
rade — Mr. J R. Cain, Jr.,
Orator of the Day.
Al* hough the rain in the morning
interfered with the parade in the
afternoon, there was a goodly crowd
gathered ui the auditorium lo do hon
or to the memory of the old soldiers.
The program as printed in Iasi
week’s paper was carried out witli
but few exceptions. After the open
ing song, “America,” by the congre
gation; and invocation by Itev. Ft
Kllsworth Day, Supt, H. S. Wood in
well chosen words, welcomed the con
gregation in behalf of the old sol
diers, paying a beautiful tribute to
the memory of the fallen soldiers
and our beloved Lincoln.
Comrade Whitaker delivered an
original poo in, “Who Will Dec
orate Our Graves." Coming as it
did. from an old comrade it was
more than appreciated. He realized
that ere long the decoration of the
soldiers' graves would be in the hands
of the children and grandchildren, but
did not fear that they would be. neg
1 he choir sang the old war song.
“Tramp, Tramp, Tramp.”
"Lincoln's Gettysburg Address” was
then delivered by James Kalloon.
The next number was "The Bivouac
of The Dead" by Miss Helen Whit
After the singing of “The Star
Spangled Banner” by the congrega
tion, Mrs. T. J. Gist read a history of
the siege of Nashville as described
by a little girl, whose home was there
during that time. It was very inter
esting. One old soldier remarked
that he was through it all. and it all
came back to memory so vividly
that he could just see the boys
with him again.
Then came the oration of the day
by Hon. J. K. Gain, Jr., in which lie
paid glowing tributes to the old sol
diers, both living and dead, and to
the mothers, wives and sweethearts
who remained at home and suffered
during the struggle. The talk was fine
I and will long l>e remembered by
those present.
After the oration the choir sang the
Battle Hymn of the Republic, and
anoth< r memorial day had been ob
The day is not far distant when
the last old soldier will have passed
from our midst. Let us us citizens
of this great country, kept intact for
j us by the heroism of the old soldiers,
] never forget tin- debt of gratitude we
owe to them, nor give them reason tc
feel that their sacrifices are not ap
Much Distress Relieved By Com
mittee Serving for the Co
operating Churches.
The committee serving for the co
operating churches of this city re
ceived from former Treasurer Ilaeach*
ner, $6.90, and from all other sources
$117.tin. Paid out during the past win
ter $122.94. llalauce on hand $1.66.
Considerable traveling, was done by
members of the committee, to investi
gate calls received, and only two ap
plicants were refused aid.
Aid was sent twenty-five times to
eleven different families.. Seven
men and six widows also received aid.
The receipts at the Sunday after
noon men’s meeting, at the Brethren
church last January were $18.74.
This was equally ivlded between the
two unfortunate men for whom it
was donated. One half was sent in
payment of a paper bill owing by ono
of them at a Kansas City house, and
the other half was applied on a note
owing by the other at the bank.
it is needless to say thut. relieving
distress is very pleasant work, when
no one misunderstands and criticises
unjustly. We will refer to a few
tilings Hint make the work unpleasant
at times:
In nearly every case of aid given,
some one can be found who is very
sure that it is only another imposi
tion, and that, the people are entirely
unworthy. That is often said of t.ho
most worthy and needy.
All Know mat me use or liquor
cutises most of the poverty. But that
is by no means a good reason for
thrifty temperance people to hinder
relief work and iefu»e to contribute,
as they are well able.
Liquor dealers are not noted for
looking after the woe and want in.
the numerous drunkards homes, and
If others fail them also, the
suffering especially in the winter
will he unspeakable.
A large number of lazy, shiftless,
drinking men would he allowed to
stiff v" some if they could be separated
from their families. When baskets of
food are taken to a place for needy
mother and children, it is often un
pleasant to see a strong, worthless
man eat most of it. But bo that. as
it may, no one will sit by and sea
women and children suffer in cold
Often when a needy family is fur
nished a week's supply, they eall
in their friends and kindred for a
feast, and the week’s Supply is all
eaten in a day.
The best aid that can be given to
anyone, is that which enables people
to help themselves, and earn their
own living. To this end the city
should own and operate a good sized
wood yard, equipped with axes, saws
and l ucks. There should be a sim
ilar plant at the court house. Then
if men out of work applied for fuel,
they could be shown where they can.
earn fuel; and those unwilling to
saw and split wood had better live
cold It is tiresome for city and
county to pay for men and gasoline
to prepare fuel for men who prefer
to live idle many a fine day, and
never think of saving up a dollax
for cold weather or sickness.
Some unfortunate, worthy ones are
so modest that they will suffer se
verely before they will let their
wants be known. They must be hunt
ed tin and relieved. And the stalwart,
able-bodied men. whi are imprudent
and waste many a fine day as well
tis their small earnings, and are not
looking for a chance to earn a living
and support their families, must bo
found out and marked.
Respectfully submitted
Away to England.
Mrs. R. Cooper Bailey left Wednes
day morning via the Burlington for
a visit to her old home hi England.
She went by way of Chicago and tbo
New York Central, taking ship to
New York Friday. Dr. Bailey ac
companied her to St. Joe. In Chicago
she had lu'r baggage inspected and
bonded through. She will be gone
several months, or 11s long as tho
Dr’s, building operations keeps him
sufficiently occupied not to got loue
som and cable her return. She will
visit her old home, which she lias not
seen since leaving, when on her hon
eymoon she came to America. We
certainly wish for her a pleasant trip
I an a happy home coming.