The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, May 27, 1910, Image 7
——————KBMBMWWgaaHMMM Some War Experiences As related of Thomas Kelsey, a resident of our city and a member of Veteran Post No. 84, C. A R. At tlie age of eighteen, lie en lTted in Co. C. 3t Indiana Infantry .on August 28, 1SG1 at Huntington, Ind. Ilia regiment started for tile seat of war on September 10, 1801, go ing through Louisville. Kentucky to .N' lson, Ky, where they spent the winter in plain army tents for shelter against the weather. For warmth, they dug fire-places in the ground, with underground pas sageway for smoke; the opening being far enough outside to pre v ut burning the tent. It smoked bad and was not very warm. in the spring of 1802. they marched to the Ohio River, a little below Louisville, Ky., where on February 17,they embarked on transports; they were attached to Gen. Nelson's divis ion of the army. : Disembarked on the west bank of the Mississippi riv er below Cairo, Illinois and marched to New Madrid, Missouri, here they took part in tlie siege of this place, which the rebels evacuated on March 14, 1802; the rebels taking to their boats and retreating down the river, leaving three prisoners. On the next night, his company and another company of his regiment as sisted in dragging two 32-pound seige g ms about twenty-five miles through timber and swamps, and before day light the cannons were in position on the river bank. At daylight they were discovered by the rebel fleet and at once attacked. The rebel fbet consisted of seven gunboats. After a spirited engagement one of the rebel gunboats was sunk and the others beat a hasty retreat. This action having dispersed the rebel fleet that supported the rebel posi tion on Island No. JO, this rebel srongliold was soon thereafter sur ii adored, and was occupied by bis regiment. tic also assisted m me capture or Fort Pillow; afterwards went by transports to Memphis, Tennessee on June 15, 1802, where hist regiment soon took transports for the White River in Arkansas, going up this river as far as Aberdeen. On the night of July 2, 1802, they ' had an engagement with the rebels ten miles from Aberdeen, and soon drove them to Duvall’s Bluff. They thtn again embarked on transports for Helena, Arkansas, where they went into winter quarters. Their cam was in heavy timber, of which they made shanties breast high, using their tents for roofs. • Made chimneys of sticks and mud on the outside. They were occupied during the winter do ing guard duty, guarding government property and cotton. During two weeks of this time they were engaged in removing heavy timbers which the rebels had felled in tlie stream at Yazoo Pass. In the spring of 1863 went on trans ports up the Arkansas river to Pine Bluffs and Little Rock, where they attacked the rebels some miles back from the river, surprising the rebels at daylight before breakfast in heavy timber. Closed in on the rebels in line of battle, firing as they could; went, right in on them, driving them out and dispersing them. They theji returned down the river to its junc tion' with the Mississippi river, and went down the Mississippi some miles, landing on the west side, north of Vicksburg. On April 10, 1863, started on - the Vicksburg campaign. During this time they built bridges to facilitate the march of the army from Milli ken's Bend to a point below Vicks burg. They also guarded govern ment property while the army was digging the canal. The reglmet crossed the Mississ ippi river below' Vicksburg on trans ports, his company going over on a tug boat on the night of April 30, 1863. They marched all night over a partly hilly and partly level coun try, well timbered, with dusty roads. Ilis regiment was In the fighting next morning at Port Gibson, Miss., making a charge, capturing two can nons and many prisoners. His regi ment lost forty-nine in killed and wounded In this engagement. On the same day he w'as in the bat tle at Champion Hills, where his regiment captured the 46th Alabama Infantry with its colors^ and arms; here his regiment lost seventy-nine killed and wounded. He took part in the seige of Vicks burg, his camp being about two hun dred yards over the hill from the trenches and out of range of the rebel guns. He made liis own c offee,cooked liis own pork and beans and lived on hardtack. He was en gaged in digging trenches for over a month. Would dig up be dirt and throw it. out three or four feet, toward the rebel lines until the trench was deep enough to afford shelter from th< rebel cannqu and small arms. There was a trench running up from the rear In which soldiers could reach the front trenches without be ing under fire. Would be in the trenches about four hours at a time and < hen be relieved for eight hours. Kept digging the trenches up closer and closer to the rebel fortifications all the time. The rebels tried sev eral times to break through the Union lines but were never successful. To wards tlie last the lines of the two armies were not over a rod apart, and many a night he talked with the rebel soldiers across the intervening space. When the rebels displayed the white flag of surrender, the Union army was in line of battle ready too charge the rebel works, lie was not over three hundred yards from the rebel army when it marched out of its fortifications and laid down their arms, and within a few minutes afterwards he was in Vicksburg grat ifying his curiosity about the place. In this seige his regiment lost thir teen in killed and wounded. The rebel army after stacking their arms was fed by the Union army with army rations. They soon sign ed papers of parole not to fight again during the war and were al lowed to go home. Next day after the surrender his regiment joined Gen. Sherman’s army and marched to Jackson, Miss., where rebel Gen. Johnson had gathered tin other rebel army. He took part in the nine days’ siege of Jackson, his regiment losing ten men in killed and wounded. They returned to Vicks burg and embarked on transports on August 4. 1868, for Brazos City, which is below New Orletis. He was will (Jen. Banks' expedition up the Teach Bayou and Carrion Crow Bayou, where on Nov. 3, 1868, they had a spirited engagement with the rebels. From here his regiment marched to New Iberia, Louisiana, when* lie and 464 others of his regi ment re-inlisted for three years more of service. Then marched to New Orleas where they boarded transports December 28, 1868, bound for Port Cavalla, Texas, on the Gulf c i Mexico. From here they re turned to New Orleans February 24, 1861. In March, 181(4, those who had ro enlisled went home on a thirty-day furlough bv transports to Cairo, Illi nois ami from their by train to Indian apolis, Ind.. where they arrived April 1, 1864. Here his regiment was welcomed by Gov. Morton, of Indiana. At expiration of his furlough he went back to New Orleans, rejoining his regiment, doing guard duty until December, 1864, when his regiment embarked on transports for Brazos Island, Texas, which is situated at i the mouth of the Ilio Grande river, the boundary line beween the United States and Mexico. His regiment was in the last battle ofthe war, fought at Palmetto Ranch, Texas, on May Id, 1865. In this engagement his regiment was overpowered and had to retreat, los ig two companies of prisoners; their total loss being eighty-two in killed, wounded and prisoners. This bat tle was after the Surrender of Lee at Appomatax. As soon as the news of the close of the war was received the rebels released their prisoners. The day he learned the war was over was one of the gladdest days of his life'. He was then back at Brazos Isalnd. His regiment went 250 miles up the Rio Grande river on a scout after this, returning to Brownville, Texas, in August, 1865, where he stayed un til February, 1866. This was on account of the trouble arising from the French occupation of Mexico. He was mustered out on February 10. 1866 having served in the army four years and a half, lie was then twenty-three years old. During his service in the army he never missed guard duty but a few days on account of sickness and was never wounded or taken prisoner. Report of The Condition of the Farmers State Bank Of Preston, Nebraska Charter Number 708, Incorporated in the State of Nebraska, at the close of business May 11, 1910. KKSOPKCKS, Loans airtl discounts. $ 32,383.5s Overdrafts, secured and unsecured.. 597.04 Banking house furniture and fixtures Current expenses and taxes paid. 781.87 Due from nat'l, stateand private banks and bankers ... ... $5,033.84 Currency. 1,290.00 Cold Coin .... 630.00 Silver,(nickels’aml cents .... 531.07 7.484.91 Total. .... .$41,898.30 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in .. . .$13,000.00 Surplus fund.. 2.600.00 Undivided profits. . 1.521.32 Individual deposits subject to check . ^ .. $13,161.23 Tittle certificates of deposit.. 11,615.75 24.77<».<*?s Total . $41,89x.30 STATK (>V NI; UK ASK A. J >ss. County of Richardson. ‘ I. Clyde Thacker, cashier of flu* above named bank, do hereby swear that the above j statement is a correct and true copy of tie* re port made to the State Banking Board. Clyuk Thackkk, Cashier attest: W. C. Makgkavi;, Director \V. A. Ghkknwai.u. Director. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 20th day of May. 1910. tii Y P. (1KHKNWAi.11, Notary Public. My commission expires Dec. 22, 1911. • 1 Know What Clothes ScienceHeans DATHER a technical term to use for Clothes, but when you learn its true meaning, you will see how it describes Clot her aft Clothes, The lakers have in vented 207 different appliances that reduce the cost of production to a minimum. So you can now get Clothcrnft Clothes at a third less than other clothes of equal high grade. That is Scientific Tailoring. It means economy and satisfaction for you. We make a Special feature of Clothcraft Clothes. They re guaran teed pure wool and will hold their style ■I and shape until their last day. CLOTHCRATT All-Wool Clothes $10 to $25 % This is your invitation to coni' In and see our great gathering of Clothcraft Clothes. Hargrave’s The Home of Good Clothing Always Something New! See the Royal Vistas Ware Different from anything ever shown here. I )ecorated with reproductions from the old masters. We have Plates, Plaques, Bowls, Sugars Creamers, Mugs, Steins Tankards, Tooth Pick Holders and Pitchers of all sizes. This ware must be seen to be appreciated. IT'S IN THE SOUTH WINDOW AT Chas. M. Wilson's LOWE BROTHERS MELLOTONE Paint Ready for Use on Walls Woodwork, Burlap, Etc. Putjup in gallons, half gallons and quarts. Flat colors for inte rior.decoration on woodwork and walls. Has no equal. Permanent, Washable Practical, Beautiful Ready to use at any time. It is a revelation in its results it has all the excellences of water colors, the soft, beautiful effect. WE ARE ACENTS FOR Pittsburg Electrically Welded Fence Wire Sure Hatch Incubators and Brooders They*have"feW equals and no superiors. It will pay you to inves tigate our^claims for these wares-they are reputation builders. J. C. TANNER Tinning and Plumbing Falls City, Nebraska ; *J» +1+ *5* *J« *J« »J *J« *J« »J« *’♦ *J« •}• ! FRANK PECK? | | Auctioneer V ■ ■ v T T * 4> £ v £ If you contemplate having a £ X sale see me or write for terms £ ! Y £ at once. I guarantee satisfac-Y X tion to my patrons. £ £ PALLS ( I I Y, NEBRASKA | •x* x- «x* —The Candy Kitchen for brick ice cream. Summer Footwear FOR EVERYONE ' tl. M. Jenne Shoe Store The Central Credit Co. FALLS CITY, NEB Lock Box No. 12. KKI'OItTS on financliil standing and reliability of firms, corporations and Individuals anywhere. Domestic and foreign COLLEC TIONS given prompt and competent attention Paste this in Your Hat! J. B. WHIPPLE WILL SELL Poland-China Hogs Saturday, Oct. 15, 1910 Saturday, Nov. 19, 1910 WHITAKER The Auctioneer Before arranging date write, tele-] phone or telegraph, my expense J. 0. WHITAKER Phone* I6M-I.U-2I6I lull* City, Neb Mrs. M. A. Lyle Mrs, N. E. Byerr Next Dour West Kuropeaii Calc On Corner. Practising Nurses Falls City, Nob. HARNESS Best Harness on earth is made at Wachtel's. Saddles, Whips, Etc. Everything for the horse. Repair ing and Oiling. Phone 384. WACHTEL + »♦♦ « M Ml M M IIIHIH !♦ ■ : D.. S. TlcCarthy :; : DRAY AND il I TFf ;; ! Prompt attention given j J | to the removal of house- j J hold goods. | J PHONE NO. 211 :: Mft-HHf H HHHHIKH ! I)R. C. N. ALLISON DKNTfST Phone ‘.’•IN Ovi r Uiehardson County I Sank. FALLS CITY, NEBRASKA DR. H. S. ANDREWS Utneral Practioncer Calls Answered Day Or Night In Town or Country. TELEPHONE No. ^ BARADA. - NEBRASKA CLEAVER & SEBOLD INSURANCE REAL ESTATE AND LOANS NOTARY IN OFFICE —For Rent—Vacuum Cleaner,with or without operator. Rhone 208 or <26. 17-tf. KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE Burlington’s New Main Line Through Central Wyoming The richest undeveloped country in the west- Farmers here have no fear of drought, windstorms or hailstorms. THE BIG HORN BASIN is now so well started on its great wealth producing era that it not only appeals to farmers looking for new lands upon which to establish new homes under most favorable conditions, but ap peals as well to the investor, who wants to turn his money quickly, and to the Business Man, Professional Man Mine Operator and Manufacturer in new towns that are springing up like magic and where raw material in plenty can be handled at a profit. The new line will reach Thermopolis about July 1st, connecting the outside world with one of the great est health resorts in America. CHEAP EXCURSION TICKETS |,'irst and Third Tuesdays. Send right away for our new booklet just off the press,and then go with me on one of our personally conducted excursions. r" D. CLEM DEAVER, General Agent Land Seekers Information Bureau 1004 Farnam Street, Omaha, Nebr. JOHN W. POWELL Real Estate and Loans MORTGAGES BOUGHT AND SOLD Monev to Loan ut 5 and <> per cent interest on good real estate security. Also money to loan on good chattel security. West of Court House * _Foils City, Nebraska | Passenger Trains South Bound Tr. 104—St. Louis Mail and Ex press .1:50 p. m. Tr. 106 Kansas City Exp., 3:41 a. m. Tr. 132 x K. C.local leaves. .7:30 a. in, Tr. 138 x Falls City arrives 0:00 p. m. x—Daily except Sunday North Bound Tr. 103—Nebraska Mail and Ex press .1:50 p tn j Tr. lOo—Omaha Express... .1:48 a. in. ! Tr. 137 x—Omaha local leaves 7:00 a tn. j Tr. 131 x—Falls City local ar rives.8:45 p.m. ; x—Daily exeeot Sunday Local I rt. Trains Carrying Passengers North Bound Tr. l!)2x To Atchison ...... 11:10 a. in. South Bound i Tr. mix—To Auburn.1:23 p.m. Burlington Route West Bound No. 13—Denver Exp.1:10 a. m. No. 15—Denver Exp. (Local).1:40 p. m. No- 43—Portland Exp.10:17 p. no. No. 41—Portland Exp.2:25 p. m. No. 121—Lincoln Loc. via Ne braska City.5:00 a. in. East Bound No. 14 St. J,, K. C. & St. L. .7:38 a. m. No. 44 st. J., K. C. .S: St. L. .4:11 a. m. No. 10 St. J., K. C. & St. L . .4:22 p. in. (Local) No. 42 St. J., K. C. St. L. .6:52 p. m No. 122 From Lincoln, via Nebraska City. 8:45 p m. E. G. WlIITKORD, Agent. —We have some fresh Red Seal flour in now. Come and get a sack. —C. A. Heck. i.i