The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, May 20, 1910, Image 7

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S. S. Topic.
"He must increase, but I must de
crease.'’ Any man may appear to
advantages under favorable condi
tions. The real grandeur of John
The Baptist's character appears, when,
he deliberately chose to withdraw
himself from the public in order
that the glory of Christ might be en
hanced. John was true to his call
ing. He boldly proclaimed his mes
sage, but once realizing that his
mission was fulfilled, he was willing
to see all his honors slip from him,
in order that they might fall upon
Him, who was the greater of the
two, for whose coming he had pre
pared the way.
There is not another incident in
history that suggests a grander and
more sublime picture than the ad
v * ut of John preaching in the wilder
ness. And yet his demise is infin
itely more grand and glorius. The
ugly scene in Herod's banqueting hall
with its drunkenness, its lewd danc
ing. the rash promise and rasher
execution are all a dark and forbid
ding background, divinely ordered,
t show forth the marvelous beauty
and wonderful simplicity of John’s
character to best advantage, by con
trast. "Of men horn of woman, there
hath not arisen a greater than !John
Th< Baptist.”
Johns life was short, his mission
n limited one, and his end abrupt.
Nevertheless, his was a supremely
successful life. He accomplished the
thing he was sent to do. That ■ is
the most that can he required of any
of us; lo fill our own little place
and fill it well, whether we enjoy it
or not, whether it brings us honors
or disgrace and even death The
greatest of virtues is humility. And
the truly great soul is self-effacing
and bumblcf. The vice of a'l vices is
pride. True greatness, the greatness
that endures is incompatible with ar
rogance and ambition. It is not the
office that makes tin1 man, but the
man who honors the office. John
alone and unaided struck sturdy
blows for what is right and clean
and good and history is not. willing to
forget liis service to mankind. Live
earnestly and bravely the life allot
ted you and time will not deal un
kindly with you, and dare to die,
that that which is better may pre
The Deacon's Philosophy.
1 remember when a boy
How ,L used to just enjoy
R ding with old Deacon Hill
When he wed lo drive to mill.
Skittish nag the deacon druv,
For he had a kind of love
For a good, free-actin’ colt;
And he’d keep an easy holt
On the reins and when she’d shy
He’d just drawl, so kind of dry,
“There, there, colt! Now, now no
t earin'!
No use cu'itin' up and rarin'.
Just kebp right down in the road.
No use fretting at the load.
Steady pull’s not half so wearin.”
There, there, colt! Now, now, no
Years ago that boyhood day;
Colt and deacon passed away.
1 ain't young's I used to be.
By a good deal, no, siree!
Coltish then, I must allow,
WYU broke into harness now,
’Cept when things go wrong, then I
Want to rip and tear and shy.
Then inside me, kind of still,
Seem to hear old Deacon Hill:
"There, there, boy! Now, now, no
No use cuttin' up and rarin.’
Just keep cool and peg away.
Do the best you can each day;
Just keep patient and forbearin’.
There, there boy! Now, now no
tearin’!’’—Youths Companion.
Womanly Modesty.
Men detest women who angle for
them. They like both girls and wo
men to have reserve; they like to
do the wooing themselves; they want
to search out and win the girls and
women they want for either compan
ions, sweethearts or wives.
Never allow any familiarity of
your person. Ob, do remember that
for every act you do which is not
pure and good, for every undue in
timacy you allow you will suffer all
your life long. Keep the sweet pur
ity of your body, your lipe, your
hands, all of it for the man you love
and marry.
Try to think what a priceless gift
you place in his hands when you
can give yourself unsullied, untouch
ed and pure.
Think what it will mean to cheapen
that gift for him and what you
must suffer when that day comes if
you must keep some miserable secret
from him, or in telling, dread the
pain and shock and surprise in his
eyes when he finds you are not thlie
pure, beautiful girl he has thought
Think what that will mean to him.
He will say, "If she isn't pure and
good then I don't believe there are
any pure good women,” and he will
judge all others by you. Perhaps he
may even doubt his own sister be
cause of you. Think if .lack should
ever doubt your goodness and purity
because of some other girl.
Remember you are always respon
sible for man's judgment of woman.
Remember that you are man's pro
tector. That will be a new thought
to you for you have always thought
of man as woman’s protector and so
far as physical strength and shield
ing her from harm and trouble, go
he is. Men should protect women
from all the rough edges of the
world, from all hard work and hard
snips that be can, but women must al
so protect man from himself; from
the emotions and feelings which rise
in him and threaten to swamp his
will and judgment.
Man’s nature differs from woman’s.
He loves with strength and passion,
and his passion is more easily arous
ed. Girls who themselves are good
at heart and virtuous in ait will
sometimes deliberately play upon a
man’s feelings and then claim to
have been “insulted,” to be very in
dignant and angry when lie attempts
greater familiarity than he would
ever have dreamed of attempting if
the girl herself had not invited it.
And if the man goes from her to
some Impure woman and besmirches
his body and soul because this girl
aroused the feelings thaht he could
not and did not control, is she any
better than he—or the other woman?
The girl who allows a man to kiss
and caress and fondle her, to hold
her in his arms, is just, as guilty of
his downfall as he. She may say she
“didn’t mean anything” and that
she "never thought of such a thing”
and all that, but there is no excuse.
She should have thought and she
did mean something. She is respon
These are the things that make
men lose their respect for girls and
—The splendid work of Chamber
lain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets
is daily coming to light. No such
grand remedy for liver and bowel
troubles wore ever known before.
Thousands bless them for curing con
stipation. sick headache, biliousness,
jaundice and indigestion. Sold by all
Legal Notice.
In the District Court of Richard
son county, Nebraska.
Ralph A. Clark, plaintiff, v. The
Unknown Heirs of Nathan Brown, De
ceased, defendants.
The above named defendants will
take notice that the plaintiff filed
his petition in the above court against
you, the object and prayer of which
are to quiet title to the East half of
Section 1, Township 3, Range 14,East
of the 6 1*. M., in Richardson county,
Nebraska, and to cancel a certain
mortgage executed to Nathan Brown
for $,'00.00 recorded in Mortgage Book
H, at page 360 of the mortgage rec
ords of Richardson county, Nebraska.
You will plead to said petition on
or before the 20t.h day of .lune, 1010.
or the allegations therein will be
taken as confessed and decree en
tered as prayed in said petition.
Reavis & Reavis, attorneys for I’ltf.
(First pblication May 6—4t.)
Order to Show Cause.
In the Distiict Court of Richard
son county, Nebraska.
In the matter of the application of
Harmon Loennig, guardian of the
estate of Gustav Boeck, insane.
On reading and filing the petition
duly verified by Harmon Loennig,
guardian of the estate of Gustav Bo
eck, insane, for license to sell the
following described real estate, to
wit: The Southeast Quarter of the
Northwest Quarter and the South
west Quarter of the Northeast Quart
er, all in Section Twenty-eight (28),
Town Three (3), North. Range
Thirteen (13), East of the 6th I’. M.,
in Richardson county, state of Ne
braska, for the purpose of raising
money to pay off certain indebted
ness, amounting to about $2,500.00,
and for the purpose of investing the
surplus funds to be received from
the proposed sale in interest bearing
securities for the benefit of said ward
and for the benefit of the minor
children of said ward, and it appear
ing from said petition that the said
guardian is without sufficient funds
of said ward w'ith which to pay off
said indebtedness, and it further ap
pearing that it will be to the benefit
of said estate to sell said land, it is
therefore ordered that the next of kin
of said Gustav Boeck, and all persons
interested in said estate appear be
fore the District Court or one of the
District Judges at the court house
in the city of Auburn, county of Ne
maha, and state of Nebraska, on the
8th day of June, 1910, at 9 o’clock a.
m., to show cause, if any there be,
why a license should not be granted
to said Harmon Loennig, guard
ian, to sell the above described real
estate, for the purposes in the pe
tition set forth, and it is further or
dered, that a copy of this order be
published once each week for four
consecutive weeks in the Falls City
Tribune, a newspaper printed and
published in Richardson County, Ne
Done at the May term of the Dist
| riot court of Richardson county, state
of Nebraska, this 3d day of Mav. 1910.
Judge of the District Court of Rich
ardson County, State of Nebraska.
Roscoe Anderson, Att’y for Applicant.
First publication May C—4 times.
Ifou Should Lookltor
Thin Edges
VOU will always find them on the
A best made clothes. The ability of master
tailors is judged by them. The thin, even edge is
one of the distinctive features of Clothcraft Clothes.
It enables the cloth to lay flat between the buttons—one
ami result of scientific tailoring.
\\ e select them lrom over
a score of different lines to offer
you, because we know them to be
the best tailored pure wool clothes
and selling at a sensible price.
These clothes will satisfy you,
no matter bow particular you are.
With each suit you get a signed
guarantee that every thread is wool and
the style and shape will last you until the
suit is worn out.
All-Wool Clothes $10to$25
Our spring line of Clothcraft is now complete. Let us show you
The Home of Good Clothing
Always Something New!
See the
Royal Vistas Ware
Different from anything- ever shown here. Decorated 1
j witli reproductions from the old masters. We have
Plates, Plaques, Bowls, Sugars
Creamers, Mugs, Steins
Tankards, Tooth Pick Holders and Pitchers of all sizes.
This'ware must be seen to be appreciated. IT’S IN
Chas. M. Wilson's
Ready for Use on Walls
Woodwork, Burlap, Etc.
Putfup in gallons, half gallons and quarts. Flat colors for inte
rior decoration on woodwork and walls. Has no equal.
Permanent, Washable
Practical, Beautiful
Ready to use at any time. It is a revelation in its results—it has
all the excellences of water colors, the soft, beautiful effect.
Pittsburg Electrically Welded Fence Wire
Sure Hatch Incubators and Brooders
They have'few equals and no superiors. It will pay you to inves
tigate our^claims for these wares—they are reputation builders.
Tinning and Plumbing Falls City, Nebraska
xk,,X"X,,;,,X"X ^^^*i4tXMi4^*xxX4*x
i ?
! Auctioneer
| I
1' If you contemplate having a 1'
f t
X sale see me or write for terms x
1* at once. I guarantee satisfac-‘i'
T ;
X tion to my patrons.
t X
i t
—The Candy Kitchen for brick Ice
j cream.
Barefoot Sandals
H. M. Jenne Shoe Store
The Central
Credit Co.
Lock Box No. 12.
REPORTS on financial standing
and reliability of firms, corporations
and individuals anywhere.
Domestic and foreign COLLEC
TIONS given prompt and l ompetont
Paste this in
Your Hat!
Saturday, Oct. 15, 1910
Saturday, Nov. 19, 1910
The Auctioneer
Before arranging date write, tele
phone or telegraph, my expense
Phone. 168-1.11*2161 lull. Cily. Neb
Mrs. M. A. Lyle ; Mrs, N. E. Byerr
4.JbU Next Door Went European t'afV
On Corner.
Practising Nurses
Falls City, Neb.
Best Harness on earth is made at
Wachtel's. Saddles, Whips, Etc.
Everything for the horse. Repair
ing and Oiling. Phone 384.
.. ii
:: D. S. TlcCarthy :■
:: DRAY AND ll
1 | Prompt attention given ] J
! \ to the removal of house- j J
! ’ hold goods. | |
HiMimmiiiHihiK4f ’
Phone 218 Over Uichardson County
tu-iurol Practionccr
Calls Answered Day Or Night
In Town or Country.
For Kent—Vacuum Cleaner, with
or without operator. Phono 208 or
426. 17-tf.
A Broad Choice
of Vacation Tours
To the Pacific Coast — From June 1st only $<>0.00 round trip, direct
route, and, on special dates in May, June and July, only $50 00;
$15.00 additional via Shasta Route.
To the East —Ask nearest agent about the various special rates to
be in elTect, commencing May, to principal eastern cities.
YellOWStOne Park -All kinds of tourist rates to this wonderland,
including diverse tours through scenic Colorado, Yellowstone
and Gardiner entrances; also to Cody, (eastern entrance), in
connection with Holm’s personally conducted camping tours
through the Park, July 2'*, Aug. 19 and Sept. 9. Apply early.
Mountain Tours To Denver, Estes Park, .Salt Eake, Hot Springs,
S. D., Sheridan and Ranchester, Wyo-, (for the Dig Horn re
gion), and Thermopolis, Wyo., the coming wonderful sanita
rium IS million gallons of hot water daily at 130 degrees
Call or Write describing your proposed trip and let us advise you
— ■ ■ "jl L. W. WAKELEY, General Passenger Agent
E. C. WHITFORD, Ticket Agent, Falls City, Neb.
Real Estate and Loans
Money to Loan at 5 and 6 per rent interest on good real estate
security. Also money to loan on good chattel security.
wVs^of1 ('ourd<Housr° Falls CitY,£Nebraska
Passenger Trains
South Bound
Tr. 104—St. Louis Mail and Ex
press .1:50 p. m.
Tr. 106—Kansas City Exp., 3:41 a. m.
Tr. 132 x— K. C.local leaves. .7:30 a. ni.
Tr. 138 x - Falls City arrives 9:00 p. ra.
x—Daily except Sunday
North Bound
Tr. 103 -Nebraska Mail and K.x
preSs.1:50 p. m
Tr. 105—Omaha Express... .1:48 a. m j
Tr. 137 x Omaha local leaves 7:00 :t to. j
Tr. 131 x—Falls City local ar
rives. .8:45 p.m. 1
x Daily excent Sunday
Local Frt. Trains Carrying Passengers
North Bound
Tr. 192.x To Atchison .11:10 a.m.
South Bound
Tr. 191x—To Auburn.1:23 p m
Burlington Route
I _i
West Bound
No. 13 Denver Exp.1:10 a. m.
No. lo—Denver Exp. (Local).1:40 p. tn.
No- 43—Portland Exp.10:17 p. m.
No. 41—Portland Exp.2:2-‘> p. m.
No. 121—Lincoln Loc. via Ne
braska City.5.00 a. m.
East Bound
No. 14—St. .J., K. C. <St St. L..7:38 a. m.
No. 44 -St. J., K. C. & St. L. .4:11 a. m.
No. 10—St. J., K. C. & St. L. .4:22 p. in.
No. 42 St. J., K. C. ,* St. L. .0:52 p. in
No. 122—From Lincoln, \ia
Nebraska City. S:4o p m.
E. U. IVhitrohi), Agent.
—We have some fresh Red Seal
flour in now. Come and get a sack.
—C. A. Heck.