INCREASE OF BEER DRINKING Four-Fifths of the 55,CC0,000 Barrels Consumed Yearly Is in Cities— How Distributed. Practically all the alcohol sold as a drink on this continent is in two main forms—distilled liquors and beer. The fact that the consumption of the latter averages 21 gallons per head for the population of the United States ns a whole may seem somewhat startling yet this is truly the case. For the last 50 years the per capita consump tion of distilled liquors has been about stationary. The whisky business sells, as it did 40 and 50 years ago, a little less than three quarts of pure alcohol ,yearly for each person in the United ,State8. In the same period the sale of al cohol in beer has grown from practic ally nothing to a quantity greater than is sold in distilled liquor. In 11860 the sale of beer in the United States was 3.22 gallons a head; in ‘1908 it was 21 gallons—two-thirds of a barrel. The alcohol sold in this form was a little less than a pint a head in 1860; in 1908 it was a little more than (three quarts. Since 1850 the volume ;of this remarkable new industry has increased 50 times; it is 18 times larger than it was in 1860. This growth of the American beer trade (lias constituted one of the wonders of 'the liquor business—commented on in trade circles all over the world, j The capital inn st^d in it is over '.ten times that invested in distilleries, and the value of its produce 2'i times as great. But the demand'for this drink is not evenly distributed across the country. It is limited very largely to about a quarter of the population— | the residents of cities. Four-flfths of the 55,000,000 barrels of beer made in the United States is consumed in 'Cities, and at least three-fourths of it by the population of cities them selves. The brewing trade statistics show that every man. woman and 'child in cities of over 25,000 can safe ty be credited with drinking a barrel and two-thirds of beer a year. Largely by this means the population of Amer ican cities drinks at least 11 quarts of pure alcohol a head every year, while the population of the rural dis tricts drinks a little over four quarts a head. In view of these facts the liquor problem in America—and every one seems to concede there is one— is obviously in the city, and almost as obviously the brewery trade'' is connected with it. RAILROADS BAR THE SALOON Argument for Abstinence Advanced by Big Corporations as a Condition , of Employment. Further progress In the new tem perance movem?nt *n which corpora tions are arrayed ag?*nst the saloon Is evidenced by the rule 1? the mills of the steel trust forbidding employes to leave their work to get a drink. This regulation, affecting as it does many thousands of wmrkmen, is ?*!• culated to do more for practical tem-' perance than any amount of per suasion. Many of the railroads also enforce sobriety in employes. Under the new system of discipline on the Burling ton road drunkenness in an operating employe is cause for dismissal with out appeal. The Northern Pacific pro fatbits the use of liquor by trainmen either on or off duty. Employes of the New York Central, the Pennsyl vania and the New Haven who drink, do so at the risk of discharge. The ■Chicago & Eastern Illinois forbids trainmen to frequent saloons, and the ^Missouri, Kansas & Texas has only recently Issued an order making the cashing of an employe’s pay check by a saloonkeeper evidence warrant ling dismissal. The attitude of the corporations toward liquor has become an irapor-' ;tant factor in a practical movement the progress of which within five years has been one of the notable reforms Of the time. The appeal is no longer •to the self-respect but to the pocket. The argument for abstinence is ad vanced not as a theory but as a con dition of employment. The extent to which corporations and other large employers of labor have become instrumentalities of a general moral uplift is one of the re markable developments of modern business life. The order of the West ern Electric Company requiring em ployes to abstain from gambling, drinking and immorality is not the only example of this exercise by a corporation of censorship over the conduct of employes. J Sobriety Among the Hebrews. The annual report of the Jewish board of guardians, Manchester, Eng., brings to light the remarkable fact that the death rate of the poor of the •Hebrew people in the great cotton center is only 5.9S, being, in fact, less than half that of the healthiest and most fashionable districts of the city. The medical officer remarks that he is convinced that the “sober and homely” life of the Jews increases their power of resistance to disease; and adds that, out of 1,170 patients, irepresenting a population of about 6,000, he "did not come across a soli dary person suffering directly or indi rectly from the effects of drink.” LITTLE RUM DRINKING AT SEA Seasoned Traveler Discusses Condi tions That Have Come About in Most Natural Way. Capt. George It. Iteardslev, n well known American traveler In the far east, who sailed the other day on the North German Lloyd liner Berlin for China via the Suez canal, thinks that the most striking feature in ocean travel today is the steady decrease in the consumption of liquor aboard Rhip. It was noticeable, said C'apt. Beardsley just before he sailed, not only in the Atlantic trade, but in all parts of the world, and on vessels of all nations. “When 1 first sailed to the Bast In dies 35 years ago,” said the captain, “the quantity of the liquor supply was the chief anxiety of the owners of passenger ships. Food and accommo dations were secondary issues. It was the same way with the crew. If the sailors complained they couldn’t eat their lobscouse or salt horse a glass of rum settled the difficulty until the scurvy came along and ate ’em alive. To-day the crews live better than most working men ashore, and rum, except in some foreign navies, is un known. “On the big passenger liners across the Atlantic the falling off in tin1 bar receipts has proved a serious loss to the steamship companies. A quarter of a century ago the saloon tables groaned with the weight of cham pagne bottles. Captain and officers sat at the head of their tables and took their share. That is all changed now. Captains and officers rarely take stimulants at sea. The passengers mostly indulge in free lemonade and iced tea. It is rarely that you see an intoxicated man.” “What do you think is the cause?" Capt. Beardsley was asked. “I think the principal reason,” said the captain, "is that men who travel to-day have more sense and take bet ter care of themselves than their fore fathers did. When I first went out to Shanghai it was considered impossible for any white man to go east and do any business, afloat or ashore, unless he made an ambulating brandy filling canteen of himself. Ten years of that, combined with the tropical heat and fevers usually sent him out with the tide, as they call dying in the east, or ruined his constitution for the rest of his short career. “Drinking on the steamships tra ding to India, China and Japan has fallen off quite 50 per cent., and a man can go round the world and do his business to-day without taking a drink of anything stronger than gin ger ale. All this has been accom plished without any laws on the sub ject or any organized prohibition movement. Just common horse sense has conquered the liquor habit." WAS TAUGHT BY EXPERIENCE Minister, Once in Favor of Licensing Liquor Traffic, Learns Wisdom by Work Among Poor. They who have to deal with the problem of poverty soon declare their conviction of the close relation be tween the saloon and destitution and crime. The Rev. Dr. William M. Hess, an Indefatigable worker among the poor, in a letter recently published, 'says: "After long and patient study of the liquor question, and after 25 years’ experience with such men as form our Bowery bread line, I must say that I agree with Prof. Paulson and other German and English writers that four fifths of our misery and nine-tenths of our crimes are due directly or in directly to liquor. Just about every case of misery and poverty that corner under my notice is due to liquor. Of course, on the surface, at first sight, there seem to be other causes; but .when I get belovr the surface, there is drink Will the liquor men support and relieve the cases of poverty atfd distress due to drink? No. The min ister and the charitably inclined have this wholly unnecessary (as it should be), work thrust upon them. Close up the saloons and provide substitutes; turn the capital now invested in the liquor business into flour mills and bakeries and shoe stores and factories —that is, feed the hungry and clothe the naked, instead of wasting the hun dreds of millions in drink as society now does. I talk as a minister once lr favor of licensing the traffic. I have since learned wisdom because of my experience wdth the 'down and out.’ ’’ Disorders Due to Alcohol. According to a state official of In diana, one-fourth of the seekers of charity outside of the almshouses, nvl almost one-half of the dependent chil dren in America owe their deplorable condition to alcohol. The same cause is responsible for the mental over throw of fully one-fourth of all the unfortunates who are sent to the asy lums. Reward for Total Abstinence. Mr. Andrew Carnegie, in a recent address on temperance, said he once offered to give any of his men ten per cent of their yearly earnings as a bonus on condition that they would give their word of honor that they had not taken a single drink of spirit ( uou3 Honor during the year previous WEED OUT GRADE STALLIONS Education of Averane Farmer as to Importance of Good Breeding of Horses Is Slow. The education of the average farmer as to the Importance of good breeding in the production of horses makes slow progress. The majority—and this is not overstating the fact—are not yet A A “Grade Percheron.” prepared to pay a decent price for stal lion service, preferring to use scrubs because they are cheap. Some of ttie states have passed stal lion laws containing some excellent features. Wisconsin has a license law which prevents the prevalence and dis tribution of grade stallions in the state. Minnesota has a law framed along the lines of the Wisconsin measure. Pennsylvania and Utah have adopt ed similar laws and other states have restrictive measures under considera tion. The effect of these laws is to make the ow ner of each non-registered stal lion declare his horse a “grade.” On handbills and posters the fact must be stated so that no one may be deceived as to his pedigree. The situation abroad is very much better than in this country. In fact, A “Grade Hambletonian.” practically no scrub, grade nor non- j registered stallions are used for public service. In the investigations of this matter carried on by Dr. A. S. Alexander of the Wisconsin sthtion it was found that of all the stallions in tin- stale GO per cent, were grade stallions and only 40 per cent, pure bred. Some of the specimen horses used for public service are remarkable ex hibitions of wretchedly bred, run-down j and diseased animals. The pictures herewith are faithfully drawn from j photographs of a “Grade Gamble-1 tonian” and a “Grade Percheron’’ which traveled throughout the state for service. One is 13.3 hands in height and weighs GOO pounds, and he is not the worst in Die lot, by any means. The effect of breeding from such stock is apparent in the very low grade of horses produced. Water can not rise above its own level, neither can a grade stallion raise the blood level of his progeny above that of his own veins in quality. The use of such sires, therefore, means a retrogression and a great damage to the farmers of any state. PLAN FOR DEHORNING CATTLE Practical Chute Arranged That Does Away with All Unnecessary Struggle of Beast. In constructing a dehorning chute no door at the entrance is needed. When the animal enters, a stout stick is thrust behind him into the cleats one one side of chute, used to force him into the proper position and then fastened by dropping a pin into the nearest hole in the specially arranged piece on the other side. Such an ar rangement practically does away with all body struggle. A chute, with the front as little obstructed as possible, makes it easier to induce an animal to enter. What head movement it is necessary to subdue after trap Is closed is best accomplished by tying the head down to a ring. Chute is 6 feet long, 6 feet high and 3 feet wide. The dimensions should correspond as nearly as possible to the average sized animal, because the less freedom of movement the better. The floor is narrowed to 12 inches, with tight, slanting sides up to a height of1 three feet. Each jaw of trap is sep Dehorning Chute. arated by a lever, and may be secured at any place by iron pins in holes, bored In (he upper front cross-pieces of the frame. It is easy to teach a suckling colt how to drink milk and a quart of warm i cow’s milk in the morning will give it I a good start. DIFFER OVER STORK BIRD IS VARIOUSLY PERSECUTED AND PROTECTED. People of Northern Germany and Den mark Welcome and Care for It —Has Never Been Popular In France. In tlte Baltic provinces and through-, out northern Germany and In Den mark the stork is met with every where during the summer months, says a correspondent. While travel ing the other day from Danzig to Marienberg I saw several in the fields ami on nests upon buildings quite close to the railway. In Denmark, however, it is less numerous, since the draining of the morasses was be gun. It is still fairly common In Hol land and Belgium, but In France, owing to its being persecuted and the fact of none of the original race sur viving, it is seen only ns a bird of passage. In Alsace and Lorraine Its 1 better treatment is rewarded by a certain number remaining during (ho summer to breed. In passing through Savoy In April j and in the early autumn it meets with j heartless persecution, especially on I its return toward the south, when the young birds are often much fatigued. It occurs generally throughout Turkey and is fairly common in Greece. It is met with occasionally in centra! Italy and Sicily, and is plentiful in somo parts of Andalusia. It Is believed that on one of their migrations which took place a little after the middle of last century the ( white storks experienced some sort of catastrophe, as they returned in great ly reduced numbers, and ever since then they have been considerably less numerous than before. The periods of migration with the storks are very regular. They arrive in central Eu-! rope generally between March lit and 25 and prepare to depart a about the j end of August, first congregating in 1 large hands, which break'up as the , adult Individuals come and collect tho ! young together to conduct them south- j ward. It appears that, they migrate In large flocks, flying mostly by night. The males and females, it is sup- ! posed, migrate separately. Hie former ; undoubtedly arriving about a week I before the latter to take charge of [ the old nest or to settle on a favorable spot for nidlflcatlon. Wherever the stork Is met with tn Europe, excepting in parts where its occurrence is rare, where it meets with the common fate of rarity, it is protected. The peasants mostly hold it as sacred and consider is ns a sort of protector or house god to the house on which it nests, and one will some times sell a nest to a neighbor to bring him luck, in which fnse the bird will discover the new situation of Its Dest and continue to occupy It. Kindly Folk. BillingsgaU is one of (ho most po lite and gentle mannered places in London, however strange its Cockney talk may be. Here’s ltow kind the fish porters are: A big porter who strolled through the market, whistling under his burden of fish, overtook a woman struggling with a heavy package. “ ‘Ere you hare, hold dear," said he. “Hi’ll give you hay ’and,' and still balancing his fish box he caught up the woman's parcel as well. When the porter found his way barred It was not "Do you want all the road?" that he shouted o t, but, "Do you mind making room lor han horphan?" or. “By your leave, sir. Thank you kind ly." "Do you think you can manage it, chummy?” said one porter," or shall I take the big ’un?” "His there hany chap ‘ere ’o knows where Jim’s cart his? ’E wants these quickly." And three porters, idle for the moment, sprang forward to show the speaker where to set down his load. "I like the big, strong Billingsgate porters," said a young Scots woman, a relative of a high official of the market. “I like their gentle voices and ways." Wins Clemency. The blandishments of a “drunk and disorderly” man won clemency from Magistrate Carey In the Eleventh and Winter Streets Police station the other morning. The "Judge” never fines a man who Is “down and out” If he can avoid doing so. This pris oner, however, had tried to use a couple of stalwart patrolmen to mop up Vine street and was due to pay a fine or take the usual ten days. He Interlarded his defense with terms like “your worship,” “your grace,” “your excellency,” and other high sounding titles. “Who do you think I am?” asked Magistrate Carey. “Nothing short of a bishop, judging from your kind heart and fine face,” was the retort. “Get out and don’t come back,” was the verdict.—Philadelphia Times. New Year’s Row. Mrs. Perkins (calmly reminiscent)— Jonathan, we've been married 40 years New Year’s day and never had a cross word yit. Mr. Perkins—I know it. I've stood yer jawin' purty well. Mrs. Perkins—Jonathan Perkins, you're a mean, hateful, deceitful old thing, an' I wouldn’t marry you ag'in fer love ner money!—Exchange. Improvement Coming. Enraged Creditor—I've had enough of mount: ng all these stairs every day to collect this bill. Debtor—Well, I can tell you a piece ot news that will please you. After to-morrow I'm going to live in the basement SELF-DENIAL OF MOTHERS Called On to Make Sacrifices That Should Come Back a Hundredfold to Bless Them. The story of a mother’s sacrifices Is n pretty big one to exhaust In a moment. Once then' was a senator who came to a public platform with the opening remark: "The subject as signed to me Is ‘The Immortality of the Soul.’ the time, three minutes.” To break right Into the middle of this question, then, are a mother’s self de nials sacrifices? The answer Ilea In the way she looks at It. It rests also In the way the world views It and In the way her children see It. Now, the world will tell you, per haps, that she owes It to her children to give up everything within reason (and without It) to those who are her responsibility; that It Is without ques tion a sacrifice; and there the world will stop. After this superficial sum ming up on the part of the world, It may be just as well that It should step out and leave the floor to chlly dren and their mothers. It Is undeniable.that women hnva gone through fire and water for chil dren, and It Is pitiably true that In many Instances their very own chil dren have never known It. Women have practiced self-effacement with a blind devotion that meant the final un doing of those whom they would have helped. This, then, Is sacrifice—un meaning sacrifice. And (hen there Is a holy thing not quite self abnegation, because It has escaped that futile quality. It Is de votion that Is not blind, but In Its se curity has demanded something In re turn for what It gives. It saves those who otherwise might have been Us victims. Mother love that Is strong In its In sistence upon some return calls out u Just response and brings up men and women Instead of weaklings and dependents. Long days of home-making that might have drifted Into drudgery, and longer nights of weary nursing that might have become slavery are saved to the stronger woman by the appreci ation she has called forth. The host, of big tilings she has relinquished, atrd all the little things she has passed on to others, have come back a hundred fold to bless her. So a mother sees It; this Is what sacrifice means to a devoted woman. She would assure you there Is no such thing. Woman Won World’s Admiration. The ex-queen of Naples, Emperor Francis Joseph’s sister-in-law, is the only woman who has received the Russian Cross of Hr. George, which Is only conferred for acts of conspicuous bravery under lire, and tho ex-queen received It In recognition of tho cour age she displayed In connection with the magnificent defense of Gaeta against tho armies of Garibaldi and King Victor Emmanuel. Ono day dur ing the siege a bomb fell Into tho room where King Francis and Queen Sophia w’ero dining. King Francis re treated to the cellar, trembling with fright. Queen Sophia rose from tho table and walked to a looking glass that hung on tho wnll and, noticing that her hair was whitened by tho plaster dust rnlsed by tho bursting bomb, said, quite calmly: "What a pity It is that powder Is no longer fashlonuble? Don’t I look quite an eighteenth century queen with my whitened hair? 1 must keep It so while the garrison Is being reviewed.” Queen Sophia conducted the entire defense of Gaeta, which was so mag nificent that the garrison was permit ted to march out with all tho honors of war. Every day she visited the ramparts and encouraged officers and men. She sighted the guns and her example shamed those who were dis posed to surrender Into an appearance of courage. Student of Human Nature. Once upon n time, when Senator Robert Taylor of Tennessee was ‘‘Fiddling Rob” Taylor, and on a lec ture tour, he picked up an old railroad man who was on the bum and trans ported him north from Louisiana, says the Washington correspondent of the New York World. The bum was an interesting fellow and the governor enjoyed his conversation Immensely. While the train was rolling along be tween Lake Charles and Alexandria, on a branch of the Texas railroad. It entered a thick pine forest. All of a sudden It stopped. A lone flagman's shanty was the only sign of human habitation. A passenger on the train grabbed a smnll handbag and got off the train. "Governor,’’ said Senator Taylor’s bum friend, Va man that gets off at a place like this Is guilty of some thing.” Better Left Unsaid. Little Jane had been learning about i germs and other scientific things at school, and the fact that kissing was ; regarded by medical men as a danger | ous pastime had been Impressed upon her young mind. "Papa,” she said, In her grave fash , Ion, nodding at him across the table, | "wasn't you afraid to kiss mamma when you were first engaged?” "Oh, no," replied papa blithely, ! "mamma was quite good looking, then.” Approximately. "She says you are crazy.” "She does?” "She didn't use those words ex actly." "Can’t you tell me w hat she said, ap proximately?” "She said you are in love with her.” ! —Houston Post. SEEC HOLY RELICS MISSION OF EXPLORATION IN PALESTINE. Solomon’s Temple and Other Things i of Interest to the Christian World Are Sought So Far With out Any Result. I King Solomon's temple, tho ark of 1 the covenant, Aaron's rod and tho seven-branched golden candlestick which stood In the holy of holies— . these are Just a few of the treasures for which a party of young English i men are now excavating in Palestine In the neighborhood of Jerusalem. The majority of experts are of the ; opinion that these treasures are not to be found where they are now be i tug looked for, but the members of the expedition have other Information upon which they place reliance, i This Is a cryptogram, which Is said to have been found in tho Talmud by a Finnish engineer and which is thought to give a clew to the place where the treasures of King Solomon are bidden. Exactly what this crypto gram Is has naturally been kept secret by the Finnish engineer, but he has convinced his supporters In the en terprise of Its reliability, and already a good deal of work has been done toward a practical demonstration of Its accuracy or Inaccuracy. Perhaps even more lnterv’sHng than the search for King Solomon’s treasures Is the composition of tho party engaged In It. At the head of the syndicate Is Clarence Wilson, brother-in-law of Lady Sarah Wilson, and a very wealthy man. Then there Is Robert Vivian Duff, commonly known as Robin, a lieutenant In the Grenadier Guards nml husband of Lady Juliet Duff, perhaps the tallest, ns she Is certainly one of the most beautiful women In London society. With those is associated Hon. Cyril Ward, a brother of the earl of Dudley and of Hon. John Witrd, who married Miss Jean Reid, daughter of the American ambassador to England. Cyril Ward, like Wilson and Duff, is n man ol means, having married Bar oness do Hrienen. a great Dutch heir ess. Other members of the syndicate are Capt. Montague 11. Parker of tho Grenadier Guards, a brother of tho earl of Morley; and two other guards men, Hon. Mr. Walsh and Mr. Foley. Three months ago, the necessary permits having been obtained from the Turkish government, tho party sailed for Palestine In a yacht spe cially purchased for the purpose by Mr. Wilson, and work was shortly aft erward started in the neighborhood oT the pool of Siloam. Sixty men were engaged as laborers, and the excava tions went merrily on. They are still going on, but, perhaps less merrily, for up to the present nothing has been discovered to reward their la bors. Ono by one tho heads of the expedition are returning to England, and Clarence Wilson got back home a few days ago, some of the others having preceded him. Capt. Parker, Mr. Walsh and Mr. Foley Btill remain In Palestine, and It Is supposed that the party have not yet given up hope of discovering the treasures they set out to seek. Aye! There’s the Rub. The amateur sociologist was airing his views to nn admiring and lilgh tirowed audience. A professional poli tician, cleverly disguised as an East side settlement worker, had managed to pass the sacred portals, and w as ob scurely ensconced in a dark corner. “Graft Is the curse of the American government!" exclaimed the amateur sociologist. "The rich man can buy his way to political power, not that he wishes to serve the people, but simply to Increase his wealth." "Hear! Hear!’’ cried the high browed audience, after the manner of the English. "Huh!" came a grunt from the cor ner. "We don't want the rich man In politics," continued the speaker. “What this country needs In office is the poor man.” - i "How arc you going to keep him poor?” came a strident voice from tho corner. And the amateur sociologist was forced to admit that he hadn't thougnt of that. Royal Witticism. In a biography of Leech the paint er, who at one time acted as draw ing master to Queen Victoria, the late Mr. W. P Frith related an amus ing story, illustrating her majesty's wit. One day, in the course of a lesson, the queen let her pencil fall to the ground. Both master and pupil stooped at the same moment to pick it up, when to the horror of Leech there was a collision, the master's head striking that of his royal pupil. Before he could stammer out an apol ogy, however, the queen smilingly said: "Well, Mr. Leech, if we bring our heads together In this way I ought 1 to improve rapidly." Value of Economy. No matter how economical a young man is, his endeavors to save are : wasted if he has a careless wife. He might as well be doomed to spend his strength and life in an attempt to catch water in a sieve. The effort would be scarcely less certainly vain. Habits of economy, the way to turn everything in the household affairs to the best account- these are among the tilings which cvcry mother should teach her daughters.