The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, May 20, 1910, Image 3

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These Famous Specialists Will Make a Short V isit
to Falls City on Thursday, June 2nd,
at the New National Hotel.
Word has been received that the
Chief Consulting Physician of the
Unitt d Doctors lias decided to pay
a short visit to Falls City, and while
here will stop at the New National
Hotel where he will receive and ox
amine patients.
The United Doctors are the special
ists whose wonderful cures have cans
ed so much comment by the press,
pulpit and public, not only in Ne
braska, but all over the country.
These specialists have founded a new
school of medicine which embraces
all of the good points of the old
schools and leaves out tlu> bad.
They use Allopathic drugs where
they are needed, they use Horn* opath
ie drugs where they are needed, and
Eclectic drugs where they ar • needed
and In some cases they use a combi
nation of Eclectic drugs with Homeo
pathic or Allopathic drugs in the ;amc
cast'. Hence the name, United Doc
tors—they have united the various
schools and ‘'isms" of medicine to
form a perfect system of curing dis
The United Doctors have many In
stitutions established in tl..- larger
cities of the United States. Their
Omaha Institute is located on the
second floor of the Neville Block,
corner of ICth & Harney Sts., Oma
ha, Nob.
The object of the United Doctors
In making this short visit to Falls
City is to secure a few cases in this
community, but they want those cases
to be the most difficult ones They
know that if they cure a few of the
worst cases here that others will hear
of it. and will go to their Omaha in
stitute for treatment. A cured pa
tient is their best advertisement..
Willie tiie Doctor is at The New
National Hotel for this short visit
on Thursday, June 2d, he will ex
amine all patients free of charge and
give free treatment, but will accept
only curable cases for treatment, as
it would not be a good advertisement
to treat any cases unless they were
sure of a cure. To the cases select
ed for treatment a special reduced
price will be made.
The diseases treated by tl.c United
Doctors are diseases of the nerves,
blood, skin, heart, stomach, kidney,
and liver, including rheumatism, par
alysis, neuralgia, loss of nerve force,
goiter, constipation, catarrah, epilepsy
indigestion, dyspepsia, weak back,
bloating, dropsy, cxzema, scrofula,
diseases of women and diseases of
The dailies throughout the country
are continually publishing reports of
the wonderful cures that have been
made by the; United Doctors. De
cently an account was given in an
Oinalra paper of the case of Mrs. E.
Bradford, who lives on D.D. No. 3,
South Omaha, Neb., is which she says
in part:
“Ten years ago my health began
to gradually fail and I grew worse
until I was confined to my bed half
of the time with terrible pains in my
stomach and bowels and violent
vomiting. For years I did not know
what a well day was. Could eat
no food that other people ate. Could
get neither sleep nor rest on account
of the awful suffering. I tried all
the physicians in reach, but only
got worse until a council of my fam
ily physicians decided that I had gall
stones and that nothing would save
my life hut an operation and the sur
geons could not promise even an op
eration would relieve me or save me.
"About one year ago 1 began to
hoar accounts of the wonderful work
of the United Doctors in gall stones.
With death and the surgeons' knife
staring me in the face, it seemed that
I ought to see them ayway.
“After a careful examination they
pronounced tin1 case gall stones and
said they could relieve me at once
and cure me permanently. I thought
i that for such results their price would
be very high and I would not be
able to take their treatment, but I
found them kind and considerate.
Their price was a i ronable one.
One fee paid for everything, includ
ing the medicine, until 1 should be
entirely cured, regardless of how
long it took.
“Now, for over six months! I have
not had an attack of my old trouble,
I can eat anything 1 want and my
digestion seems as good as ever.
No more vomiting spells. No more
awful pains. No more morphine from
the family physician. No more star
vation. I owe my recovery to the
United Doctors and to them only. The
have cured me. Since I have been
cured a neighbor of mine also has
been cured of gall stones. I want
to say to all people who have gall
stones, go to the United Doctors.’’
Porter H, Beeson, of '.<40 N 24th St.
Omaha, Neb., who had nerve, bowel,
stomach and kidney trouble for two
years says:
i was snupiy wasting away ana
got so bad that [ could neither woi*k
nor eat or hold anything on my
stomach. I came home to my mother
a skeleton and am satisfied that I
would not have lived to exceed two
weeks if I had not been persuaded
l>y my mother to go to the United
Doctors for treatment. I commenc
ed to improve at once and within a
week after commencing their treat
ment was eating everything I wanted
and digested it perfectly. In two
weeks I went to work at my regular
occupation, which is that of brick
layer, and have been working ever
I cannot speak in high enough
praise of their treatment of my ease,
which 1 feel was practically hopeless
when I put it into their hands.”
These ate only a few extracts of
hundreds of testimonials on file in
the office of the United Doctors
throughout, the country.
While the United Doctors will not
accept any incurable eases for treat
ment, one should not give up hope
simply because their doctor lias fail
ed to heli> them, it must be remem
bered that this system of medicine
has quickly cured many diseases
which could not even he helped by
other doctors and medicines.
Tlie United Doctors treatment is
all home treatment, so that. fre
quent visits to our office are not
riecessary. This treatment may be
used in any home anywhere, without
inconvenience, publicity or annoyance
and without detaining the patient from
i his or her usual occupation.
This wonderful new treatment is
what ttie Doctor is bringing to Falls
City. He will be here but one day,
and while here will receive patients
J at the New National Hotel Parlors.
I A straight, honest, I
I healthful cream of I
I tartar baking powder. I
I Made from Grapes. I
I Contains not a grain |
of injurious ingredient
Fifty Years
the Standard
__ I
The County in General
The “Doings” of Our Country Friends
and Neighbors.
Ed Shubort drove to Shubort on
George Fogle made a trip u> Harada
Ed Falloon was up from Falls City
Sarah Goolsby returned home from
Kansas Wednesday.
C. M. ami .1. A. Holnzelmaa made
a trip to Salem Friday.
John Hall and Walter Veaeh made
a trip to SC Joe last week.
Henry Fritz of Falls City visited
his son, Henry and wife, Friday.
Boone Griffith completed taking
the census of this district last week.
E. E. Ewing fib d his official bond
as treasurer of the village of Verdon.;
Fred Heim'man and son, Gorman.;
were Falls City visitors till- week.
P. S. 1 ieacoek and son came up
from Falls City in their auto Friday.
Anna Frauonfeldcr spent ,i part of
last week mi Falls City with relatives.
George ’’ogle and Zaek Briginan
and son were Harada visitors re-1
Miss Zigler of Falls City visited
with Mrs. Ed Kuker one day last
Mrs. Joint Griffith and daughter, Ed
na, wore shopping in Falls City Wed
Mr and Mrs. Fred Gibson are the
parents of a little son, born Wednes
day, May M.
Dr Gilbert Hall of Millard, Neb.,
spent last week with home folks at
this place.
Mesdames Arnold and Johnson and
Miss Stella Johnson were in Falls
City Saturday.
.Mrs. E. Goolsby spent a lew days
in the country last week with .lames
Simpson and family.
Tom Veat h and wife of Colorado
were the guests of the former’s
brother, 15. F. Veaeh and wife.
Mable Heller returned home on
Thursday from Fails City where she
viisted her sister, Mrs. John Walker.
Mrs. Dallas Yoder and baby of
Falls City arrived Thursday morning
for a short visit with Will Cook and
Grandma Seldon returned Tuesday
evening from an extended stay at
the home of her daughter, Mrs. John
Fvans, tit Tecumseh.
Mrs. George Knapp was hostess to
a family dinner party Wednesday ev
ening, it being the birthday anniver
sary of Mrs. G. W, Knapp.
Emerson Bowers and family made a
trip to Falls City in their auto Sat
urday to meet Mrs. Bowers' mother,
Mrs. SimnSons, who arrived that day
from Denver.
The old box ear in the M. I’, yard
was moved to Union Tuesday. It
has been used for a “bunk” house
at this place for some time, and will
be used there for the same purpose.
The Senior c lass services held at
the Evangelical church were well
attended, the address was delivered
by Rev. Garries Special music
was rendered by some of our best
The Kens’ngton Club met last week
at the home of Mrs. G. I). Knapp.
Eleven membc rs were present and
several guests. The ladies spent
an hour in needle work ami an ex
cellent program was rendered by
members of teh club. Dainty refresh
ments were served.
—John I). Rockefeller would go
broke if lie should spend bis entire
income trying to prepare a better med
icine than Chamberlain’s Colic, Chol
era and Diarrhoea Remedy for diar
rhoea, dysentery or bowel complaints.
It is simply impossible, and so says
every one that has used it. Sold by
all druggists.
Mrs. Mary Margrave spent Friday
at the ranch.
Grace Duncan is visiting with her
cousin, Myra Bush.
Leo Morris and Mat Banks left for
Denver Wednesday.
James T. Margrave is building an
addition to his barn.
Ruby LeClere has purchased a
new Buick automobile.
li. P. Rieger and little- daughter,
Vizna, drove to Falls City Friday.
it. D. Larrabee of Rulo spent last
Thursday afternoon in Preston.
John Morris went to St, Joseph on
Saturday for a short visit witli rela
Elmer Hoselton and Mrs. Margaret
Margrave drove to Rulo one day this
A. D. Larrabeo and wife spent Sun
day with his parents, R. D. Larabeo
and wife of Rulo.
W. C. and James T. Margruves of
Mils place were county seat visitors
one day last week.
Little Alvin Kaiser, who has been
very ill with appendicitis"is improv
ing I'icoly at this time.
E. E. Durfee and F. C. Oberst and
Ira d IilIyer shipped several car loads
of stock from here this week
I Sina Shelly, who lias been suffer
ing from ji severe case of blood
poisoning is reported much better.
A number of boys of Reserve drove
over Thursday to fish in tin Horse
shoe lake'. They returned home Fri
Frank Anderson and Clyde Thacker
were the guests of Levi Thacker and
wife in Falls City Saturday night
and Sunday.
Miss Kffic Taylor died at the home
of her sis, r, Mrs.Lewis Park.Friday.
Site was taken to White Cloud for
Myra Be. It has resigned her posi
tion as post-mistress and Cecil Hinds
was appointed to fill the vacancy. Th
fixtures w re moved into Mr. Hinds’
store Saturday evening.
The W. C. T. U. of Pi'esUm met
with Missis Ida anti May Prlbbetib
May 12. An excellent program was
given and plans discussed foi future
work at the close of the session.
A nice lunch was served during the
social half-hour.
Hiram Stotts made a busii oss trip
to Auburn Tuesday.
Miss Cora i I ill was a Lincoln visit
or a f< \v days last week.
August Egncr and wife of near Ver
sion were in town Friday.
Nick Lippold of Baiadn was a
business caller hero Friday.
Howard Young and wife of Prairie
Du ion were shopping here Monday.
Miss Frost of Stella visPed with
friends here the first of the week.
Elder Murry and wife were guests
of Harvey Hall and family Sunday.
Born, on Tuesday, May It), to Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Shulenberg, a son.
Miss Laura Marring spent last week
with Russel Boatman and wife of
Messrs Rumbaugli anil Ned row of
Verdon were business visitors here
Charles l.'aeon and wife of Lincoln
visited friends and relatives here the
last of the week.
.1. C. Shulonberg and-Grant Sim
best were Omaha visitors several days
during the Week.
Mrs. J. C. Shulenberg spent several
days last week with her new grand
son at thhe home of Charles Shulen
berg anil wife.
Mrs. David Hanson and children of
Falls City were visiting with the for
mer's daughter, Mrs. Walter Vanlan
ingiiam. and family the past week,
Floy Stotts, accompanied uy Miss
Van Fleet of Riverton, Iowa came to
this city from Peru Friday and vis
ited with ihe former’s parents over
Mrs. Mattie Hodge is in the sick
list this week.
Miss Justine Hoppe is quite sick
with pneumonia.
Mrs. C. D. Getry was quite sick the
first of the week.
Gene Baldwin and Ben Davis spent
Sunday in Salem.
Wm. Moore and wife are visiting
friends in Atchison and Iowa Point.
A. J. Baldwin was a business visit
or in Omaha Friday and Saturday.
Mose Veach of Verdon was trans
acting business in Stella Wednesday.
Will Raper of Omaha attended the
funeral of his sister here last week.
Grant Hinkle moved his household
goods and family to Falls City Tues
Rev. Young of Bethany visited old
Stella friends a couple of days last
Elmer Pugh and family visited John
Beard and family near Auburn Sun
Mrs. E. A. Kroh visited her sister,
Mrs. Frank Awe at Howe the latter
part of the week.
Mrs. John Curtis is visiting her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold at Hum
boldt this week.
H. E. Clark, wife ad daughter of
Kansas City attended the funeral of
Mrs. E. Monod last week.
Charles Rapor and family of Verdon
were in attendance at the funeral of
the former's sister, Mrs. E. Monod.
Mrs. Rosa Capp of St. Joseph, who
was called here by the death of her
sister-in-law, returned home Sunday.
Mrs. A. W. Montgomery went to
Omaha the first of the work, where
she will remain for an indifinito time.
Mrs. Lizzie Summer and daughter,
Emely, left Thursday for Hamilton.
Mo., where they will make their fu
ture home.
A baby girl was made a welcome
member of the household at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bright, on
Wednesday, May 11.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Tyan gave a family
dinner Sunday. Those present were:
R. A. McMullen, wife and four child
ren, Judge Parriot, wife and two
children of Auburn, Robt Tynan, wife
and two children ami Mrs Fay lb-wit
of Ritzville, Wash.
Sold On Its Merit
Wc sell the Crown Piano on its merits. Wa can show you point
by point where the Crown Piano is superior to any other piano
you can buy at any price Remember your piano is the most im
portant purchase you will ever make for your home. It costs but
little more, if any, to be sure that it is a good one. We sell the
Crown on terms as easy as any good piano can be offered to
people who know the difference between a questionable "induce
ment" and real piano Value for their monsy. Many inferior pianos
will cost you more than a Crown, Price does not determine value
I've sold Grown Pianos in this territory for 16 years. That is
good evidence of their merit.
I also handle Strech & Zeidlar. Pease and Concord Pianos.
These instruments are strictly high grade and too fine to be ped
pled from house to house through the country, as a great many
dealers do. That alone is proof enough that they are a cheap
grade of pianos. Anyone contemplating buying a piano in the
near future we will be pleased to have call and inspect ourpianos,
I sell on time, monthly payments and take old instruments in exchange
Everything at the Right Price
At Rick’s
Specials this Week
10 Cent Baking Disnes, 5 Cents
(See North Window Display)
See that fine ioc line of Souvenir Opal Chinavvare.
If in need of I fishes look over our line. Lowest
prices on dishes, by piece or set, in the city.
Don t Forget the Auto to Be Given Away
Saturday. May 28th
5c-IOc RICK’S I0c-25c
1 ^ to ^ 1
1 VV\U t)e Ple^esecurity. . „ position to 1
1 J imiroved see is in a V\ , c0n 1
\ «.SS» «"4 *e ^ ,0a \
\ 1 U -ire not already one. 1
\1 if y°u,aJLvitation to ^ |
You want the best results: you
want to save the most chicks. !
^ We guarantee the CLIMAX
* CHICK FEED. The best feed
on the market. We guarantee
it to give satisfaction or your
money back. What more could
you ask? For sale by
V. I.yfonl, C, A. Heck. John Her
mep, Li Ik. Aldrich, Pence-Little Co., C.
W. Jackson. Falls City, Neb.: G. W.
. Sturms, Strau.ssville; Elam A Co., Ara
tfo 1*. O., tSeo. N Ocaiub, Kulo; Oca mb
A Stacli. Verdoii; M. L, Dowell, Salem:
K. J. Dunn A Co., Berada: A. W. Nixon,
.. —" " ' ...
Office over Kerr’s Pharmacy
Office 1 hone 2ti0 Residence Phone 271 J
Phones: Nos. 177, 217
Sam'l. Waul Building*