The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, May 20, 1910, Image 2

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    The County in General
The “Doings” of our Country Friends
and Neighbors.
The graduation exercises of the
tenth grade wore held Friday niglii at
the Gospel Fnion church. Four young
people received their diplomas,
Teachers and pupils went to the
fair grounds Friday for a picnic.
Ned Towle was up from Falls City
Wednosdaj to close up a deal for lh"
erection of a telephone office and a
halt for the Odd Fellows.
Mr. and .Mrs. Brinegaf of this
place and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hrinegnr
and child)' n of Rulo weal lo Daw
son Saturday for a visit with Kd
Davis and family.
Guy Shcely left Wednesday for
Iowa, where lie will work for a sur
veying gang.
U. F Grlnstead was a passenger lo
Rulo Thursday morning.
Mrs. W. 11. Gregory and sou. ('has,
were in Falls City Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Halite Kelley were
Hiimhnldt visitors between tiaius on
Miss Ruby Staffer spent the latter
part of the week in Dawson
George Coon went to Grand Island
on business Wednesday.
Win, MeDougal, Walter Duryon, F.
Sims, .Tohn Pearson and W. W. Mr
Derniet went to Falls City Thursday.
M. L. Dowell went to St. doe Wed
nesday on business connected with
the rebuilding of his store, which
was burned In the recent fire
Clifford Corn and (.Turenet Clarey,
who are working on the Humboldt pa
pers, were home over Sunday.
Sheriff Fenton was up from Falls
City Wednesday and Thursday.
Miss Lucy Gregory, who is working
on the Peru Point* r, came home Sat
urday evening for a short \ Isit with
home folks.
.loe Graves and family of Hum
boldt were in town Friday.
Mrs. Guy Huston was up from Falls
City Friday.
Mrs. .1. T. Slirlmpton went to
Fremont Wednesday for a v'slt with
Mr. and Mrs F. W. Itoyd went to
Morrill Thursday for a visit with her
lohn Timmerman was hero from
Lincoln several days Inst wet k.
Everett. Corn was over from Ver
don Saturday.
Miss Irene Spurlock vi.sil*>d friends
in Falls City from Wednesday until
Miss Olive Tilden and Wens Hose
drove to Falls City Monday.
Frank French came down front
Humboldt Monday.
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets will clear the sour stomach,
sweeten the breath and create a
healthy nppetlte. They promote the
flow of the gastric Juice, thereby in
ducing good digestion. Sold by all
Old Dutch
your clean
ing work in
the kitchen
o u t the
\ This One Cleanser I
Sjh in handy sifter can I
keeps the house and I
everything in it spick I
and span with half |
the time required I
with old-fashioned cleaners. 8
Cleans, Scrubs]
For porcelain ware and on the
bath tub. Old Dutch Cleanser .
is the one safe cleanser to use.
The New
Better Way
Sprinkle Old
Dutch Cleanser on
a wet cloth, rub
well, wipe with a
clean, wet cloth.
Takes off all dis
coloration and
scum and will not
scratch. Use it
for all your clean
rag. The one
best cleanser for
the farm.
.. . ri**1 .Tir rviT.
II 10. Boyd was in Kalla City Wed
1. Shirley was a puasongt r In Te
• tiitisi h Thursday.
Henry Cooper was a pass tiger to
Kalis City Monday.
It, <). Peak was a passenger to
I taw? on Wednesday.
Work on Humboldt's new garage be
gan the last of the week.
■Miss l.illie Adams left Wednesday
for her home at Bethany.
Mrs. It S. Malony was a guest of
Kails City friends Thursday.
Holla Avery Is cpiito sick at his
home northeast of litis city.
Miss Mary Handy spent I h e first of
the week with friends in Lincoln,
•Mrs. Iloherf Vnssler is visiting her
mother, Mrs. It. K. Davis thi. week
W. Pennington of Salem is visit
ing relatives In this city this week.
Huy Cooper and family are visiting
Heorge Segrist and wife in Dallas, S
lames Hnl/.da visited Mom ay with
Ills son, Hutlolph and wife in Table
Hoi k.
Mrs. E. S. Davis is visiting her
daughter, Mayhelle, in Lincoln this
Krod Mill hell and family ' ft Wed
nesdny for their new homo in Wy
Rlmei Smith re'urued Wednesday
from a few days visit with triends at
Harold Stout of Beatrice is en
joying a visit with llumboll' friends
litis week.
Mike ( iauec\ and wile nl Dawson
visited Humboldt friends a short
tiin ' lhis week
The York Wild furnished music
for the deuce given at the llohc
minn hall Thursday evening.
W 1 I 'D' 111 pa arrived In this city
from Chicago, and is now a guest
at (lie home of John I lolnian
Harman Susse, wife and daughtci
of Dlller, Neb., are visiting Henry
Kuper and family liiis week
Mrs. Hoy Main and little daughter
of Table Hock are guests at the home
of K S. Cope and wife this week.
.Miss Grace Mortz returned to (bin
• ity Wednesday from Seottsville.Kns.,
where she lias been spending some
Clifford Cams and Clarence Clarey
returned to their homes in Palcm on
Sunday, after spending several days
in Humboldt.
Mrs. Stcinmycr arrived in ibis
city Saturday from Plymouth, and
is now a guest at the home of her
sister. Mrs. Win. Davis.
Drs. J. U. Waggoner and George
Gandy returned Wednesday from
Lincoln, where they had been at
lending the State Medical association.
Gail Thompson now has t barge of
the Thompson restaurant. Will, who
"as formerly proprietor, has estab
lished a grocery store in the Zue
lek building.
Mrs. M. C. Lee and daughter, Des
sie. are pa king their household goods
and will leave th° last of tke week
for Lincoln, where they will make
their home.
Mrs. Hay Gist was hostess to the
Linger Longer club Wednesday.
James Walsh and wife of St. Joe
arrived in the city Saturday for a
visit with relatives.
Mrs. licrt Morehart and baby, ac
companied by her sister. Miss Min
nie Heurst"ttn. are visiting relatives
and friends here this week.
Miss Mav Hill and Crank Jewel
were married at ihc home of the
bride’s parents Monday evening. The
ceremony was performed idr Rev.
Adams, pastor of the Christian
Dr. W. R. Waggencr accompanied
Willie, the son of Jos. Moyer and
wife to St. Joe Saturday evening. The
young man was placed in a hospital
and an operation for appendicitis per
formed. Dora Atwood, who under
went an operation for appendicitis in
the same hospital last week is re
ported to be improving, but will he
unable to return home for several
Karl Duryea is visiting relatives in
anti near Dawson.
Mrs. E. Wlttwer ami son went to
Falls City last week.
George West is visiting liis sister
near Topeka, Kansas.
Revival meetings are being held
at the Christian church by Rev. Ad
ams of Humboldt.
Mr. Beechey is putting up a monu
ment at the grave of the late, O. I.
Laraboe, in Pleasant Hill cemetery.
Mrs. Lee, who was so badly injured
in a runaway a few weeks ago, is
able to be about the house with the
aid of crutches.
Frank Laraboe and family came
down from Lincoln last week and
visited Mrs. Larabee's parents, S. A
Fairbanks and wife.
Mrs. Fred Sutter of Sal m was a
I taw sen visitor Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Iloy Ferguson are
the parents of a baby boy.
Mrs. John Tiehen and son were in
, Falls City shopping Tuesday.
Mrs, F. It. Porter was down from
Humloldt Sunday visiting friends.
Hoy Coekeiam of Salem is spend
ing a few days with friends here.
Misses Flora and Fanny Hacon of
tliis city were in Falls City Thursday.
Mr« L. 3. Bacon and daughter,
Fanny were Fails City visitors Tues
! day,
Mrs. Purcell of Table Hock spent
Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. Mr
Dr. Rnd Airs. W'aggener of liumbol t
spent Tuesday with Lee Boy Judd
and family.
Mrs. lid Cummings and Mrs. Kate
O'Donnell returned Saturday from a
trip io Dm ilia.
Th« .1 K. L. C li. held a business
meeting at the home of Mary Wwater
Inst Wednesday.
Mr and Mrs. Bunker rnd little
Ituth visited with Mrs. Bunker's par
ents over Sunday.
Mis. VaDusen and daughter of
Falls City visited over Sunday with
Dawson relatives.
Mr-. Alex Teihu accompanied her
daughter and son, Concordia and Leo,
to Falls City Tuesifky.
Misses Adah atel Lillie Me<m . lil
len Bclejaek and Pearl Hummel spent
Thursday in Falls City.
Miss Margaret and Don O'Hrady re
lumed Friday from Omaha, where
they have been visiting.
.Miss Florence Judd came up from
Falls City and accompanied her par
ents to Humboldt Sunday.
Misses Lively and Snow and Prof.
Hendricks spent Sunday in Pawnee
City visiting friends. They all re
port a splendid time.
Tile meetings in Verdon will con
tinue until Wednesday evening. Rev.
Iloldeman has been taking active
part lor the Iasi week.
.Miss Gladys Daman returned Sun
day. On Thursday she will leave
with Rev. Maze and family for Can
ada, where Mr. Maze lias homestead
ed property.
Mrs Win Lawson of Kansas City
visited with her sister, Mrs. S. IS.
Lee ad husband and her brother, F.
P. Page and wife from Friday until
Misses Gladys litiser, Uessie I’.aron
and others attended the convention
in Auburn Friday, Saturday and Sun
day. They give glowing accounts of
their trip and hid fair to attend the
Aurora convention in October.
L. I,. Hall of Falls City was in
town Wednesday, lie took with him
tlie engine to the Outlook plant and
a few other tilings. If the work of
dismantling continues, Dawson will
soon lie minus a print shop.
Dan ,t. Riley, chairman of the
drainage board, is under-draining his
farm on toe Nemaha bottoms. He
has great faiili in the ultimate suc
cess of the big ditcli and is putting
his theories into practice. If a few
more did likewise it would put heart
and eourag' into many who continue
to regard Hie undertaking a- a huge
piece of graft.
Mr. and Mrs. .r. A. Nunn of Santa
Anna. Cal., are visiting with Mrs.
Lee Roy Judd of this place. Mrs.
Nunn and Mrs. Judd are sisters of
Hr. Waggoner of Humboldt,and they
spent Sunday with him at that place.
The Irio had not spent a day togeth
er in eight years. Mr. and Mrs. Nuni
are on an extended trip through Kan
sas, Missouri, and Kentucky. They
will return to California in about two
Henry Wi'iek was a Barada visitor
Win. Wheeler was a Baiada visit
or Tuesday.
E. E. Butler was a Falls City visit
or Saturday.
Jacob Wissinger was in Falls City
Henry Filler was a Falls City vis
itor Saturday.
Mrs. Is. A. Arnold is on the sick
list this week.
(I. W. Duerfeldt was a Falls City
visitor Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob ArnoVd were
Falls City visitors Sunday.
Rev. Geiek and family spent Sun
day with George Arnold and family.
Mrs. I. A. Dunn and son, Eugene,
were Barada visitors Thursday.
The little child of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Santo is very ill with pneu
Mr. and Mrs. Otis Sailors of Bar
ada spent Sunday at the home of it.
J. Dunn.
I. A. Dunn and family wen visitors
at the home of It. J. Dunn Sunday af
Joseph Sehwang and wife were call
ers at. the home of Wendell Ber
wick Sunday.
—Never hesitate about giving Cham
herlain’s Cough Remedy for children
It contains no opium or other narcot
ics and can be taken with implicit!
confidence. As a quick cure for
coughs and colds to which children I
are susceptible, it is unsurpassed.!
Sold oy all druggists. I
Newton Hosford was a Si Joseph
visitor Monday.
The bund gave an open air concert
Saturday evening.
Grace Duncan of Fort Hazel was
a Hi lo visitor last week.
Mr. and Mrs. James Haler are the
parents of s*. little son.
.1. A. Osborne and family were St.
Joseph shoppers Friday.
Mrs. Kiik is having a new roof put
on her house this week.
i>. K. Anderson was a Falls City
visit01 one day last week.
Mrs. Albert. Lunford went to St.
Joseph one day last week.
Mooney Bros shipped two carloads
of i attic to St. .Joe last week.
Mr.1. Coko moved last week into
oie of Dave JSelglors' ouses.
\nna Davis and Bosa Maim were
Falls City visitors Saturday,
Hlaine Anderson and Sam K.Ward
Wer* Falls City visitors Sun-lay.
Mrs. James Kermode was a Falls
City v isitor one day last week.
Gladys llart of St. Joseph is visit
ing relatives in Rulo this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Caverzagie
visited relatives at Arago Sunday.
■Mrs. F. D. Munson left Saturday to
visit with relatives at Charlslon,
Will Inks and family of Salem spen
Sunday with the family of W. A.
Jo ■ llrazzo and family of Forteseue
visit'd Rulo relatives Saturday and
Alien Gilbert and Hattie Hart of
this place spent Saturday in the
count ry.
Mrs. Bessie Brinogar and two dau
ghters spent Hie week with idatives
in Salem.
Rev. A. E. Wacihtel spent several
days at Mound City and St. Joseph
this week.
Mrs. St. Louis came down from
Falls City Iasi week to visit rela
tives here.
II. M. Buckley of Hiawatha was
transacting business in this city one
day last week.
Hr. J. W. La yon of Leavenworth
was in It’ilo on professional busi
ness Wednesday.
Mrs. J. C. Shepherd returned last
week from an extended stay with her
daughter in St. Joe.
Katie O Donald returned to Falls
City Saturday after sp<*nd'ng the
week with Emma Grant.
Will Cunningham returned from Cal
fornia Saturday. He left '.its moth
er some improved in health.
Ella Carpenter returned to St.
Joseph Sunday evening after a few
days visit with Rulo friends.
Cecil Kaualy returned from Salem
Sunday, where she lias just finished
a nine months’ term of school.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry O’Miller left
Monday for their new home in Sa
lem, after e visit with Rulo relatives.
Mrs. Hattie Wetzel and Mrs. Clyde
Parish attended the funeral of Miss
Hatti< Plumb in Falls City last. week.
Mrs. Winterhottoni and daughter,
Marie, returned last week from a
visit with relatives at Leavenworth.
Cus Johnson came' from Nebraska
City Sunday evening to commence
work with a force of men on the
banks of the Missouri river.
Rev. A. E. Waehtel preached the
baccalaureate sermon Sunday evening
and in spii • of the threatening weath
er a large crowd was present. Spec
ial music was rendered also.
—The Dawson printing plant will
be sold in whole or part, as oppor
tunity offers. Any one wishing to
buy anything belonging to the plant
can do so by calling on W. H. Wyler.
K. K. Hole jack was in the city
Jesse Bn'holz attended church at
Maple Grove Sunday evening.
J. A. Martin was in Shubert one
day this week making photos for the
class of 1910.
A. E. Butler of Stella is superin
tending the construction of his fath
er's new building.
K. II. Dunn and family spent Sat
urday night and Sunday at the farm
with It. J. Dunn and family.
Mrs. Paul Smith was up from Falls
City the f’rst of the week visiting
her mother, Mrs. James Stephenson.
For the past two weeks the haul
ing of sand and cement for Butler
& Martin lias kept the road warm be
tween Shubert and this place.
Mrs. E. E. Butler returned Satur
day from Kearney, where she at
tended a Missionary convention. On
her return the visited in Lincoln with
Rev. Lehman and wife, former pas
tor at this place.
Miss Lilly entertained the primary
pupils and her writing class at a
grove Saturday afternoon. A nice
lunch of fruit and cake was served
by Miss Lilly and Mrs. J. A. Martin
at five o'clock. The little ones re
gret very much that Miss Lilly has
decided to cast her lot elsewhere for
the next school year.
—For Sale or Trade—Small gaso
line engine in perfect condition, will
sell or trade for cow, horse,buggy.
Call up Falls City Tribune, Phone
UL’G for particulars.
The aged father and mother
of a prominent Boston lawyer
safely carried through the last
two winters by
The son says: “My father
and mother owe their present
strength and good health to
Vinol. During the last two
trying winters neither ot them had a cold, and were
able to walk farther and do more than for years.
1 think Vinol is perfectly wonderful. It certainly is
the greatest blood-making, strengthening tonic for old
people I ever heard of.”
We want every feeble old person In this town to try
Vinol. We will return their money without question 11 It
does not accomplish all we claim for ft.
A. C. WANNER, Druggist, Falls City.
A Young: Man |
May lieive Friends *
But lie will find none so steadfast, so ready to re
'spond to his wants; so capable of pushing him 4
ahead, as a little leather covered book, with the ^
name of a bank od its cover. • <4
Patronize Your Home Bank <4
Farmers State Bank t
Are You One?
Have you so'marked the resting place of our dead that the
following generation will be able to read their inscription.
If not, it is well to attend to that now, as next year may
be too late, since no man knows his time.
If vou want work of quality at a reasonable price, consult
us NOW.
Falls Cilv Marble Works
Established 1881. R. A. ® F. A. NEITZEL. Mgrs.
The Kansas City Star and Times
The Star and Times, reporting the full twenty-four hours’
news each day in thirteen issues of the paper each week, are
j furnished to regular subscribers at the rate of 10 cents
per week.
As newspapers, The Star and The Times have no rivals.
; No other publisher furnishes his readers with the full day and
night Associated Press reports, as does the Star and Times.
This should recommend the papers especially to the pregressive
merchant and farmer.
1 deliver both the Star and Times to the subscriber’s door
promptly on arrival of trains.
Give me a trial.
Should you want Tho Star by mail send 10c per week. $5.20 a year.
Address The Kansas City Star.
in dental work if you have need of our
services and avail yourself of our skill,
experience and facilities. We don’t do
half way work—it’s all or nothing with
us, as many people know to their own
great gratification. Note, please, that
we make no charge for expert examin
l-'alls City, Nebraska