The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, May 20, 1910, Image 1

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    The Falls City Tribune
Vol. VII FALLS CITY, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, MAY 20, 1010. Number 21
Various Kinds of Entertainment by
Individuals, Lodges, Clubs,
Churches, Etc.
V daylight surprise was worked on
Mrs. John Liehty Friday morning by
an armed host of her friends and
neighbors. Perhaps the early hour
caught Mrs. Liehty napping; anyway,
she received the full benefit of the
shock of the forty-one ladies who
most unspectedly and unceremonious
ly tumbled in upon her and began to
order tilings after their own minds.
The rooms' and tables were tastily
decorated in pink and white carna
tions and pink and white colors. An
ample dinner was served. Many
pretty and useful presents were left
by the visitors to remind Mrs. Liehty
of tlie occasion, it was a big day
In the Liehty home and will long re
main as a cherished memory.
Ray Ilohrer entertained the Sunday
School class of which he is a mem
ber at his home Friday evening. Miss
Florence Boose, their teacher was al
so present. The evening was enjoy
ably spent in diversions appreciated
by boys. Refreshments were served.
The boys declared unanimously in fa
vor of a good time, atui what
pleases the boys, somehow rejoices
the true teacher of boys.
The Epworth Leagiu‘ of the- Meth
odist church introduced some special
features in their League meeting
Sunday night in honor of the twen
ty-first anniversary of the organiza
tion of the League. The officers for
the new term were installed and a
program carried out. Those who ac
cepted the invitation to attend felt
amply repaid for turning out, even
though the weather man effectively,
dampened the atmosphere.
The Senior class spent \ delight
ful evening Friday at the Powell
home, Misses Lela Pawell and Louise
Rule acting as hostesses. The Powell
home was prettily arrayed in rather
original and appropriate decorations.
Games suited to Seniors tastes were
engaged in. The time passed pleas
antly and all too quickly. Refresh
ments were served after which sev
eral musical numbers were capably
rendered to the enjoyment of all.
The occasion was a goodly one at
which to be present. Misses Powell
and Rule were voted good entertain
Jess Nicholson and wife were sur
prised last Sunday by about twenty
friends and relatives who gathered
at their home with well filled
baskets, the contents proved to be
a sumptious repast. This occasion
was the second anniversary of their
wedding. The bride and groom were
v heard to say that they were happier
on that day then they were two years
before. May their happiness con
tinue to grow as the years go by.
Miss Nellie Hossack entertained a
number of girl friends on Tuesday
evening complimentary to Fannie
Beaver, who leaves Friday for her
new home in South Dakota. Music
and social conversation furnished en
tertainment for them until a late hour.
Cake and ice cream was served at
ten o'clock.
Miss Helen Restorer entertained a
number of young ladies at a kensing
ton Wednesday afternoon. At five
o'clock a delightful dinner was served
The affair was in honor of Fannie
Beaver, who leaves today for South
The members of the Catholic church
gave a farewell reception to Father
Bex at Wahl’s hall Monday evening.
A large crowd was present. An ap
propriate program was prepared and
proved to be one of the leading soc
ial events of the week. In a few
words L. P. Wirth presented Rev. II.
Bex with a beautiful leather rocker.
On Tuesday evening Miss Siting was
'he guest of honor at a gathering at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis
McCarthy. There were many ladies
of the church present to express
their regrets of her departure from
their midst. As a token of love and
best wishes the company presented
her with a beautiful silver chaffing
dish. The convent children presented
Miss Jerometta Kelly, who makes
her home with Father Bex, a beauti
ful silver jewel case, that she may
. Iways remember her little Falls City
friends. On Friday Rev. Bex, Miss
Kiting and Jerometta leave for their
new home in Bureliard. Rev. Bex
lias labored faithfully at this place
for fifteen years and he will be
greatly missed.
To Be Held At Salem On Sunday,
May 22, 1910.
A district Sunday School conven
tion will be.held in the Gospel Union
Sunday School at Salem next Sun
day afternoon and evening. Pro
grams will begin at 2:30 and at 8:00.
In the afternoon, Rev. C. N. Brooks
of the Methodist church of Falls City
will speak on “Live Sunday School
Issues.” Rev. Nanninga, superin
tendent of the Home Department in
Richardson county will speak on the
work in his department.
At night li. L. Hall of Falls City
will speak on “The Organized Class
for Men,” and W. 11. Wyler on “The
Better Way.’ Opportunity will be giv
en for free discussion. Everybody
is urged to attend. Each school with
in reach should send at least a repre
sentative delegation. Come and help
make the day worth while.
W. li. WYLER, Secreary.
ft. Joe Boosters Coming.
The Burlington special, containing
nine coaches and carrying the St.
Joseph Commercial club on its ob
servation and good fellowship trip
through Nebraska, will arrive at Falls
City Monday morning at 8:50.
There will be about seventy-five of St.
Joseph’s livliest business rustlers in
the gang. They will take one hour
for seeing Falls City and to get
acquainted. It is urgently requested
that every owner of an automobile be
at the B. & M. depot at 8:50 prompt,
prepared to boost the boosters up
Into the “Greater Falls City.” The
party leaves again at 9:50,consequent
ly the time at their disposal is limit
ed and the effort will be to make the
most of it.
Attached to the train will be a
special coach carrying prominent traf
fic officials of the Burlington road.
They will remain in their car and
will be open to interview upon any
subject that relates to the improve
ment of conditions and relations along
the B. & B right of way. This is
the opportune time for Falls City
to strike an effective blow for better
station facilities. Will the Commer
cial Club kindly take note and be
advised accordingly. ,•
County Option Progress.
An indignation meeting was held in
Barada last week and an organization
perfected, whose object is to break
up the illegal sale of liquor. Tuesday
night of this week a strong represen
tative committee was organized in
Ohio precinct to push the agita
tion in that territory and to the north
and east. The committee is compos
ed of F. M. Shaffer, chairman, Wal
lace Cully, Anson Kniseley, Frank
Lichty and B. T. Peck. At a meet
ing held for the purpose in Falls City
Monday, arrangements were made
looking towards the holding of a
county option mass meeting in the
near future.
The work of organizing the pre
cincts is being pushed as rapidly as
the help at our command will permit.
Parties wishing assistance or in
formation should write to this office.
We are prepared to send out thor
oughly capable speakers in both Kng
lish and German languages at short
Dedication Announcement.
The dedication services for the
new Presbyerian church will be held
Sunday, May 29. There will be morn
ing, afternoon and evening pro
grams. Dr. Bailey will be ably as
sisted by a number of prominent min
isters. All the churches are cordial
ly invited to attend such of the
services as convenient. A special
invitation is extended to the local
pastors to be present.
The little child of Mr. and Mrs.
•less Brown died Wednesday night,
after an illness covering a period
of several weeks. The little one suf
fered from pneumonia and whooping
cough. We did not learn the ar
rangements for the funeral The
parents have the sympathy of the
entire community in their great sor
Bert Moody and family, who has
been visiting Jess Nicholson and fami'
returned to their home in Forest City
Falls City Ought to Set the Pace -
Opportunity Now Looms Big
Upon Her Horizon.
It has frequently been said that
there are two classes of people in
the world, those who drive and
those who must be driven. They are
the two hammer and anvil brands.
Tlier" are the few who do the ham
mering, while the great masses are
forever in the class of those being
hammered into shape and use. They
are the great army of imitators and
This is not only true with individ
uals, but is equally true with ag
gregations of people, societies, cities,
churches and states. There are al
ways those restless spirited towns,
which are forever doing tlie unusual.
They are the progressives. They are
the leaders in municipal reform and
city improvement. To which class
will Fall* City aspire? Will we wait
until our sister cities have tried out
every modern improvement and when
it has become absolutely indispensable
tardily adopt it? Or will we push
boldly out along original lines and
do prospecting on our own initiative?
Will we be leaders in the onward
march of progress or forever tag at
the tail of the procession?
Kalis City is and lias been dominat
ed by the reactionaries. Ultra con
servatism has controlled the city’s
politics for years. No really advanc
ed measure has escaped strangula
tion in committee for a long time.
We are hopelessly tied up. Witness
the success of our paving effort. Why
should an improvement, which con
cerns the welfare of the city so
immediately be indefinitely hung up?
Consider for a moment the unhappy
plight in which the new city council
finds itself because of the demand
on the part of our growing industries
for day electric service. Humboldt
citizens have been served with day
current for some time. If Humboldt
can make it pay, why should not
Falls City? If private parties can
manage public service utilities prof
itably, why cannot a city administra
tion? It can. Falls City can pave
her streets, serve her people with
day current and provide an abundant
supply of pure water. The city can
and will do it. The gang, never.
Until the people throw off the
yoke of the city boss and prepare to
run the town in the interests of the
people, and not of the gang we favor
and shall advocate private control of
utilities and private enterprise for
the furthering of the city’s interests.
Falls City cannot afford to have
her future placed in jeopardy in or
der to accomodate a few aspirants to
leadership whose only qualification is
their willingness. We must have
men who can deliver the goods,
whether willing or unwilling
Falls Citv is large enough to ac
commodate a central heating plant
in the central part of the business sec
tion. Where fuel is as difficult to
obtain as in Nebraska, and the prices
necessarily high, economy in heating
is an important item of business
foresight. But an up-to-date heat
ing plant is not only desirable be
cause of the economy of fuel it would
effect, but the matter of cleanliness,
sanitation, floor-space, general com
fort, etc., all come in for their share
of consideration.
1 here is no reason why home cap
ital should not. look into this matter,
and if found practicable proceed to in
stall a modern plant for the ac
commodation of the more congested
business section and to the lasting
credit of ine promotors. Instead of
investing our surplus capital in real
estate in the west, why not keep it
at home, where it will serve the com
munity by intelligently investing it
in advanced utilities. Falls City
has not begun even in a remote, sense
to realize her possibilities. Because
public utilities are not an economic
success as managed by our city ad
ministration, does not argue them to
be bad investments if mnaaged by
men of ability and business fore
sight. (
Falls City has the ability to set
the pace for other towns in this
section. She can lead if she will.
' .lust, now she is wonderfully favored
by fortune. Opportunity is looming
, big on her horizon. Do we lead, or
| do we follow?
The New Round House Looms Up
As It Nears Completion
Building Activities.
The concrete walk brigade are
busy, and some reaches of good, new
sidewalks bear evidence to their
industry and skill. The concrete
brick walks recently laid are some
what of a novelty. The end of the
many purposes for which concrete
may be used does not yet appear.
Several new foundations are going
in, which bear with them the prom
ise of milch n Alcd buildings. The
largest and most striking is that for
the Christian church, the excavating
for which is practically complete. The
contract lias been judiciously placed
and the work of construction will be
rushed with urgency peculiar to all
the more recent building operations.
The Presbyterian people are bring
ing every possible motive to bear
upon their work in order to be able
to dedicate as per announcement, on
Sunday, May 2!». The building in its
unfinished condition begins to show
symptoms of l)r. Bailey’s ingenuity
and painstaking effort. With the
removing of the scaffolding and the
placing of the approaches the entire
setting of the structure will be great
ly advantaged.
lhe pits In the round nouse stalls
are now well enough advanced to per
mit the work of filling in to l>e push
ed vigorously. One of the big
gest chores still to be done is the
setting of the turntable for the big
engines This bundle of massive
steel girders and braces, is in itself
no toy and will require some nice
engineering to successfully place it
on its new foundations. The main
building is now entirely closed in,
and has been painted all over.
A. J. Weaver sold a number of
building lots on the southeast side
of town to M. P. employees, Monday.
New dwellings are expected to go up
at once to be ready far occupation
when the company opens the round
house and yards on July i. It is
evident lo the M. P. officials and em
ployees coining here to make their
home in Falls City, that the city is
not prepared to accommodate all who
will be needed about the new plant.
As a consequence they are themselves
preparing to meet the situation. In
part they will put up cottages of
their own and a part of the men will
continue to live in Atchison. When
Falls City awakens to the fact that
big things are knocking at her door,
she may take steps to more fully
realize the opportunities offered. The
work of grading for the main track
is being done as rapidly as possible
with the help available. The work
more immediately connected with
the round house taking the precedence
The National Poultry & Kgg Co.
have a gang of workmen pushing the
work along. The main building is
now under roof and the ground work
practically finished inside. The equip
ment is on the ground and will In' in
stalled next week. With the question
of electric current settled they will
lie ready to do business in their new
With the danger of frost eliminat
ed and prospects fair for an average
apple crop, the Leo Vinegar factory,
is getting up steam to be ready for
the early trade. The big factory is
being put in shape and will be a
mode1 of cleanliness and ingenuity.
Organ Opening.
Dr. R. C. Bailey of the Presbyterian
church, has had the good fortune
to secure Mr. Ben Stanley of Omaha,
one of the best, if not the best per
former on the pipe organ west of
Chicago. Mr. Stanley will be assist
ed by Mrs. Stanley, who is a very
able sopranist.
The opening will be Friday, May
27. Doors open at 7:30, program will
begin at 8:15. Don’t forget the date,
this will be a rare musical treat for
Falls City, and you will not want to
miss it.
Will Wed a Saint Paul Lady.
Cards are out announcing the mar
riage of Miss May Helen Se ver to
, Mr. John Carl Leister on Wednes
day, May 25 at the home of the
| bride's uncle, Mr, and Mrs. George
| M. Decks in Saint Paul, Minn. They
| will be at home to their friends af
ter July 1 at 830 Sheridan Ave, Saint
i Paul, Minn.
i ___ -
: April Report of R. A. Neitzel, City
Balance April 1.$6039.90
Water and light fund. 429.49
Klee. Lt. bond, Int. fund.. .. 96.77
General fund. 967.77
Occupation fund. 1.00
Sinking fund. 387.08
Library fund. 158.t5
Maintaining, improving park.. 264.77
Park Improvement fund. 241.92
Sanitary and poor. 96.77
Emergency fund. 907.77
Water and light fund.$1949.80
General fund.1178.04
Library fund. 245.25
Maintaining, Improving park 89.00
Transferred to water, light .. 29.49
Transferred to M. & i park.. 158.00
Water and light fund.$258.52
Light bond and Int. fund.. .. 876.04
General fund. 7.69
Occupation' fund. 11.00
Sinking fund. 1200.01
Library fund. 170.20
Firemans fund. 179.75
M. and I park fund. 730.12
Park Imp. fund. 241.92
Sanitary and poor fund.. .. 039.08
Emergency fund.1071.32
District Court.
The application of Clyde Thacker
as guardian of Frank It. Davis and
Henry Davis to sell real-estate was
Charles B. Schroeder vs. the Old
Dine Bankers Insurance Co, dismissed
Russell W. Daggett, vs. Vera A.
Daggett. Divorce and custody of the
children granted to the husband.
James F. Sailors vs. Mary E. Sai
lors, et al, portion of real estate.
Henry Hordes, E. E. Bolejark and
Burton Reavis were appointed ref
Harriett Walker vs. John P. Walk
er, divorce was granted the former.
These are elderly people who live at
In the case of Adelaide Bode vs. P.
11. Jussen and George W. Holland,
motion for continuation overruled.
Elmer E. Jarges vs. Drainage Dist.
No. 1, Richardson County. Neb., ap
peal for condemnation awarded.
John A. Mullins vs. Drainage Dist.
No. 1, Richardson County, Neb., ap
peal for condemnation awarded.
William F. Minnick, who has been
sick witli typhoid-pneumonia for a
week or more died early Wednesday
morning. He has made this city his
home for many years and is well
known to most of our readers. He
was thirty-four years of age.
The deceased was the son of Mrs.
Sarah Minnick. He was a carpenter
by trade and for the past few years
lias been working for Bohrer Bros.
He leaves beside his mother, two sis
ters, Mrs. Lydia Olson and Mrs. Ethel
Simanton and one brother, Herman
The funeral will be held Friday
from the home of Mrs. Olson at tw'o
o'clock and interment will be made
in Steele cemetery.
Bert Saylor of Newkirk. Okla., died
in a hospital at Winfield, ltas., May
1(1. The funeral services were ■ held
at Newkirk, Okla., Tuesday. The
body was brought to Falls City Thurs
day and the remains were taken di
rect to Steele cemetery and laid to
rest by the side of his mother and
two brothers.
He was a graduate of the Sabetha
high school and Kansas University,
lie also graduated in law and was ad
mitted to the bar. He was thirty-five
years old at. the time of his death.
Coming Back.
Maybelle Fowler Co.—under the big
tent all next week. “College Chums”
opening play. New specialties, band
and orchestra.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Long are the
parents of a baby girl, born Tuesday.
They have named the little one. Ruth
What Your Friends and Their
Friends Hava en Doing
the Past Week.
Tng day in Tails City Thursday.
The new count places Falls City’s
population at 11,475.
Rev. Payne of the Verdon Congre
gational church was In town Mon
Mrs. M. J. Clancey of Dawson was
in town Tuesday looking atier busi
Mr Uryan in ills recent St. Louis
speech declared that the liquor inter
ests were in politics in Nebraska.
Rev. Severance of Salem drove to
the city to attend the meeting of the
Federated churches Monday afternoon
The big comet showed up beauti
fully to those who listened to their
alarms last Friday morning and got
up to see.
Roy Daggett of Salem was in Falls
City Monday and paid The Tribune a
pleasant, cnli. Roy is interested in
water power and things electric.
Mr. Arnold, who lives in the north
part of town, and who is suffering
from a paralytic stroke is very poor
ly at this writing. The old gentle
man is suffering intensely.
Rev. Hjssely of Maple Grove was in
town to meet Mrs. Kssely, who re
turned from Frccinont, where she
was attending a missionary meeting
of the Evangelical church.
Sun Diego ami Dos Angeles, Cal.,
experienced a sharp earthquake,
which caused the dishes to rattle, '
and walls to crack, and greatly alarm
ing tiie inhabitants, however, no ma
terial damage resulted.
Rev. Hex of the Catholic church
preached his farewell Bermon Sun
day morning. Father Bex goes to
ilurchard, where his duties are less
ardurous. Father Hoffman will take
Father Bex’s place in this city.
Indiana Democrats scent trouble
when Mr. Bryan goes east to stump
for Mr. Kern. Apparently the demo
crats of Indiana have been and still
are looking to the brewery interests
for liberal campaign contributions.
George Fallstend and W. S. Doyda,
wlio were the local representatives of
the K. of I*, who met at Fremont
lust week, returned Friday. They re
port an excellent time. The conven
tion was well attended and the inter
est good.
Trinity Sunday—Holy coniinunioii
at 7:30 a. m. Sermon at 10:45, the
theme will be, "The Power of The
Soul.” Evensong and sermon from
tiie Hospel for tiie l»ny at 3 o’clock.
Sunday School at 0:45 a. m.—G. D.
Neide, Rector, St. Thomas church.
Rev. Naninga assisted Rev. Matil
in holding the first quarterly meet
ings of tin1 present conference year
at tin* Zion-Preston charge. There
was preaching at Zion Friday and
Saturday evenings, and lit Preston on
Sunday, hotli morning and evening.
Thomas Wilkinson of Dawson is
preparing a petition praying the drain
age board of Dist. No. 1 to change
the location of tiie South Fork’s big
ditch in the locality in which, ac
cording to his petition, the present
survey would effect his land unfavor
Mrs I*. 11.t.lusson left Monday for
Omaha to attend the council of the
Episcopal church which convened at
that place Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday. Rev. and Mrs. Neide, May
or Keeling and T. L. Himmelreich
left Tuesday afternoon. They all
expect to return Friday.
Te bunch of niggers and plain white
folks quartered in the big house and
stables on the west side of tow*
got merry on some tangle-foot Suu
day night and it required the city
marshal, the mayor, the town car
penter and a variety of other help
to adjudicate matters satisfactorily iu
the community Monday morning.
Rev. B. F. William of Pittsburg,
Pa., filled the Baptist pulpit, both
morning and evening. He was
ably assisted by C. S. Colburn of
Kansas City, who led thhe singing.
The morning attendance was good
and everybody was highly elated over
j Rev. Williams' presentation of Bibl*
truths and the excellent singing of
Mr Colburn. The unfavorable coa
1 ditioa of the weather kept ma*y
I away in the evening.