The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, May 13, 1910, Image 1

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    The Falls City Tribune
Vol. VII FALLS CITY, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, MAY 13, 1910. Number 20
Various Kinds of Entertainment by
Individuals. Lodges. Clubs,
Churches. Etc.
The Shakespeare club met in reg
nlar session May 0 witli Mrs. T. J.
Gist. The attendance was very good,
unsidering the weather. The lesson
’nmpleted the second scene of the
last act of “Th« Winters Tale." Bach
member is requested to bring to the
next meeting a tested recipe to be
- < nt to the Woman's club of Aurora
Inr tlie cook book they are compiling.
This book will be sold to raise
; mis for establishing a hospital at
hat place. The next meeting will tie
held May 20, with Mrs. A. Graham.
' M members are urged to attend this
■eeting, as it is the final one of
" tie club year. The present play will
1 < completed, officers elected and
>vtc work planning for the coming
y< ar.
Miss Florence Parchen entertained
e basket ball team of 1909 last Sat
day evening complimentary to Miss
Itoso Pfann of Nebraska City, who
w is visiting in this city-. Som'erset
and VViggs were the games played
d ring the evening, the latter being
•iew game of particular interest.
" ere was plenty of good music
.iiicli was greatly enjoyed by all.
Misses Florenci and Ethel Parchen
< :n il refreshments at eleven o'clock.
' :ss Pfann was a member of the
>■ braska City basket hall team of
909 with whom the Falls Cby girls
pUyed several games.
flic W’ouk lit;' Auxiliary to the
■arcl of Missions of St. Thomas
hurch held their monthly meeting
Monday evening at the home of Mrs.
• largrave. At roll-call the members
present responded with selections
mi the Psalms.
■■.tarda have been received in this
e'ey announcing the marriage of John
borrington to Miss Fay Cheney
.1 Sparta, Wisconsin on April 29.
V ••. borrington lias many friends in
-11s City who wish them joy and
.i prosperous life union.
>r. and Mrs. Wilson attended tin*
- tte Kclectir Meieal Society which
livened in IJneoln May 10. II and
1. The doctor returned home on
hursday. Mrs. Wilson remained ill
mcoln a few clays visiting friends.
The Sunny Slope kensingfon met
. tli Mrs. Oeo. Coon at Salem Wed
< clay, with a very good atU ndance.
.'ice ladies spent the afternoon visit
ig. Dainty refreshments of ic e cream
cal cake were served by the hostess.
’■ iss Nellie Klliott was a guest of
the club.
The Will'ng Workers ol tile Chris
to church and the Degree ol Donor
oiig" -planned o surprise foe Mrs. I!.
Norris of Hardin, Mont., on Mon
ty evening. The company gathered
the home of Mr. and Mrs. I. C.
1 mist at 'ight o'clock and the sur
is<‘ was complete. The evening was
i eusantly - pent playing games and
• social conversation. During the
entug cocoa and wafers were ser
ved in the dining room by Mrs. Maust
ft ss Odd'e Lapp assisted jn ent of
nine the guests. Each organization
. '•'Sfiited Mrs. Norris with a gift
i memory of the occasion.
The Evangelical V. 1*. A. held their
• monthly literary program at the hos
r’table home of Mr. and Mrs. Win.
; .techier, one mile west of Falls City
■ n Tuesday evening. May 11. A very
nstructive program was given, and
('joyed by all. Light refreshments
w.-re served, and the social dour was
' njoyed by all present. During the
vening the new China hospital was
iseuRsed, an undertaking by the
> Much and two shares taken in
paid up stock, to further thi.- noble
< The next meeting will be
the second Monday evening in June
, Ml will he held in the Evangelical
m rch.
The ladies of the Kaffee Klatnh
club met Tuesday afternoon at the
same of Mrs. Frank Schaible, The
time was busily spent at needle-work,
■(there were refreshments and pleas
antries besides. It was a pleasant.
The pupils in Miss Snidow's room
v.i»rk< d a complete and happy surprise
on their toucher Tuesday evening.
Miss Snidow had gone to a party
at I’rof. Wood’s home and at 0:30 she
was unexpectedly and hurriedly cull
ed home. Met scholars were wait
ing for he and greeted her cordial
ly. It was rather confusing, though
very agreeable. The time was very
pleasantly passed with games and
other diversions. A luncheon was
served, which 'he scholars had them
selves provided.
Soosis met with Mrs. Wm. Wilson
Wednesday afternoon, witli a large
attendance. Mrs. Gist read a fine
paper on, ' History Making Kvents of
the Year.” A number of important
business matters came before the
club for discussion. Refreshments
were served by the hostess and the
social half-hour indulged in. Club
adjourned to meet with Mrs. W. W.
lenne May 25, this being the last
meeting of tin1 club year.
The teachers of the city schools
planned a surprise on Supt. Wood.
Mrs. Wood planned a surprise on
the teachers by inviting the school
board to moet them. The teachers,
twenty-two of them, met and went
in a body to the home of Mr. Wood.
Tin* evening was spent in playing var
ious games and having a good time
generally* The main surprise, how
ever, was not on Mr. Wood, but on a
friend of his, who, silling on the
porch, was mistaken for him. He
says that to have someone say
boo! then grab and shake him is
a new experience.
The following is the program for
the commencement exercises to be
held at the city auditorium on Thurs
day evening. May 2li.
Music. “Happy Days Gone By”..Park
. Mixed Glee Club.
Invocation.Rev. Brooks
Address.. ..Gov A. C. Shallenberger
Vocal Solo.Maybello Poteet
Presentation of Diplomas.
Music. 'Driuk to Me Only With
Thine Dyes" .Cole
Mixed Glee Club.
The Baccalaureate service will be
held Sunday evening, May 22. Rev.
Bailey will deliver the address. The
music will be furnished by the high
school chorus. The place wi’l be an
nounced later.
Base Ball Lore.
Falls City will have a base ball club.
Its in the future tense as yet, but
coming. The season is now on, the
hoys are here, and what else may
be needed to complete tin season
will follow in time.
In the oreliminary workout Tues
day afternoon a careful estimate of
the Ltrength of the team was im
possible. A number of tin boys
showed such form that that with
practice and drill in team-work, they
will no doubt develop into a team
that will be a credit to the city.
Manager Annis is well fitted to
inspiie in his men a spirit for clean
playing. He is also winning the
confidence of the people and will get
the support of the business men gen
erally. t
Memorial Day.
Only two more weeks an 1 Decora
tion Day will have arrived once again.
The ranks of the veterans are becom
ing pitifully thinned. What can be
done to honor and cheer th" weather
worn hero s ought to be done with
good will and spirit. Let everybody
join in an effort that will show ap
preciation and gratitude. It’s the very
least we can do for them. Why not
do it in a way that is worth while. If
each one will do his or .her little
part a splendid celebration can be car
ried out, to the credit of the com
munity and to the honor of the old
soldiers, both living and dead, and
it will not bo a burden to anyone. Let
each one contribute his mite and the
day can he made a grand success.
Special front Stella.
Mrs. Neva Raper Monod died at
her home in Louisville, Neb., Tues
day morning. May 10th of appendi
citis. Her illness was of short dura
tion, as her mother was called there
just the Sunday before*. The re
mains were brought to Stella Tuesday
evening and taken to the home of
her mother. The funeral services
were held in the Christian church on
Wednesday afternoon, conducted by
Rev. Homer Young of Bethany, and
the remains taken to I'rairie Union.
She leaves a husband, mother, one
sister ami three brothers, besides a
host of friends.
Falls City Greatly in Need of Pub
lic Toilet and Rest Rooms
Ear-Mark of Culture.
One of the ear marks of culture
anil social progress is the provision
made, both public and private, for
the care and comfort of the body. As
people become more refined they also
become more thoughtful. Natural
delicacy compels them to provide
conveniences not dreamed of by their
less refined forbears. l£folt™iw then
that the toilet facilities of a city of
any size are a fair index of standard
of culture of the citizens.
It cannot be-said to the credit of
Falls City that we have practically no
public conveniences of this kind.
There is no place in town where
ladies and children t an retire to rest,
or for toilet purposes, that is entire
ly open to the public. There should
be rooms conveniently located, and
maintained at the public expense,
j where visitors eoulil at all times re
lire for privacy and rest, and to at
tend to their physical wants.
Such a place would be a great, re
lief to tired shoppers, especially to
.those from the more distant country
districts, it would also tend to re
lieve the congestion in stores on
busy days, as women and children
have no other place to wait, and are
compelled to hang round the store
rooms, to their own mortification
and the hindrance of business. It
would also bo in the interests of
cleanliness, sanitation and good mor
als. Falls City needs a rest room.
■I,nil needs it badly. Who will .,„ur
the ball a rolling? And who will
help give tlie good tiling a boost
Special from Humboldt.
After an illness coveting a period
of several years Lawrence M Sterns
died at his home ^>n Nemaha street
at an early hour Friday morning. His
death was due to tuberculosis, from
which malady Mr. Sterns Pas been
afflicted for several years. The dis
ease assumed ,i serious nature during
the early winter months, compelling
tiim to remain at bis home a greater
part of the time, his business being
in the hands of competent assistants.
Mr. Sterns has for years been num
bered among our most enterprising
and upright mercantile men, being
engaged in the dry goods business.
The deceased was numbered among
the early settlers of Humboldt and
was among the public spirited men
who assisted in moulding this town.
Funeral services were held from the
family home Monday morning at
11 conducted by Rev. John Cal
vert. who is now in charge of the
Methodist congregation at Sutton,
During the hour of funeral services
the business houses were closed. Tilt*
remains were* interred in the' Hum
boldt cemetery. The* deceased is sur
vived by a wife* and numerous rela
tives in this locality.
Burlington train No. 4:; was six
houre late Tuesday evening, arriving
at Falls City at one o'clock Wednes
day morning. A dozen ei more
strangers got off and went up town
to find lodging. But they tried iu
vain. Every house in town was full.
The men verc compelled to sit up
until morning. They entertained
one another swearing at Falls City
and her lack of accommodations. They
overlooked the fact that Falls City,
like a husky kid. has outgrown her
clothes. The present accommodations
arc not equal to the demands.
Falls City is getting to he too crowd
ed Hi be comfortable. We need more
lodging houses and hotel accommoda
tions to properly care for the con
stantly increasing number of strang
ers in town.
For Exchange.
160 acres near Roswell,New Mexico
for residence in Falls City, Nebraska.
240 acres in Thomas county, Has.,
for property in or near Falls City,
320 acres near depot, Thomas Co.,
Kansas, improved, for property in or
near Falls City, Nebraska.
120 acres improved, northeast of
Falls City. ^ good place.
News Of Interest From Our Neigh
boring Towns.
Auburn is having difficult} getting
an adequate water supply for their
water system.
Kairbury voted down the propose
tion to bond the town for $70,0(10 to
install a new light and water system.
Another election has been called.
Hiawatha is considerbaly disturbed
over the assessor's census returns
His figures would indicate r loss In
Unofficial estimates place the In
crease in population in Nebraska at
only a,000. When Uncle Sam's fig
ures are given out the slate of Ne
braska will mi ke a decidedly better
King Edward VII died Friday even
ing at 11:45 in Buckingham Palace.
The king suffered from bronchi! is.
Immediately George,Prinee of Wales,
became king.
The new battleship Florida, now
building at the Brooklyn navy yard,
is ready for launching.' ll Is 521 ft.
long and will weigh 21,825 tons.
Dawson has given up the idea of
trying to maintain a printing plant.
The printing outfit is being advertised
and will be sold the first opportunity
that offers.
The now concrete bridge Icing built
by tlie Burlington west of Dawson, is
a more extensive structure Mian was
ill first supposed. It consist i of sev
eral arches and spans a flood way
under the track. It will be built of
reinforced concrete.
The old saloon rooms in Lincoln are
being cleared of their bar fixtures and
saloon paraphernalia and are being
fitted for legitimate business enter
Court House News.
Judge Gagnon issued the following
marriage licenses;
Delbert Prichard, Falls City.,21
Nina Wing, Falls City.IX
William Huebner, Falls City.21
Lena Felir, Falls City.20
Charles Atwood of Humboldt, ad
ministrator for the estate of Wesley
Vaughn, has arranged to cell some
of the real estate belonging to
Vaughn in tin interest of the de
pendent heirs.
Tin committee appointed to ap
praise the land for drainages in
Drainage Dist No. 2 returned their
report to the county court Wednes
day. L. Thacker, Stanley Wilson and
Frank Revelle were on the commit
tee. The following amounts were
allowed: Perrj Pollard, 940; Dawson
.Millig Association, $1,000; Fred M.
Libbee, $2.91; Fred M Libber. Disc
No. I, $154.
Falls City High School Athlotes
Win Additional Honors at
Tarkio, Mo . Meet
The high school truck team was
over at Tarkio last Saturday attend
ing the Tri-State Track meet held
on the athletic field of the Tarkio col
lege. They returned winners of
the meet with forty seven points.
The closest competitor was Greenfield,
having twenty one points. Kails City
secured six Ists, five 2nds, and
two Itrds, with several tths and
atlis They broke five records. This
gives tlie boys a gold medal for ouch
first, a silver medal for each sec
ond and a bronze for each third, and
appropriate ribbons for fourth and
fifth. Kucli one breaking a record
gets a gold watch fob in addition to
the gold medal
Twelve schools from Iowa, Missouri
and Nebraska participated The fol
lowing are the events in which Kails
City won points:
Pole vault- Reavis, first; Norris,
second, both of Kails City; Rock port,
third. Height ti feet, record.
Mlie run Yoder, Kails City, first;
Green field, second; Red Oak, third.
Time, five minutes and twenty-two
seconds, New record.
Running high Jump -Greenfield,
first; Cain. Kalis City, second. The
heighth, n feet and I •s inches; new
100 ynrd flush Greenfield, first;
. second; Hahn, Pulls City, third.
Time, 10 4-5; new record.
Shot-put -Gillignn, first; Jones,see
ond, both of Kails City; Red Oak,
third. Distance 36 ft and 8VG Inches;
new record.
Running broad jump Rcavis, Kalis
City, first: ReAOak, second, Rock
port, third. Distance, 17 feet, (i in.;
new record.
880 yard run- Yoder, Kalis City,
first; Rockport, second. Time 2 min
utes and 28 seconds.
Hammer throw -Red Oak. first; II.
Jones. Kails City, second; Gillignn.
Kails City, third. Distance. 11;* ft,
5 inches.
220 yard dash Halm, first; Hoc
rocks, second. Imth Kails City; Rock-]
port, third. Time, 28 seconds.
MHe relay- Rockport. first; Kails j
City, second
A Band.
That a city as large as Kalis City ]
should lie without a good hand is!
unusual. .Music figures so largely in !
the success of all public gatherings
that the lack of it hand is ,i serious
handicap. We are convinced that
the situation admits of relief The
talent is available, what is needed is
leadership, someone w ho has the
ability and the will to organize and ]
conduct a good band. The Tribune!
will be glad to In ar front any who]
have suggestions to offer.
List of New Books at Library.
Stcnuous Life—Roosevelt.
Reminiscences of a Long Life ——
Mrs. Prior.
Life ad Letters Coo, Ticker.
Journey in Southern Siberia —
American Play-Orounds—Mero.
How It is Done; Victories of Engi
neering Williams.
Living Word Won-ester.
Wireless TeelgrapU and Telephony
— Kennedy.
Cberaminergau Passion i’lay —•
Kindness Faber.
Counsels and Maxims Schopen
On Human Nature Schopenhauer.
Evolution of The Soul Hudson.
An Admiral's Log Evans.
Message to The Well Dresser.
Dr. OrenfeH’s Parish Duncan.
Equal Suffrage -Summer.
Confessions of an Opium Eater—
De (Juincey.
P.iid craft Wright.
Procession of the Flowers lliggia
Atuerlcau Primitive Music—Burton.
Aerial Navigation of Today - Tur
Every Man in llis Humour -JonsoB.
Haven Phllpotts.
Kingdom of the Slender Swords—
Top of The Morning Tompkins.
Illg John Baldwin—Vance.
When n Man Marries—Rinehart.
Flute of the Gods- Ryan.
Peggy, The Daughter Tynan.
Rosary -Barclay.
According to Marie----Lane.
Golden Season Kelly.
Rembrandt Lamed.
Bold Robin And IBs Ranger*—
Tales of a Grandfather—Scott.
Little Stories From France— Dut
Strange Stories of War.
Saturday Mornings—Benton.
Live* of The Untiled—Scion.
Young Rangers Tomlinson.
Frank in The- Wooks—Castle-man.
American Fairy Tales—Baum.
Patty’s Friends —Wells.
Little Peoples’ Readers llodskias.
Stories of Great Artists.
Text Book of Art Education. Hooks
I and J.
l.iterary Notes.
A valuable addition to the refer
ence department of the Library is
the "Messages and Papers of the
Presidents from 1789 to 1897.” It
consists of ten volumes, edited by
Richardson and is the gift of a
“The Literary Digest” is among tho
regular periodicals now. It is the
gift of Dr. Brink.
Schedule of Games for Falls City Base Ball Club
Nebraska City at Falls City, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, May 19. 2d and 21.
Falls City at Maryville, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. May 23, 24, (25-25).
Shenandoah at Falls City, Thursday. Friday and Saturday. May 2(i, 27 and 28.
Falls City at Shenandoah, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, May 30 and 31. June 1.
Falls City at Nebraaska City, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, June 2, 3 and 4.
Maryville at Falls City, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, June <>, 7 and 8.
Auburn at Falls city. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Jun< 9. 10 and, 11,
Falls City at Clarinda, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, June 13, 14 and 15.
Clarinda at. Falls City Thursday, Friday and Saturday, June 16, 17, and 18.
Falls City at Auburn, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, June 20, 21 and 22.
Auburn at Falls City, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, June 23, 24 and 25.
Falls City at Clarinda, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, June 27, 28, anti 29.
Falls City at Maryville, Thursday. Friday and Saturday, June 30 and July 1 and 2.
Maryville at Falls City, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, July (4-4), 5 and 6.
Shenandoah at Falls City, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, July 7, 8, and 9.
Clarinda at Falls City, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, July 11, 12, and 13.
Falls City at Shenandoah, Thursday .Friday and Saturday, July 14, 15, and 16.
Nebraska City at Falls City, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, July 18, 19, (20-20).
Falls City til Auburn, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, July 21, 22, and 23
Falls City at Nebraska City, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, July 25, 26 and 27.
Clarinda at Falls city, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, July 28, 29 and 30.
Falls City at Shenandoah, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, August 1, 2 and 3.
Falls City at Nebraska City, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, August 4, 5, and 6.
Maryville at Falls City, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, August 8, 9. and 10.
Auburn at Falls City, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, August 11. 12, and 13.
Falls City at Maryville, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, August 15, 16 and (17-17).
Nebraska City at Falls City, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, August IS, 19, (20-20).
Fall's City at Clarinda. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, August 22, 23 and 24.
Shenandoah at Falls City, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, August 25, 26 and 27.
Falls City at Auburn, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, August 29. 30, and 31.
Clarinda at Falls City, Thursday and Friday, September 1 and 2.
Falls City at Auburn, Saturday and Monday, September. 3 and 5.
Falls City at Shenandoah, Tuesday, and Wednesday, September C and 7.