The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, April 29, 1910, Image 6

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Mr. Fatherly'# Daughters Are Charm
ing in All Ways. But They Have
Strange Ideas as to the
Handling of Money.
“Strange ideas of finance our chil
dren are likely to have,' said Mr Fa
therly ’ For one thing, tin y seem to
think we are made oi money
"If they want anything they think,
apparently, that nil they have to do is
to ask their lather Tor the money.
That he might have difficulty In sup
plying all their wants is something
that seems never to occur to them,
und they don't understand It when
sometimes I have to tell them that
there is a kink In the exchequer und
lhat l cannot Just then honor their
demands But they have other queer
Ideas about money. For Instance:
"We make our two daughters each
a weekly allowance of money for their
various lesser wants. They spend this
money ns they go along for many lit
tle things, or sometimes they accumu
late It until they get enough for some
bigger thing that they want, and then
they buy that. And then sometimes
when the time has come when they
wont to get lids more costly thing
they And they haven't accumulated
quite enough. They borrow the bal
ance of me. That is to say, they get
an advance on their allowance, which
they pay back In Installments at their
"The home bank lets them take
their time about this, and sometimes
they are pretty slow. It Is hard, up
hill work for nnyobdy to repay bor
rowed money; I guess we all know
that. So wo never worry tho girls
about repaying this borrowed money;
we let thew take their time about It,
and we charge them no interest.
“Then comes along a week when
the home bank Is pinched a little and
when ft would be u help to call some
amount on theta small loans; which
wo do, when agreed to by the other
party, by deducting a sum from tho
wocky allowance1 and crediting Iho
same to the account of the loan ns an
Installment In repayment. We don't
actually get In any money by thltk you
understand, but we have to pay out
less, and that la the circumstances
may bo a help. And now what do you
think one of my daughters says to me
when I make her this proposition?
"She is ready and willing, In fact
glad, to let that deduction from her
allowance be made tills week, to be
credited to the account of her loan,
but since tills money Is going to be a
help to me she wants to know it 1
don't think I ought to allow her some
interest on it! I have been out this
money all this time, but when she
pays any of It back she thinks 1 ought
to pay her something for tho uso of
it! Isn't that bewildering?
"It is my experience that Mrs. Fa
therly is a great economist She never
wastes a penny and alio can make a
dollar go further than anybody 1 ever
knew; but our daughters, charming
girls us they are, have only the haziest
notions about llimnce, and one of
theso is that money grows In their la
ther's pocket.”
Acquiring Friends.
Acquiring friends and keeping (hem
is the surest way to social success,
provided each friend Is hall marked,
so to speak, as being of sterling merit
and of the right weight In the social
scale. Some people seem born with
the knack and right intuition about
these most necessary moves, and no
matter where they visit will at once
slip Into the charmed circle from
which most newcomers are excluded.
When at hotels abroad or at home
they always stumble upon the nota
bles, and even royalty traveling in
cognito will come their way. On all
sides they are smiled on and ap
proved. On Hie other hand, there are
many who travel purely for the sake
of meeting desirable people, who put
up nt hotels where royalty is expected
and go to all kinds of expense and
trouble to dine and wine each new ac
quaintance, and yet are ever apart,
it needs a magic touch to open the
portals to friendship and m sympathy
that but few really possess.
Driven Insane by Remorse.
A terrible scene in a cell was de
scribed when Mrs. Jane Dupont, a
well dressed woman, was charged at
a London tling.) court with stealing
a blouse from a shop in Oxford street,
and also with attempting suicide. An
inspector said he was called to Mrs
Dupont's cell, and saw her knocking
her head against the wall He found
her uiuff cord tied tightly round her
neck, and she was black in the face
when he untied the cord, and was
bleeding from the back of the head.
Another Inspector stated that he was
called later by the matron and found
the woman bleeding slightly from
both eyes. He asked her how she
came by the injury, and she said, "I
feel that 1 cannot look my friends in
the face again. I must destroy my
One Condition.
Hortense (the housemaid)—Isn’t It
a shame that Anna Gould has to go
right ou supporting Boni de Caste I
lane’s parents?
Hildegarde (the lady's maid) —Yes.
Indeed. It’s preposterous! And I’m
more determined than ever to insist
upon one betrothal condition.
“What’s that?’’
"The count I marry must be a full
Proof That Maria Runs in Families
Has Been Substantiated by
With the object of showing the eon
sequences of Intermarriage where a
suicidal taint exists, and the necessity
for Imposing some restraint, the Men
del Journal, the organ of tire Mendel
society, gives an Instance of the de
velopment of suicidal mania through
four or five generations.
Two families lived in (he same vil
lage and the tradition Is that one fam
ily was addicted to suicide by drown
ing and the other by shooting. The
tradition Is traced back at least five
generations, but the nctual records of
the first generation were not kept
In the second generation one In
dividual committed suicide try drown
ing, and In the shooting family there
was a r ase of suicide by shooting. Of
that generation a member of the
shooting family married one of the
drowning family, ami of the Issue of
the marriage one person committed
suicide by shooting and another by
drowning. There were two normal
members of the two families who mar
ried, making what Is called a cousin
marriage, of the offspring of tills
union—being tire fourth generation in
order—one was insane, with suicidal
mania, and is still living; two brothers
drowned themselves, a fourth poisoned
himself, a fifth shot himself and a
sixth poisoned himself. A seventh was
Insane, with suicidal mania, ami there
are three other normal members of
the family who are still living.
The suicidal mania persisted In oth
er branches of what Is called the
shooting family, and In one of these
branches In the third generation there
was a member who shot himself. His
Hon also committed suicide in tiro
same way and a third was Insane with
suicidal mania Two sisters were nor
mal. lull In the next and present gen
eration all the offspring have had sul
cldal mania
A Tap from the Dead.
A remarkable incident, hearing al
most on the suiKjtnatural, was related
at an Inquest at Whitley Itay, Eng.,
upon the body of Henry Fuirbnirn,
which was found on the bench there
one Sunday morning recently.
The widow related how, when her
husband did not return at the usual
time ou Saturday night, she deter
mined to sit up, and wait for him.
About 1 a m. she was sitting reading
a newspaper, and "dozing” alternately,
win a she was startled by hearing
a gentle knocking at the front door.
This was followed,” said Mrs. Fair
bairn, "by *a tap tapping at my bed
room window. I at once went out,
thinking It was my husband, but I
could not see anyone. After that I
became very much alarmed about my
It was high tide at Whitney liny
about midnight on (lie Saturday in
question and the t'nrt that Fnirbairn’s
body was round only a few yards be
low the high wiyter mark shows that
the man must have been dead at
least four hours before Ills wife heard
the knocking at the door and the tap
ping at tlie window
Tire ' of It.
•John Milch.dl. bi.-eussing (lie shlrt
w alst-makei s' p ike, said wjth a
“The employer must remember that
working for . up . one else, for a pit
tance, is not It.ill as much fun as
working for on. . If anti getting rich.
“Hut too in.";! • • .ploy-era tire like
tile boatswain 01 i Sea I lofse.
“There was a p on tho Sen Horse
whose duty it v.. m clean out the
quarters of the - i piKS that formed
tlio ship's cat go i hi , man, natural
ly was kept Iip .v ii and night.
“Hut one i . n. ■ on toward the
middle of tit!' o the captain no
ticed (he pig g mil.'man leaning list
lessly, pipe in p , i, over the rail. So
the captain summoned the boatswain.
‘Floats, in .aid, what's* the matter
With that pig !"!lev? Why ain't ho
"The boat .wain looked at tlie spir
itless pig an ml a , hook his head,
and hiisWop*.i in p led tones:
HIok i‘d it | know what’s cotne
over that man late y, sir Somehow he
don't seem to take no pleasure in his
work.’ "
Smoking Through the Head.
During the South African war a
Hoer soldier named Drank Drown was
shot in the forehead with a rifle bul
let. Strangely enough, It did not kill
him, and after the war he secured
employment on one of the transatlan
tic steamers. W hen fully a year had
passed, he complained of trouble in
his head, and after a thorough exam
ination the surgeon of the ship de
cided that the bullet, which had never
! been removed, must he extractor. This
i was done, and afterward, for the!
amusement of his friends, the wound.
I ed soldier placed a lighted cigarette In
| the hole from which the bullet was ex-;
traded, and drew tho smoke through'
| his nose.
I — ." ■■■
Monocles on Fifth Avenue.
The importation of English styles,!
which is increasing constantly in this
country, has not stopped lit mere
clothes and manners, says the New
Tork bun. The use of the monocle is
becoming more and more common
every day in New York.
“Just watch some bright afternoon
along Filth avenue,” remarked a close
.observer. "You will see dozens of
men wearing monocles, in the big
hotels at tea time they are especially!
common. 1 have noticed that a good
many or the young chaps who have
taken up the fad do not appear to be
wholly at ease with the single glass.'1
That Price Hat Eeen Demanded tor
Drawing by the Famoui
Leonardo da Vinci.
l»et no one say that art does not
pay. when right in Fifth avenue it la
offered at $(>00 the square inch, which
is considerably more than the lota
CHu ITont in that exclusive thorough
tare would bring
Stroll Into the new galleries at
<130, and in a dingy little frame, with
several other patches, you will see a
drawing by Leonardo da Vinci in red
chalk. It is only 3*4 inches square,
and, taking out the trimming of its
upper corners, it contains ten square
The price is $0,000 It ifi entitled
"The Head of a Young Man," and,
small as it is, the skill of the Italian
painter Inspires every line of the tiny
There is not far away a small draw
ing by Rembrandt, which is there
through the courtesy of the new own
er, who bought it for f 15,001) before
the dealers had a chance to hang it
and has permitted it to remain in the
show. The drawing, partly In sepia
and here and there with a touch of
crayon, was intended as a study for
n painting and is entitled "Christ and
the Two Apostles." It'fs eight by ten
inches New York Herald.
City Grocers, with an Eye to Their
Own Interests, Show Them How
to Arrange Icebox.
"Even grocers am* taking a hand In
(tie education </ young housewives,"
said the pretty New York woman. "I
did my first marketing last week. The
grocer knew 1 was green. When I
had finished buying lie said:
" 'Now, do you know liow to ar
range things in your icebox to the
best advantage?'
"I said I was afraid I didn't. He
called a young man from the rear of
the store.
" ‘James,’ he said, 'when you deliver
this basket of things will you show
the lady the most economical arrange
ment of tier refrigerator?’
“Fifteen minutes later white-aproned
James wAs turning my ice chest up
side down. He made a place for every
thing and said it ought to bo kept
there, no matter how small the ice
box. The meats, for example, should
always come between the milk and
butter and the fruit and salads. When
he finished my refrigerator held about
twice as much as I had been able to
get into it. Another wondrous phase
of the situation was that James re
fused a tip.
" 'We make it point,' lie said, ‘of
'showing customers the proper ar
rangement of an ieecliest.’ "
Another Foot) Boycott.
When an olive-colored touring car
ns big as a coal gondota drew tip tn
front of a stall at the market house
there was some lively stepping by
the marketeers. The man at the
wheel wore a huge bearskin coat that
must have set him hack $200; the fe
male occupant was attired in a seal
skin that was the exact duplicate of,
a thousuml-riollar Util, while every
bark of the big machine proclaimed
that it took $7,000 to pry it loose from
Its makers. The woman approached
the stall.
“How much are strawberries?” she
"Seventy-five a basket,” replied the
-market man.
“S-e-v-e-n-t-y f-i-v -o c-e-n-t-s!" gasped
.the woman. "Well! It’s simply out
rageous the way food products stay
And an instant later the sealskin
and the bearskin, and the olive-colored
car had flounced around the corner in
a vanishing cloud of gasoline vapor,
and another food boycott was on.—■
h’ittsburg Times-Gazette.
Cracklin’ Bread.
la a divorce case at Mexico the
plaintiff criticised his wife’s cooking
and complained it she put “cracklin’
bread" before him to eat. His lawyer
was laying great stress upon this point
and was particularly severe with the
wife for serving this homely yet savory
bread, which is peculiarly palatable to
native Missourians, when Judge Bar
nett ' interrupted him with the quesj
t ion:
"Mr. Attorney, did you ever eat
‘cracklin’ bread?”
"No, sir,” came the prompt and
somewhat emphatic reply.
"I thought not.” said the judge, and
there was a ripple of laughter ail over
the courtroom, which showed that
“cracklin' bread" was not foreign to
the appetites of those present, inclu
ding the court.
A Revere Bell.
Gorham, Mass., has discovered in
the belfry of the First Parish church a
genuine Revere bell, its inscription
reads; '‘Revere-Boston-lS22.” Old rec
ords show that it cost $D00 and was
tirst hung June 7, 1S22. This bell,
which has done such excellent service
during the last S8 years, is now appar
ently in perfect condition and rings
out as true and clear as in days of
No Royalties Called "Baby.”
One noteworthy feature about royal
ties is that none have been called
"baby.” From their earliest years the
royal children are always called by
their nume% or possibly by some pet
name, but an English prince or
princess is never called "baby" either
by relatives or by his vor her) nurses.
From the age of five a prince is
called "sir'' by his attendants, and a
printi ■ "madam."
On Fan :uil Hall, Boston—Was Made
oy One of America’s Earliest
Wood Carvers.
Perched on the cupola of Faneuil
hall, in Boston, is a grasshopper
weather vane which is not only one
of the oldest vanes in tlie country but
is famous as the product of one of
America's earliest wood carvers and
artisans, Shein Drowne <*f Boston,
Drowne> shop was on Ann street,
in the north end.
Of the many vanes he made only
three are now known to be in exist
ence the one on the Shepard Memo
rial church in Cambridge, which for
merly was on the steeple of the New
Brick church on Hanover street, in
(his city, and known as the revenge
Mine; Hie one in the collection of the
Massachusetts Historical society, a
relic of the old Boston Province house,
and the one on Faneuil hall.
This grasshopper of copper, ham
mered out by hand, lias large, glassy
eves, which in the sunlight shine like
fire It was made in 1742, at the or
der of Peter Faneuil, when the hall,
bis gift to the town, was nearing com
pletion, and for the last 167 years It
has been a landmark.
It lias not, however, lived a life of
unbroken peace, for several times it
lias been near destruction. In 1775,
when Boston was shaken by an earth
quake, the vane fell to the ground,
but after being supplied with a new
leg by the son of the man who made
It. it was replaced.
Five years later Faneuil hall was
seriously damaged by tire, but the
vane remained intact, and when the
hall was rebuilt the grasshoppef was
once more given the place of honor.
Another disaster befell it when, in
1KN!i, a (lag was being raised to cele
brate the anniversary of the evacua
tion of the city by the British, the
hopper hopped to the street below.
But in a few days lie hopped right
back again, and there lie has re
mained ever since, with the exception
of an occasional removal for repairs.
Young Suffragette Proved Her Right
to Leadership and Her Fidelity
to the Cause.
In a graveyard Miss Inez Milholland,
Vassal' graduate, suffragette, friend of
the working girl, amateur actress and
champion female shot putter, executed
her first and one of her cleverest
strokes in her campaign of ‘‘Votes for
It was during her days at Vassar
college. Miss Milholland, on behalf
of a band of enthusiastic suffragettes
enrolled from the students, had in
vited several prominent leaders of the
I cause to address a mass meeting on
t tie college campus. The news of tile
approaching event reached the ears
of the faculty, and President Taylor
issued a stringent edict forbidding the
gathering. Miss Milholland was not
daunted, however. A short distance
from the college grounds was a grave
yard. Collecting her forces, she moved
into the cemetery and the speeches
were delivered among the tombstones.
—From an article in The World To
Busy Paris Dressmakers.
This is the period of great excite
ment in the world of dressmakers.
Tlie Hue de la Paix is in a bustle and
turmoil from morning till evening;
employers and first hands are scream
t ing to lift boys and messengers, who
are running wildly up and down
stairs. Usually polite manageresses
and obsequious doorkeepers receive
even their best clients with scowls of
disapproval, for all this unusual disor
der and excitement is not on account
of their clients. It. is the private
view which is being prepared—the
dress rehearsal, as it were—of the
coming season’s fashions for the bene
fit of the buyers from big firms
throughout the world—Russia. Vienna,
Amerfta. London. Germany. These are
the spring and summer fashions that
are being lavished; it is already too
late for the half-season styles. A fort
night lienee the elite of society will
also be let into their mysteries.
Japanese Day Nurseries.
Mrs. Arthur M. Dodge, president of
tlie National Association of Day Nur
series, is shortly to deliver a large
number of handkerchiefs as a present
to the babies of the day nurseries of
Japan. The handkerchiefs were con
tributed by a Chicago woman. Ac
cording to Mrs. Dodge’s report, there
are but two day nurseries in the whole
of Japan, and at one of them only two
of the 20 babies cared for go home at
night. There is a Japanese woman at
tlie head of the institution and the
mothers of mtfst of the babies are
serving sentences in prison. The other
day nursery is in Yokohama and is
managed by an English woman. A
third is being arranged for in Oka
yama, a large factory town, by Miss
Adams, a missionary, who has recent
ly returned from her American home.
The Umpire at Hobne.
“Billy Evans sat alone in his home
the other evening meditating on the
approaching baseball season which
means his return to the arduous urn
i piring pursuit.
He was thinking of a number of
vexatious features of his calling, when
his thoughts were interrupted by the
ringing gf the telephone bell. Some
woman desired to talk to Evans' wife,
who did not happen to be at home.
“She's out!" shouted Evans, absent
mindedly, in such a thunderous tone
that he nearly ruined the poor wom
an's ear drum —Cleveland Plain
St. Anthony
A High Grade Percheron
Foaled April, 1903. Has a seal
brown color; wt. 1700 lbs. Is a
perfect individual with a good dispos
ition and has proven himself a sire
of size, quality, disposition and style,
his colts always selling high.
Will stand during the season of 1910
at the Weaver farm, seven miles
southwest of Falls City, five and one
half miles southeast of Salem, six
miles north of Morrill.
Jay Caffery
Is a large, heavy-boned trotter with
extra style and action, showing a
clean, lapid gait; a strawberry col
or; 161 , hands high; wt. 1300 lbs;
has a good disposition. Was sired
by Glaser; he by Jaybird, who stood
for $500 service fee. Dan by Charles
Caffery; he by General Knox.
Further breeding given on application
Will stand during the season of
1!M0, .Mondays and Tuesdays, Fridays
and Saturdays at Weaver Farm;
Wednesdays and Thursdays at Sa
$12.00, payable when eolt stands
up and sucks. If mare changes own
ers, or is removed from the eoinmuni-1
ty, fee becomes due at once. Mare;
and colt to guarantee service. Care |
will be taken to prevent accidents,
but will not be responsible should
any occur. No service on Sunday.
j. w. crook!
—Every family and especially thos
who reside in the country should
bo provided at all times with a bot
tle of Chamberlain’s Liniment. Thor
is no telling when it may be wanted
in ease of an accident or emergency.
It is most excellent in all cast's of
rheumatism, sprains and bruises. Sol
by all druggists.
Uncle Ezra Says:
"Stick to the farm, but don't neces- i
sarilv. when you are away Irani home, j
let the farm stick to you.’’
BestJHarnass on earth is made at
Wachtel's. Saddles, Whips. Etc.
Everything for the horse. Repair
ing and Oiling. Phone 384.
* « W*4 H»H »♦ > ♦ » ♦ »
: D. S. flcCarthy ■■
i > <i
Prompt attention fiver ‘j
' | to the removal of house- \ \
hold poods. " \ |
PHONE NO. 211 ::
4-HFf t < ■>
Phone 248 Over Richardson County
General Practioneer
Calls Answered Day Or Nit: it
In Town or Country.
The Auctioneer
Before itrranfrinnf date write, tele
phone or telegraph, my expense
Phone* 268-131*2161 Palis City, Neb
Back to the Farm !
The greatest advertisement ever given to western farm lands
is contained in the present discussion regarding the high- cost oi
living. Our population and its demands has increased beyond tin
ratio of increased soil products. The man who owns a Iannis
surer tcdav than ever before of its future value and worth to him.
Nearly a million immigrants come annually' to this country. The
west is increasing in population at the rate of half a million a year.
The man who owns a 30 or 40 acre'worn out farm in Europe is con
■ddfnd independent, vet the west offers you 320-acre tracts of
Mondell lands or 80 acre tracts of Government irrigated lands, at
a price that comes near being a gift.
With the absolute certainty that these lands will be beyond the
reach of the homesteader in a few years, it Will pay you tO get
hold Of 3 western farm for yourself or your son before it is too late,
(h t in touch with me.
D. CLEM DEAVER, General Agent
Land Seekers Information Bureau
1004 Farnam Street, Omaha, Nebr.
Real Estate and Loans!
Moncv to Loan at 5 and (> per cent interest on good real estate i
security. Also moncv to loan on good chattel security.
West of (ourt House' Falls Citv, Nebraska j
""" 1 in ■■ '■ ■' y »■■■ ■
Passenger Trains
South Bound
Tr 10-4—St. Louis Mail and Ex
press .1:50 p. m.
l’r. 106— Kansas City Exp., .1:41 a. m
Tr. 132 x- K.C.iocal leaves. .7:30 a. tit.
Tr. 13V x- Kalis City arrives 0:00 p. m.
x- Daily except, Sunday
North Bound
Tr 103—Nebraska Mail and Ex
press.1:30 p. in
Tr. 105 -Omaha Express. .1:48 a. m.
Tr. 137 *—Omaha - 7:00 a m.
Tr. 131 x Falls City local ar
rives.,— .8:43 p.m.
x- -Baity exeeut Sunday
Local Frt. Trains Carrying Passengers
North Bound
Tr. 102 x—To Atchison..11:10 a. in.
South Bound
Tr 101 x — To Auburn .1:23 pm
Burlington Route
West Bound
No. 13—Denver Exp....... ,1:10 a. in.
No. 15—Denver Exp. (Local).1:40 p. m.
No- 43—Portland Exp...10:17 p. in.
No. 41—Portland Exp.2:25 p. ru
No. 121—Lincoln Loc. via Ne
braska City.5:00 a. m.
East Bound
No. 14 St. J., K. C. &St. L. .7:38 a. m.
No. 44—St. J., K. C. & St. L- .4:11 a. m
No. 10—St. .T.. K. C. & St. L. .4:22 p. m.
No. 42—St. J., K. C. & St. L. .6:52 p. in
No. 122—Frftm Lincoln, via
Nebraska City. H:45 p m
E. o. Wiutford, Aijeut.
—We have some fresh Red Seal
flour in now. Come and get a sack.
—C. A. Heck.