The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, April 29, 1910, Image 5

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    “Skin Deep”
I is said that beauty is only skin deep. That’s suf
ficient. Properly gowned and adorned womankind
is satisfied with this depth of facial beauty. In the
way of adornments—useful and necessary adornments
—we are showing the very choicest designs in
hat Pins
Belt Buckles
Gold Lockets
Fancy Purses
Back Combs
Barrettes ,
Mesh Bags
Toilet Articles
The prices are fair and reasonable—not “cheap,'1 but
just right. Our ’show window doesn't tell half the
story-—so many pretty and useful things necessary for
My Lady’s toilet that are not in the window. Hut they
are here, subject to your approval.
What Your Friends and Their
Friends Have Been Doing
the Past Week.
—Dr. Wilson, Wahl’s building.
-Strawberry plants are ready.—Si
inanton & Pence. 13-tf
—Young’s Pantorium cleans and
presses ladies skirts. 44-tf
—For Rent—-Vacuum Cleaner,with
or without operator. Phone 208 or
426. 17-tf.
A. Matill of Zion was in town Mon
day and incidentally called at this
Severe as the frosts were, only the
tenderest foliage was damaged, and
that only slightly.
Farmers are busy putting in their
corn. The corn acreage will be un
usually large this year.
Rev. Brooks left Wednesday morn
ing for Brownville to attend a pas
tor's conference of the M. E. church.
Four new business rooms will go
up at once in Salem, contracts for
the structural work are already plac
What is now needed above all else
is a warm rain. All plant life is
beginning to suffer for lack of moist
Rev. Severance of Salem went to
BrownvHJe Wednesday to attend the
M. E. conference now in session at
that, plade.
Mrs. Tyner ot' Salem was in rails
City Monday in the interests of the
W. C. T. U. convention, which will
b<> in-id in Kails City next week.
The two Salem telephone centrals
have behn combined since the fire.
The wires are all connected up and
telephone communication established
as usual.
Ij. L. Hall was in Preston Tuesday
looking after the interests of The
Tribune. Mr. Hall, though a new
man at the business, does not per
mit. the grass to grow under his feet,
and is meeting with splendid success.
The improvements around the Burl
ington station will soon be completed.
The brick platform is practically
done. Also tin filling in and grad
ing leading up to the platform. Tin
changes made add much to the ap
pearance- of tilings around the de
pot. and help to facilitate the work
about the trains.
Among tin- many ladies from this
city who attended the First District
convention of Federated clubs in Paw
nee City this week were Mrs. T. .1.
Gist, who will read a paper on
"Needs of our District Constitution;’'
Mrs. John A. Crook, whose paper
will be "School Sanitation." Others
who attended the convention are Mrs.
William Wilson. Mrs 1). (!. Griffith.
Mrs. W. S. Korner, Mrs. Edwin Fal
loon, Mrs. M. Giannini, Mrs. It. A.
Dittmar, .Mrs. W. A Crook and Miss
Margaret Steele.
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Fenton had
quite a party of Dawson friends to
spend t lie day wiht them Wednesday.
They were Mr. and Mrs. Mike Mur
phy and son Will, and Mrs. Murphy’s
mother, and David Kean and wife and
John Crook is further beautifying
the grounds about bis home by hav
ing put down five-foot Concrete walks
and a broad driveway. Rumor 'has
it that W. II Crook will soon begin
a handsome new residence.
—The Dawson printing plant will
be sold in whole or part, as oppor
tunity offers. Any one wishing to
buy anything belonging to the plant
can do so by calling on W. H. Wyler.
Mrs. Jim Powell returned Wednes
day night from a three weeks’ visit
in Waverly, Kas., with the family of
her brother. Her little niece, Miss
Evelyn Morton, came home with her.
Mr. anil Mrs. \V. H. Miller, living a
few miles north of towp, returned
Wednesday from Republican County,
Kansas and Tkaygr. County, Neb.,
where they visited relatives.
Mrs. Peter Restorer and Mrs. !>.
W. Sowles drove to Salem Wednes
day afternoon to see the destruction
caused by the fire.
Mrs. C. K\ Reavis returned Sunday
from,Iowa Falls, Iowa, where she vis
ited her sister. Mrs. tins Hagensiek,
formerly Miss Nellie Abbey of this
Jim Bacakos came in from Beatrice
the first of the week for a few days
visit with the family of his brother,
Pete Bacakos.
—Don't forget to visit the Home
Shoe Store for bargains in shoes
when in Falls City. 14-tf
Mr. and Mrs. Will Vandervort of
Salem were here on business Wed
Mr. and Mrs. John Williamson were
over from Salem Monday.
.Take Snethen was down from Daw
i son Wednesday.
Mrs. Carl Btithman is quite sick
1 this week.
—Eat Sowle’s Candy.
Farms! Homes!
A dandy ItiO-acre tract in Brown County, Kansas. 21 I
miles from good railroad town. $0,000 worth of ini
provements. Brice $22,500.
A dandy good HO acres in Brown County, Kansas. Price
$115 per acre.
103 acres just across state line in Marshall Co., Kansas;
13 miles to Pawnee City, Neb., 7 miles to Summertield.
Good improvements. Price $000.
4o acres 3 miles from Palls City. No improvements. Price
so acres 1 miles from Palls City. A good one; line loca
tion. Price $130 per acre.
I have several line homes in Palls City cheap. Get one of
these beautiful homes before they are all gone or the
price raised and the price is sure to rise, and that
before long. Address,
Q. H. Fallstead
Now is the time lo plant straw
berries. 13-tf
—By your seed corn at. Heck’s
feed store. 15-2t.
A. 1). Harris was a Shubert. visitor
here Monday.
\ E. aGntt went to Lincoln on
business Sunday.
Miss Mary Murphy of Wahl’s store,
spent Sunday in little.
*—If it's shoes you want, call at
the Home Sho£ store, 14-11
! Mike Cronin and Hay McVev of litt
le* were in town Monday.
John Ilarshbei’Mer of Humboldt was
here on business Monday.
G. 41. Lawrence was a business t is
itor from Salem here Saturday.
Busy time—quick work with
! Vacuum Cleaner, i’hone 208 or 4IMi.
Wm. Higgins attended tiie funeral
I of Mrs. Dure in Omaha Tuesday.
Mrs. Leyda Houtherluud of Oma
ha is spending the week in the city.
Carl Searson of .Superior was the
guest oi Miss Elizabeth Sanford over
William is in Reserve this
week, whetii he lias a carpentering
John Oswald was in Salem Monday
making pictures of the ruins from
the fire.
A. I Weaver returned Friday from
a business trip to Minneapolis and
St. Paul.
Harry Schrader and wife of Shu
bert. visited Mr. and Mrs .1. Bloom
.1. A. Shields w. lit to Kansas City
Monday to buy new supplies for
the Variety store.
Neal Thornton went to Omaha on
Monday to attend the funeral of his
aunt. Mrs. Larrv Do re
Miss May Startzel and Miss Nellie
O’Brien went to Wymote to spend a
few days with velatU's.
Alexander. Hilgenfeld returned on
Monday from a visit with his wife’s
relatives in Sahetha. Kas.
P. F. and Tom Murphy returned on
Tuesday from Barada, where they
went Sunday for a short visit.
Miss Anna Mason came down from
Peru to spend Sunday with her moth
er. She returned to school Monday
Mrs. Mary Berry an daughter, Miss
Julia, returned Tuesday to their At
chison home after a visit with rela
tives here.
Miss Morgan i Mooney and Miss
Mollie Winterbottom of Rulo were
guests of Mrs. Dennis McCarthy on
Tuesday of this week.
S. A. Little was a business \isilor
in Omaha Monday, where lie met
eastern salesmen and bought Some of
the year’s best novelties.
Eugene Merideth, formerly of Sa
lem, was down from Lincoln Mon
day representing a candy company,
and looking up old friends.
Miss Helen Wagner ol Oklahoma
visited Mrs. T. .1. Oliver over Sun
day. She was on her way to Peru
to attend the summer school.
Tom Murphy, an old time resident
of this section is in the city visiting
tiie family of his sister, Mrs. Jer
ry Kanaly. and other relatives.
J. F. Martin of Lincoln was in the
city calling upon the trade Wednes
day. While in the city he was the
guest of his brother-in-law, AI Spear.
Mrs. W. E. Dorrington entertained
a number of friends at a six o'clock
dinner Wdneesday evening.. The
affair was given in honor of Mi'S. S.
L. Marts’ birthday.
Tiie Atchison Commercial club is
making a tour of Kansas and south
eastern Nebraska this week in a
special train. They will arrvie in
Falls City over the Burlington, by
way of Wymore and Pnwime Friday
evening. From Falls City they will
return to Atchison over the Missouri
Fred Metz, representative of the
executive committee of the Young
Men’s Christian Association of Ne
braska was in Falls City the first, of
till1 week looking over the field. Ther
is some talk of starting a Y. M. C
i A. in Falls City. The result of liis
visit seems to have been, that Falls
City is not yet fully ripe for so
large an undei taking. The matter
will he held in abeyance? for a more
propit ious time.
I Agent, Whit ford states that. 2(iS
tickets wore sold at this station hist
Sunday for Salem to people who
went up to view the ruins of the fire.
There was not standing room on the
trains. Besides the patrons of the
railroad, every auto, buggy, car
riage and conveyance of every kind,
was in the donstant line of travel
between this city and Salem ail day
Sunday. There was not a con
veyance of any description available
at a livery barn after dinner, and
every private conveyance joined the
throng that wended its way to
what, but a day before, had been a
peaceful, thriving little village.
—Prompt relief in all cases ol
throat and lung trouble if you tts<
Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. Pleas
ant to take, soothing and healing ir
1 effect. Sold by all druggists.
/ •
Then' were quite a number of
Humboldt people who came on to
this city after viewing the ruins of
the Salem fire last Sunday. While
they rested here they were the
guests of Dr M. L. and Mrs. Wilson
Among those who were in the party
were Messrs and Mesdamea .1. It.
Davis, K. Cooper, Cist, McKee
and children, .1, C Segrist, Huerstet^
ta. Shirley. Tod Colhapp and mother.
After a short visit here they re
turned to their homes in Humboldt.
Wanted District manager with
headquarters at Falls City. A grand
opportunity for the light man. Ad
dress in confidence. Life P. t*. box
106:’., New York City.
"The Story of a 'Thriving City” has
the endorsement of the Commercial
club, the banks and principal bulsness
men of Falls City,
The work of excavating has been i
completed for Mrs. Nelfzel’s new j
bouse and the foundation bus been
Mrs l>. Vi. Griffith went to Pawnee
City Tuesday as a delegate from the!
Woman’s club to the First District
Mrs, .1. W. Powell arid daughter,
I,via, went to Kansas City Thursday
,for a few days \lsit and to do some
ICO acre farm for rent or sale,will
take some Falls ditty property. Close
to church and school. Henry C.
.Smitth. 2t.
Morris and Joint Sheehan went to
Omaha Sunday, being called there by
the death of their sister, Mrs. Hurry
The Woman's club will bold its
next neettng Tuesday. May at the
hortie of Mrs. Charles Wilson.
Miss Louise Rub* Inis charge of
It. 1!. Simpson’s jewelry store tills
week during his absence.
Harold, the little son of Mr. and ,
Mrs Will Boyd, Is suffering from
Why Not Pse Hi" Vacuum Clean
er and get the dirt out. Phone :.’(IK
or 426. 17-tf.
Mr. and Mrs. Perry Hart were
over from Reserve Friday.
George Shields went to Falrbury
Sunday, where ho was the guest of
his brother, Milo Shields.
Kugenc llarjrave of W'ymoro vis
ited the latter part of last week at
the home of his uncle, Charles Har
Miss Jennie Fellers was down from
Humboldt the first of the week to
visit friends and to paint with Mrs
Mr. and Mrs, John llule of Lan
caster, Kas., who have hoop, visiting
It R. Rule and wife of tills city, re
turned Tuesday to their home
Miss Frances Morton, who has
been librarian for the past four
years at Silverton, Col., came home
Saturday for a visit with her parents.
Mrs. Simpson of Wahoo, Neb , was
the guest of Mrs. Margaret Cade over
Sunday, comings Saturday to attend
the marriage of her son, Ralph Simp
son and Miss Kthel Cade, which oc
curred Sunday morning.
Harry Hurlc'it of Lincoln was a
guest of the family of George Prater
last Sunday. He returned to IiIh
home in Lincoln Sunday afternoon,
accompanied by JMIsh Chinn Prater,
who will visit two weeks with Lin
coln friends.
Diseases of Women and Children
Chronic Diseases
X-ltay amt Klectricnl Trout incut*. cut In hiinwpiimI
oitfht or day in city or country.
PHONES ' °,,icB 439
PHONES Residence 471
Office Over Falls City State Bank
Mrs. M A Lyle Mrs. N. E Byerr
Ni \t Dorn West Kumpt'aii l aft*
On Corner.
Practising Nurses
Falls City. Neb.
Free Land Grants
Yes, a few more elegant Free Land
Grants can still be had in Mexico,
| where many Americans are now In
j eating. You do not even have to go
J to Mexico, but are required to have
five acres of fruit trees planted with■
in five years. For information print
ed in English regarding Mexican
homesteads, address The Jantha
Plantation Company, Block
Pittsburgh, Pa. You can have your
trees planted and your land work* ■
on shares, so as to bring you a the -
sand dollars a year. The health con
j dilions are perfect and the climat •
j grand. It is never hot, never col
and Oxfords
Just Arrived
at the
Office Removed to Tootle Block
6th and Francis Sts
i S .mention to M ll>K;i M ItlHIAL
| IMhpuhi-k 1 HfkMiHHH of WOMI’N Dliil nilliDltKN
Ofl'n e over KerrV Pharmacy
Oilier Piu.nt*2H0 Hi^iilrru r Phone ill
/ See—
■ -i=S®Kers Fy,.
I "* *?,**> «r„r, ~
/ Where;? At s THE EARTti'ts7lef™ent
i —n
When'? To°" ^ 25 "> so
n 'uesc/av m=
"■ ""*w -«*«'„!;,'9'0
Go with us on liiis our personally conducted excursion. The regular homesecker rates i;, $19.85 to
Aberdeen, blit the firm which we represent lias authorized us to announce that the round trip 25 day limit
tickets to homeseekers who are seeking and prepared to buy land for a home or investment will be the low
est rate ever made from Kalis City to Aberdeen, S. 1). The people who go with us will be shown the land
free of charge, we only asking for 3 or 4 days of their time while we are showing the land and proving the
truth of our statements. You will b< under no obligation to buy. Your car fare will be refunded in ease
of purchase,of land. j
We have on exhibition at our office some of the products of Brown Co., S. I)., maps literature, and
tin names of many K. E. Neb. farmers and business men who have purchased land in that section of coun
try during the past two years. Come in and lets talk the matter over.
Brices range from $2u to $0'» per acre, terms to suit purchaser, deferred payments at six per cent.
Taxes $10 to $18 per quarter. Best of pure water at 20 to 40 feet; no better water on earth. Artesian wells
cost $250 to $300, neveer wear out, never freeze, pipe anywhere, pure and wholesotni water; there are 300
in Brown county. Aberdeen is supplied entirely by artesian w> t]s. Rich black, sandy loam noil, 18 inches to
t feet deep with u fine Hay subsoil, never bakes, retains moisture, rainfall 20 Inches, crops as sure as in
Iowa, Nebraska, or Illinois, will produce ns many dollars per acre one year With another as Iowa, Illinois,
or S. E. Nebraska. A land of big red barns, fine houses, fine horses, cattle and hogs, rural routes, tele
phones, schools and churches, fine towns and people, fine German localities witii good churches and schools,
splendid K U. facilities, cannot get far from town; land rents for one-third delivered, and one-half and own
er furnish seed. Brown county is watered by the dim and Elm rivers; 22 It. It. towns; 192 public schools;
235 teachers; 48 churches; 30 post offices and 15 It. E. IP's; 150 elevators. Why loan money at six pet
cent when you can make 25 tier cent? Renter, why work for the other fellow? Buy a home of your own.
Many farmers raise only corn, cattle, hogs, timothy, clover and alfalfa. Brown county averaged 33 bushel
of corn per acre last. year. The largest body of land with the least waste you ever saw; corn 30 to tty
bushels tier acre; oats 50 to 110; barley 30 to 70; wheat 15 to 40; flax12 to 30; potatoes 300 to 500; plums,
cherries and small fruit abundant; apples and full wheat raised successfully. Aberdeen bank clearings,
$2,000,000 per month; six banks; deposits $6,000,000; population 12,000; paved streets; water, sewer ami
light; value of buildings In processor erection over $1,000,000; new citizen's bank, seven stories high. 50
by 14G; many wholesale bouses, factories, colleges and 14 churches; nine lines of railways. Everything as
represented or your car-fan* refunded. Bet us show you this country; land will soon be worth $100 per
acre. Go novV and buy while you may There is only one crop of land—there never will be another. Grasp
the golden opportunity while you may.
Mr. Jump of Tecumsoh, one of the best fanners of Johnson county, after looking over the south and
west carefully, bought 1,000 acres in Brov. n county and will make his home there.
Wm. Ressler of South Auburn, and family have bought three times in the last four years. No hotter
farmers in Nemaha county.
Over 30 farmers and business men in Neinaha and Johnson counties invested in Brown county land
last year and over 30 have bought so far this year and many more will. Cheap rates, through trains.
For further information, call on, phone, write or wire
Falls City, Nebraska