The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, April 29, 1910, Image 4
THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE Consolidations Kalis City Tribune, Humboldt Enterprise, Rulo Record. Crocker's Educational Journal and Dawson Outlook. Entered as secoml-ciass matter at Falls City, Nebraska, post office, Janu ary 12. 1**04, under the Act of Congress on March 3, 1,h7u. Published every Friday at Falls City, Nebraska, by The Tribune Publishing Company W. H. WYLER. Editor and Manager. One year -- $ 1.50 Si* months .75 Three months -40 TELEPHONE 226. COUNTY OPTION. County option is bused upon 'lie idea that the majority should rule. If a majority decidt for no saloons then there should lie none. The county is made the unit of operation. If the county votes dry," then the comity as a whole is to lie "dry." On the contrary, should the comity vote "wet" that does not mean that the county as a whole becomes "wet " County option is not to vole saloons into "dry" plans. In case the coun ty goes “wet" the situation remains as it was before the vote, the "dry" places remaining “dry” and the "wet" places remaining "wet The brewery people call this a Jug handled arrangement. The Insin uation is both unjust and not true. It is a fundamental principle of Amer ican law that the majority shall rule. Th«' majority of the people are usu ally decent and law-abiding The liquor Interests are aware of this. They know that their business is doomed wherever the people are per mitted to have their way Intelligent ly. It is to tile financial interests of the liquor crowd to defeat the will of the people in every way pos sible. Their slogan just now is the "personal liberty" cry. What do they mean by It? They really mean that the people are not to be trusted. It is a catchy assertion Intended to deceive and alarm the people. Coun ty option means the people's option or. the rule of the majority. County op tion favors the rights of the Individ ual as represented hv the majorities • * • THE SALOON IS AN OUTLAW. The saloon 1ms no rights except by suffranee. It is wholly by the toler atlon of the people or their .. aontatlvos that the saloon Is per mitted to do any business at all. The saloon Is an outlaw and can only do business by permission. The saloon must have u license before the gov ernment will permit it to open its doors. The license is really nothing more than a permit The cost of the license or tax is a Kind of fine collected In advance for the business that is admittedly bad. Hut this is not all. The* community insists that so dangerous an institution as the saloon shall be presided over by a responsible and reputable man. There fore the saloonkeeper is required to obtain the sanction of a majority of the freeholders in his ward or pre cinct. The idea is to safeguard the community by preventing a bad man from running a bad business. The signers are tit > moral bondsmen of the saloon-keeper. They vouch for bis good character and respectability, and make themselves morally respon sible for the breaches to decency that occur during Ills administration. When, several years ago, a judge in Indiana declared the saloon an outlaw, lie hit that institution a l>low from which it litis never reco\ ored. The more recent decisions of Judges .lessen and 1’emberton in Ne braska are in line with the same de velopment and are intended to knock out the last remaining props of re spectability by which this contempti ble business hits bes‘11 bolstering it self up. Let the goi^J sense and intelligence of tho people deal with the liquor traffic and its doom is sealed. The dealers know this. Hence their persistent efforts to pre judice and alarm the public, * * m TRIBUNE’S ATTITUDE. The attitude of The Tribune to wards live, present-day issuer may be provoking to some of its old friends and supporters. Nevertheless wo have no apology to offer for our present course. The Tribune lias long championed the peoples' inter ests. The “insurgency” spreading through tlie land Is nothing more than an arising of the people against their oppressors, it is the peoples protest against rlass rule. County option is the peoples option. We are for the people and by t lu* people, therefore we have espoused the cause of county option generally and will champion it in this county. The field has been theirs. They have con fessedly failed to make good. The sa loon is an admitted failure. Now, all we ask is a “square deal.” Al low us to contest the field on even ground. Give us an intelligent and unbiased hearing. Give the “dry” propaganda a fair trial. If it fails w as the "wot" side has ho evidently failed, then out It out Rut be fair, inform yourself, get the facts; we promise you to turn on tin* light If we say some hard things, it Is not. from bitterness, but because they are the ugly facts. You need to know them. Come let us reason to gether * • • SUNDAY. The law of tin' Sabbatli is not an urbiliary law imposed upon humani ty by Hu1 restrictions of society or church, hut Is grounded in the con stitution of nature. In other words Hie regulalions relating to Sunday rest are not primarily moral but entirely natural. This Is peculiar and but little understood, nevertheless If Is very true. The violation of the Sab hat hie laws incurs penalty just, as the violation of any other law. If has been found by observation that Inanimate ime hinery operates bet ter when allowed a day of rest once in seven Manufacturers by actual computation have found that they make more money out of a given plant with a certain number of em ployees,when they only run six days in the week. In actual practice thous ands of people who have tried it out, have found that Sunday labor is a losing proposition. There are few people who labor on Sunday from choice, and these rarely come to much through their efforts. The in dustries and railroads are slowly awakening to this great trutli and are providing ways and means for giving their help and their equipment a day's rest once in seven. Very few merchants and dealers keep open shop on Sunday from choice. They do it from compulsion. The real sin tier in most eases is the virtuous public. Mr. Church Member inusl have hit' cigar or soda water, or candy, or Ires i meat for dinner, or Sunday paper with Its sensational reading and exaggerated art; his I tilde is too stale reading for Sun day. When tlie church people con sistently practice I heir Sunday pro fession, llie hulk of tradesmen will close lluir doors and thank their Lord for a few hours of relaxation and rest. FROM LIFE. lit1 whs one of (Soil's true noble men, a grand, good man. lie was my i'i'lend and I knew him as n brother, lie grew In manhood in the old conn try and brought with him to America, the continental idea that moderate drinking is not only eminently re spectable, imt absolutely necessary, lie drank, but not excessively. He and i frequently argued the merits and demerits o' both sides, never bit terly but always intensely. He was ;i man of strong convictions, remark ably balanced by a deep sense of what Is fundamentally and finally rigid. Tie wanted to be right. With in the circle of his understanding and grasp of the subject lie was ab solutely fair. My friend was stricken with an incurable disease. There was no hope for him. On his dying lied la1 turned to me and with au expres sion of deep joy and peace on his countenance, lie said, "I am so glad. I am so glad.” Why was he so glad? Two id' his sons were employed in two of our larger western cities; he knew the dangers to which they1 were exposed if they visited drinking places. Hut both hoys had become abstainers. "I am not afraid for them now, they are both safe.” And thus lie died rejoicing that his sons were walking in a safe and secure way. * * * A STRAW IN THE WIND. Until Senator Hale of Maine and Senator Aldrich of Ivllode Island have' definitely announced it as their in tention til retire at the close of tills session of congress. They both of fer as their reasons for retiring, the fact of their advanced age and break ing health. The opposition is inclin ed however, to accept those state ments with reservations. The pre sumption is that botli have been feeling the public pulse and have decided to forestall the humiliation of almost sun1 defeat by dropping out of the contest. Uncle Joe, less I shrewd and more determined. is going blindly to ins finish. ’’ " Pastors' Association, At u mooting of the executive com mittee in the study of Chairman Hay held on Monday it was decided to ac cept the invitation tendered by Uov. Dailey to hold the next bi-monthly meeting of the Federation of Churches of Richardson county in Humboldt on the Nth of May The general theme offered for discussion will be county option. It is desired to .determine the churches’ attitude towards this question, and to plan a line of action that will give expres sion to the stand taken. As this it the momentous problem up for solu tion this summer and fall in Nebras ka, it is important that all the past ors in Richardson county make it a point to be at this meeting and come prepared to represent this constit uency definitely and positively. Full particulars in next issue of the Trib une.—Secretary. Harmann, Johani Christopher Harmann was born in Kffelden in the Grand ftuchy of Hesse Darmstadt, Germany, on May 5, IS.Ti. He died in Falls City. April 25. 1910, aged seventy six years, elevc n months and twenty days, at the home of his soil-in-law, Otho Wachtel. During the early part of la i ..uiniuer Air. narninnn bi gan to ,ul v. in, a kind of tubercular swelling iti his right leg below the knee, and about three weeks before his death, gangrene poison developed. Medical aid was summoned, but all of no avail and death resulted on April 25. Father Harmann's daughters came from their homes in Lincoln anil I teat rice, one a professional nurse, land did all that laving hands could do, and iemail* d until the end came. .Mr. Harmann eaves four daughters] and one son, ami grnndeliildrc i. His wife preceded him in death. The iu nerai was held front the German Kvangelical church, Uev Al t' lirooks assisting the castor. The interment j took place in Steele cemetery on | .Monday afternoon. To lhose that know Mr. Ilarmunn best, loved him as a good Christian gentleman. For many years he was a member of the German Methodist church, but since coming to Falls City, liis own German church not be ing here, lie made a church home at (he Kvangelical church. The aged pi’i rim's end was full of intense suffering, yet lie liore it with great Christian fortitude; his end was peaceful and without a struggle. Vital spark of heavenly flame, Quit, oh quit, this mortal frame. Trembling, hoping, lingering, flying, ! () the pain, the Idiss of dying! Cease fond nature, cease thy strife. And let me languish into life. The world recedes- it disappears Heaven opens cn my eyes my ears, j With sounds seraphic ring! Lend your wings; I mount! 1 fly! Oli, grave where is thy victory? Oh, death, where is thy sting? T ucker. John J. Tucker -was born Decem ber 31, 1833 near Sluirpsburg, Hath County, Ky.. and died in this < ity on Thursday morning. April 31, 1010 at the age of seventy-seven years, four months and twenty-one days. Ilej was married to Margaret Henry on March IK, IK.'.J, Six children were horn to ihem. only two of whom are living, namely. Dr. William Tucker of Kansas City, Mo., and Dr. A. .1 Tuck er of Sedalia. Mo With liis family Mr. Tucker mov ed to Illinois is IK(»4, and to Falls City in October 1873, this city be ing his home i ver since. September IS, 1857 lie became a member of the Masonic order and has remained a member of lie order up to the time of his death. For many years Mr. Tucker followed fruit farming and truck gardening on a farm east of the city, but of late years, since bis health lias failed lie lias lived a quiet and retiring life with bis wife in their cottage in the east part of town, lie has been almost helpless for many months and the death has been expected, but it was no loss a shock. The funeral was held Friday after noon at. three o'clock from the Meth odist church under the auspices of the Masonic lodge. Rev. Brooks of the Methodist church preaching the funeral sermon, with a few remarks by Mrs. Hattie Mauger. The burial took place in Steele cemetery, the full Masonic burial service being used. Woods. The little boy of Mr. and Mrs. Boyd, Woods, living south of Salem was drowned in R <ck Creek about ten o’clock Wednesday morning. The little fellow, who was only two years eld vas phtyiii. about his mother.who was doing the family washing. Soon 1 she missed him and after about fif teen minutes found the child in the creek which runs close to the house. She could not reach her baby until, she had gotten a garden rake with which she pulled it out. of the water. She believes tifi' little body had life! in its body at that time. The fath-j I er was quickly called from the field, but could not get. a doctor until he I drove to Salem, because the wires; were damaged by the fire of Satur day. Almost two hours had elapsed before the doctor could reach the house and by that time all hope of restoring the little one was gone, j The parents are heartbroken over their loss, ati.l the hearts of their friends are full of sympathy for them. The funeral will be held Fri-! day from the homo. Dore. Mrs. Larry Dore, who was for many years a resident of this city, lied at her home in Omaha last Sat urday night. She was a sister of Mrs. Klten Kink, Mrs. Delia Sanford, Mrs. William Higgins, Morris and John .'heetan all ot this city. The fune ral was held in Omaha Tuesday and was largely attended. It will be remembered that Mr. Dore died in Omaha a few months ago. HERE AND THERE. Current Happenings That Will Inter est Our Neighbors. Hon K. M. Pollard inis announced Ids withdrawal from tin* congress ional race In District. No. 1. He gives as his reasdtu the necessity of ids continuing at tic head of the lumber business with which ho lias been identified with for some time. HM.Hordes of near Auburn caught a shf> wolf and her seven culm last week. The Dr. Hyde trial took an interest ing .itul highly diverting turn last week when it developed Unit the de fense had gotten possession of the papers containing tin* report of the grand jury. ('has. Keith, a Heaver City farmer, found a twelve-days-old baby on his door step one morning last week. It is said that an old man request ed to be taken to the polls in the recent Lincoln election, saying that it would likely be bis last vote, and he wanted it to be against the sa loons. That evening as he was list en'rg to the i -ports of the great vic io’> he Imppi'y passed away. Mark Twain is dead. He died at Ilia home in Redding, Conn.. last Thursday at the age of seventy-five years. (Jov Shallonberger has refused to “oust” Mayor Rawlins and Justice Crawford of VVyinore on insufficient charges. However the house on the hill must be closed at once or he says lie will do tin- "ousting” act. A big fire in the Burlington yards at. Lincoln last Thursday burned up $100,000 worth of stock and buildings before gotten under control. A very high wind was raging at tin- time, making it very difficult to fight the flames. The Omaha Ak-Sar-Ben committee are endeavoring lo get Roosevelt to attend the next, meeting in the fall. On Tuesday. May Ml. Beatrice will vote to bond the town for $70,000 to install a modern municipal water plant. Rumor has it that parties circulat ing petitions in Auburn asking for saloon license are not meeting with (great success. Granger. Things are beginning to move in quiet Hiawatha. There will In- pav ing and Improvement, galore. Hiawatha may become a Grand Is land division point. The company ex pects to spend $50,000 in the city this year. The engineers' estimate of tin- cost of Tecuniseh’s new sewerage system is $6,343.11. Teeuniseh will celebrate tile Fourth of July this year in a manner befit ting a striving and growing little city. Committees have been appoint ed to look after the different features that, will enter into the celebration. The Lincoln police raided the lOlks’ club rooms Thursday and nabbed some fifty cases of beer and as many gallons of whiskey. W. .1. Bryan reached Lincoln on Thursday evenjng. Hi- will remain at. home for some time. Col Soieski declares that Mis souri will go dry next fall by 75,000 majority. Last Fourth of July cost the Unit ed States 215 deaths and over 5,000 casualites. How about the coming Fourth? Lollman. / Tobias 'Lollman, Sr., was born in Globenhinn. Germany in 1833, died in Falls City, April 22, 1010, at the age of seventy-six years. He Canu te America in 1854. Was married to Katherine lOcksteim, to them were born twelve children, six of whom are still living, in 1895 ha came to Falls City and has lived here ever since. Mr. Lollman was a member of the Catholic church. The funeral ser vices were held from that church on Monday and the remains taken to the Catholic cemetery at. Barada for interment. Marriage Licenses. G. A. Henry, Seneca, Has.22 Maggie Manileville, Falls City....22 Ralph B. Simpson, Falls City....25 Ethel P. Cade, Falls City.-.22 Loren L. Corn, Noreatur, Has.26 Grace E. Bennett., Verdou.25 Guy C. Kleckinger, Falls City.24 Lula Maria Larendo, Rulo.19 Tom Glines left Sunday night for Basin, Wyo., where he has accepted a lucrative position. But just how Tommie could leave as good a town as Falls City and the league hall team is what we cannot understand. We feel sure the base ball string will pull him back to Falls City be fore the season closes. •ft • '•->* Salem's Fire. Salem's calamity will not have oc curred wholly in vain if it induces other towns to take the needed pre cautions for meeting a similar visita tion. A fire is quickly started and when once it lias a strong lead it is always difficult to control. Salem was absolutely at the mercy of the wind and lire, it was providential that it much greater portion of the village was not burned. Salem's loss, if previously invested in fire fighting apparatus, and in the rendering of the buildings less Accessible to lire, would have saved Salem. As it is the loss is a dead one. Falls City lias come perilously near hating a big fire on several occas ions this spring, if the city water works are in the condition that per sistent rumor would represent them to be, the city could count for little help from that source In case of a big fire. The situation lias a really ser ious aspect. Disastrous fires are reported all over the state. So far this section lias been practically im mune until calamity hit Salem Satur day. There is no assurance that our turn may not be next except ade quate safeguards, and the most ef fective of these is a first-ejass water plant. There is only one way to provide these safeguards, and that is to see that they are provided. When the city is going tip iu smoke it will be too late to whimper about the things that might have been. Don’t Want Saloon. Preston don't, want the saloon. Hen ry Reiger lots Wen circulating a pe tition trying to get the necessary sig natures to enable him to open a liq uor shop. The town is about even ly divided, it is reported that Reig er only lacks one name of having the necessary majority. A certain moth er, the possessor of some property in the town is reported to have said that she would sign the petition, but not in the presence of her children. Simple-minded mother! Why not in the presence of her little ones? We can heartily assure her that her children will know all about it if she signs, for the Preston brethren are determined in this thing and will publish the names of all those who sign the petition. The signatures are required by the law as a safeguard in favor of the public. The petitions are meant for the public. They be long to the public. If the saloons were in the habit of dealing on the square they would of their own ac cord give them to the public. Pro. ton is prepart'd to put up a hard fight to keep the saloon out. If Mr. Reiger is wise to the actual situa tion lie will drop the dirty thing. — Mrs. John Lichty and Mrs. Charles Heineman were St. Joe shoppers on Tuesday. They also called on an eye specialist while there. Mrs Martha Weaver is having "f residence painted. Lon Evans, is making preparation to move his family to Colorado n <t week. Mrs. Everett Scott returned Mon day from .a visit of several weeks in Lincoln. Street Commissioner Startzel ' <* in a new cement crossing near Me Limlell hotel. Edwin Falloon went to Hiawatha Wednesday to spend ,tli<* day with uis orother, James. Prof.Knoft of Wymore ac 'ompauuxi his students to tills city for 1b " debate Monday night. Mrs. Patrick Gunn and Mrs. Ray Meyers ret art ed Saturday from i visit with Omaha friends. Mesdaines Edwards and Ituegge. and Misses Lapp and Knickerbocker drove to Salem Wednesday. Dr. C. T. Hurchard left Wednesday to join Mrs. Hurchard and Helen in their visit to relatives in Oki;i lioma. Mrs. Martin Melhorn arrived W<-d nesday from Denver to visit her si ter, Mrs. Dodo, and her mother, Mrs Able. Mrs. Harry Neide of St. Cloud. Minn., is the guest this week at the home of her brother-in-law, Rev. <i L. Neide. AI Restorer returned Thursday if last week from Blxby, S. D., where he visited thefamily of his dausrti ter. Mrs. Frank Greenwald. Francis Shaffer and his grandd.tu ghter, Miss Edna Sliaffer, left Tues day for a visit with relatives and friends in Nebraska City and Ac Inirn. I Eastern Star Election. The order of the Eastern Star lii-t<t an (election Tuesday night. The tut folinw were elected to serve the n suing year: Worthy Matron—.Mrs. I). M. Davids Patron—E. G. Whitford. Associate Patron—Mrs. M. E. Wil son . Secretary, Miss Nellie Gilman. Treasurer—H. P. Roberts. Conductress—Miss Eizetta Pat' man. Associate Conductress—Mrs. Speiiee At this meeting Mrs. 1. M. Houston was made acquainted with the. my: teries of the order. Eight refreshments were served tot lowing the regular order of business, and taken altogether it was a most inter sting and enjoyable session. Law of Compensation. Every man—even the most cynical —has one enthusiasm; he is earnest about some one thing. The all-rouud trifler does not exist. If there is a skeleton—there is also an idol in the cupboard —John Oliver Hobbes. -- The Falls City State Bank Will be pleased to loan you what money you may need on approved security. | This bank desires your business and is in a position to I extend such accommodations and courtesies as are con sistent with good banking. If you are not already a customer we herewith give you a hearty invitation to become one. | Falls City State Bank ] * CLIMAX CHICK FEED You want the best results: you want to save the most chicks, i We guarantee the CLIMAX CHICK FEED. The best feed on the market. We guarantee it to give satisfaction or your money back. What more could you ask? For sale by V. <». Lyfojd, O. A. Heck. John Her mes, I„. I,. Aldrich, Penc.-Litth* (’«>., C. W. Jackson, l‘.ills Citv, Neb.; (i. \V. Stunus, str. uaaville; til am & Co.. Ara iio P. O., (ieo. N Ocamb, Kulo; Ocamb & Stack. Vt-rdon: M. ti. Dowell, Salem; R. J. Dunn & Co.. Herada: A. W. Nixon. Ha rad a TRY A SACK. YOU WILL BE PLEASED WITH THE RESULTS HECK & WAMSLEY FALLS CITY. NEBRASKA Let Us Be Your Waiter We never tire of helping others when they ask ^ for good job printing. We can tickle the most exacting typographic appetite. People who have partaken of our excellent service come back for a second serving. Our prices are the most reasonable, too, and you can always de pend on us giving your orders the most prompt and careful attention. Call at this office and look over our samples.