The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, April 29, 1910, Image 2

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    The Courtly in General
The “Doings” of our Country Friends
and Neighbors.
H. V. .Marshal and family moved
to Wymore last week
Ella Carpenter arrived Saturday
from Monte Vtsta. Col
Fred Welck of Norton, Kas., Is
visiting with Rulo relatives.
Squire Randal of Craig was u Rulo
visitor the last of the week.
Mrs. Emma Kern was a Falls City
visitor the last of the week.
Tom Brlnegar visited with llulo
friends a few days last week.
John Jones of Stelnauer was a
llulo visitor the first of (lie Week
I. ('. Hinkle of Forteseue was a
Rulo visitor a few days Iasi week.
Victor Hogan and Leslie Goosemnn
drove lo Reserve Sunday afternoon
Will Craves returned from u visit
with relatives in Humboldt Monday
Humphrey Kdgeeninb and wife are
moving to the east part of town this
Rev Warhtel spent a couple of
days with his parents in Lincoln last
Mrs Aikrnari returned last week
from a visit with her mother in Ma
son City.
Ella Ziegler of Bloomington, Neli .
is visiting tier parents and '.tint rel
atives here
Mesdnines It (i. Ilonderson and
W. .1 Cunningham were Salem vis
itors Sunday
George and Leslie Goosemnn and
Clyde Hart drove to Falls City Sun
day afternoon.
On account of the cold, disagree
able weather Ihe hand did not plav ,
Saturday night.
Mrs. Jenetta Anderson and grand-!
daughter, Mable Long, visited with
Hiawatha friends last week.
Mrs George Bohat returned to her
home in I>ul!ni,s last week after a
visit with her mother, Mrs. Aikinati.
Mr. and Mrs George Ward nndj
sons. Paul and Tom, went to Salem ,
Sunday to view the wreck of the fire.
•lake Hwelnfhrth was kicked in the I
face by n horse one dav hist week.
He almost hied to death before the
doctor arrived.
Mr ml Mrs Harry Bradford and
little con of Wymore left for I heir j
home Monday, after a lew days \isil
with liuio relai ive...
Mrs Claude Yoi am of Falrview,
Kas., Is visiting her mother. Mrs.
t.Mkman Claude caiie in his nuto
Sunday for a short visit.
Quite a crowd from llulo attended
the debate in Falls City Saturday ev
ening. Rulo was represented by
William Shepherd, who won fourth
place in tiie ranks.
Or Kerr of Falls City was called
to Rulo Friday in consultation with
Hr. Henderson for Jeff Gilbert, who
has been dangerously ill for the
past week. At tills writing he is
some better.
Tha ©ME .
Cleanser f.
For The J
| Oea.'s, Scrubs, |
Is the only thing you need
to do all your cleaning—in the
kitchen, dairy, bath-room,
parlor, pantry and throughout
the house and in the barn.
Old Dutch Cleanser
polishes brass, copper, tin. nickel and
all metal surfaces. Excellent for clean
ing harness, no acid or caustic; (not a
soap powdei),
For Cleaning Harness:—
Sprinkle Old Dutch Cleanser
on wet sponge, rub harness well,
rinse with clean water and wipe
dry—removes all dirt and will
not harden or crack.
For Polishing Metal:—
Sprinkle Old Dutch Cleanser
on wet cloth, rub briskly, rinse
with clean water, wipe dry and
polish with a little dry powder—
easiest and quickest.
Jfge Sifter Can
Mrs. Bd Graham is visiting rela
ti\i's in Missouri.
Frank Irnler spent last Sunday in
the country with friends.
Several from here attended the fu
neral of Mr. I.ollman Monday.
Col. loe Worrel is now assisting in
tin* Advertiser office at Nemaha.
Several from here attended tlie
debate in Fails City Friday night
Joe Harper of Auburn was the
guest of old friends here Thursday.
Tlie flow.i and hake sale at. Hu
part’s store Saturday was a great suc
Mr and Mrs Travis entertained
Mi and Mrs Alfred Shellenberger of
Stella Sunday
Mrs. M II Taylor spent a few days
la t week witli her son and his fam
ily at Filley, Neb.
Mr and Mrs. Fred Werner and Mr.
and Mrs Herman Hare were Falls
City visitors Monday.
Mrs. Frank Dietrich and daughter
nl Verdon were guests of Mrs. .1 C.
Shulenherg Wednesday.
Walter Shubert of Ottawa Kansas
spent tlie first of last week here
with relatives and old friends.
Mrs. Gordon of Kansas City, form
erly Miss Florence Burns, is visiting
relatives and friends hero Hits week.
Charles Johnson and wife of
Langdon, Mo , were the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Shlrkolk on Wed
John Shook an wife returned to
their home at Kpworth, Neb., tlie lat
ter part of the week, after a visit to
relatives here.
Quite a number of peoph from
tore went to Salem Saturday to see
lie town burning.
Misses Helen and Artie Smith
tvero in I'aI Is City Friday. They re
nninod over night and attended the
Mi's .lolm Wittwer returned to Sa
lem to stny with her granddaughter.
Dorothy Wittwer, until Hi" high
school closes al that place.
Mrs. Peter Smith was operated on
Monday The nature of her opera
con v,; not considered serious and
unless complications develop there
will lie no danger.
Mrs. Charles Mason had a set ions
r lapse again, requiring a surgical
operation. This was pertoimed at
her home Saturday Mrs. Mason lias
had three operations within the year.
Gottlieb lianillikcr died Saturday
afternoon. lie suffered for over a
year with cancer of the stomach.
The end came as a r< lief to the se
verest suffering. Mr. Dandliker was
born in Can top Zurich, Switzerland.
Oct. S, 1Si>3. In IST:i lie united in
marriage with Bertha Grass. Three
children were born to them in the
fatherland. In I STS they lof* the
old home and friends in Switzerland
and migrated to America. They
Joined what at that time was a small
Swiss pioneer colony in the southern
part of Nemaha precinct. Mr. Dand
liker purchased the farm just across
the stiite line in Kansas, where they
have lived since. In all fourteen chil
dren wore born to them. Of these
twelve survive their father. They are,
Mary, hydia, Oscar, Harry. Lewis,
Walter, Kosa. Verd. C’ltarles, Bertha,
Frieda, and William. Mr. Dandliker
was one of the few men whose de
parture will be really felt. He will
he missed. He was a man of deep
feelings and strong « mivieti ms. He
lived an earnest, strenuous life.
He li -ii simply and gave fr'ely. He
was a good neighbor: one who would
at any time inconvenience himself
'ii com- to tiie relief of another. Mr.
Dandliker died as he lived, heroical
ly. For over six months Ii knew
that life with him was only a matter
of weeks at most. His was a simple
faith. and in it he never once
wavered; though the disease was
slowly and surely eating up his vi
tality. lie never showed alarm. When
racked and tortured with severest
pains he eoul ■ lie grateful that they
were no worse and when granted mo
ment of relief he was always ap
preciative and thankful. His mind
was clear to tliti end. His only sor
row was for those lie was leaving be
hind. His end is a beautiful testi
mony to the power of a simple fafth
in Christ Jesus to sweeten the bit
terness of death. His remains were
followed to their last resting place
in Wild Kose cemetery’ by a large
I concourse of relatives and friends.
—Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liv
er Tablets assist nature in driving
ill impurities out of the system, in
juring a free and regular condition
and restoring the organs of the body
to health and strength. Sold by all
N. A. Arnold was a Falls City vis
itor Monday,
G. W. Duerfoldt drove to Falls
City Monday
Jacob Arnold was a Falls City vis
itor Monday.
Jacob Wisslngcr was a Falls City
visitor Saturday.
Wendell Qerweck was a Falls City
visitor Thursday.
I A. Dunn and wife were Falls City
visitors Thursday.
Fred Hartman and wife were in
Falls City Tuesday.
Mrs. Henry Henke returned Satur
day from her trip to the east.
Miss Kthel Dunn spent Sunday
with hei friend, Miss Fay Slagle.
John Constantine and sister, Ame
lia, visited Ha rad a friends Sunday.
Mike Karst and family spent Sun
day at (he home of George Arnold,
Wm. Constantine visited with ills
cousin, Mrs. George Arnold, Sunday.
Kiidolph Fuller and wife arc the
parents of a baby girl, born Satur
Miss liiilu Sieinering invited a
large crowd of friends and relatives
(o her home Friday evening. They
enjoyed games and music until twelve
o’clock, when luncheon was served.
L Ij. Davis was a Heal rice visitor
Krunk Snethen was a pessongcr to
I)awson Wednesday.
■loe Graves is a recent purchaser
>f a fine automobile.
Ij. Stalder was a passenger to
Kails City Wednesday
vMiss Mary Gandy spent several
lays with Lincoln friends this week.
L. ('. Edwards of Falls City was
greeting llumhohll friends Wednes
Miss Jennie Mason ol Stella was a
guest of Humboldt friends Wednes
Mary Peters of Tecutnseh visited
Humboldt friends the first of the
I I. I’rey and wife returned on
Tuesday from a several weeks visit
In St. Joe.
Mrs. (' L. Lyon of St. Joseph spent
several days with L. .1. Segrist and
family this week.
Bert Marshall and wife of McCook
are visiting friends and relatives in
Humboldt this week.
Mrs. Gertrude Pickering of Ashland
is a guest at the home of her sister,
Mrs. K. A. Litchfield.
Carl Mann and wife came down
from Lincoln Tuesday to visit with
friends and relatives.
Grace Smith returned to her home
in Kails City Thursday after a visit
with Humboldt friends.
Mrs. Susan Sherman came down
from Table Uock Wednesday to spend
a short time with friends.
Rudolph llnizda and Olga llolechek
accompanied hv the hitter's brother,
drove to Dullois Krlday evening.
Mrs. Will Johnson returned home
the first of the week from a visit
with Omaha And Lincoln friends.
Helen Wilson, who has been clerk
ing in William Carsh’s store in Sa
lem. returned to this city Monday.
Mrs. George Sanford of Hastings
is spending this week at the home of
her parents, Mont Willamson and
Miss Frcitln Sneepflock returned
to her home in Beatrice Wednesday
after a visit with relatives in rliis
Miss Emily Phillips returned Wed
nesday from Sycamore Springs, where
site has been spending some time for
her health.
Ralph Harness, who for the past
year has been on the Pacific coast,
returned to his home in this city, the
first of the week.
Morgan Walsh lias proven himself
to l> > well qualified for teaching
school, and on Friday clos 'd a suc
cessful \eriu of school.
Mrs. Del Oelalr and children left
Wednesday for Monmouth, 111 . where
she will join her husband, who is
playing ball in that locality.
Frank Dorland left the last of the
week for a trip to the south. lie
will visit Florida and if favorably im
pressed with the country, may lo
cate there.
Several auto loads of Humboldt peo
ple attended the ball game in Ne
braska City Friday. N. C. Campbell,
Wm. Norton, C. 1C. Cooper and wife,
T.ewis Slama and wife were among
those who witnessed the game.
Will Clift, who recently resigned
a position in the machine shops in
Havelock is now looking for a loca
tion further south. Mrs. Clift will
remain with Humboldt friends until
definite arrangements are made.
Many of Humboldt’s citizens have
expressed admiration for the courage
ous stand taken by The Tribune upon
moral questions, connected with the
city in which it is published. If tiier
were more such papers as the Falls
City Tribune and the Nebraska State
Capital, many wrongs would soon
be lighted.
—We have some fresh Red Seal
flour in now. Come and get a sack.
—C. A. Heck.
Lloyd W. Kinsey was in Salem on
Pat Clancy drove to Humboldt last
Miss Martha Heim spent Sunday at.
her home.
Wm. Penton was In Falls City on
business Monday.
Willard Thomas is a guest at the
home of Joe 11< ini.
M. J. Clancy and wife were Falls
City visitors Tuesday.
Prof Murky of Verdon spent Sunday
with Prof. Hendricks.
K< v. lloldcmati and Miss Caroline
were in Salem Monday.
Misses Judd and Heim took the
early train for their work in Falls
City Monday morning.
Misses Hart and Moran and Mrs.
Goolsby were over from Verdon to
attend the convention.
W H. Wyler and !,. I,. Hall of
Falls City were in town Saturday to
remove the Outlook plant.
E. W. Buser left Tuesday for Lin
coln, where he expects to attend the
annual convention of the K. L. of S.
Andrew Slppley left Tuesday for
Pawnee. He will visit Lincoln and
Central City before In- returns. This
is a business trip.
Mrs. Young and tier husband re
turned from Fern County, where she
and her husband have a farm. She
expects to remain permanently.
Mrs. V. K. Emerson of California
was visiting among old friends In
Dawson this week. She will return
via New Mexico, and will start next
It looks us though the Dawson
print cry was to be demolished this
time A half dozen boxes were pack
ed Saturday and shipped to Falls
Mr Wilkinson was in town looking
at tin' Strunk property one day last
week. As yet lie does not know
whether he prefers Humboldt or Daw
son as a permanent home.
Frol'. Hendricks, Paul 11 din. Cur
tis Ramsey, Ferd Spaulding, Clinton
Chism, Walter Unring and Homer
Auxier attended the debating contest
at '''alls City Saturday night.
\ back load composed of John
and George Smith, I,. !,. Kinsey. Ellis
Lafler, Pat Quinlan, Archie McCau
ley, D E. Watson and Chris Happen
viewed tin' remains of the Salem fire
Sunday afternoon.
Dawson had a small fire scare last
Saturday morning, when the report
reached town that Henry Heim's
house was on fire. A hark load of
men immediately left town followed
by others, but the fire was quickly
extinguished by the- family. It then
developed that the chimney had
burnt out and because of the very
strong wind the family feared it
would get beyond control.
The missionary convention was at
tended by the following pastors, .Mil
ler of Lincoln. Hillier of York and
Garries of Cottage, together with
quite a few delegates. The Laymens
missionary movement seemed to be
uppermost in the speakers minds. The
talks were' interesting and all the ser
vices well attended. A missionary of
fering was taken up. which amounted
to $J3.
A very pretty home wedding took
place Tuesday, April 10, at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. John Coons,
north of Dawson, when Mr. Cleophos
It. Long of Auburn and Miss Fern
Adamson of Winner, S. 1).. were
married. Rev. Itoldeman officiating.
The ring ceremony was us«.l. Near
relatives and friends from Auburn
and Humboldt were present. After
dinner the happy couple left via auto
route for Stella and there they took
the train for Omaha for a trip. The
gifts were many, pretty and useful.
Mr. and Mrs. Long will be at home
to their friends In Auburn after May
| first.
—Ladies. Save Mcney! Make
finest of perfumes at home for ono
! fifth what you are now paying. Ten
1 guaranteed recipes for 50c. Home
j Supply Co.. Princeton, Indiana.
I —are your motives for milking
I cows. In order to secure them
to the fullest extent, ship your
cream the
direct from the farm to the cream
ery at the highest p: e, end R;
! ceive your Check by Return Mail.
MnJH... «•» ...» iiih>>
r i
for Feeble Old People, Delicate Children, Weak, Run-down
Persons, and to Counteract Chronic Coughs, Colds and
Bronchitis, is because it combines the two most world-famed
tonics — the medicinal, strengthening, body-building elements
of Cod Liver Oil and Tonic Iron, without oil or grease,
tastes good, and agrees with every one.
We return your money without question if Vinol
does not accomplish all we claim for it.
A. G. WANNER, Druggist, Falls City.
Your Income
May /Stop at any time, but your expenses will
keep rijyht on.
Better build up a bank account and be on the
safe sidf.
We pay 3 per cent interest on time deposits.
Farmers State Bank
I ■——
Isn’t It Reasonable?
Did you ever stop to think that in buying monumental work
from the strangers who work for ihe interests of outside
people, you are paying his salary in addition to the price of
the stone? Isn’t it evident that with this and other addit
ional expenses he must incur, that in offering you work at a
lower price than we can figure it he must furnish, you poor
quality of work? Don’t be deceived by the pretty pictures
of the smooth-tongued stranger.
Falls Citv Marble Works
Established 1881. R. A. ® F. A. NEITZEL, M*rs.
The Kansas City Star and Times
The Star and Times, reporting the full twenty-four hours’
news each day in thirteen issues of the paper each week, are
furnished to regular subscribers at the rate of 10 cents
per week.
As newspapers, The Star and The Times have no rivals.
No other publisher furnishes his readers with the full day and
night Associated Press reports, as does the Star and Times.
This should recommend the papers especially to the pregressive
merchant and farmer
I deliver both the Star and Times to the subscriber's door
promptly on arrival of trains.
Give me a trial.
Should you want Tfco Star by mail send lOc per week. $5.20 a year.
Address The Kansas City Star.
in dental work if you have need of our
services and avail yourself of our skill,
experience and facilities. We don't do
half way work—it’s all or nothing with
us, as many people know to their own
great gratification. Note, please, that
we make no charge for expert examin
Falls City, Nebraska