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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1910)
.The County in General The “Doings” of Our Country Friends and Neighbors. t SALEM. Roy Dagget was in Dawson Friday. J. O. Stalder was in Falls City Wednesday. Kola McCool eaiue down from Daw son Friday. Mr. Snow of llumboldt was in Salem Wednesday. F. F. Brick of Haddum, lias., was in town Thursday. Wesa Rose and John 1’earson went to Verdon Thursday. Mrs. C. D. Baker was in the county seat Wednesday. A. J. Layson returned to his home in Greelley, Colo., Tuesday. George Snyder and R. C. Iirown were in Falls City Thursday. To Mr. and Mrs. Sam Brown was born a baby boy, March 31. Bert. Kady and Itis mother were up from Falls City Wednesday. Miss Ola Crook returned Saturday from a visit to friends in Pawnee. Mrs. Tyner entertained a num ber of joung people Saturday even p. ing. Mrs. J. C. Morehead of Diiler, Neb., was visiting her sister, Mrs. iiouch, last week. Wilber Ernmert went to Dawson Thursday to visit his sister, Mrs. Lee Williamson. Mrs.Frank Freiburgliouse of Rusli ville, Nebraska was visiting in this vicinity last week. Lola Kelley, Ilazel Grinstead and Ruby Staffer attended the home tal ent play in Dawson Friday. Mrs. Dr. Fftrnace and daughter of Hiawatha were visiting at the home of James Whitney Wednesday. J. S. Lord and family of Falls City spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Hiatt and husband in this city. Miss Mary Slossen returned to her home in Sabetha, Kas., Monday after a visit to Miss Irene Spurlock. Wm. Webster, who bought the It. E. Grinstead farm is erecting a nice cottage at the location where the house r cently burned. Mrs. A. K. Jones of Boulder, Col., and Mi.-, A. G. Wanner of Falls City wer visiting at the home of Fred Boyd Wednesday. Mrs. Hoff and daughter, Lucille, were down from Humboldt last week visiting the former’s parents, Mr. f and Mrs. it. 13. Grinstead. Miss Cecil Kanaly and Katherine Seible, teachers in our schools, at tended the teachers’ meeting at Beatrice • Thursday and Friday. Lyle Tyner came home from Falls City Saturday, where he finished the Business College course. 11c will spend a few days at home before go ing to Lincoln. k _ SHUBERT. Miss Pearl Shublrt was a guest of friends in Falls City last week. Col. Harper of Auburn will now be our new mail carrier from Shu bert to Stella. Mrs. Harry Harmon was called to Lincoln Tuesday by the serious ill ness of her daughter. Arthur Ruch left last week with i his car loaded with farm implements for the westf rn part of the state. Mrs. Barnes of Salem spent sev eral days last week at • the bed side of iier sister, Mrs. S. S. Don aldson. ( J. c. Shulenberg and wife accom panied by Mrs. Brebeek spent Sun day afternoon with friends in the country. Airs. S. S. Donaldson, who has been in poor health for several years died at her home Tuesday af ternoon. The funeral was held from * the Methodist < hurt h, > ondqcted by Rev. Mdrrison, and the remains* were taken to Prairie Union for interment. By her death her aged husband lias lost a loving companion; her child ren an able counsellor and the com munity a kind and loving neighbor. The family have the sympathy of the entire community. She leaves a husband, one daughter. Airs. P, N. Ktnton, and one son, Win. Don aldson. Farmers should eat more oatmeal. Although the farmer of today is able to buy almost anything lie wants to wear or to eat he isn't paying enough attention to food values when it comes to his own table. He feeds his stock carefully, avoids over-feeding and selects the stock food that he believes will give the best re turn in strength and general efficiency. If lie has been watching the exten sive researches and experiments on the question of the best human food / for muscle and brain he will heed the advice from all sides to "eat more Quaker Oats." Quaker Oats is mentioned because it is recognized in this country and Europe as the best of all oatmeals. Feeding farm hands on Quaker Oats means getting more work out of them than if you feed them on anything else. 61 VERDON. Mrs. Frank Dietrich was shopping in Falls City Wednesday. Dr. Thomas purchased a fine new automobile this week. Mr. and Mrs. Hob Murphy were Falls City visitors last week. John Heelers has been quite ill with rheumatism the past week. Ike Harris if Stella was transact ing business here one last week. Mesdaines Fred Stringfield and F. Robb were Stella visitors last week. Rev. Paine is enjoying a visit from liis son, who arrived Saturday after noon .1. M. Griffith and daughter, Miss lidna, were county scat visitors a few days ago. Rev. Dillow of Dawson conducted services at the Kvangolical church Thursday evening. Miss Jennie Aynas came up from lvansas City Friday for a visit with Mrs. Frank Veaeh. Miss Freda Felir and brothers, Con rad and Hugo of Ohio Township were in town Wednesday. Florence Hull returned Sunday after a short visit with Miss H in in a Hannika in Falls City. Dr. Fred Hall atnl Frank Green of Galesburg, 111., are guests of the Hall family in this city. Walter Veaeh and mother were the guests of Mr. and Mrs Arthur Harris Thursday afternoon. John Allenbaugh left Wednesday for Hiawatha, Kas., to work for the telephone company at that place. Chester Lippold came up from the county seat Friday and spent a few days with his uncle, George Fogle and wife. George Nussbaum and Alma May field spent Sunday at the home of the latter's brother, Vivian Mayfield and wife. Miss Anna Frauenfelder returned home from Falls City Wednesdaay af ter a \isit with her cousins, Ethel and Florence Parchen. Mesdames Mary Conover, Claud Sailor, Josh Gloom and Joe Cullen ami Miss Edith Cullen were shop ping in Falls City Friday. Mrs. Frank Daugherty and little daughter, Edna, came down from Julian Thursday from a visit with Mrs. James 'Wells and family. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Gowers, Mr. and Mrs. Fleming Robb and Mr. and Mrs. Evan Owens saw the Richard son County Fair at the Gehl'ng last Friday evening. —Chamberlain's Stomach and Liv er Tablets assist nature in driving all impurities out of the system, in suring a free and regular condition and restoring tiie organs of the body to health and strength. Sold by all druggists. ZION. Miss Ardio Smith was home over Sunday. Charles Smith was in Falls City Saturday. Henry Layson is preparing to build a new barn. Apples, peaches, pears and cherries are all blooming heavily. So far as is noticeable, the frost last week did no damage whal ever. Gottlieb Marmot has gone to Chi cago to take treatment at a sanatar ium. Ferdinand Daudliker of Burchard was home over Sunday to see his father. Joe uoidstein was nome irom re ru visiting among friends during the Faster vacation. Services were held at the Chria tiari church, both morning and even ing last Sunday. Miss Helen Smith closed her school at Pleasant View Saturday with ap propriate exercises. Mary Freiburghouse, Alice Carver iltd Uarle al WUtwer returned to Peru Tuesday morning. A number of friends and near rel atives took dinner Sunday at Lite home of M. Von Bergen. The automobile microbe is abroad in the community. Several in this neighborhood have it and are in a had way. Henry Feldman iias succeeded in trading his Oklahoma farm for Sa betha property and will remove to that place soon. J. (>. Stalder, J. O. Wittwcr, Chris Beer, O. T. Wittwer and Ray Stalder made a trip to Falls City Monday in Mr. Stalder’s automobile. -7* Your tongue is coated. Your breath if foul. Headaches come and go. These symptoms show that your stomach is the trouble. To remove the cause is the first thing, and Chamberlain's Stomach and Inver Tablets will do that. Kasy to take and most effective. Sold by all drug gists. I NIMS CITY. ^ - Mrs. Fairbanks spent a few days lately in Dubois. Lulu Stabler is having an at tack of the measles. Mrs. McGinnis and little grandson spent Sunday In Humboldt. Tom Morris and family spent Sun day with his brother, Chris, in Kansa Mrs Wittwer and sons, Claude and Henry Fitter, visited over Sunday with Charles Fitter north of Dawson. James Parker has sold his resi lience to Mrs. Archer. Mr. Parker has not yet decided what he will do. Large crowds were attracted to the banks of the Nemaha last week to watch the big dredge boat at the Miles ranch. Duryce Ai Hlakney went to Hern Sunday to take home a touring car they had repaired for Kinsey Byles of that place. They were accom panied by F\ A. Bacon, F'rnnk Nims. All returned in Mr. Blakney's new Ford car. STELLA. R. A. Clark was a Kansas City visitor last week. Mrs. Tln o Weave r was an Au burn \isitor Saturday. Miss Blanch Higgins of the stale university is visiting at home ibis week, Miss Cora Higgins of Lincoln has been employed to nurse John Jen kins. Clarence Clark of Kansas City was looking after business interests here last week. Miss Grace Hinkle accompanied lnTr lather on his ministerial visit to Howe Sunday. Mrs. Haebuek and daughter, Mable. of Auburn visited her sister. Mrs. N. Shafer, over Sunday. Dr. Harry Andrews and wife of Darada were guests of S. II Bailey and wife last Wednesday. Miss Blanch Monette from Midland College, Atchison, Kas., spent Sun day with her parents here. Oliver Cowel of Hebron visited his sisters, Mrs. E. A. Kroh and Miss Neva Cowell last Wednesday. Ed and Ezra Stineciphor returned from Oklahoma last week. They are satisfied to live in Nebraska. Miss Hazel Marts of Auburn visit ed her grandparents, Wm Moore and wife the latter part of the week. Mrs. Jacob Hinkle. Sr., was called to Falls City last week on account of sickness at the home of Jess Brown. Mrs. Wm. Veal was unite sick last week with measles, but is able to attend to her household duties again. .1. I,. Slocum and wife and H. M. Jenne and wife of Falls City were guests of E. Wheeler and wife Sun day. Norman Smilie and wife returned homo Saturday from a two months visit with relatives and friends in Oklahoma. Prof. Eastwood spent several days last week at Diller, Neb., whore he has been employed to teach the coming year. Miss Edith Clark left for her horn in Kansas City last week, after several days spent here in looking after her farms. Miss Neva Cowel went to Howe Saturday morning. In the afternoon she and her sister, Mrs. Frank Awe, went to Auburn. Miss Alma Plasters returned to "her studies at the State Fniversity Sunday after spending a week at homo with tonsilitis. Charles Wood is visiting his brothers in Oklahoma. If the climate agrees with him lie will mov his family there in the fall. Mrs. Wm. Marts of Auburn visited her parents here several days last week and left Friday for a visit with friends in Kansas City. Mrs. H. I). Weller and daughter, Miss Nettie, were* called to Omaha Monday by the serious illness of Ralph Weller, who has typhoid fever. Miss Lena Hoffan came up from St. Joseph Monday and is visiting Mrs. A. W. Montgomery. Miss Hoff an is taking a course for a trained nurse. Mrs. E. A. Jennings of Salem, af ter a two we.-ks visit with her dau ghters at Stella left Sunday for Falls City to visit her son, George and family. HUMBOLDT. Virgil Hall was quite sick Thursday and Friday Mrs. Finnic Snethen returned to | Peru Monday. Dr. W ill \Ynggener spent Wednes jday in Dawson. j Charles Summers was in Table j Hock Wednesday. O. W Trimmer was a county seat visitor Wednesday, j Andrew Kdwards ami family moved j to Falls City Tuesday, j Rudolf Iinizda of Table Hock spent | Sunday in Humboldt. | Harry iioyd returned to ids college work in Hastings Monday, i Frank Hush and Tom James were 1 in Table Hock Wednesday. Mrs. It. ISaruanl was a passenger to Pawnee City Wednesday. The FiiiMi Konger < lull met with i Mrs. K. C. Colhnpp Wednesday. Mrs. Cine liasneis is now clerk ling in flic Imak grocery store. C. M. Finn and Milt Kotoue were passengers to Fincoiu Wednesday. Joy Mann and family of Dubois i spent Sunday with Humboldt r«’la I lives. Host llpi/.da was detained from I school tliis week on account of sick ness. Mrs I). W. Mcssiticr, of Kansas tyty is a guest of Hmnboldt relatives tliis week. Mrs. II P. Marble and daughter, /era. returned Sunday from a Flit coin visit. Mrs Tlieo. Maxwell was called to Oklahoma tliis week by tit'' illness of a sister. Mrs. Kd Miller of Bunlvird spent several days this week with Hum boldt relatives. Miss (Iraee Rogers value down from Lincoln the last of the week to visit relatives Mrs. Martin l'aulsou of Lewisville, is spending the week with her moth er, Mrs. Murphy. Mrs Howard Norton and daughter of Lincoln were guests of Humboldt friends this week. Ray Cassidy find family of Have lock spent several days with Hum boldt friends this week. Florence Hosford . returned to her home in this city Saturday, after a several days i i^it in Pawnee City. Mrs. O. A. Cooper left the mid dle of the week for Iowa, where sin will spend some time tit the home of her mother. Mrs. Angelina hllllot, who lias been spending several weeks with rela tives in (ids city, returned to Iter home in Telluride, Colo., Wednesday. Miss Fae Sanford ami Miss (lladys Body, accompanied tin* teachers ot the city school to Bcatrici Wednes day. where the former represented Humboldt in the declamatory con test. Rev. ,1. T Adams, pastor of the Christian church, is enjoying a vis it from his father, Rev. Adams of Lincoln. During his stay in this city Lie delivered (wo interesting ad dresses for the cause of temperance. The ladies of the Methodist church piovided a banquet Thursday even ing for tiie members of the Linger Longer club. The remainder of the evening was spent at the home of Mrs. .lames It. Davis. While attending the teachers' as sociation in Beatrice, Mias Caroline McCready, principal of the Humboldt high school, was summoned to Paw nee City by the death of her nioth er. Mrs. McCready was the wife of Rev. R. .1 McCready, a pioneer min ister, well known throughout south eastern Nebraska. About five years ago on account of the failure of his wife’s health, Mr. McCready resign 'd the pastorate of one of the Presby terian churches of Pawnee, which ho had held for more than thirty years. Both he and Lis noble wife, will long he remembered as import ant factors in the growth of South east—ru N’- Ln, -kite . i-1 very family aijd • spei-Lilly thus who reside in the country should ho provided at all lines with a bot tle of Chamberlain's Liniment. Ther is no telling when it may lie wanted in case of an accident or emergency, it is most excellent in all cases of rheumatism, sprains and bruises. Sol by all druggists. RETAIL MERCHANTS! We have in stock a complete line of Stoneware and Brooms Also all kinds of Table Salt and Barrel Salt. Lump Rock and Crushed Rock Salt for ice-cream and hides. Just received a car of GOLD COIN FLOUR We manufacture Climax Chick Feed, the best balanced ration for little chicks Guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded. GIVE IT A TRIAL. IT BRINGS RESULTS. HECK & WAMSLEY FALLS CITY. NEBRASKA You Get Style Plus Quality A SERIOUS condition of the Cloth ^ inu; trade today is a continuous sac rifice of stvle for quality, > r quality for style, to maintain rt sen. ,!>!e cost. A few makers do t »ml>;ne style and quality, but you know it results in an exorbitant -Ji ice. Let us t«!! ’ u tlie problem to combine styi . tonality, yet k v p the tost within i!: of the average nun, i ■ •!in ( h • • ■ alt l lollies. Cloth ( ■ ift makers have hla/c I tlie trail i.u tlicir s ieutiric t.tiloi inj* methods, V-’e iov.-'-firnfed the clothing nitirket t|,<sr,I\ and were independent, I’ i .1 v we wanted to oiler you the very I" t the in' nt'i atFoiiliil. And wr are pioud t i l.e known us the Clotlicraft Store, ' mus c/rrM0, -- Odd Pieces of China Such as Salad Howls, l’lales, Cups and Sann i\s, Sugars and Creams, in fact anything you may want in Kancy < 'liina can he found in our >tock and at all prices. I i Remember we have as yood a Crocery Stock as any one in the city, and yivo you prompt delivery, at Chas. M. Wilson's LOWE BROTHERS MELLOTONE Paint Ready for Use on Walls Woodwork. Burlap. Etc. Put up in gallons, half gallons and quarts. Flat colors for inte rior decoration on woodwork and Walls H?s no equal. Permanent, Washable Practical, Beautiful Ready to use at any tfme. It is a revelation in its results it has all the excellences of water colors, the soft, beautiful effect. WE ARE ACENTS FOR | Pittsburg Electrically Welded Fence Wire Sure Hatch Incubators and Brooders They have few equals and no superiors. It will pay you to inves tigate our claims for these wares they are reputation builders. ! J. €. TANNER |j Tinning and Plumbing Falls City, Nebraska □RANH PECK j • *** I % Auctioneer il Y If you contemplate hawing a % * sale see me or write for terms ’i‘ Y at once. I guarantee satisfac-Y Y tion to my patrons. f i * PALLS (ITY, NEBRASKA T v •> —The Candy Kitchen for brick ice j i cream. Spring Work Shoes JUST RECEIVED II. M. Jenne Shoe Store