The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, April 08, 1910, Image 4
LyfordTs Eleventh Anniversary Sale Room-Size Rugs After four seasons of experience we hav been able this time to so balance our assortment that we have practically every sort and size rug that is demanded. The Suo" -• of the last sixty days in meeting the wide demand has encouraged us to keep the assortment complete. The bargain- jo -nte«l during this -sale are worthy your attention, as the items are of high value at the regular prices; th- are d- • - Ti. • ouantity i. limit'd s . eon.- early. All -taple sizes, carried in stock of the fol lowing kinds of Room Rugs—All Wool Ingrains, Tapestries, Body Brussels. Axminsters. Velvets and Wilton Velvets. Come in and look over these. We may be able to give you some helpful hints. In_, COOD ONLY WHILE STOCK Rug OpCClSIS ON HAND LASTS One 9 by 12 feet Smyrna Rug. worth $20, sale price, $12.50. One 9 by 12 feet Smyrna Rug. worth $25, sale price, $15.00. Six 9 by 12 feet, Velvet Rugs, worth $16.50, sale price, $13.50. One 9 by 32 feet Axminister Rug, worth $25, Sale price, $16.50. Five 9 by 12 feet T'nion Ingram Rugs, worth $6.00, sale price only $4.50. All sizes and kinds of smaller rugs. Some special -values for this sale in 27-in. by 54 in. at $2. Also some 36 in. by 72 in. at $3. Lace Curtains, Draperies Nottighams, Irish Points, Brus sels Net, Novelty, Muslin and Scrim Curtains in ample variety, at any cost from 35c to $12.50 per pair. You will find ' very special prices on Irish Point Curtains formerly sold at $4 for $3; $5 for $3.75; $6 for $4.50. Brussels Net Curtains, former price $6.50, for $5; $7.50 for $5.50; $10 for $7. Muslin Curtains, specials at 35c, 40c, 60c, 75c, 85c and $1.15. 14 * r iT^ wiYH On the bureau of the guest s room— '*'■]? I <• A,I' a dainty, pretty scarf and cushions made *1 I ,l> \ et home of i '^vll A „ L , COLONIAL ^ *'rics — ■*» give no indication of extremely low cost in add ing a homelike atmosphere. *ffBy the yard. *■ HqoZ? for Tracto JtfarJt We Do the Largest Grocery Business in Richardson Co. If you are inclined to doubt this come iu and we will convince you. You ask why is this? We say because we give the largest value and superior treatment. Our stock is turned over so of ten that our groceries arc always fresh and in sanitary condition. Try us. Carpets, Linoleums, L^iL£I?r^° 1 High Grade All Wool Carpets at 70c made, not made G7e. Best printed Linoleum, two yards wide, 55 cents. Best printed Linoleum, four yards wide, GO cents. Petrolenc- the most satis factory filling around rugs, in 24 in. and MG in. width. 4‘»<’ and 50c. Special prices on Mattings— Chinas at 15c to .'!*»<•: -Taps at 20c to 35<\ We are just in receipt of an in voice of a piece of 12 foot wide, inlaid Linoleum the first that has ever been in town. Our prices on this will be $1.25 per square yard. We are showing 6 foot inlaid Linoleum at 90c. Draperies New. Effective Colonial Draperies, introduced by Marshall Field & Co., are very desirable for Side Draperies, Dining Rooms, Bed Rooms, and Living Rooms. Cost is moderate. 20c and 25c, and in colorings and combinations to match any color scheme. You will be surprised at the attractive effects easily pro duced with these. We are of fering 20 patterns and colorings. Cretonnes and Silkalines Silkalines. iu all plain shades aiiel great variety figured at P»e. 12V..e and 15e. Cretonnes at H 1 -3c. 10c. 12’.c 15c 20c 25c and 30e. ’ ’ ••0-inch Burlaps, all elesirald colors, 15c. -\rt Tickings, lovely designs, 20c, 25c and 30c. Butterick Patterns Butterick Patterns arc the nearest perfection ’of all those <m the market. '1 he Delineator is the acme of fashion literature. Buttcriek Fashions is most advanced exponent of the newest styles. \N e have a complete stock of all these and solicit your orders hy mail or in the store. Shades, All Sizes All sizes, all staple colors in water and oil opaques, at low est prices, always in stock. Trunks. Suit Cases, Bags i)o not overlook the faet that we carry the largest line of traveling goods in Falls tit.' Our pri. • > are low and we sell nothing hut reliable trunks, hags. ete. Use Our Store an< Our business ts operated primarily for profit, but we are ti so we arojjtl^ t" have you make all the use our facilities you e; ourselves,^useful to you as we ean. . ■ —~-■ 1 .. ■ mmwmfiSSSSS^SSm Men’s Goods NECKTWEAREETC.LS Because there are four <>r five excellent stocks of men’s goods near us. is no sign that we do not carry such lines. No “ue is surpassing us in Shirts, Underwear, Neckwear, Overalls, ■sorus. Night (Jowns and other common wear for men. i Its Organization wiso not to know that many things must he done without gain, ii, wbjjh.-r we male- the gain directly or not. We wish to mak<^ '.viii. who have made it possible tor us to succeed in the Isrgi s ry i ason t be thankful on this our Eleventh Anniversary, Through all the varying - ' sincsa houses you have remained true to us and continued your patronage and good will. The last has been our best year and the promm. of 1910. is that it will show larg. r sales and more • .>fa-tory conditions. We ' arrying on hand, the larg-■>:. •>* complete, best assorted - ght stock ol Pry 1 b Carj •-?» in Sonthcastem Nebraska. \\e have system ami parpow - V favorites among our customers, our prices are the same to all and we in every way possible endeavor to protect, your interests in buying well as in selling. Continue to make «»ur store your trading center U you ha\ not been ne of our patrons, do yourself the justice of seeing whether we cannot be more helpful than others in our iiuev Puring this Anniversary Sale we shall make very special prices in many departments. It is. the great event «»t the season and e.mies at most seasonable date Send us your mail orders. To these we give special attention, filling them by the first mail out. »We carry charge a •••. unts with any res ns ; nr ties, whether you live within our immediate territory or not. 20% Off Women's Tailored Suits Ready-to-Wear for Women I We are proud of the Suit-, we have to offer you this season. This is the first Spring season , that we hav • felt warranted in putting in so elaborate and high lalities. Vnywhere from *10t" d 17.50 in pru-e, every shade that fashion makers have considered proper, all sizes up to 40. We liave not taken these suits ail from on. manufaeturcr. hut have s ’acted the best styles and values from a dozen lines. Each maker is strong in some point ot suit-making— we benefit by this difference. We might say that in all lines of ready-to-wear we follow this policy. The models this spring are un usually attractive and practical. With low cut fronts and just a comfortable length, made up with light-weight linings and trim mings that are not too heavy for mid-summer wear. Among these suits are some beautiful Pongees and White Serges. Oue, two. three and four-button effects with all-around, panel and side plaited skirts, navy, gray, mus tard, reseda, Copenhagen, tan,new brown, lavender, rose, checks, hair-lines, salt and pepper and gray mixtures. 20% Off Junior Suits for Small Women and Misses Shepherd Checks in 14, 15 ami 1.7 years, $9.00; tastily trimmed with black Moire silk and Suo tache braid. Navy and Ucseda Serge, trim med with fancy Persian braid and buttons, $19. and Misses More and more are women, like iie-n, heeoming dependent upon ready-to-wear to supply their clothing needs. We are preemi mently the lenders in all sorts of garments. Women will find in our stock a representative show ing of every garment needed for their wardrobe. We have not been satisfied to merely have something of each line, but offer you an ample ohoiec. You will find nearly 1<H) Tail ored Suits of high quality and superior fit in our department at this moment . 2f>0 Wool and silk Skirls; KKI Spring Coats, hundreds of Waists, Dresses, in silk. wool, linen and cotton, and >o on through the whole list of ready-made wear. ALTERATIONS On all but low cost garments we make all alterations free of charge ami guarantee satisfactory fits. Skirts Made to Order Arrangements have been made with a manufacturer, so that we < an make up for you any of our fabrics in a variety of new styles, nt a very moderate charge. Lad ies requiring extra large, or odd Sizes will find this a valuable accommodation. | Tub or Wash Suits Y, u will readily understand why we do not describe many of 1 the ready-to-wear garments in our department. It has been our fl i- . . i policy uui iu uuy more man a single garment of a number far ther than was unavoidable. We buy single or perhaps two of the best and most attractive models of a manufacturer and thus avoid duplication. Wash Suits have come to be a necessity to almost every wo man. From $5 to $20 affords a wide range for variety. Natural Linen promises to be the lead ing color, though we are selling tan, leather, light blue, lavender, white and green. These suits arc beautifully designed and in many eases tailored or trimmed in most splendid fashion. Numbers at $7.50 to $12.50 are stgoig and have an unusually large measure of value. Over 250 Wool Dress Skirts in Stock Some Very Special Values \\ e cannot describe in tins circular tbe many fashionable and beautiful Skirts you will find in our up-stairs department. No pains has been spared to make this showing so complete that no lady need go elsewhere to find fabric and model she desires. Our dressmaker is having most per fect success in obtaining just the fit and hang which is the pre eminent beauty of the present styles. Voiles, Panamas, Serges, Shark skins, Taffeta Silks; prices range / from $3 to $16, and every hand- /j some and becoming feature of tlie season .will be found com 'lined in the various models. Women’s Long Coats # 45 to 54-inch Coats, in Taffeta Silks. Pongees, Diagonals, Coverts. Serges, and Fancies —prices from $7.50 to $22.50. These arc the proper, in deed the only thing, for automobiling and travel ing. Colors, black, tan, gray, navy and natural. Pongees are much in favor for mid-summer wear. We art' showing some verv choice designs at $10 to $22.50. Short Coats I* Many ladies prefer short jackets. For these are Coverts, Diagonals, Taffetas and Serges, in 24 to 36-iueh lengths, at s:5.5?i to $12.50. Military Capes Very becoming and convenient garments for many women.' Broadcloths in black, tans, navy and evening shades. Prices, , from $0.50 to 412.50. / Silk and Wool Costumes * T-very costume shown hy us is a beauty. You can he pleased in shade, fabric and fit. Prices an reasonable. \\ e cannot describe these as we my nut one ot a style in any shade. Post from -$10 to sfcJ2..jO. Among these are fancy taffeta silks and foulards that represent the latest, fashions. Cotton and Linen Dresses In hi"lily decorated styles no ' "arments equals in its possibilit ies, thin white and colored cottony and linens. At as low as $o.f)0 arc remark- 1 a h| v prett v dress, s. / At $10 to $20 are creations that ' m i ill id require much more expen- LZ dituiv m cost, of material and la bor 'o duplicate at home. V jil Bargains in Net Waists < , A meritorious lot of Net waists in black, white and ecru at very unusual values. Never have we been able to match this lot at the prices. Waists worth $7.50 for $5. Waists worth $ti for $4.50. Waists worth $5 for $3.50. Waists worth $3.50 for $2.50. Silk Waists===Well Wearers For three seasons we have bought no low priced Silk Waists, the manufacturer whose waists we offer, makes up only reliable silks and has a most exquisite taste in design. At $41 $4.50 and $5 are plain and fancy Taffeta and Messaline waists, in blacks and colors that are unique and well wearing. We recommend them to be satisfactory. } j I I [ i Linen and Law n I Waists In the select ion oi these waists we rejected hundreds of samples and ' can assure you that these represent tin* best the 1 season lias produced. We go only t<> those makers who have 3 yen tried through former seasons. Lawns from 75T* to $3.50 arid linens from $1.50 to 3.25. Plain tailored sty les. elaborately embroid- j, ered fronts, lovely combi- | nation effect in late and embroidery; open fronts, open backs. 32 to 45 sizes. it is impossible for you not to find waists here lo please you. Oil any one of them you will make a saving. Silk Petticoats All th* so are guaranteed to give satisfactory wear, except the quality at $4. Of this latter we have sold many without a sin gle complaint and carry it in all shades. On the higher grades we assure you that you will get the larg'-sl possible measure of wear. Prices range up to $10. The make now sold by us is much su perior to any sold prior to one year ago. when we began to sell the present line. Cotton Petticoats Spun Class and Heat lie rbloom Petticoats at $1 to $3.50. The models are elaborate and beau tiful. The newer designs having small tucks and hemstitching are much in favor. The values iire exceptional. Among these are extra sizes for ladies requiring extra hip measurements. “ ." - House Dresses A New Departure Women have not been, until of late, able to buy ready-made house dresses, except wrappers. We now offer as well made, and better designed, house dresses as can be made at home. Indeed you will be surprised at the excel lent features of our dresses at $1.50 to $3.50 Our Extensive Line of Muslin Underwear Bought Before the Advance N.. important has become this wear in our-ready-to-w. ar department that annually our purchases become wider in variety and havir, tUOi,m°ii'S IU volume- 11 is fortunate that there are many good makers of muslin wear and we are especially fortunate idMiig placed our orders last summer, before the advaance in cottons. You cannot duplicate our garments and include onlv cost ot materials. Do not try to make up muslin wear. muslin Ciowns Host 50c to $5. High, square. Y, Dutch and slip over neck, long and short sleeves, lat e and em broidery trimmed, all sizes. Mus sooks, lace and embroidery trim med, all lengths, great values. You are especially invited to ex amine the styles at $1.25 to $2.50. —CM8 WTIMII ■llll HBriOTfW '11'llUlM' ■ i. muslin Drawers Prices 25c to $2. Plain and trimn ed, in Muslin. Nainsook, Long Cloth. All cuts, all sizes. At 25c to 75c, you will find gar- ■ meats.the material of which would cost you quite as much as these ready-to-wear. Muslin Corset Covers Cost 15c to “-2. All sizes, 52 to 4*1. Lace and embroidery trim med in Muslin, Long Cloth. Nain sook, all shapes neck. It will he worth your time to see these before buying or making. Muslin Combinations And Princess Slips Cost $1 to $3.50. These are difficult to make and requires much expensive material. They include princess slips, which are practically a combination of skirt and Corset Cover, and combina tions of Corset Covers-and Draw ers. Children's Muslin Underwear Drawers, Skirts, Waists. Gowns, in all sizes and variety of styles. Absolutely none of them can lnr duplicated for our prices. xA/ash Fabrics Plain and Fancy Linens, in all colors, 30c. Linen Crashes, in all desirable colors, 35e. k^, Tissue Ginghams ; best selling ^ cotton fabric of the season) 25c. Half Silk Shantung, fine line of shades, at 45c and 40c. Half Silk Mulls, fancies and plain, good colors, 35c, 40e and 45c. Ginghams, in great variety, at be. 10c, 124c, 15c. 20c and 25c. Madras, for Shirts, waists etc.. Hie, 25c, 35c and 10c. Cotton Foulards, silk designs. Lie and 25c. Luxury Silk.3b inch.very much like silk, most beautiful shades, a t — «>c. Cheviots, excellent for shirts, I boy's waists, etc., 10c, 124c, 15c and 18c. Lawns, immense lines, dm. 124 15, 20c, and 25c. Printed Flaxon, a new and vcr\ ^ attractive fabric, 25 patterns, at -i 20c. Silk Specialsx 7 yd. pat. 45 in. Foulards sold early at $12.50, to close, $10 22-inch Foulards, splendid designs,were $1 per yard, now onh (15 cents. 20-indi imported Messaline, 12 best dark colorings, was last year sold at $1, our sale price 58 cents. 20-inch soft and lustrous blaek Taffeta Silk, worth $1, sab i-r • , price me. 27-inch black Taffeta, a well wearing silk, worth bOe. sab price 65 rents. Wool Dress Goods 45-inch Shepherd check, three si/.c cheeks, black and white, only 50c. 4-5-iuch all wool Suitings, all the latest, most sought for shades 75c. *1. $4.25, $1.50 and up to $2.00. No matter what the garment you wish to make, wo have the fabric and color best adapted for it. Galicoes, Chambreys, Etc. I ( aiicoes. best makes, all colors, only 6c. Samson Oalatoas. splendid for every purpose where much use is required, light and dark colors, only 16c. 26 inch Percales, large assortment, best quality, 12lie. , Laces and Embroideries js Laces arc used in very wide variety, and yet we carry a com plete line of nearly every kind. Our showing of Laces inven tories as much as many a country merchant's whole stock of Dry tioods . From Vais, at a penny or two. up to exquisite all-ov ers at $7 per yard, is a variety that meets every need. Like all om- goods, these are bought to the best advantage. Wide Einbr. Flouncing just right for tunic effects, just in. Pri. es from $4 to $2.25. Our assortment is the largest we have ever displayed. It covers the entire ground in Swisscs. Muslins, Nainsooks, including frontings galoons and bands, besides edg ings. insertions, etc. Knit Underwear The most complete assortment we have ever shown. It includes Union Suits for women in high necks, long sleeves, short sleeves and no sleeves; low neck, short and no sleeves, lace and tight knee lengths; ankle lengths Vests in low and high necks, short, long and no sleeves; bod ies: pants lace bottoms; tight knee and ankle lengths. Regular and extra sizes in all above, and all in a variety of grades. Prices from 1 < b* to si. Men's Underwear at 25c to si. 50. Children’s knit wear at 7c to 50c. Children's Union Suits in med ium and gauze heights, having all the buttons and other- con veniences of Nazareth waists, on ly 50c. Neckwear, Belts, Bags Jewelry Parasols Umbrellas Gloves Ruchings Ribbons Every one of these lili.-s is represented in our stock by the latest. It would be useless for us to attempt to enumerate these. You can only get a just idea of what we have, and its adaptabil ity to your needs, by coming and seeing them. Warner Bros, and W. B. Corsets New models are in. 1 hese makes have had a most thorough test all over the United States. We give them our unqualified endorsement,, as to wear and com pleteness in every feature that fashion exacts. Upon the corset depends the lines rtf the figure and upon these hang the beauty of the lady. We have added to our assort ment some excellent numbers of the Redfern Corset, at S3 and >•">. a If you wish a corset boned with whalebones, this is the superior make. MEN S. WOMENS and CHILDRENS tlOSiery The numbers on sale have been thoroughly tried by us in former seasons and have proven satisfac tory wearers. Special values at 15c and 25c Any one can offer you cheaper i grades, but the trying point in hosiery is wearing value and fine ness. not cost Tans, browns, lav enders. blacks, pinks, blue, green, navy, champagne and white, all in stock, at 25c and 5<' •. Misses Ilose in pink, blue.wliite. black and red. at 15c and 25 . '%M,\ i i IS — Children s and Misses' Wash Dresses The splendid success of Dresses, from 2 years to IS years, has encouraged us to enlarge our showing until the variety is much increased. Prices begin as low as 2dc for Infant's sizes, and up to $4 for 14 to 18 years. The latter is large enough for small ladies. The good taste displayed iu designing these, makes it much of a problem for the ordinary dressmaker to equal them in fitness and practicability. —__