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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1910)
xisnmzsiTxmr'- . asr h"w -ri '4hy MEN OF MILLIONS ENVIED COMPANION. f|l of Them Had Cash to Buy Any thing That the World Could Pro duce, But Not That One Thing. Simmons is private secretary to a ’• ell-known business man, and he had juSf ( \plfiin-t-d ro a couple w fri»nd" •* tfaht the reason he had beep unable to sec Win i'll d oritur the previous Week was that tbs evenings tmd been wen [ ted in taking down the minutes of a couple of imjjprtant conferences ift , which |ifs tfoss 'figured?" ; ‘"And I'll bet," sajet iluntle^J en ’ iously, "that they didn’t do a thing — but talk loiaosi.,—sub 4be4■■ tbe-y ■ I liscw around _U)c_ mil. •Is."* !S>I 1'iipt wasn't Blic U t ut it consisted mostly of considering and dispodWgj^uK LiuiiA ,‘ft fislu^rtk lots of tinW^T wfil noniV'irr my Ben before it was over. Proba did, too, for the only at all animated was J$j-P when the discussi(i4';the JiiattoJf 'WtewiUng. t»«f inter- the ajWlftttttfe was cbnciadtid "And of course," said lb ■ 'Pi. u was nothing but terraptif at.I u miles r *«jpggnp and Freni ii messes ’ a dollar a mmm, f to look at. '" those fe eat. They 5? njay it unfoif It cost a lot " of fcidjfib'-” . liy, ' you’re away off ,''r said Simmons. i'o< talk flhm lug wasn't confi dential and wouldn't, .brjng thejp, jpta. (onfliet with flic friterhtafe coinihi'rc'e net, so J < ai|'"yll „v(ju wbat iff wiv"^ i he <«l(l id ad swvjjofl -it> by saying: ’Hoys. I was up-tjt^Jo recently-..aiidT had a feed that wofdd knock your eye • " , i Don't give us that," said Huntley, contemptuously. .’’tliat old fellow wouldn't eat anywhere except In the ‘PlaztoriW’W fioinc'such plat e ' "Well, he (fid this time. inid whed he s'lfoke the other* sht Vtp and listened'. Ho stfld: ’Yds,1 I had n regu lar old fashioned feed. Hot hqlled ham, imt corn, bread with lots nf it^od h liter, apple sauce and tea. 1 atg 'till 1 was ashamed of mys-df,. and 1 don't know when anything, tasted bet-, 'ter, slipped down easier, or digested to fedbfhinglj'. Yd like to ha^-o an ap I<tlte likfe tliat every day and the skra** kind of good gmh to 'satisfy it’” 'And they gang him thn laugh for t citig a vulgarian, I suppose?” said Huntley. They kind of didn’t,” said Sim hauis d'fc.idedly. "Old Hash Hip bank er shook his head enviously and said: You lucky dog! I'd like to be up ^lilpu.Ahf same tiling in 4 edfinfey' fiaimiuiiKo-right nrftv.’ “inars Where the boss got if. jw| Vpow. J Je was a country bpy and ho v as eating, probably, Hie vepv thing Hurt appealed fo h'irn'Wli^n lie was a - k ill. ■ -’kite-thing fit*- *-t(-hern-envied -was ’?nnL)fe4jr0AM1>-E^t-lLg--CAffifoSS# Anfhi iiiiu liH'niiff the vofj* fhTftjvYfs rstp* O-yw aisp.-Jlipti jr aod (;fn’tfch \ v WFk.” \T1T~ L Greece Remembers Byron. The centenary of Ijyron's .aj.vrivaL In Greece wa£ Y<JiHirad5‘Jr lif/MiMoloJj?l)i with great solojnpHv,.UW towjyjhk^hg decorated for thd 'occasion. 'All the local authorities, the archbishop and the clergy, the troops of the gaj^Wnn.' and a great crowd from all the^rtfii boring districts, assembled in tlfc»#Ob-i lie garden in f 1,11 hMM1 .<lfciwre the students from u^^yiWMViwit.^id. the children tro^^jfl JThcJlyp marehed in procession to the poet's iq hiclS |lic| v-rS-fL Spftf'ehe* 'Iit4 1AId, 4nd' a rftflm WTRy fftfr hy'tffie ilirei pmlT, Solonios, was sung:. The mayor ad dressed a dispatch to the British min ister in Athens expressing the deep gratitude of the inhabitants for the immortal benefactor, whose remains repose in their keeping. wxitm of..Sioux CiU. imitated. in. a reconi address, a “poser" that his lit tle son had put to him. "My little boy.'-’ wrid' Mr. Collins; "ojtaai iid'iie pwa^ ‘from Bis lentils, . ad ex/pre#«‘s%i Johj^ng for chops ami • Sh h. ef A Ef ■'Till’ t/fher day d explained to him that we become what we" ea,t—that, by eating vegetables, we become mild and placid, but by eat Tng 'meat "we become savage, and gross. “ 'Well, papa,’ said the lad, 'if it's trite that we becofne what we eat, why don't cannibals become mission aajcs?' " rr-, «r\ T __B. Hi In Conflict with Critic*, ftielVni'ifc th" whole jri at . «r/ChpAi ha gen and all tiro theatrical managers, a curious contest kps^- started be cause ,,Uiotju:instf^**rf£ want to compel the erifioCjtft \yjit< onl^'favorablo no tices. |hfi |otec»t ‘Va gan when the hoard fit ftrflitiVul #ianafhrs forbade the admission of one critic represent •ng a KlicoWr.tfe‘ atric il paper. All the Symptomsi "That hiit *ji luipc was horn in a •fig ^>108^0^." "Which makes him a presidential possibility; to start with.” TJuaetlj bo. As epon as ho ^tts a ’ little older I’m going to have him chop down a cheery tree nad also split it into rails.« it t 1 1' I wmrnm mt, raa* '‘twTfit'WwirffgW During Napoleonic Wa>rsr~-Hl cowes Paid Ten Per Cent., , [,i . id , ' , /1(iuo u. > -11 ied Si ' 11 , > mol The Hrllisher is the most cb<?^ffv|_ taxpayer in the world so lopg as he1 believes he is getting good value for 1 his money. All the same, iie Is not1 nearly so badly fleeced as Were his fathers and forefathers before Mm In the days of the Napoleotiir wars i the Income tax was ten per rent. 'on 1 the pound. Moreover, small incomes j impost, this rate applying to all 'InH i comes-ol $l.oou J. . j At. the same time nearly every nr 1 tide of general use or consumption i \yas not spared, and fugarhtfyus made ] i to yield a larger return, ,per pound tiiat its full cost to the,, consumer, of to-day. The fashion of wearing wigs was much in vogue in those days, and every ipiuujssjiho IntnUned hog h jf'Ju'fun of ring Ms w iig was tun i fdSAdiyi thaj TlH poJWR of 1Ww«a t* ..sal practice among alrrmt the lowea cIushml so-j he revenue froifi jjjl©must have been handsome. hout a •nmeril stamp, of course, cost money. A tax was even squeezed out of that useful find Inoffensive article, the liousehr dd Iypk? Wvt i v one that ticked—-tei dl'fjrifjl for that mat ter—waP^WatW tB $125 to the treasury. Gold watches were t^sed.and an-v \vhuy vltihetl i^j ven r^a golden tiSphyfc )iad to lia.v J'Spiper an ihmUtw line pritf'ifo#)'. I't ■ S In still earlier times the poll tax tlW1 Wivbrite method of revenue wising. p'.aoh indUyluaf jiaid accord; l frig to his 'positidh, in thd world, the [heaviest tax being paid by those of< 1 the'nfdst exalted stations. 'I'llus .the ampupt l^v-jed pn dukes was1 about *30 per head and earls $20 per head, with a descending scale, ’ whirli amounted t'o ho more' than a | modest ho eeiVfs wheft1 it douched the > squires. Two centuries and a decade ng" that scheme gave place to up other and in some respects more equitable one. [ This compelled every able-bodied man to contribute two cents per week to the national exchequer. Glerics nnd tutors Whose incomes'Were more than i $'100 fier miniim were called upon for $5. per quarter.^-TitdhtR, Origin of Commbn Phrase, ft is generally assumed That tho ex prestston ‘’to tho hitter <piid" is of nautical origin. When there is no windings on T><idl'd a i-lifp. the cable is ' fastened to jiicC^S <if wood called i liitts, so that when tho whole of the rope is payed out the seaman has !hnach( d ifie bittcifc'i"'nd. or f*j other w^rds. lie has dope all thatj is pos 1 siW. The -phrifte rWnild be “to the i hatter end.” and augse.. fi‘J,dy the facit that \vheu,the pahh' of p ship had been payed out to its fullest, extent it had TjeTnf, as it fiy use* Ur-Defoe in "Rob J;n\<rtS Crusoe*' wiLfij I ft fttf#ribea;th% :et<>Wn off .yi^molftj file stiys: ”\Ve todflwith Mtlil-sjaP'tft amt. two 'anchors veered out toihe better Ad.” While, on the other hand, Dr. Br&vek* c^l^a!t<V^<)n ^Ihjoverhs 5:4, f$Ier end ,is" hitler as' wormwood,” andjjpug fywI; 11haft 1 fifcdib 1 y the origin outlie phrase lies therein. I , _ H <\ ri **"1 I I ! ft* ,hit busts t .*# as congratulated, at «vilip fftr Pk/fago. on his discovery in- the capitol of the fact 'thajt Jefferson's portrait was labeled t Pat, I'lok Itanry and vice versa. : lAl’wJ^liey made a ludicrous mistake there in Washington,” said Mr. Clfallp, “If reminds me of a mistake a.;.bqy made in \Vpukeghnf “When I practiced law in Waukesha, T often went skating In brisk weather like tilts. Well, one afternooi a young swell in a Norfolk jacket od by me; be was towing a girlfivho heW DJL bjntlie iache|'s b»H| * llli.i lid l.onni'1 ■ -;lid I- ni. : ■“Wall, by jinks! I've often won dered what them belly bands way for, ‘ and now, b.vvjiidwl 1 kyow." & % £%—#-f~— 6af* Jand ,, Mediocrity. . because deino«aey linnke's it ii.r fountain <kfw<jc|»t*‘d be ■ lmi, may be v.but it vfcLJL and it elects to bctiil that" tsgb5dr and beautiful. ■ In the opinkm of loui: cylimJets, six flinders are inevitably madness, and UjTat dispose of genius at oni;e: j, The world trusts genius to crack it/jokes and sing Its songs, Ipnt not' to] marry its daughter* (a go on the rojtid to sell Us good-). • < peftfiia has all along put truth above consistency "and now It is saying thinre'y.u category even liiglnir than trith.' I’/aguiadsm, soifi.o cal! it. That shows where society would be landed, only fur the saving sanity which Is in?dinbrtty.—Fuck. i ' '_!--a— The Correct Effect. f'Whose picture is that?” inquired an artist ill 4 fay western'cabin, dis covering a well-executed portrait hanpiim on iUo wall in a dark corner. "T-h fit's my husband." said the wo mpn of the house, carelessly. "But it, is hung wiih fatal effect," urged the artist, who remembered the tyte of his picture in the academy. "So was my husband,' snapped the, (woman, and the artist discontinued the~obscrv at lulls. _ IS THAT isr HONOR^F CoLY , marYii0f t^e chJns. ,1 f'i. r n'>6 km !f* «»»• *»p« n t I Had Its Origin in Years ion; Past, Based on iwragje That Ntipo itans ‘tjorifnui to H ave Most Qe- I vout Belief ln.| nrm ,^.,T Q{ jl I A One 'of tfi'P oldest amll stiangesl, feasts* that taKe place in Njhlei is the ut»» m < tutmt-1 ,il (sh UU*- * ui i’i a •-dellx Catena (Holy Mary of the Chains). if occurs the last JSnitttay: tnrAufiasr .in -Ir.unt. .ul-Um. ukanii—dcdkatnd.Lu. her, facing the sea at Santa Taicla. ^701* t\ffoT vt.wwps,(fi] line the embankment opposite tbti cLnqch, deynpui qo st,v;in,Hv |iiJBlVid''is imWijiflRhMA 4»^Hv‘ rM,'ko ers, Honi.^c^yjH^^ii^fuellas of th<v same material and with some ador.ii , munis, o^^'i H j q'gy^lm^Kytts fniit flecorntycl,.mttuy.iso, with 1 ,, . At tt*«f ftyfltqgt.rojsc of t^v ..ypj/fCn W l/W «fflW«V*jS ,aU ,M off, 1$?,. •’wifi !*w'kvlft «.swU*»f! > <>« the ground, o>;ef t^.iMUi^'pl^/if, w iqch ,hu;\U^eda f£[ ('ijiljdf efb begin ,fo}) Mit ui,Hla)in,tiii( by (if vyitiqiMvAiHi itrfifiWt<tH!Hlii¥iWM,T,.f1»i%v k-i-.i , A second 1ft!/ /fjjlie sj&uftl ..fyf . vt ,yxv<\fl, tq- WW", ^lym , wh:w fn W'vyg i8^? .‘K dWior .,jpidrp$Mi. jfc*iW„ij^(t>.) mii/|an|tn.i1y),o , .^f/iMvv.spud, ,<r'1bdHrSH iirflpftW io,);)!((' ;i dip and wjjo'njt1e.,l|.yublo.,tp ntyim are‘pssjste^ b,y others- This p|-fl(;tio» wr.igiqqlek, iji t jhe falib that tUe, sen , water op tjfie," l,as(, Sujn’dpj’ In August is a sure remedy against infirmity, .present ,and , , ...,,. The Mai(()!fua dejla Catena ifs , be* Jieved to work the miracle sjie did con tnriesj ago, when the church was built in her honpr, according to the follow illg legend : At the time when the shores of the Mediterranean were iiyfe.sfed witji pi rates some 'inhahitapts of Sft.nta Lucia were captured by the Turks and a heavy ransom was demanded for their release. Some fishermen, with the aid of the statue of the Madonua, which they had opportunely found near tin* seashore, succeeded In collecting the ttiknwnt iithkefl for titf releash idf their captured friends. The pi Kitten were asked to bring Ukmt prisoners and to receive their ransom, on a certain day, which hap pened to he the last Sunday in Au gust. The pirates, however, fearing Homo treachery, hut not wishing;to re turn the prisoners, took them to the seashore at some distance from Santa Lucia and -having drained them haurt and foot, -threw them into the- sea. The people of tfunta Lucia, notwith standing the distance, and tiro drains succeeded in having Ikein, and attrib uteri this to it nrinn li* of the Madonna in whose name rjnp ransom had iieerl collected, and in her tenure a chui'di •was erected in the year 177th ' , ; i Origin cf Blind Man’s Buff. FVilK lore experts are tVell nigj agreed Jin': llelievliftr that this punt ran he traced back to very ancient’ cbnbtSeted with prehistoric wo it ship ' l>isKuisings were'coinlniOM among our Clot hie ancestors during Hie Ytiltf tide festival. The person hoodwinked or blinded—for the monks at one time used thetr hoods for that purpose-4 often itHHinwd. Jir appearance ojf some aBiuml—a goat, a stag, or /a row. Tht* is confirmed by Hie German Jul hok; the goat of Yulebide, as well ah by drawings in Stna-M's ‘'Manners anjl > Gusturns,:' and fix’^imilins of some ol(l ■ ones! in the Bodleian manuscripts, Ifi these the covering! lor the lieuil lb i complete, and represents! an animal, ami the game itself Ihi played bp adults. Pntf. ClUld connect* the gamp With the northern Odin, tlio blind deity. In Scotland it' is often callejl ‘'.Blind llano”—that is, hairy, fiotn Hip shaggy anlmnls liepreRentedu Tht game was hot unknown to tie- Greek) ami llbiuansi Rudbeck supposes t .was handed i down from : Bacchus, anl that blinding was n purt of the Ma< chaniulinn otogies. Who Are the Murphys? — OritVcerbirig the nAVne of Murphy, the following remarks by the earl of (’ourtown'are IHirrebling: Murphy is the Anglicised form of Mar Mur rough, the last acknowledged king of Leinster. On the death of Derrnot MaeMurrough, the hist acknowledged king of Leinster, his right h.v English law passed to his only legitimate child, Eva, wife of Hic-hard do Clare, earl of Pembroke, known as Strong bow. The legitimate male line was continued in the descendants of Dor mot's brother, Morrogh, who contin tied to hold lauds in North U'exlord. This name is by far tlio most numer ous in Ireland, and is found in every part oi It. Almpst a New One. He was writing tlib libretto for a comic opera. Suddenly hS smiled He bad stumbled on a brand-new joke. He was a student of jokes, a collector, a reviser, an adapter, a faddist. Ho subjected the joke to every known test. Finally ltd gave it 1I1O third de gree. There was no longer any doubt of its originality. lie read his man uscript over carofujly and, sighing heavily, started at the iok<. He real ized there was no place* for it In the libretto. Ho lie h-ft it out and went on writing.—Exchange. By a Referee. "There has been another battle” “So 1 see.” ‘‘Are these South American revolu tions very dreadful?” “Not so very. Most of the victories are awarded on points.” in Older Adversary in Contest | J'- HrfJHad Provoked. .y> m o II ■ Iti 'B fjirl^fnBim up trouble In therem atih’on and gave hundreds of spectators an lumortmiit.v oj seeing how even a buf Tino, wjj. n J(|((ikiiig fw a It .rift'; get one sJl* leeX w v<Rk TSilniiiifi j vjha Hal<*. In 'thA rwiieWuMin ylien ] ffin iieW, whPli ’^as lif*i herSr 'hornef’ of its inclostira, began to move to wai-I fTie" si aides* TTieTe was some and haU.iUi,. lur U*c vyuL yU-. was i i mm ol Dur ~Ta7o TiToTmI * WWk.. up against nnotheg agu In loo brusque a manner. Immedi Thtf I5T-;rtid TIM t) TkOfluJoHI' MptYiMif *AIT;" there was) g>, ntjiiql^ i^fCWncnt, and two heads went together with a whack, and then the more peaceably inclined tiriiTc Honked* off an'-1 iuoY tsrtW t>, iWoSpln^a^VtoH1' Jtt¥»i,rt,oh >'ai'o been watching develonmontB. Ilr^t walked1 >'n%rn cWr tt?fi*he confldeiijt young bull, bism^I him up, and theii challenged by lowering his hynd. And then raYMft a tl^MV whit'll looked aH iiT It1 Wart-'Id'he fcoiia flulfdt. Thb' ,„vs>uug Mn-iWlk’diiAwHii sffj|t#hed him, . m1.1-! “■S‘1, Vffi})!, i/*1‘H'f bull. Tin' big b llow novor Imagod,. tWn the hldW'sFAttiHr1 io ‘date* tiny •younger tftoe Then' the ywHignibno charged again, the Impact heliig/pjaln ,|y board by.^lie niuph ty'octif ifiMr The second charge wu'a as lin ffede five as the tlrst, and as Vie Agalii ilYewu Vmdk tiv strike i lie aidin' : hull startedtj 1 he third round with a phingiv lor i ward that showed mature buffalo .strength syi well as jujlgnujiit. At the tjiif’d charge the young bull went on ills kiibek,' 'frbtdhllhk til 'bvei‘y jnltSrlc‘. It seemed to Tie’ll fibre HviTig that the .older hull would 1 gore lily adversary, which would hayo been ipsoi'ilui;; to buffalo p,tides, but by did not. For,, alter looking ,at the defeated young bull, he joined the herd arid ’staVtcdp for the stables. Tills was. the first tight, in months, four or life hulls have been gqred to death In as ninny lights in llie his tory of Hie herd in 'the paf'k. Diets. The only trouble with the HO-eents n-thty thro, such ns that laid out by the libst'On expert tos tt solution of the cost of living prottk'iuv is that 'he human body is not a i test tube 11 ii were it might take its! caVlioTt.vcTraii s," iiro(ckls“nMfl tile fdfcT of tl*M oiioxuioai mulorJul Mint seloni e says it requires in the form of mush, oleomargarine, smoked herring and cocoa sheils^aiid milk, or '’fj^irfi'Pcd hay and silage, ftjr th^t^^tfft'r, fjkith out any varianujjg fuoirr du y'*4. ui day. lint although it common to speak of food as the fuel of the body, the body will not accept a aertivin 'chem ically sufficient dint > unvaried from day to day as a furnace will accept coal day in and day out. \ human being defies chemical anal ysis. The chemists have never been able to put together the various chem ical elements that enter into a living organism i|i one of their retorts and combine " MMil no un to i|ufuUitgti that organism or any uUier living; filing. The synthesis#*']!!*'Ucjr<ui<i Jin a similar waj there da mo»e to attrition than the f"apVr« fjJst f f<lu of ch”S9l3aSBt4siioT - His Last Request. Charles likens used to relate an qnegdqte of tibp Jast moments of Kaun Meroy, the great brthker, lijihged ibh forgery in 1824. Mis ^leghnt idinn/orte had tuiwa.Vft beep fdllowyd )»y*sf>i|iq,rer markablc and matchless coracao, the source of which he kept a cheep secret.1 Threp of liis boon companions had an lntevwJftw-iyiUi .hUn.iu^tlie <*ui dennied#**'^# t|re pay/lwcvelliis yiy cutlon. '~‘friey V^e atmuiu) rdnre, when the most impressive of the i'fii‘lk>''steppitd iiaelW abd-lsslil: ''Faun tleroy, you stand on the verge of the gnui", iiqiit'intMT ffir? rerr; nry -rlrerr■ -TTWTr,~rtmr -re—brmrgtrt rmt-hing -info ■ this world, and it is ce.tfain ive can take nothing out.' 1 la ye you any objec tion, therefore, to till me now. as a friend, where you gtit' that rurhcao?" Portuguese Conspiracy. ! The murder at C'MHeaes' of a man engaged iu stealing cartridges from the Lisbon custom bouse lias led to the discovery of a vast conspiracy to overthrow existing institutions in { Portugal. A number of secret clubs I a re said to lie implicated, and quanti | ties of masks, lobg cloaks, and dis i guises, ns well as explosives, daggers, 1 and other arras, have been seized. Several arrests have been made, and some of the prisoners Have made sig nificant confessions lif the course of their investigations the police learned ; that the murdered titan and others be j longed to tlie Republican clubs, which I are divided into secret societies for ! the purpose of overthrowing existing ! institutions. I f it ..a __ _ .. . . I Old Maids’ Peds. “This is our special old mhld’s bed.” paid the salgsiuat). “Wp are selling it like lint cakes, t don’t be lieve there’W ati old maid In the town ship sloops on any Other pattern. "What's its peculiar advantage to old maids? Why, of course^ its low- ; ness, pon’t you sep how levy it is? it goes right down to the ground No tnnti bti earth cmild crawl tinder it. "'So this Is the lied that old maids tiny, No man could hide under it. So I it doesn’t have to- lie looked, under un easily the last thing In fore turning off j the light.” -flue la Too r.icaucnUy Ant—la.—Ba_ Swayed by His Friendship and j i Enmities. A pe son -shlHId alwavlfc j||Rke' Ms in I ml fiyiy'Vn ref nil v nW)tt a lliatH fnr In lifr^nn enemy is fXiU rnstelr tliiin where ilie personal elemeffl is no part of it. Unless lie does this he I wjll lie apt 'he think jfiUt " epieyrtr i|N "§,I'K ,ln ejmlie^,,4tHhi. j 'iifln his hwpin%u, nilirflf 'And tllr cnM- Is the shine lfa»j friend is interested That one fact.) -Lo^hei, 1ft nfteff * is ri^lil or nuth iri w(i h i) ease a . man reypids I rleinh-lilp us stronger thmi truth ' " 1 • r rlefin* hip is ‘tno niost beautiful fai't,;ln hbiliihi bxiVeYlHieti,1 add' td saju "he' Is tiiy|,frlertA'* Id dating a gYent diial.t Hutttitiuls soyting iiMgi-iant deal more lo isa.v (t‘lnii4sii!lghl,"i| stand ill>i ,$>lin , tA’At,,; Ulan Heavier, foP’r .Uf»rn' »i»f Wfhe ■friendship colil hearted. As . CuasiUa said in'miitim; ;\V f'deml'wiil bea> a Mewl'd hMifiVi/lo!*;” iVifT i'VcHi Oii>Bo InfiVtlflii^s :Ant"hf iCbieh fiUllty gYbw,'! but not (lie faults. Il >'1 ,;db 1 •! 1 M '/Bint mil' Mi’cat leonlrorw '"should bp in /dealing witilin lliosn . wihnbi. v*« do opt ,J|lka,ii^bA mm .opinion is myuybtl 1 Vy Pi’eji|dj,9p p|' mn|iia3,j i T| ul|| /^lioiddi . 1)0 111,0* (III t< JiH**y. .’yb.cro •(» nothing so fine in a man's character ns frankness to a friend or i nemy. Mudll' a fiVit1 hlxvkHy?!i;,|ihW>H»h Itti' high Wie/iY;' by I ho Si iiVtb iot ^MeYiAdt'A It giver isiuouilminltid* bxerolsedl Cine1' of djiOiohest tilings ! to make a man' lUiipk U In hHifnank mi Mi blip; if bh' |*| ri|j)j|, lo Kpy,s(); if |u,< js vvrpng, 10 siyv'; i.o, tylieUief liif is a ^‘igiifl or enemy. Ami ^hls, iiot In jyiv com 11ovorsl'al spliH,' hut simply as the oypro./Yiofi id otib’s good \vill, XVliic'li is always In order >OMo Uta'to .lour nal.t oud ivi.ft Mitlumi "1 PYarls from New Ynrt< State. tfeh-ertif ’.vMra ago Henry Malloy of Hrldgow al'i'r gave to the Oneida Cbun t.v Mtstnricull society a eolleetlon of shells which he had secured from hffl pog/j At. i.ho. 19*1110,',lime he gave to Ids daughter, Mrs Churles Kerlief of ■llrtiu'. oil in it f tin i i pelt* wtifuh Seemed a pretty one. And two weeks ago slip;, perceived what was taken to be a pearl in this shell and to make sure of its nature the find was shown to a jeweler in Hi lea. It w as pronounced ■ a pink pisirl, am) iI .Itf wild llml if do taehed from thy pliell it would be worth from $7.r> to $100. • h-1" by tin mrnns'rt rare tiling to iiml_Hi-fis iU.„Ul‘i. v>Ii«;1Jh taken from 1 waters. Many shells have !>••• n brought down from Adirondack waters w i! It ibairiy gfiniTv n^iyjlH In them, land f?Tto'\v years ugftftmne were discovered K»Vro<S(, which were valuajbld j The worth of a pearl depends not alone on Its size, put more particular ly upon its shape and color. A good pearl must Pc either round, pearl shaped or a perfect oval. It Is be cause1 most of the pearls found in local waters fail to till some of these redupeniepts that they arc not rated as especially valuable jewels. Plica Press Hit ipeMebt English. ;T|.l , Nwm jetA- Inything po (ct\li.hJtu-'rf<iT.‘ \V’- * Speech?” in* gttirmMe fvifinl <>I die of lessor’s. •-'■•wnf -tib'd AioMWitt/i did. ' ; i wtuvkUu(|V'I jhe guilt^ of Saylrrgr wlntt yTirTiTifir Jus! now." j , , “Hi* wouldn't? What did I sayj?" "You ts^id. ,‘l, don't t/i(nH I did] ” "Is there anything mil or the Kay atnhlt that?'" ' "Ws, yim titdn'l say what, you* ^etifi. fid ,aJI- .You dldtnt ujgnn that' you didn't think, lint 't’fiiit' ybu thought you didn't.’ Prof. W’,— *— I* so rnryfgl that lie says exactly what he meaj^S,, aiyL yaHitng else. Yjm do not n ean tl*B*’y«S I (Allot i\\ i/kj when you say draft -+,,5 that y4u sl\ Fh ink that finch and such is not. Nearly e\er.vliody <K»h*:>t!l«<Oso H )<tV?fU' wjhett people speak as the professor iljms, and thiuk 4-don't,' uuiUmd of 1. «iuu t..think. 1 do,' aa thfl.,avmaftd in dividual would say. Another of the professor’s Idiosyncrasies is to say, i'll ndt,’ whel-e you or 1 would say, 1 won't.' AH those littie ways sound queer, hut they're absolutely correct and Irreproachable The professor w,i>ch mere pi rfect English than any one else I know." Marriage in a Snowdrift. The unique experience of being mar ried in a snowdrift belong^ to Thomas Stickley, a young farmer, and Miss Florence Merktny of Newmarket. Mr. Stickley and it is bride to be started to drive to a minister's bouse in Mount Jackson,. Snowdrift after snowdrift was encountered. The horses became''exhausted and the vehi cle finally eame to a stop in a five-foot drift. Leaving MiAs Merkley, Stickley made! lu» way on foot to the home or, t|m Ue.v. Uoni'.v JfiUler, who re turned and married the couple, in the drift on the road.—Winchester eorrC3-: pondence Baltimore Sun. -—t! • Large Assistance. Post-Office fJlerk—You're put t\td penny stamps pu .yonr, T;hq post age is only one penny. Old Irishwoman Sure, nivir mind. My stiff's in the post offlet*. so it’ll all hilp towtml h!s wages.--Tit-Hits. An Old Story. Si.-ter s Young Mm (at the celebra tion of the etigagci^vpt t Now, Karl, wouldn t you like to taste some cham pagne? Knri Oli, I know uihat it's Hke. This isn't - be first time stm's got engaged. —Something new. Favorite Pruning '* i .-v TI ;m you* "IPlfl'M V >- | he oest in the A. id it !■ 'UI'I ■! ■ (ill'iM Let the light shine through the columns of this paper. I'AijiyAjfbi.-Aw, m w, s: do ■ ‘ ' __:_1_J_ Notice! We will m l ive lads for the oxea vatioii1 of tlie basement for llrq new Christian , church I" Monday, March * if ; .. r, ’ I -'ill ■ •/i i i Jr) if Ml 7 !’* , IIS., Any mu: ijeslriug tq l>{t| euu Ret the plans from Rev. Day at his office ill tile .leone opera house, Iff will also eft plain Wrtnltl luff* t o gbVbm ia . ’ MiilU- v, *<H I? " !l f »<l Hmidin^ in Jdds. For Sale! 'file Christian i hurt h lias for salo popd lymhvr and windows from <>1*1 oburcli buiidjng, also xqveiid hundred loads of dirt. Inquire at office of 'R'eV'. 'Diiy in' the .TerthT opera hirtlSo or . • »liIjiijiiiftlo lit rail phone t|20. T> *11*1! I fo A •{>!;■ Hi: <\ n. ALLISON DENT I Sfit Wione'-’i^ (Jvrr Ilichardtion County Bank. Y.U.LSS UITY, NKBRASKA DR. H. S. ANDREWS Oerttral Practioneer ('nils Auswvri'd Day Or Night In Town or Country. TELEPHONE No. 3 BARADA. - NEBRASKA CLEAVER & SEBOLD INSURANCE REAL ESTATE AND LOANS NOTARY IN OFFICE EDGAR R. MATHERS O ENT1ST Phones: Nos. 177, 2X7 Sam’l. Wahl Bi'ilding Office Rcmoi/ed to Tootle Block 6th and Francis Sts. DR. W. S. F AST ST. JOSEPH, MO. Sfwditil to MKhU.'iNI.. IUA l WyMKN awU'iUM’KIiN U P. UOI3EHTS’ DENTIST Ofiice over Kerr's Pharmacy Office Phone Kosidenee Phone 271 WHITAKER The Auctioneer j Before arranging date write, tele phone or telegraph, my expense J G. WHITAKER . iUione* 16ft lAl-2!6i j lallsCit,*, Neb*