The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, April 01, 1910, Image 5

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What Your Friends and Their
Friends Have Been Doing
the Past Week
—No* is the time to plant straw
berries. 13-tf
—II it's shoes you want, eatl at'
the Home Shoe store. 14-tt
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hedges spent
Monday in Kansas City.
F. P. Page came to tile city Mon
day morning on business
tins Schlosser and son, Alex, came
home from Dawson to spend Sunday.
Claude Roe left Sunday for a few
days’ visit ill Kansas City and other
Missouri points.
Archie Paxton went to Kansas
City Friday to spend a few days
with his brother.
Dan .1. Riley, Dawson’s very effi
cient. banker was in Falls City Tues
day on business.
Mr. .and Airs. Max Werner came
down from Nebraska City and spent
Easter .with relatives.
Miss Elizabeth Sanford made a
business trip to Superior, Nebraska'
the first of the week.
Stanley Dixon came down from!
Hamburg, Iowa and spent Sunday in
this city with friends.
Mrs Margery Grant and daughter,
Emma, spent Sunday at the home of
James Sinclair near Rulo.
Miss Hois Spencer returned to Lin
coln Tuesday after spending a few
days at her home in this city.
Misses Margaret and Mary Ryan
of Dawson visited over Sunday with
Miss Kitty Schlosser in this city.
Mrs. Herbert, Hedges and two
children returned Sunday from a vis
it to her grandfather at. Mound City.
Rev.WAV.Barnes came down from
Nebraska City Monday for a few
days’ visit with his sister. Mrs. C. A.
Miss Mary Hungate of Weeping
Water spent a few days the past]
week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T.
,]. Hist.
—160 acre farm for rent or sale,will |
take some Falls Citty property. Close '
to clinnet and school. Henry C.
Sniitth. 2t. j
Hr. Chester Barues of Tecumseh]
was in (lie city for a short time i
Monday, a guest of his sister, Mrs. I
Charles Boyle.
Mrs. 1). P.Lowe left this week for
t -I*. -T' ,
the southern part of Kansas, where
she will spent several days with her
brother and family.
Mr. Libhee of Dawson was in town
Monday looking after his interests in
connection with the big ditch about
to be opened through his property.
Mrs. C. E. Peabody came up from
St. loe the latter part of the week
and spen* a few days with her moth
er. Mrs. Sam Prater, who is quite ill.
The big dredge sa long idle at the
Miles ranch south of Dawson,is now
at work. It will open up the new
channel for the South Fork to the
junction near Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. Allan D. May and
little son came down from Auburn ;
Saturday for a visit with relatives.'
Allan returned Monday morning, but
Mrs. May remained for a longer vis- j
Mr. and Mrs. A. It. Bently and dau
ghter, Dorothy May, came over from
Hiawatha Sunday, and in the future
will make Falls City their home. Mr.
Bently is now holding first chair in
the Prater barber shop.
A girl who can neither sing or
play the piano will find that her art J
is more appreciated if she can play j
on the cook stove so as to produce
a gem of a square meal. The cook]
is better than a half baked musician.
—Auburn Republican.
The new digger just erected near
the*”bridge south of Dawson is done
and ready for work. It differs from
the other ditching machines so far
in use in the Nemaha bottoms, it
is a dry land digger, and digs back
of the machine instead of in front.
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Hall, form-j
erly of Falls City, but now living j
in Franklin, Neb., announce to their j
friends the arrival of a ten-pound
boy on the evening of March 21. Old
and familiar friends of the happy
parents will join with The Tribune In j
extending congratulations, and ail
wish for the young man a useful and i
successful career. The baby has
been named, Brownlow Ruff.
Win. Mohler of Walton, Has., but ;
formerly of this city, will move to
Miami, New Mexico, next week, to
take charge of come orchards at that
place and incidentally to start a
fruit ranch of liis own. Before leav-j
ing for It is distant home Mr. Mohler
was careful to order The Tribune,
continued to his address. VS e are j
sure Mr. Mohler will make good in
that line of work, for he conducted
a very successful nursoy business at
this place for a number of years.
Shoes! Shoes! Shoes!
A Most Complete and Satisfactory Assortment
In our Shoe Department we an*
showing the most complete line <>!
Men's, Ladies’, Hoys' and C hilil
ren's Shoes to he found in town.
They are all <tood styles, well
made and the kind that invariably
fits tilt* foot.
And our prim.s are always the low
est and every pair guaranteed.
All marked in plain figures; you
pay no more than your neighbor.
Come in and let us show you the
best shoe values to be found in
the town. It will pay you.
Our Grocery Department Is Second to None
Ml— —’IK
-H ^e'irc<-t<vrv P
For Spring Wear
< Hir stock is now complete, and com
prises all the styles that are durable
in Ladies Two piece Suits.
Lt has always been our aim to sell
only well-made garments in this do
partment. And that is the mio
point that is most necessary in buy
ina suit. The better made the
longer they wear. 'These Suits are
Jackets '
For Spring Wear
Our weather prophet tells us that
we are going to have a lew ehillv
(I ays in April and you are going to
need a wrap.
There is nothing that goes so nicely
with any skirt or dress you may
choose to wear as a neat Spring
.1 ticket: 'They are almost indispen
sable for the uncertain and tickle
well made and will bear the closest inspection
mi the part of prospective purchasers.
| Suits $10 to $27.50
3 And No Charge for Alterations
month of April, We are showing a splendid
assortment for you to select from.
$3.98 to $18.00 !
in All Desirable Shades and Colors \
y^ix/ccicc u>
CKOam W A P l Q s
We Have the Sole Agency for "Sunflower” Shoes
Muslin Underwear Department
* * «. w
With the advanced methods of the manufacturers of Muslins, you can no longer afford to make these garments at home, when you can secure
a choice from as large a selection as we carrv. Beautifully trimmed Gowns, Skirts, Drawers and C<>rs<*t Covers, ranging in price from loc to $10.
Let Us Show Them to You.
We re Local Agents for Royal Worcester and Bon Bon Corsets
Ginghams, Percales and
Are all showing new spring effects, both in
pattern and weave, and the assortment includes
a great many of the best patterns effects from all
the best mills ol the fabric world.
And while there has been an advance in price on
all piece goods, we were fortunate in placing our
order before the advance took effect on the job
ber’s stock, and are in position to sell these goods
to you at last season’s prices.
All other piece goods are here in an abundance
for your inspection and selection.
All the New Spring Effects.
Embroideries and Laces
i Our Embroideries and
Laces were all selec
ted from the foremost
importers in their re
spective lines, and the
patterns are all new
• ";W i W l J? and sightly and the
r '! V \ .V : quality of the best;
always) the lowest
the lowest possible ebb of merchandising.
Our stock is now complete in it.-, entirety and are
on display awaiting oour approval.
Laces 10c dozen yards to $3.00 per yard
Embroideries 4c to 98c.
Rain Coats and Capes
'f our wardrobe is not complete without a garment
for protection against the rain. And we have the
most complete line of these garments in the city.
Let us show you the Hand Hag Rain Coat just
goes in an ordinary hand bag.
$5.00 to $15.00
Spring Silks Fabrics I
We have just received a large shipment of the
newese creations in Spring Silks and Silk-mixed
Fabrics. We have a goodly assortment to show
you. The prices range from
25c to $1.75 per yard
Let us show you tht new waaves before you make
»your selections.
Successors to IVlatthews-Little Co.