The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, April 01, 1910, Image 3

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    i ■ mr - am Hi, ■ i ———— —^
The County in General
The vboinys” of Our Country Friends
V and Neighbors.
k\ v . » ©»*» :
1 VEfcDON.
: ' M,
Aipos Fiaiil; is very ill this
writ ftiR. 1
Dr/ "'l’hubtns was ;i Lincoln, visitor j
a IV days this wri k.
Mrs I'vrus Voil.s ~\\V. shopfftufc. -In
Kan Lis City last week
Mrs. Cl if ton Itoiicilict is ainony our
*:&3& F;
sit kj in oplo ibid f
E.f Iswinr, was, (.rjuisaciing ibUsi-i
ness) in Kalis City Friday.
Hdh'ry Corn and wit" were shop
piny in Falls City TUujrsday.
Ambrose Ptin-dns ldufl" a trip to]
Falls City tire first of thfc week.
IIiJhi'; Miller of Falls City war I
on iipr sir- -tr osib day recently
Mfcs Edna Parsons l*ft the first
of tin foi St. Jin- for a slu- 1 1
visit '
1L—.. i.Va.3 UUUuutLJikL.- .JaiiUuai ,
afternoon for a visit with friends in
fet-< uk!
ClHW'fn-V*1 ’Nukyb&Wrl] ekiim1 ‘ dtUvfr
from' IhtiktrA for U kftoVt ‘Visit with •
his parents.
Miss Kfaude I’.ludie i of llii, k \
visited,, friends here me. latter hatt]
of tlie week,
hint 1/ mbi f cjof eriJ .
TiijV, Uis.siys, Uitpold,, pf Falls, jf j
were iit<* fpicfsts. of , their aunt, Mrs.
George h'ogel, ;
it. Id. Bow urn 11 of Dallas,, 4)., ar,
rived last week to ;!ook after 'ids
property; here, i,
Mrs Frank WavTi, Mrk: Walter
Veaeli ttinl do lip Hall Were Stolid vis
itors Saturday.
Miss Vera 'Afnbltl came doSVn ft'drii
Peru Friday evening to spend a
short vacation.
M T,. Ttownit and family of Safem
were -tbv guespi^of ^'ows, Jdipvpy
and wife Kufld&y.
.\SlssL Fury McJtlaiiU.s of Fjiths Gjty
spent a few days last week with her
sister, Mrs. Kvker.
Mrs. Vincent Arnold and daughter,
Gladys were in Falls City the latter
part of the week.
.Julia Frauenfelder and .Miss Ethel
Cook returned home from Falls City
the first of the week.
.lay Parsons :uid family left Wed
nesday for their new home in Ore
gon. We wish them success.
Mjrs. I tar-buck of Auburn visited
her- son, Sam, and family South of
towrt the latter part or the Week.
Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Bowers,
Mrs. F. Itobb and Mrs. .Mattie Ben
nett were Falls City 'visiloi'.d Friday.
Roy Edwards and wife of Shubi rt,
Quinton Stump ami-Wife, and ,T. C.
Cunningham spcirlg Brindajr with I'.m
Griffith and family.
Walter iyid
John Hall t< turned-from-MrieotTi -on"
Thursday, where the former went to
•* a tsgr;.j
purchase a -jinn. Wwrun; ear. ‘
v ij p-_ *2 $
The high school «pyiMlfeu$'s;.":g*v’<*.'it
surprise party at tlie home of Mrs.
Mary Conpupr Friday evening iu tu>u.
orfof Prof. Hodajip. who was foran r1
ly jnincipal_of the^seliool. The epeii
in^: was ieiHjiit in paying games and
enjwying dufesic Hej§<^hmenti olj'-iee
cr&m add jcajH«-.. w>*ig s’erved.
Hunninalaiu's JSAoinacU and Liv
er Tablets' assist' "nature in driving
all impurities out of the system, in
suring a free and regular condition
and restoring the organs of the body
to-h,uHliii ah<i<. VrensAd. Sold by all
d rNvSf; 16t s,
. ' —■=?. ,
1. .Vi Dunn was fit {f:gls CilJi Atfie
or Tliiifsday.
Ed ypeele was it pahs. City, visitor
N. A. Arnold wag a Falls City v is
Ito? Saturday.
Rudolph Voegle was a Palls City
visitor Thursday.
Fay Slagle visited with her friend,
Edna Butler, Sunday,
Ona and Ethel Dunn visited with
Barada friends Sunday.
Frank Butloi and family spent Sun
day at the home of E. E. Butler. -
.Walter _.uud ..William Geick return
ed 18.4 SaT'ufdSy ’ rroui CaiiaSa!
H' nry Enlm and Hop, Krnil. re
turlied to’Brand I.dat'd Saturday
A large crowd jfroni jiojje attended
the Emitter pro^i'dfti ; -t- Barn da Sun
day night.
Grandpa Gromkh has recovered
from liis reel lit 111i. aiid is now
abb- to wall; uruutui
Mr. and Mrs, (leoi c Antcld spent
Sunday at the hbine AT Charley
Sttinlirink near Salem.
B'-rtha and, Emma Dm'Held v v.'MU'*
home Bom Falls City Thmeduy to
attend tin r.vlcca at thu German
Lutheran church Friday -evening and
Do you know where to jet good
seed potatoes V
1 have ’em.
j^The Early Six bea^s tli*n»<
a,l inflfiti SJfi7<
ijCall at State Bank or telephone 3b.
**4. rt'&AO&JiiaX. »
-Miss Kings spent Saturday rami
Suuda’.'. at homo. tcJ
l ! Hole jack was a gtiet-,t at
Us* S'! mU home Sunday.
•<$4*!. Martin anti ftinllly toiotk&am
day vd:|i M, M. I lipidi inks.
Rule jack acd It. 1 ; >unn
were til falls City Monday.
Olufe-Jf* Lidfi ' au<l family visited.
SVCndn'••'Villi Herman I,ftdwf;j.
Rev. Essley will preach here i i
Sunday evetyng. (’. 10. at seven p.
>»• '' !' .
P|timn* I-'isin r and famUy drove j
i:\rr it ytr Maple Giove to it our <
Ute Easter program.
The Kmlionin confirmation elussi
..ik! i li< ir pastor visited tlu. p.iolog-!
raplicr lw»fr> "last week. - 4
- “ anss 'TTPBBir^.ATiMTanmjT miiirrrrf, *
has . Ua-n yj^ing tup, npmj,el i^i '|,pasi,(
with \fej3 JJe«*ie,unynatir, ,,. j, ,[£
.Wins llattlo Killy spent i him'Yebkr.
t'tnl at her homo .iitjwr-.Sliuliortii.w.hpiv J
a mister .frqrn Illinois w as a jnituitt- i mu
l)r. S. A VanOsdel lilted#' all 'aittol
♦ rip •ai'oinrtl ,:the.' county oihv/4ity «ltisW
U ecli \ isiiiag Bhuteorl'. idteWaH T'aH
don, fall?; City, and ttenuieiibofiliiV‘|H n'l
'fWii' prWMrum glfArt by Hif SAfr/-1
da.V School 'of ttie lOt-teniftfitfil V'lmih'h
'kiiTirfay" hfrulng Mas listhiied1 'id ’ htJ 1
a larg'd ami itb]ir<ddaifffllTiud;hyiW.‘'4
AM did will M'S Hi tiveif1 I’laiiv! bill
the most' pleasing ninhher, imr-halis.'
was Hie vovhl solri by little Blanche
Butler. Her Vole A was clear aval
strong and tier manner before Hie
large audioiiee w as charming.' The *
decorations were very pretty and1
lui'lootud- credit.on Uic.noiumiUcw and.
the ladies, who so kindly loaned the
flowers lor the Oceasion.
_J_1 ,
Will Walker hus beep sick the
past week.
August Walker was a victim of
the grip this week.
Ben Franklin of Falls City was a
Dawson visitor Sunday evening.
Miss Vesta Lively spent Saturday
and Sunday lit, her home in Falls
Mr. and Mrs. Walsh and family of
Humboldt spent Sunday with Dawson
Master Clair Liebhart was quite
sick a couple of days during the
past Week.,
Tinv, minstrel- show Friday evening
is saiu to be the boj&Jnever. A large!
| erdwtf attended.
k Miss ma'rtha Heim, who has been
attending the Keister College in
.Viiilt Clt&‘ yfjeiiL' it h her
•Aiiss^ iatptfla'O'^rifidy urt'fHd home
Saturday.' 4d(e , Kansas
CHy Thursday morning, where she
is attending school.
K ;t and Mrs. lloair lfelt tor tlnTr
“home hi Aurora last fr|f jdier
a pleasant visit with jslr§aSpd<V MV*.
K. W. Baser aiid friejidii.
Mrs. Holdeiq&u is vejy low witjh
pneumonia. She lias been sick since
Friday and at this ..waaLiaa .ikuru is
no change in her condition.
The . eouuty eighth .gttufry^xtfcu^lia
Uons wera* held last !: atid
Friday. All Jailing ?o make good
:th8 first think have yet two trials
iiwaitingl lffTfl.
The school combined and gave a
slyiri program Jju U^- iifiJi scbcjd
■room Friday ftftcr^qNiM fltii wu (trt
'(■client consid^’mg'tfrfi time ’in which
it was prepared.
iM. "5. TffltoV. ‘prcsulTiig ••111-,
i pleached imiv Saturday ni„hi _ .oiui
j Styiday ntomingj The church;; was
i decorated beautifully for'Hauler fthd
a large crowd if t ended th<* "service's.
Miss Hazel Graham was hostess at
llye party given by the Sophomores
and j.heir friends. The house was
j beaut If uHy (Iccuralod with th" class
j colors, pink ami white. At twelve
I o’clock a lovely two course lunch
•vns served, Tim (tiiwis Vtmit tie
'parted, expressing their thanks.for
' lie .excellent uy.pllillg spent.
..——-——— '—"1
There’s more strength
in a bowl of
Quaker Oats
than in the same
quantity or the same
value ot any other
food you can eat.
■WHi—ftOiHiH II !■!! I HI ■ II ii I ■ ■■ III.. I »•
Omaha last w o<t^# 0
Miss Lydia UaUtW wps lt&§?- ' stek
tho first of tlio V«-K * | i
Dan Kroh visit last WCOK with
his sister, Mrs. OtlKjat'' VerUon.
Mrs. .1 C. Moll ride a rtt
it .from )ier sister the tV$t Mttffl'
J * R tVm. Ir., and famil.s\A*'SRt|i I
Raster frith the former's p:%eii|f flu
!Fuifs City.
Mis: Haze! Rap r of Out **’•"»
visitiu^jJjer grandmother. MisfisBifte
line t‘ * y
M Ji, ii iindi venter and wife vi ib I
tfumta'. ivith lolui Fisher .md ftimiiy
nt aT TTTdon. JtWfflJ§ji
Miss Nellie Mi (’ray of Fill? Uhy
si f ft id ei
S R Freed. Zip'
\t. M. < ’lOodloe aud X7 0 M
llride I ransaet. d bliptbcas ill i'aji
City Salnninv,
lia Mj^tfn hyrti ndetcjl a Doi.ii
•i o o-u-inai '. -*w*iri l'n; apctls- nt’im\ d
Miss'" KatlieTIne " Mllroy or 'Chuaha’
Unas In . n1'viMtimt iilior sister. Mrs.
illerbeil Hays.
.. •‘P'^Vdiif1* Th.ov- and tvil'e* d'.-e
Visiting this week with tlieir (i'Wiltil
ran in I’yi itinsi h.
iv Mono!! ami wife from LontkVjtl'
ilanie (Hiwn 1 tlalmdav evening to
.imlit tn-'
ttsit their parents.
, A daughter weighing four pounds
■Whs iiom to Mr. and Mrs! Roy'GVlfflftt
Friday, March 25. HHO.
it Uuji’^.yiJtir a,)id wife \\ei|t to A.Mj
ihtiijt|i'IJinyfii/pv i|V,(li:,il dtfughjer
iat-law, Mrs. IV D. Ailor. ,
Walter Vouch anti wife anti Mrs.
Frank Vench of Verdion .wefc, calling
on Sft'Un friends Saturday.
Tory Walker returned last, week
from Lincoln, wheie he had spent
the winter at n business college.
Mies Oram Palmer loft this week
for Morgauville, Kas., where she
will he employed in a millinery, store
Mrs. Walker returned to her
home In Lincoln last week, after a
visit vvltli her daughter, .Mrs. .Max
II. .M. Hogrefe. wife and son. Har
ry, and K. Wheeler visited Sunday af
ternoon at the home of 0. I.
Sloe utn.
Good Friday was a great day for
potato planting, almost every vacant
lot in Stella will he a potato patch
this summer.
Prof. Eastwood, wife and baby, E.
IJutler, wife and baby. Prof. Lang
of Howe visited at tin- home of ltev
Hinkle and family Sunday.
.1 L. Slocum add Wife. H. M
Jemie and wife, and 13. K. Baker and
wife of Falls (,"ity were at the (1
L. SlOCum holm; Sunday.
.less Shrimpton and wife. Weslqy
Koae andnMiss Olive Ti.ldt-u Of Sa
lem took), supper G. L. Sim uni
and ; wife Kliimiiay evening.
lift'deJaihes add wife Went to An
Inini’ Stinday to visit the hitter's par
ents, Mr. land Mrs. .Armstrong. ■).
M. Gpodloe took them in his auto.
James .Massy of Oklahoma City
is visiting? at it.he home of Win.
.Moore. Mr. Massy was one Of
Stella's merchants twenty-five years
Mrs. N. I. Stiiiecipher is expect
ing her sous home from Oklahoma
soon. They I Write that they will he
ucdomipitiiUHl by her brother and
bis wife and two daughters.
Mtv So tit'iv nee was iu Kails City Kri
dnyf'iu’i .1 • i
Mi-. • Parish anil family mot ml up
fmini-Falls City Monday.
iiltry Wlltse was in town Sat ur
day aiid Sunday Vi-iting friends.
Mrs. .Mel and daughter. -Vet a,
and Alrb. Joe Jail'd wen? visiting iu
St. Joseph Friday.
Wilbur Kilunmt cam* dawn from
Peru Thursday, and it" visiting his
brother., Pert aud family.
HaChel Wittwer and Sadie Jones
came henna from Peru Thursday to
spend ;t fnw days during the Kasier
vaoiution, |
.1. S. Lord and family of Fulls
City attended the supper given for tli
benefit 'of the uenmtttFy , association
Friday .evening,
Miss NeUje Stabler came home
from Lincoln Saturday, where she lius
been working as a trained nurse.She
graduated in that MJorfe in f'vbruary
Mrs. Vera llintt was in Falls City
Saturday, in "rite afternoon site \va»
given a liiitst Shower hy the club
girls til the home of I Jr. C. T. Hureh
Hev. Knowles; the evangelist- who’
lias hid'ii holding services at the
Christian church, gave a 'leeturn on
“In His Steps." in tin opera house on
Monday evening, l ie and his family
left Tuesday for Fill Creek, where,
he will hold a aeries of lneothigs.
Your tongue is coated.
Your breath if foul.
Headaches efnne and go
These symptoms show that ytntr
lomueli ifi the trouble. To remove
the cause is the first tiling, and
Chamberlain's Stomach anil Liver
Tablets will do that Kasy to take
and most effective. Sold by all drug
Indians of Megieo City Have Been
Selling Genuine Antiques to , |
World Tourists.
Tourists and curio Buyers In Mbxfeo 1
City I .'vo for years been blade trt be- 1
lii'Tv* they were exiierieucina the ex- 1
qulslfe sensation ol lining humbugged
by fatko: Artec idol volloctors. iwjien
In realii) they have been fooled all ,
along vvitJi (he gyuulge articly. I
TUis discovery tigs (Im>< n mud1' by ^
Prof. William fClveij, of (kiernavaeg, j
and Mcxibw (MVy, iVlhi libs given years f
io rfro srnifty of The tossiib/ert remains
el the aiieiebt lirfMbitnhtM of Mexico.
XTi*. .\iw*n hiiH-rberiiitly itiseuvoTed tlu* j
Indians at work in a tnmsium bonne •
of buried .Mexican pottory, idols and
slnjllgr reiuglpfj, some mile,-; gyyst of j,
Mexico City„ ,.'ylilvjl| , tle v bay o bpcji |
marketing on the siroets ,of Mexico
City for yiM-vi
As it Ins l>vn taken for1 gratit'ed
that nteSe ( I,sects wave thMiebn ini- :
nations and prices wive cut down In
accordance! tin* Indian* hive fallen i
in wJUi Uiv luiimor ami found it more
la editable ami .uujeUy.r 1” 1*1 the buy
er do Ills own siting up of tin; atuiipiv |
Talnc of tiic curio.
However, Mr. Niven da* hufitrise'd 1
to find among th'1 number of such
objects piirelfnih'd i.v irtfftgPH'. several
tliai bore etiitnistaJv'.blji■ tiigii-' >>f.great
age. Curious , pieces o,f pottery pur-, |
chased by bint' cm (1 ■ V-f'fc"-1bad liceii
bftrled so loiyg that thdir sdtietance |
had bcytunpi ef.iP'va.L bjirdtu as and to ,
show a high degree of petriljeatlon
that' inust ft five nhjitlred, tint i eiit'iirfesh 1
hat ilioitsitiidf wf year*.
QtiiVflifioplpff flic vpndc ;rs |ic lias ,
been shown where they were dug. The
place is soMe uillt's w'efcf of Tachbn.
The digging's show that the Indians
have been cxpiciijUng thy moiiuda for j
many years.
Skulls have beeti I'oiind thnt posseSat [
peculiar anthropological value, show- j
lug a type of people .entirely different ,
In the structure and shape of their
skulls from any othdi* before found. 1
Mr. Niyen believes that liie iiumer
tips heads and facys of burned clay
represent family portraits and were <
employed for similar purposes for j
Which photographs are now used.
Wonderful Surgical Feat.
Wonderful things art* accomplished j
In the surgical world these days. Six- |
year-old Arthur Shtbley was shot by a
maniac In New York recently, and was j
likely to die through loss of blood. ,
The doctors suggested transfusion of I
blood from a strong and healthy per- \
son’s body into that of the dying boy.
The lad's foster mother gladly offered j
herself for the strange sacrifice.
Mrs. Shibley, scorning anaesthetics, j
•■ore the pain without flinching ns the !
.'•ons upend a vein In her arm. In
a moment the blood from her healthy
system was (lowing into the enfeebled 1
body of her adopted son. The change ,
in the boy's appearance during the j
20 ftiinutes the transfusion contln- j
ned was wonderful. A healthy glow I
entne to his skin ami his pale lips be
came ruddy When the tube was re j
nloyed the surgeons abuioujicot) that |
(he operation hud been a success
Mrs. phibloy ,wns, ,so weak from the
loss of blood I hat. she cohid scarcely |
speak,' but she" MniV'd eliehrfuTfy art j
she vfart told' the boy was hYtfch he mb'
fited by bhf yaPflH'et1.1
He Was Forestalled.
William A. Pinkerton,’ the heAd of'I
the famous detective agency, was talk- |
log in (IhSmgo about the interesting
statistics of liis recently published re
port. I i , 1 (
"Yes, it is true,". Mr. Pinkerton said, ,
"that we catch the crtnilal more fre-.
quently than we used to. It is true,
too, thiii knowing the criminal’s ways,
we forestall hint—tie take preventive
measures that reduce crime enor
"We are *il;e." ho resumed; "the Del- -
mar deacon. This deacon was passing
the collection plate one Sunday morn
ing. When he came to u eeriain pe
nurious Delntur citizen he noticed that
tlm man extended toward toe plate,
not a hand with a coin displayed be
tween the finger and (hitrub, but ft
tightly (dosed fist.
“The deacon frowned at the fist, and
jerked tile plate back from it
“ ‘Give it (o me, Mr. Keene,’, he whis
pered, audibly. 'Due lias just come off
my vest,’’ llli:. if . d Sunday Maga
Patrick Henry’s Fee.
It is said of Patrick Henry that dur
ing his practice of law in the Virginiii
courts and when he wits familiarly ad
dressed as “governor" a man who had
been arrested for stealing a hog and
who was out mi bail, went to the got>
envoi- to have him defend him.
The. governor said: "Hid you walk
away with that shout?"
"I don't like lo sav "
"Out with if.”
"Yes, sir!"
"Hum you got the can ass?"
"Yes, sir."
"You go iiOtni), you: w retch;; cut the^
pig lengthwh' in half and hang as
much of it in tuy smpkehpuse as you
keep in yours."
At.court the governor said: "Your
honor, tills man Sms no more of that
stolen shout tnanr I have"
The man was cl Ha red. Norman E
.Mar k's National Monthly.
An Ax to Grind.
Hogan—it's PhtiU that gets me vote
for.mayor. 11" shakes liands wid a
Uiriy-hahtcd wurkiu' tpon the same as
wid a piiUyuuaife,
Grogan—Ho doo^e, do he? Shnj-",
an' the men thdt wants the whisky in
he joog is willin’ to shake hands with
he htindle ahny time.—Hostoh Tran
t’ • misi.Jf.P! nitu'l <i ' iit'eioii! im
JUST think this over. and
quality a.uai^cti i;i Clothcraft Clothes are
uV result i i Op.yuan'- o{ gIikUs ntiViiut. L’totjiwrakuaortketJiJvAMO . f
*e.jv«dlti*e pr-uhleprio' nmkinfpd*ii-lwisjof pure wool— styles, at
i- fair price*;. This is wluic GlutlicnifOScientific . .a,; tnypu.
\\ e s!k'\7 u L lulhcralt
v .'of!r"-i In-, n • \\ e believe them
tile the p.rvatcst values that dan
ivio.Tt'red you at the price. The phrnoni
, >■ Id suer. * twi k no- MiG I'T tfiaJr ijiff
i u.di'Mii H wtr pri -nrent.
Arufjtoft F'hTT, GloMfci'aft
C I turn .'I to you.
»'vc! • < : 11 i pnr.r ft-.'!, :intf*tl*c style
v.d: i.e'1 'ftie .- ji’mt :i<' ■. fist il.iy. ff '
J‘ u '!• eii d;'1 t.t . ti a {‘loihcraft '
■t-'.ii, ’v-i Vl'.'l 'i ", Itnt'IV i liiLc it'll;,!'!, bud
■ ..<'-tU ...
1 ... i r * i ., . r ; .,. ...11
dj§f\ H,.,j 4»( \.f fcj.U, fil -it
m h 4in"tw ■“'] ;,,M il
™w-A ''':' ■;!‘!
im imi i.'im ' ill nn "ul n i*'* H,|i
All-Wool Clothes $10 to?25
Hlllll. i , ii> I ■ l 1111 III Ml.;, tii m
■ I, ' 111 l, , :i'!l! ',ililorin«' Kuunmurd
.bdi^mo ouau'H
i "I" ijirio oitUuii a
( i Mi i 1'iiVto nA
ill 11/ illiJntj
1 fml bliiorta
* • ^’Jil * <ltfat(|'»'),)JI
i-iriom ,
i . liri/i yllHfi
I |! tj i'•iiiillo 'il
, ' mini lull I: ul «*<nl ruriiruuA
I.'t IIOllUJIl
no J, nh ci
ill *iii. *✓ c
I *ti«7 mi
Of Hand Decorated China Plates
1!,'MU ,|! ■' 1 .3OAfl'-! 1U8 10 THOIH
We have l‘2 beautiful decorations in fruits and flowers and
place them on sale at
i . :> .i.i h■ n t ;u( j
This is the best Jot of Hates fbr tile price we have ever
bought. Tliev are nicely decorated and well vHrth SP’jri and
* • . 11 i; f■ i ' •. * ■ * • i. n . d n;
SI.00 each. See them al
• • • • i in • ( .*11 i;; '< i. 1 * * i
Ready for Use on Walls
' Woodwork, Burlap. Etc.
! ' ~ : ' _ " , ■ O'
Put^up in gallons, half gallons and quarts. Flat colors tor Inte
rior decoration on woodwork and walls. Mas no equal.
1' i i : ,'.I ..
Permanent, Washable
Practical, Beautiful
Ready to use at any time. It is a revelation in its results it has
all the excellences of water colors, the soft, beautiful effect.
Pittsburg Electrically Welded Fence Wire
Sure Hatch Incubators and Brooders
They have few equals and no superiors. It will pay you to inves
tigate our claims for these wares —they are reputation builders.
Tinning anS Plumbing Falls City, Nebraska
y* t
I If you contemplate hawing a
V sale see me or write for terms
at once. I guarantee satisfac-.;.
•* tion to my patrons.
L v
—The Tandy Kitchen for brick ice
:r«un. *
Spring Work Shoes
H. M. Jenne Shoe Store