The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, April 01, 1910, Image 2

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    The County in General
.HU..)*-* f *
Guy Hutchins and wife were Falls
Hy'V4<itthyrirt*t week
Mrs. GraTil ShuhfTt spent a part of
OTlalt -we4c WT MiOuakOtf lOdtlM q A H
Mrs. XFffli <S 4Xi'UC f living near
Vc-rd».n was slmppijif, here Saturday.
tie Imler were county seat vwTtorpj
JWbW.Q ,,s5i3 sv*h libnaiH
Morr»f)lf3WilHdaft #'Wiow able to
l» out again at'rer a severe spell of
iti si< -Riwhh.i hidden a 11 lo /hind) Hi
Mr Howeii anil istcigi tlMUn'tgiie d (
ni m')! • NlA -M/W $.W )’iM> df, .Jdrairip,
fnlon Sunday. 0|„H ,i;lmn!t ul
o<«,( the fust '/F flie «ja"Kll Y1'^’
her sou and family. .d
■ 1 ' )'.',f*.l,Slft«|)ff,h,.W U'H'tfe.WimJIs
bj and family ''Vel'H1 jitii .'its'"nf"' Ml:,.
*•» 'AMI • MV*' dahi- IWiklSl^' Wn 'fftlitflay,
Mrs Flora ♦ba'ffMtf tvf Uihrsvfri is
i MiM- /i iijevtligi as/»iaiti u’lth •;! her
father. Mov u Itimh luari lAllnttf rubllli es.
id Huh /. «f |))W‘H>- v-W a nil dtll'MirV/l
t .Mq. fidoipl uaiii iii,.i| Si.vlla„ a fiiiiv ,lhir
ty horse power Hco aiTto , week.
( \Valiei ^.ewis n,cewn|ttfnied lps two
, , datmhlers lo oiualiu last week, They
have both been la pnoij health for
some time and they went lo consult
" A spitf'liiHkl.
Mu. Knsi.r Hi,7'vlrps at t In * Christ*
um church on Sunday was wi ll nt
1 tr-mlort hiidtho ■ 1 ih<Vn Was n fluo
oft I- a tnl off joy oil ii(V an
, ■ liljo.lil V I;IOj 11 ! '
Tlio Christ i n Aid society nu t on
Worttiosiln'y jVf /m 11c»tft/•’ of Mrs.
ShirffliT, Miirfi'wn's' iuV-iiniltlislU'd for
tlio y(iml ut tTi'o 'nil ioly anil dffaod1
1 Hut** Was orijnw d hy nil.
v: ' Tlio' frl/nds (if MY. rind Mi's. 6 It.
lioss An* rltlil ’In' fmvo ttii'lil Willi
1 ih*MU nyiitii Atfcr srvrtnl months
" ‘’A’lld^-in o Cli*\ flow* »«*. upy their
homo place <*1*1*1' 'Kliii utctl.
' * 11 t. t(. 'SholiU tif Kpwoi'fh, Noli., iu
.* . ooil'ani** i! - lty* Will I low* II, Itosi
Smut add' filatvuly of Aiiluirn
ittnWt rAi tho ;v,itiistf oOl-ltv Hlnti-kf and
w Ifo .a - tt wt i iiinys lata, work. I .
Till'1* little thtiiy'Ma i1 of .MV aipl
. . M i'hJ , Ulaltor ,i.i wiisi ten out) til a any
t *o»i yvlilh* iiluyhty At nil -itidoknu hfltu tip
Ifoiios. fimlu-x rl vhlt- »r*u : Hi* Shook
i w.afsptwjlftd and Uni, injured jiivi.,in*v
, i» ‘IciliiK niyilllT ,
i 11;M a n-r~irnr n—-** • a ' ,,
Kvory family atid I' Mips,
I who res|fly (it jin,' yoiiuuw shuiilil
l>o pro,vid*0 at all times with a hot*
Up pf Chamberlain's Liniment. They,
is no t* 11j11k Win ii it mav lie waul' d
an,'-; -iii i,ii . i ,| ,v. Mot <i'T , . .
in oaso ol an areldoli! or emergeney.
ft is most excellent in ali epses of
r In *n ma t is in, sprains and' bruises Sol
by 'aif ilriTypWs ' 1
h. ' ’i.-i / ■* 111 7 il' ) ■ liV/ji'i I ' II 1 I ,
— — ' —-*—-rii
4» i
For Cleaj\ii\£; Milk
Pails ai\d Parvs
Cnf.ii!) Stpar.Kors, ftJf ,\ m
.me! Cocking l>4 :i;: f.e
; 1 \Y<t the ary • m’i ,.!■■ \v i I
... ; 1;. 01dputch,( l ... . .. ... t
hr with a eh .V it It. Y.'
well ii1.'(! -it *..♦ 1 ii >.! wYe t r let
■ stem: l> .ry. l!.. nut ms dit>
cd :a'. i,i, vvir.. -a, t.p. :s and as oin ...ary cleansers
will not roRtcve and dots it quicker
and e.i: in"
It is the best all-'round c leanser
ever discovered and is perfectly
harmless. It keeps everything
about the farm house spick and
span and saves a lot of labor.
time, expense.
Avoid caustic and
t acid cleaners.
(Xot a trash
iup ponder.)
^ *
John lluif hlson was a business \is
ilor near Kulo Monday.
ii -npuul *wu4*y
mii li the .laUy,i-'s ,31415.
Ivan keflar eame up from Mon ill,
l*\ M. sji^llgr 44414! ^tjpnily spent
Sunday with (luy I.iehiy and wile. T
Alison KuisWy nlnt wiiu. spefir Siln
day with l.lnyd, Mnluley and Wife./
I,e,Wish Mnirtj and funnily visit■ d.
the llllllia of iieltnys Shaffer iSumlll).
1 if if. Ji.uhtyi family, spent
Similar with ft} h'cni<>>* mnd family.
Oconto I’tU'lmi'd anti two sons
spoilt Hulrtlu>'• w l(,h'iMl'l and Mrs. .lid
C 111 t>n; > . I . ; in ii) It ■■ in nil nl i
Mrs I'hhl'lnd . Md IVihmI and ,l*ilt}
r-llonl a pnr1-’’i>fi.lasl .W«< It wiUi dll A
.fhirk ibiid; fainilyi i in
1 KiiH Hbaffnii, ami dnlrnnJ}''fi'oib iina'r
tKahwn : r><*-*d• Sat lirtlti t .with.: OUdWtoi
SInin]t and family/i luib oMniiirih ,1
Mr. VVlinltoek, who ;Ifnnhbudn in
poojh lifiattiv ■ Hidutsat t ot/ dkio >m intxftr ii<
»»AJ.r«Mhnt--' very .ntotvty mi. i
M Wit!’tlun lliaim1 spout Snndlty ■ ■ iff
Sails City with his nraiidintit her hud
aunt. Mirs Iclhii VOttilia auitf dartfehtSi'.
Will 11 utrli ison wrlii down i»oaV
UShortltt Wodwaday ttillisHiat Lloyd
l’ook with ids I’urtir nock fen a short
Kd Davis It'l.l Iasi \v«•<■!* lor a trip
through Texan,
(Until Vikittan sponi tjpmlny with
hup mutlipr in Halo.
Cl* in Davis was it falls (djiy visP
It op olio hay la. t w < ok.
Ilolllitr Kirk was a Pulls City vis<
lioi ono day lust; vy<‘ok.
Kov. Waohtol was a Falls fit}
visitm olio day hist, wools.
I. It. J.yiuuti of Wymotv was a Kill
lisilpi if u-f dit^ liu^l, i\<f'k.; |
I'ntil Itujk spout last work visit
ing with roUijlii; os. in Kansas.
Art ypiijo i|f ^Tplfle J^ork was a
itulo visitor ono day last wuok.
t|7|tip'li t'otik of Kansas \\t\* vis
i|jpv tidal ivjot) ip Itulo .VJutidfi.v.
*fl**ft A*' v;f I'aMs f.uty .wits
a, igiio visijott rhnuUkv aft on,p,H>n.
t,<voi>j:o C'ht.v; ami family
pvvgk w,i.h I'pionds pi, Highland. ,.Kas.’ K; t uop'ij .sisloj' ijii|tiio I.Uo Inst
of, thy Wf.j'k ,tp, visit with ly,;r a tow
, A. l.ani.U' i and w iIV of I'n stdti
tilUhili d .,11»V- Kasp 1: i.vtc isos lyfri
;itnuUi..v, pvo||jup..
Civil Kantily ratno down from-Sa
h,'|tt and sppnt .Saturday mid Sunday
with homo. |oJks.
A|ra l'iati|i t.'iv loj.lii and buhy (M
Atchison 1,at an' Inst vyooh lot- a visit
with hot- parynts.
.Mrs. 1'lmrlca Dooinyi n, 111 ruvil tht
first of tho vvooli, from a visit, with
relatives in Uiu,wut<hn.<
Miss Margaret Pierce has hoon IP
for two >v eyks. , 1,1(11', sjstor. Sophlli
is toinliittg school fpr her,, ,,
Dp., I. (', , Shephyrd vvept to t*t>
.lop to vjisit his daughter. f\|r*
Anbury. why is iifiit<• sick .at _, li#>f
holin' in that city .
4,01)0 ,4’ppo, has purchased (.lie lots
vyjtU'ro tlpt Jnnibop yard tfaoi| to
Stand, and, bps commenced , vvojk rift
thy foundation top p cottage.
Carl Frodorig'k wept, (o Diller lafet
work wllpfo hp vvil| laiin tile coming
scasoii. A gvni Ionian from St. .lor
vvjfl tali, his playu in Uiy I’ltil llorntl
bather shop.
Dr 11' ini' t'sep and w ife moved ill1
o their new house this week. They
u>; i,ipw build in ir a barn and when
nil is finished, they \v)ll have a I.ieaib'
Mful home
W.m, Hedge has bought Mrs. Mr
.<’Union's property. Their son. Art
and, y ife, wUl 1 i\ w ith Diem to
•' *r (t(le. old people, who Ule al
1 helpless.
lie fail' rat of tlenrge t.'ampbell.
" o was drowned in the Nemaha
D. tunin' , was held Monday at
two o'clock at the M. K. cliurrh. lie
1 axes a wife and two sons.
An Maher entertainment was giv
on at the M, M. ehtirch Sunday even
ing. Tile church was crowded, and
all unite in praise of the entertain
ment. Special music was rendered
Tim church Mas prettjiy decorated
and after tin. services many tired, but
happy little ones were glad they
"'ere ably to give pleasure to others.
One of Paul Pork's school mates
received a letter from him tlm
first of tile week, saying, not only
was their car of goods burned up
on the t'oad to Colorado, but the
coach, which they were traveling in
also caught fire, hut was soon put
out. Paul laughingly makes an ap
peal for old clothes. All of the
household goods of the three families
were in the burned car.
—Prompt relief in all cases of
throat and lung trouble if you use
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Ple as
ant to take, soothing pud healing in
effect. Sold by all druggists.
John Brenner was down from Stel
la Sunday.
" Kuth Hosford
this week.'T
Karl JloaK
the past we*
Mary PstriE
a Humboldt visitor Friday.
Florence Hummel came down from
i.lir thJ ■tcrtr W* the* **-►*•
Riley Weaver of Elk Creek s|»ent
*tt‘t sof*1 ||(.cXvivk (U kfciitfMiMM M
< ksu'iAai YWavdS flffi Ufav/iTe City
vvjis m towu tUv fivttl of Hu* week.
(1.111,1 and Klnier Itoiisek returned
S111111 iiy r r[f WV a !^Uf? f* il °in Dawson.
Mrs. Norris Aytor and children
wi . . e passi up i i >; CO' Tibbie 'Work Ki k ]
: 4ftJSiih>(l (alien i'/. nil ni a mijibiloi t>
i; \\ . i’ytts pi I'aWjiee City WjB^
transacting business in Hmhtxiidt nn'
1 "feitWlIa V ” ' 'li:t*w ftlolCai
dWlilh Thvlmfehthv1 returned (tv'this
city Sunday1, after it hhrirt Misit ini
'PVAHflUn, NViv o' •' oar nl mi
MMw Inn No hr eatno up iTonvliti-'
id’(ifid1 tapetti Hintday with her1 par
cWC#1 in' ‘this city, i •• l; 10..01 • •
1 Hatiy'Bbyd. a stidl*Pt oit Hasting
'olintre, I# spiMidfug Mills1 wink With
11ttWhoMPffidtidH.' *•1 li !.
dayitclle Davis of Lineolh in spend
life rlvC Week with li«r pane title H)
-3. DitviM and wife.
la-n Orttvaiti" eanie id off 1 lie
'oad the Iasi tif the tvi ek and spent
lundav with hid family
Mrs. Clin rids Bobbitt, after visiting
vitli ffi- ndk in litis city, returned to
'it 1 home in Idtlho Monday.
lleriry Seeley or Lincoln' w»as’ ent<#J
allied al thv home of Dr. .1. L,
isinlv the first or the week.
l-lei Kdward Modnpp, who is at
M'ndli n 1 lie utiiverMty in Li Detain, in
ipendillg the Work at home.
|i M. (ibd'datd of Lincoln spent
the lirM Of the week with Ids brothi
dr. Charles OotldUvtf add family.
Mrs Ccorge (tarns and dntighlor.
Airs iMahlo I nlttiid, .pent pan of
the wbek with 'Tahir Uoek i'rionrta.
Mrs Doll Woods of T-aldo.1 Dock
was a guest at tin- homo of hot pirr
.ms, I, Aimin'and wife-this week.
I’anay i.McK'itinev enure down 'from
Peru' Sunday Mind ts-ni gtiosi at t.lP»
home of her mint1, Mrs. John-Irto wens
Alts Lioti'lo Snot lie n 1 a mo fro IP
hi r Ktdmol dibtU'S at Com ' Saturday,
and spent siiveral days with liotne
folksjmlji i"i -M/ ''1 .!:•»!
'Mrs. K»*rh, .Ni»ri MarmsS anil
wifi and lliu-k! Wadsti 'and family dt
tmuJi'd Easter serviWsi iiv I'auMon
('■haw. Nodiorr relumed Kriday from
l'(.siii:is where did Had biten eallect
by the eh Imess - of Ida father, John
\lr< Hdv.aid Dorland returned lo
Iwr lioiiia m this eity 'after a visit
wit'ii lire mater, .Mrs. Kred Noldo. in
1 Uint-bte. t • 111 d i mi
I lari’V' I'lii Ipoli and family of Tattle
l-tnek silent the first of , the week
With the former's" pa’ievits. Kimr I'hll
pOf- iVmt wife. ' 1 ’ ■. ' I . '/ '»
""(Inneva I.o(Miard.' wild is htteildln^
the eoirsi evnloi ydt miiste in Eineolll.
is #pomHtt« 1 her Ennui- vacation at
her Home in this city:
While t'wtMn.ti his loam in the lhu
ury Haiti TharHday, Wilber liurgott
was kicked by one of his horses, re
siilting In a broken leg.
Mrs ChTishina Stabler and dau
ghters, Nora anti llasel and Mrs.
Ernest Pom- and baby left .Saturday
for tlntir ntuv hbine In Montana.
Charles TlhnitiicP and wife of st.
r.oiii - aid l)r. Hay lliftiimel and fnm
dy Oi f,fin-bin' are spending rite week
with ihblr parents, Chris Ifirmniel
land wife.'1
Gnuulnm Dorland. wlio visited dur:
ing the winter mditths with her son,
I ’d ward, left Tuesday morning for
Louisiana, where she will reside with
her daughter. She was accompanied
on the journey by Mrs. M. K. Gandy.
While tryjug Lo adjust the bund
on a wheel connected with a wood,
sawing machine. Will Moyer nu t with
a painful accident, dislocating the
elbow- and breaking a bone of his
right ana.
Percy G lasso r is here from the
northwestern territory, after spend
ing a short time wjth friends ju this
city. tje expects to leave for Ar
kansas, where lie will join his father
and sister, who are now located
there. .
Best Harnass on earth is made at
Wachtel’s. Saddles, Whips, Etc.
Everything for the horse. Repair
ing and Oiling. Phone 384.
E. I). Fairbanks’s children have
been quite sick recently.
'V.Mrs. John Ogle is among our
Aqde. "
/yUisB Iva
; ijrg here tliifcwea
^ A little il-Srrimr»~tr;ty- H
! Hart Dutlcr and wife last week.
Mrs Emery Smith and children'
1 Wr&JcfcJj/-wit if
. -iiku—trine hoDl?
:,'v her sister. Dean Hichardson, who
Janies Park'A accidently got his hand
‘ w»£jdiiiiii hiAliblne ofiaKtIKflt-thlfc
week kditb .q/e :(IWH «Wa badly1
a place of shout fourteen acres ad-1'
joinfng1^ l^awne ^w;,\v?,?;f1Ahe HUj
( entl^-f^Pra^Wl.Xlci'eaoH «,
School cl<w*d hist Friday wifli
a rtiunrr,!: which was, apJetyd(jjl,- by
imv.t Of, tjie i?fuyi^„of
This term has been most successftfP
and all §x0reere the w'fVlt 'filar rhe
‘tWachW1.’1 M»HM 1 01a! >f!t<oo*i,"triay* 11' biM
nVitlYm* jkeokh yean.’ > - mi'/. lo i • //
M. Tl. Lew wt-11*3 to h'tlllK (.'itwiiTped-1
fWy dwrtako arratigoiricnteifonubegitD
nliig bis! work cut prec.inot, rtssos^or.
Wo nhdorttnndi t-htut Jdtmryi Lay11
son has been appointed, us .-d oemo'ib
biker for Netnhha p'reoirict. .mob
Charles Albih dins purchased. t i.Mr.
tide's- teiinnfhnf ItouSh and,-will ,move
it to his piano r eaist! of the .(totbany
( hunch. tie will-told »<t it. ju.kI pptket
la nice lit the cottage. ■ :i r,
Durfhg tlie high windi which pres
ratted Wednesday of Inst week- a
fire started by a match Ur'ling care
lessly thrown down Fire pwppt over
several fields in tho neighborhood,
burning (nnir posts; and tei'.pohne
poles. And had St Mjoti been for the
strenuous efforts of u number of
men the buildings on four farms
ueght liavo been ibutrned.
It iuo sight of pear, peach and plum,
trws in bloom in Mat;eU ,is some
I he u mew ubout here.
|* ii'jh m > i »:'T / •,
it. iw,riu.lkt: I’*<;iiU<t
and t«i|uU.y u;i!L ujpyc to Jfalls Oily
hmm. , ,,, | , i
tMinti i^ojdiia \Yi.i,uvi>f, ,^,s , sa^crliiK.
|i u- cda-sta'S in,.inttau- J'qf,,t,lH‘:y,uiaiiH>;
lintry Hounof and \yU'y Ifjiy.e^ijif,.
t.o .lioufio Iv oping on. a fui;^, < aa,t of.1
Sftbeitba. , ... |, .j,; ;ii. ... r ! j,n|
Kvoain^ yorvi,oo,s will ,L>q. bold, ifeg)H
ularly horoaftor av«-,rj; Sunday qVoqq
•11S at Mia 111. <l,'clqi)k. ,
Jacob nqd \\ jl'r J^avo riy(ajf.fe1
od ihijr now jtonn,' ,ii.L (^'oku-ailo- iml
a.i, now hjippijy pqt.tyocl. n
Alibo Oarver. .Mary IfirrilM'i-ghqutMo
and Karin 1 U'ULWor aro Uijoying tha
Blast sw vactltioti at hoop
Mrs. George Schneider is very Hick
at this writing. She imd1 been edit1
valerteing btit suffered a retaipso.
Gs<ar Runyan \vrik taken to Omaha
.’Viondhy ‘id a' ‘ siintifaritlm for1 "treat
ment for epilepsy atid extreme nervous
: 1 -1 -a ih.rj; .. d» -01 or , .
tyfr. and Mrs. I). Snvaer,, and
Mrs. Snyder's sister and daughter of
T , u ■ .' . .' | I
I’ehtysyl'ania, Avenue were .visiting in
<5ion Supday.
“ini. a ‘T* o ‘ii i, i ;j<i• ,j - .;
A number of the memty^rs /.fillud
upon Mr, d>ai)di.ikor Sunday atternopir
and (•uter.taiui d bint witty songs. AJr^
lUajadtykyi; was gyvnUy ptyra^pd. |,(t,
Henry Feldman has gone to OktaS
lioma in tile interests of a real ofo
(ate.tieOV dff is ebdcaaioffling to triKde i
Oklahoma land fori Sabotha property
l-\ N.1 HoUlater finished the work '
on tlie lighting plant at Hu- elutreH
and parsoilage last week. He also
pal ii Pew metul rover on the lvlfry
floor Iasi week.
!—- .1 i—!--..
Dial'. l'.C.f a should cured with
out loPs of firnc and by a medicine
which like Chamberlain's Colic, Chol
era and Diarrhoea Iteiiiedy not only
cures promptly but produces no un
pleasant after effects. It never fails
and is plrtiPant and sidfC to take.
Sold by all druggists.
—are your motives for milking
■cows. In order to secure them
t > the fullest extent, siitp your
cream the
direct front the farm to the cream
ery at the irigltesl price, and Re
ceive your Check by Return Mail.
Write us far cur net?
For Weak, Fvun-Down People.
*• I was run down and \yfaJk frotyi
indigestion and general debility, also
i77ei13 I!.r Hrwf car
■M !iver OT<y^mti<i»f <n3fVnl Vino! adveiM
m lfsedbtiHJWtyiihpJe«'» ft a trial jT"
f Mild the result', were most gratifying.
1 After taking two botWen* i regained nry streneth, ana am i
how fueling u bosh a IK wed?”—- fl^N^Y Ct'IsXi^fiflVd, S
Bitter Bfeptfct Church, Kinston, N.C.
frti/ui :ill i'i H i ml In i i I
Y;ny).{;qpt^nsy,'-vo world-famed tunic;—the medicinal, ■
Htoqngdioimig, bwdydmtld.;,,-; r’-Sne^ll^'of ,(*i<!Tl‘.l?ei’ I T-tlfnc'B
' Jfhnt1' 'Vihhhcc/rrtaimsiwvifnliiard is'fwla^ B
■‘Tohit dbtdiHabftf.' VAlf’ilBbirn your money wi^bvilil question 4
it Vinpl does not a'e'^d ’ji: h all we claim for
A. C. WANNER, DfU^iat, Fails City* 1
W-lbHMlI ,li .1 UllUi )-U Od U"l ll.Ul r.AlU. .l^.^lll-l I ,.i l.i l.i.i.,i i.l
'Ml J lilt) I 1 U‘»
Barrel of Money ”
Tf'fr'vdry Vtl-ee’ fhfttfc lb talk 1 Tibiout: mi
a verv plo'tVsarit1 fhifi^ t0‘ bAvduHn tH^'
•>flT ,qw , .
family, a desirable tiling to be ion
.trir.3 m 7 b e; t. 1)1
.peet^l : yifh,, ,f>ut fishing ( ,
wop’it i(,j Sfl(W;wiso man
aaid :there wore OiWW waysP" of • • gv-N!
' T ing‘fit Ir. find was tb hate some
one die and leave it to yon. another
1 i i i // J f i. (11 f I a )! I fl') V/ ,'!;■) 1.! ■ 1
was to find it, apd thy other tOliit)
ways weii to vprk and save. The
most of us tufe in the 'bitter rbtss.^n
You / a be no doubt, and if so you ~
need the co-operation of a. good bank
like burs1 to help* in the saving! if yon tird on salary. 1 < t
ter deposil oaoli month's wages hero, and dheek ;tfcain-t ’it
fob what ywu nodd. In' this way you have a receipt for
every transaction. You spdntl loss1 and save more. ■ V'dnio
in’ and!'arrange! to open aii1 aodbdnl. \Ve' want Voitr hast
twds. VSYi are' prepared to Jdv'e vbti eooVl sferdlce, and
vtatr t oantcficMi with such it Wmk ns ours* '.VIII f.< a good
thing for you.
The . Farmers’ State Bank
b ib ee .riii, • i;;. 11/ ri ,
Quality in Monuments
-iasmj . ,! . .. ! -Il/. ill _ . „|i ,
We canhot1 interest those with w hom price. is. the only
, cppsideratipn, tnijt'w’e Can -give satisfacttoni to those who
: are particular,,
, ,, ITIIi lOiii'K)
Vs% .solphit the 'business oh those who appreciate
. |iialit V, ap reasonable prices.
: - ; HU I i ■.
hiiioii! iiiiii ni •.til *nf in nr. \ i, *
■ Polls Gitv Marble Works
u inn a rilTIni > •"! ;: > v
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