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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1910)
Historical Society The Falls City Tribune Vol. VII FALLS CITY, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, APRIL I, 1M10. Number 14 __ THE WEEK'S SOCIAL EVENTS AS TWAS TOLD TO OUR SO CIETY EDITOR Various Kinds of Entertainment by Individuals. Lodges. Clubs. Churches. Etc. Hiss Ruth Reavis entertained a number of her friends Monday ev ening in honor of her guest. Miss Mary 11 ungate of Weeping Water. ]< c cream and cake were served and :. happy evening enjoyed by all. file Shakespeare club met March with Mrs. It. R. Rule, and oontin u I the study of "A Winters Tale," w iiich is proving one of the most h> cresting of the plays taken up. The n xt meeting will be held April 8 at tJi*■ home of Mrs. C. Cl. Hargrave. Sorosis met with Mrs. Heacock on ednesday afternoon with a good attendance. After a short business ssion Mrs. \V. \V. .fenne gave an > iceiient paper on ‘‘Historical Trees” which wits discussed by the clul). ring the social half-hour Mrs. Hea cock served refreshments. Mrs. H. R Miner was a guest of the club. Toe club then adjourned to meet with Mrs. A. E. Hill April 111. .'he Five W's were entertained on S -unlay afternoon by Miss Mure hard at her home on North Stone street, Mrs. Russel Hyatt of Salem, the re cent bride of the club, was the guest of honor on this occasion, and was presented with some handsome table I en n l y the members of the club. S e also received several pieces of < glass from her girl friends. A i. ruber of musical selections by g- -sts present, and needlework claim i'u their attention until five o'clock w ■•■n refreshments in two courses w re served. There was no lack of enjoyment and the afternoon passed all too quickly. Miss Lena Nortbdorf w s also it guest., of the club. A BIG MEETING. A li-Thicf Association Held Meeting At The CCourt House Friday he Richardson County Anti-Thief Association met at the court house Friday and seven subordinate lodges w< re represented. John Hossack, the president and W. T. Fenton, sec n tary, met with Mr. Layton, presi de nt of tlie Central Protective asso ciation and II. it. Smith of Atchison Kansas, secretary of the Central association and arranged to have the seven lodges of Richardson equn tv join the Central Association. This body lias 15.000 members, and . will make it very difficult for anyone stealing a horse to get away with his booty. .Messrs Layton and Smith were given a supper at the National Hotel bv the president and secretary of tiie local organizations. )n account of the many horses re ef ntly taken, interest in the organi zations for mutual protection is growing. Horses are valuable prop erty at present, and the loss of a good one. is always an item of impor tance. Thieves are usually careful to select the more desirable ones. Hereafter Richardson County will present an organized front to maurad ers. National Field Meet. •avid Ueavis, Jr., Iins been chosen to contest the pole vault event at Hie National meet to be held in the Coliseum at Omaha Friday night. In the contest he will meet the best vauIters of the nation. It may be remembered that David tied the state record at the meet in Lincoln last year by clearing the bar at ten feet three inches. Last week in practice he raised his mark to eleven f. ef, which is within two inches ot the world's record for it high school student. A Falls City box has been prepar ed at- the auditorium, which will be appropriately draped with Falls City colors and will be occupied by Mr, and Mrs. John \V. Towle, Bert Reavis Misses Grace and Anna Iteavis and others. Anti-Saloon Ticket. Jacob Schaible has been appoint ed to take the place of Samuel Bucher, as nominee for eouncilmat: in the first ward; and T. J. Gist tc till the vacancy made by the resigna lion of David D. Reavis as council man in the second ward. Ablutr. Mrs. Marie Caroline Ability was born February 24, 1862 and died at her home In Arago precinct on Sat urday, March 26. 1910, aged forty seven years. The deceased spent most of her life in this county and is well know to many of our read ers. She had been in poor health for some time and her death was not entirely unexpected, but came as a shock to her loved ones. In 1885 she was married to Mr. Harry Abluty. She leaves one son and two step-children, besides) three brothers to mourn her loss. Her hus band died in 1894. The funeral services were conduct ed from tlie home Monday, and were in charge of Kev. Nanninga of Falls City, and interment was in the cem etery at St. John's Lutheran church in Arago precinct. Bahr. John H. Bahr died Monday in a hospital in Kmsas City, where he was being treated for cancer. The funeral services were con ducted tit the Baptist church in this city Wednesday at two o'clock by Kev. Day Mr. Bahr grew up on a farm west of town, lie chose railroading as his occupation and was an engineer at the time lie was taken sick, sev eral months ago. la the hope of getting relief lie went to Kansas City about throe weeks ago, but failed. His mother and sister were with him at the time of liis death, and accompanied tne remains to this city. Montgomery. 8 pedal from Stella. Derry Montgomery died ;tt his home norrth of Stella, Wednesday March L’.'i. 1910, after an illness of several months, suffering from heart trouble. Although in poor health, Mr. Montgomery was able to be up and around most of the time, and was in town just a few days before his death, and for that reason his friends were slocked on Wednesday morning to hear of his death. He was an old pioneer, coming to Nebraska in IStiti and living on his home farm for the past thirty years. He leaves a wife, two sons and three daughters. The funeral was held at the residence Friday afternoon and the remains brought to Stella for burial. The sympathy of the entire community is extended 1o the family. Layson. Special from Salem. David Layson died at the home of his granddaughter, Mrs. Mattie Locks at Upland, Neb., March 25, at the age of eighty-eight years. Mr. Layson had spent the great er part of liis life in and around Sa lem, making his home during his old age with his children and grand children. Two weeks before his death he left the home of his daugh ter, Mrs. Martin Harris, and went to Upland for a visit, lie was taken sick the following Saturday and con tinued to grow worse until the end on March 25. The remains were brought to Sa lem Monday morning, and funeral | services were conducted from the i Gospel I nion church at 11:00 a. m., [with interment in The Salem cemetery The children, Mrs. Martin Harris and Mrs. Robert. Gentry, both of this place and a son, Jack Layson were his children Who attended the fune ral. Bowers. Special from Humboldt. John Bowers, an aged resident of this city died at the home of Charles liosford Monday morning. Deceased was about eighty years of age and lias been in feeble condition for several months. Funeral services were held at the liosford home on Tuesday afternoon. The remains were taken to the city cemetery for | interment. Moore. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. William Moore of Lincoln was brought to Falls City and laid away in the Steele cemetery Wed nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Moore resided in Kalis City before their removal to Lincoln. Their many friends here i extend their sympathy to them in j their sorrow. B. c. Parrish moved to Salem Monday. He has rented the house of C. B. Kmmert for three years. Mr. Kmmert gives possession of the drug store today. ATTEMPT TB MURDER WIFE HEROIC STRUGGLE OF WOMAN AND TWO DAUGHTERS. Desperate Man Takes His Own Life After Attempt At Murder Possibly Demented. Tuesday night Gilbert Irwin at tempted to murder his wife and her two daughters, and hanged himself, Mrs. Irwin lives about four miles west of Nims City with her two dau ghters, Nellie and Nettie Feldman. Some months ago Mrs. Irwin began proceedings for divorce from Irwin, who since that time lias been making his home elsewhere. Some time Tuesday evening Irwin drove to the old home, hitched his horse some distance from the house, where Sheriff Fenton found it. later in the night, lie placed a ladder to one of the second floor windows and cut the telephone wires. He then procured an ax and beat in the out side door. The women having locked themselves in the bedroom, he pro ceeded to demolish tlds door ttiso. Inside lie attacked Mrs. Irwin, but | in tlie dark his blows went wild until' Mrs. Irwin succeeded in grasping the helve of the ax, hanging on for life. The daughters eaine to their moth er’s assistance but on account ot the darkness in the house, accom plished little. Irwin beat his wife's face terribly witli his fists in 1 is effort to compel her to let go of tile ax. The struggle continued throi h tile house and out into the yard where there being more light, the girls' efforts to lie ip their mother were more effective and Irwin was finally compelled to forego his hold on the ax and flee. The women re turned into the house, barricading the doors against another attac k. They also tried to give the alarm but failed because of the telephone wires having been cut. One of tlie daughters ran to n neighbor and from there called dp Sheriff Fenton. Tlie sheriff and his deputy reached the Irwin home about midnight. In searching for Irwin In- was discovered hanging from a rafter in the hay loft ot the barn, dead. Mrs. Feldman was a widow at the time of her marriage to Irwin in Aug ust. 1907. She is the possessor of considerable property, which it would appear Irwin desired to get in his possession. When she refused to yield to his demands he became abusive and threatening. It was his extreme behavior that induced Mrs. Irwin to apply for a divorce, lie repeatedly returned and demanded ad mittance', going as far as to break in the door on previous occasions. it is the opinion of those who know him best that brooding over the mat ter unhinged him mentally. Blizzard in The West. A severe blizzard raged in the mountains \V< dnesda.v. Four inches of snow is reported on tin 1 vel in western Nebraska. The telegraph wires were blown down and tire snow badly drifted Traffic on the west ern roads' was suspended. The cold wave spent itself before reaching eastern Nebraska, and all; the damage done in Richardson conn j ty was a light frost Thursday morn-i ing. More Boom Needed. The postoffiee lias, for some time, been feeling tae general spirit of expansion in the need of more room. This week several alterations were made in order to provide needed mail ing facilities. The changes were made in the night, thus avoiding any serious confuse.» during office hours. | Those whose boxes were moved en joyed the diversion of breaking off the old habit and fixing a new one Nebraska Teachers Meet. The seventh annual session of the i Southeastern Educational Association is in session since Wednesday even ing at Beatrice. The high school ’ was dismissed Wednesday noon to give the teachers an opportunity to attend. Miss Louise Kale will represent tin* Falls City high school in the oratorical contest, which will be one of the features of the meeting. Max Werner, who has been threat ened with appendicitis and confined t.o his bed at the home of his par ents In this city since Sunday, will be able to return with his family to their home in Nebraska City soon. CHANCES IN THE NEMAHA MANY CHANGES IN THE PAST TWENTY-FIVE YEARS. The Causes Leading Up to These Changes What Straightening of Channel Will Do. There are those who can recall conditions in the Nemaha bottoms as they were twenty-five years ago, and from what they say the conditions were very different from what they have been of late years. In those earlier days protracted floods were entiiely unknown. it is true tlie bottoms overflowed oc casionally when the precipitation was unusually heavy, but the dura tion of the flood was always short. If the water came out. one day it would be back again within the river's banks by the next day. These floods rally did any serious dam age. On the contrary they were frequently of real advantage because of the deposits left behind. The question Mint is of interest is, what lias caused the great change? The answer is not ditfi ; cult to find and should encourage all friends of the big ditch in their ef forts to overcome the tendency to excessive flooding. Then are sev eral causes, which have been slowly bringing about radical changes in I he conditions in the Nemaha hot toms. Those changes have develop ed so slowly that most people have failed entirely to notice them, nev ertheless they have been quietly at work these years and are largely to blame for the present condition of tilings. In tin* earlier days the timber in the bottoms was very much lighter than it. is now. Since, settlement, farmers have encouraged the growth of trees in many ways, and as a re sult, now much of the course of the Nemaha Is through densely wood ed land. This was not always so. Hut is so now and il lias had its ef fect uiioii driving the farmer out of tiie low lands. The river has become in a very real sense choked with timber. Trees have been falling and bodily sliding into the channel of the river until by degrees the channel has been filled, in with timber and the natural accu mulation of soil, etc. This varies greatly at different places. There are places where the river channel has been almost entirely filled up. In other places huge barricades of timber are collected through which the water finds its way at best but slowly. Any casual examination of the channels of the two Nemahas as they now are will convince any one of the absolute necessity of overflow in case of any considerable freshet. The straightening of the channel will again open up a free way for the passing of all flood water, it will bring back the conditions as they were in the sixties and seventies, when floods such as we now have were unknown. Besides there will be the added advantage of a straight channel, carrying off the water by the shortest possible route, and at the greatest possible speed. There will be only one serious obstacle to meet, and that is the increased precipitation Then* is no disputing that mm h more rain falls in Was torn Nebraska today than fell twenty-five or more years ago. This extra amount of water will oi course tax tin- capacity of the big ditch, nevertheless wo believe in the ultimate success of the undertaking, and urge every one interested lo hurry the work along, because of thej advantages both economic and other wise that will result therefrom. Farewell Meeting, Rev. <1- F. Reieliel held his farewell service at the Baptist church Wed nesday night. Friends from the dif ferent churches and city were pres ent. Rev. Relabel has not. yel de cided upon his future field of labor, lie will visit a mission field in Kan sas over Sunday. His many friends in Falls City wish him an early set t lenient in a pleasant place. The Glidden Pathfinder Here. The (Hidden Pathfinder automobile passed through Falls City yesterday forenoon, coming from Kansas City and St. .Joe. The car is the celebrat ed Mitchell Ranger which made the trip from New York to SanFraiicisco last summer bearing army dispatches. The coming Glidden tour will start June 15, and will pass throhgh tliir teen states. COURT NEWS. Reports From Both The District And Supreme Courts. The ease of Drainage Dial. No. I vs. Richardson County was decided in favor of the drainage district by the supreme court last Monday. The judgment against the county in the lower courts was for $18,000. District Court. In the cust> of George l*. Coon vs. Drainage District No. 1, the motion for n new trial was granted and file verdict of the jury set. aside. Coon had received it verdict for $1112 hut was not satisfied neither was the drainage district llacob Majcrus vs. II C. Barton, motion for new trial overruled. Margaret Wilson vs. Mattie Hogge et al, referee ordered to sell proper ty. W. C. Fergus vs. L. .1. Gurvor, case submitted. Lewis >Ielneman vs. Charles lleine niiiu. judgment for plaintiff State vs. Vaughn, new trial grant ed. Anna .1. Thomas vs. Drainage Dis trht No. I. appeal dismissed Anton) Kllttler vs. Alls Al. Stev ens, continuance granted. John tiilligan vs. John Gilligan Bridge Co., motion for new trial ov erruled. George I,. Coon \s Drainage Dis 1 lift No. I, new {rial granted. Sinner vs. Fas ley, new trial grant ed. Court adjourned Tuesday morning. NEW FEATURE OF CHAUTAUQUA. Federation of Woman’s Clubs Busy At The City Pari'.. The establish men! of a childrens' play ground at the City park during the chautauqua assembly will be un dertaken by the City Federation of Woman's clubs. With the consent and assistance of the chautauqua board, this project should be one of the successful features of th1* yc. r’; program. A "children's day" will also probably he established and ev erything done on that occasion for the entertainment and instruction of the youth. For the purpose of raising funds, the Lyric theater will he in the hands of club women on next Friday ev ening. April S. Special films have been ordered, and an appropriate program will he given. A ticket pur chased on that occasion will help a worthy enterprise. Useful Information. On the last page of this Issue ap peal's an article written liy I>r, Mors man of the Morsnian Drug Co , that readers will find instructive and in teresting Similar articles will up pear eueli week for an indefinite time and ttie doctor will take up various subjects pertaining directly or indi rectly to tlie drug business and to drugs and medicines. There will lie no advertising in •in sc articles, till talk of an adver tising character being eliminated and tic reader need not fear that lie will stninhie onto a concealed advertise ment. The aim is to impart information regarding these matters that will be honest, straightforward and useful to the public. Judging by tin article already submitted to us. they will be well worth reading, and even worth preserving as scrap-book data. The doctor writes entertainingly dud does not hesitate to expose shams and frauds. The charm of the article is in the frank statement of facts. Temperance Meetings. There will he three temperance meetings held In the city Sunday ev cnlng. They are union meetings and the local situation will lie disc ussed calmly and deliberately At the Christian Church Itev IIrook will speak and Rev. Day will leud, at the Methodist church Rev. Watson will speak and Rev. Rally will pre side, and at the Brethren church Rev. Nunniuga will speak and l)r Mathers will lead. Presbyterian Church. It is tin earnest wish of pastor and session that a full attendance of the church membership shall be present next Sunday morning. After the us ual good music, the pastor will preach, and then reports of all the different lines of work will be pre sented, and a general survey of our new building will be had. Come one and all. and plan to stay for the re ports It. Cooper Hailey, Pastor. THE COMERS AND GOERS HAPPENINGS OF INTEREST TO YOU AND ME What Your Friends and Their Friends Have Been Doing the Past Week. Dr. Dandy of Humboldt was in town Monday. Stove Milos took tin* early train Monday for Halo. Ered Allison of Verdon was in Kalis City Sunday. Krcd Sebold came down fromOuia - ha to spend Easter. Little Mamie Hedges lias been quite sick the past few days. Kev. Watson was quite ill with ton sllitis the first of the week. Will Hurst came up from 1‘adonia and spent Sunday with lien I’oteet and family. Misses Gertrude and Grace Lyford returned Tuesday to their school duties in Lincoln. John Bruumgau came down Iroia I'eni to spend Easter with Mr. and Mrs. .lames I’owell. Mrs Lesley and two daughters, Ma bel and Verna of Salem were in th« rity Saturday shopping. Mis.. Mildred Holland returned Tuesday to her studies at. tin Slato t'niverHity in Lincoln. As I he fishing season draws near Ho number of amateurs out, only for practice Increases. John Wicks and Elmer Kaiiaiy of Presto. took tin* Sunday afternoon train . re for Lincoln. Mrs. Lillian Stephenson of Huss lioldt spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. .1. Oliver. Wilbur Wollon and wife of South Dnkota are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Maust for a short time. Patrick O'Brien, now of the (!ra ham Lumber Co., of this city, spest Sunday at his old home in Dawson. Mrs Win. Iliirmuk and children of Hiawatha visited Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs Pete Kaiser. Mr. and Mrs. John Jones enter tained Mrs. lager of Lincoln and Mis. Freeborn of Auburn this week. Mr. and Mrs. Rimer Kanaly frost near Preston, were in the eilv Sun day. They were guests at the horno of Jerry Kanaly. Mrs. George Crocker and two child ren of Pawnee City are visiting at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs N. It. Judd. Harry Gullinams and wife, living six miles northwest of Falls City are happy over the arrival of a little girl, Tuesday night. Mrs. Frank Musselman of Kansas City was an Raster guest at the home of Iter sister, Mrs. P. II. Jus sen Site returned to tier home on Tuesday. Itudy Peer and wife front south of Salem, were in town Saturday. They are having the foundation for their new house laid. You were a child once, so. it is natural you should want to help a child. A ticket purchased at the Ly ric theater next Friday, April K. will help many children. Mr and Mrs. Marry Stein of New York are visiting with Kev. ami Mis. Day. Mr. Stein is a brother of Mrs. Day. Mr Stein was a resident of Falls City several years ago and will be remembered by many of our peo ple. .(cssi Harris of Slmls it, who has been attending the Business College in this city, left this week for Au burn. l’rof. Hamer secured hi in a position with McCarthy & Lambert, a law firm at that place. Jesse made many friends while in the city that will wish him abundant success. Rhine Zoeller and Miss Weddle of Preston was in the city Sunday morn ing. They took ltr. Mathers and his family in their touring ear to the Zoeller home for dinner. At three o’clock Ur. Mathers led the music at the Brethren church in Preston,where Uev. Watson now preaches every two , weeks. C M. Linn and Chester Powers of the Humboldt Drainage board. and i the supervisors of Drainage District | No. 1, met Monday night to fix the limits of the two districts. The land upon which the two districts intersect belongs to M. L. Libbee of Dawson, who was present, i liable to agree with Mr. Libbee as to the valuo of his damages, it was left to the ap praisers to fix the value.