■■ I ■ Mil ■■■IIM Jim. N ____ MM ■ 240 acres well improved. If tones from Depot in Kas. Good spring Best of terms WiUtake 40 acres as part payment, balance long time at low interest. 200 acres ljj mites from depot, Richardson coutity, Nebraska Good buildings and ', nit \ take 40 or 80 acres as part payment I 180 acres upland, 1 mile from depot, Richardson county, Nebraska. $12,000, 160 acres Johnson coutity, Nebraska 80 rods to church and school. Best of terms. Might rent. ■ 107 acres near Browrtville, Nebraska I ■SO acres b -mile from Falls City high school, 840 acres, $8,000 improvements Also 640 acres adjoining. W ill take Iik)acres - part payment. Fine running water. A No. 1 opportunity. I Money to loan ,, m —-__;___i I ———————————^ THE COMERS AND GOERS HAPPENINGS OF INTEREST TO YOU AND ME What Your Friends and Their Friends Have Been Doing the Past Week. — ICat Sowle’s Candy. -Dr. Wilson, Wahl’s building. George Timmerman was down from Stella Saturduy. The library was dosed Friday night on account of light service. -Ii«*ave your orders with Ktman ton iV Pence for strawberry plants. John Higgins will spend the next few weeks on the Miles ranch near Salem Mrs John Stockton returned Sat urday from a visit with relatives in Stanberry, Mo. Mrs. Kd Klnbcr of Omaha arrived Thursday to visit tier parents, Win Wilson ami wife. -Good variety of sweet peas, nasturtiums and other lower seeds at the green house. tf Fred Graham spent the latter part of last week In Lincoln attending fraternity festivities. Mr and Mre. Russel Hyatt of Sa lem visited with Mrs. Hyatt’s par ents. .1 S Lord and wife Miss Irene Spurlock was down from Salem the latter part of last week visiting Mrs. .1 W. Holt. Cedi Graham eauie up from St. Louis Wednesday and spent a short time with his parents. Mr and Mrs. A Graham Mrs. Frank Werner returned last Thursday from a few days' visit with the family of her son. Max. In Nebraska City Mrs. Dr. Sutth ami little son of llockport. Mu. were gnosis of Mrs. It A. Dittmar a few days last week. They returned home Sunday. Mr anil Mu, Rax (list anil Mr. and Mrs. Sant Phllpot came down from Humboldt In the (list ear Sun day, returning late in the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. 1). I,. McCoy and son, Robert, of Hiawatha were the guests of Mr and Mrs .1 It Cain the latter part of the week They returned home Sunday Sterling Kalloon returned Friday to work in the shoe store for Ralph •lenne who went to Omaha and Lln eoln to attend the fraternity dance and v isit friends. —Ladies. Save Mcney! Make finest of perfumes at home for one fifth what you are now paying. Ten guaranteed tecipes for t'Oc. Home Supply Co., Princeton. Indiana. Mrs. Daisy King lias consented to siii'.’ t i' offertory solo a St. Thomas i hnt'i li Faster Sunday. This will he a pl'icm to tli ' congregation ns le r solos arc alway s a delight to all who 1 'in hi r Mrs. Uih y Shafi'i ; h. f, Sunday for Hanford. Cal . to \ isit her mother. Site IIS'- been in ver\ poor health for the past two years, and now she is going to a different climate and hopes to regain Iter health. A ten pound baby hoy was horn Sunday. March 20. to Dr. II D. and Mrs. Ituri hard, and as a result Ha vanas were passed freely among Harry's friends for a few days Now "Grandpa Hurchnrd wears the smile that won’t come off. .lint Pickett resigned his position with Samuel Wahl the latter part of last week and left Sunday for Fres no, Cal. He will work for Dan Zim merman, formerly of Hiawatha .lint is a fine salesman and evidently Mr. Zimmerman appreciates the fact by sending so far for him. Mrs. Pick et will remain here for about two months before joining her husband, and in the meantime will visit her parents in Lincoln. CHESTER A. BRINK PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Consultations Diseases of Women and Children Chronic Diseases X-K.c iintl Electrical Treatment*. calls nn*n’cn Office 439 PHOWES , Residence 4TI Office Over Falls City State Bank Mrs. L. Dore and daughter, Miss Josephine, eamo down from Omaha Friday to visit relatives. Tiie former will remain at the home of her sister, Mrs. Nellie King, for some time, hut Miss Dore will return to Omaha during this week. Mrs. Dore lias been in very poor health for some time and it is hoped that tile change will benefit her. Mr. and Mrs. Max Werner will arrived from Nebraska City Satur day and remain over Sunday with relatives here Their little son, Ilex, will bo christened at Si Thomas church Sunday morning. O. D. Knapp and wife, F W. Uttbb and wife and Emerson Dow ers and wife formed an auto party and came down from Vordon Sun day evening to attend tin Sunday School convention I There will be the regular after noon preaching service in the Breth ren church at Preston next Sunday afternoon at three o'clock. Rev. ,1 K. Watson of this city will con duet the services. Miss Mattie Evans, who has spent some time with her niece in the west ern part of the state, returned to this city Monday night and will visit her niece, Mrs Herbert Hedges. Mr. and Mrs. Drier of Chicago v is ited the latter part of the week with Mr and Mrs Lloyd Ciiannini Mrs. Drier was formerly Miss Madge Learn are of this city. Wanted District manager with headquarters at Falls City. A grand opportunity for the right man. Ad dress in confidence. Life P. C. box 196!’, New York City. Mrs. dames Sinclair and children of near Rulo spent Sunday in this city at the home of the former’s mother, Mrs. Margery Drain. Mrs. Alfred Clark of Los Angeles, Cal., arrived Iasi Thursday for an extended visit with Mrs. Art Harris and many other friends. Harry Mann, who has been visit ing tlie family of Ins uncle, II. Nor llalorf. left Friday for his home in Oskttlunsu, Kansas. Mis. George (iedultig, who lias been visiting fur sonn time with Mrs. Eliza (’rook, left Friday for her homo in Omaha. Missse Winnie and Mamie Itiley and Miss Margaret O'Grady were down from Dawson between trains Saturday. Miss Editli UeMers came home Friday from tin* Peru Normal and will remain until after the Easter vacation. Mi and Mrs. .loe Lewis and Mr. and Mrs. Glaud Sailor wore down from Vcrdon in the Lewis ear Friday. Mrs. Charles Edwards and Miss Eva Funkle were down from Stella Friday, guests of Mrs. .John Oswald. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Werner are en joying a visit from ttie former’s fath r. lie arrived Monday from Lincoln. The sum of $44.50 was realized by tile Sunday School class of the from the use of the Lyric theater. T. L. Hlmmt lreieh made a busi n* ss trip to Lincoln Sunday night, re turning Monday evening. Mrs. l>an Uatckin and little son of Rule visited Mrs Lloyd Giannini the latter part of the week. Chris Johnston of Heaver City was in town this week visiting his former pastor. Rev Watson. Mrs George Wahl and little son went to Kansas City Saturday for a v isit to her sister. Mrs. \V. A Margrave and Miss Ida Pribbeno were up from Preston shopping Friday. Mrs. Maude Wigton and sou went to Council Bluffs Saturday to visit her sisters Miss Grace Byford came home from Lincoln Sunday to spend the Faster vacation. Kay Graham came home from Bin cola Wednesday to spend the Faster vacation. Mrs. George Taylor was up front Rulo Monday on a shopping expedi tion. ' Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Crook of Sa lem were trading here Saturday. Mrs. John Webber is spending the week with relatives in St. Joe. —Young's Pantorlum cleans and presses ladies skirts. 44-tf —Call on us for strawberry plants. —Sinmnton & Pence. 7-tf. Mrs. George Ocarnb was up from Halo Friday. Miss .Nina Mead visited friends near Dawson the first of the week. Among the Salem people in town Wednesday was Hiram II. Shildneek. Gertrude Lyford came down from Lincoln and will remain over Sunday. Mrs. Charles McCool of Salem visited the family of .1 S. Lord Sat urday. Mrs. John Tiehen and Miss Crush of Salem were shopping here Wed nesday. Mrs. Roy Edwards was down from Shubert Tuesday the guest of Mrs. John Oswald. .1 II. Miles arrived Tuesday from a two months’ visit with Ids family in Los Angeles. Mrs. Caroline Tanner returned on Sunday from a visit witli the family of her son, A. A. Tanner, in Lincoln. Mrs. John Holt lins been badly crippled up this week. She l’tdl last Sunday while going about her house hold duties and lias a badly sprained hand and injured side House cleaning has struck Stone street sure. Last week the Candy Kitchen bloomed forth in a new spring garb. This week Lyons’ bak ery lias been in the hands of paper hangers and painters and is as white as snow. Even the Journal lias had a round and in the cleaning moved Hie composing room to the second floor. John Lichty is in Carroll county 111. visiting liis sister and other rel atives. lie will also attend a Y. M. <’. A. convention at Peoria, 111., where lift hopes to meet his son, llert, who is an officer of the asso ciation. _ *' ' " 1 1 " A slight change was made in the post office this week, a new space being cut for the money order win dow. The present location gives better light and ventilation. Misses May and Kate Maddox will arrived from Lincoln today and will spend a few days with their par ents, Wes Maddox and wife. C. E. Ballenger is moving his fam ily to Tarkio, Mo., and will travel in that territory for the Peerless Stock Powder Co. Harry Cain, Mildred Holland and Ruth Heacock are among tho Univer sity students home for the Easter vacation. Reavis Gist, who is attending the university at Lincoln, came home lust Wednesday to spend his Easter va cation. Miss Clark came up from St. Joe Wednesday to attend the funeral of W. T. Downs. Hen Reicherts came over from Craig, Mo., and spent Sunday with his parents. Edgar Schock is home from the University at Lincoln for the Easter vacation. Ray Graham came down from Lin coln Wednesday to spent his Easter vacation. —Ladies’ two-piece light weight underwear 25 cents per suit at Ricks. Homer llowe and family were down from Auburn Sunday in tloir tour ing car. Wo have 100,000 strawberry plants for sale.—Simunton & Pence. 7-tf. Harry Kelly was down from Sa lt in on business Tuesday. “Skin Deep” I is said that “beaut v is only'skin deep. I hat s suf ficient. Properly gowned ahd adorned womankind is satisfied with this depth ot facial beauty. In the wav of adornments— useful and necessary adornments we are showing the* very choicest designs in Hat Pins Back Combs Belt Buckles Barrettes Gold Lockets Mesh Bags Fancy Purses Toilet Articles fhe prices are fair and reasonable—not “cheap, but just right. Oar show window doesn't tell half the story—so many pretty and useful things necessary for Mv Lady’s toilet that are not in tin* window. But they are here, subject to your approval. DAVIES & OWENS JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS FALLS CITY, NEBRASKA .__—--— Mrs. A. M. Robb h ;is down from Salem Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Will l blip spent Wed nesday in St. Joe. Warren Hutchings was a Shubert visitor Wednesday. I)r. Hahn made a professional trip to Howe Wednesday. Mrs. Sarah Minniek is in Hiawa tha visiting relatives. Mrs. George McDowell was down from Salem Wednesday. Katie Tiehen went to her home in Salem Wednesday and will re main until after Easter. John Powell left Wednesday night for Lincoln nml the western part of the state on n business trip. Fred Diedrick of Oskaloosa. Kas„ was the guest of H. Nortlulorf and family Tuesday and Wednesday. Mrs. Bert Coleman and children who have been spending the winter here left Wednesday for their home in Miles City, Montana. Mrs. Fred Oswald, who has been visiting relatives in and near this city for the past month, left Tuesday for her home in Buffalo, Wyoming. A private baptismal service was held at St. Thomas church last Sun day afternoon, when Rev. Neide bap tized the two small daughters of Mrs. Bert Coleman in the presence of a few relatives and friends. The forty sixth annual conference! of the Evangelical church, held at Yates Center, ICas., closed last Sun day night, Bishop Sprang of Cleve land. Ohio, presiding. Something ov er 100 men were in attendance, the : portion adjoining Falls City all re-; turning to their former pastorates. Rev. Nanninga, the 'local pastor at Falls City, reports that the session was an unusually pleasant one. Division No. 2, of the Willing Work ers of the Christian church will hold a bazaar and exchange Saturday at the Lyric Theater. Everything for Easter dinner can be had. Chickens., fresh country eggs, salads, etc. Joe Ilranntn and wife of Omaha vis-i ited over Sunday with their cousin,; Mrs. Addle Bode. They were on their way to Louisville, Mo., where! they will make their future home. George Jaquet, who lias spent some time at Yonkers, N. Y., is In the city and will visit a short time with his parents, Mrs. and Mrs. A. E. Jaquet. Most of the alfalfa and clover in this section has been Injured to a gYcat extent. Mrs. Mattill returned to her home in Preston after a visit to Mrs. .1. R.1 Nanninga. —We have some fresh Red Seal flour in now. Come and get a sack. —C. A. Heck. —Easter oxfords now in—II M. Jenno Shoe Store. John Ryan was a Dawson visitor here Sunday. Fred Allison was down from Ver don Saturday. Charles Helgenfield was up from Preston Saturday. Miss Frances Kelly of Verdon was in the citySaturday. Herbert Reed of Kansas City was a Sunday visitor at this place. Judge Spraggins and wife and Mrs. Bushnell spent Thursday in Salem. Dr. Wittwer of Kansas City was the guest of Dr. C. T. Hurchard ov er Sunday. Mrs. Jesse Spangler and children of Morrill spent Sunday with her father, Francis Shaffer. A. R. Stettlcr of Dincoln visited at the home of his sister, Mrs. George Schock the latter part of the week. Jim Downs arrived Tuesday after noon from Ogden, Utah, being call ed home by the death of his father. Hark Bradley and family of Hum boldt were down (o spend Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Edwards. Mrs. Jessie Nulk and little daugh ter went to Danbury, Kas., Monday to visit some time with relatives. Mrs. Dr. Cherry and Miss Gert rude Norris of Table Rock visited Mrs. I. C. Maust between trains oil Tuesday. Miss Mayrne Hutchings was quite sick tlie fore part of the week. Her sister, Miss Nan, acted as librarian in her place. Charlie Maze came in from Hardy, Neb., Friday, and with Francis Knise ly left Wednesday for Canada, where they will take claims. Mrs. Charles Green and children, who have been visiting her parents, George Story and wife, left Monday for her home in Onega, Kas. Mr. and Mrs. Schildlowski came down from Wymore and remained a | few days with Charles Carr and wife on their way to Oklahoma City. Airs. Frank Shields iirli V.I lit * LvJ I grandsons, Berlin and Floyd Shields, returned Monday from a vh.lt iu Fairbury with the family < .Vllloj Shields. Air. Rarthburn of Omaha visited' the family of his sister, Mrs. H. R. Miner. Mrs. Rathburn. who lias been visiting Mrs. Miner, returned home with him Monday. Mr. and Mi’s. Perry Hurt drove over from Reserve Sunday to see their little grandson, who arrived at (lie home of Dr. and Mrs. II. 1). Ilui-chard Sunday morning. Father Laughran was down, from Dawson Saturday and in compliance with instructions from Bishop Bona cum. advertised for bids for the con struction of a new convent at Daw son. Will R, Holt crated and shipped four pure-blooded young Birkshire brood sows to the western part of the state Wednesday, receiving a fancy price for them. He has a big order for Texas find if he decides to fill the order lit' will ship them next week. Billie has made a fine name for himself as a breeder and for Kails City as a place to send for pure bloods. The Willing Workers of the Christ ian church will serve a hot supper at the home of Mrs. I. M. Houston Thursday evening,March 111 from five until eight. This will be a twenty five cent supper. Don’t forget the time and place. Everybody invited. Mrs. Carrie Schaible and daughter, Miss Edna, left Monday for Oxford, where they will make their home. Mrs. Schaible goes to keep house for her two sons, Roy and Edward, who are farming at that place. This week ,J. L. Slocum bought of Tom and Krank Veach 80 acres in section 0, township J, range 16, which now gives him the north half of the section. The price paid was $100 per acre. Miss Hazel Taylor, who visited last, week with Ethel Walhridge re turned Monday to her home in Table Rock. Mrs. Harriett Abel suffered an at tack of heart failure the first of the week and has been quite ill since then. A1 Resterer left Monday for Hixhy, S. I)., for a visit with the family of his daughter, Mrs. Frank Greenwald. Mrs. W. W. Spurlock visited Mrs. .!. W. Holt a few days last week, re turning home Saturday. John W. Towle came down from Omaha on business Monday night. He returned Tuesday. Mrs. H. I). Burchard returned Fri day from a short visit to her par ents in Reserve. Mr. and Mrs. William Crook and daughters were down from Salem last Saturday. W. A. Greenwald and wife and Jacob Bloom and wife spent Sun day in Verdon Linn Horroeks went to Nebraska City Sunday afternoon, returning iri the evening. Miss Blanch Dore and Ruby Staffer were down from Salem shopping last Saturday. Charles I*rater and wife of Mor rill were shopping in our city Sat urday. Mrs. Henry Feldman of Sabetha is visiting Mrs. S. L. Redwood. Bert Wright of Kansas City spent last. Friday here on business. Mrs. Alex Tiehen, Sr. was down from Dawson Saturday. Ed Ewing was down from Verdon Saturday. You Can Have Insured Clothes THAT’S the kind we offer you in Clothcraft. With each Clothcraft garment goes an insurance policy in the form of a signed guarantee by the maker. And we stand back of it, too. The guarantee means that your Clothcraft Suit must hold its style— that it is strictly pure wool—that the coat front won’t break—that the collar and lapel won’t sag or pucker. Think what this means S? to you. Yet Clothcraft Clothes cost I no more than ordinary clothes which never I could stand such backing. CLOTH All-Wool Clothes $10 to$25 Don’t decide on your tjuiu;;' ohnaei t.t.: ’ -.u li ir:i the f:.cts about Clothcraft. ^ Musf/rr*vm