The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, March 25, 1910, Image 7

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Following Are the Real Estate Trans
fers for the Week.
George W. Wiltse to August Porr,
kl acres in see 11 township 1, range
14 < ast of Gth P. M. Consideration
Salena .1. Let and husband to
Claudia Ktsed, north 50 ft. from lot
in block 46 Tinker's addition to
Humboldt. $140.
George West and wife to Wesley
W. Spurlock five acres of sec. 18,
town. I range 15. $240.
I. O. Stabler and wife to Emery
rook, southwest quarter of section
30, town. 1 range 15. $12,000.
Henry Brecht and wife to Peter
Mahan, 160 acres in .Jefferson town
ship. $20,000.
Herman Zoeller and wife to Elmer
Hoselton, 120 acres in Jefferson town
ship. $15,000.
Peter Mahon and wife to Henry
Brecht, <80 acres in . Rulo precinct.
Adam Futscher and wife to Peter
Thealk, 80 acres in section 20, town
ship 3, range 17 oast of 6th P. M.
Stella P. Scarlett and husband to
1. B. Whitaker, 80 acres in section 8
township 1, range 16. $11,000.
I. II. Whitaker and wife to Stella
i Scarlett, lots 0, 01, 11, 12 in block
! I in Crook & Towle’s addition to
Falls City. $5,000.
Hiram Schlagel and wife to Chas.
c. Schlagel, 50 acres in Barada pre
mct. $4,000.
Murty Sullivan and Mary Sullivan
tn James Mooney, 40_ acres in Jeffer
son precinct. $2,000.
Libtiie Luts to W. M. Hatfield, lots
17 and 18 in block 10 in Crook &
Towle's addition to Falls City. $1050.
Anna Rumbaugh and husband to
Catherine Walton, 20 acres in Bar
ada township. $2,400.
Win. B. Boyd and wife to Earnest
Wickham, 10 acres in lot in Salem
township. $200.
A Much Mooted Question Settled
At Last.
For years it has been a question
T, the minds of many as to whether
i be Nemaha river is, or is not, navi
cable and when the drainage work
was commenced this question was a
, isturbing element in the settlement
' many of the knotty problems,
it would seem from the following
l ining from the war department,
• fering to supreme court decisions
would show that the Nemaha has
- ver been considered navigable and
mild not be. The correspondence
..f Hows:
‘Washington, 1). March 4, TO
1. Respectfully returned to the
vf*cretary of War.
2. Hon. John A. Maguire incloses,
with request for its return, letter dat
i February 22, 1910, from R. 10.
i -instead, drain commissioner of Sa
il m, Neb., asking if Great Nemaha
ver. Neb., was ever declared a nav
igable stream, and requests that the
’formation lie furnished together
with a reference to laws relating to
ivigable waters.
1. Tlx- records of this office do
,t show that the river mentioned
«s < vcr been declared by congress
to be navigable, but, this is a ques
tion which depends upon facts and
> not usually determined by legisla
i ve enactment. Attention is Invited
to the accompanying extract from a
decision by the supreme court of
i *,e Putted States defining a naviga
ble water way. There is also here
with a pamphlet of laws enacted by
congress for the protection and pre
-• nation of navigable waters of the
.. oited States, concerning which it
ay lie stated that under the same
jurisdiction of the war department
over navigable streams in limited to
- icli features only as affect navig
. ’ion.—Chief of Engi, l'. S. Army.
Salem Index.
Will You Help Us?
Will you help us find A. I’. W.
S owell, who left his home in Ober
lin Kas.. March 1st. 1910. while tem
i orarily deranged ?
\. P. W. Stowell is a young man,
thirty years old; five feet four inches
tall; weight 14S pounds; light com
plexion; blue eyes; brown hair;
r-mooth shaven when he left here,
hut might have heard now. He wore
; soft black hat, brown coat, brown
sweater vest and gray pants. He
cues not smoke, swear, drink nor
ay cards. lie is a member of the
resbyterian church and M. . A.
Any information as to his location
will be appreciated by his wife, Mrs.
ola'Stowell, Oberlin, Kansas. -Ober
Eye, March 17. 1910.
—We have some fresh Red Seal
' our in now. Come and get a sack.
—C. A. Heck.
Phone 248 Over Iiichardeon County
Are proud of their bread. Why
shouldn’t they be? Good home
made bread is the staff of life.
Gold Coin
Always yields the lightest, whitest,
sweetest and most nutritious bread
and 'rolls.
Try It !
Legal Notice.
In the Richardson County District
Court, State of Nebraska.
Peter Frederick Sr., plaintiff, vs.
Charles McMahan, Anna McMahan,
his wife, Frank Gilliland and Emma
E. Gilliland, his wife, defendants.
Notice is hereby given that by vir
tue of an order of sale issued out
of tin' District Court of Richardson
county, state of Nebraska, and to
me directed as sherfif of said coun
ty,bearing date on the 7th day of
March, 1910, 1 will offer at public
sale at the west door of the court
house in Falls City, in said county,
on the 18th day of April. 1910, at
the hour of 1 o’clock p. m. of said
day, the following described real
estate, situated in Richardson county,
state of Nebraska, to-wit: The E.
’•a of tin* E. i/a of the S. E. Quarter
of the N. W. !4 of Section Hi.
Township 3 N. in Range 17, East of
the 6th P. M.
This sale is made in pursuance
of the decree of foreclosure of two
mortgages held by said Peter Fred
erick Sr., severally executed to him
by Charles McMahan and Anna Mc
Mahan on tlie property above des
cribed and which was by them sold
to defendants, Frank Gilliland and
Emma E. Gilliland, his wife, who
also executed a subsequent mort
gage to plaintiff on the same prem
ises, the said Frank E. Gilliland and
Emma E. Gilliland having purchas
ed Hit' legal title of said land from
Charles McMahan and Anna Mc
Mahan subject to the first mortgage,
foreclosed in this action and given
by the said McMahan and his wife;
the legal title to said land now be
ing in the said Frank E. Gilliland
and his wife, Emma E. Gilliland, and
the same is seized and will be sold
as above stated to satisfy the decree
and costs foreclosing both mortgages
above d< scribed. Terms of sale
cash. W. T. FENTON,
Sheriff of Richardson County.
Reavis & Reavis. Attorneys for
First publication March IS. Ill lb.
Legal Notice.
To 1*. I Emig and M. Emig. first
names unknown, and A. E. Snow,
first name unknown, non-resident
You are hereby notified that Jen
nie E. Carpenter did, on the 7th day of
March, 1910. file her petition in the
district court of Richardson county,
state of Nebraska, against you and
the Occidental Building and Loan As
sociation of Omaha. Nebraska, .and
Sim Burk, tenant of the mortgaged
premises in question, the object .and
prayer of which is to obtain a decree
of foreclosure of a certain mortgage
given by you, the said 1\ J. Emig
and M. Emig, husband and wife, to
the plaintiff herein, on the 11th day
of April, 1908, on the following des
cribed real estate situated in the
village of Rulo, Richardson county,
Nebraska, to-wit:
Lot nine i9), in block scvom7). in
Rulo proper, together with buildings
anil improvement* th.'Ycoii, to secure
tin- payment of a c< rtain promissory
not" given by you, the said • R. J.
and M. Emig, to said plaintiff for
the sum of $790.00, bearing even date
with said mortgage anil to mature
j one year after the date thereof with
j 7 per cent interest from date till
| paid.
And you are further notified that
unless you plead, answer or demur
to said petition on or before the 27th
day of April, 1910, the same will he
taken as true anil the decree of fore
closure prayed for therein, will be
rendered by the court.
And you are further notified that
said plaintiff will appear before his
honor. Judge John B. Itaper, at his
chambers in Pawnee City, in Pawnee
county, Nebraska, on the said 2.7th
day of April, 1910, and make the ap
plication mentioned in the petition
of plaintiff for an order requiring the
defendant, Sim Burk, who is the ten
ant in possession of sajd mortgaged
premises, to pay thi\^accruing rent
of the buildings thereon to the Clerk
of the District Court of Richardson
county, to be applied to the payment
of plaintiff's debt, on the theory that
the security of said mortgage is in
sufficient to discharge the same in
full, such payment of rent, into the
court by said tenant to continue dur
ing tire pendency ol' this action. Of
all of which you will take notice and
govern yourselves aecordftigly.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
—100 acre farm for rent or sale,will
take some Falls Citty property. Close
to church and school.—Henry C.
Smitth. 2t.
Spring and Summer Styl es
For Young M en
0UR seautiful spring stock ot fine clothes for Young Men, designed
and tailored hy Weil Pfl aum & c o., Chicago, is now on display.
It is well worth your time to inspect this handsome showing. The
assortment comprises the season s latest and catchiest style creations
Wp'i/ Pftaum k Co.
shown in a large variety of
rich and artistic fabrics.
I hey will appeal to the criti
cal eye and please the most
artistic taste. For real style,
snap and heauty these ele
gantly made clothes can t he
equaled. We also carry an
extensive line of Men s Fur
nishings. Step in at your
convenience and inspect the
You are welcome whether
you come to huy or look.
Weil I'll.turn Sc Co.
Chicago >
Our spring showing of Mnderwear, Shirts, Neckwear, Mats, Mosiey are on the shelves rtfadv for
your inspection and approval. Don’t lail to look at those Spring Oxfords.
Wahl & Parchen
We Keep Open l ntil Nine o Clock Malls City Nebraska
».»»««••»»•< * * » • ♦ ♦ - *
: C. H. riARlON
*■ —■—---—-- 7 i
f Sales conducted in
<•? . 7
f scientitic and 2> j
I' nesslike manner |
> Falls City, Nebraska i
l *
:: D. S. ricCarthy jj
:: DRAY AND jj
:: transfer ::
1 ; Prompt attention (riven ||
] ' to the removal of house- , j
!1 hold (roods. i i
PHONE NO. 211 ::
I 6 t <-H ¥■*■ 4*»»*
General Pracfioneer
Calls Answered Day Or Night
In Town or Country.
IA Good i inch Farm Harness 50
, 1 Harness Made to Order
<srS?zf I __
and Up. Hand and Machine-Sewed Harness. Harness Oiling and General Repairing.
L. B. NEITZEL. Preston, Nebraska j
drn rr i © rr
Phones: Nos. 177, 217
Sam'l. W.ahi, Building
Office Removed to Tootle Block
6th and Francis Sts
j Kjipciai attention to MKDICINI.. KK( TAL
I I >i-on-os. Dineasoh of NVi)MKN au«i (’HlI>t)ltCN
Office over Kerr's Pharmacy
I Office Phone 2tS0 Residence Phone 271
The Auctioneer
Before arranging’ date write, tele
phone or telegraph, my expense
Phone* I68-I.U-2IM Kails City. Neh
—For Sale—House and two corner
lots to sell, three blocks of business.
Hood lots to sr*ll in various section*
of the city. Henry C. Smith. 2t