The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, March 25, 1910, Image 4

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Entered as second-class matter at
Falls C -ity. Nebraska, post office, Janu
ary 12, l'HU, under the Act of Congress
on March 3,187'».
Published every Friday at Falls City,
Nebraska, by
The Tribune Publishing Company
Editor and Manager.
One year fl.oO
Six months . . ,7f>
Three months .40
The Christian religion is a life
All life is progressive Christianity
makes for progress. The Christian ,
who is not growing is dead. And a
dead Christian is no Christian.
The Christ-life is not. a mere earth
life, it Is ‘‘eternal life." This is
the peculiar and distinctive feature
of pure religion. ity "eternal life"
we do not mean merely endless life,
but more comprehensive life. "This
is eternal life to know Thee,the only
true God." Eternal life is knowing.
It is knowing Him, who is supremo
and eternal.
Moses is dead, so are ltuddha,Con
fucius, Mohammed. Joseph Smith
and Elijah tin* III. Their religions
so far as their final effects on the
destinies of mankind are concerned
are also dead. The eastern nations
long asleep in the embrace of a
dead belief, are awakening to a real
isation of tliits great truth. They are
reaching out to the west for the
western life. Christianity only can
meet and solve their complex social
industrial problems.
It is Just as Important, that a man
growing old learn the lesson of let
ting go, as it is necessary for every
young man to learn to take hold.
Uncle Joe Caution, Mayor Keeling
ami Hows Towle belong to another
generation. There wns a time when
•he systems which they stand for were
generally acceptable. I tut the times
have changed. Conditions have
changed, and the people have chang
ed. Kvorything itas changed except
the administration of our municipal
affairs. We are doing the business
of our city on a 19th century basis
In a iiOth century age.
The Tribune lias no quarrel with
these men. They are what they were
They belong to the past. Their crime
is in not knowing when to let go.
The Lord mercifully kills off many
an old man in order that the on
ward march of the race may not be
retarded. These men are a dead
set. They are a drag upon the
wheels of progress To kill them
politically is a mercy to themselves
and to the community.
* * *
What is true of the individual, is
equally true of uu aggregation of
nten. Just as the individual must
suffer for liis blunders and sins,
even so the city must suffer for the
shortcomings of its officers. That
tilt' finances of Falls City arc con
fessedly in a bad way, that the
treasury is practically bankrupt, only
emphasizes our contention, that the
present administration is not compe
tent to deal with present conditions.
This ineompotency does not. arise
from any lack of ability, but from
an entire lack of sympathy with up
to-date progressive ideas.
Tlie teacher is expected to know
more than Ills class, and a leader
to keep in advance of those whom
he is directing. Kvon so a city
cannot quickly run beyemd the posi
tions occupied by its officers, and
especially iis netjui. If Falls CllJ
wants an economical and yet effic
ient administration of her affairs,
good water, better lights, etc,—she
can have it. Hut she must remove
the obstructions.
* * *
rile Tribune challenges any honest
man in Falls City to Inform him
self intelligently as to the true char
aeter of ‘ The System” and continue
to support it. The fact that the cit
izens of Kails City have continued
it in power year after year proves
conclusively that the people did not
know what they were doing, or were
as corrupt as "The System” itself,
tty “The System,” we understand
what Judge Lindsey picturesquely
calls, "The Beast in the Jungle." It
in the exploiting of the people for
private profit—GRAFT! ! Any in
stitution that takes from the poo
pie more than it returns to them is
• • •
Antiquated ideas must go. if Falls
City would develop along healthy
lines, if she would grow within as
well as without she must grow along
intelligent and moral lines. She nev
er will prosper while the majority
are the dupes and victims of the few.
The present deplorable state of af
fairs is the logical result of the sys
tem now' in vogue.
The present system as it prevails
in Falls City, and many equally had
ly governed towns, is founded on thej
assumption that the average < iti J
Zell is ton dense to comprehend tin
deep things of government. For ex
ample, when lias (lie present system
ever taken the public in its confiden
ce? or when lias Mayor Keeling free
ly and frankly counseled with tin
people? It is tin- policy of ignorance.
It does its work behind drawn cur
* * *
C. H. Aldrich, Candidate For
The republican party should adopt,
in the convention of 1910, a platform
as progressive us that of 190ti. As
a result of its fulfillment we got tin
benefit of tin- splendid laws of 1907
I stand for impartial enforcement
of law.
No class or business should in
favored above any other class oil
business and all must In- justly deal,
I.ulior should have its just reeom
pense of reward.
Corporations should have ndoquat
protection from unjust assaults, am
should pay their fair share of taxa
In tin- strife between employe!
and public service corporation#, I In
Hove that tlie public should In- pro
lected by compulsory arbitration.
I firmly believe in tlie princi
pie of county option as a means o
regulating the liquor truffle and shill
use my Influence for the enactment
mid enforcement of such a law. In
llcvlng it to In- In the interests ol
sobriety and economy and in accord
anee with tin- American principle ol
the majority rule.
1 believe that our state aiipreim
court should have original and ex
elusive jurisdiction in passing upoi
the validity of state law with powe,
of appeal provided direct in the i'rtit
ed States supreme court.
I stand for the most rigid ceonomj
in the administration of the state's
affairs consistent with good govern
ment, to the end that taxation may
lie reduced to He. minimum and lid'
blessings of prosperity enjoyed by
I believe I hut some adequate way
should he provided to better secure
depositors for their money left in
I emphatically believe in the pri
mary election plan of nominal ins; pub
lic officials and shall use my lies!
endeavors to eliminate the vicious
features from the present law and
to amend it as to make it meet the
requirements of (he people of Ne
Items of Much Interest To Ail Put
In a Nutshell.
iteports from Paris are to the ef
fect that the Seine river is rapidly
raising again and threatens to reach
a dangerous stage.
The Christian congregation of
Plutlsmmith will build a $2<),<mio
church tliis summer.
Dr. Cook is reported as on his
way hack from South America to
New York.
A report of the Immigration Com
mission showed that aliens sent
abroad annually $275,000,000, of which
$175,000,000 is handled by unregulat
ed bankers.
It is reported that in twelve years
the surplus earnings of the Cullman
company, represented in the in
>d' Its stock, Uav. amounted tc
The American woman is wear
ing more silk every year and more
American-made silk. Last year the
value of silk used by the country
was $105,000,000 of which $132,000
000 was home manufactured
About twelve hundred children in
New York go weekly to the Socialist
Sunday-schools. Here are a few of
the "Ten Commandments" that they
learn: “Love your school fellows
who will be your fellow-workers in
life. Remember that all the good
things of the earth are produced by
labor. Whoever enjoys them with
out working for them is stealing the
bread of workers, Do not think he
who loves his country must hate and
despise other countries or wish for
war, which is a remnant of barbar
ism. Look forward to the time when
all men and women will he free cit
izens of one fatherland and live to
gether as brothers and sisters in
peace and righteousness.”
His Conscience.
A California preacher has left the
pulpit to become an undertaker Now
he will be able to officiate at funerals
without putting a strain upon his con
Solomon's Temple and Other Things
of Interest to the Christian World
Are Sought So Far With
out Any Result.
King Solomon's temple, the ark of
• he covenant, Aaron's rod and the
seven-branched golden candlestick
which stood In the holy of holies—
these are Just a few of the treasures
for which a party of young English
men are now excavating In Palestine
In the neighborhood of Jerusalem.
The majority of experts are of the
opinion that these treasures are not
to be found where they are now be
ing looked for, but the members of
the expedition have other Information
upon which they place reliance.
This is a cryptogram, which is said
to hay.- been found In the Talmud by
a Finnish engineer and which Is
thought to give a clew to the place
where the treasures of King Solomon
are hidden. Exactly what Hits crypto
gram is has naturally been kept secret
by the Finnish engineer, but he has
convinced Ills supporters in the en
terprise of its reliability, and already
a good deal of work has been done
toward a practical demonstration of
its accuracy or inaccuracy.
Perhaps even more interesting
than tlm search for King Solomon’s
treasures is the composition of the
party engaged in It. At the head of
the syndicate Is Clarence Wilson,
brother-in-law of Lady Sarah Wilson,
and a very wealthy n un. Then there
Is Robert Vivian Duff, commonly
known as Robin, a lieutenant In the
Grenadier Guards and husband of
Lady Juliet Duff, perhaps the tallest,
ns she Is certainly one of the most
beautiful women in London society.
With these is associated Hon. Cyril
Ward, a brother of the earl of Dudley
and oi Hon. John Ward, who married
Miss Jean Reid, daughter of the
American ambassador to England.
Cyril Ward, like Wilson and On IT. is
a man of means, having married Rar
eness di* llrlenen. a great Dutch heir
ess. Other members of the syndicate
are Cnpt. Montague R. Parker of ttie
Grenadier Guards, a brother of the
earl of Morley; and two other guards
men. Hon. Mr. Walsh and Mr. Foley.
Three months ago. the necessary
permits having been obtained from
the Turkish government, the party
sailed for Palestine in a yacht spe
cially purchased for the purpose by
Mr. Wilson, and work was shortly aft
erward started In the neighborhood of
the Pool of Siloant. Sixty men were
engaged as laborers, and the excava
tions went merrily on. They are still
going on, hut, perhaps less merrily,
for up to the present nothing has
been discovered to reward their la
bors. One by one the heads of the
expedition are returning to England,
and Clarence Wilson got back home
a few days ago, some of t he others
having preceded him. Capt. Parker,
Mr Walsh and Mr. Foley still remain
In Palestine, and it is supposed that
the party have not yet given up hope
of discovering the treasures they set
out to seek.
Aye! There's the Rub.
The amateur sociologist was airing
his views to an admiring and high
browed audience. A professional poli
tician, cleverly disguised as an East
side settlement worker, had managed
to pass the sacred portals, and was ob
scurely ensconced in a dark corner.
“Graft is the curse of the American
government!" exclaimed the amateur
sociologist. “The rich man can buy
his way to political power, not that
he wishes to serve the people, hut
simply to Increase his wealth."
“Hear! Hear!" cried the high
browed audience, after the manner of
the English.
"Huh!" cattle a grunt from the cor
“We don't want the rich man In
politics,” continued the speaker.
“What this country needs in office 1b
the poor man ”
"How are you going to keep htm
poor?" came a strident voice from the
And the amateur sociologist was
forced to admit that he hadn't thought
of that.
Royal Witticism.
In a biography of Leech the paint
er. who at one time acted as draw
ing master to Queen Victoria, the
late Mr. W. P. Frith related an amus
ing story, illustrating her majesty’s
One day, In the course of a lesson,
the queen let her pencil fall to the
ground. Both master and pupil
stooped at the same moment to pick
It up, when to the horror of Leech
there was a collision, the master's
head striking that of his royal pupil.
Before lie could stammer out an apol
ogy, however, the queen smilingly
‘‘Well. Mr. L,eeeh, if we bring our
heads together in this way 1 ought
to improve rapidly.”
Value of Economy.
No matter how economical a young
man is. his endeavors to save are
wasted if he has a careless wife. He
might as well he doomed to spend his
strength and life in an attempt to
catch water in a sieve. The effort
would be scarcely less certainly vain.
Habits of economy, the way to turn
everything in the household affairs
to the best account—these are among
the things which every mother should
teach her daughters
More Money, More People and Fewer
Crimes Without Saloons.
Atchison, Hus., March IS.— The
mayor of Atchison received this tel
egram from Governor Stubbs last!
"Wire me if prohibitory laws are
enforced strictly in your city. If
so what is the effect on population,
business, bank deposits, property
values, rents, crime, drunkenness.
What proportion of your people fa
vor enforcement of prohibitory
law. Answer fully.”
The mayor wired this reply:
"Prohibitory law strictly cn
forced. Thirty-eight saloons two'
years ago, gone now, and all the
buildings filled at higher rents.
Population increasing, property val
ues higher, city employees’ salaries
increased 12 per cent. Bank de
posits hi two years increased 39:
per cent. Bobberies and other!
crimes decreased 50 per cent. And j
more public improvements and pri-j
vate buildings contracted for than j
any year under saloons. Mer- j
chaust trust hundrdes of laborers
they would not trust under saloons.
Now money goes for food not booze.
Seventy-five per cent or more fav
or dry town. City treasury in good
"My reply to Governor Stubbs was
based on statements made by res
ponsible business men of (bis city,”
the mayor said this morning.
"As 1 understand it the governor
will take part in the prohibition cam
paign in Chicago and will tell Chica
go what prohibition lias done for the
principal cities of Kansas. If Illinois
becomes a prohibition state Missouri
will follow suit. When Missouri be
comes dry Atchison will bo dryer that
ever. As it is now. the Atchison
tipplers can easily quench their!
'hirst in East Atchison, which is in I
M issouri."
Mean to the End.
The meanest man iti Cinnamlnson
has just passed away, leaving careful
: testamentary, instructions that his
doorplate was to be taken down and
put on his coffin -Los Angeles Times.
J !
Seriously Injured.
While hunting near Swtt/.ler this
morning Edward Sweeney of Knox
ville. Tenu., accidentally shot himself
In the right bbbvbgkqcmfwyanhrdl.—
Columbia University Missourian.
me manaaru ■
Made from Grapes
Makes the food of
superior healthfulness
and finest quality
WHERE one man gets rich
through hazardous
speculation, a hundred get
WHERE one man stays
poor through the slow/
methods of saving, a hund
red get rich.
The Wise man saves a part of his earnings and places his mon
ey in the bank to use when needed. Start an account now no
matter how small or how large; it will get bigger after while.
Falls City State Bank ;
I Easter Accessories
YUl will be anxious to have those little items to complete
your outfit and wondering where they can be found in the
most satisfying and complete assortment. You will find
on our counters Gloves, Belts, Bags, Combs, Ribbons, Neck
\ wear. Hosiery, Underwear—muslin and knit—Jewelry, Silk
_J Petticoats, Corsets, all in bewildering variety. Remember that
our qualities have been tried and that you are acquainted with
what you buy from off our counters.
Suits, Dresses, Waists, Skirts,
Coats and Capes
If you looked at these lines in our store a week ago, you will
find an entirely new showing in our department now. In every
one of these articles large invoices have come in during the
i week. You will be doing yourself an injustice if you purchase
without seeing our stocks. We welcome visitors. Prices arc
^ as low as they can be made by any firm who sells well-made,
reliable quality, stylish garments. If you are considering price
only, you may find ready-to-wear garments at any price. We long ago
ceased to offer low-grade garments.
Reliable Floor Coverings
You are now considering the purchase of a Rug, Carpet, Linoleum, Mat
ting or some similar article. We are the only firm in Richardson County
carrying a complete assortment of everything in this line, except yard
Carpets. Prices are lower than in any city store. We do not sell imper
fect Rugs, such as are offered by most city establishments at so-called bar
gain prices. Whenever standard makes are offered at lower-than-usual
prices they are in nearly every case bad patterns, mismatched or imperfect.
I IffoinC Some attractive Net Curtains, just in, at
L.HG© VjUllcilMO $1.50. $175. $2.00. $2.25 and on up.
This de-artment has a very wide Variety. All kinds of Curtains, any
price. In Draperies, new and at present very stylish, in colors, at 20c to
50c, you will find many entirely new and pleasing effects at this store