The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, March 25, 1910, Image 3

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    Homes for Everyone
Ii vmi want n home in Falk Citv. now is the time
to buy it. In our city department we have the
following clioiee properties;
No. 1—A good three- room hous \ shade and nice lawn permanent
walks, on'two good lots close in. Price $1050.
No. 2—A good four-room house, on four good lots in third ward,
shade and out buildings, a good property. Price $1200. v
No. 3- A dandy five-room house in the third ward on three lots,
permanent walks, nice lawn and out-buildings. Price $2000
No. 4 A dandy home near the (ionvent, good six-room house, clos
ets, fine porches, good barn, and other out buildings, permanent walks.
Price $3000.
No. 5—A nice strictly modern home on four nice lots, plenty of
shade permanent walks located in Steele's Addition, a fine home for
some one. Price $4000.
No. 0 A fine home only three blocks from Library, on three nice
corner lots, and plenty of shade, permanent walks. A dandy ten room
house with modern conveniences. Price only $.'’,250.
No. 7—A dandy, strictly modern, 8-room house on four fine lots, on
ly three blocks from the court house square, plenty of shade, fine lawn,
plenty of good out-buildings. Priced worth Ihe money. Price and terms
made known on application.
No. 8—A fine seven-room house only two blocks from postoffice.
Fine shade, fine location. Priced for a short time at only $3500. If
you want this you'll have to hurry.
No. 9- A good six-room house, four nice southeast corner lots,
plenty of shade, niee location, four blocks from the court house.
Price $2600.
No. 10—A beautiful suburban home, one of Falls. City’s best, house
of twelve rooms, modern in every sense, good barn, plenty of shade,
cement walks, and about a half block of ground. Terms to suit. The
price only $6500.
No. 11—A beautiful residence on four fine lots, strictly modern, nine
rooms, two full stories, and attic, a fine barn, good shade, cement
walks, fine location. Worth the money asked. Terms and price made
known on application.
The above are all good properties and well loca
ted are worth the money. You could not build
the properties today for the money asked. See
me rijyht away before they are sold, the price ad
vanced or property withdrawn from the market.
G. Si. Fallstead
■nmBBmr’ imiiim—ifiwmiii n in w i^rmnanm tmma t
—M 'IIMWII IdllllW 1| mil if 'Wlllilil1 '11H T-i|-rniT-nn-j-HTTT-Til i
Low Rate Tours
Plan now a 5.000-miie summer tour of the coast
See the west with its diversified sections broadening under scientific cultiva
tion; visit its incomparable cities with their environment oi intensive land
wealth. A Coast Tour is a broad education; the world's greatest rail journey.
Roun(1 trip, central Nebraska to California nr Puget Sound,
tpUU via direct routes, June 1st to September 30th.
g? Round trip on special dates eacli month, from April to
July inclusive.
(ft 1] gf Higher one way through the state of California, and cities
of Portland and Seattle.
One wav. eastern and central Nebraska to San Francisco,
tlpLfsJ Los Angeles, San Diego, Portland, Tacoma, Seattle- -Spo
kane, etc., March 1st to April 13th.
Proportional rates from your town. Consult nearest ticket agent or write
me freely, ass ing for publicat'ogs, assistant's, etc., stating rather deti
-nitely your general plans.
L. M. WAKELEY, G. P. A., Omaha, Neb.
1004 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb.
Real Estate and Loans
Monev to Loan at 5 and G per cent interest on good real estate
security. Also monev to loan on good chattel security.
West n't Court House Palls City, Nebraska |
Passenger Trains
South Bound
Tr lot —St Eouis Mail and Ex
press .1:50 p. in
Tr 106—Kansas City Exp., 3:41 a. m.
Tr. 132 x K.C.local leaves. .7:30 a. in.
Tr, 13* \ - Falls City arrives 0:00 p. m.
x—Daily except Sunday
North Bound
Tr. 103—Nebraska Mail and Ex
press ..1:50 p ni
Tr. 105— Omaha Express. - -1:48 a m
Tr. 137 x—Omaha local leave- 7:00 a rn.
Tr. 131 x—Falls City local ar
rives. 8:45 p.m
x—Daily except Sunday
Local Frt. Trains Carrying Passengers
North Bound
Tr. 192x—To Atchison .11:10 a. rn.
South Bound
Tr. 191x —To Auburn.1:23 p nr
Burlington Route
West Bound
No. 13—Denver Exp.1:10 a. m.
No. 15 Denver Exp. (Local). 1:40 p tn.
No- 43—Portland Exp_10:17 p- tn.
No. 41 — Portland Exp.2:25 p. m.
No. 121—Lincoln Loc. via Ne
braska City.5:00 a. tn.
East Bound
No. 14—St. .1., K. C. & St. L .7:38 a. in
No. 44—St. J., K. C. & St. L- .4:11 a. ui.
No. Hi—St. J., I< C. & St L. .4:22 p. m.
No. 42 St. J., K. C. & St. L. .0:52 p. m
No 122 From Lincoln, via
Nebraska City.8:45 p m.
E. U. W HIT FORD, Agent.
invention, of Spectacles.
The first pair of spectacles was
cnade by an Italian in 1299.
Much Interest is Being Manifested
In Damage.
The possibilities of scientific drain
age are not largely- appreciated as
yet in Richardson county. In spite
of what is being done along this line
it remains a fact that even the most
hopeful supporters of this work have
an inadequate conception of the
actual results possible when once
the latest and most approved drain
a:;i methods are applied.
1'or this reason, the experiment
now being worked out on the Reav
is farm to the southwest of town is
of peculiar interest and special im
portance. The work is being done
under the direction and supervision
of the university experiment station,
and should consequently embrace
the latest ideas in correct and up-to
date tiling.
The results will he studied with
interest, boeiiuse large Issue* are
at stake. It' this experinint proves
a success, and it is bound to, other
holders ot' low, wet land will feel
ncouraged to go to the necessary
expense for tiling their holding's.
The results in time will be the re
damation of some of the finest and
most productive land in the state.
The cast lias long since solved
the drainage problem both legisla
tively and practically As a conse
quence large sections of Ohio, Indi
ana, Illinois and other states, once
worse than useless are today the
finest farm lands of those states.
This land is all systematically un
derdrained. The tile drains serving
the double purpose of carrying off
tiie surplus water, quickly and with
out harm to the land, and of conserv
ing the moisture and returning it to
the soil in case of drought.
One of the wonders of our day is
the reclamation of these low lands.
It is really no longer an experiment,
but lather a matter of correct engi
neering. (There is probably not an
acre of really waste land in the
bottoms of Richardson county that
cannot be reclaimed and made til
able if the right methods are em
ployed. Ii is not a question of pos
sibility at all. but only one of going
about it in the right way. This, of
course involves heavy expenditure
to make the needed improvements,
but the increased productivity and
consequent increased valuation will
amply justify the outlay.
IJiiderdrainage to b * successful
must have an outlet. The success
of all tiling, therefore, is conting
ent upon the opening up of tiie Ne
maha channel itself. Water will not
freely flow up hill. It must have
fall. This, tiie new channel will!
provide, when the big ditch is once
Letter From our Regular Correspond
ent at Kansas City.
Kansas City, March 22, 3 910.
The combination of a larger demand
for cattle, and a reduced supply last
week, gave the market a good push
upward, and closing prices were
35 to CO cents higher on steers
r'or the week, and 20 to 35 cents
higher on butcher grades and stock
era and feed* r.s. The market is
$1.50 higher than first ot' February
and $1.00 higher than a year ago
Today the run is 12,000 head, and
the market is steady to 10 lower.
Some of the Islmiael heifers were
heir today from Kiowa, Kansas, at
$7.10, and some steers in the sane
shipment sold at thetop, $8.15. And
steers sell at $7.1 o to $7.85, nothing
below $6.50 that Ims any finish at
all, and hardly any self s as low hs
$6.00. Fancy cows sell up to $7.00,
bulk of cows mil heifers at $4.50 to
Homs made a net gain of .16 coins
last week, closing the week :u
utioiii the best point reached, aftei
some reverses Wednesday and Thurs
day. The slim supply of 40,000 hen
arrived last week, and the run to
day is 8,000 lead. While the gen
era! sentiment is bullish, prices have
reached a point where hear maneuv
ers sometimes win, as they did to
day, prices 10 lower, top $10.65,
bulk $10.60. Great Interest is taken
in the new pig crop now being far
rowed, and it is conceded that extra
ordinary care will be given the new
crop, and a larger percentage sav
ed than usual, because it is more
worth saving than heretofore.
Live Stock Correspondent.
Plenty of Birds.
If we allow six inches, the measure
of Hie Knglish sparrow of our streets,
to be the average length of a migra
tory bird, then, this mighty host, if
we could arrange its restless, flitting
members in a quiet, orderly manner,
like soldiers on parade, would make a
line 4,090,909 miles long. This earth
is much too small for such a line. We
migl l arrange our birds in 326 lines
an i each would extend from the
m Ah pole to the south pole along the
whole length of North and South
America, if we arranged the birds at
the equator they would encircle the
globe 163 times —I). Lange, in the At
To Be Held In Lincoln. Nebraska
March 29, 1910.
Tuesday. March £9, 1 BIO.
The congress will convene prompt
ly at 10 n. m. in the convention hall
at the Lincoln hotel.
Address by Governor Sballenberger
Address of welcome by Mayor D.
I-. Love.
Five minute responses by C. P.
Uendersbot, president state board of
agriculture; It. llouge, president Ne
braska corn Improvers’ association;
George Wycoff, president Nebraska
hardware dealers’ association; J
A. Ollis, Jr , Improved live stock
breeders’ association.
Afternoon Session.
2:00 p. nt. Good Hoads Session
Geo. H. Chut burn, president Nebraska1
Good Hoads Association, presiding,
l Good Dirt Roads for Leas Money
F. W. Chase, Mr. Chase is doing!
for N. lira ska rouus what King did for
•Missouri, lie is making a good road
for half of the average iosl of poor
2—Culverts null linages M. M.j
Stearns. Mr. Stearns, si practical
read limn of Humboldt, lias made an
enviable record as a supervisor.
;s -Town and Country Interests
\\ A. Selleek, President Lincoln Pom
men ial Club.
i (Jemnil Discussion by delegates
in which county commissioners and
supervisors will he given preference.
Evening Session.
7 :iu p. hi.—Conservation and Crop
Itotalion -George CoiipUmd presiding, i
1 Conservation Problems ill Ne-l
hraska (illustrated lantern lecture)
G, E. Condro, President Nebraska
conservation committee.
2 Crop Rotation in its Relation to
Crop Yields and Conservation of Soil |
Fertility (illustrated witli charts and |
lantern pictures) 'Professor C W. (
:: General discussion Five-minute
talks by William Ernst, Mr. O. Hull,
Mr. L. Herron, Mr. S. C. llassetl, Pro
fessor 13. W. Hunt, Hon. (' -I Ernst
■and others.
Wednesday, March 31, 1910.
!i;oo a. m.—Seed Corn Problem i
and Healthful Witiler Supplies, Dean
E. A. Burnett, presiding.
1— Tlie Seed Com Problem—Prof, j
E. (!. Montgomery. A practical talk
with demonstrations.
2— Questions and general discus-:
3 Town and Rural Water Supplies,!
address by an authority on this sub-;
ject, address Illustrated by maps and j
sii reoptieon views representing actu
al conditions in Nebraska.
4—Questions and Discussion C. |
E. Simmons, state engineer, presld-j
ing. The question will be discussed!
by persons who have closely studied j
the subject, especially well water
supplies and public health. The.
chairman of the Nebraska eonwrva- •
(ion commission "’ill open the discus (
sion. emphasizing the relation of
water supplies, privy vaults, cess
pools and sewerage.
Afternoon Session.
2;00 p. rn.- The Development of j
Northwestern Nebraska—John W.j
Long presiding.
1— Success of the Kineaiders- C. j
W. Hervey.
2— Grazing Interests-J. G. Martin. J
3— Fori •station—II A. Mast, l S.
Dismal River Forest Reserve.
4— Irrigation—13. 0. Simmons. F. j
C. Krotter and A. W. Hamilton
5— Dry Farming— W. II. Campbell.
3:30 p. in.—Echoes from the con-j
vention. Three-minute speeches by j
delegates on the subject, “Stand Up
For Nebraska."
Dissolution Notice.
j The corporation heretofore existing,
i in the name of the Kalis ' ity Park
land Improvement, company -wherein
I John Liehty. W. A. Greenwald, John
Powell, W. \Y Jenne and T. J. Gist,
all of Falls Ci'y and stale of Nebras
ka. This corporation is disolved by
i mutual consent.
The affairs of said corporation are
all adjusted and settled.
Subscribed and sworn to this 12th
'day of February, 1910.
John W. Powell, Notary Public.
My commission expires No. 24-’LT
; Best Harness on earth is made at
Wachtel’s. Saddles. Whips. Etc.
Everything for the horse. Repair
ing and Oiling Phone 384.
I i
Get Your Easter
At the New Shoe Store
A most complete and varied assortment of correct
stvles in Footwear is here awaiting your selection.
We are displaying 4
Blucher Oxfords
Pumps, Buttons
in Patent Colt, Cun Metal Kid, Tan Call and Black
Suede. Our showing represents all ol the very new
est and best fitting patterns.
Home Shoe Store
of M^sefrauciothing store Falls City, Nebraska
Special Sale
Of Hand Decorated China Plates
We have l'J beautiful decorations in fruits and (lowers and
place them on sale at
This is the best lot of Plates for the price we have ever
bought. They are nicely decorated and well \soith St.—a and
SI .00 each. See 1 hem at
Chas. M. Wilson's
Ready for Use on Wails
Woodwork, Burlap. Etc.
Put^up in gallons, half gallons and quart*,. Flat colors for inte
rior decoration on woodwork and walls. Has no equal.
Permanent, Washable
Practical, Beautiful
Ready to use at any time It is a revelation in ifs results it has
all the excellences of water colors, the soft, beautiful effect.
Pittsburg Electrically Welded Fence Wire
Sure Hatch Incubators and Brooders
They have few equals and no superiors. It Will pay you to inves
tigate our claims for these wares-they are reputation builders
Tinning and Plumbing Falls City, Nebraska
y . .*•
V ___ ■■ ■ -— Jf
'j* If you contemplate having a X,
X sale see me or write for terms
v at once I guarantee satisfac-Y
■> tion to my patrons. .’•!
t X
t X
*1' *1* *!*• 1**1* •!-»I- *•!* »!'•
—The Candy Kitchen for brick ice
Spring Work Shoes
li. M. Jenne Shoe Store