The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, March 25, 1910, Image 2

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    The County in General
l iic “Doings” of our Country Friends
and Neighbors.
Dr. Morris was a Rule visitor Wed ,
;u sday.
Will Cursh of Salem wa - in town
Ralph Clark of Stella was in town
Sam Philpot on the sick list1
this week.
F. M. Boss spent part of last week
in Omaha
Harvey Mann is clerking in Font's
drug stor<‘
lames Tiimble was in Verdon last
.lames Hni/.da was it passenger to
Lincoln Tuesday
Cecil Davis spent from Friday un
til Monday In Wilbur
Mrs. Carl Mann left Wednesday tor
he r new home In Lincoln
Carl Mann was down from Lin
coln the first of the" week
Rev. Bounds and wife returned Hat -:
unlay from it trip to Lincoln
Miss Fauna Frank left Sunday forj
it visit with Falls City friends.
Dr. Kd Wittwer of Van Huron, Ark.
wits visiting relatives here Friday.
\ mb rose Muerstettn returned Wed
ni-sday from a rtip to St. Joseph,
Will Jacobs of Lincoln spent part
of the week with lluiuboldifrlends.
L. C Kd wards of Falls City was
greeting Humboldt friends Thursday
Mrs. I. Shirley gave a six o’clock
dinner to it number of friend* Tliurs
Miss Nina Snow came lip from
Dawson and spent Sunday in Hum
f.ohm' liraves, who lias employment
ai Nemaha, was in HumlioUit the first
of (in- week.
Del Delair anil family returned the
first of the week from a visit in
I'sbon, Kansas.
(). A. Cooper and wife entertained
about sixty guests at a six o'clock
dinner Thursday.
Milton King and family of Have
lock are spending this week with
Humboldt friends.
Mrs. Winnie Perry oi Omaha is
spending this week with relatives
and friends in this city
Frank Sherman and family of Tub
|i Hock spent Sunday with the Ar
nold families in tills city.
Mrs. II. P Marble and daughter,
7,orn, spent the latter part of the
week with relatives in Tecuinseli
I,. P. Croush and wife of Sutton,
Neb., are spending tills Veck with
their daughter. Mis .1 A beard.
V ,i. Prey and wife started Tues
day morning for St lo-.epfi. While
enroute they will make several stops.
Charles Mann resigned Ids posi
tion In "Tile Famous" and is now
employed In tin* Humboldt Poultry &
Cream Co
Dr. Wilson, It. C Janus and W. S
l.eyda ol falls City attended the K
of P. Initiation held in this city Mon
day night.
II K Itoyd and son, Ted, accom
panied by Miss Florence Davis at
tended the Sunday School conven
tion held in Falls City Saturday and
Misses ladle and Katherine ttillnu
entertained (he members of the
Presbyterian Christian Endeavor Fri
day i i idcg Ihe time was spent
in music and garni s A short busi
ness meetiiir was held. Dainty re
freshments were served.
A m- ; : of nut of town peo
ple were It- this city .Monday to be
l>i< • i i at th< Initiation of sixteen
applicants for membership in the lo
cal K. of P. lodg Before till' ini
tial ion ceremonies, F. M Boss, pro
prietor of the Crystal theater, fav
ored the audieure with a presenta
tion of tin drama. “Damon and Pyth
Medicines that aid nature are al
ways most successful. Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy acts on litis plait It
loosens the cough, relieves the
lungs, opens the secretions and aids
nature In restoring the system to it
healthy condition Sold in all drug
Ed Voegle was a Harada visitor
Roy Bunn spent Sunday with his
friend. Harold Bolejack at llarada
There will lx- Easter exercises at
the Evangelical church in llarada
ttexi Sunday veiling.
Mr. Henry Luhn of Grand Island
is spending it few days with his
daugnter, Mrs. Rudolph Pallor.
Messrs E. E. Butler and I. A. Dunn
attended the Sunday School conven
tion at Falls City as delegates from
the Evangelical church at llarada.
On March 20th, at the German Lu
theran church of this place several
young people were confirmed. Among
them were Bertha Karst, Lillie
Michaels, Freda Constantine, Pearl
Duerfeldt, Willie Fiene, Fred Herbs
ter. Elmer Michaels and Emil Luhn.
Bessie Anderson was a Falls City
visitor Friday.
F. K KuIp ol W) more w as. a Itulo
visitor Tuesday.
Mrs. .1. A. Pope was a St. Joseph
Visitor Thursday.
J A. Osborn and family drove to
Falls City last Sunday.
Francis Pierre was quit sick a
few days the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Mose Frederick are
thi1 parents of a baby girl
Mrs Mable Furguerson was a Falls
City visitor one day last week.
Squire Randal] of Craig, Mo . was
a Ilulo visitor one day last week
Mae Vastine of Buena Vista. Col.,
is a business visitor in Itulo this
Will Mi Wain and family went to
Colorado Tuesday to make their fu
ture home.
Roy Williams and wifi’ visited the
former’s mother at Forteseue, Mo,,
last Sunday.
Mrs. Dennis McCarthy and Agnes
Murphy came down from Falls City
Monday morning.
Alice Gilbert and Kate Young drove
to Falls City Friday to take the
teachers’ examination
Mrs. Harry Spicer and little dau
ghter of DesMoines, Iowa, came
last week for a visit with relatives.
Will Cunningham and D. J C.
Shepherd attended the funeral of
Samuel Kami near Forteseue Sun
The Burlington section house is
being improved. A new brick founda
tion and a kitchen are among the
Alice Gilbert and Hattie Hart ro*
turned from Kails City Monday morn
ing. they tieing delegates to the Sun
day school convention.
At this writing (Tuesday noon) the
piling are nil gone from (he north
end of the dvke, and it looks now
like <t will nil go out, and the river
is still rising.
John Burk, wife and son Albert, al
so Sim Burk ami family left Tuesday
for their new home in Colorado. May
good health and success attend their
new venture.
The watehhouse lias been moved
west and placed on the opposite side
of the track. The stairs leading to
the pump house and the coal shutes
have also been torn down and will he
On night last week one of (he
j glas'-i in the front door of George
Ward's store was broken and a quan
tity of shoes, clothing, huts and vari
ous other articles stolen. \s yet
nothing has been heard of the rob
| Old Dutch!
Cleanser M
Will Glean It! ||l
Easier, quicker and
better than soap, soap- ■!
powder, scouring-brick or
metal-polish. Just you try (gig
it and see. This new, handy ^
all-’round Cleanser does nil ^
kinds of clean- fcX
I Milk pails, separators, l&g
glassware, cutlery, floors, I
woodwork, bath-tubs, paint- ^
ed walls, pots, kettles, cook- ■
ing utensils; brass, nickel, I
steel and metal surfaces, etc., g
New and Better Way
Wet the article,sprinkle
with Old Dutch Clean- 1 ]
ser, rub well with cloth
or brush, rinse with
clean water and wipe
dry. Nothing equals
Old DutchCleanser
for quick, easy and
hygienic cleaning.
H|jjj C For Lar£e Sifter Cart
Joe Cully and wife were visitors in
Falls City Sunday.
A, McCann and family visited with
11. A. Burk and family Sunday.
Wes Nedrow, who has been sick
with rheumatism, is some better.
■Mrs. A. ElsMro and children visit
ed Mrs. N. Peek and children Sunday.
John Burk, Sr., and wife visited
with their children the first of the
Muhin Auxier was a guest of her
uncle and family a portion of the
Mrs. L. Lutz was a guest of her
sister, Mrs. llelneman in Falls City
lOd Kimmel and family spent Sun
day in Falls City with Mrs. Kimniel's
Mrs. K. iloutz and daughter were
guests of Mrs. Frank Houtz one day
Mrs. II. .1. Prichard and daughter
visite.1 with the former’s parents in
Falls City Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Hahn of Falls City
spent Friday with their daughter,
Mrs. J lleiscliick.
O. A. Burk and wife spent the lat
ter part of lust week with the form
er's parents in Kulo.
Jennie and Seymour Burk visit
ed with their hister, Mrs. Charles Me
Wain the latter part of the week.
Itev. Watson and wife of Falls City
visited iii this vicinity with tho
members of his church this week.
George Prichard and sons moved
buck to their old home after spending
a year with the former’s brother and
Chester Stump, Guy Hichty, Frank
Hichty and I). Spiekler with their
iumlliis v, iv guests at tho home of
John Liclil.v and wife in Falls City
Sunday, They all attended the Sun
day School convention in tho after
Are you frequently hoarse? Do
you have that annoying tickling In
your throat? Docs your cough an
noy you at night, and do you raise
mucus in the morning? Do you want
relief? If so, take Chamberlains’
Cough Remedy and you will be well
pleased. Sold by all druggists.
.1 M. tloodloe made a business trip
to Omaha Monday.
Mrs. Lizzie Summer is preparing
to move to Hamilton, Mo.
Miss Essie Marsh of ltulo is visitin
her sister, Mrs John Morgan.
A. .1 Baldwin transacted business
in Hiawatha and Kails City Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Awe of Ilowe
spent Sunday with E. A. Kroh and
Misses Eva Fankell and Grace
Hodge visited in Verdon Tuesday af
Sash Reynolds and wife left on
Tuesday for their new home in
Robert Goolsby and family of Ver
don visited Sunday at the home of J.
M. Goodloe,
Mrs. Jennie Griffith went to Falls
c'i ■ the first of the week to visit a
few w<eks with relatives.
Wes Ru: e of Falls City and Miss
Olive Tilden visited Stella relatives
and friends Friday and Saturday.
Mis. E. A. Jennings of Salem is
visiting her daughters, Mrs. (i. L.
Slocutu and Mrs. A. J. Baldwin.
Mrs. Fred Stringfteld and son, Ken
neth of Verdon, visited her mother,
Mrs. Arabella McCullough last week.
Dave Steadman and Joe Higgins
went to Lincoln Saturday night and
returned Sunday with a new Reo
auto for Mr, Steadman.
George Randal lias sold his farm
jusi east of Si< Da to Joe Mason hut
will not give possession for a year.
Consideration f 1U0'per acre.
Re\. Young of Bethany preached
iiis farewell sermon at the Christian
church Sunday evening. He expects
to take full iline work atBrock. The
•Bella people regret very much to
lose him.
*>ii' and .Mrs h. Monou rot unit'd
■tome Tuesday after visiting all win
ter with their children in Wisconsin
and Missouri. Mr. Monod is very
weak yet from the severe sick spell
lie had while gone.
its Globes left Monday for Oma
ha lo a I tend the wedding of a niece.
After a visit with relatives at that
plat'' she will visit her old home in
the western part of the state. She
will be gone about six weeks.
Mark Goolsby and wife of Falls
Gity visited Tuesday with their
niece, Mrs. .1. M. Goodloe. Wednes
day they went to tin1 country to
spend the remainder of tin1 week with
their daughter, Mrs. Grant Smith.
A son was horn to Mr. and Mrs. H.
A. Kroh Friday, March is, 191 and
was named, James Cowell. The lit
tle one passed away Saturday night
and was buried at the Howe cemet
ery Sunday afternoon. The parents
have the sympathy of the entire com
Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver
Tablets are safe, sure and reliable,
and have been praised by thousands
ef women who have been restored to
health through their gentle aid and
curative properties. Sold by all drug
J. K. Stalder is v-ry ii> at Ills I
Mrs. Runyan of Ilumboldt was
here over Sunday.
.1. Ayers and wife were over
from Verdon Sunday.
Little Grace Sima, who has been
very ill, is some better.
Gluts !• utPr has rented his farm
to a man from Sabetlut by the name
of Smiley.
Myrtle Duryea spent a few days
last week with her friend. Genevieve
Mrs, R. Marmet went to Pawnee
last week to attend the funeral of
her grandfather.
Jake Stalder and wife have gone
io Colorado where they expect to
make their homt.
The two Dr _ Waggoners of Hum
boldt were out to set .1. E, Stabler
the first of the woke.
Mrs. O. L. Perry returned to her
home in Table Rock Saturday after
week's visit with her mother, Mrs.
Dora Bacon.
Presiding Elder Lynde held the
quarterly meeting service the mid
dle of last week tit Bethany church
and preached Friday evening.
Frank Blakeney traded his Ford
touring car to Hiram Wittwer for a
Reo runabout, and sold the runabout
to Dr. .1. A. Waggoner of Humboldt.
Font Bacon and wife are here from
Ohio the guests of relatives and old
friends. They formerly owned a farm
near Middlehurn but moved from
there more than twenty years ago.
We understand they have sold out in
Ohio and have not yet decided when1
they will locate.
—Something new, Favorite Pruning
Saw. Trim your trees from the
ground. Six reasons why it is the
oest in the market. Write J. A.
Schroer & Co., Fruit Packers and
dealers for circulars and prices, St.
Joseph, Mo. 10 -5t.
('. li Martin was a Shubert Visitor
Richard and Edward Slagle left
Thursday for California.
Mrs. II. S. Andrews and Miss Riggs
were shopping in Fails City Satur
Mrs. M. iM. Hendricks entertained
at dinner Sunday Misses Lilly, Dodds
and Riggs.
The Evangelical Sunday school will
render their annual Easter program
Sunday evening.
I.. II. Morehead. E. E. Bolejack
with their wives made an auto trip
to Falls City Saturday.
T. C. Roe is up from Falls City
• doing some carpenter work on iiis
cottage on Main street.
E. E. Butler, I. A. Dunn, Kittle
atul Harley Butler attended the Sun
day School convention in Falls City
.1, A. Martin returned the iirst
of the week from Effingham, 111.,
where he has been taking a brief
course in advanced photography.
Mrs. M. A. Carter returned Sun
day from a winter spent with her
brother in Oklahoma. She will visit
for a time with her daughter, Mrs. .1.
A. Martin before* continuing her jour
ney to her home in Colorado.
On Friday evening, March 10, Mrs.
J. A. Martin entertained at her
home the members of the young lad
ies class of the Evangelical Sunday
school and th'*ir friends. About thir
ty were present. Many games were
played during the evening and Mrs.
S. H. Andrews and Miss Itiggs were
successful prize winners in one con
test and Miss Dodds and V. Sailors
came out victorious in another con
tets. Eight refreshments were serv
ed by the hostess, assisted by Miss
Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver
Tablets invariably bring relief to wo
men suffering from chronic constipa
tion, headache, biliousness, dizziness,
sallowness of the skin and dyspepsia.
Sold by all druggists.
—are your motives for milking
cows. In order to secure them
to the fullest extent, ship your
cream the
direct from the farm to the cream
ery at tha highest pi ice, and Re
ceive your Check by Return Mail.
Write us for our new
for Feeble Old People, Delicate Children, Weak, Run-down
Persons, ar.d to Counteract Chronic Coughs, Colds and
Bronchitis, is because it combine.; the two most world-famed
tonics — the medicinal, strengthening, body-building elements 9
oi Cod Liver Oil and Tonic Iron, without oil or grease,
tastes good, and agrees with every nne.
We return j'our money without question if Vinol
does not accomp.'h a!! we ciuirn for it.
A. G. WANNER, Druggist,
Do It Now! |
Remember, tomorrow never comes.
If you are thinking of erecting a monument on your
cemetery plat, why delay .J
Confer with us NOW.
Foils Cifv Marble Works
Established 1881. K. A. ® F. A. NEITZEL. Mjrs.
A FatSier and His Daughter ;
> Do you Know that one ot the
sweetest relations in life is that
between a father and daugh
ter? Not that Tie loves his
boys less, but they v,'ll be
able to la he ti 1" places :n the I of the battle of life f
some 1 i! ! fight tbeir own '
way to vict ry, TVca use of
her sex the litt'e girl cannot do
this, and is, therefore, in a ^
greater sense dependent for
protection on the man she calls
father. What have \ou done
to “make good" with vm.r lit
tle girl? Are you planning
and saviug for her? Ido you
' know ttint tne one trienci wuicu nevt r ueserts \uu in nine ’
ot trouble is a bank account? Have vou provided that ♦
k mi of a friend for yourself ; nd your little girl? If not, «
why not. You ought to come in and talk to us about a 4
matter of so much importance to you and yours.
The Farmers’ State Bank
The Kansas City Star and Times
The Star and Times, reporting the full twenty-four hours’
news each day in thirteen issues of the paper each week, are
furnished to regular subscribers at the rate of 10 cents
per week.
As newspapers. The Star and The Times have no rivals.
No other publisher furnishes his readers with the full day and
night Associated Press reports, as does the Star and Times.
This should recommend the papers especially to the pregressive
merchant and farmer.
I deliver both the Star and Times to the subscriber's door
promptly on arrival of trains.
Give me a trial.
CLIFFORD ACiEE. Distributor
Should you want Tho Star by mail send lOc per week. $5.20 a year.
Address The Kansas City Star.
in dental work if you have need of our
s- services and avail yourself of our skill,
Js? experience and facilities. We don't do
half way work—it’s all or nothing with
I us. as many people know to their own
great gratification. Note, please, that
we make no charge for expert examin
> ation.
WjgSWjJ BERT WINDLE. I). I). S. Asvstant
wit Falls City, Nebraska