The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, March 18, 1910, Image 8
1 H-enry G. Smith LAMPS Sl LOANS 240 acres well improved, If miles from Depot in Kas. Good spring. Best of tern Wi'it the 40 acres as part payment, balance long time at low interest. 200 acres 1% tniies from depot, Richardson county, Nebraska Good buildings ai.d iatu " ill take 40 or 80 acres as part payment 160 acres upland, 1 mile from depot, Richardson county, Nebraska. $12,000, Kjo acres Johnson county, Nebraska 80 rods to church and sell k>1. Best of terms. Night rent. 107 acres near Hrownville, Nebraska 80 acres H-mile from Falls City high school. , 640 acres, $8,000 improvements Also 640 acres adjoining. Will take 160acres a* p.,rt p mu t. Fine running water. A No. I opportunity. Money tc loan THE COIRS AND GOERS HAPPENINGS OF INTEREST TO YOU AND ME What Your Friends and Their Friends Have Been Doing the Past Week. \Rev, Spelsor was up from Rulo on Tuesday Itrx Oliver was flown from Shu bert Sunday Ladies light weight knit vests 10 cents at Ricks. Miles IS. .lories was down from Salem Saturday. John Dickinun went lo Terumseh Tuesday on luminous. John Kleholf came hack from his Frollda 1 rip Friday night Kd Hurrlss of Peru visited last Friday with his mother. Mrs. Kate Hurriss. Kd llarsrhnrr wi nl lo Lincoln on Tuesday lo attend the Laymen’s con vention. Miss Myrtle Lowers spent Sun day with her sister, Mrs Fred Heine man neat Verdon W. A. Kreenwuld and John Liehty attended the Laymen's convention in Lincoln this week. Hood variety id mu I peas, nasturtiums and other fewer seeds at the green house. tf Mr. and Mrs. .1. Lee Du I by of Shubirt visited last Friday with the family of II. (' Davis The Presbyterian ladles will hold a bazaar at the Electric Theater on Saturday before Easter. Mrs. Dr. Oallisou and baby, who visited her sister-in-law. Mrs. I M. Houston, left Friday for her home in Stella (’has. Welnerl entne up from Pres ton Tuesday and went with tin- Falls City delegation to Lincoln to attend the convention. Mr. and Mr: C I! Parish vu nl to Salem Tm -ti.n to male prepuru iioiis for moving to tliat place about the first of April. If you value money attend the opening of the New Shoe Store. The opening day wtli be a gala day Saturday. March tilth A new Shoe Store will be opened by .1. Lansky, second door north of M. Seff’s clothing store. Falls City, on Saturday, March^lldh. Mrs. Edward Freeman, (nee Tina Thacker), came up from Kansas City to attend the funeral of Oliver Drown. She returned to her homo Saturday. Ladies. Save Mcneyl Make f nest of perfumes at homo for one fifth wtiat you are now paying. Ten guaranteed recipes for 60c. Home - ippiy Co., Princeton, Indiana. ( HESTER A. BRINK PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Consultations Diseases of Women and Children Chronic Diseases i Ka> tmtl r.lootricul Treatment-. cutIm nnswertHl . night or »lny in city or country. OftlC« 439 PHONES Residence 471 Office Over Falls City State Bank ALL CLEVER COOKS Are proud of their bread. Why shouldn't they be? Good home made bread is the staff of life. Gold Coin Flour Always yields the lightest, whitest, sweetest and most nutritious bread and rolls. Try It! V011R GROCER KEEPS IT Sterling Fa 11 noil resigned his posi Mon In li. M. .lenne’s shoe stores and on Monday left far Milford, Nell , where* lie- will open an office and do business for the Florida Land Co., in wbii'h venture* lie lias our best wishes for iinboniideel suc ce*SH. Herbert Hedges lias sold bis prop erty on South Harlan streei to Mr. and Mrs. Clem Firelmugh, and will give pecisi'ssieei April I, Mr and Mrs. Hedges will move to a farm near McCook, Nets J. II. Miles and family will arrive from Le>s Angeles almnl the* 22nel of Maredi and will remain eltiring the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Miles are* moving into the large* house on Stone* stre>e*t. II C. .lames returned Monday from Washington, I). (’., where* he went twe> works ago on legal busi ness lie visileel some very inter esting plaees onroute*. Wante'el District manager with beaeleiuarters at Falls City A granel opportunity fetr the* right man Ad dress in confidence. Life* P. C. Iieix 11163, New York City. Miss Fay Sanford was in the city between trains Saturday, the guest, of Mrs. A lib* Watson. Site* was on her way from Humboldt t<> her home in Vordon. The Royal Negilibors will bold a box supper at the M \V. A. hull Friday March lx. All Woodmen, (heir families and friends especially Invited. A. A Tanner came down from Lin coin Sunday to visit relatives. Mrs. Caroline Tanner, ills mother, accom panied him home and will visit tiis family, The ladies of the Kpiscopul church will hold their exchange in the Klec tric theater, Saturday. .Mrs. .lusson and Miss Taylor will lie In charg.e Charles Boyle is suffering from an attack of inflammatory rheumatism, which seems to have settled in his feet and he is unable to walk. Mr and Mrs. Kd Stock returned Sutiiiduy from a trip of business and ph-a Mils t » Omaha, where they spent ■the most el last week. Mrs Saralt Matburger returned Monday to her home in Humboldt alter a short visit with her sister, Mrs. George Scltmelzel. I(e\ Brooks went to Lincoln Tues day to attend the County Option con vention. Ili> remained to attend the Laymen’s meeting. W. C. Norton of the Humboldt Standard, was in Falls City Tuesday. While in town he paid his respects U> The Tribune. Mrs. K. Wheeler came down front Stella Saturday evening and re mained several days visiting rela tives. Miss Nellie Cain went to Stella Monday for a few days visit at the home of her brother, ,1. It Cain.Jr. Adolph Bentley and family came over from Lfiawathn Sunday to visit Hie family of George Albright. W. I! Maddox returned Monday login I’luiu K.uis.i., City, "in>>•<> to spent a few days on business. Call and see our line of perfumes I and toilet articles for 10 cents —j R ick's. Rev. ttatloy went to Lincoln Tues day to attend tlte Laymen's conven tion. (L .1. Crook went to Lincoln Tues day to tit tend the Laymen's conven tion. Miss Ora Crook of Salem is now employed at the R. A. Dittinar store. —Leave your orders with Sitnan ton & Pence for strawberry plants. Mr. and Mrs. Hayden Bowers of Verdon were in the city Saturday. Mrs. George Prater went to Hia watha Saturday to spend the day. K. O. Lewis left Tuesday for the northwsetern part of the state. Charles Caverzagie and wife of Rulo were in the city Thursday -Mrs, Ed Gebhart of Verdon was in the city shopping Saturday. Frank Mints and wife of Mints City were in town Monday. C. K. Mullens was down front Sa lem Saturday on business —Did you see the new machinery at Jenne’s shoe store. For Salt1—100 tons hay. $4 00 per ton.—H. I. Hunt. A new line of 10 cent glass ware at Rick’s. Itock for sale at Heck’s feed store. ]0-2t 1. C. Maust was in Kansas City on Monday, Henry Stitzer was down from Sa lem Tuesday. Dr. Hays of Dawson was a Sunday visitor here. Miss iilaneln I lore was down from Salem Monday. Steve Miles was in Kansas City on business Monday. Warren Hutchins spent Sunday wit Ids son. Guy and family, in Shubert. Dr Miner was called to Cbluir, bus, Neb., Tuesday on professional busi ness. W. II. Maddox went to Lincoln on Tuesday to attend the Daymen's con vention. Harold Miller returned Friday from a visit witti his sister, Mrs. Ward, in Tooumseh. M. W. Harding of Humboldt was in Hie city Friday the guest of N. B. Judd and wife. Mrs. James Stewart of Hiawatha visited her parents, Coon Brecht and wife Sunday. T J. Gist and family spent Sun day with his parents, S. I’. Gist and wife in Salem. Mrs. Harvey Wahl returned last Friday from Hamburg, Iowa, where she visited Mrs. Jeff McNall. Miss Winnifred Taylor lias resign ed her position at It A. Dittmar’s store and is taking a much needed rset. It. A. Coupe and Henry Frit/, went to Kulo on Tuesday to inspect, some bridges in construction and needing repairs. Mrs. .John Crook, Mrs. Will A. Crook anil Mrs. 13. K. Hurst accom panied Miss Lucille Thompson as for as Kansas City on her way home to Texas Tuesday. They remained for a few days shopping in Kansas City. Harry Craig has given up his place in Lyford's grocery depart ment and has accepted a position with the Missouri Pacific surveying gang. Mrs. Katherine Wylie returned on Tuesday from a visit with friends in1 Omaha. She also visited her dau ghter, Mrs. Allan 1). May in Auburn. —Nice batch of blaster Lilies just received from St. Joe. (let your or der in early.—Simanton & Pence. Julius Schmitt came over from Sa vannah, Mo., Wednesday to visit his brother, Fred 13. Schmitt. Marion Watson was over from Reserve Wednesday visiting the fam ily of 11. It. Willard. Mrs. Mangol and Mrs. Charles Berkley of Hamlin are visiting Mrs. Mart McGuire. Clifford Wahl came up from St. Marys, Kag., Tuesday for a short vacation. Mrs. Charles Pribbcno and daughter of Preston were shopping here Wed nesday. —Get. your order in early for East er Lilies.—Simanton ti Pence. Mrs. .1. F. Kinsey of Reserve was shopping here Wednesday. Mrs. .1. R. Cain and son, Julian, spent Tuesday in Stella. Fred Schock made a business trip to St. Joe Wednesday. Alex Leo was a Rulo visitor last Tuesday. The Worlds Greatest Singers Are at Your Service Victor , Talking Machines Edison Phonographs Brings them to Your Fireside DELIGHTFUL ENTERTAINMENT AT A MODERATE EXPENDITURE A Complete Line of Edison Phonographs and Records. Come in and let us demonstrate their musical powers to you DAVIES & OWENS JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS FALLS CITY, NEBRASKA Master Lilies Sitnantnn A- Fence.! M. I). McCumber was up from Preston Tuesday. Mrs. M. Borland of Benuett, Neb., s visiting with Rev. Bailey. Miss Alice Cleaver is seriously ill at her home east of this city. Miss Augusta Wittrock went to the wholesale house in Kansas City Tuesday Mrs. W. 11. Kerr remains very ill. but the doctor says there is some change for the better. . Mrs. Kelso of Lynch, Neb., and Mrs. Swan of Auburn are guests of Mr. and Mrs. .1. R. Wilhite. Anna Margaret Brecht visited her grandparents, Henry Ruegge and wife the latter part of the weeek. The father and mother of Rev. Bailey left for a several weeks visit with their daughter in Kansas City. Mrs. C. A. Chesley came home Fri day from Bloomington. Ill . where she was called last week by the ill ness of her mother. Miss Fatten, trimmer for Wittrock Sisters, was called to Washington, Iowa Tuesday by a telegram stating that her sister was dying. W. 11. Crook and his sons, Guy and John left Monday in John Crook's auto for Perry, Oklu They will also visit other points in the state. Sunday School Convention. The Richardson County Sunday j School convention will hold its an nual convention in Falls City, March I!) and 20. There will be four ses sions, Saturday evening,Sunday morn ing, afternoon and evening. For full I particulars see programs. W. H. WYLER, Sec. For Sale. Regulator (for jeweler), large fire proof safe, small National cash reg ister.—H. W. Howe, Humboldt, Neb. San Francisco had an earthquake scare. Only a mild shock and no damage done. New Orleans is in danger of a yellow fever epidemic. HARNESS Best Harness on earth is made at Wachtel's. Saddles, Whips, Etc. Everything for the horse Repair- j ing and Oiling. Phone 384 WACHTELt HERE AND THERE. Items of Much Interest To All Put In a Nutshell. _\ Vesuvius is reported as active again. Missouri will vote on state wide prohibition at the fall election. Dawson county will vote on the proposition to bond the county for $100,000 to build a new court house. Holdrege on the I!. & M. is to have a new depot. The Railway commis sioner, Cowgill, has cited the com pany to submit plans by April 10. A Joplin, Mo., horse valued tit $1,000 swallowed a diamond worth $7ti0. it is a question now of horse or diamond—which? The strike situation in Philadelphia continues. Before the difficultly is settled and the strike called off, labor unions in different parts of the country are in danger of being drawn into the unhappy controversy. A saloonkeeper at McCook per sisted in keeping his son, under eighteen years of age, in the busi ness. The city council as a conse quence ip is revoked his license. It is known that this law is being vio lated in Falls City; when will our council get busy? -- ■ m The Business Men’s Association of Diller, Neb., is offering cash prizes for good roads in the vicinity of the town. The conditions upon which the przies will be awarded tire such ns to necessitate the building of not less than fourteen miles of good roads in order to win them all. Will the Falls City Commercial club make a memoranda of this? Hiawatha is talking about putting a rest room in one of the icor s of the new Life-Annuity Lai’ now nearing completion. This is an : I vanced idea, in the west. : ails (_. v can afford to give mis miiau' at tent ion also. Ic is on;. a ■; .••*-: ion . f time when every tovn ,.iii prov;.l accomodations for the comfort of people while doing business tiler*'. Who shall be first. Roosevelt lias reached Khartum. Khartum is 1000 miles from the mouth of the Nile and in the depth of Africa. Yet, though lie reached there only yesterday, we read all about his arrival in today’s papers. Wonderful, is it not? The Laymen’s Missionary move ment is in session in Lincoln. A big delegation went tip from Rich ardson county. Legal Notice. In the It ichardson County District Court, State of Nebraska. Peter Frederick Sr., plaintiff, vs. Charles McMahan, Anna McMahan, his wife, Frank Gilliland and Emma E. Gilliland, his wife, defendants. Notice is hereby given that by vir tue of an order of sale issued out of the District Court of Richardson county, state of Nebraska, and to me directed as sherfif of said coun ty.bearing date on the 7th day of March, 1910, I will offer at public sale at the west door of the court house in Falls City, in said county, on the 18th day of April, 1910, at thi‘ hour of 1 o’clock p. in. of said day, the following described real estate, situated in Richardson county, state of Nebraska, to-wit: The E. >{. of the E. Vs of the S. E Quarter of the N. W. of See t ion 10, Township 3 N. in Range 17, East of the 6th P. M. This sale is made in pursuance of the decree of foreclosure of two mortgages held by said Peter Fred erick Sr., severally executed to him by Charles McMahan and Anna Mc Mahan on the property above des cribed and which was by them sold to defendants, Frank Gilliland and Emma E. Gilliland, his wife, who also executed a subsequent mort gage to plaintiff on the same prem ises, the said Frank L. Gilliland and Emma E. Gilliland having purchas ed the legal title of said land from Charles McMahan and Anna Mc Mahan subject to the first mortgage, foreclosed in this action and given by the said Mc Mahan and his wife ; die legal title to said land now lin ing in the said Frank T,. Gilliland and liis wife. Emma E Gilliland, and the same is seized and will be sold as above stated to satisfy the decree and costs foreclosing both mortgages above described. Terms of sale cash. W. T. FENTON, Sheriff of Richardson County. Reavis & Reavis, Attorneys for Plaintiff. First publication March IS. 1!M0. Richardson County Sunday Schoo! Association FALLS CITY. NEBRASKA Saturday and Sunday, March 19 and 20 METHODIST CHURCH SATURDAY EVENING, 7:30. 7:30 Prayer Service. Business Session; Reports of Officers; Discussion of Reports; Discussions of Plans for 1910; Appointment of Committees. SUNDAY MORNING 10:00 to 12:00. Sunday School and Preaching Services at the different churches at the regular hour. Prof. Gregg of Peru will be at the Presbyterian meeting at the Electric Theater. Rev. Lewis, state secretary, at the German Evangelical church. Miss Brown, state primary worker, at the Baptist church. VV. H. Wyler at the Methodist church 10:30 to 11:15; and at the Brethren from 11:15 until 12:00. H. E. Boyd, county president, and .1. O. Shrover, vice president, at the Christian church. METHODIST CHURCH SUNDAY AFTERNOON, 2:30. This session will be in charge of the state workers and will be giv tn to the free discussion of topics <_f interest to Sunday School workers. . SUNDAY EVENING, 7:30. Rev. Lewis, state secretary will epeak in the Christian church ou ‘ Class Organization.” Miss Brown, state primary worker, will speak in the Methodist church on “Primary Work." Prof. Gregg of Peru will speak in the Brethren church on “The Home Department.” In each instance the speaker will be followed by a free for all dis cussion of the topic presented. The services at each of the three meet ing places will close with a consecration service. Special music will be provided by the choirs of the respective churches. A collection will be lifted to defray the expense of the convention. Everybody is urged to attend one or more of the sessions of tie1 convention. Come! Say Come! ! And Stay Coming!!! Falls City. Neb . March 18. 1910. W. II. WYLER, Sec.