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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1910)
MARKET LETTER. Litter From our Regular Correspond-* ent at Kansas City. Kansas City, March 13. lino ( ..ttlo prices moved up 10 to 20 it» List week. 4i steady gain from day to i.iy. - \i cpi on PJUi'-itay. when the buyers bad their only advantage of ti. week. Moderate receipts every ie-ie. iitid pros pet s of continued ■glit runs, together with 41 good out look for tin beef, are the hading f* aturos of 41 situation that looks en nuraging for sellers. Hogs and sl eep have r< ached a price that . uses consumers to take more kind ly t.o beef. The supply today here is 1 ,000 cattle, and the market is - rung to 10 higher. Strictly prime tth- are not included in the offer gs today, else the top would he it $8.00 or better in the native div - on. Some quarantine yearlings, veighing tOO pounds, sold here (•day at $7.75. ;i new high record for nttle from below the quarantine line, ■liter shipments from the restricted < rritory in Oklahoma sold at $7.50 Hid $7.60, with quite 41 string at T* 25 to $7.00, and quarantine hulls $5.55. The lx-st natives here ought $7 70. hulk of steers $6.50 $7.60. 4tnd very few steers under 1 .H 25. The big advance ot' 55 (cuts per .'t, on hogs last week failed to - ell tlie supply, and it is conceded !iw that a price of twelve cents per i mind could not do any more in hat direction than is lining done at his time. Run Is 7,000 here today, ■ arkei about steady, hogs weighing . /or 220 pounds at $10.25 to $10.60, ► eights under 200 pounds at $10.00 $ 10.15, pigs $S.50 to $0.25. Prices II likely advance as long as the nsunier keeps on paying the price eked of him. Record prices be g paid for hogs time not con flicted consumptive channels per-; c-ptibly so far. Country ship rs art being advised lo not over ad cars for fear of hot spell of .-cather while enrollte to market, and ► nsequently heavy loss on dead figs. At present prices one or two ' ad hogs in a load cuts unite a f dure. .1. A. RICKART. Live Stock Correspondent RAISED RATES HIT FARMER. Ley Will Mean Money Loss to Him on Live Stock Shipments. Heavy shippers of Omaha are 7 lermined to resist the attempt of railroads to raise the rates on emmodities between Omaha and Chicago. They do not propose to :’and for an increase at this time without a fight. The live stock rates have been ad ;nsted so that Omaha lias the same irie to the east as all other .Missouri j i ,'er cities, but this will not relieve ■ ) . situation if the railroads persist Heir efforts to increase the dress moat rates. The claim is made i'e Missouri river markets will be . siroyed if the increase is put into i ie.- as announced bv the railroads. It will forte the western farmer to s. nd their stock to eastern buyers, * -here they will be compelltl to ac cept what the eastern buyers offer. A’ith the rate on dressed meats !i,ise>t. this market is still discrim inated against, for the farmers will he compelled to ship on east. This forces them to accept a shrinkage which taps (heir pocket books. If The animals are shipped to Omaha, Kansas City or Sioux City, they are delivered in better condition than possible after the additional 50(i t. haul to Chieogu. A le n a shipment is made to Cliica t he Nebraska farmer is forced to li ke theso losses: Prom $15 to $-•> in oxtni freight . urges to eastern markets on each ear of live stock. From $5 to $25 per car because of - .rinkag* and sometimes more be use of the loss of live animals. \bout $5 to $fi extra for feed. Three days' time accompanying >■- iptnent to eastern markets. Decrease in price sure to follow the destruction of competition ot such a market as is afforded by »iinaha. .Nebraska lias been working for over twenty-five years to create a •near” market at South Omaha for the Nebraska live stock. No one will deny this market has been a great boon to the state. This is shown in the statement, that a,458 125 head of live stock were sold at South Omaha last year. Not a car of this would have been sold in So. Omaha if the farmer and stock grow er could have received more for his live stock elsewhere.—Omaha Bee. The Richardson County Sunday School association will hold its reg ular spring convention March Ft in 21 in Falls City, Nebr. Two state workers and a number of other prominent Sunday school workers of Nebraska will be present. Each school is invited to send a delegation. Entertainment will he provided for all who will notify the secretary of their intention to come, in advance. \Y. II. WYLER, Secretary. Letjft' Notice. E, S. l’yle, whose true name is Edward S. Pyle, uon*resident defend ant, will take notice that on the 2'uli day of January, KMO. Mrs. Small I. Baker filed In'i petition, as plaintiff, in the District point of Kichardsou * ounty, State of Nebraska, against you the said K S, Pyle, defendant the object and prayer of which ar to obtain judgment against you on a joint and seve ral note made and de livered to tlie said Mrs, Sarait B, Baker, by yourself and Jennie I!. Pyle which said note is dated October 12. 1U05, and i< for flic sum of $150.00 with iuterest from said date at the rate of eight per cent per annum from said date, and which note be came due on Oc tober 12, 11106, and upon which there is now due, m e luding interest, the sum of $201.40. And you are further notified that at the same time, said plaintiff pur suant to the statute in such cases, made and provided, sued out an order of attaehnu nt against you in said cause on the ground that you are a non-resident of the State of Nebraska, and have real estate in said county and state, and, that said order of attachment was delivered to the sheriff of said county on said date and that on the 26th day of January, 1HB), he, the sheriff, did levy upon said land by attaching the same, which is loc ated near tile vil lage of Prestoik, Nebraska, and is described as follows: Being tin* 12 acres ol land pur chased by you from the heirs of John Pyle, deceased, and situated in the east 42 rods of the northeast quar ter of the southeast quarter of Sec tion No. twenty, in Township one, north. Range seventeen, east of the tith P, M.. in Richardson County, Ne braska. And you are further notified that unless you plead, answer or de mur to said petition flied in said cause, on or before Monday the 7th day of .March, 1910, the same will be taken as true and judgment rendered against you according to the prayer of said petition, and an order by said court will in* had that said attached real estate be sold at public sale as under execution, to satisfy whatever amount the court shall find due from you to the plaintiff herein, and pay the costs of said action and of said sale and of the proceedings in at tachment. SARAH I.. RAKIOR. lly John Wiltse and J. E. Leyda. Attorneys, Dated January 2tith, pun. First publication Feb. 18, 1910. Notice of Settlement And For An Order of Distribution, In the county court of Richardson count, , Nebraska: in the matter of the estate of Elias Peek, deceased. To the creditors, heirs, legatees and all other persons interested in said estate: Take notice that Elias T. Peck has filed in this court a report of bis doings as executor of said estate for his final settlement thereof; he also lilt'd a petition praying for an order of distribution of the residue of said estate in his bands to the parties entitled thereto under the last will and testament of said decoas cd. It. is ordered by the court that the same be beard in the comity court room in said county on,the 19th day of March, 1910. at two o’clock p. in , when and where all parties interest ed may appear and oppose tile same. Ordered further, that upon the ap proval of said report, a decree of distribution of said residue will be made to the parties entitled thereto. My order of the court dated Feb niary 2Md, 1910, JOHN GAGNON, < ’onnty Judge. First publication March 4. 2 times. Legal Notice. To "P. J. Emig and M. Emig, first names unknown, and A. E. Snow, first name unknown, non-resident defendants: You are hereby notified that Jen nie E. Carpenter did, on the 7th day of March, 1910. file her petition in the district court of Richardson county, state of Nebraska, against you and rlie Occidental Building and Loan As sociation of Omaha. Nebraska, and Sim Murk, tenant of the mortgaged premises in question, tiie object and prayer of which is to obtain a decree of foreclosure of a certain mortgage given by you. the said P. J. Emig and M. Emig, husband and wife, to the plaintiff herein., on the lltli day of April. Phis, on the following des cribed real estate situated in the village of Rule, Richardson county, Nebraska, lo-wll; Dot nine i,u, in block sevenr<), in llulo proper, together with buildings ami improvements thereon, to secure the* payment of a c< rtain promissory note given by you, the said t’. .1. and M. Emig, to said plaintiff for the sum of $7110.0(1, bearing even date with said mortgage and to mature one year after the date thereof with 7 per cent interest from date till paid. And you are further notified that unless you plead, answer or demur to said petition on or before the 25th day of April, 1910, the same will be taken as true and the decree of fore closure prayed for therein, will be rendered by the court. And you are further notified that said plaintiff will appear before his honor, Judge John it. Raper. at his chambers in I’awnee City, in Pawnee county, Nebraska, on the said 25th day of April, JD10, and make the ap plication mentioned in the petition of plaintiff for an order requiring the defendant, Sim Murk, who is tin* ten ant in possession of said mortgaged i premises, to pay the accruing rent I of the buildings thereon to (he‘Clerk of the District Court of Richardson county, to be applied to the payment, of plaintiff's debt, on the theory that, the security of said mortgage is in sufficient to discharge the same in •full, such payment, of rent into the court by said tenant to continue dur ing the pendency of this action. Of all of which you will take notice and govern yourselves accordingly. REAVIS & REAVIS. Attorneys for Plaintiff. I (in acre farm for rent or sale,will take some Falls Oitty property. Close to church and school.—Henry C Smitth. 2t. Makers Wei/ Pftaum k Co. Chicago rl. MARION j AUCTIONEER. . I -- ' S'i 1 p< conducted in f scientilic and husi- £ % nesslike manner & .—■ .. 111 i | j C. H. MARION f. \ Falls City, Nebraska % +++1 VM « > ♦ M-+-M IIIIIHm* l . < ■ :: D. S. HcCarthy :: :: dray and ::| :: TRANSFER ;; 1 ’ Prompt attention iriven J J I j to the removal of house- j j ! 1 hold {roods. ,, PHONE NO. 211 " I I I I I III) I II H H-» DR. H. S. ANDREWS General Practioncer Calls Answered Day Or Night In Town or Country. TELEPHONE No. 5 BARADA. - NEBRASKA j Spring an cl S u m m e r Sty! es For Young Men 0UR beautiful spring stock ol line clothes for doling Men, designed and tailored by Weil hi aum if Cit)., Chicago, is now on display. It is well worth your tune to inspect this handsome showing. The assortment comprises the season s latest and catchiest style creations shown m a large variety of rich and a r 11 s 11 c fabrics. I hey will appeal to the criti cal eye and please the most artistic taste. For real style, snap and beauty these ele gantly made ‘clothes can t be equaled. We also carry an extensive line of Men s Fur nishings. Step in at your convenience and inspect the assortment. You are welcome whether you come to buy or look. Makers Weil Pfiaum Sc Co. Oik ago Our spring showing of l nderwear, Shirts, Neckwear, I fats, Hosie\ are on the shelves ready for your inspection and approval. Don't fail to look at those Spring Oxfords. Wahl & Parchen We Keep Open L ntil Nine o’Clock halls City Nebraska A flood I & inch Farm Harness til 50 -WITH BREECHING-----•-= ^ Harness !V1ade to Order and Up Hand and Machine-Sewed Harness Harness Oiling and General Repairing L. B. NEITZEL. Preston, Nebraska CLEAVER & SEBOLD INSURANCE REAL ESTATE AND LOANS NOTARY IN OFFICE — EDGAR K. MATHERS ID R N T" I © 'T I Phones: Nos. ITT, 217 Sam’i.. Wahi, Buldino Office Removed to Tootle Block 6th and Francis Sts DR. W. S. FAST ST JOSEPH, MO Special tdti*nti<ni to MK1)I( INI Ill'll I AIj I-. I)iwaN«»h of WOltKX aud ('lillil)HF'.N R I\ ROBERTS Office over Kerr - Pharmacy Office Phone2M) Ke.-idence Phone 271 WHITAKER The Auctioneer Before arranging date write, tele phone or telegraph, iny expense J. G. WHITAKER Phone* 168 t.ll-2161 Fall* City, Neh. For Sale—House and two corner 1 lots to soil, three blocks of business. ; Good lots to s<dl in various section* | of the city. Henry C. Smith. it