The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, March 18, 1910, Image 1

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    T Falls City Tribune
Carious Kinds of Entertainment by
Individuals, Lodges. Clubs.
Churches. Etc.
The regular meeting of the Shakes
peare club was held March 11 with
Mrs. Abbey, with a good attendance.
The lesson completed Act 111 of
"The Winter's Tale,” and proved
most enjoyable one. Mrs. Rule
presented each member with an
.■ rtisti<- booklet containing a synop
■ is of "The Winters’ Tale,” which
/as a pleasant surprise to the club,
irfrs. Himinelreich was elected dele
gate. with Mrs. Hargrave as alter
nate to the District Federation in
1‘awnee City in April. The next
•■neeting of the club will be held on
•larch 25 with Mrs. R. R. Rule.
Miss Hazel White entertained the
' E. of the Christian church last
'■'riday evening. Som'erset was the
game of the evening and guests for
five tables were present. Several
musical numbers were contributed
by the guests, to the great pleasure
of all. Lovely refreshments were
ervod at eleven o'clock by Mrs.
A’hite and Miss Hazel. The even
big is spoken of as being a very
njoyable one.
The juniors of the high school en
tertained their basket ball teams in
he assembly room last Saturday
•ight in appreciation of their wosk
n tiie athletic field during the sehoof
• ear. The team has made good
and won several victories* in their
challenge games and have labored
• aithfully and well in practice games
with the high school teams, a fact
duly appreciated. A very good pro
gram of music and readings was en
joyed by all and was followed by
games of various kinds. Elaborate
efresbments were served at a suit
able hour. The evening was in every
av most enjoyable.
The Woman's club held its meet;
ig at the home'of Mrs. McMillan
Tuesday afternoon. Miss Margaret
• teele, the newly elected president,
gave her address of greeting in a
• aarmitig manner, winning the hearts
nf all present. A fine paper, “The
l ife of Sargent" by Mrs. I. (.'■ Tan
ner; sketch, “Dudley Buck," by Mrs.
I. L. Davies; and tiie reading of an
•ficle on, “Conservation of For
ests," by Mrs. John Hutchings, con
d.ituted the literary program. The
•'.’Oman's Club chorus delighted all
with two very fine selections. The
•ext meeting will be held at the
home of Mrs. Harry Pence, April 5.
The Baptist ladles will hold an
• xehange in tiie north window of If.
Morthdorf’s tailor shop, Saturday
fternoon. All kinds of good things
'n eat and wear on sale. Three doors
urth of City Hotel.
The SI. Martha's Guild met with
Mrs. It. A. Dittmar last Monday for
he purpose of sewing for her. The
afternoon was a busy and pleasant
o<i si p-ond deal being accomplished
n the line of sewing. Mrs. Dittmar
served dainty refreshments during
fee afternoon.
The Misses Werner gave a very
(delightful party last Friday in honor
if their brother, Otto, and his guest.
,'ohn Price, who came down from
t'.incoln io spent a few days. The
«ame of Som'erset was played during
be evening with great interest. Re
freshments were served at a late hour.
' he young ladies are royal entertain
• rs and made the evening a delight
.il one for their guests.
Misses Elta and Florence Boose en
tertained friends with a new card
name last Friday evening. The new
game is "Royalty” and was recently
nvented by it friend of the young
'adies. It is very interesting and
-0011 claimed the undivided atten
tion of the company. Two tables
•vere placed for the game, and after
considerable time liad been spent
>i this pleasure, refreshments wen
•served, which completed a very
r easant evening.
Sorosis met with Mrs. T. J. (fist
Vednesday afternoon, with a good at
tendance. Current events were un
usually interesting. Mrs. Giannini
oead a very interesting jiaper on
Wordsworth's Life;’ Miss Steele
also made a few remarks on the
saint' subject Mrs. A. E. Hill was
elected alternate delegate to the
first district convention to be held In
Pawnee City, April L’tl-27. During
Hie social half hour Mrs. Gist serv
ed dainty refreshments assisted hy
her daughters, Anna Margaret and
Elizabeth. Club adjourned to meet
witli Mrs. Ileacock March MO.
Twenty little folks were entertain
ed tty Mrs. Arthur Harris Tuesday
in honor of the birthday anni
versary of her daughter, Gladys. In
teresting gmnes of various sorts were
played from four until six o’clock.
Refreshments were served which de
lighted the children very much. A
number of nice gifts were present
ed to Miss Gladys as souvenirs of
the occasion.
Dr. Greene Presents a Few Words
of Explanation.
To The Tribune: — I wish to call
the attention of the Falls City News
to the article published in their is
sue of March 3, in regard to the
fee charged by me in the Shaw
case which was settled in court last
month. The News stated that it was
the largest fee ever paid in the
county for an operation, llut tin1
News neglected lo state that it \\‘us
Die largest operation ever perform
ed by a local surgeon; also that
the $500 charged was not for the
operation alone, but for a very small
part of it; the major part being
for care prior to the operation and
for five weeks after care, which
took the greater part of my time, as
the patient was in a very critical
condition, and also for .the assisting
surgeon, for whose charges I stood
At the request, of Mrs. Henry Shaw
1 neglected some of my good patients
who live in the country, and who pay
their doctor bill. 1 was urged to give
my undivided attention to this case.
The cost was not to be considered, if
only the life of their daughter-in-law
could he saved.
The News stated that if the full
amount of the judgment had been
allowed it would have been the
largest fee ever paid in the county.
Now as a matter of fact it was not
one-half as much ns fees that have
been paid. Talking with Mr. Thack
er. who run the Muddy Creek mill
until recently, he told me that he
paid $400 to a Kansas City sur
geon for an operation for appendi
citis, and $100 to Dr. Miner for at
tending the patient and $50 to Dr. j
Fast for assisting in the operation,
and $35 to the nurse and had the
care of the patient at his own home;
besides, the patient only lived three
days after the operation. Tile en
tire time the patient was being ear
ed for was only ten days and his
total bill for the ten days was $585,
and the results fatal.
The News also states that Mr.
Henry Shaw paid other hills which
would run the full amount to about
$800. 1 wish to state here that Mr.
Shaw paid Miss Jessie Jones, the
nurse, $72; Mrs. Hattie Snidow $42;
Mert, McGuire $12 for transportation
from Salem to hospital in an auto
mobile; and about $2 for alcohol.
Docs this figure any where near
I wish also to state that Mr.
Thacker paid his bill like a man
and did not make the attending
physician sue him. Neither did
he try to get out of paying it or
try to palm it off on some one from
whom he knew they could not col
lect it. .). M. GREENE, M. D.
Rev. Day went to Barada Thurs
day morning to officiate at the fune
ral of W. B. Williamson. Mr. Will
iamson formerly lived in Rich
ardson county and for a time served
in the Christian church as a preach
er. lie (lied in Kansas City, Has.,
Tuesday at the age of seventy-five
years. His remains reached here
Wednesday night on the Burlington
and were taken in charge of by the
Odd Fellows. Reavis H Abbey took
the remains to Barada for interment
Thursday morning.
Returned With His Man.
Sheriff Fenton returned Thursday
night from Kearney, bringing with
him Herbert Holdrige, who took
French leave from the Park hotel at
Humboldt, taking with him all the
money in the cash register and a few
hundred cigars. The sheriff locat
ed his man at Elm Creek, Buffalo
county, and wired the sheriff to
hold him.
the' expected happened
A Cut-and-Dried, Featureless Af
fair that Smelled Strongly
of Booze and Bossism.
Tuesday night the ‘ wets" met to
nominate a city ticket. There was a
good attendance, and considerable in
terest manifested. 'Hie proceedings
passed off without the slightest
hitch. Evidently, all immediately
concerned, were well instructed ns to
their particular duties. The usual
formulas were carried out and the
expected happened. It was all very
nice, and no doubt quite satisfact
ory to t be leaders.
Major Keeling was rather hastily
renominated to succeed himself, by
acclamation. It appears tlmt there
was other mayoralty timber avail
aide and these and their friends took
righteous, though passive exception,
to the manner in which the mayor
was nominated. There are those who
think Mayor Keeling might lip im
proved upon; his best friends wish
ed, however, to give him another
chance—he might do better. (?)
Robert Neitzel was renominated for
city treasurer. Mr. Neitzel appeals
to us a clever, decent official; too
good for the company he keeps.
.Judge Spragins was nominated for
police judge, presumably upon the
strength of ids past record it will
save the inconvenience of making
and change.
K. II. Towle was nominated for city
engineer. Mr. Towle and his fore
bears have large holdings in Falls
City and ol' course are anxious to
have one of their number represent
(hem officially.
Fred DeWald received a scant
majority in the race of the city clerk
A. .1. Loucks and .1. ('. Tanner were
unanimously nominated to fill
the vacancies on the school board
For councilinen, Henry Gerries
was nominated from tin* first, ward,
R. A. Idttmar from the second, and
Max Hartman from the third. We re
frain from making comment as to
the strength of this selection.
February Report of R. A. Neitzel,
City Treasurer.
Cash on hand Feb. 1.$7637.53
Water and light fund..1200.16
Elec. Lt bond and int. 16.13
llal. in general fund. 161.30
Occupation. 1.50
Sinking Fund. 64.50
Library. 24.18
M. A- I Park. 16.13
Park Improvement . . . 254.62
Sanitary k Poor. 16.13
Emergency. 161.30
Water and Light Fund.. $1013.40
General fund. 212.57
Library. 73.02
Park Improenient. 254.62
Sanitary and Poor. 5.05
Emergency. 1828 78
Total .$3387.44
Water and Light fund.. ..$1 464.28
Elec. Lt. bond and Int. . .. 743.79
General fund. 17.13
Occupation fund. 8.56
finking fund. 1687.66
Library fund. 288.35
firemans fund. 179.75
JYi. & 1 Park fund. 528.87
Elec. Lt. Ext. bond. 29.49
Park Improvement fund.. .. 69.29
Sanitary and Poor fund . . . . 585.88
Emergency fund. 348.70
Total.$5951 75
Miss Florence Judd.proprietress of
the Keister Tailoring college wishes
to announce to her customers that
on account of the large Increase in
attendance and business of the col
lege, she has decided to form a
partnership with Miss Carolyn Hough,
recently of the Chicago school of
dressmaking and designing.
These ladies with their compe
tent assistants. Miss O'Donnell and
Miss Ahern, extends a special in
vitation to regular customers and
to other parties who desire costumes
made or in instruction in making
their own garments. Tiiis is an op-|
port une time for new pupils to enroll
with the present class of thirty-sev
en members. School hours 9:00 a.m.j
to 4 : 00 p in.
The South End of City Showing
Signs of Great Improvement
Round House. Etc.
If there are any pessimists, who
still are in doubt as to the scope and
significance of Falls City's present
improvements, a trip to the south
side of town will disillusion them.
The round house is lifting its head
skyward. The concrete foundations
are nearing completion and the car
penters are beginning to raise the
super-structure. The size and ex
tent of this building is a surprise to
everyone visiting tile grounds
The big dredge is rapidly cutting
its way across the bottoms, and will
much the river channel soon probab
ly, opening a straight channel for
the water past Falls City.
Tlte National Poultry <V ligg Co.,
have begun to break ground on their
site. Several gangs of men anti
teams are tit work grading and exca
vating, preparatory to placing the
foundation for their main building
for storage and refrigerating pur
poses. The city water line is also
being extended front the foot of
Stone street down the hill lo the
site of the new plant. Several ear
loads of building material are ex
pected to arrive at tiny time.
The Loo Vinegar works are receiv
ing their outshle finishing touches
Anti-Saloon Caucus.
The voters of the city of Kails
City,who favor the selection of a no
lieense ticket at the coming spring
election, are requested lo meet in
caucus al the Court House, to he
held on Friday the IKih day of March
1IH0, at the hour of 8:00 p. m.. for th
purpose of placing in nomination as
candidates of the Anti-Saloon par
ty the following: a mayor, one coun
cilman. first ward; one councilman
Of the second ward, one councilman
of the long term and one for the
short term In the thrid ward, a city
clerk, a city engineer, a city treas
urer, police judge, and two members
oi the board of education; and to
transact such oilier business ns may
legally come before the meeting.
All favorably inclined are request
ed to he present and participate.
By Order of the Committee.
A Real Live Elopement.
A hig red auto rounded the (iraltam
corner Wednesday afternoon and
swung up to the curbing around the
court house yard. A gay wedding
parly alighted and went into the
court house. Judge Hamm’s record
showed that the contracting parties
were Russell A. Hiatt, a Salem, Neb.,
barber and Miss Vera Lord, the
daughter of a Falls City hanker.
Hiawatha people belie v< that they
have been treated to a real live eolp
nietit. News Democrat.
From the stir it has caused in
Hiawatha we feel justified in infer
ring that young people from Rich
ardson county rarely go to Hiawatha
to get married. Brown county coup
les with matrimonial aspirations are
such a common sigiu In i'eiln City
that they fail to create any comment.
The most trying part about the pres
ent small-pox plague is the (misery of
being in quarantine for several
weeks this exceedingly fine weather.
Several new cases are reported.
All very mild forms. Last Saturday
the family of Oppie Ross was quar
antined; and this week .lim Gold
man, Miles Macomber and John
La Forge. The LaForge family is
quarantined for the second time.
St. Thomas Church.
George L. Noide, Rector. Palm
Sunday morning prayer and sermon
at 10:45 a. rn. Theme, “Christ’s Tri
umphinl Entry Amid Palm Branch
es.” The offertory will be "The
Palms,” solo, by Mrs. G. I.. Neide,
with the entire choir on the chorus.
Evensong at 7:45 p. m. Sunday
school at 9:45. Good music at the
church. Seats free.
Marriage Licenses.
Ray I). Hicks, Hurnholdt. 22
Hazel II. Davis, Humboldt.22
Frances E. Burgett, Dawson 22
Blanche Fanning, Dawson.19
Tillman A. Vice, Shubert.2<)
Bessie Itonier, Barada.17
Joseph Stabler, Humboldt.24
Luella Stabler. Humboldt.19
j George Mmier Loses a. Valuable
Horse And Buggy.
j The horse stealing epidemic bobs
up in Fulls City an regular as the
smallpox scare, the only difference
being that smallpox does no perman
ent injury, while the owner of the
horse or horses suffers permanent
injury or loss, for the horses are
seldom recovered.
Last Thursday night the beautiful
bay driving horse belonging to Oeo.
Mauer, together with his rubber tired
buggy were stolen from his barn.
There are reasons to believe tin'
theft was made about ten o'clock
Thursday night, though it was not
known until seven a m Friday Sher
iff Fenton was immediately called
and after almost an hour's delay in
getting off, he, with his party, fol
lowed it fine trail almost into Hia
watha. but owing to the constant
travel on the roads, a false trail was
followed into a man's barn yard.
From Hiawatha a trail was follow
ed lo Willis, Kns., and also to Hor
ton. hut were Indistinct and not much
faith was attached to them. At
Hiawatha, the sheriff of Brown conn
tv, and his deputy, joined Sheriff Fen
ton's party in their own autorrtohile
and in every way assisted Mr Fen
ton in tile man chase.
Telephone mid telegraph messages,
with description cards had to he
resorted to and though there was
no definite information secured. Sher
iff I’\ IIton feels lie Inis secured plen
ty to work Upon He is of the opiu
ion dial this hunch of horse thieves
have confeih rules in and around the
city. The sheriff is very positive
in his statement that those in this
town are under surveillance and
will surely he landed in a short time.
Several Hearts Pierced by Cupid's
Dart This Week.
Joseph Stabler and latella Stabler
j of Humboldt, accompanied by iwu
friends appeared in the office of
Judge Gagnon Wednesday afternoon
with matrimonial intent, ft took
the judge and liis assistant hut a
little while to satisfy die legal de
mauds of the ease, and all went their
way content and happy. CongrutniU'
Special from liaradii.
On Saturday, March lu Tillman
Vice and Miss Itcssic Hamer were
united In marriage at Kails City by
Judge Gagnon This woithy young
couple are among our In t and most
highly respected young people. We
join a host of friends in extending
congratulations and lest wishes.
Special from Verdon.
Cleveland < laud Sailors and Miss
Nellie Weaver, both of Verdon. stole
;• murcli on their many friends last
Friday and went to Auburn and
v,. re quietly married at the court
house by the county judge.
The bride is the oldest daughter of
M s II M. Conover and Inis a host
<d fiiends in and near Verdon.
.Mr, Sailor was horn and raised on
a fai u near Verdon They will make
their borne in a cottage in the east
part of town. Their many friends
Join us in ' x'endlng congratulations.
Riding For a Tumble.
Frank Reavis, the Falls City law
yer, who does business all the time,
was a professional visitor in Pawnee
City Friday, having an important
case in Judge Barton's court. Mr.
Reavis is quoted as saying lie is glad
Bryan lias couie out for county op
tion. as it is tiie right stand to take
tor democrats as well as republicans
and everybody else. The arrogance
of the whiskey interests is as certain
to prove their undoing in this state
as it lias in others, and if not coun
ty option this year, then prohibition
next or the year after. It was the
bull-headedness of railroads in polities
ttiat threw their men and threw them
hard in Nebraska, and the fellows
who are managing booze matters
without regard for any other rights
are riding for the same sort of an
unexpected tumble. And that's what
they will get sooner or later, prob
ably sooner.--Pawnee Republican.
G. E. Hall Buys Bank.
Word readied this city this week
that G. B. llall. for many years
I identified with our business men, but
] now president of the Franklin, Neb.,
Kxduiuge Bank, lias purchased the
Stall Bank at Bloomington. Neb.
George's many friends here wish
him success in ids new business at
i Bloomington.
Organization Completed and All
Signs Point to a Season of
Good Ball for Falls City
Tile Kails City Hasc Hall associa
tion received a message from L. d.
Ualbreth at Atchison that that town
could not make good toward tin* ^
support of a salaried team this year, |
and that his fourteen players were J
for sah An invitation was extend- f
ed him to meet with the local direct- \
ors to see what arrangements could *
he made.
Wednesday night Mr. (Jalhreath
came up and the association bar
gained to pay him $f>0 in cash and
a royalty of one-fourth the selling
price of any player who might do
veolp sufficiently for the big
Local ‘'fans” seem to think they
got a bargain. It would surely cost
much more to get a bunch together,
and besides Mr. (Jalhreath is an ex
cellent Judge of base ball timber
and the fact that he Is willing to re
lease Ids aggregation on a per
cent basis is proof positive that ho
has a great deal of confidence in
them. There are four pitchers in
the bunch.
Since our lust issue I lie com
mil tee appointed to further solicit
tin1 sale of stock for the Falls City
I fuse Hall association have been at.
work and have pushed the fund close
to $2500.
Monday litgllt a meeting was held
at the Elks' parlors and articles of
incorporation ami by-laws were adopt
ed, after which the officers for the
first year were elected. Ned Towle
was chosen president and George
Lyons, secretary-treasurer. These
two, together wtili the following five
gentlemen, constitute (lie board of
directors: Hoy lleacock, .lames Pow
ell. Steve Miles, Charles Davis and
Leslie Leeds.
Hoy lleacock, Leslie Leeds, Chns.
Davis and George Lyons went tu Ne
hraska City today (Thursday) to
confer with the other members of tho
Mink league.
Southeastern Nebraska Educational
Association Meets in Beatrice.
The melting of the Southeastern
Nebraska Educational Association
will he held this year at Beatrice,
March 30, 31 ami April I The pro
gram is full of good tilings Subjects
of importance to all teachers and nil
schools will he discussed by the best.
tal<'iit to be had We have on the
program such men as Montaville
Flowers, Header and Impersonator;
Prof O'Shea of the University of
Wisconsin. Then from our own dis
trid we have Chancellor Avery,Supt.
10. C Bishop, President .) W. Crab
tree. Prof. I W. Searson, Chancel
lor Davidson, Dean C A. Fulmer,
Dean Clins. Fordyee, and many oth
er m hcfol men and women too num
erous to mention here
it 10. HILL. President,
Wilber, Nel)., March 12, 1910.
A Pleasant Surprise.
I,a.->i i'hursday night nuna fifty of
Tti v Nanninga's choice young peo
pie unexpectedly invaded the par
sonage, taking the good people by
surprise However, they meant well
and insUad of sacking the place and
leaving it a waste spot as their for
eign H rhears were wont to do iu
good < ld times so often referred to,
they left a trail of good things and
pleasant memories behind them.
There were good tilings galore. The
sturdy tables groaned and the
rapacious closets bulged. The
high price of foodstuff's will not
disturb the quiet of Brother Nan
ninga's slumbers for some time to
l come. Rev. Nanitinga lias out
a standing invitation for them to re
i turn. There are other doors no
| doubt whose latch string is also out.
Holy Week.
Nest week is holy week. There
will he daily service at St. Thomas
'church at 10 a. in. and 7:45 p. iu.
Holy Hucharist on Monday and Tues
day at 10 a. in. Good Friday morn
ing prayer at 10 a. m. Three hour
service beginning at 12:00 m., last
ing until 3:00 p. in., with addresses
on the "Seven Hast Words." Kven
mg prayer at 7:45, Holy Saturday
service at 4:00 p. m.
Faster day at 7:30 a. m.; 10:45 a.
m ; baptism at 3:30 and evening
prayer at 7:45 p. m.