The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, March 11, 1910, Image 8

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    1-40 acres well improved. It mi es from Depot in Ivas, Good spring Best of terms Wiiitakej
40 acres as part payment, balance long time at low interest.
200 acres 154 mites from depot. Richardson county. Nebraska Good buildings and lami Will ‘I
take 10 or HO acres as part payment H
160 acres upland. 1 mile from depot. Richardson county, Nebraska, -12.000. I
160 acres Johnson county, Nebraska SO roils to church a id > hoot. Best of terms. Might rent. I
107 acres near Browttville, Nebraska |
1 80acres U-mile from l-'alls City high school. (3
I 04© acres. $3,000 improvements Also 640 acres adjoining. Will take 100 acr*-s a« part pavmeut. 1
I Fine running water. A No 1 opportunity * 1
1 .Money to loan Jh
What Your Friends and Their
Friends Hav/e Been Doing
the Past Week,
— Kat Bowie’s Candy.
Hr. Wilson, Wahl’s building.
-The Candy Kitchen for brink ice
John ityan was down from Daw
mui Sunday
-Young's I’antorium cleans and
presses ladles skirls. Il-tf
Call on u j for strawberry plants, i
Biinanion A- Pence. 7 If.
Watch for the opening ol the
New Shoe Store, Saturday, March ld.|
George Cornford arrived Tuesday
from Crcston. In to visit his par
cuts. . .
Charlie Ma/.e of Hardy. Neh . was
a gin st of Falls Cltv friends over
Miss Margaret O'drady < si id ■ down
from Dawson on tin >ml) train on
Wc dm sday
—We have some fresh Red Seal
flour in now. Come and get a sack.
—C. A. Heck.
V1r«. .lnlm R. Uitu returned Iasi
Friday from a visit with In i daugh
ter ill Harwell, Nell,
MIrs Orem wn Id lifts In -a leaeli
lug toi Miss Hdnn Hniwn dining tlm
illness nf Int fatln-i
Miss May Maddux returned Wed
nesday from a weeks visit with Ini
sister. Mrs Itlntseli, in Hastings
Miss I iniise I’luegge and mother
returned Tuesday from an extended
visii with rebitiv-s in Lebanon, Mo,
Mr. and Mrs .1 K Klw II nf (’Ins
ter. Neh . are visiting Ills motion and
miter relatu.n in and near this city
Hist Here farm for rent or sale,will
laki Mime Falls ('illy property. (.'In
In ehun li and school. Ifeni , ( '.
Smitth. .1
Miss Mary Wilts,■ n turned to her
| school work In Stella Monday morn
ing. after spending Sunday wish her
parents in re
lames lliini -■<•> was called in St
•Iohi jih Saturday by the illness of
Ills sister. Ills little son, .1 es ie, m
compatiiod him
Mr. and Mrs. Norman It. Judd
went in Pawnee city to visit over
'siinuay with their daughter, Mr-..
<ienrge Crocker.
Mrs. .1 H Spraglus returned Sat
ur.hiy from Ini visit m Morrill and
Hiawatha, bringing with her a stater,
Mrs Husliuian. m Millcdgevilh'
Herbert llowe and John II. Kearne#
11 He- \uliurii K 'puhlli*ac were Falls
Ci vi 1 or# Mondftv They called
in T'i I i ihni - office while lure.
!’t eh Willow ai d family look tin
til; hi ti;'.n uni of Falls l'it> Friday
in their way in Washington, vheri
they expert to make Heir futuri
I he ladle* ol the Eplst opal church
will hold an cxchaii;. a Saturday after
noon at the Electric theatre. Mrs
Him'tnelrehh and Mrs Hutchings will
be in chargi
Hr. .1. M. Houston returned Monday
from a three weeks stay at Lone
Wolf, Ok., where he was called pro
fessionally lie also made unite a
visit with relatives.
Mrs \Y \ Stockton and daughtci
Gladys, of Teeumseh, who visited
over Sunday with the family of ,1
A. Stockton, left Monday for Stan
berry, Mo. for a visit.
The brethren who enjoyed the din
tier given by the Ministerial Asso
elation Monday evening, at iho Euro
pean Cafe, wish to express theii
hearty appreciation of the very ex
< client service rendered by Mr Her
mes, the landlord.
Diseases of Women and Childrer
Chronic Diseases
X-ll.i.v and Electrical Treatment-• calls un-vvcrci
llisllt nr day in city nr cnnntrv.
Office 439
PHONES Residence 4fl
Office Over Falls City State Ban!
l(o you know wlo-iv to get good
seed potatoes?
I have ’em.
The Karly Six-Weeks heats them
('all at Slate Hank or telephone Sit.
O-tf Kit AN K GIST.
At Its meeting Monday night tin*
city council decided to order a large
water meter at a cost it tjkt.'iU.un, The
water committee was instructed to
proceed with the purchase of a new,
boiler and the m-eessarv fixtures and
also to erect it building ill tile wells,
for the new steatu plant The cost ;
is estimated at $2,000,
Mrs. Ke\, Crooks and children went
to Pawnee City Saturday to spend
Sunday with her parents, Monday
Itev Crooks Wits notified that their
little girl wits unite sick and lie im
mediately took tin* Tuesday morning
train foi Pawnee lie returned again
Tuesday afternoon and reports the
little one much hotter
W I! Cade of Osborn. Kansas, who
has been in (own visiting his mollier.
left Kriday for Ills home Mr Cade
thinks the wheat in his section of
I he si it! e to l,c in fair condition, al
though he regards some of h dam
aged by tin* sleet and lee.
.loliii Sims of Dawson was in town]
(lie first of i lie week, looking for a
suitable property on wliieh to locale
Mr Sims has sold his farm south
of Dawson and will mini' to Kails
Ci!\ in Hie near fillure.
Doii'l hi’satisfied with results in
baking until yea try a sack of Gold
Coin Flour. You will lie pleased with
results and lie a friend to Gold Coin
Ask your grace r for it
.Mr and Mrs Kd. Casey and daugh
ter. Malde, who visited Mrs. Clem
Kirehtuigh and oilier relatives last
week, returned Sunday to their home
at Missouri Valley.
The supper given by the ladies of
l lie Presbyterian church Iasi Kriday
evening at Sow les' candy store was
de< 'ii- d i m-e They 1 ealis i d $ Pi
from the event
Mis. Abner .McKee- who has so- nt
tile pari two months witli her mother,
Mr ,|, i; Wilhite, and other rela
tives, h ji .Monday for her home in
Paonta. Colo.
Mrs Thomas Palmer and little son,
who had been visiting relatives In re
for the past month, left .Monday for
their Itonje in Shiekley. Neb.
Mrs M. C. Itrooks and children
went to Pawnee City Saturday with
her mother. Mrs. Kemper, who lias
been visiting her.
It's the talk of tin- town about
tile Now Shoe Store. Don't forget
the date of its opening, Saturday,
March 10th,
Misses Uhodn Weddle and Nellie
Zir-llers were I'res ton shoppers here
between trains last Saturday.
Sle-iill w T. Keaton left Monday
'Hi a business trip to Kffingham. Kas ,
where in- tins land interests.
latin-s .Mendenhall came all the way
! mm Hi.ill!.,- in .... (he I (i <i F
l gout work Inst Ii'rlday niglil.
SiiUoii L, «t> ’11 \ wont in Dawson on
! last Thursday to attend tin t'dneral
of Mrs .1 err> Fenton
.1 K l.evdn returned Thursday
from a visit to his brother, John,
at Pluttsmouth.
M I) Fasley was down from Lin
eoln Friday to attend tlte liig I O
tv F meeting.
Our new maehinery is now install
| ed and ready for work. II. M. Jenne
1 Shoe Store,
Miss Lydia Peek went to her home
near Morrill Saturday, for a short
Miss Mable Trusser of Plaltsuiouth
was tlte guest of Mrs Dr. Greene.
Mo have D'0,000 strawberry plants
for sale.—Siiuunton A Pence. 7-tf.
Mrs. M. Doerner returned Friday
from a visit with Ktiio relatives
Mr. and .Mrs. Ole Olson were in
Hiawatha Sunday, with friends.
K (V Lewis returned Saturday
from his western trip.
M. A, Greenwald and wife spent
Sunday in Verdun.
i S A l.i;' I- 1- 11 Morula) for t 'Li
cage to buy goods
Dr. George' Gandy was down from
1 Humboldt Monday,
Judge Kelly of Dawson was on the
streets Friday.
K. K. .Tamos was in St. Louis this
. w eek
Manley Kdgcomb of Halo was a ^
visitor here Monday.
John Lichty was in Hiawatha on
business last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. I’ete Malian of Ruin'
were in town last Saturday.
Mrs. .1 S. Kelley and daughter
were down from Salem Monday.
Delos Graham was down from near
Dawson bet wot n trains Saturday
Mr and Mrs Will Story of Ruin
were shoppers here last Saturday.
Gurley Alexander and wife went
to Omaha Saturday to spend Sunday.
Mrs Lydia Southard of Frisco was
in the city for several days this week.
Fred Sebold was down from Omaha
over Sunday, for a visit with friends, j
Ray Zimmerman of Hiawatha spent!
Sunday with the family of W. L. I
Mr and Mrs. Kessler of Hamlin, |
Kits , visited over Sunday with Isaac l
I mucks
Dick Coupe and Neal Thornton left
Sunday for Muskogee, Ok., on a busi
ness trip.
Miss Molilcr of Sliubert was a
Week end guest of Misses Mattie and
Stella Bellock
Sig Fuller and wife were down |
from Verdon .Monday, trading with
our merchants.
Misses Louise Werner, Mary Falleil
and lOllza Constantine spent Sunday
with I'reston friends.
Misses Amelia and Mary Gelding:
left Monday morning for Kxeelsiorj
Springs, Mo., for a visit
Mr. and Mrs. George Jennings and;
Clyde Campbell and wife were guests
of Stella relatives over Sunday.
For Sale.
One good heavy honed mammoth I
laek, weighing about 1,100 pounds.!
Might years old. Sure breeder.—.1.
i\ Scarlett. r.-tf
Bert linker went to SB 11a Friday
to assist in the bank during the ill
ness of the little son of Mr. and Mrs.
:l R Cain, jr., which necessitated
Mr. Cain's absence from his place of
Mrs. I C. Maust returned Friday
from Table Rock, where she visited
relatives and attended the celebration
of the marriage of her uncle, I. C.
Norris and wife.
T, L, I iimmolroich went to Omaha
on the early morning train Monday, I
where he met some Eastern, travelers
and bought some fine novelties l'or(
the Dittmar firm.
Mrs. W. A. Stockton and little son
and daughter. Miss Gladys, came
down from Tecuinseh Saturday to
spend Sunday with the family of .1.
A Stockton.
Mrs. Lloyd Giannini and son, Neal,
returned the latter part of last week
from a visit with relatives in New
kirk and Oklahoma City, Ok
Mrs. Bert Wright came up from
Kansas City the latter part of last
week for a visit with her mother, |
Mrs. Mattie Stoughton.
Mrs. Nelson left Friday for her
home in Denver, after spending the
winter with her sister, Mrs. William
Miss Catherine Seiblc came down
from Salem to spend Sunday at the
home of her uncle, W. II. Putnam,
arid family.
Rock for sale at Deck's feed
store. lO-k’t
The World's Greatest
Are at Your Service
Talking Machines N
Brings them to Your Fireside \
A Complete Line of Edison Phonographs and Records. Come
in and let us demonstrate thdir musical powers to you
_ ■ ——-- -
Will /outlier and wife were down
from Vcrdon Saturday.
Mrs. Frank Mason who lias been,
visiting her parents. Frank .Indy and j
wife, returned to her home in St.
Mrs. W. II. Kerr returned Monday j
from a month's visit, with her son,
Hr. O. Kerr, and family in New!
If you value money attend the
opening of the New Shoe Store The
opening day will be a gala day—
Saturday, Maivli lptli.
Judge Spraggins stepped on a nail
one day last week and heeause of
it he is wearing one shoe of con
venient cut and is walking with a
Mrs. Sue He Wald returned Friday
from Omaha She lias spent several
weeks there, having her eyes treated
and feels very much encouraged at
the result.
—Ladies. Save Money! Make
finest of perfumes at home for one
fifth what you are now' paying. Ten
guaranteed recipes for 50c. Home
Supply Co., Princeton, Indiana.
—Something new. Favorite Pruning
Saw. Trim your trees frqm the
ground. Six reasons why it is the
best in the market. Write J. A.
Schroer & Co., Fruit Packers and
dealers for circulars and prices, St.
Joseph, Mo. 10 -5t.
A new Shoe Store will be opened
by .1 Lansky, second door north of
M. Soft's clothing store, Kails City,
on Saturday, March l!)th.
Miss Maybell Poteet went to Peru
Saturday morning, where she visited
over Sunday with Miss Bessie Cur
Jean Cain and sister. Miss Nellie,
went to Stella Sunday to attend the
funeral of .1. R. Cain's little son.
Mrs, Mart Sullivan of Effingham,
Kas , arrived last Friday for a visit
with her daughter. Mrs. Vogel.
Mrs. .1. R. Cain went to Stella Fri
day. called ehere by the death of the
little son of .1. R. Cain, jr.
Miss Ethel Parc hen went to Verdon
Friday to visit friends and attend a
big party in the evening.
Mrs. .1. L. Mead returned Friday
front a visit to Omaha with her
daughter. Mrs. Yates.
Eltner Kanaly and wife were up
from Preston Saturday.
Sant Heyser was calling upon old
friends here Friday.
Charles McCool of Salem was a vis
itor here Saturday.
—For Sale—100 tons of bay cheap.
—H. I. Hunt.
L. 1). McCumbor was up from Pres
to Friday.
Henry Reiger was tip from Preston
Kd Dowtj was up from Preston on
Dr. Wilson had a call from Vej
don Saturday.
A new line of 10 cent glass
ware at Rick's.
—Did you see the new machinery
at .Jenne’s shoe store
James Margrave and wife were up
from Preston Tuesday.
Itev.lleichel preached in Stella Sun
das. turning Tuesday.
Miss Grace Cronin of Itulo spent
Saturday with relatives here.
—Leave your orders with Siinan
ton it Pence for strawberry plants.
A baby girl arrived at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Crouse, Sunday.
Cl.'.de Campbell went to Geneva on
Tue-duv to look after some business.
lte\ Dailey went to Lincoln Mon
day on business, returning Tuesday.
Henry C. Smith was attending to
business in Cass county the past
Call and see our line of perfumes
and toilet articles for 10 cents —
R ick's.
Henry Wolfe and wife were down
from Omaha over Sunday visiting rel
Mrs. Gus Kaiser and daughter, Lil
lie, were Preston shoppers here on
C’cnk Koavis was in Pawnee City
this week, looking after some legal
Frank Pecht of Fair bury is in the
city visiting her parents.Mr. and Mrs.
.lames Pecht.
Miss llulda Werner went to Kan
sas City Monday for an extended v is
it with relatives.
Harry Clark stopped off in our!
city Tuesday on his way from Kan-!
sas City to Stella.
Mrs. Bradley of Humboldt came
down Sunday for a visit to her moth-j
or. Mrs. Schleretli.
County Superintendent Oliver is!
paying' his regular visit lo the conn-!
tv schools this week.
Air. and Airs. Clms. AleOtpl of Sa
lem spent the first of Die week with
Mr and Mrs. Josh Boro.
Claude Rue is now working for It.
A. liittmar, having taken up the work
since quitting the postoffice.
Mr. and Mrs, Frank Simons wore
up from Rulo to see the Phantom
Detective last Thursday night.
Ji. H Norton of Hiawatha expet ts
to uiigiate to Falls City in the near
tTitillto make his home here.
Aliss Alary Wertz returned last Sat
urday from Marysville,Mo..where siie
was called by her mother's death.
Mrs. At. Sullivan returned Monday
to her home in Effingham, Kas., after
a visit of ten days with relatives in
tIlia city.
Alias Maude Graham returned Tues
day from a three weeks visit with
friends in Lincoln, Omaha and Coun
cil Bluffs.
.1. I*. Moreliend came down iromi
Itarada Wednesday, spending the
day with his brother. i. II. Mon-head.!
of this city.
Her . .1, F. Watson will preach :it
tlie Preston iirethren church nexl
Sunday afternoon at three o’clock.
Ail are invited.
Henry C. Smith received a nice box
of oranges and grape fruit from Flor
ida this week. They were sent by
his cousin, Mr. Orendorfl'.
—For Stile—House and two corner
lots to sell, three blocks of business.
Good lots to sell in various sections
of the city.—Henry C. Smith. 2t.
William Zoeller of Preston was in
Falls City Monday, He brought his
two nephews, who spent Sunday at
the Zoeller home, to the train.
Mrs. Cunningham and Mrs. ilender
son of Kulo passed through Falls
City enroute to Salem, where they
will visit friends for a few days.
Supt. S. 11. Wood returned Sunday
from Indianapolis, Ind., where he
went to attend the National Con
vention of School Superintendents.
Mr. and Mrs. .1. E. Harden and lit
tle son of Tecumseli, came down last
Sunday for a visit with Mr. and Mrs.
Jim Pickett. Mrs. Harden will be
remembered as Miss Clara Radinsky.
Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Jussen return
ed Tuesday night from a two months
trip through Oklahoma and Texas.
They enjoyed a fine visit with their
daughters, Mrs. Stewart and Mrs.
Kennedy in Okmulgee. Okla.
Henry C. Smith and T.J.Gist were
showing H. IS Howe and -1 \V.
Kern of Auburn our growing city last
Tuesday in Gist's auto. The Vinegar
factory and the division yard of the
Missouri Pacific were surprises to
I he gentlemen.
Miss Elizabeth Wolfe came up
from St. .Joe to visit her mother be
fore going to Hamburg. Iowa to trim
in a millinery store this season. She
was accompanied by a friend. Miss
Sarah Stetler of Oloarmont. Mo.
The ladies of the Episcopal church
will Hold their exchange at tHo *'
Electric theater Saturday afternoon,
March 12. Mrs. Himinelreieh and
Miss Nan Hutchings in charge.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Humphrey
came down front Verdon Saturday and
remained over Sunday with Mrs.
Humphrey's parents, George Abbott
and wife.
Mrs. Jay Tipton and children stop
ped over last Saturday on their way
from Shubert to Albany, Mo., and
visited the family of H. C. Davis.
Mrs. Harriette Hart, who has spent
the winter with her daughter,Mrs. Ar
thur J. Weaver, left Tuesday for iter
home in White Pigeon, Mich.
Jerry El well and wife arrived tin
first of the week to visit iiis moth
er, Mrs. Martha Elwel! and his sis
ter. Mrs. Pittock.
Warren Wix< n arrived last Sat
urday from Clay Center.Kus,.and will
work for J. C. Tanner in the hard
ware «tore.
Miss Plautu, who lias been visiting
her siste r. Mrs. Fred Selim k. return
ed to her home in Nebraska City on
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Deadly were
over Friday from Morrill and spent
the day with S M, Beat hj and wife '
Mrs, I,. C. Edwards is in Nebraska
City visiting her mother and sister,
Mrs. Rued and Mrs. Max Werner.
Uncle Charles MeCool was down
from Salem Wedin day, the guest of
his daughter, .Mrs. It. R. Rule.
.lathes Whitney was down from
Salem Monday fh his auto, bringing
witli him a party of fiieuds.
Mrs. W. C Sloan and two sons
visited over Sunday with lew patents,
-Ioiln llossaek and wife.
Misses Rosa Wolf, Gertrude Dip
pold and Bessie Stuinbo spent Sun
day with Ruin friends.
Mary (!,.'• e Jenkins was up from
Rule over Sunday with her mother,
Mrs. Todge .McKievt r
J. II Frit went h> Si. Joe Mon
day with a ear load of hogs that were
top Hoteliers in pricu
Miss Ruby Hurt was over from Ke
serve visiting and shopping here
the first of the week.
Fred DeW'uitl lias been confined to
Iiis home most of tliis week on ac
count of rheumatism.
-Good varii ty of sweet peas,
nasturtiums and other fosver seeds
atithe green house. tf
Misses Viin I Him n anil Casev. who
have been visiting in St. Joe re
turned Tuesday
.Mis. John Stockton will go to Stan
berry. Mo., today for a short visit,
with relatives.
Miss Debora Mower. who has
been nursing in St. Joseph, came
home Monday.
Mrs. \V. H. Kerr lias been very
sick since returning from her south
ern trip.
Mrs Fred Sc hock went to Nebras
ka City Monday for a visit with rel
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Koso were
over from Hiawatha Tuesday.
Rev. Reichel returned Monday from
a stay of a few days in Stella.
Charles D. Nixon and family witre
down from Auburn Tuesday.
Miss Grace Oberholtz of Omaha is
visiting her sister, Mrs. Raker.
Supt. Hoff of the Humboldt schools,
was in the city Wednesday.
Martin Werner went to Kansas
City the first of the week.
Guy Kleckinger was up from
Rulo to spend Sunday.
A1 Pyle and wife Were up from
Preston Tuesday.
Henry Pribbeno of Preston was is
town Monday.
Joe Parsons was down from Verdoa
John Hall was down from Verdou
Mrs. Jake Bloom is reported very