The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, March 11, 1910, Image 2

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    The County in General
I'he “Doings" of our Country f riends
anti Neighbors.
Then. Wriit'i-i mail a busim ■* »i1
to Omaha i’u
lames Itrisln and family moved in
a farm m ar Auburn i e-t week
Mrs Dun Hindi- v .o d fn-nds in
Auburn several days Iasi week
J, 1,. Slocum and Iteri ]tak< r had
I'htlle ol Ihe Sti llu hank Saturday
(I, (' Jennings and wife of Kalis
City visited relative in Stella Sun
.lames I Ini-sac l\ of Kails CHy v isited
friends lore Tuesday and Wednes
Mesdanos Uarries and Goolsby ol
Verdun* visited Mis I M (Soodloe
Mrs Win Snow and < liildn n ol
Havelock are visiting Stella relutivis
this week
(’ Kainphell ami wife from M< \
l«o. visited Stella friends Saturday
and Sunday
Max Keefer and wifi visited tie
first of tin week with friends at
Fort Crook
Miss Sybil Mann is visiting her
aunt, Mrs John Coons mar Hum
hold! tills Week
John Coons and wlf* from mar
Humboldt visited at tin home of I.
S Mann Monday
Caroline Cain has been quite sick
with a fold, but is able to he out
and around again
Mrs Higgins, who spent th win
ter with lor daughter at Gibbon,!
i ami' home last «
lie\ Vilnius of lli'tliany f111• *i 1 tin
imlpii at tin Christian church Sen
ilnv morning anil evening
Mrs \ngcHur iia|»«-r (tail i-linrgi of
Keefer's rcBtaurani during t In ii al>
septe thi' first lit tile Miik
Orlando Veal left last week tor
St Joseph. where he will lie overseer,
in a wholesale rubber house
\ndy Curtis moved his fnmili from
the farm last week and is now oc
cupying the Mason prop* rt> on Main !
st root
Several of our liti.'ens Invested in
Condit land last week and wo are
tow expciting a rush fin tin sunny
Mr. Mel.utie and family moved from
Haruda last week and are now set
tied on llte lOvan Kvatts farm, east
of town
Mrs II K (’lark of Kansas City
visited Stella friends the first of the
week, having come *«» attend the
funeral of little Caul Cain.
Mrs. Jacob Hwihnrt wliile doing the
morning work last Wodnesility■. Imd
tile niisforlutu to fall on tin- ice and
break her left arm at tin- wrist
Thco. Weaver was quite badh in
jured in a wreck al Uootn . Iowa,
last Thursday night, having received
several eats about the fine and head
Miss I’earl Hinkle lias been imit• -
siek at Oskaloosa Her parents were
iliiite alarmed for fear it was typhoid
fever, hut have received word that
she is able to lie up again.
Harvey Hogrefe and wife visited
in Omaha several dais Iasi week.
Mrs Hogrefe and little Harry tame
home Saturday, but Mr II remained
to transact some business the first
of the week.
Medicines that aid nutUli are al
ways most am i esaful. Cliamhi t lain s
< ougli lletnedi ads on tins plan. It
loost ns Hu- i ough, relieves the
lungs, opens tlie sivtetions and aids
i .urge i.i .i ; luring the system to a
healthy condition Sold by all drug
Miss Wana Zimmerman ami Sarnie
w<re down from Humboldt Sunday
Mr and Mrs Hoyles, who resided
south of town, moved in last wo k
Misses Hesse ami Fannie Ha> on
visited with relatives near Nitus
City Sundav
School was held here Saturday in
order to make up the day lost nftei
Thunksgiv ing
Mrs. Anderson is visiting at the
home of .Mr and Mrs F H Page.
She will leave Wednesday
Miss Concordia Teihn, who is at
tending the convent at Falls City,
spent Saturday and Sunday at her
The Ninth grade will entertain
their friends with a class party on
Wednesday evening, at the home ot
Miss Mable Hoideman.
Rev, and Mrs. Hoideman and fain
ily were the recipients of a generous
donation by the members of th<
Kvangelical church last Saturday
< vening.
Smith-Buser k Co. have moved t<
their naw location, the Sandusky
building, and will try to do a flour
ishing business there, having an en
tirely new selection of goods.
Chamberlain’s Stomach and Livet
Tablets are safe, sure and reliable
and have been praised by thousand,
of women who have been restored tc
health through their gentle aid am:
curative properties. Sold by all drug
Mi l l Tyner i aim (lottn Irmu Falls
i'ii ' .1 id spent Sued iv al Sal) I
Miss I ibbits is assisting MIss
stav. i id rough 11.. i .a • i m i I Ii i v
Mi IhlJ I lom-toi of l ulls City was
a guest nt Miss I latte Molierly last
Mrs B <’ Perish was up from
Falls City Sunday, a Must ot Mrs
(' 11 Km inert
Uoliti Wickham cattle home from
Peru Saturday night to spend Sunday
with his folks
Maynard St ii ie« r, our n- w assisi
lull at tin bank, ha made liiniself a
present ot a new horse and buggy
Misses Mat and Ora Crook were
l nests of Mrs .loe Fold Friday even
hit.' and want to Suboiha Saturday
Mr Locks came in from Western,
Nebraska. on Friday last to
assist his brother. Henry, in moving
to that place
Miss Rachel Wittwer was a guest
of Oortlia Wittwer Monday evening
Sin took the early morning train for
i'eru Tuesday
Mrs lories i aim down from Haw
sou Thursday. wlmre she had boon
vishing her husband, who is manager
of (lie dredge boat now being built on
ilie North Fork
Miss .loncs. one el I lie l illllels of
the Auburn schools, returned to her
school duties Saturday Sin spent
Sunday at I *• ill.
Ite\ Nobis till cvuiigollst. is foil
dialing a series of revival meetings
at the Christian ehureli. Large
crowds have been attending and much;
interest is show n
Mr. and Mrs. Willie Tbdien it*
tended a met ting of tin K A I. of S
at Kails city Friday night. Tltej
went In .their ear.
Mrs Heberts from Dawson was the
guest of Mrs (’ \\ Koberts Snitir
day and Sunday Site was on her
way to Auburn where site is a touche
in tin' high school.
Mrs Dr Brooks of Sabetlm. Kits,,
formerly of ibis place, is being given
a post card "shower'' this week. Site
will celebrate her eighty fifth birth
day and is enjoying good health.
Kev Porter, who was called hereto
administer tin last sad rites for Mrs.
John Snyder, and who has been \isit
ing aiming his old comrades, started
for his hoiiu in Illinois last Satur
Mrs. Harlan ami daughter, (iraee,
are pr< paring to go to their new lo
cution, They will lake charge of the
telephone i xeliatigi ill K11< Creek We
regret Hie departure of these kind
I riends
Miss Sophia Wittwer returned to
Iter home from New Mexico last
Thursday She spent the entire win
ter with her brother, Dr Wittwer, at
that pluce Site 11 lutes many very
interesting facts
Miss Hazel Grinslead w ho is attend
tug the Cottier musical conservatory,
at Lincoln, was compelled to come
home and recruit from a severe at
tack of tonsiiitls last week She was
aide to return to In i work Saturday.
Unt Turner and family started for
their new home in Washington, Kns .
Inst Friday. Mr Turner and family
have been residents in and about
Salem for a number of years and
have many warm friends who regret
their departure and wish them suc
cess in their new home
Mr I oriri Tyner tuts been in this
state looking after tin* interests of an
insurance company which be repre
sents !!■ is new stopping with itis
parents for i few days, after which
he will i turn to his home in Ok la
homu Mr. Korin is one of the new
ly wed and promises teat he will
bring bis wife wub him the next
lime in comes to Nebraska
Fully nine out et every ten eases
ef rheumatism of the muscles due
<o i old or damp, or chronic rheuma
tism. neither o! which require anv
internal treatment Ml that is need
i d to afford relief is the free appli
cation of Chamberlain's Liniment.
Give it a trial You are certain to
be pleased with the quick relief it
affords Sold by all druggists.
Do farmers eat the proper
sort of food ?
l'iie farmer of today buys a much
larger proportion of the food that goes
on the table than lie did ten years ago.
I It's a good tiling that this is so because
' he has a great variety to select from.
He should, however, use great care
in selecting for the best results in
health and strength.
The widespread tendency in the eitv
j to increase the amount of Quaker Oats
eaten is due very largely to the recent
: demonstrations by scientific men that
‘ the Quaker Oats led man is the man
with greatest physical endurance and
greatest mental vigor.
Farmers should give this subject
careful thought and should increase
the quantity of Quaker Oats eaten by
themselves, t i children and the
I farm hands. 57
i{i v K I Cardy was in St Jo*1
Sai nudity
1 II SUtndi-fotd was In Kalis City
W Craves cattle to this i tty Stitt
day from Itulo
A son whs born to t ,• m ■ lb id and
win Wednesday
(irin Shrauger of l aw lie. City was
! in I Iutnboldt Sunday
I Will Martin was a passenger to
I'Llncoln Wednesday
11>1111 I loleclnek is quite sit k at
Ills home this week.
Mi II Ik Hoyd returned Friday
from a tri|i to Si .lie.
.Jim Hillings was a Tabb Hoi k \ is
itor Saturday evening
Herei n C, odd aid was on tIn sick
list a few days this week
l>r Wary Cowers of Pawnee City
Was in Humboldt Tuesday
A baby was born to Kobe Wilson
and wife one day last week
l ie Linger Longer club met with
Mr. > '■ ,s Cnkefer Wednesday
Col Harding and Leonard Mann
were Auburn visitors Saturday.
Cbas Jacobs of Lincoln spent Sun
day at the home of Miss Dessie Lee.
Mrs .1 C I lei w ig suffered from an
attack of tonsilitis a part of this week
,M; > lolln I’oyd of Hollis, Kas,,/is
visi«itig her si.-ter, Mrs Frank M.vnek,
j ■ -
\ dance was given by tin' dancing
i lull in tin Holictnian hall Tuesday
Mrs. II P Marble and daughter,
Zora spent Sunday with Table fiock
Mrs Leila t lydesdale of Cay lord,
Kits, is visiting her sister. Mrs. B.
K Meyers
Mis. Hoy Leet, h ami daughter of
Table Hock are visiting relatives
le i Itiis week
C,uy Cooper is taking a trip this
w ek through parts et Kansas and
west''in Nebraska
The (ierman Methodist Missionary
society met with Mrs I 10 Smith
Wednesday afternoon.
Harry Boyd, a student of Hastings
college, spent a few days this week
vitli Humboldt friends.
Miss lOtliel Broekwity returned to
Lincoln Wednesday, after a visit
with relatives in this place.
Brook Hitt, who 1ms been visiting
her grandparents, Hr Cox and wife,
returned to Lincoln Monday
Miss Cardwell of Lincoln is visit
ing her sister. Miss Mae Cardwell,
a teacher in the high school.
('has. Goddard and family are mov
ing into the house recently vacated
by the Watts and Bruun families
.lames llnizda, accompanied by bis
aged father, went to Lincoln Monday,
where the latter will consult an eye
spi vialist.
Mrs It S Malony came down from
Lincoln Sunday and will spend a
short time with Mrs. I IS. Minis and
other friends.
F \l HeWeese of Lincoln is this
week moving on the place lie pur
chased from William Strunk, north
east of town
Mrs It, lv Curran and children, af
ter a short visit with friend: in this
city, returned to their home in Kan
sas Wednesday
Mi l, 101 tiler Woods and son. Fred
i r el;, after a visit with relatives in
this i jty, returned to her home at
i.1 t -eek. Friday.
Guy Hummel and wife, after spend
ing sevi ral months with friends in
this place, returned to their home in
Canada the last of the week
One of the young children of Wm.
Bruun and wife lias developed a
ease of diphtheria. The family was
placed in quarantine Sunday.
Hayes Smith resigned his plaee in
the Cooper mill and with his family
left Iasi Week for Auburn, where lie
experts to farm the coming year
Guy Stabler and iOarnest I’oir left
Tuesday for Montana, where they
will locate. Other members of the
family will follow in a short time.
Will Davis, who for a number of
years has resided on a farm north
west of this city, left the first of the
week for North Loup, where lie will
engage in farming.
The funeral of Mrs. Clementine
Slaum was conducted at the home
; f her son. Lewis, in this city. Her
tiller two sons, Joseph of Chicago
and Frank of DtiBots were in at
Miss Kva Standeford and Samuel
Peterson we re married last week.
Rev I II Bounds of the Methodist
ehureh performing the ceremony.
They immediately went to house
keeping. northeast of town.
Rachel Ray and Del Parsons went
to Vuburn Wednesday and were unit
ed in marriage by Rev. Van Fleet,
pastor of the Methodist ehureh at
that place The young people are
well and favorably known in this city,
and their many friends wish them
much happiness through life.
Humboldt won the honors in the
debate with Pawnee City, which was
In Id >a the high school building last
week. Those representing Humboldt
wete Florence Hosford. Paul Walsh
and Sam Zimmerman. Those from
the Pawnee City schools were Mar
cus Pateet, Ray Yost and Kenith
! Whtrty. The next contest will be
• between Falls City and Humboldt
Mrs I’ptl Hart Ulan is on tin* sh k
1' and T C. Lilly were in town on
,les ie Hue lil'ol/ was in SI Joe this
w elf.
Itii hard Slayh is in Lincoln this
w el
Horn to 11«-i»i > W • i< 1.. on Map it
a nine pound hoy.
It. II Intnii mark* toil a < ar load of
rattle in St loacph this week
laeoh Celt is and wife were guests
at He home oi F II. Martin Sunday
Mrs \I .1 I’ra/a-e entertained Miss
If in ns at dinner otn day lust week.
Leon vassal and wife have moved
Into the Fainter cottag< on Forest
M rs Sarah M il Hamsun is again able
to In out after a severe attack of
Jimmie Lowers, who was quite ill
with pneumonia, is on the road to re
('lias Martin has moved into iiis
‘IU.HIJ sjq no aauapisw.t vv.m aiiiospuuq
one mile north of town.
M M Hendricks moved last week
into their new home recently pur
chased of J. S. Spick h r.
(’lias Gray and wife left lust Sun
day for Newton, Kas.. and from there
they expect to go to Texas.
Tin* little- daughter of Adam Frets
elier. who was threatened with the
pneumonia, is now recovered.
We are glad to note that it. F.
Ilodh and wife are again able to tie
about, after their recent illness.
Another old time spelling school
at the Lippold school on Wednesday
evening. A good time is reported.
George Yount, and wife from Craig,
Mo. have mov ed onto the I). 10.!
Spick lor place and will work for I>.
F. iliis summer.
VV. (’, Bridgeman and family moved
from Y’erdou to (lie former Wilson
home place, where they expect to
make their home.
Mrs. Philip Markt and children.
Maurice and Ida Bernice, of Oregon,
Mo., are visiting her parents for a
few weeks. Mr. Markt spent Sunday I
Mr. and Mrs. 10. 10. Butler enter
tained at dinner Sunday the following
guests: Harley Butler, Mrs. II. S.
Andrews and Misses Higgs, Dodds,
and Kittie, Lola and Nellie Butler.
Hubert Reddick lias moved into the
Thompson cottage, on the corner of
Main and Third streets, and Walter
and Floyd Orr, with their families,
will occupy the Hoe cottage vacated
by him.
.1. S Spicklcr and family left Mon
day for Dallas, 8. D., where they
go to make their new home, it is
with regret we part with them, as
they were among our best citizens.
They had lived here front early
childhood and have always been zeal
ous in promoting the best interests
of the community. We can ill afford
to lose them, nevertheless our best
wishes for success will follow them.
.Miss Ruth Schmidt has not been
very well.
Miss Ruby Schneider was on the
sick lisl last week
The Misses (Took of Salem spent
Sunday at the home of their brother.
Finery ('took, and wife.
Mrs. Katie Windmill and children
arrived here Saturday on account of
Mrs Schneider's illness
Mr, and Mrs. Jacob Stabler are
visiting their relatives, before leav
ing fur their new home in Colorado.
Mrs tleorge Schneider was very
low last week, the doctor having
given her up. but she is now gradual
ly gaining her strength.
Chamberlain's Stomach and Diver
Tablets invariably bring relief to wo
men suffering from chronic constipa
tion, headache, biliousness, dizziness,
sallowness of the skin and dyspepsia.
Sold by all druggists.
The 1 (her and mother
< mi mat Boston lawyer
s if \,' i through the last
two '».a'..:-, y
’ fill"
Tiie son says: “ ?vTy father
and mother owe their present
strength and tsood health to
\‘J’ vinoi. During the last two
trying winters neither of them had a cold, and were
able to walk farther and do more than for years.
I think Vinoi is perfectly wonderful. It certainly is
the greatest blood-making, strengthening tonic for old
people I ever heard of.” 1
We want every feeble old person in this town to try
Vinoi. W'c will return their money without question II It
does not accomplish all we claim for It.
A. G. WANNER, Druggist, Falls City.
Remember, your satisfaction is our success.
Polls (ifv Marble Works
Established 1881. R. A. F. A. NE1TZEL. Mgrs.
A Father and His Daughter *
• Do you know that one ot the **
sweetest relations in life is that m
between .1 lather ami daegh- /'•'
ter? Not that h« loves his
boys less hut the* will he ■ ■
able to ta*e tin ir phio . .
forefront of the battle of life HV/• '***
some clay and light their own \V2\
way to victory. Decause ol , * , m
her sex the little girl cannot do v'£., u. ’
this, and is, therefore, in a • - A * • Am *
greater sense dependent for ’ v *• '* » *
protection on the man she calls *
tat hi r. What hav e you dont M
to “make good" with vot.r lit- 1 A A "CA H
tie girl? Are vou planning N /'\ '-A'
and saving for her? Do vou ' ' / / #
know that the one friend which never deserts sou in time *
ot trouble is a bank account? Have sou presided that «*
k nd of a triend for yourself ; nd your little girl? It not,
why not. You ought to come in and talk to us about a
matter ot so much importance to vou and sours.
The Farmers’ State Bank
The Kansas Citv Star and Times
The Star and Times, reporting the full twenty-four hours’
news each day in thirteen issues of the paper each week, are
furnished to regular subscribers at the rate of 10 cents
per week.
As newspapers, The Star and The Times have no rivals.
No other publisher furnishes his readers with the full day and
night Associated Press reports, as does the Star and Times.
This should recommend the papers especially to the progressive
merchant and farmer
I deliver both the Star and Times to the subscriber's door
promptly on arrival of trains.
Give me a trial.
Should you want I ho Star by mail send lOc per week. $5.20 a year
Address The Kansas City Star.
in dental work if you have need of our
“■ services and Avail yourself of our skill,
experience and facilities. We don't do
. half way work—it’s all or nothing with
( ' us. as many people know to their owu
great gratification. Note, please, that
we make no charge for expert examin
KEPT W1NULE. D. I). S. Assistant
k l-alls City, Nebraska