The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, March 11, 1910, Image 1
Vol. VII FALLS CITY, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, MARCH II, 1910. Number II THE WEEK'S SOCIAL EVENTS AS TWAS TOLD TO OUR SO CIETY EDITOR Various Kinds of Entertainment by Individuals. Lodges. Clubs. Churches. Etc. The Friends in Council met with Mrs. II. Barton last Friday and enjoyed a very interesting and profit able evening of study. Mrs. Barton gave a very interesting sketch of the life and work of Sargent. There was a splendid collection of pictures displayed, photos of his best pictures. Following the program a business session followed. Miss Florence Cleaver and Minnie Macdonnald were chosen delegates to the First Dis trict convention to he held April 2(> and 27. Lovely refreshments were served during the social hour, which were most dainty and attractive and closed a very pleasant evening. The club then adjourned to meet March 1S with Miss Myrtle Bowers. What is known as the Third Di vision in ilin Christian church held a sociable on Friday evening, in which a spelling contest was one of the amusytg features. There were a number of proficient spellers pres ent but Mrs. L. C. Mattger and Prof. Haves stood up against nil for some time. Mrs. Mauger failing on the word “lodestone,” leaving the honors of the evening to Professor Hayes. Dainty refreshments were served and a goodly sum was added ~"~to the church building fund. Mrs. A. Ci. Wanner entertained the L. B. T. club last Friday afternoon most pleasantly. The weather was glorious and tempted out almost all the club’s membership, besides Mrs. (loo. .lentiiugs, Mrs. Clyde Campbell, Mrs. M. C. Brooks, Mrs. Bert Baker and Miss Lucile Mettz. The after noon passed ail too quickly amid pleasing conversation and many a jest. Lovely refreshments were ser ved in two courses by the hostess at five o'clock, which was enjoyed uy all. After spending a splendid afternoon the ladies took a reluctant depart tire. The Senior class of the High School held their first c’ass gather ing in the pre-graduation series, on Tuesday evening, at the home.of Miss Helm Gagnon. The evening was a very enjoyable one. Some’r’set and dancing were enjoyed until a late hour. Dainty refreshments were served, also eandv and popcorn dur ing the evt ning. The parties of the Senior class will continue until the end of the term, and it is to be Imp ed all will be as enjoyable as the one of Tuesday night. At the meeting Of the City Feder atioii hi 1U at the library last lion liny afternoon a number of important as well a- ipCi'est in:1 matters were taken up, among them the ques tion of the City Beautiful anil what might be done to enhance the beauty of our city It was decided to ot ter a prize to the child keeping the best lawn and flower garden during the summer. After several affairs had been discussed the election of officers for the following year took place. The president, Mrs. A. 10. Hill, appointed the tellers to count ballots and called for the placing of the first ballot, which brought in the names of Mrs. Heacock, Mrs. Banks and Mrs. Gist as candidates. Ten ballots followed and, after the second ballot, Mrs. Gist was declared presi dent-elect. The remaining officers elected were; Mrs. Morsman. vice president; Mrs. Hutchings, secretary and Mrs. Hargrave, treasurer. The electing of delegates to the District meeting was postponed until the April meeting. Mrs. Hill made a very pleasing speech in which she thanked the club members for their co-oper ation with tier during her terms as president of the Federation, and ex pressed appreciation for the same and of the hearty good feeling that had predominated in the club. Her remarks were timely and full of feeling. After a few business mat ters were talked over the club ad journed to meet the first Monday in April. Miss Maud Davis gave a very jolly party Saturday evening for a party of girl friends. Part of the girls were dressed as old maids and part as bachelors. The costumes were original and characteristic to a degree and were a source of mer riment to all. Some’r’set was played and dancing enjoyed by all. Lovely refreshments were served which added to the evening's pleasure. The event was one of the most pleasant 1 of social circles during the week. Mrs. ('has. Wilson gave a dinner Monday evening to the Misses Grin I stead. McCormick, Hand, Agncw, I Field and Lookabill. The dinner was served in courses. After dinner] I a pleasant hour was spent in the par | lot MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION. j Met Monday Afternoon and Evening At the Evangelical Church. The Richardson County Ministerial Association met Monday afternoon and evening in the Evangelical church The out-of-town ministers present were K. .1. Cardy, T. O. Adams and Rev. Bounds of Humboldt, C. W. Severance of Salem, W T Radcliff of Verdon and A. Matili. The topics discussed in the after noon session were: Devotion—J. R. Nanninga Aim and Object of Association E. E. Day, followed by Re\ Bounds. Federation of Churches—W. II. Wyler, followed by general discus sion. At six o'clock the members of the Association took dinner at the New European Cafe in a body. The evening session was public. -Modern Evangelistic Methods by T. O. Adams followed by K. .1. Car dy. The ministers’ attitude toward pub lie questions was discussed by .1. F. Watson The recommendation of the com mittee to verge the Ministerial Asso ciation into the Richardson County Federation of Churches was accept ed. I. O. O. F. WORK. Witnessed By Many Out-of-Town Brothers Friday Night. It is a matter of common knowl edge that when Falls City Lodge No. :!(! of the i. O. O. F., lias any special degree work on hand, there will stire I ly be some visitors from surrounding towns present to see the work. Last Friday night however, the record for visitors and interest seem ed to climb toward the top Men wore present from Wymore, Chester, Pawnee, Table Rock, Humboldt, Haw sou, Salem, Rulo, Verdon, from sev eral towns in Kansas, Missouri. Iowa, and one gentleman from Ohio, made it a point to s c the work done by th - degree team of this lodge. The first degree was given in the presence of nearly tot) men, and, af ter the work v as finished, speeches were in order, and one after another declared that though the work had been witnessed from Maine to Cali ! fornia in the several jurisdictions,yet. Falls City held the distinction of be ing able to interpret the work and j exemplify the teii, hings better and ; more efficiently than in any other | place. A general social line was m i | joyed by all until midnight. Building at Falls City. It is said and believed that Fulls City isn't as good a town as Hiawa tha. isn't as rich a town and isn't j much larger, yet Falls City keeps i in -! proving most sensibly. The vinegar works there is a good paying venture Hiawatha turned down. The big poultry house established there is well worth the cost, it will bring the poultry sellers to town. Here's something we can’t understand: Hiawatha is a better behaved town than Falls City, yet Falls City churches seem to be thriving and out growing those of Hiawatha. It is possible that the church people will be able to close the saloons at the coming election. The Presby terian people are building a $15,000 church. Mr. Henry Smith has giv en it a splendid $2,500 organ. The Methodists have a $10,000 or $12,0001 | church building and will build on | an $8,000 addition. The Christians; are preparing to build a fine church ! | building. The Catholics are putting ! up a Cathedral. They always build I ■strong and well. -Hiawatha World. Sunday School Convention. The Richardson County Sunday i School convention will hold its an nual convention in Falls City, March 19 and 20. There will he faur ses sions, Saturday evening,Sunday morn ing, afternoon and evening. For full particulars see programs. W. H. WYLER. Sec. i THE NEMAHA'S NEW ROUTE THE BIG DREDGE RESUMES lTS CHANNEL CUTTING Work to Be Pushed With More Than Usual Vigor Work on South Fork Delayed The big (Tredge, so long idle in the bottom, over against Falls City, lias steam up again and is: busily teat ing out the new channel for the Nema ha. In a few weeks the dredge will have cut through to the Nemaha, let ting ttie water flow through the new cut till beyond Falls City. It is expected to prosecute the work of ditching the Nemaha bottoms with more than usual vigor this spring, in the hope of getting tin; work done at tin- earliest possible time. The new dredge being built soutii of Dawson will lie ready for work in a few weeks, and s will at once begin cutting the channel open between Dawson and Salem. The dredge on the Miles Ilaueh. which lias done nothing to speak of since built early last fall, on account of legal difficulties, will, it is hoped, soon get busy also and open the way of the South Fork to its junction with the North Fork east of Salem. There have been many unlook< d for obstacles to meet and overcome which iiet essarily have delayed the progress of the dredging. ,l! is ex pected, however, that with the ad justment of most of these difficulties, DEATH OF OLIVER W BROWN TUESDAY NIGHT. H D Weller, of Stella, a Pioneer, Succumbs to Pneumonia Paul Robert Cain. Brown. Oliver W Brown was born al Hill Center, Vermont, May I. IS40 and died tit ids residence in this city on Tuesday night. March S, 1910, aged sixtynine years, ten months and sev en days. During llie trying days of the Civil war lie enlisted in the Third Regi ment of Vermont Infantry, and served his country faithfully until honora lily discharged at the end of the war. I’pon receiving his discharge Mr Ill-own went to New York City, where he engaged in business, and in 18711 came west and located in Falls City Here lie lias resided continuously e\ er since His occupation in Falls City for tile past thirty-five years litis been that of an office man and book keeper, lie has held the position of city clerk several terms, and has beep deputy county clerk, deputy register of deeds and deputy cottuly treasurer. Mr Brown was widely known as an expert accountant and book-keeper, and at times served in that capacity Champion Girls' High School Basket Ball Team, 1909-10. the work will go forward to a speedy termination without serious in term p t ion. It will be a great relief to many people when the big diteh is finally finished and its success or failure experitut ntally and actually demon strated by the way it cares for the first big freshet. There are still a great many interested parties, and others, who have no confidence in the ultimate success of the under takink. Their doubts can only be substantially and satisfactorily nit t by an actual demonstration. That the ditch, if properly constructed, will more than meet the expectations of its most ardent supporters is ottr firm conviction. NEW SHOE STORE. J. Lansky, Formerly With M. Seff, To Open One. Saturday, March lb, ,1. Lansky will open a new shoe store in the room vacated by the East Side eat'i . two doors north of the M Seff clothing store, "Jake" lias been in business in Falls City for a number of years and lias made many friends and that, to gether with the rapid growth of the city, insures him a good patronage. The room is being fixed up now and will be ready for his opening ill various places in the county, i’rcston, Shubert and Kalis City. On November H*. IS7S he was unit id in marriage to Miss Isabella It. Thacker and to them four children were born. Two died in infancy, and two, Kdna and Vera, with their moth er survive to feel the pain of their great loss Kor mouths .Mr. Brown lias been in failing health, but hoped with the return of warm weather to regain his health and strength. However, it was ord1 red otherwise and last week he began to fail rapidly and Tuesday night passed into bis rest. The funeral services were conduct ed at the home on Thursday at 2:lit) by Hex li Cooper Bailey and inter ment was at Steele cemetery. Weller. Special from Stella. H. I). Weller died at his home in Stella March 7th, Klin He was erie of Stella's pioneers. His sick ness dates from January. IbOd, when he suffered a stroke of paralysis ami although he partially recovered lie bad never been abb to get around without help, and on last Tuesday he was taken with pleura-pneumonia, ' eatli coming to his relief Monday morning the following week. He leaves a wife, one daughter and lour sous, all grown, to mourn the irss of a husband and father. The funeral was conducted from the home on Wednesday afternoon, Rev. Suirk officiating, and the remains ' weie followed to tile Stella cemetery ■' a‘large concourse of sorrowing | I'i ends, Cain. Special from Stella, Paul Robert Cain, only son of Mr and Mrs. .1 R. Cain. jr.. died Friday, March 4th, 1901, at the age of four years, ten months and sixteen days, after an illness of less than a week. Although the little fellow bad never been strong, yet death came as a shock to everyone lint it was Ood's will, and we can but extend our sym pathy to the bereaved parents The funeral was conducted by Rev. Shirk from the residence and the remains laid to rest in tin- Stella cemetery Sunday -afternoon A HOUSE FAMINE. Soon Falls City Will Surely Face E mbarrassmcnt. Kails City is Imminently in danger of having a serious house famine before all tile borne seekers who will be knocking at our gates this spring vvill lie suitably housed Already desirable properties are snatched up as (piickly as offered. The anxious house hunter is a com mon figure on our streets. If this is true ,now, what will be the situation when the new industries now in building put eu their lull force of workmen ? Kalis City owes it to the new com ers who expect to make their homes among us to provide decently for them. It is unite true that there are some available houses in town, but in almost every ease they can only he had under conditions that make them undesirable for the average ren ter. The situation ought to challenge the attention of real estate men, contractors and builders in particular, and every citizen interested in the -Groati i Kjills City in general. An actual house famine is i i Cain to lead to various abuses, which never reflect credit upon the munici pality in which they flourish. To avoid the abuses that come from over congestion and kindred evils ii is necessary lo look ahead, esti mate the probable needs of the future and prepare lo meet them, I teal estate Is already responding lo the growing demand Property values arc advancing, and they are bound to continue lo advance. In vestments made now are almost cer tain to turn out greath to advantage of the investor The man who builds it bouse in Palls City this spring is in it measure at I iist -a public benefactor BUSINESS COLLEGE STOCK CO. The Canvass For The Sale of Shares Meeting Success. Prof Darin i has begun tin* i au lass for tlic sale of t h• stuck ' for the enlargement of the Kails City Business College. Pfof Darner re ports very enroll raging results. Tin stock is bring sold in shares of $10 each, placing the stock within reach of ail. Every citizen whether in business or not, who has the inter ests of our town at In art ought to encourage this venture to the ex tent of taking some stock ll is un questionably the best thing t lint lias yet come to Kails City We can't afford to he indifferent in this matter. The interests at stake are too great if Prof. Darner has not seen you then make it a point to see him. Get on 11is list It's your privilege and you owe it to the cause of intelligence and home im provement. Seed Corn For Sale. Johnson County White, $3.00 per bushel; Reed’s Yellow' I)i lit, $2.0(1 per bushel; Rnhlfs Calico. 25c per ear. Early Ohio seed potatoes. $1.50 per bushel. II l„ R AI ILK. Pleasant llill Karin. Moberley-Huston Mi Guy Huston of Kalis City and Miss Hattie Moberley of Salem were united in marriage Sunday evening by Rev. K. E. Day. They will make Kalis City their home. Change in Time. Beginning Sunday t ho Methodist preaching service will be from 10:30 until 11:30, and Sunday school from 11:30 to 12:30. PROFESSIONAL BASE BALL FALLS CITY TO INDULGE IN THE REAL ARTICLE Adequate Salary Fund Subscribed By Loyal Enthusiasts $3000 the Sum to Be Raised You can't say Kails City isn't a live one, now. Whenever a committee can go out and iu five hours raise $2,220 t,o promote professional base ball, tho town's a live one, that's all Monday evening a bunch of fans and enthusiasts met at the Klk par lors and talked over the matter, de ciding that, if the necessary funds could lie raised, Kalis City should b* represented iu the Mink league, a baby organization of the big league. The plan of raising the funds was decided to sell stock and a commit tee appointed by Ned Towle, tempor ary chairman, lo solicit. In five hours they succeeded in raising $2220. Wednesday night they met again iu the same place and congratulated themselves upon their success and was appointed to further the work of the old committeo to see If the $.'i,iimi mark can bo raised. There is nothing Hint brings a town in tlie limelight as much as a good base hall nine The old ami young they all like It ask Judge Keuvia and Dr. Kerr, they know. Now if you haven't been ‘Tupped” yet, Just make up your mind that when the opportunity presents itself to "dig" that you will; and by so doing you will be tending yourself to ward the boosting of a deserving sport and the building of a itve town. New Books at The Library. \mong ihi' books lately pul into em ulation nt the Library are i v\o on agriculture; Hook of Alfalfa, by F. D. ('ohiirn. <>f K.11■ .1 , lie e work i so will known through this part of the country; tin other "Soils." liy '1'. W. I’h icln i of tin Michi - an \gi c ultural college, a very complete work In cluding chapters on kinds of soils, tillage, fertilizers, drains, irrigation, etc. Both arc excellent hooks. Other books in the Library at pres ent on agriculture and gardening are; Principles of Agriculture—Bailey. Principles of Fruit Growing Bailey Garden Making Bailey. Country Home Powell. Orehard and !■ruit Growing Powell. Gardening for Pleasure -Henderson. Success with Small Fruits.- ltoc. New Momentary Agriculture -Bes sy a Bruner. Garth's Bounty St. Maur. Seif-Sypporting Home St, Maur. Woman's Hardy Garden Gly. Boses, and How to Grow Them. Tin Gard'-n Magazine and Wallace Grinin t are mkeri nt the Library and circulated as other periodicals. Marriage Licenses. Guy Huston, Kails City.22 Hattie Mobley, Salem 18 Kay l> Hicks. Humboldt.22 Hazel II Davis, Humboldt.22 For Sale. Regulator (for jeweler), large fire proof safe, small National cash reg ister II W. Howe, Humboldt, Neb. Tlie Richardson County Sunday School association will hold its reg ular spring convention March 10 to 21 in Kails City, Nebr. Two stats workers and a number of other prominent Sunday school workers of Nebraska will be present. Each school is invited to send a delegation. Entertainment will be provided for all who will notify the secretary of their intention to come, in advance. W. H WYLER, Secretary. Dawson, Nebraska. Quiet Wedding Mr. Ollie Tow of Mitchell, Indiana, and Miss Gertrude Thacker of Falls City were married Thursday noon or last week The ceremony took plac* at the home of the bride in th« presence of intimate friends. Rev. N. (' Brooks officiated. After the ceremony all sat down to a sumptu ous wedding feast.