Henry C. Smith LANDS a LOANS V__j r- , 240 acres well improved. If mi es from Depot in Kas. Good spring Best of terms, d ill take 10 acres as part payment, balance long time at low interest, 200 acres I G mites from depot, Richardson county, Nebraska Good building' and laud V- ill take to or HO acres as part payment Bin acres upland, 1 mile from depot. Richardson county. Nebraska. $12.n0u. RjO acres lohnson county. Nebraska Ho rods to church and school. Best of te rms. Might rent. 107 acres near Brownville, Nebraska HO acres '4 -mile from Falls City high school. 040 acres, 98,000 Improvements Also Mn acres adjoining. \Vi 1 take 180 acre* as part payment. Fine running wafer. A No 1 opportunity \ Mutiev to loan fn me, THE COIRS UNO COERS HAPPENINGS OF INTEREST TO YOU AND ME What Your Friends and Their Friends Have Been Doing the Past Week. — teat Sowle’s Candy. —Ur. Wilson, Wahl's building. -The Candy Kitchen for brick ice cr«.-ani. Young’s I’antoriuni (leans and pivsses ladles skirts. 44-tf Call on in for strawberry plants. —Slmanton A Pence 7-if. Nobody remembers to speak well of the dead If It Is the town that Is dead, I7d Smith left Tuesday for Flori da to look up some Investments m real estate. —We have some fresh Red Seal flour In now. Come and yet a sack. —C. A. Heck. First get a man’s heart, and yon | will not have to draw a revolve r on; him to gel his purse Mrs. (Ill Irvin of Spoil or Town:.hi < was In the city Saturday In the ii terest of smile legal matters. teverybody will want to hear and j see the old fashioned spelling bee at the Christian church Friday even mg -tOO acre farm for ivnt or sale,will1 fake some Falls I'itt.v property. Flos1 : to church ami school lleurv t’ Smitth, Tim lloran left Sttmlav lor Hanm i or, has., when he will be employe,I i by the Hurlingtun to work with the bridge Kang, (iconic thumb of Kulo one the ente! prising merchants of that : little city, spent Monday at lliis pla on business, Stella is out in lull force these days, testifying in the diffeient ease up before the ronrt from that pad of tile county I )r. (*recti reprti ts a ten pound baby boy at the home of Mr and Mrs W’111. Inks, southwest of town Mother and child doing nicely . doim Hort lngton, w ho lias bei n visiting with ids parents left for his home in Spurt, Wisconsin Mils week, whero tie is engaged in tile lumber business taeob Marniet and family attend ed the wedding of Mrs. Manuel's brother at Zion Tuesday evening. They drove out in the ofternoon, re turning again in the night Will King and family arrived last Saturday from Hastings and will oc cupy tlie I tension property. Mr King is one of the gentlemen who pur i inis, il the White wall paper ami art store. Mr and Mrs It f White ami dan gin, i Mis Morgan, arrived Saint day from Uleuwood, Iowa to visu !■ few days with th • family ot Mrs White's brother. Hick Downs I'lnv went from here to Kxcelsior Springs, Mil. There was a real runaway on .Mot ton street Sunday. The team was! finally turned against the hank neat ; Ramsey's store. Both horses fed | down turning over the buggy, spilling j the frightened driver in the rout Fortunately no one was hurt and n > damage done. Saturday the r.adiug public was j mildly shocked when it was reported that Win Lutz, janitor of the library, | had been quarantined for small-pox 1 The library was closed and on Sun j day was thoroughly fumigated. The j pest is turning up in the most un expected quarters. Fortunately the contagion is of a mild form. and apart from the inconvenience and discomfort, the patients suffer little and are in no danger. (HESTER A. BRINK PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Consultations Diseases of Women and Children Chronic Diseases \ K.u and Electrical rreatnieuts. calls an-werwl niulit or day in city or countrj. Office 439 PHONES Residence 471 % Office Over Falls City State Bank Say.( I'n you know winn to get good send potatoes? I have ’em. The Fat ly Six-Weeks I>• >uth tin in all. Call at State Hank or telephone Ml*, till KltAXK CIST Mont he satisfied w ith results iii linking until you try a sack of Cold Coin Flour You will he pleased with! results and he a friend to Cold Coin Ask your grocer for it John Ilossaek went to Wyiuore Oil Monday to spend a few days .1 the home of C W l.ivengood lie will also attend to sonn business at that place Mrs Bruno Hanson returned last Thursday to her home in Omaha. * after visiting two weeks al the home of her fat her, I h W 11 Kerr MiHelen Itestcrer accompanied Mi Itozelte Ahern to Shuhert Fri day morning and spent a few days wit li frit lids at t lull place Mrs J A Cornu r and little daugli tii returned Friday to their home ci \tthurn afti r visiting her sister. Mrs. \llie Watson for a week C W l.ivengood of Wyiuor was .1 the city the latter putt of the week and visited at the home of ids broth or in law, John Ilossaek. Miss Florence Jones, a teacher ri tin nubia schools of Auburn "as here tin- lattei part of the week visiting! Hie various grades. Mr an.I Mrs .Insll Itloum and Miss Nellie Weaver of \Vt*dmi spent Sal ill-day at the Inline of Jaeob Itloom and wife in I his eily. Mrs In Thomas of Verdon \ i; ited the latter part of the week with her grandparents. Mi and Mrs. An dtp-son Miller W C. Sloan returned to liis home in Verdon Sniunlay after a few days spent at tills place. I le was at tending di a riet i mii'i. Mrs lames jMewart i-etui-iied Frl ,lay in her home in lliawatlin after a slim l v i it with Mi and Mrs Conn llreeht (leorge .li nkiiis iin ieii Friday to the Miles ran. h. where he will have ibarge of the much the coming year. Look! A *15 piece dinner set for $3.15. A 68 piece set for $5.75, and a 100 piece set for $7.25 at Rick's, .1 \ llossnck came in from Edi son Saturday and will spend a few days with ids parents in lids city Mrs. It. E. Vouch and little grand daughter, Maigerie Vouch, were down from Verdon Saturday. John Tieghn returned Friday to liis home in liawson, after spending t few days in court here. Miss Kill Houston returned Sa. unlay from a visit to Miss Helen lacksou in St. Joe. Mrs C. II Marion and daughter of this place spent Saturday with rein lives in Hiawatha Miss Katheilne Meli/a of Verdon was a guest at the home of Charles Wilson Saturday. Mr and .Mrs. Robert Chamberlain! and Mrs M Meli/.a were down from j Verdon Saturday. John Start/el and famili are mm j ing in the Moran pioperty on South I Lane Street. Our m w machinery is non install1 oil and ready for work. II. M. Jennej Shoe Store. .John I hill of Verdun attended the the district conn the latter part of last week. The more drafts in the hen-house, the fewer your batik account will al low Cyras Voils and wife were among the Widen visitors here Saturday Mrs. Charles II. Shafts spent Sun day with her mother in Humboldt. Some people are better off on the farm and some get on better off it We have 100,000 strawberry plants for sale. — Simuntou Pence. 7-tf. Money to loan, good terms, call or write me.—Henry C. Smith. 2t. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Houtz of Verdo.t spent Saturday in this city. Hayden Powers and wife of Wrdon were in town Saturday. Ezra and Millard Lichty were over from Morrill Friday. Mrs. Gurley Alexander returned :>n Friday from Omaha. George W. Watkins was down from Wrdon Saturday. Mr and Mrs A1 Pyle were up from j Preston Saturday. .Miss Anna Pyle of Preston was! shopping here Friday. Ityan and Chris Shelly were up j from Preston Saturday. Toni Cronin and Jim McVey were’ up from Kulo Saturday. W A Heurv of Noreatur, Kansas spent Sunday in this city. Charles Weaver and wife drove down from Verdon Monday. Mr and Mrs S. II Harvey have is * 'a very sick the past ... Mrs. Huy Sears left Wednesday for •Oklahoma to visit her parents The man who is afraid of work must he brav enough to face poverty John (iilligan was down from X • luaskn City to spend Sunday with his Wife. Max Werner was down from Ne braska City to spend Sunday with his parents. Jim McKiever was down from Ne braska City in spend Sunday with his parents Mrs. Sedluii ver came up from Kan sas City Saturday for a visit with Falls City friends. Mr and Mrs Fay Simmons of Nor eatiir. Kansas were business visitor* in the city Monday Mrs. Kdwards eanie down front lluuiholdt Friday to visit her son, i, C. Fdvvards and wife Ira Crook came down from JVru where he attends the normal, and spea! Sunday with friends. Mrs. Newton Stuart arrived Friday from Seneca. Kansas for a visit i i her sister, Mrs \Y S. Ixot'iier. For Sale. One good heavy boned mammoth! Jack, weighing about |,J00 pounds.! Eight years old. Sure breeder,—.1 F. Scarlett. 6-tf 1 hiss Elizabeth Sanford came up from St. Joseph Tuesday to spend a few days with her mother before going to Superior to open her mil linery store. Miss Adeline Marcott > of Superior accompanied her and will spend a few days with her in this city. Falls City has just given to the National Poultry & Egg company an acre of ground for a $10,000 plant, to be conducted as a branch of the Atchison plant. The tract cost the Falls City Commercial club just $1,000, The main structure of the building will be n2x 80 feet, with a eriient floor and a fireproof roof. Work will be started immediately. Nebraska City Press l{c\ Day went to Lincoln hist Sat unlay to attend an I (). O. F. ban ipiet and a meeting held in the Oliver theater, lie was one el' lit" speakers of I he e\ cuing. The best paid hand is lie who is paid partly for his work and partly for his value in other respects. The more comfortable her winter ouarters, the easier the cow will he on tlie feed-la x. William Eentner was down from Verdun Saturday I lev. Ratcliff was down from Ver dou Friday. , Ed Rieget Was up t rota Preston Saturday. Rook for sale at Heck’s feed store. 10-21 The World's Greatest | Singers Are at Your Service , Victor I Talking Machines \ Edison Phonographs Brings them to Your Fireside DELIGHTFUL ENTERTAINMENT AT A MODERATE EXPENDITURE A Complete Line of Edison Phonographs and Records, Come in and let us demonstrate their musical powers to you DAVIES Be OWENS j JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS FALLS CITY. NEBRASKA >__ -.- -. For Sale lot' tons of Itay cheap II. I Hunt. John Trimble was down from Hum boldt Saturday. Mrs. Julia Hull and daughters, Miss Camilla and Mrs. Walter Veach. of Vcrdon were hi Falls City Monday Frank Knickerbocker of Savan nah. Mo., arrived last Thursday to visit his uncle, Louis Knickerbocker. Mrs. Robert Rule returned last Sat urday from a two weeks' visit with her sister. Mrs Glen Curtis in St. Joe. George Shafer is going in business in Louisville. He has recently pur chased the grain elevator at that place. Mrs. Etta Curran took her daugh ter. llessie, to the Peru Normal Mon day where she became a student of the school. Mrs. Martha Elwell returned the latter part of last week Pom a visit to her son, Jerry Elwell, near Chester, Nell. Miss Zurcher came over from S-i-j betha Saturday with the basket ball girls and while in the city was the! guest of Mrs. Charles Iloyle. Mrs. Mamie McEwing. who spent the past week with her grandmother, .Mrs. Elizabeht Jones, and her aunt, Mrs Parlier, returned to her home in Omaha Saturday. —Something new. Favorite Pruning i Saw. Trim your trees from the [ ground. Six reasons why it is the best in the market. Write J. A. Schroer & Co., Fruit Packers and dealers for circulars and prices, St. | Joseph, Mo. 10 -5t. Tuesday afternoon .Mrs. Marr, wife 1t Mr. Marr, manager of the new packing plant, received a telegram from Kldorado Springs, stating that her mother was very sick. She left for that place on the evening train. Mrs. I. (' Maust went to Table Rock Monday to visit the family of her uncle, O. 11. Norris Site atten ! ed tlie celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Norris. —Ladies. Save Mcney! Make finest of perfumes at home for one fifth what you are now paying. Ten guaranteed recipes for i>0c. Home Supply Co.. 'Trinceton, Indiana. Frank Greetiwald was in the oil v I over Sunday visiting his mother and other relatives, lie was on his wav from the wholesale house in Kansas I City to hiss home in Bixby, S. 1). Will Sinclair of Kidderville, Kas . spent Wednesday with his sister., Mrs. .Tno. Hossack in this city. From here he made a business trip to Iowa The prosperous farmer is well ac quainted with the morning twilight nnd tile color a of the rising sun I A new line of 10 cent glass | ware at Rick's. — Did you see tin* new machinery si t .homo's shoe store It takes a hustler to understand and keep up with a hustler. -Leave your orders with Siniau ton & Pence for strawberry plants. Call and see our line of perfumes and toilet articles for 10 cents — Rick’s. What can gold do for a man who ! can see nothing precious in the twen-l ty-third Psalm? The devil is the only gainer when a self-righteous man measures him- J self with a hvpoerite. A blind mans opinion of the sun is based on what lie lias learned from | the earth with his cane. For Sale- House and two corner lots to sell, three blocks of business. Hood lols to s'dl in various sections of tile city. Henry C. Smith. 2t Peter Forney and wife came ' in from Mlnden the latter port of la it week and are visiting Mrs. Joseph Forney and daughter. Miss Nettie, Tlie Presbyterian ladies v ill hold a handkerchief bazaar on Faster Saturday, March 2(i, Look out for those hand made dainties, and for the details later. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Seims k •. f St. Joe visited Mr. and Mrs. Pet**r tlesterer the latter part of the] week. they were on their way to their new home in Denver. Mr. and Mrs. Poynter and child ten of Mound City. Mo, visited the first of the week with Mr. and Mrs. Grant Sperry. They are moving to their new home in Colorado. Howard Parlier of Sayre, Oklaho ma. who hits been visiting at the homes of S. H. Harvey and Mrs. .J. Parlier, left Tuesday for Filley. Neb., for a short vise to relatives. Blaine Voder is now clerking for Dr. Morsman since Fred UeWa'ld re signed to go into the wall paper bus iness, he being one of tile company I who pun based the W. L. White stoc . Fred DeWald has resigned liis position at Morsiiian's drug store and will he one of the firm th.it will hereafter help run the White store, in which lie bought an interest. Mrs. Lloyd Morris accompanied the Cottier baskt t ball gil ls to this city the latter part of the week. She was a guest at the home of her par ents, D. P. Lowe and wife while in the city. Sunday morning ill the St. Thom as church. Mayor Keeling, Miss Ora Campbell and Mrs. Roluing wore confirmed. The services were con ducted by Bishop Williams and was beautiful atul impressive. Rev. G. L. Neido, D. W. Sowles and Jeff Horrocks went to Rule last Sunday evening for the purpose of organizing a laymen's conference. A union meeting was held in the Meth odist church and was very success fill. Great interest was shown. In the case of Dr. Green vs. Kat ina Sitaw. the amount sued for was "■507.00. in last week’s Tribune the stilt an i:t was inadvrtantlymnde tb-a ih“ amount was $375. This was a misfake and is here corrected, Claude Hoe severed his connection with the postoffice Monday, much to I the regret of the public generally Claude is a reliable, trustworthy young man and was well liked by the public. His place was taken Tues day by Cass Mead. Thomas Lightfoot. the Iowa Indian who last figured in a rather sen sational mixtip and shooting affair on tin1 Reservation is up before the court charged witli selling bad whit key without a permit. What makes Lightfoot’s offense peculiarly aggra vating. is the fact that liis customers were noble white men. The contest between those who declare the winter wheat killed and their more hopeful brethren who arc equally sure that it is still very much alive goes merrily on A few weeks of warm spring weathc r will bring in a safe and impartial verdict. Better wait and hear the conclusion. It is safer and decidedly more trustworthy. Are you frequently hoarse? l)o I you have that annoying tickling in 1 your throat? Does your cough an noy you at night, and do you rais' mucus in the morning? Do you want I relief? If so. take Chamberlains' Cough Remedy and you will be well' pleased. Sold by all druggists. Mrs. Miles Mncoinher and little daughter returned Friday from a visit to Mr. and Mrs. .1 W. Maeomber at Coweta, Okla. Prof Del/ell came down from Pe ru Saturday and spent Sunday with his brother-in-law. Dr. Wilson. Dr. and Mrs. Wm. R. Boose are happy over the arrival of a teu pound girl baby this week. What advantage can there Lie in worldy prosperity, if to gain it we must give up Christ? The best employed people in the world are these who devote their lives to doing good. Mrs. Robert Kanaly and daughter came down from Humboldt last Fri diiv for a short visit. flood variety of sweet. peas, nasturtiums and other fower seeds at the green house. U Dive to make somebody happy, or you will never know what the true meaning of life is. ’ Mrs. Ed Milton went to St. .Joe on Monday for a visit witli hei daught< r, Mrs. Tom Bliss. Mrs. Christian lleiser. who has been quite ill with piiemnoii'a, is < onvaicseing. John Nofsger of Speiscr township has been spending several days in Falls City. Mrs. K. S. Cooper of Humboldt was the guest of Mrs. M. I,. Wilson ova’ Sunday. Lloyd Giannini had ;i tussle wi('i the tonsolit.is the first of the week. Clair Coleman came down from Verdon Friday and spent the day. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Uaosehner of Preston spent Saturday here. Fdward Brunson was a busine-m visitor from Verdon Monday. Mrs. George Story was numbered among Ibe sick this week. S« A. Little made a business trip ,. > . 1. Joe Monday morning. Hd Morgan made a business trip to Kansas City Monday. Mrs. Delia Sanfoij? has been ill the past few days Have Griffith was down from Ver don hist Saturday. J. C. Srltulcnberg was down from Shubert Tuesday. » Hr. Cooper was down from Hum boldt Saturday Resolutions. Wheri as. ii lias please d our Fath er in heaven to call from our midst to 11 is heavenly home our brother, John Parlier. be it therefore Resolved, That we, the members ol the Knights and Ladies of Security No. GO, deeply | feel our loss. be it further Resolved, That we as brothers and sisters extend to the sorrowing wi'ii and other relatives our sympathy and may they realize that God in His wisdom does all things for the best. Be it further Resolved. That these resolutions be printed in the Falls City papers, and a copy mailed to the bereaved family, also a copy placed on our minutes and our charter be draped iti mourning for a period of thirty days. Mrs. Alvira McMahan. Mrs. Serna Hendricks Cass Mead. Committee. K L. of S., Falls City Council No. 610. * Cheap Lands in Norton County, Has. 320 acres, six miles from town, on" half in cultivation, fair improvements, 20 acres in alfalfa, 00 acres in wheat, ruaral route and telephone; Price $7,000. 320 acres, good as the above, un improved, one half in cultivation, $20 per acre. IGo acres fair improvements, J20 acres in cultivation. Price $20 per acre Write for long list of improved and unimproved lands. We have good improved farms close in to Norton at from $40 to $7)0 per acre. If you want possession and a share of this years wheat crop you will have ro buy soon. Our lands will double is value in a stiort time. CHAPPELL & BRUNER, Norton, Kas. The Waning Zest, Another way to tell you’re getting older Is when a meal on the dining car is viewed as a necessity insteatf of a pleasure