The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, February 25, 1910, Image 6

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    Why City Man Succeeds on Farm
Nov. and then we see a city matt
move out onto a farm ami in a short
time build up a very successful bus
iness. This is happening oft . nor in
• he last few years, than it did a
score of years ago.
VV wonder why it is that one who
•as not been engaged in farming, can
>o quickly adapt himself to modern
methods of agriculture ami do things
after tie most, approved style.
One reason is that we older farm
< rs pet in the habit of doing some
tilings pretty well, but along other
lines we are not as progressive as we
might bo. For instance, we limy see
a farmer who is making money hand
over iist with hogs. He sells a big
hunch every year and gets in a wad
of cash. He may raise good wheat
too, i.rnl in that way adds another
tuiieli of money to ins bank account.
Then this same man. wlto handles
two or til roe lines in his business in
the best possible manner, may lose
• ait in two or three other lines.
Ho may keep a bunch of old cows
that eat their heads off every year
and use up some of the hog and
end wheat money. Then lie may let
the orchard lie barren and fruitless.
It may be, that it will afford enough
apples for the family use, but net
; dollars income is had from it be
sides He may raise some light
scrawny colt Is. stuff that a buyer
will pass upon as indifferent, if not
undesirable. Here is another loss
again Hy half a dozen wj.yfa like
this, he gets rid of most of the profit
that the hogs and wheat are giving i
hint, ami wonders why he is making
narely more than a living.
lie is progressive in a few lines,
i at is in the deepest ruts in several
• diets. We get in 1his fix because
we de not stop once or twice a year
and give our business a complete in
vestigation. We think we are pro
gressive and modern, but we are
> nly partly so.
We take farm papers with a de
partment on every phase of our farm
operation, but we have got in the
habit of rarely looking sit anything
Mit the columns that treat ol our
ret I ranches of agriculture.
We could learn, could rectify our
i. istakes, but do not do it.
The city man does differently. He
lakes up only those branches of
work that he lias investigated and'
understands. He gets his information
directly from the most successful
*<‘n in those lines, studies every
phase that he desires to take up. lie
Handles only those tilings that he is
almost sure are going to pay.
lb- may have a great deal to
e ,irc. but he proposes to enter only
• hose fields that he is pretty sure
W understands or < an easily man
His interest does not flag; every de
partment. is looked after because he
i** not so sure of his footing in any
one particular.
Not many farmers in this section,
nnt will lose almost every stand of
nces on the farm. One dollars worth
of sugar fed last October would have
naved a swarm,now they are almost
t total loss and there will be no
nees except in the apiaries of the
tegular bee-keeper.
If a city man goes into bee-keeping,
I - would have done that feeding, bad
hr known the conditions, because he
would have considered that a part of
he farm management.
His business training in the city,
has made 1dm aware that big suc
cesses depend upon every department
tending that way.
Thou tile city man knows that he
is watched by liis old chums as well
as the farmers of his vicinity—he lias
a reputation to make all along the
The old veteran farmer has made
a success in a few lines and he
hangs Ids whole reputation on those
tilings, forgetting that the little leaks
are eating his profits skin poor. He
knows better, but does not stop to
think and stays in the ruts.
He forgets that bis state agricul
tural college is issuing bulletins up
on almost every point in which lie
is interested, while the city man,
awake to tin' importance of getting
information from every source,reads
and profits thereby. He may hear of
some brother farmer making a big
success along some line, but does
not take the time to visit that farm
and see for himself how it is done.
The new beginner goes after the
successful mini and gets an interview,
ho learns from tlie best sources, the
best methods in vogue.
The lesson we old toggles can
learn from these new beginners, is
that we must cut out those tilings
w are not familiar with, unless we
go after Hie knowledge that we can
obtain if we only will.
Then tin new man takes up no
more department:-; than iie can handle
while we older fellows get swamped
right along, year after year.
Those scrubby cows, mangy colts
and worn-out old horses are eating
the grass that our thrifty stock
should be getting.
Then we must go over the list anil
discover those departments that pay,
cut out the others or go after the
information that will make them add
to the bapk account.
Let 11s watch the city man as he
farms, he may teach us something
after all. Two of the biggest and
most successful farms in Nebraska,
are managed by city men and man
aged well. Hundreds of other small
er ones are being handled at a
profit by the fellows who we farmers
call city-bred. Put on your thinking
cap and watch the city-bred farmer
with unprejudiced eye.
l>o you know that croup can be
prevented? Give Chamberlain’s Cough
Remedy as soon as the child becomes
hoarse or even after the croupy
ci figh appears and it will prevent the
attack, it. is also a certain cure for
< roup and has never been known to
tail. Sold by all druggists.
Microscopic Mechanism.
Myinec ides, an ancient carver, was
so proficient in mieroscnpic mechan
ism that lie made an ivory ship, with
all its decks, masts, yards, rigging and
nails, in so small a compass that it
might have been hidden under the
wing of a fly He also made a chariot
with four wheels and as many har
nessed horses, which took up scarcely
more room than the ship.
A Good Law.
Under the law of Germany any per
son killing a song bird of any species
can be fined as high as $5 and sent
to jail for as long as two months. No
person is permitted to cage a song
bird other than a canary. Any boy
throwing missiles at a bird or taking
away its eggs or nest can be severely
punished. Such a law is needed in
A straight, honest,
healthful cream of
tartar baking powder.
Made from Grapes.
Contains not a grain
^ of injurious ingredient
I_ i
A Simple And Useful Device For
Tr.e Purpose.
Tim best way to test seed corn is
in a germination box. This is u sim
ple affair and can be made by any
one in an hour's time.
Take a box six inches deep an 1
about two by three feet in size. Kill
the box about half full of moist dirt,
sand or sawdust. Press it well down
so it will have a smooth, oven sur
face. Now take a white eloth about
ttie size of the box. rule it off check
er-board fashion, making squares
one and a half inches each way.
Number the checks 1, ", 3, and so on.
Place this over the sand, dirt or
Take the ears to he tested and
either lay them out on the floor and
mark a number in front, of each, or
attach a numbered tag. Now take
off about six kernels from each car
4not all from the same place, hut at
several points on all sides.) Put
these kernels on the squares corres
ponding in number io those placed
on tlie ears of corn, lie careful not
lo gel them mixed. Keep the ears
Humbert d to correspond I'XAt’TKY
with the numbers on the square of
After the kernels have been placed
carefully on the cloth which covers
the moist sand dirt or sawdust, cov
er them with another cloth, consid
erably larger than the box, cover
this cloth with about two inches oT
the same moist rand and keep the
box in a warm place. It must not
get cold.
Tin kernels will gemiimit ■ in tour
to six days.
Remove the cover carefully to
avoid misplacing the kernels. Ex
amim theem can fully. Some will
have long sprouts but almost no
roots; others will not have grown at
all, hut the kernels from ears which
will produce corn if planted, will have
both sprouts and good root systems.
Compare the numbers on the
squares with those on the ears.
Put hack into the feeding corn bin
the ears which correspond in number
to ilie number on the square where
the kernels did not grow or where
they showed only weak roots.
The ears numbered corresponding
to those on the cloth which showed
strong signs of life are the ones to
preserve for seed. Every kernel
from these ears should produce a
stalk, every stalk an ear.
Suppose one dead ear be planted.
The planter fails to get one thousand
stalks of corn—almost twelve bush
els of corn lost.
Ttie people of Nebraska cannot af
ford to take a chance. The seed
corn should be tested thoroughly be
fore it is planted.
Tlie state planted last year 6,461,
680 acres or corn. It will plant the
same or more this year.
Twelve good ears of corn will plant
an acre. Tests made show that at
least two ears will not grow. In
some sections only six ears show
they are capable of producing a
strong corn plant, which will give
the farmer good ears of corn, or ev
en average ears.
If two ears in twelve fail to grow,
one-sixth of the corn land in Ne
braska—1,076,946 acres, will be idle
this year. That means the slate will
produce about 26,923,633 bushels of
corn less than the land should grow.
Thai means the farmers will lose
$13,481,816 by failing to amke amount
when the land is there and the labor
lias to be done whether corn fails
to grow in one-sixtli of the bills or
Legal Notice.
E. S. I’yle, whose true nann is
Edward S Pyle, non-resident defend
ant, will take notice that on the 25th
day of .January, 1910, Mrs. Sarah 1.
Baker filed Ik-i lietltion, as plaintiff,
in the District Court of Richardson
County, State of Nebraska, against
you the said E. S. Pyle, defendant,
tin; object and prayer of which are
to obtain judgment against you on a
joint and several note made and de
livered to the said Mrs. Sarali L.
Baker, by yourself and Jennie it. Pyle
which said note is dated October 12,
1905, and is for the sum of $150.00
with interest from said date at the
rate of eight per cent per annum
from said date, and which note be
came due on October 12. 1900, and
upon which there is now due, in
cluding interest, the sum of $201.40.
And you are further notified that
at the same time, said plaintiff pur
suant to the statute in such cases,
made and provided, sued out an
order of attachment against you in
said cause on the ground that you
are a non-resident of the State of
Nebraska, and have real estate in
said county and state, and, that raid
order of attachment was delivered to
the sheriff of said county on said
date and that on the 26th day of
January, 1910, he, the sheriff. did
levy upon said land by attaching tlu
same, which is located near the vil
lage of Preston, Nebraska, and is
described as follows:
Being the 12 acres of land pur
chased by you from the heirs of
John Pyle, deceased, and situated in
the east. 42 rods of the northeast, guar
ter of the southeast quarter of Sec
tion No. twenty, in Township one,
north, Range seventeen, east oi tin
6th P. M., in Richardson County, Ne
And you are further notified that
unless you plead, answer or de
mur to said petition filed in said
cause, on or before Monday the 7th
day of March, 1910, the same will be
taken as true and judgment rendered
against you according to the prayer
of said petition, and an order by said
court will be had that said attached
real estate be gold at public sale ns
under execution, to satisfy whatever
amount the court sljjall find due from
you to tin- plaintiff herein, and pay
the costs of said action and of said
sale and of the proceedings In at
tachment. SARAH I. BAKER.
By John VViltsc and .!. E. I.eyda,
Hated January L'Stli, 1910.
First publication Fob. IS. 1910.
Report of The Condition
of the
Farmers Stale Bank
Of I’reston, Nebraska
Charter Number 708, incorporated in the
State of Nebraska, at tin* close ot business
February 12, l“lo.
Loans amt discounts.. $ 35,l72.til
Overdraft*. secured and unsecured 3Mo.t4)
llankinir house furniture and list tires U50.00
Current expenses anil taxes paid. 4u3.o7
Duo from nat'l, state and private
banks and bankers . . $20,907.32
Currency I.5lf».0O
Cold Coin . 410.00
Silver, nickels and cents 710.70 23.u34.1l
Total $< 4),300.39
1.1 AIULITl IvS,
Capital stock paid in $13,000,00
Surplus fund 2,1*10.00
Undi ided prolits. . *W4,04
Individual deposit subject to
! clock. -*30,W7.45
I'iuu cenilleates «,f deposit 13,074.00 43,712.35
Total ... $<>0.3W».3'»
County «*f Richardson. ^
l, Clyde Thacker, cashier '»! Hie above
nametl bank, do hereby swear that tin* above
statement is a correct and true copy of then
port made to the Slate li.inkiim Hoard.
v i.YDK Tiiacki.k, Co hiei
VV. t . Maki.kavi . Director
VV. A. (t kkkn\v a i n. Director. 1
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 21st
day of Fein u.iry. I'MO.
(li'Y 1*. (Jkki >iWAi.t». Notary Public.
M\ commission expires Dec. 22, I'dL
Report of the Condition
of Salem, Nebraska.
Charter No. 350, incorporated in the State of
Nebraska, at the close of business Feb. 12.1910.
Loans and Discount $ 94,063.70
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 1.365.13
Banking house, furniture and fixtures 3.686.85
Current expenses ami taxes paid- 189.70 !
Due from national, state and private
banks and bankers 14,373.4#
Currency . •. 1.570.00
Gold Coin 920.00
Silver, nickels and cents 194.92 2,o84.92
Capital stock paid in . $
Surplus fund 10,000.00
Undivided profits. 7X5.02
I n<lividunl deposits subject to
check. 66,268.75
Demand certificates of de
posit. $10,210.00 76.478.75
Total ... $117,263.77
Countv of Richardson, ’
!. R. It. Huston, Cashier of the above named
bank, do swear that the above statement is a
correct and true copy of the report made to the
State Banking Board. R- B. liI'HTON.
S 1\ Gist. Director.
W. A. G Kl.r.NVVALP. Doeelor.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 19tli
ti.iv of February. 1910.
Guy P. Gkkknwai.h.
Notary Public.
My commission expires December 22, 1911.
Report of the Condition
Of tile
Falls City Stale Bank
of Falls City, Nebraska.
Charter No. 159, incorporated in tin*
State of Nebraska, at the close of business,
February 12. 19!o
Loans and Discounts $157,322.90
Overdrafts,secured and unsecured. 57U.99
Banking house furniture and fixtures. 13.20o.ini
Current expenses and taxes paid 543. XK
Due from nat’l, state and private
banks and bankers... $42,852.14
Checks and iteuisofexchange 2/>oo.5u
Currency 45,539.00
Gold Coin- 5,025.00
Silver, nickels and cents 1,338.14 57,654.78
Total 229,292.55
Capital slock paid in 50,oni).no
Surplus fund f
Undivided profile M'tti.oti
Individual deposits subject
to check f|15.o5i..U
fteniand certificates of de
posit . 44.'WM
Certified checks. 500.00
Due t«» uaUl.^iat. and priv?»*
banks and bankers 7,*85.45 IlK,402.49 j
Total 1
STATK op N KtUtASK. A, /
County of Richardson. '
I, VV. A. Green wald, cashier of the above
named bank, do hereby swear that the
above statement is a correct and true copy of
the report made to the State Banking Boird.
W. A. GKKKNW ai.p. Cashier.
T. J. (i 1ST, Director.
iii v P. (iKki-.nwai.ii. Directoi.
Subscribed and sworn to Indore me this lHth
day of February. 1910. John W. Powkll.
Notary Public.
M> commission expires November 25, 1915.
('lUSTOMKkS want what they
j want when they want it, and
wh« n tiny do they’ll buy y mr
poods if you let them know you’ve
pot what they want at the price
they want to priy
A1)VEH71SE Mr. M-reliant,
tell the home folks you can fill their
needs. You’ll tin 1 them responsive.
(Copyright *J,». i»y W. N. U.t
Shirt 1910 (tight
Buy a Dinner Set
and Make the Family Happy
\Ye have 100-piece sets from
to $40, and are offering
some inducements to early
buyers. We have the largest
and best stock of
tut Glass, Fancv China and
‘■i- 'V.". ‘i in the county. Seethe I lav
ilaml cv Co. and Avenir Trench China Dinner Sefs dis
played in our window.
Buv Your Groceries cit
Chas. T1. Wilson's
Tfm O/.'tjr
Of a
Ill body of u i.i practically the life of a range. The*
li e of a range depends on the material of which it is made.
CHARCOAL IRON, l y actual lists, has been proven to resist
rust, he it anil cry .tallr/atimi 300 % greater than steel.
IRON. No other range i i the world is made of this material.
It co .ts con i li ruble more thnn steel, but the MAJESTIC never
stands buck lor co. t when ii < an improve its range. By compar
ing the life of old time Imn nails with the steel nails of to-day,
ot old-style iron stovepipe and tinware with the present day
sliel product, gives you ail idea of tiie lasting qualities oi the
MAJESTIC over a sti: | range. This feature alone adds 300%
to the life of the MAJESTIC.
H. M. Jenne Shoe Store
Exclusive Agents for the
famous line of " BALL
ber Boots and Overshoes
Everything in Shoes
1). S. ricCarthv
Prompt attention given
to the removal of house
hold goods.
If you contemplate having a
sale see me or write for terms
at once. I guarantee satisfac
tion to my patrons
Sales conducted in
scientific and husi
nesslike manner
Falls City, Nebraska
The Auctioneer
Before arranging date write, tele
phone or telegraph, my expense
Phono I6H 1.(1-2161 fall* City Nth
Uencral Practionecr
Calls Answered Day Or Night
In Town or Country.
Phone 24* On r Richardson County
re re. ROBERTS
Office over Kerr’s Pharmacy
Office Phone 200 Residence Phone 271
Office Removed to Tootle Block
6th and Francis Sts
Si'ivial attention to Ml-DH'I NI. KbiLAl.
1 luw asc- uf WOMILN ami (‘lllLDUMN
ID EL N T f S T"
f’honi's: Nos. 177, ‘217
Sam’l. Wahi Bl'ILDING