The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, February 18, 1910, Image 5

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    The (bounty in General
The “Doings” oi our Country S riends
and Neighbors.
Mss. .i. . • Oriffith i
li t t i
f f*i 11 Mm tie went In Sidle >
• (• • • ti is e , 1 in I- in '•
Mrs 1)1 h s' i - \ t ili d lii'i inn!lew
in •
M; \s ,.| . n i ti lilt. • ihild
r [|
Tiiur >iij
Robert Uoiilshy and ! »til ily of \ ■ :
doll *|> lit H .in y with 1 M Hoodlo
and fa.nil -
Will Siuilli id Hnmbuldt i- her .
again helping ,L M. Uoodloe in his,
blackmitt, shop
M-s ili (Hie ilaynood la qiiilo i< k ;
ai tin' Overman hotel where she is i
employed as cook
M. II Vandt venter and wile visit
ed Sunday with Joe Wagner and fain
ily in the eomiti v
Frank Welier of A st Point eaiue
home last wi t k for a two weeks' vis
it with his parents
\ ,! Baldwin was in Auburn sov
oral nays la t week iielpin • invoice
a stock of hiirncas
Mrs, M II Varidervoutor attended
(lie funeral of her brother, Mr, land,
in Lincoln Tuesday
Mis: Dorothy Re'e ret art I Satur
day from a two weeks' visit with her
grandparents, in town.
Albert Adul ts, a ri turned soldier
from (tie Philippines, is visiting his
Bister, Mrs. Frank Hinkle.
Mrs Weas Vaught returned home;
Tuesday after a two weeks' visit
with her parents in Omaha
Kvhii ISvans hail a sale of Ills
fanning stock Thursday and will move
to town tho first of March.
Mrs. John Holland visited iti the
country with tier sister, Mrs Charles
lldwurds. Ilii* first of the week.
Frank Timmerman and wife left
last Saturday lor Ottawa, Kus., to
visit their daughter, Mrs. Bright.
Mrs, Angeline Raper visited tin* la
ter fan of ins' week In Hie count.!
with her daughter, Mrs (!eo, Randal
A large majority of ottr mule pup
ul&tlon have eilln r visited or had
btui'mt s in Falls City during tHe*
past two weeks.
The Ladies Auxiliary to tho Stella1
cemetery association are making ar
rangements for their annual supper,
next Saturday night.
Little Luelia Bloom is staying at
Uie home of llev. Hinkle during Miss
Colglazier’s absence to the whole
sale house in St. Joe.
Mrs. Kaebtn k and daughter. Miss
liable, of Vuburu visited several
days last we with the former's sis
ter, Mrs. M. Shafer.
Miss Lissa Colgla/.ler lilt for St
Joseph Wednesday, whore she will
spend about two weeks in a whole
sale millinery house.
W'ess Res ' of Salem passed through
here Saturday entente from Council
Bluffs with wo Overland autoa,which
he vva- taking to Falls City.
Mrs. Laura Fankell a eompauled
her daughter, Mrs John Holland, to
St. Louis last Thursday, where sic
will visit until warm weather.
James Freedcr and wife of \tt
burn setil cards to Stella friends an
nouncing the arrival of a sett at their
home, Sunday, Feb. (ith, nun.
Mis. John Holland, ,lr., after vis
iting iter parents, Mr and Mrs. Fred
Fankell, for several weeks, returned
to her home in St. Louis Thursday
Word has been received by friends
that Mr. Mutual, whu with hi.-. w if» is
visiting it daughter in Chicago, is
seriously ill with no hope of reeov
Pete Curtis, oue of Curie Sum's:
keys who has served three years in
his service, arrived Sunday morning
to visit his parents for a short time. I
He thinks ho will enlist again.
Mrs. Amanda Moore and daughter.
Goldie and son, Don, arrived from
Iowa Wednesday and wore the guests
•f J. M. Good loo and wife They
have routed a farm near Cordon
Mrs. Fred Gilbert recioved word
that her sister. Miss Cerda Timer
man, who is in a hospital in Denver
is recovering from her operation for
appendicitis and is able to sit up.
Misses Grate and Mae Mori/ en
tertained at a valentine party Mon
day evening at their elegant new
home, three miles west of Stella. The
house was beautifully u orated in
red hearts. Games and various amuse
monts were indulged in, and twenty
eight, you; g people thoroughly en
joyed themselves until about two
o’clock in the morning. Kleg.ant re
freshments were served, and all who
were present report a fine time.
A few' minutes delay in treating
some cases of croup, even the
length of time it takes to go for a
doctor often proves dang' ions. The
rarest way is to keep Chamberlain’s
Cough Remedy in the house, and at
tin first indications of croup give
tne child a dose. Pleasant to take
ai<d always cures. Sold by all drug
Smi an K' ii' •>().• mu. ,i Falls 1 ilj
visitor Friday.
.!oilijK‘ ( ,iv* i ■ It w a •
v ii last Wot k
it Ill ril J,t of tilo*W K
it i Kituuly has in- u nil
; to. tin; pit 4 inw t. :
Mi i,i. .in it ,i i pent |aii % i’H
iih iHeads ill I-i;,i Iu•*. *lc».
Mr, in 11 Mrs Joe Form y
till Unto i ! ii' .i I ' i \i• ■ •
H II Hyiniin of Wymetro win, a
llulo \ i tilor ntit1 tiny lust week.
V. in. Was, nor of Fortesi tie ' i
lied with llulo relatives Sunday.
Tom lb an was a imalin s vlidlur
to Falls ( Ity Uio lust of tin* week
Frank I'Mgot oinh of (icnevii visited
with Ilia father in llulo last weak
.1 A. 11 inlth* vlidletl with his fatn
ily at Forlesi ne the fitHi of
W. Craig o Hllaworlh, Neb., tain
last week on a trip of plen.'iire and
Mrs. II Ziegler and babies visit'd
with her parents ie ar While Cloud
Iasi week.
Mrs. Wilson of I’ronton visited her
mother, Mrs Noland, several days
last week.
Mrs. ,lamea Osborne and son, Mer
ril, wen* business visitors hi Falls
City last week.
Mr.lluxton of Adams, Neb., open'd
a barber shop in (In* Iielpler build
ing last week.
A revival meeting ha;, been in pro
gress sit the Holiness ehnrch for the
i i ten days.
Urn W. A. Wtn htel went to I -in
.a Monday for a few days visit
i Ih tiis parents.
i. and Mrs. John Majerus went
lo i .ills City Monday and spoilt a lew
days with relatives.
Ussie Marsh returned home recent
ly from a several months' stay in
inith i • iter, K
Ml.-, lii'-'enn;:-. < -turned Sunday
niii St Caul Nith. where she
.I ;In past we. k,
Wm Shepherd, lailmt Hinkle and
Caul Burk were passengers to Pres
ton Sunday afternoon.
Misses Clark and Moore I 'ft lor
Kansas City Monday io lay in a new
nock of millinery mills.
Mrs. p. Fred . and two child
ron spent Saturday and Sunday with
le-r catout • near I r nlo».
Harry Huber left Tuesday for Lin
coln. lie has been appointed tempor
ary mail clerk between I hat place
and Oxford.
Thursday evening an illustrated
lecture on "The Had Lands" was do
livered at the Methodist church by
K \V Mowers. An appreciative audi
ence greeted Hie lecturer.
.liaison Thomas of Colorado, who
lias spent several weeks with rela
th es here, left last, week to visit
friends in Atchison. From there he
will go to his home in Colorado.
Han llatekiu has purchased the
d iy wa on, lun and coal sheds
of Max Ue; .-;cr, la.-iiig possession on
Monday morning. iax will go to
Watt rloo, Iowa to image in business
in a short time.
On Thursday evening Miss Clara
Mean and Art. Hodge were nulled in
marriage at the home of the bride's
pan uts. Rev Spicer performed the
i.vmpny. Friends of the contract
ii 1. parties extend congratulations.
—We have some fresh Red Seal
flour in now. Come and get a sack.
—C. A. Heck,
R. ,1 Dunn mui son were putting
up lee last week.
Grover Vaugli of l’awnee Okla..
was in town Monday.
Otis Spiekler and wife were in
Kansas City lliis week.
Walter Orr and family are up
from Falls City visiting.
W Bridgeman and wife were
over from Verdon this week.
Jessie Buckholz and lady took in
tie> box-supper at Center School house
Friday evening.
'• i . and M
Higgs, Lilly and Dodds were shop
ping in the city Saturday.
Preaching services at the Evangel
ical church Sunday morning. O. E.
in the evening, with Henry Butler as
On Monday evening between forty
and fifty of their young friends gath
ered at the home of Henry and Ralph
''“Her. All hough the guests were un
; expect n, th boys scented to enjoy
j their coming. All who wore fortu
nate enough to be present, report a
‘ ‘ ■ time The > v
hours passed as if on wings and be
fore anyone realized the time, the
wee small hovirs had stolen in upon
the festivities, and the guests then
departed to their homes. Nice re
freshments wore served during the
I I. (’, Mami was quite hick
w >el ,
Mrs. Drum* Cowman is in K.i.i
i.n City Ibis week
(nl Muon was a pa • • r; r i >
.!• ill \\V h-ill
.lii!1 To»i'i ■ aii I wife u• its cm;, t|
• vintoi i rhuiMlay.
.. ,i. I1war ( •» the . i
I 111 it >.f Hie W ek.
' Sir:, now h , ■ i ploy meat
i i I iqii.ho I pi;11 i* ! iiti'e.
• i .• a \» Dei ; <1 . . C'ily at.
' ; tl. > he • at hci Saturday.
Mi.;, ii 'iik r. itt.'i i* id c'ltint died
Ik I in r l,o r" c lub W*oilu#,h*
Mrs. it. (i. Philpot is enjoying ii
visit from ii r fatter, Mr. Finch, of
Claude Lynch and Holla \ . i■>
> ere pa iei.'.i i s to Falks City on I
. "h : day.
linn i atcie , and wife ar <> par
oiiiH of a Iml > hoy born, one day
this Week.
Mi. . Mnhie I nland ajicni a few
days witli Mi it llni/.da in Table
linel this Week,
Sam Turn •4 of Lincoln sp m a few
day;; this vv.-ek with ids parents. .Ino.
Turner and wife
Miss Lileth \\'a ner was hostess
to a number or friends ai lo r home
Sal in day evening.
Mrs. Poll Woods and sister, Mrs.
Winnie Mann, visited in Tee iimseli
part of I ids week,
.M’s. (Ii lie Sullivan of Satina,* Kano .
j :s visiting her parents. Frank Wilson
| and wife, this week.
Alls. Frank Hi t foturn- <i home Sat
tirday niter visiting a short linn
with Mrs. lain Hilling •
Mi. Hoy Haiti and little daughter,
Helen, of Table Rock spent Sunday
wiiii Ik S. Cope and family.
'il > Bruin and Waits families mov
ed the first of tin* v> ok to the
H, farm nortbwe. i of town.
Mrs. Kate M along came from
lv i as City Hu* first of tlie week to
spend a short time with friends.
The met ting of the grand jury lias
can; d fear and trembling among
the gambling element of Humboldt.
Mrs. Crown who has been visiting
at the Inline of J. li. Bradley left
Saturday for her home in Seattle,
Arthur Cooper and wife of Beaver
City, Nib., have been spending the
week with the Cooper families of
this oily.
Mrs. Lmiv Chandler arrived in
tliis city Sm day from her home in
Lincoln to spend a abort time with
Joel Held, who has been spending
some time in Guide Rook, Neb., re
turned to this city Friday for a visit
with Itis family.
Cit'orge England, formerly a Hum
bold' boy, now living in Kansas has
been paying a visit to bis friends
m tins community.
Mis. It. ('. Shields and children re
turned to their home in St. Joe,
after a pleasant visit with in r sister,
Mrs W. 1’. Collins.
The class of 11)11. and teachers of
the High school, enjoyed a valentine
parly at the home of Eleanor William
son Monday evening.
John Kellers, who has been attend
ing to business in Elk ('reek return
ed t < this city Saturday to spend a
few days with friends.
Mrs. lien Creed returned to her
home in Pawnee City Wednesday
a ft oi a brief visit with relatives. She
was accompanied by Mrs. Geo. Creed.
Mr*. Elmar Woods and little son.
Frederick, came to this city Satur
day from Elk Creek, and will make
an extended visit at the home of
her parents, L. (’. Maun and wife.
Rev. .1 k. Curdy, pastor of the
Presbyterian church preached a Lin
coln memorial sermon Sunday at the
Baptist Church to an appreciatice
audit nee. The G. A. It. attended in
a body.
Tilt, young people of the Presby
terian church had a very pleasant
tinn* at the parsonage Friday evening.
After a slioit business meeting the
evening was spent in a social way
and dainty refreshments were served.
Do you kuow that croup can be
prevented? Give Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy as soon as the child becomes
hoarse or even after the croupy
n ugh appears and it will prevent the
attack. It is also a certain cure for
c.toup and lias never been known to
fail. Sold by all druggists.
The family that eats
plenty of
Quaker Oats
is a healthy, rugged
The most popular
food in the world be
cause it does most
and costs least. 54
M.I I Kelly was In F ills City
' i ,Joe I .'ir.n . as on i It. ■ se .
A’- the V. ;n • »• . s i Falls
pin- af the (. in hi
' 'i'i in' (.■ 1 in ,i i
.'• i nia i VO a\ • r and family were
i . of Mi Maly Cotiovi r one
cl;: « ' I Week
lllil tBB B* neilict and wife are the
!'ii, !.: ; of a littK stjn. horn Fcbru
a! 11th. l‘»| 0,
i i ' al canto in ft ojn the conn
tty 11 i week to spend it few days
wit., iris fat hi i
if,ii f Atixii i visited her graiul
I a us, Mr. and Mrs. Prichard, in
Fails City last week.
Mr McHenry returned from Kan
sas City last week after spending a
few days with friends.
Tile Girls' club mot at. the home of
Lauru J ioin/.i'lnmn Monday evening.
A fine t ime is reported.
Liner.son Bowers was on the mar
ket at Kansas City with a ear load of
i attic Monday morning.
Oliver Fuller is able to be on the
stre. i again after being confined to
his room for tome time.
Beit Waggoner, wife ami baby
earn ■ down from Si 11a with the inten
tion of looking up a location.
C arks Steward and wife are re
joicing over tire arrival of a non,
who came to bless their home sun
Jerome Simpson, the mail carrier
on Route I, is very ill at this wip
ing Dunnl Corn is carrying the mail
for him.
Rudolph Fisher moved Airs. Hollar's
house from the east part of town
to her vacant lots in the north part
of town.
Mr. Moore moved his household
goods here from Iowa. Thursday and
will farm the Fuller farm oast of
town this year
Mbs Anna FrauenfeUh r spent a
few days in I alls City last weak the
guest of her cousins. Misses Ethel
and Florence Parchen.
i. i.ura J leiti/ielman is the proud pos
sessor of a fine new piano, it is a
‘Crown” and was purchased of Clar
ence E, Smith of Falls City.
Rt v. (Jerries and wife are having
the pleasure of entertaining the form
er's brother and family. They arrived
Friday morning from Kansas, and
will visit here a short time before go
ing to their home in Canada.
The kensington club met at the
home of Airs. W. F. Vouch Tuesday
afternoon, all the members were
present and an enjoyable time was
had b\ all. The club ladies present
ed Airs. Jay Parson with a beautiful
sofa pillow. Mr. and Airs. Parsons
will leave in the near future for Ore
gon, where they will make their fu
ture home.
An attack of the grip is often fol
lowed by a presistent cough. which
1 j many proves a great annoyance.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has
been extensively used with good suc
cess for the relief and cure of his
cough. Many eases have been cured
after all other remedies had failed.
Sold bv all druggists.
Russel Hyatt was in Falls City
Thursday evening.
Charles .McCool attended court in
Falls City last week.
Mrs. Horstman was in Falls City
Thursday on business.
W. A. Greenwald of Falls City
visited among friends over Sunday.
Dillard Harris will soon move on
the farm of Win. Whitney south of
Mrs. Burns went to the county
‘own the latter part of last week on
Jerry Kanalj has bought the farm
,ust over the river from the Chautau
qua grounds.
Rudy Beer and Miss Minnie Smith,
both from south of town, were mar
ried last week.
Jacob Ned row and family will go
to Oregon in the spring. Their sale
is already billed.
Mrs. E. E. Seott of Falls City at
tended the funeral of her aunt, Mrs.
Wm. Stains last week.
C. B. Emmert and family made a
trip to Falls City Sunday afternoon
via automobile. It was the first trip
with their car since being laid by
tor the winter in the early fall. They
report the roads in good shape.
Next Sunday there will be special
services at the Gospel I'niott church.
The theme of the day will be ' Tem
perance,” with special reference to
local option. Addresses will ge given
by Mrs. May Turner. Mr. Dowell.Roy
Daggett and
For Sale.
300 bushels of White seed oats. One
team geldings, 3 years old, and one
span of mules, coming yearlings.
—Long Bros., Reserve, Kansas, Falls
City Phone No. 40 O. |
Does Fhis Interest You?
W'c will duplicate the price -a! an out-of-town firm, no mat I
ter when, local d ■ t w nt! r ir jp ti n-iors ri ■ art wiil >• * he |
work free of ebarpe Don't -!•.•: ciintr.> as on tie ;nn a. of |
the fair v tales id tin* - a. uth-u >n uni strange.’, . ai,; . ;i n
vest iji.;' to ' i> i<) thi tr -d a ten; ■ . > Most p- 1 ■ V aft
to trade at home, pre .hlintf to v < an d<> as wt i as • a here.
We can : do , ntr work uni -• you • • • u ■ a chance to c > p ■ e.
I f YOU pive u ’i'd , d opp >rtu ni ’ L which c - you 'r.; | i
it is up to us to laud v ur order. Why n ,t , ,• in .... vow
buy monuments ?
Pulls titv Marble Works j
Established 1881. R. A. © F. A. NEITZEL, Mjrs. |
b What Shall the Harvest Be?
Becomes a leading <|uestion with the farmers at certain
* seasons every year- Generally 'he harvest is dependent
J upon the sowing. ‘‘As u, sow so shfijl >e reap" holds
t* ’rue in every departtnent of lift* You cannot d ; <-sit
I** longings and vtshis and ms ure an\ interest thereon. Tin se
|* must be cry sd-iiliy.ed into * Hurt which produces dollars, and
>$• when these have been deposited in our bank you van come
• pretty close to knowing that tic harvest for you will tuen_
| be more dollars. Do you want them"' Then gi t busy; get
v a passbook today. (Jet started right, keep at it and \utt
5* will reap not a “harvest ol barren regrets, ’ but plain.
!* straight, hard, big, round dollars.
It is wonderful how we c tn help you in caring for the <
!» harvest, and increasing the yield ,
r The Farmers’ State Bank
FOR OWENS, lie AiwaVs Pays
More than Other Buyers
Fat and broke to work —from 4 to 8
years old. Bring in your stock and
get the highest market price, at
Fails (iF/, Sat., Feb. 19
j. w. OWENS
Most Extensive Dealer in United States.
in dental work if you have need of our
services and avail yourself of our skill,
K experience and facilities. We don’t do
half way work—it’s all or nothing with
us, as many people know to their own
great gratification. Note, please, that
we make no charge for expert examin
ation .
BERT WINDLE, I). I). S„ Assistant
1-aiis City, Nebraska
Best Harness on Earth is Mads at Wactttei s Sad
dles. Whips, ’Etc. Everything for the Horse. Re
pairing and Oiling. Phone 384.