The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, February 18, 1910, Image 4

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Sale Starts Saturday, February 12
and Closes Saturday. March 5th
Sale Starts Saturday. February !2
and Closes Saturday, P/larch 5th
-i " '«■ " '*"■ — 1 .—
This is a money saving opportunity that will bring every man, woman and child to i H!S STORE. And it should, ior no such marvelous bargains were ever be
fore offered in this commonwealth. Next Saturday morning when our doors are opened up on this sale, we want to see the biggest crowd in Falls City that has
been here in many a day. It will look like some grand celebration. Every eye will be turned toward this Store, every heart throb will be caused by the an
ticipation of the wonderful and unparalleled BARGAINS we will most surely hand outtothe people of this community. 11 IS CASH THAT WE W '.NT. for this
is going to be _ _ _ _ _ _
Never mind the details that have been brought to bear to cause us to accept the greatest percentage of loss ever accepted by any firm in this section of Nebras
ka. Until this stock is sold down to a certain ebb, and gives room for our large Spring Stock, we shall sell goods for 25‘ to 50^ less than an) other iirm in this
town will offer them to you. We believe that you will agree with us and say that the most sensible thing you ever did was to attend this CASH GATHERING
SALE. It will pay you handsomely, for the saving offered you here will pay you the biggest interest money ever brought.
Do you.need to economize? Do you love to economize? NOW IS THE TIME. Make out your list and come look through the stock an2 see what a slaughter
of prices we have made, if you want to save money, this is the greatest opportunity • • • ■
$7.50 Ladies' full-gored skirts
all-wool chifton panama and taffeta
elaborately trimmed. Cash sale
$10.00 Black Voile Skirt. Cash
Sale price
Ladies’ Skirts
Every women in this section of Nebraska knows *hat we carry
the most con-plete line of separate Skirts to be found in Falls City.
You all know our regular prices are far below the other fellows—But
we have too much money tied up in our Skirts and In order to get it
out and cash them in quickly, we shall make the most rigid cuts on
new and snappy styles.Grab the chance before it is gone. We MAKE
$3.75 Skirts in black, blue and
brown. All good styles, and all
wool. Cash Gathering Sale.
$5.00 Ladies’ 11-gored, all-wool
Panama; 3inch taffeta folds on bot
tom and neatly trimmed. Black,
blue and brown. Cash sale price
$10.00 Skirts a wide range of
styles included at this price, neat
ly trimmed with self and silk
folds—in ail colors and black. Cash
sale price
$11.50 Black Voile Skirts, beauti
fully trimmed. Cash sale price
$4.50 Ladies man tailored Skirts,
in black, blue, brown and grey.
Cash sale price.
$6.00 Ladies’ pleated and plain
tailored effects. All wool and a
wide range of cloths. Cash sale
$9.00 Black Voile Skirts, Cash
Sale price
$9.00 Skirts—An elaborate show
ing in black, blue and brown, all
neatly trimmed. Cash Sale price
■L ft 1
|| ♦
. ____a
$12.50 imported Black Voile
Skirts, braid trimmed. Cash sale
$15.00 Imported Black Voile
Skirts, neatly trimmed and a very
stunning skiit. Cash Sale
will buy any
Calico in the
house, as long
as it lasts.
22 Lbs.
With 55 Worth of Other
$18.00 Suits now sell for
Ladies' Misses and Children's
A matchless out pour of values. Yes, We Get Stuck On Coats
bought too many of them—and now we want to get rid of ’er. DO YOU
WANT ONE? NOW is the time to get it at your own price.
Have got 50 left—and until every one of ’em is gone we are go g
to cut the price in the middle.
Will set' you a $2.00 Coat for $1.00; a $5.00 Coat for $2.50. the $7.3 '
ones go at $3.75; the $10.00 Coats for $5.00; the $15.00 ones cut to
$7.50; and so on up the line.
Better grab onto at least one of these if you want a coat.
Just got 17 left, and they are every one good styles—just t you
will buy next season if you wait until then. We are not going to fool
around about the price on these suits, but are going to take a straight
40c off of every dollar on the price mark, and g ve you trie biggest
value you ever had in your life on a Ready-to-Wear Suit.
Below is the exact figures on these suits:
$10.00 Suits now sell for
$20.00 Suits now sell for
515.00 Suits now s I fo
$25.00 Suits now sell for
, „ \ _ Xl. *t! ' V- -
$30.00 Suits now sell for
All Silk Petticoats, One-Third Off
The Dry Goods Section
All through the dry goods section our salesmen have wended their
way with marking pencil in hand. Not a piece, parcel or package has
escaped the:r hungry eye. With ruthless hand they have marked the
prices—Down! Down! Qftwn!
These goods are jp/ed on the counters and hung from the ceiling
| and shelving, all with plain figures so you may readily read as
offering to >cu. In order to
turn this large stock InTS^a
Mark down your dry goods wants NOW.
Wash Goods,Linens,Percales, Giinghams, Outings, Muslins, Sheetings,
and In fact all piece goods will go.
Ail calicoes go for (as long as
they last)
12'2c percaies, 28 and 30 In. wide
light and dark patterns, will go at
16c 36-In. Sea Island percales,a
beautiful line of patterns. Cash
gathering sale
9c Gingham, 100 pieces, all sta
ple patterns. Cash Sale
12'/2c Dress Ginghams, the highest
and fancy patterns. Cash sale
15c Lisle Ginghams, the highest
grade of gingham. Cash Sale
8ilkollnes, worth 12'd and 15c
a large line of patterns and designs
Cash Sale
25c Fancy Ticking. Cash Sale
About 5,COO yards of short leng
goods. All go at greatly Reduced
10c Shirting, a large line of pat
terns to chose from. Cash Sale
8‘. nc brown muslin, an exceptional
good grade. Cash Sale
10 cent Bleached muslin, full yd
wide. Sale price
12! 2C full standard cambric yard
wide. Cash Sate
15c Lonsdale cambric. Cash
Full standard A. C. A. Ticking 36
inches wide, Cash sale
30c Imported German Ticking,
large floral designs. Cash Sale
12'4c sheetings, the heavy kind
just what you want. Cash Gather
ing Sale
:hs including most all kinds of piece
-■ ■■ - .— ' ■' I
Men's Furnishings
If you need furnishings, grab this chance, tven if you are going to
need gents furnishing next year it will pay you most handsomely to buy
Now! 25 per cent is no mean saving and 50 per cent is better. You’ll
find bcth kit d here and it is up to you to chose the goods.
Maybe jou only need a few socks or shirts, or ties or suspenders
—or a pair of overalls. No matter what it is you’ll save Money. Mark
your furnishing goods wants down NOW.
One lot mens’ fine dress shirts
all kinds of pattern, and neat and
clean, worth 50 to 75c. Cash Sale
100 Mens' fine dress shirts, all
standard makes. Cash Sale
25c Mens' ties—four-in-hand, bat
wings. and string ties. Cash Sale
50c Mens' Ties—we have every
style that is made and during our
Cash Sale they will go at
50c Mens’ heavy fleeced under
wear all sizes. You can afford to
lay this away until next season at
this price. Cash Sale
$1.00 Mens' underwear, union suit
wool, and in fact every garment at
that price. Cash Sale
25 dozen mens' heavy work socks,
during the Cash Sale
All mens' 15c hose. Cash Sale
All mens' 25c hose, Cash Sale
One lot of mens’ Overalls most all
styles in stock. Overalls and Jack
ets to match. Cash Sale
75c mens Overalls and Jackets
to match. Cash Sale
90c mens' heavy Bibbed Overalls
and Jackets. Cash Sale
72 C
$ 1 .CO mens' heavy fancy striped
overalls and jacket. Cash Sale
One lot mens’ hats, while they
last at
'/3 Off Vi_
__ We’ve Got 'Em and Don't Want 'Em
Shoes for the entire Family! And if you ev r did want anything in your wlaole life, it is Shoes, because you spend more than half your life in Shoes. And if you want Shoe jj
you will be heJ to buy a dozen pair and fit out the entire family. These price\wont be equaled soon for shoes are on the ladder of high prices also. Glance down this barf j
gain list anrl That > Ah -®i
FVIen Shoes
$5.50 Men's^all Patent Colt
Blucher, this is a very stylish shoe
for dress wear and very neatly
trimmed. Cash Sale price only
$5.00 Men’s Patent Colt Blucher
neatly trimmed with polished kid
top, finished with the new raised
toe and swine last. Cash Sale
$4,00 Men’s Patent Sunflower
shoes, blucner cut—mat kid top,
a very serviceable shoe. Sale price
$3.75 Men’s Dress Shoes made
in vlci kid, velour calf and polish
ed kangaroo, all new styles, full
vamp, well made. Cash Sale
$1.50 Men’s Satin Calf shoes.
Plain and tip toed effects. Cash
$3.00 Men’s Glazed Kangaroo,
Colt Skin and Kid stock. Solid
leather counters and neatly finish
ed. Cash Sale price only
$2.50 Men’s Box Calf Vici Kid
and velour stock in congress, lace
and blucher, plain toes. They are
all the Sunflower make, which
means the best. Cash Sale
$3.BO Men's Dress Shoes in glas
ed kangaroo, polished calf and kid
good stock and workmanship of the
best. Cash Sale price only.
$3.09 1
$2.00 Men's Solid Leather Shoes
in velour and kid stock. Every
pair guaranteed against imperfec
tion. Cash Sale
$3.50 Men’s Heavy full-stock Kan
garoo shoes in black, tan and
green. Ail full welted Rock Oak
soles and without doubt the best
shoe on the market. Cash Sale
$3.00 Men's Standard Work shoes
made of a good stock heavy Kan
garoo and built for service in green,
black and tan. Cash Sale
$2.00 Men’s. Plow Shoes in black
and tan, seamless, a full gussetted.
Cash Sale price only.
$1.75 Men’s Oil Grain Plow shoes
both lace and buckle, Cash Sale
' Boys', Misses'
and Children's
$2.25 Misses Patent Leather shoes
blucher cut, straight lasts, Cash
■ 1 1 1 ■ i
All other Shoes not above
mentioned will go at reduced
prices that will pay you to
$2.00 Misses kid and kangaroo
McKay and turn soles. Cash sale
$1.75 Misses' Kid and Velour
calf school shoes, good soles and 1
very durable shoes. Cash Sale
$1.50 Misses’ School shoes in
black and tan, kid and calf. Cash
$3.00 Boys' tan high cuts, are
very good solid leather shoe for
hard every day wear; Cash Sale
$3.00 Boys patent leather and
velour dress shoes, welted soles, sol
id leather counter and sole. Dur
ing the Cash Sale only
$2.50 Boys' Vici Kid and Kanga
roo dress shoes in all .new lasts, a
very neat shoe for dress wear.
Cash Sale
$2.00 Boys’ Kangaroo and Box
calf shoes for school wear, solid
leather throughout. Cash sale
$1.50 Boys' Alpine calf school
shoes, a good range of sizes and a
very good shoe. Cash Sale
Ladies Shoes f
$4,00 Ladies' patent kid, button*
grey kid top. neatly finished, welt
ed soles and a very natty shoe
for street wear. Cash Sale
$3.50 Ladies Patent Colt in turn
and welted soles, for both street
and dress wear. Cash Sale
$3.00 Ladies’ shoes, patent but
tons, vici kid, in blucher and polish
effects, neatly finished. Cash Sale
$2.50 ladies' kid shoes in turned
and McKays and put up with style
as well as service. Cash Sale
$2.00 Ladies’ street and every
day shoes In box calf, kangaroo,
gunmetal and kid, in blucher and
polish cuts, e II good wearers. Cash
$1.50 Ladies’ every-day shoes in
fawn calf, vici and dongola stock
blucher and polish cuis. Cash Sale
One lot of broken sizes in Men’s,
Ladies’ and Children’s Shoes. To
close out, they go at HALF-PRICE.
Silks and Satins
Are shown in a range of colorings, styles and effects most remarkable.
Purse-opening arguments now set down in “black and white.”
15 pieces *7 inch Silk Foulards—
in new patterns—blue, grey, brown
and tan. Regular $1.00 value. Cash
Sale price
10 pieces plain colored Messa
lines. A very superior finished
silk—in all the newest shades. A
cloth that many stores ask $1.25
for. Cash Sale p-ice only
$1.00 Taffeta in black, white and
most all colors. Cash sale price
27 Inch Jap and China, washable
silk, every color of the rainbow
black and white carried In our
stock. You all know the regular
retail price cf these popular 6llks.
Cash gathering sale price
50c Japonaka siik—A very smooth
soft finish silk in all the newest
shades. Cash sale price.
50 pieces of silk in short length
most of them have about enough
for a waist. For Cash Gathering
Laces and Embroideries
One lot of lace and embroid
ery, worth up to 'Oc per yard, our
Cash sale price only
One lot of lace and embroidery,
worth up to 15c per yard. Cash
sale price
One let of lace and embroidery,
worth up to 25c per yard. Cash
sale price
Corset cover embroidery that is
worth 19c to 75c per yard, during
our cash sale only
!4c to 39c
Six Spools
of Coats’
All Black
ranging in price
from $1 to $3.50,
54 Off 54
Extra Special!
5 Doz. ladies’ wide
black Petticoats,
with dust ruffle,
69 Cts.
With the advancing price on ail eatables—we are still in position to
sell you you groceries for just about the same OLD PRICE.
And during this cash sale we quote you:
22 FOUNDS SUGAR (with every
$5.0-' purchase oT other gocds)
'.0 bars A ■ Soap. Sac price
3 cans standard tomatoes for only
4 cans standard corn, Cash Saie
4 carts Lewis lye. Cash Sale
4 packages of cellouloid starch
Cash Sale
20c bulk coffee, Cash Sale
And many other giocery specials
which limited space will not per
mit us pricing to you.
Don’t Forget
It Is Important
We are going to give you the
biggest values you ever got in
your life on Ribbon if you don't
believe it Come in and see.
Sale Starts Saturday, Feb. 12th
Closes Saturday, March 5th
We Are Going to Talk
Dress Goods
It matters not what ycu want in the Dress Goods lines. We have it.
We have been buying direct from the men who made them and they are
going out to you at the most ruinous Prices you ever saw. In fact we
believe you will be down and buy a half-dozen patterns for yourself and
Mark down your Dress Goods wants then come
much you can save.
One lot of '^ool and wom-rfTtyW
Suitings, plain and novelty effects
every one of them just what you
will want for spring wear. 36 to
42 inches wide, regular 50 and
65c values. Cash Gathering So'e
$1.50 Heavy Storm Serge, 52 in
wide. Cash Sale
$1.00 Black Chiffon panama, a
very fine fabric. Cash Sale
'' ~b T ~ ~ .
inches wide. Cash Sale
$1.50 French Broadcloth, 51 inches
wide, a good smooth finished fabric.
Cash Sale
I i 2 ‘
wide, all wocl, and a dandy fine
piece of cloth Cash Sale
Every piece of Dress Goods will be i eluded ir this sale. But limit
ed space will not permit us mention'ng them. This sale will also include
all new fine evening shades and pa ty fabrics.
Linens for the Table
Yes! We are going to have an old fashioned bargain sale in our
Linen Department also. We are offering some great values—values
that will cause all lingering doubts to buy to vanish. Come in and let
us prove It to you.
50c Colored Linen, blue, red and
tan—they are the standard "Ren
frew” kind. Cash sale
50c Bleached and Unbleached 6Q»
in Linen a “cracker-jack” for the
money. Cash Sale
$1.00 Irish Linen—72 inch wide
Cash Sale
72-in. ail-linen Damask for the
table, a beautifully finished cloth
and a good weight, 5 different pat
terns to select from. Sale price
Three pieces German Damask,
sold regular fcr $1.50, $1.€5 and $1.7!
aii go at the Cash Sale for
Wise Readers never overlook 0.:r Ads.
Ladies Misses’ and
Children's Hose
One lot of Ladies’ and Childrens’
hose, worth up to 15c per pair
Cash Sale.
35c Hose fcr women. Cash Sale
15c Hose for women a-d child
ren. Cash Sale
25c Hose for women and children
Cash Sale
These r.cse are rot a bur of odds and ends, but include every
pair in houne. Nothing reserved—you get the cream of the let. ACT
Waists at a Bargain
One lot of lawn wants, $1.00 and
$1.25 values. Cash Sale Price
$1.50 and $1.75 Ladies' whits
waists, most ali sizes. Sa e p-ice
$1.58 Lad*es’ silk z id iawn waists
Cash Sale
$3.50Ladies Taffetta waists. all
new styles. Cash scie
$6.00 net waists. Cash Sale
$5.00 Ladies' silk waists, beauti
f.‘y trirrmeu Taffetta styles. Our
Cash Sale price
$2 10 Ladies' ret waists, Cash
$3.50 Net waists, Cash Sale
$3.00 net /.sists, Cash Sa'e
$7.50 elaborate silk waists. Cash
Sale price
All Dry Goods Sold
During this Sale
For Gash Only
Our regular grocery accounts
we will handle as usual
1 •
The Price-Killer Department Store Falls City, Nebraska |
All Dry Goods Sold
During this Sale
For Gash Only
Our regular grocery accounts j
we handle as usual