The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, February 18, 1910, Image 2

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Entered as second i lass matte r a»
Falls City, Nebraska, jn ~t oflie.e,
srv ;2, under tin (• i <•: t'origrvs
z n March 3, lST'i
■‘nbHaherl ever; r re,. , it 1 .*11;, v ny,
Nebraska, by
The Tribune Publishing Company
One year Sl.-’h
St* months .75
Three months .4(1
It is mu of the duties of every w ,i
egulaled muiiteipaltty to provide re
wunerative employment for its work
ing people
* * *
II. is it ptllilie benefaitm wlm pro
ubs employment for two, where lie
hire only one person could make a
* * *
There it a hold up-mnn whose op
rations ari more detestable than
■hose of the high way man We re
*i ■ to tie holders of real estate who
emand three prices for propel 1"
reded for publte ,i 11 i11 <
* * *
Thi American Muua/im declares
hat slavery exists al l it mom u( in
Mi tit o, that the eonnt ry la rife with
• arb,irons po'itleal pers'-eulloi. , and
lint f.’ettjoin of speech and personal
her)v are np| re;. ,.-d
l> #r *
tie litparlmout of Agriculture is
nveidigiding I lie raising of edible
• naih as a in w ■ ingll-fiirm iieliisijy.
Some hoys v. i know «p jusi about
•to t enough 'Pi foot to he n ' tni in
•trlving iiii th slock on such a ranch.
Mayor (Jnhlninn of oninhn has
mtldiely parted eompany with Win,
• llryun, bitnit< Mr Itrynn hie* oh
•mttso d the eaten of limp*anu<e
Mayor Duhltuan, i> a In Hen r In
personal llbetfy It.y personal lib
rty he undermands, llutl every man
• hniihl have tin fim and unhlndep'd
■Ight to tuaki spoil of his follow,
<i eat, drink, slugger in tin ditch
nd dh a blessed freodoin
* * *
A new institution has limn started
I linrluiin, \ C lulled tile National
'{eliglmn Training School am! Cbau
lauqito to tin Colored lime A liasic
principle of tin now institution is
Change tin* man and the environ
ment;; will !m changed by tin* man."
The head, tin heart, the hr d. it
declan Innild on i Ittca'd l«’i tig
’on. ludu. trv and lti tun make tin
omplete, well ruundt d >aii
* • e
Dr John I (ion in r, found* i rad
sow p ; lit i 111<■ 1 .* in' li- V, i m
*»n's t' 'I* a, l all i mote, mainialti*
for twenl; fn years a silent id'
• Illage seliiH i in tin* Norlhwivt i i iv
'Peer ef India insulting in (lie odm i
’ion ami Cr ri.d.ianh.aiion of tnoro than
'.O.tMio Indian . many of whom have
'.econo leiidep of tin |i opl** \ll
'his was ditto ai a total n i of it*
Much mud i - tlirowi at the church
a in i aun i f tin; lack of harmony
uni Co-op* ;ai ion a mong t ltcnjsolvos.
Hi at tiicr* only too good ground
*or ta* ai "proaiji w* id mil. lint
-ire in mud It. ; * : :• always quite
onsi; i• to. ti. d do tin y in civic and aliaii. always practice
'- lint tin y to . I.; it so why should
hid loath . I in'me,-, men turn o.ei
• tnanag ... ut ■ t uk* * h i .-*' affa r.
in- quest amp. ie ■ » ol poll
- u '* (efliug logetla I tile)
1* -• *n men of tinquoa
Dor,* <! , • *.. ' . • *.it in ti* cities'
*. nti. U .
V» Ui'k .. .' **n
iiio side of I eal op in-vertholcsH
*< net >ii Millin ’ to abide by
fin incision id iln> majority in the
nattei of wet or dry We are,
kiwi \it. opposed to making ttie t,a
ioon issue the only issue We insist
Him good representative men should
be elected to the city offices irrespec
tive of tin ir political affiliations and
nnnffecti d by the "wet or dry" issue.
Kor once let politics and scutum nt
be relegated to the secondary place
win n they lightly belong, and let
■ very man who at a is for a “llretit i
Kali; (Mt tome out for the strong
si and most capable men who (;in
be found in our midst.
s * *
Stand-pat-ism in Uku •'lections has
brought reproach uiion city govern
ment because of the incompotency of
many of tie officers elected As the
situation how stand?, it is extremely
difficult and frequently impossible to
get men of character and self respect
to run for office. They have learned
by bitter experience that the ring
will throw them, and that the aver
age man when at the polls “votes
ner-stniight," no matter though tin
• eriest incompetents he put in office
The time has come for the intelligent
< itlzens of Kalis City to wake up to
the important fad, that the interest.’
of our towu are paramount. Kalla
City is now entering upon a in w and
larger career. Shall it be marred by
increased incompetent'?. vice and
corruption or shall the spirit of a
(’ a.i and lir I'liigiMil piOgremdveneaH
prev all ?
* • *
Hiiin vi ry earnest and sincere peo
|.ii find ii <1 iffivult to adjust them
1% . ii.ii lllgc nily with rolation to
tin ii.aur, i id movement in Congress
rin hi i eliism eau lie easiest
eompi’i iii tided if looked tit from the
1 j.'.t ottrnnhii al slant) point. For it is
in distinctly a western movement sis
ovet the secession was a soutli rn.
, It is t. pleai ot wt stern Ideals and of
1 v. I ill life.
| I or several years the ‘ ast has re
' "full d tile west largely as a wild,
eratic child. There was a time in
the history of the west when there
was good grounds for tills notion.
Hut.the child has been growing some,
it h.ts reached a man's estate, and Is
i touting into its own. The Insurgent
movement Is a mild expression of
tii" western eonseioiienesH.
It Is true that men of "I'nele doe's'
find are tumble to appreciate such it
thing us a western type of American,
citizen ;!i If t onft ssetl "it is hard
to learn an old dog new tricks." Xev :
tin less the young dog learns them,’
tied learns them well lOvIdotitl.v we
have many otherwise intelligent and
loyal western people who have not
•it awak' rn d to the fact that the
• >.i hits heroine a mighty people,
rich la material tilings, ardently p'o
'1 dvr, anti z.t iilout for the right
of the individual
The imuirgi nt inovemt lit In not
primarily a political movement, hut a
poople'n movement. It is tile linin ',
of mighty an i milch abused p ople,
agaliu t tli■ • opprt slon of special n
li re t . and < '.ms loghdulIon and t he n
rule, li is tin challenge of the pro
duce:- for a lightful division of the
product of labor. H is the advance
skirmish of nu industrial revolution.
* * m
While the agiLition against trans
portation companies ami the excessive
rates which they charge, is up again
before I lie public,let the farmers urge
upon their representatives the dosira-i
1 > 111 ’of a parcels post.
Rural free delivery with till its ex
cellent servlet• to tin1 farmer, is only j
hall what it might and should be to
him As an intelligence department
it Is all that could be desired, hut
i ron i In standpoint of pure econotm .
Ics if offers him little enough. With
the addition lo the service of the tar
rying of express at a nominal rate
tin funner could have Ida goods tie
liven d at his door, every day, with
tin same regularity and dispatch as
he now gels It is mail.
Naturally the express companies
\ II fight the passage of such a hill.
• v.ierii sec lias shown that local
■i :... is also are largely opposed
to It i- novation. In (Ids they un
til i i,i'-c I .net L post will 1 t all}
ad van! i, • tl; lucal merchants. lust
a - d has bi.i-ii found that the postal’s1
sting I ,.nL in (treat Ibittbin and
Germany bin been of direct advan
tage to 'in banks, although bitterly
opposed at first by the banking ip
i •rest:-.
■ • only p who will
ttly injured by the passage of a
tumors post net. will lie the tiaas
portntioa companies, ami in purlieu
Hr the i \pren companies, itiil as
these lire at present mercilessly <>n
aged in looting the public pocket it'
is needle, s to consider even for a
moment any po.;,dblc**hui'dship the act
n i; it work on them.
the: place to begin saving.
very ;uoil citli. n should hold I p
ti e hands ct President Taft in Lis
avowed intention to cut down the.
expenses of the government, and no
good litiieu will object merely be
cause file retrenchment liifs his own
inf .‘rests. Most of us feel that the |
recommendations of a presidential me .
sage are so far off that we need not
bother about them and usually there
is ground for tile feeling. But Presi
dent Taft in his last message strikes
a blow at an « xpenditure in which ev
ery reader of this is interested. He
recommends the abolition of the pos
tal law that makes it possible for
Karin and Fireside and other period*
j ieals to be carried to their subscrib
ers ; I (lie low prices which now pre
vail lie says thiii the great loss of
the post-office department is in the
carriage of second-class mail master.
And because they are heavier and are
on the average carried further than
newspapers. In : aye that the mnga
ziu and periodicals are the publica
tions that create the deficit So lie
recommends the withdrawal of the
second-class mail privileges front the
magazines and such weeklies as this,
i'ho adoption of his recommendations
will enforce a revolution in the busi
ness of publishing such papers and
magazines, and will drive hundreds of
them out of business, it will double
tin cost of this paper to its readers.
It will probably double the cost of
periodical literature all along the line.
He shall be g’ad to hear from our
readers as to whether or not they
think this the place to begin to econ
The farmers of the country want
the parcels post. Every other im
portant civilized nation lias it. lt is
I ii re prone li to tin that we haven’t it
I The lack of it places us In a class
with the backward peoples. The par
eels post woul i make money for the
government It would have been giv
■n ns long ago if it had not been for
tic moneyed interest; mgaged in the
! 'Xpress business you think it would be better
to make up the postal deficit by ex
pansion Into the parcels post than by
going backward to the extent of up
•< it mg tit* maga/lre relations of the
Tliei'u, is a loss to the government
in unfair and extravagant rentals for
timihears sufficient to wipe out the
deficit if it v, re remedied. The gov
ernment lias long paid nearly enough
rental per year for these ears to build
them. la other words, it pays the
railways for its ears every year, and
never owns them. And after paying
for them, it pays again to have the
mail hauled in them. For a genera
tion this has been a reproach to our
postal system almost amounting to a
scandal. It has often been called the
nug<- t graft in our government. It
would have lain wiped out years ago
bad it not hen for the Influence of
the railways, its beneficiaries.
Would it not have been more
statesmanlike for President Taft to
! e! thi abuse t utlrer than ;P
the cheap dissemination of reading
matter, education, iat •lligence? What
do you think?
It is unfortunate that at the mo
rn tit of this presidential threat it is
tl ■ magaxim which are criticising
tim admini. nation, excoriating Mr.
Aldrich and lampooning Mr. Cannon.
With .to many greater abuses in plain
sight and d -mnmling cure, how will
Mr I'aft explain his recommendation
against the charge of spite and n de
sire to imi/.zl the press?
Write your congressman about it?
Write your . > mitor about it. —Farm
and Fireside.
The house of representatives voted
to destroy 1,000 tons of "worthless”
public documents which have been
accumulating for several yiars.
The largest park in the world, ex
tending for fifty miles along the
hank of the river Hudson, is to he
provided for New York
Destruction lit the Putted Slat
by fire in on - year, 1007. amounted
to u-'nrly one-half of the new building
construction m the whole country for
yea r.
Tli diricteis of the Pennsylvania
Company operating Pennsylvania ra;l
load lines w si of Pittsburg, today
declared a dividend of $16.67 per
share, payable In stock.
I«ee Mi-Clung, the new treasurer
of the Pulled States nave Charier. H.
Treat, the retiring treasurer, a tidy
n-. el pi f $1,360,1.34,904 "S lard
Tin- motor "bus” hat; invaded Pal
•tine and with the completion of u
carriage read between Jerusalem and
Nablus, it is tow possible to travel
comfortably n- two hours from laffa
'•> tin- ancient Hhooheni
The oftVrll p of ITe t i ait Chrk.t
cudom for fo eign missions in 19(10
out:i d to >34,61;!,000, ,i gain of
1 ,T«>T.0-00 over I90S. Seventy-one'
P r ci nt of this gain was in Cnited
Stat.-s and Canada.
J’it'tix u th,eti.-ai.d more p« irons
were at work in the factories of,
Rhode Island at the close of the
year 1909 tliou were at work at the
close of 1908
Sir Charles Buxton once said: “The
struggle of the school, the library,
and the church, all united against the j
beer house and the gin palace, is'
hut one development of war between
heaven mid hell."
On la«t Thanksgiving day Warden
J. K.. Codding of the Kansas state
penitentiary iiitioduecd the custom
of offering thanks at iho prisoners’
dining table before partaking of the
in those counties in Ohio which 1
have abolished the saloon there lias
been a remarkable increase in sav
ings bank deposits. Over fifty banks
limb'd in reporting an increase,which
is definitely traceable to the spread
of temperance.
James J. Hill, the famous rail
road magnate, sent this order to the
heads of all the branches in the
vast railroad system which he con
trols: "Do not employ drinking men.
If the men vho are working under
you drink, tel* them they must stop
or make way for men who will not
drink," This order is the result1
ef tlie investigation of a number of)
accidents on the railroads, almost all
of which \vt rc caused by employees
indulging in drink.
At Los Angelos a man has just
gained a verdict of $3,000 against a
dentist who let a tooth slip down]
his throat. The victim had been
suffering two years from supposed
tuberculosis, but finally coughed a
tooth from his lungs and recovered
Notice to Public.
Having sold my interest iu the firm
of Wirth & Winterbottom, I wish
to thank the public for the liberal
patronage extended and ask a con
tinuance of the same to Mr. Wirth.
3y Prominent Men On The Prevail
ing High Prices of Meat.
Archbishop Ireland says there is
ueadful waste resulting from ignor
es •• of house k -eping, and that Ainer
'■an women do not know how to
avo in cooking.
'i'li Spokane Spokesman 10 view
republican, has an explanation for
tin increased tost of living It says:
-ionic part of tin* increased cost, of
living is due to higher prices of nec
essaries, hut personal indulgence and
xt.ravagaiit. desires are the chief
James J. Hill says that if Lhc house
keeper, instead of standing in front
of the telephrne to order the family
supplies, would go to the market and
learn which foods are cheap and just
as good as the expensive kinds she
lias been ordering there would be
less talk abou high prices.
Slow handling of live stock by the
railroads results in the loss af 100,000
head annually, according to witnesses
before the house committee an inter
state commerce. A bill is before the
committee fixing a minimum rate of
Hi miles an hour ai which railroads
may transport live stock shipments.
The next effort of the government
will he to prove that in the matter of
meat prices for a given territory the
jointly owned National Hacking com
pany sol the pace for Armour A Co.,
Hwlft A Co., and Morris A Co., and
that tins was the result of an agree
ment made in violation of the anti
trust law.
The Falls City Daily Journal says:
'The people seem to be unreason
able in making complaints of the
high price of the cost, of food pro
ducts that appear on their tables.
How do they expect the army of
traveling men that fill our hotels
and railroad trains to get their pay
if it is not added to the price of what
the grocer sells them?"
John JJarrett, director ol the
bureau of American republics said:
“Tae whole problem of lowering the
price of meat might, be solved iti
tnirty days if congress would lower
tariff duties on beef and cattle, so
an.! when there was a scarcity here
Huy could he shipped from Latin
America. Without in any way seri
ously dlsari augilig the beef and cattle
business of this country beyond re
ducing the price to a living basis, the
lowering of the duty would suddenly
develop an interesting situation. In
less than a week a fleet of steamers
loaded with high class rofrigemtoi
bev f cf Southern Smith America |
would leave I'aieims Ayers and Monte-1
vkb o for N't i % ork and New Or-!
1 ans.'1
Philadelphia North American says:
A farmer killed two bogs and a .Sa
lem. N J,. butcher agreed to buy
them, the price being satisfactory.
The farmer said that he'd like to
have- the hams and shoulders, and
again the butcher agreed. After the
fanner put tin hams and shoulders |
on his wagon lie remarked: ‘Well,
what’s the balance coming to me?’
The butcher figured a moment and
replied: ‘There s nothing coming to
you. you owe me $2.85.' and the farm
er was obligt d to pay it. The butch- i
1 r's figures wen correct the farm
er’s were correct. The butcher!
bought the entiri hugs at a wholesale
price and the farmer was charged at
retail prices for the hams and shoul
ders- although tlmt was not und >r
stood when he made the bargain.
Letter From our Regular Correspond
ent at Kansas City.
Kansas City Stock Yards. Feruary
14th, 1910. -Cattle receipts tast week
were a disappointment to buyers ev
ery day except Tuesday, the prices
either higher or were firm each day
except Tuesday, with a net advance
of 10 to 25 certs for the week. The
outlet is broader than a week ago,
and the market has added capacity
account of recent forced small buy
ing of killers. Prime steers have
been scarce, hut one lot sold at
$7.40 here today, highest price in
several weeks, top each of the two
last weeks $7.15. Cows of Quality:
sell up to $5.50, and a few heifers at
$0.00 or better.
Hog receipts have been running l
very light, and prices made a net I
gain of IS cents last week, closing)
at the highest point reached pre- j
viously this winter. The run is
9,000 head today, and the market is)
5 to 10 higher, top standing at $8.90:
today, highest ever recorded at this
market, and hogs are selling at war
prices today for the first time in more
than forty years. All weights come
in for the strong prices, and seldom
is the bulk of scales within as nar
row a range as now $8.55 to $S.35
here today.
Live Stock Correspondent
Washington News Letter.
Washington, February lfith. 1910
"Economy" is an administration slo
gan at present. The appropriations
bills are beginning to come over to
the senate from the house, and the
retrenchment idea in noticeable in
‘the reductions in ing made.
Legislation passed the senate last
week which will call for the expen
diture of a few thousands out of lln
United States treasury for a fish cul
ture station in Nebraska. If it passes
the house, $25,000 will he expend' d
in Nebraska by Unde Sam in breed
ing and growing fish to stock the
Already, however, the economical
program of President Tart has pre
sented an obstacle to the enactment
of legislation dear to the hearts of
the Nebraska delegation. It lias
given raise to a curious situation
with reference to a bill which Mr.
Taft very strongly endorsed when he
was secretary of war, that of increas
ing the size of the signal corps and
making a regular arm of the service.
Tlte Nebraska men are interested
because the headquarters of the sig
nal corps are in Nebraska. To in
crease the size of the signal corps
would, therefore make Nebraska the
base of operations in experiments
vvilit aerplanea and other flying ma
chines which the war department is
trying out. Last year iu a letter to
Senator Burkett, who introduced the
bill. Secretary Taft set forth tit
lengtli the importance of inert using
this branch of the service, and urged
-T -imiwu-Wc ipiJt-MfWM -umm* xm i . ww
that the bill be passed As president,
lowever. he is put in the position of
being slow to endorse hills calling for
new appropriations, and his precise!
attitude cannot lie- determined. He
leas not jet indicated just how ho
feels about the hill now, but within
a few days lie will probably be cull
ed upon to de, so.
Cheap and Safe.
The small sunt of $- will buy a
$5,000 policy, good for fix > free*
tin ltichardson County Farm Mutual
Insurance Co., provided the building
has good lightning rods. Them these
polic ies can be another fire
years for the still smalle r fee of fifty
c ents. Smaller policies cos! I he same
The last 22 years this company leas
bee n thoroughly tried,and found re
liable. We have- over two inillios
insurance in force, and constantly
gaining new members All the fans
property of the county ought to be
insured with us. It is folly to ho p
on sending money out of t lit- county
foi good safe protection. School
boards and country churche s can save
money by insuring wilb us. Call,
write or phone to me, over Dittmnr's
store. Falls City. Nebraska.
—Ladies. Save Mcut-y! Make
finest of perfumes at home for one
fifth what, you are now paying. T ■
guaranteed recipes for 50c. Howe
Supply Co , Frinceton, Indian,
for Feeble Old People, Delicate Children, Weak, Run-down
Persons, and to Counteract Chronic Coughs, Colds and
Bronchitis, is because it combines the two most v < irld-famed
tonics — the medii inal, strengthening, b.idy-biulding element i g
of Cod Liver Oil and Tonic Iron, without oil or grease, g
tastes good, and agrees with every one. 1
We return your money without question If Vino' P
docs not accomp 'n rre ck i.Ti for it. t
A. C. WANNER, ,1st, Falls City. j
February Bulletin
of Special
Komescekers' Excursions, Iibruary ! ml ;:uh, autl the lost and
third Tuesda s of each subsequent month, to tin West, Northw st and
Southwest, n « farm lai d regions. A chance for a splendid tour of the
West at very low rates.
Winter Tour Rates: Daily through February and March t •> al: Southern.
Gulf, Cuban and California resort-,
Verv Cheap One Wav Rates
To Puget Sound and Pacific Coast
Only $25.00 from eastern and central Nebras a tu Seattle, Portland,
Spo aue, Butte, Helena, San Francisco, Los . western
destinations. 'Pickets sold from March 1st to April lath.
Through Service: These tieke - lionui d in < fair > ars and tourist
sleepers: daily through tourist sleepers via Northern l’ai t fi e Kx press, through
upper Northwest: daily through tourist sleepers to < alifornia, via Denver,
scenic Colorado. Salt Lake City and Southern Pacific.
Get in touch with me, and let me give you descriptive literature, ar
range for your berths and assist you in every wav.
-i E. G. WHITFORD, Ticket Agent. Fails City. Neb.
, . V s »v ;
L. M. WAKELEY, G. P A., Omaha, Neb.
2TWi - -■.—.
Jjf MTfTTOMnI Ml ITT FltTiTlTl mniiT itwti ir rs 11 r i m~inriri-t
Flour, Feed and Oil Meal
All Kinds of Salt, Stoneware
Climaq ( hick Feed
All Kinds of Storage facilities
Warehouse on B a m. r. r.
Rea! Estate and Loans
Money to Loan at 5 and ft per tent interest on good real estate
security. Also money to loan on good chattel security.
Polls City, Nebraska