The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, February 04, 1910, Image 8

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    Henry C. Smith
240 acres well improved, li miles from Depot in Kas. Good spring Best of terms. Will t^ke
40 acres as part payment, balance long time at low interest.
2(H) acres I >4 miles from depot. Richardson county, Nebraska. Good buildings and land Will
take 40 or 80 acres as part payment
100 acres upland, 1 mile from depot, Richardson county, Nebraska. $12,000.
1(H) acres Johnson county, Nebraska 80 rods to church and school. Best of terms. Might rent.
107 acres near Brownville, Nebraska
80 acres ^-mile from Falls Gitv high school,
040 acres, $8,000 improvements Also 040 acres adjoining. Will take 100acres a- part payment.
Fine running water. A No. 1 opportunity. „
Money te loan
Moisture for their Crops On Tap
at All Times A Paradise
for the Aftriculturist
<i Tin Tritium Enelo#ed find
St Mi for title year's aubscriptlnii, for
»i< would not like to lie without tin
old home paper I will try and
write to tie- readers of Tin Trillium
ii little about tills countt> and how
We like it out liele.
We all like It wi ll out here.
Ours Is a fine i llinate We don't
have sue h bail si arms out lure In
tin wiut. i time, and in I In- summer
tun v.• I ...i Minshhn i i ry tiny
It c 1 pn ty warm In the doy t *• |
bill nt night It always . i n» rum
< nough. an ' lii-il i lathing i usually j
In demand, We don't li i. mu n •
Wind liei'i al (lilj •inn
vV. luul noun pretty ■ old . ill.
In I • tills w inti • ; the lhe, |'
wa do'VM 1 I ’ll In lew 11 Tin ii
y- .ins; it hardly i • t b dow
ero liei Our will! i i s lie are j
mostly lain We have hud .ibom
i ip lit inches of now iii the vjjj j
Icy sinec .lauutu ■ lit Friday it com
Wo uf> In in hi a valley ahi ill tin
•ill , : .ilii.iii fi (ini .in .1, ,
in non‘i ' i vlie . m • a i from •
i lo •• ■ t 1 'i ..iir.. ill. i,'ii t, .alii |av<
HU mi liiV, . fill I II I i I , lilt III
snow on tie i vv t ran ■ •> now a
j§1< a An .in
W, don i I I'tTnUol;
ilk* ill r tie v i i of i i* in i i ii.
> ouni i . Wi water in our
iateral: . < • alio .1 tie til i i Vpill
until NoiPiiihi r, -o u • in inli'iite
ilay ned nlglT if ie "mi'i
The laid is all flooded. which
does. Bway with all the uci 1 di+> 'a-.
ill the f Id The farm . ■ e tons;!.
laid off in land; from 40 to (Hi feet .
wide and when fixed like that a per
son will not have any work irrigating,
lie i an go ami do route Other win li
The water taxes are ft;- per a it
a yen. it i. pretty Ie eh. hut if
a pots..n nut let il rain like that wltet
ever t he i tut ml is di v . :,uu 'a ii i .
not too much. I h. t most <>i tin
Hi. haulm-ii county tanners would be
Kind to pnj SI.per acre if ih«y
could have li min ami he able to,
step it u li nt ver they vvatift d to. I
would ru,t filin' any more where I
could licit ini ... .•
i'h main farm productions here,
arc alfalfa, wheal, oafs and harlcy. j
Alfalfa makes from four to six tons j
n r mi. : wheat front fo tv to sixty
h lie *s p.r acre, and oat., from,
' vi a live to one hundred busholdj
'' i o r e i a r» on old ulfalia
. a .!. tin new slue brush ground (
W'l t and oats will not make' in ei
thirty t ci bushels pi t a, re!
lift) is s* ilu a ill $1. to $11 per!
loo r I • t i ntth nf ; ; ! .nut 1
third at $0 t.tid $1n Chan timothy
$ts pi r ton hailed.
Wheat and oats are selling at
Who appears at ths Gchling Saturday Ev
ening In C. H. Kerr's Comedy
per 1 Ot)-lb». This Is also a good
dairy country. Wo arc getting dife
for luitlor fat ilidivercd to the cream-j
cry, 37c when they colled it. In
summer time ils from 23c to line
Rggs are from 4(»r to fate a dozen
here in winter time.
We have some very fine apple
and prune orchards here in (’anyon
county Mr. Doriuan of Caldwell,
got all first prizes but one at the
Council Bluffs fruit exhibition last i
l aud is selling from $100 to $400
P r aer< ; soon orchard hind us high
as $1,000 per M're, while six and sev
• a yi-ars ago it was not worth any
Some d our lUeliardson county
tih-ndu said lad year when we
Started out here. We would Iv back
again in a year, but they will have to
wait a long time |. fore we will
come lo lUeliardson county to farm.
if there >iH any id' your readers I
ihlnkiug of changing location I would j
advise tin in to come and take a look;
at this country. Tlieie is lots of I
[leap government land lo-ie yd. If I
any one wants to know more I will
i lad to write them all the infer j
at ion obtainable. Yours
f 1 Tin- Tribune Hello lliere, bow j
are you getting along 1 > this time?
We a , all well aial lii - it fine out
bore. We are having warm weather j
, but ii wa-i down lo so lo Bin ■
i U. t'.t I.; nu the nil, ii was sixteen'
lie-. : I’ll, I W e|\ e below ; I It, jilsl
•••■<; tla bill, two above, amt from !
eli Ii VHl'ijji tllll twelve In (bitty
\en lie re, . Rl Ve In til" mot'llit, V,
la i two w e. ! s It was as hi Ii as
■ i i; I'lie Niue is m arly all
I don't thin! wo have hail five day h i
*\ 1ml winter. I blow 11 urn
[he until 1,. : ' elm day and turned to
the in., iw and blew one tiny and
; a : rf the r. i
I bet yon think that fellow, Weiek,
awful lew at oi,i laying Ids sub
I: 'ah, 1 -it I am Min', ii I reiuein
, I t I did not nay you for Is-1
rear n I a in g ni'.iie- you $1>T0. St,
,i light pii i Ii l me ki c«
n 1 1 will »u\ke It right.
A' , I i iid to ail, 1 am a;
v r ym,r ty 11 illy
\\ I hi.I \ .VI W KICK
mpa, Idaho, l.uiuary l!7. 1 !•!t».
Old Roosters Decapitation.
A. Sisson, iiu early amt', r < f Adair. j
. ua and grandfather of Mn loim
\ ('rook, contributes (he following!
poem to his home paper, I he Adair
N i w s.
Pride if ill - flock, thy day is pmd !
Thy earthly rai ■ is run tit Inst.
Thy master's table thou shall spread.
The hungry di will Ink, thy head.
N ' mm w ill you escort your flock
A round tin farmyard and (lie shock,
\ ,| eon around your pullets dear.
A n, i- . Hu m you're ever near.
NT* more svlu n you have tit bits found
AN'itS you clack and call them 'round;
And while they pluck morsels sweet
S'and proudly by and m e ihe.n eat.
no more thy clarion voice will rouse'
The sleeper from liis morning drowse.
Thy echoing call no more will say,
"\rise, thou shipyard! 'tail the day!"
\'o more you'll tell tin- amorous beau i
That time is up and he must go.
1 l<! Katrina hike for bed
!'■ lore tile eastern sky is red.
I ong was the time thou didst stand
The captain of a happy hand.
Hut many have before you gone
Xow comes your turn to follow on,
'.nether one will take your place,
Both dignified in form and face.
Soon wilt thou tie forgotten then.
The name unknown to ev'r.v hen.
Salesmen Wanted.
The sales of our products for which
there is gencal demand, among mer
chants, fanners, schools, etc., now I
greatly increased by state laws re- j
centl.v passed, necessitates opening a
distributing office in this territoy. We:
desire resident sales manager, well ac!
quaiuted, of good character, who
can superintend sales, deliveries, ad-|
vertising, collections, etc., with $600
to $1,000 to carry enough stock to
fill orders, salary $1,200 to $1,800 an
nually, extra commission, office and
other expenses; no canvassing;'posi
tion permanent. Address Advertising
Manager, “Liberty" Mfg. Association,
i St. Joseph, Mo. 6-3t
Letter From our Regular Correspond
ent at Kansas City.
Kansas City, January 31, l'»lo.
Cattle prices declined rapidly tin
tirst half of last week, although re
ecipts were below normal, but there
were signs of strength Thursday and
Friday, with positive advances on she
stuff. The unsettled trade in meats
caused packers to bold their orders
down to a minimum last wee,thereby
discounting somewhat the effects of
the reduced run, and tlie general mar
ket closed the week with a net ipss
of la to 3a cents. Today the supply
m (1,0011 head, smaller even than on
hut Monday, and if became the buy
er's turn to show anxiety. Every
body was riding hard as long as the
apply lasted and prices today were
10 to 1.5 higher on ail kinds. Most
dealers believe that the boycott has
spent its for. e, although caution in
marketing is still urged, as buyers
can use tile boycott as a boar argu
ment for a while yet, which would be
ioiue more legitimate the larger tie
run. Nothing prime is here today,
l> I si corn off red going at $6.65.
bulk of steers $5,10 to $0.15, l ows lit
$5 00 to $5.25, heifers $3.50 to $5.75,
(ill s $5.75 to $.50. Supply from the
mug- country last week was light.
Colorado beef steers n to $5,50,
** Several
re II Steel front Okie i III (' i sold
at $5,25 on different day.,. Weighing
!.!Oa to i,| 15 pounds.
H<"; receipts were j no tin • i:. i
i i tin* v. 'i'k, niid the market n ,.i
d ..'i ta t, bit le liter suppli i
■ i.t Ii' Of tin? we. k met a ,i ranger iuar-1
1 t. ii* t i ■•( for tlii* * • *k arm mil
‘■i ci ,|g, t* ipply i l l * is *>ihi ii*. a 1 1
; .1 a ; ik .■ . lo to ...
1 '.(!• :• 200 pounds ¥7 00 >o $8.27 Tie
I* aba s believe that i i it t s will lie
. ' dilated In- the inevitable law of j
u'pply and ill inand. Tile supply end
oi this law is more or less definitely!
known, and if tt million personal
houbl stop enliug nn at. ii would still !
I ,\ • only a '■ poney eft'eei on I
. :t es, considering the t rmrtond-!
mis shortage in the suppl..
Sheep and iambs' declined r.7 to 401
eiits last week, lint tin* market, is ]
a. 27 cents lii her today, yearlings np
re $7.00. I Wes $1.7(1 to $7.27, wethers!
77.00 to $1.00, Dealers will probably.
II id the situation I11 the mutton tuar
! Wei) in hand. t. M ini, * U10 vol-i
' of receipts by tin i.rgeney of
d* maiid. ami no further losses in '
price t.i expected now ,
J. A. KICK.Yll I'.
Live Stock Correspondent, j
Only Half Price.
A quarter will pay for the Lincoln I
Daily News until April I. 1010, just1
half price, and the paper will stop j
then unless you send in money to re
new it. This is one paper that don't I
try to force itself upon people. Not a j
name is put on tho list unless paid for
and every fellow* is cut off when his j
time is up. You're not helping to pay
for other people's papers. \Ye don't |
have solicitors and other expensive |
methods. Ini' do business through I
Uncle Sam's mails, which is the
cheapest way. The News is a live,
one. You'll like it no matter whether
you are satisfied with tilings or are!
a kicker. The News is plain, frank
and fair. Us not afraid of tramping'
on somebody s loos. Goes right to til
bottom of tilings. Invest Ibis quarter
and you’ll b ■ more than satisfied.
Send direct to the publisher or give
to your post master. Don't ever let
some smooth cam asset* come around
and work you with some premium
scheme. You can trust your money
with your postmaster.
St. Thomas Church.
Sunday b< fore Lent, holy
and sermon at 10:47 a. m. Theme.
••I'lu' Soul Called." Evensong and
sermon at 7:30. Special music at
all of these services.
Ash Wednesday—Litany and the
holy communion at 10:00 a. m.
Evening prayer sermon and peniten
tial office at 7:30. Lenton services
next Friday at 7:30 p. m. The rector
expects his people lo be faithful in
their attendance to these services.
Notice to Public.
Having sold my interest in the firm
of Wirt.h & Winterbottom, I wish
to thank the public for the liberal
patronage extended and ask a con*
tinuance of the same to Mr. Wirth. ,
PetitioVi For Articles of Incorporation
For Drainage District Filed.
A petition has been filed in the of
fice of tlie clerk nf tiie district court
fur liic incorporation of a drainage
i district comprising some lti.000 acres
of land in southern Otoe and northern
Johnson counties. The signers rep
i resent holdings of 10,000 acres and
are much enthused over the prospect
of getting the district laid out so the
Nemalm river can be straightened
md, doing away with the disastrous
floods which, about every year, ruin
ic crops on I le lowlands
(Jeorge If. lleinke, of Ihis city, is
attorney for live petitioners and says
that ihere is hut little opposition to
ihe project. The ditch will start on
the county line near Tnlmage, thence
north for a mile or so, striking the
non h fork of the Nemaha and tlienee
up Wilson cre« k to within a ft w mlh
of Syracuse. The ditch on the south
branch will cross over into Johnson;
county coming about three miles!
W'-st of Cookv Tributary ditches will;
also lie dug it long the little streams'
emptying into the Nemaha. The
who! • system will join with the
•id' l»iiii sy: ‘cm of ditch, a now tind- r
way in Nemaha county.
Drainage *rt almost absolutely ne-l
A 1 itii y along flie bottom lands itr I
• • • county In years of eompnn. '
iiv I dry v.; atlier the bottom lands
Mi v productive but win it rail
. • in abundance tlio farmer on tin-'
: jv. lands do s not know whedhe r lie
ill get a crop or not. Last year wi t1 . 5 i, . 11.nt, hunt i, tint .and
' I ! ' I In i';e :.!•:■ In: t hi \\ in .at ni .
ly l. u l ,|. a heavy rain < ante along.!
l 11- Nemaha river, usually a
a • ful. sluggish' little stream, into
a raging flood wiping out the crop and
I ■. i . g no . but cleanly swept
t .tbbb tie-1 i •
The fatln* i s in the district to b«» j
al'Tct-d by tie- drainage project pro-'
post* iii the future tint such means as •
are at hand will be taken to prevent;
yearly r>-petitions of this performance
Lands an too valuable nowadays 1 o j
bo wa.-L d, and it pays the prog res-1
give farmer to ditch his land, what-!
ever the cos', if future crops arc* to
!■ conserved. - -Nebraska City Press. '
“Two Merry Tramps."
"Two Merry Tramps" that l'amil
iur comedy by Bessie Bennett and!
Jerome Travers will be played at tin ;
‘Tilling theater, Tuesday evening j
February Sth. MeVeen & t e tter are
sending this truthful and popular cut-1
(ertainme nt on its eleventh season I
travels and have limited its presen-1
lotion to one company which in its
pe rsonnel represents a judicious dis
tribution of the various characters;
among those- who have shown their
superiority in previous east of Ibis
play, J. A. Weaver its Antic Vom line
Alias Prince NVwfoumlland,which mis
taken for it reftl live prince and who
is on ;t lark, retains his humorous im
Irsoimtioti ably assisted by Lou!
Peterson its C'larance Banjorine,
1 *rT'*HIS ad. is directed at the
I man who has all tire
business in his line in |
this community.
Mr. Merchant—You say
you’ve got it all. You’re sell
ing them all they’ll buy, any
how. But at the same time
you would like more business.
€j] Make this community buy
Advertise strongly, consist- ,
ently, judiciously.
<J Suppose you can buy a lot
of washtubs cheap; advertise
a big washtub sale in this pa
per. Put in an inviting pic- ;
ture of a washtub where
people can see it the minute
they look at your ad. Talk
strong on washtubs. And
you'll find everjr woman in
this vicinity who has been
getting along with a rickety
washtub for years and years
will buy a new one from you.
•J That’s creative business
(Copyright, l’.v.t, by \Y. >». If.)
$1,108.41 Clear Profit on Twenty-two
Sows in One Year.
$1,108.41 profit on tienty-two sows
in one year seems almost like a fairy
story, yet that is a record that our
worthy fellow citizen, Hon. John P.
Thlessen of Jansen is prepared to
Mr. Thiessen is a methodical farrn
I r and carefully keeps a debit and
< redit account on all the stock he
handles, which enables him to tell
what department of the farm is pay
ing him tlie best.
While the ease in question lias |
yielded him considerably better than |
the average, vet lie says he hopes to
do as well m xt year, provided every
body in the country does not go to
ing hogs after r ading this Item.
We are reproducing his figures.which j
will certainly lie i t i ■ : eg at least i
to those who are engaged in the hog)
In Nov ember. I Mis. he bought twen
ty two brood sows. He had unusually!
good luck with tin offspring of tltese
sows which contributed very mater-!
•ally to the profits of the venture. .
In April these sows had 17ft pigs, of 1
Hi se I.'i! survived, or an average of j
rly . • a pi - to n sow, Kereiiilj
tie shipped a ear load, containing 102
ef young hogs to the St. Joe
markets. These hogs weighed on aa
average of 193% pounds each, and
brought. $8.40 ' per hundred, or
$1,608.05 over and above the cost of
transportation and other expenses
connected with the shipment. He
then sold the original twenty-two sows
for $15.00 each. But here are his
22 old sows .$ 360.00
2,060% bushels of corn .... 1,055.71
One boar. 18.50
Shorts and other feed. 164.65
Labor in feeding same.. .. 143.00
Coal . 12,00
Total.$ 1,753.86
Sale of boar.$ 20.22
Twenty-two old sows. 418.00
Five hogs butchered worth., 0
Carload j oung hogs sold.. i ,fio - 05
46 young sows on hand .... 736.00
TaKtng the expenditures from ilils
total it will be seen that Mr.
Thiessen lias realized the very hand
some sum of $1,108.41 clear profit.
If any one in Jeff* run or surround
ing counties can beat this record,
we would like to hear it, and until
ueh time as we do, we shall award
Mi. Thiessen the medal as the cham
pion lies raisi r in southeastern X -
braska.— 1'airbuiy .V s.
Flour, Feed ' Meal
AH Kinds of Sal»y StonewGre
Ciimcq Chick Pceo
j All Kin -5 of Storage PaciiiSies
Warehouse on li. (i. R. R.
: A Word With You
Blankets and Robes'
At a Great Reduction
Finest Line in the City Iff A EJ ”1" ST* 1
Call and SeeUs \J. W A \J ll 1 £. L.
‘ ^
l^eaf Estate and Loans
Monev to Loan ot 5 and <» per cent interest on good real estate
security. Also monev to loan on good chattel security.
West of Court House Palls City, Nebraska
The Kansas City Star and Times
, The S.tar and Times, reporting the full twenty-four hours’
news each day in thirteen issues of the paper each week, are
furnished to regular subscribers at the rate of 10 cents
per week.
As newspapers, The Star and The Times have no rivals.
No other publisher furnishes his readers with the full day and
night Associated Press reports, as does the Star and Times.
This should recommend the papers especially to the pregressive
merchant and farmer.
I deliver both the Star and Times to the subscriber's door
promptly on arrival of trains.
Give me a trial.
• CLIFFORD AGEE Distributor
Should you want Tho Star by mail send 10c per week. $5.20 a year.
Address The Kansas City Stai.