The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, February 04, 1910, Image 7

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Old Man’s Memory Was Good, But He
Had Mixed Up Cert, in Facts
of the Story.
The late Sarah Orne Jewett lived
a great, part of her life in South
Berwick, and the quaint Maine char
acters of her native town interested
her profoundly.
Miss Jewett, at the Mayflower club
in Boston, once illustrated aptly the
unreliable quality of old people's
"A young minister," she said, "born
it) South Berwick, was called in bis
maturity to one of the churches of
the town. Everybody welcomed him.
He had been away nearly JO years.
And the oldest inhabitant's welcome
was the warmest of all.
The oldest inhabitant, leaning on
Ids stick, said in a high, tiemulous
\«>ice to tlie young man:
“ ‘And you're Master Johnny Green
• ugh! ’ow time do fly! Why, it seems
only yesterday I traipsed in to the
courthouse to see your poor old grand
father hanged.'
"Everybody looked shocked. So
there was a blot on the Greenough
family 'scutcheon, eh? But the young
man said calmly:
" 'My good old friend, your memory
is partly right and partly wrong. My
giandfather was murdered, not
hanged. It was two brothers of the
name of Alden who paid the penalty
of his murder.'
'Well, that’s what I said,’ crowed
the octogenarian. That’s just what
1 said, ain't it?’ "
How "Pat” Sheedy, Famous Gambler,
Fooled Trickster Who Thought
He Had Easy Money.
Tho greatest delight of "Pat”
Sheedy, America's premier gambler,
according to Henry Stewart of the
Stewart-Peck Sand Company, was to
"double cross" the crooked card
sharks. Mr. Stewart and Sheedy
were old friends.
'"Sheedy once strolled into a tough
gambling resort in the west, where
ti* was not known, and stood watch
ing the games,” Mr. Stewart relates.
One of tlie dealers was 'spieling' to
several countrymen and had about
< onvinced them to take a chance at
his game.
Til bet you two to one that I can
shuflle the deck and cut the ace of
hearts the first time,’ lie announced.
I ll take $r>0 of that if you’ll let
me shuffle the cards,’ Pat said.
The dealer agreed and the money
was staked. The countrymen also
iriade small bets.
‘Are you satisfied?’ the dealer
asked when the cards were shuffled.
‘The proposition is that I am to cut
the ace of hearts tlie first cut.’
"Everyone agreed. Then the dealer
— he was a tough one-—whipped out a
big hunting knife and slashed tho
d<<k* in two.
"Hut he didn't take the money.
Sheedy had palmed the ace of hearts
while shuffling the cards.”
Looking Out for the Birds.
in some new houses which have re
<< Btly been built at Knutsford in Che
shire a very preity idea has been car
ried out to encourage the bird loving
propensities of the occupants. The
idea is to have nesting places for our
feathered friends.
A local writer says: "Instead of
filling up the holes left by the scaf
folding the architect had closed them
with a thin covering of stucco pierced
with a round hole. The birds enter
and build inside. Sometimes you may
sec a tiny step just below for the
bird to alight on and a little cornice
over the gap to keep out the rain.”
Other holes have also been purposely
left in the brickwork for nests, and
it is saiii that the birds understand ii
nil perfectly.—Country Life.
Don't Ask for Sympathy.
Elizabeth Stuart Phelps has always
been characterized by overflowing
sympathy for the unfortunate, espe
cially the unfortunate sick: nevertlie
i,.*.writing in Harper's liazar on sym
pathy, she takes the point of view
that it is a luxury all of us should
learn to do without. "We have come
te recognize absolutely the limitations
of human sympathy, and it is som<
tkrng to haw learned where it can
not follow us. Alter all. very few
people in this world," observes .Mrs.
Phelps keenly, "are tender. Even
among women the genuine quality is
n«t common. Let us be content to as
sume sympathy in our friends. We
shall not receive any lefts of it for be
lli vsng in it."
Taking No Chances.
''live me an egg phosphate," said
the thirsty citizen of distinguished ap
pi ranee who took a seat tit the soda
fountain. "Moreover, make the drink
before my very eyes."
The white-clad attendant obeyed.
Hi broke an egg into a glass, showed
it to the inquiring one, and then
poured it into the glass intended for
the drink. Then he broke another
egg. exposed it to view, and placed it
in the final receptacle.
Everything's O. K ," said the irt
spi'i tor. "and you may proceed with
the manufacture of my drink."
From the Cynic.
' Father," said little Kollo, "what is
"My son," answer* d the cynieal par
< or. "appendicitis is something that
enables a good doctor to open up a
man's anatomy and remove his entire
hank account.”—Richmond Evening
Amateur Effort of Young Lawyer
Went Unrewarded, But Perhaps
There's a Reason.
William Henry Mariatt went Into
the practice of the law before he was
admitted to the bar, but the lawyer’s
union has never objected to him on
that account. It was in the summer
of '92, after his graduation from the.
Yale law school and before he had
been admitted to practice in this state,
that he found a man in jail in Leba
non, ()., who was playing checkers
with his nose because of a conflict
between himself and the statute re
lating to horse stealing. Mariatt dis
covered some irregularity in the com
mitment papers and started habeas"
corpus proceedings which set his man
at liberty.
They walked out of the courthouse
into the street, where the man asked
the young lawyer to state tile amount
of his fee, which information was fur
nished him without delay. The man
hadn’t the money with him. having
been In Jail, but he said he'd send it
at once.
"My best advice to you," said the
lawyer, "is to hotfoot it out of town
ns fast as ever you can before the
sheriff gets after you with a new set
of papers."
"Mr. Mariatt," replied the man, "if
Ood lets me live until Saturday night
I'll see that you get that money." And
lie started down the street on a run.
They never arrested the fellow, but
Mariatt is certain sure Clod didn't let
him live, because he never sent the
money. He just started off on a run
and for all anybody knows lie ran him
self to death. However, Mr. Mariatt
recalls his first experience at the bar
with mingled emotions as he mentions
the fee he earned but never got.—
Cleveland Leader.
Monster Caught in the Trawl Line
While Engaged in Stealing the
Captain’s Fish.
Capt. William O’Donnell of the fish
ing schooner Lucy I). Wlnsor was haul
ing trawls several miles off Race Point
when his dory began to act strangely,
says the Poston Herald. The boat
stood on its stern, then lilted by the
head and started out to sea at tre
mendous speed. The captjaln was ex
periencing a new sensation, and it
made him a trifle anxious, because
there was no clew' to the mysterious
power that was rapidly taking him off
With added momentum the dory
forged away from the schooner, and
its occupant, who admits he was
scared, cast off the trawl and crouched
In the stern of the boat so the bow
would not be dragged under w ater. Put
tho trawl caught, and two minutes aft
er the dory was flying through ihe
waves at such a rate that water began
to slop over the sides.
The dory was rapidly leaving the
schooner, when the tension on the line
relaxed and the dory presently stopped.
The captain hauled in the trawl and
found the hook stripped of fish as a re
sult of the speed at which they had
been dragged through the water. Near
the end of the gear, however, was
found Ihe head of a dead cod, its body
having been bitten off. That is what
makes Capt. O’Donnell believe a whale
gave him the terrifying ride out Cape
Cod way. He thinks the whale nipped
the cod and some of the keen hooks
scratched Its head and sides and dug
into Ihe skin until the whale had
towed the dory a long way seaward.
Well Identified.
A severe looking woman moved up
to the window at the Citizen Savings
& Trust Company with a small check
to be cashed The teller said she’d
have to he identified and she suggest
ed that he call up the man who hail
drawn the check and have him de
scribe her.
The teller decided to take the!
chance, and called Ihe man on the
'phone at hie elbow.
"Oh, It’s probably all right," came
the word over the ’nhone “Wait I’ll
describe her for you and you can see
if it’s the same woman. She had on a
faded brown dress and paints just a
little bit, has a sharp nose and spec
tacles, and is about as pretty as Ker
mft Roosevelt. Oh, yes, and she wore
a big brooch with a shower of imita
tion stones in it."
The teller looked the woman over
and cashed the check. She hadn’t!
heard the other end of his telephone !
conversation and went her way smil
ing.— Cleveland Plain Dealer.
To See by Wire.
“To see at a distance, as we now
hear, by means of the telephone, Is
the claim for the invention mado by I
the Anderson brothers,” says a Co
penhagen letter in a Paris paper. The
patents are for “an apparatus for the
transmission of pictures by wire, i
showing color and motion.” The
brothers could not obtain money In1
their own country to defray the ex
penses of preparing working models
and procuring patents, hut they were
helped by a Parison concern, which
paid 80,000 francs for all the rights
and has agreed to pay also eight per
cent, on the earnings resulting from
the invention.
A Calendar Shower.
"I’m going to have a tire sale of
calendars of 1910,'’ said the woman
“All my friends sent me calendars.
Every one of them, and 1 have a good
many. It was worse than the butter
dishes I got when I was married, and
never any butter to go In them,”
Referee’s Sale.
Jennie R. Pyle, Plaintiff,
Edward S. Pvlo, Defendant
Ity virtue of a decree of the Dis
trict Court of Richardson County,
Nebraska, rendered in the above on-j
titled cause at the October term
thereof 1909, in which dccrc< the
undersigned was appointed referee to
make sale of real estate hereinafter
described, I will as such referee tit
the hour of 1:00 o’clock p. m. on
the 6th day of February, 1910, offer
at public sale in front of the west door
of the court house in Falls City, in
Richardson County, Nebraska, the
following described real estate, to
wit: Twelve acres in the west half
of the northeast quarter of the south
east quarter of Section 20, Township
1. Range 17, East, in Richardson Co
unty, State of Nebraska, and morel
particularly described by meets and
bounds, as follows:. Beginning at a
stake on the south line of said NE
*4 of SE'( S 20 Township 1,Range
17. East N. 79 degrees 30 minutes E,
14.60 rods from said line southwest
corner of said N. East Vi of SE Vt.
thence as tire magnetic needle now
points .July 30th, J8S4 N. ;
79 degrees 30 minutes E. 28.2S
rods to a stone in said south line,
thence N. 10 degrees, \V. 3.43 rods to
center of R. It. and in the south line
of right of way. Thence S. 72 do-j
grees 20 minutes, \V. 28.60 (28.50) |
rods to a stone, thence south 10
degree's, E. 06.30 166.30) rods to place1
of beginning, containing 12 acres.
This tract of land was the homestead
of the parties to the above entitled
cause, who were husband and wife,
but the court having found in said
cause that the defendant had desert
ed his wife and family and is now
in parts unknown, the interest of the
said defendant in said homestead
was decreed by the court to be sold
for the benefit of bis family; the
interest of the plaintiff, Mi's. Jennie
It. Pyle, will bo sold at the same
time, she consenting thereto in writ
ing as provided in the decree afore
said, which fact will be made known
t ' idders on the day of sale.
Terms of sale cash.
J. R. WILHITE. Referee.
First Publication Jan 7, 5 times.
Legal Notice.
E. S. Pyle, whose true name is
Edward S. Pyle, non-resident defend
ant, will take notice that on the 25lh
day of January, I!* 1U, Mrs. Sarah I,.
Maker filed her petition, as plaintiff, j
in (lie District Court of Richardson!
County, State of Nebraska, against |
you the said E. S. Pyle, defendant,
the object and prayer of which are
to obtain judgment against you on a ;
joint and several note made and de-1
livered to the said Mrs. Sarah L.
Maker, by yourself and Jennie R. Pyle
which said note is dated October 12.1
1905, and is for the sum of $125.00
with interest from said date at the
rate of eight tier cent per annum
from said date, and which note be
came due on October 12, 1900, and
upon which there is now due, in
cluding interest, the sum of $201.40.
And you tire further notified that
at the same time, said plaintiff pur
suant to the statute in such cases,
made and provided, sued out an
order of attachment against you in
said cause on the ground that you;
are a non-resident of the Slate of
Nebraska, and have real estate in
said county and state, and, that said I
order of attachment, was delivered to j
the sheriff of said county on said
date and that on the 20th day of
January, 1910, he, the sheriff, did
levy upon said land by attaching the
same, which is located near the vil
lage of Preston, Nebraska, and is
described as follows:
Being the 12 acres of land pur
chased by you from the heirs of
John Pyle, deceased, and situated in
the east 42 rods of the northeast quar
ter of the southeast quarter of Sec
tion No. twenty, in Township one,
north, Range seventeen, east of the
0th P. M.. in Richardson County, Ne-j
And you are further notified that |
unless you plead, answer or de
mur to said petition filed in said j
cause, on or before Monday the 7tli
day of March, 1910, the same will be j
taken as true and judgment rendered
against you according to the prayer
of said petition, and an order by said |
court will lie had that said attached 1
real estate be sold at public sale as
under execution, to satisfy whatever |
amount the court shall find due from
you to the plaintiff herein, and pay
the costs of said action and of said;
sale and of the proceedings in at-1
taehmeat. SARAH S, MAKER.
iiy John Wiltse and J. E. Leyda,
Attorney s
Dated January L'fJtli, 1910.
First, Publication Jan, 28.' 10-41
DUN TA I © 'r
Phone 248 Over Richardson County
Office over Kerr’s Pharmacy
Office Phene 260 Residence Phone 271
Office Removed to Tootle Block
6th and Francis Sts
Special attention to M KDICl N K. KMTAL
Diseases. I) l Houses of WO.M l’\ and (’ 111LI)Itl IN
PhVsician and Surgeon
Itesidence l’hone 471.
Office Phone 439.
Office Over State Bank.
ID El N T " I © T
Phones: Nos. 177, 217
Sam’l, Wahl Building
coffee ? 4
Feb. 4, 1910.
Dear Friend:
I am getting big
enough to drink tea
and coffee.
Are you?J
Pai^a and mama used
to drink coffee just
for breakfast, but
they get such good
coffee now that they
drink it three times
a day. They say the
best coffee in town
is handled at Schmitt' s
Grocery and Meat Mar
ket. Your friend,
Meat Market & Grocery
H. fl. Jenne Shoe Store
Exclusive Agents for the
famous line of “ BALL
ber Boots and Overshoes
Everything in Shoes
D. S. ilcCarthy
Prompt attention (riven
to the removal of house
hold (roods.
i\ If you contemplate having a
:* sale see me or write for terms
j‘ at once. I guarantee satisfac
£ tion to my patrons.
j: C. M. HARION |
- 7
f Sales conducted in f
f scientific and busi- |
nesslike manner ^
f C. M. MARION 1
; Falls City, Nebraska :
y *•
• • * ♦ * - . . • .. • -• * • • ♦ *-? «
I I am trying to make a
date with
They tell me he is strictly up-to
date and well posted on all classes
of domestic animals and also farm
property in general.
He can certainly please you. as he has had s xteen years expe
rience. He is alto from Missouri, and if given the opportunity Will
•SHOW YOU ’ results
or TELEGRAPH (at my exponsei »
Phones 168-131-216 Falls City, Neb.
Your Friends
Admire Your
, Table Ware
^ *
We are showing some Dinner
Sets in Decorated and White
and Gold that should com
mand your attention, and with
each set we pack,
Free to You
An Imported China Salad Bowl
Worth $1.25 to $1.50
Your choice of several decorations. We have other sets
than those on display. See the ware at
Chas. li. Wilson's
Of a
I IK body of a range i - practically the life of a range. The
life of a range depends on the material of which it is made.
CHARCOAL IRON, by actual tests, has been proven to resist
rust, heat and crystallization 300 % greater than steel.
IRON. No other range in the world is made of this material.
It costs considerable more than steel, but the MAJESTIC never
stands back for cost when it can improve its range. By compar
ing the life of old-time iron nails with the steel nails of to-day,
or old-style, iron stovepipe and tinware with the present day
steel product, gives you an idea of the lasting qualities of the
MAJESTIC over a steel range. This feature alone adds 300 %
to the life of the MAJESTIC.
Oklahoma Land Bargains
Located on the Santa Fc Railroad, in a fine agricultural district
half way between Enid and Guthrie. We have 5 churches, 2 banks
with one-quarter million deposits, fine brick school building and
good twelve grade school. We are second to none in the raising
of wheat, corn, oats, cotton and fruit. The average rain fall for
the past seven years has been (37) inches.
If you are looking for a home, or an investment, this section
of the state offers you the very best inducements. Wite us for in
formation, or better come and see.
160 acres—3| . miles from town, 130 acres under cultivation;
30 acres in pasture. Good five room house, good orchard, two wells
of good water, barn for six horses, granary room for 1,000 bush
els. 40 acres fall wheat, 7 acres hog-tight. Pice $40 per acre.
We Have Land from $20 Per Acre L p
160 acres—120 acres in cultivation, 40 acres in pasture. Good
six room house, small barn and granary, plenty of good water,
This is fine alfalfa land and is a bargain at $50 per acre.