rKE KILLING LUST IN HUMANS Man Is Easily the Most Bloodthirsty ol All the Animals of the World, In New Llskeard recently an owl •rerched Itself on th*1 peak of n busi ness block as the crimson streaks of the dawn appeared, and wrapped In its muff of feathers, settled Itself in com fort to enjoy the drowsy hours of day light. It was the picture of comfort and pretty as a picture, cozy, warm in the winter's cold, inoffensive and harm less. But the owl was in a fool's paradise. It had lain down with the tiger. It was in the midst of the wolves. The bushy little hall of feathers had fallen unawares into the haunts of the ‘fiercest and most bloodthirsty of the world's animals. The sleeping bird was no sooner de scried than the human wolves set up a —yap. Men hurried off for their kill ing machines, and in a few minutes a battery of riflemen were at work 'pumping death into the spark of life la the bundle of feathers. After awhile one of them hit it. and then the heroes were satisfied. They went home with their guns, and the hoys exhibited the carcass. Boor dead little bit of useless car rion! The hoys' eyes sparkled with excitement. I'll ere Is a deal of the savage left in the human.—Cobalt Citizen. WAS NOT A GOOD SUBSTITUTE Whisky Drinker’s Experiment with Odorous Vegetable Brought "Call” from Employer, Efihu Hoot, at the annual dinner of the International Young Men's Chris tian association in New York last ■••nth, said that eril courses were more difficult to conceal than men generally believed. Take the case,” said Mr. Root, with a snule, "of old John Itodewin. John was a lawyer's confidential clerk, and he had the pernicious habit of going to a neighboring saloon every morn ing at 11 and taking a small glass of whisky. lie was not proud of this habit; hence, after the whisky, he al ways took a clove. Hut one morning it happened that there wpre no cloves on the bar, and John, having considered the matter, swallowed a small raw onion from the free lunch tray. That would destroy Ifre teU-taio whisky odor, no doubt, a* well as the clove had always done, and. so thinking, he returned to hia dedk. 'it was a double desk. At it he an* his employer sat face to face. John, •n his return, was soon aware that his employer noticed something. Th< man's nostrils quivered and he shifted and finally, with a grimace of dia gust, he broke out: 'Hook here, John, I've stood whisk] and clove for 19 years, but 1 draw th< line at whisky and onion.' ” A Soldier Yarn. Sir William Arbuckle is a capital speaker, a quality which has made him exceedhlgly popular at society dinners. He once told an amusing story, at an annual South African din ner, about Sir Harry Smith, who, in days gone by, was commandant and governor at the Cape. The supply from home, and necessaries of all kinds for the soldiers, was generally sadly deficient, and the men were oft en i.n a pitiable plight In the way of clothing. There was, consequently, much discontent. So Sir Harry had them on parade, said some pleasant things to them, complimented them on their soldierly appearance, told them what splendid fellows they were, talked of the service they had seen together, and so forth. When he had finished, an old sergeant stepped for ward, saluted, and remarked: 'Thank you Sir 'Arty, beg pardon, Sir 'Arry, but we don't want no gammon, we want boots.” Festival at Crystal Palace. For three months next year the Crystal Palace at London, England, will regain much or its old popularity, for it is to be the scene of a great ‘■Festival of Empire." A great feat ure will be a pageant of the history of Loudon, in which 15,000 perform ers will take part. The life of the colonies will be presented in a series of exhibitions, lectures, spectacular views and pictures, and each colony is being asked to select 200 persons to lake part in the first series of page ant scenes, and while they are In Lon don they will be the guests of the Na tional Patriotic society, which will make ail provisions for their enter tainment. Will Settle Controversy. Lake Chad, in the desert of Sahara, will be Investigated by an expedition which is soon to set out. Hecent ex plorers have signally failed to agree as to the shape and size of this sheet of water. Apparently the lake is di vided into two by a belt of islands and ready swamp land, but, whereas the maps of the French explorers show an open channel across this belt, a late expedition has declared it impassable. Above Her Business. The tall man came into her little blue kitchen and looked over the shelves which were just beneath the level of his head, hut above hers. He ran his Huger over one shelf, then showed it to her. It was pretty black. "You are a nice housekeeper," he said. s “This kitchen wasn't made for tall people,” she explained falterlngly. “it was made for little ones.” I TIOriT FROM PATENT OFFICE !t Is the Only Government Depart ment That Does Not Cause Loss to Uncle Sam. The patent office Is the one depart ment of the government which actual ly yields a profit something over $80, 000 for the last fiscal year, during which the fees amounted to $1,887,000. The records show 62.000 applications for mechanical appliances, on which 35,000 patents were issued. Inasmuch as the past year shows an increase of 4,000 applications, it is evident that invention, instead of growing Jess, is on the contrary, steadily increasing, and while many patents are secured on which the in ventors realize little or nothing, yet fortunes are now and will continue to lie made from new and practical ideas. in most cases the cause of failure to realize expectations will he found, says Popular Mechanics, in the nat ural tendency of an inventor to mag nify the possibilities and minimize the difficulties of selling his invention. While an occasional "find" is made by some one working along a line iu which he is poorly informed, hun dreds waste time and money develop ing some device which when finished proves to he either old or without de mand. If the Inventor would have his at torney make a search of the records before instead of after completing his invention he would save money and be able to work out Ills Ideas along different lines from those already pro tected by patents. CHICKENS CAUSE RACE WAR Sensational Issue Raised on Account of Crowing Proclivities of Southern Fowls. A sectional issue has arisen in our ! town," said the New Jersey commuter. "Hefore it is settled I am afraid the civil war will be fought all over again. Anyhow our southern friends are sure to indulge in some fire eating language. “A resident of our village, who un dertook to raise chickens, received a crate of fowls from a South Carolina farm. When the neighbors learned where the chickens came from they raised a row. 'If you must keep chick ens,' they said, ‘get northern chickens. They don’t grow nearly so much as southern chickens. There is something about the climate down there that makes a chicken crow four times as often as a chicken brought up in any other part of the country. ‘‘That peculiarity of Southern chick ens was news to the .amateur poultry man. He noticed, however, that his chickens really did crow more persist ently and more vigorously than any other chickens he ever knew, and when an experienced poulterer as sured him that they always would, be cause southern chickens always do, he sold them and bought New Jersey chickens instead. Now he is in hot water with the southern families in our town, and heaven only knows how the squabble will terminate.” Expressing Political Convictions. Some old time politicians were not content with wearing ribbons as an outward and visible sign ol’ their con victions. “In those days,” writes a follower of l’itt who bore the soothing name of James Bland Burges, “men had ibe courage of their convictions, and would have made motley their garb to distinguish themselves from their opponents. To belong lo the Con stitutional club was a very simple af iair—no balloting or fees beyond cost of costume. "A gentleman desirous of becoming a member wrote bis name in the club book and hurried to the tailor to be measured for a dark blue frock with a broad orange velvet cape and large yellow buttons, round each of which was inscribed ‘‘Constitutional Club.” The waistcoat was of blue kerseymere with yellow buttons, bordered all round with orange colored silk, and the breeches of white kerseymere with yellow buttons. In point of taste we certainly beat (lie blue and buff of ' our opponents.”—London Chronicle. •'Raining Cats and Dogs.” In reply to a query by a correspond , ent In “Symons' Meteorological Mag azine.” as to the origin of the above I term, II. T. Rowswell writes the fol j lowing explanation of ft as given in Dr. Brewer's "Dictionary of Phrase and Fable"; "A perversion of the word catadupe (a waterfall). It is raining catadupes or cataracts.” Mr. Ford in geniously, though not wltii much prob ability, suggests the Greek cata doxas j (contrary to experience), i. e., in an ! unusual manner. Dean Swift, deserib j ing a fall of rain, says the kennels were overflowed and that •' 'Dead puppies, stinking sprats, all drenched in mud: Drowned eats and turnip tops come tumbling down the flood.’ " —London Globe. Tender-Hearted Policemen. Policemen are not, as a rule, senti mental, nor are they generally looked upon as tender hearted, but Denver Heenis to have a force made up of men who combine both qualities. On Christmas day, following a king es tablished custom, they provided, out of their own pockets, turkey dinners for all the widows and orphans of members of the department, A Valid Reason. The Count—Vat! Economize? The Countess—Yes. Father says we are living beyond his means.— l.ippincott's Magazine. Christian Chuich Notes. The revival meetings at the Chris ' ian ehureh that have been in pro gress for the past three weeks came to a dose last Sunday evening. The icrviees were well attended from the 'beginning and nt the Sunday services j man; wore turned away, although 'every lot of tlie floor space was seat ed with extra chairs. The chorus and orchestra, led by Prof. Jones, furnished splendid music : for the entire meeting and fitting res olutions were passedS unday morning in appreciation oi limhier Jones and I :1h> local minister's work in church during the special meeting. The meet itig was a success in deepening the spiritual life of the church and over twenty new members were add. d to the church h,v conversion and letter. At tin' board meeting Monday even ing all hills were allowed and all exponsca of the meeting provided for. We wish to thanka II our friends lor their help in making the meeting a success, also the city papers for their splendid courtesy in giving space for the meeting in their papers. Notice—To the members,there will be special meeting at the church next Sunday morning at 11:00 a. m . and the board lias sent a notice to all members to be present as we will take up the matter of new clmreh as to location, building and finance. Let me urge every member and friend of: the church that is desirous of a new diftc.c and the continuance of the nb'ndid prosperity and fellowship, to be at tiny church on next .-’unduy morning at 11:00 a. in. Regular evangelistic service at tlie church at 7: do p. m., subjei i Must lie librn Again." or “God’s \t ord vc Man’s Opinion." fame and bring your friends, PASTOR, Grace Cameron in New Play. On Saturday evening at the Gobi ing Grace? Cameron and a company diriMjt from New York City, Will ap pear in (', II. Kerr’s newest comedy entiti d "Nancy." Miss faun roll’s role in ‘Nancy’ is by far the strong est she Imi ever been east for. and is a rev. lain i in the way of comedy' and pathos combined The product ion is can’ * d by the company in ils entirety and many great electrical ef fects will b" chosen. Di So olution Notice. Notice in hereby given that Thomas Winterbottom luia sold his interest in the firm of Wirth Winterbottom to 11*. Wirth, and the business will hereafter be conducted by Mr. Wirth. All accounts payable to L. 1*. Wirth, and all liabilities will In paid by L. P. Wirth. i,. p. wnmt. THOMAS WINTERUOTTOM. FATHER 0-SVSOTHER76 The aged father and mother of a prominent Boston lawyer safely carrie 1 through the last two winters by The son says: “My father and mother owe their present strength and good health to Vinol. During the last two trying winters neitmT ot them had a cold, and were able to walk farther and do more than for years. I think Vinol is perfectly wonderful. It certainly is the greatest blood-making, strengthening tonic for eld people 1 ever heard of.” We want every IcchSe old per-on In this town to Iry Vinol. We will rrmrr ?heir money without question 12 it does not accomplish nil uc claim lor it. A. (,\ WANNER, Druggist, Falls City. I.nme back comes on suddenly and Chamberlain's Cough Hemedy ue*s is extremely painful. It is caused disappoints those who use if f*. by rheumatism of the muscles. Quick (|f (|)|, thr„.|t .u„, ,un>?M „ relief is afforded by applying Cham- unrivalled as a remedy for all throa berlain’s Liniment. Sold by all drug- and lung diseases. Sold by all drug gists. BlHts. Having decided to move to South Dakota. I will sell at my farm, II miles north and 3-4 miles east of Falls City; 1-4 mile west of Barada; 5 miles east and one mile south of Shubert, on Sale to commence at 10 o’clw^ sharp, the following described property: 44 Head Horses and Mules ALL NATIVE STOCK 17 Head Horses 17 1 Span Bay Mares, 8 years old,‘weigh ing 2,650. 1 Black Mare, 12 years old, weigh ing 1,400 pounds. , 1 Gray Mare, 1-1 years old, weigning 1,300 pounds. 1 Three-year-old Mare, weighing about 1,050. (All the above mares are with foal to a Jack.) 1 Brown Mare, three years old,weigh ing 1,050. 1 Span Bay Horses, four and five years old, weighing 2,400. 1 Standard Bred Mare, three years old, weighing 1,150. 1 Bay Driving Horse, three years old, weighing 1,150, 1 black Percheron mare, three years old, weighing 1,250. 2 Two-year-old mare colts. 1 Spotted Shetland Pony, three-years old, broke and perfectly gentle. 3 Spring Colts—extra good. 27 Head EVE tiles 27 1 Span Bay Mare Mules, weighing 2,600: 17 hands high, three years old. 12 Head of coming three-year-old mules, most of which are broke. These Mules are 16-hand Mules. 1 Span of Black Mules, three and four years old, weighing 2,‘400. 10 head of coming two-year-old mules All are matched and will make large mules. 1 Suckling Mule Colt. • ----—— , * Milch Cows, Heifers and Yearlings 4 Milk Cows, two with calf by sides. 3 Yearling Steers. 2 Heifers, will be fresh soon. 3 Heifer Calves. I Yearling Heifer. 3 Steer Calves. 1 Shorthorn Bull, 20 months old. — implements 1 Corn dump and elevator. 3 lumber wagons. I two-seated carriage. 1 Spring wagon. 1 rubber-tired buggy, almost new. 1 steel-tired buggy. 1 Deering Mower. 2 riding sulky plows. 1 John Deere riding lister. 1 John Deere two-row disc. 1 Flying Swede two-row disc. 2 walking cultivators. 1 harrow. 1 feed grinder. 1 hay loader. 1 corn planter. 4 sets work harness. 1 set double buggy harness. 1 set single buggy harness. Household Goods AND KITCHEN UTENSILS 1 Wallworth piano, almost new. 1 sewing machine. • 5 bedsteads with springs. 2 extension tables, extra leaves. 1 kitchen table. 2 stand tables. 1 bureau. 1 commode. Some good building stone. About z rocking cnairs. 6 dining room chairs,4 Kitchen chairs 1 kitchen sink. 1 washing machine. 1 Home Comfort range. 1 heating stove. 1 Sharpless cream separator. 1 large iron kettle. 325 bushels of good oats. » »ll ■■ ... ■ ■ '■ ^ «vraia g* | All sums of $10 and under, cash; on all sums over $10 a ‘ 0Z\ vs<: iOHI Cl gfj) V y fPl credit of three, six or nine months will be given on a bank S fc h 5 a B able note, drawing 6 percent interest, 3 per cent off for cash. No property to be removed until settled for. COL. C. H. MARION, Auct. J. M. EVANS, Clerk. J. S. SPICKLER