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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 28, 1910)
Henry €. Smith LANDS & LOANS 240 acres well improved, If miles from Depot in Kas. Good spring Hest of terms. Willtake 40 acres as part payment, balance long time at low interest. 200 acr<'s 1,4 miles from depot, Richardson county, Nebraska. Good buildings and land Will take 10 or 80 acres as part payment 180 acres upland, 1 mile from depot. Richardson county, Nebraska. ?12,000. 160 acres Johnson county, Nebraska 80 roils to church and school. Hest of terms. Might rent. 107 acres near Hrownville, Nebraska 80 acres h -mile from Falls City high school, 640 acres, $8,000 improvements Also 64n acres adjoining. Will take 160acres a~ part payment. Fine running water. A No. 1 opportunity. Money to loan m mm and goers HAPPENINGS OF INTEREST TO YOU AND ME What Your Friends and Their Friends Have Been Doing the Past Week. I Oat Sowle's Candy. Ur. Wilson, Wahl’s building. See Clarence Heck for od meal. The Candy Kitchen for brick ice v: « am. Matt Hoover of Salem was in town Friday. Mrs. .1, S Fuller was down from V» rdon Friday John l.ichty and wife wi n ovn from Morrill Friday. See Clarence Heck tor your coal this fall. Phone 101 Miss Malde Auxler oi haw sun was shopping here Saturday —Get your chickens some poultry atiells at Heck's feed store. 43 tf tieorge Lawrence and wifi of Sa h m were iii town Salurdai tjis Ada \Vi41s Fisher was unite *■ Jiltte ‘if last Week of Ouiatia was in .mess Iasi Saturday. .i lly was down from Ver the K C dunce Friday niglil r and Mrs doe Lord of Salem pent Saturday with Josli Lord and Wife. Miss Kiln Thompson went to Peru > Saturday morning to visit her sister for a few days Miss Minnie Albright returned Sun day from n few days visit with rein lives in Humboldt Mr and Mrs Norman If Judd re turned Monday from Dawson where they spent a few days Miss Lulu Dtlly came over from Hiawatha Thursday to attend the par ty given for Mrs Von Oven. Mrs I’ S Ileucoek relttrned the latter p;irt of last week from Omaha, where she visited her (laughter, Mrs Gould Guy Crook returned Friday from a trip of several weeks through Idaho He visited several interesting west era points Sheriff Carey ol Grand island was in the city hist Friday to see what lie could gather hero regarding the MeCoig murder Mr and Mrs. Wm Carico returned Wednesday to their home in Hiller, Neb., after a visit of a week here with tiis parents. Miss \tina Hiley of Dawson attend ed tile purty given last Thursday hy Misses Nellie Cain and Nellie Snvdei for Mrs VonOveu. Solk Lippold of Wymote, who spent a few days here last week, wit*i his mother undo ther relatives returned home Friday. Elmer Savior of K.-nma . City was up and spent Sunday with Ins par ents, Mr and Mrs Christ Saylor He is now proprietor of an up to date drug stoic iu Kansas City Prof, and Mrs. T ,1 Oliver went to Dawson Sunday to attend the fu Bern I of Roy Williamson, who was killed last Thursday near Auburn by a large tree falling on bint Mrs. McCormack, who has recent Jy been secured by I he board of education as teacher of the eighth grade arrived Friday, and begun her school duties Monday morning. Mrs .Nellie King and .Miss Kather > n Mulligan went to Omaha Saturday morning to spent a few days at the home of Mrs. I.. Do re. Mrs. Core has been in very poor health for some time. FOR SALE—A nice six room cot tage, lights, water, cement walks, cel lar, barn, coal house, and three lots. Located one block from court house and in splendid shape, a model house. Price $2,500. Inquire at this office. 41-tf Notice to Public. (laving sold my interest in the firm of Wirth & Winterbottom, I wish to thank the public for the liberal patronage extended and ask a con tinuance of the same to Mr. Wirth. THOMAS WINTERBOTTOM. The busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was made is (’hum bcrluln's Stomach and liver tablets. They do the work whenever you re quire their aid. These tablets change Weakness Into strength, listlessness Into energy, gloominess into joyous-1 ness, Their action is so gentle one | doesn't realize they have taken a ptirgatlv< Solti by all druggists The Woodmen of the World and the Woodmen Circle held joint instill lilt Ion ill the hall Saturday evening. \fter the services ti splendid banquet was spread and a general social time enjoyed by all The attendance by I both orders was encouraging and all felt well repaid for an evening thus spent The home of It I* Thomas, neat’ He- Central school building, is quar untitled for scarlet fever Their little daughter, latellle, hits been sick for several days, and the physicians pronounce It searli t fever Mrs. Ed May came down from Au burn Tuesday, where she has spent tile past two weeks She will visit l)r, and Mrs Keller for a week he fore going to her home 'in Hutchison, Kas The missionary tea given at the home of Mrs V <! Lyford Friday ( veiling was very successful. A I n gi crowd attended and it goodly 'tint "its reul'zeil. Joseph Nedrow of Stella stopped off iit Kalis City on his way home from St Joseph, where he had mar keted hogs, The Tribune is Indebted to him for a call V. t! Lyford left Tuesday for New York, where he will spend a couple of weeks on the markets of the east, stocking up for the spring trade in this eltj A lirahtlin left Tuesday for Kan sas City, where he spent a couple of days among the lumbermen who were holding a convention in that city, Mr and Mrs. Hay Could and little daughter came down from Omaha Wednesday for a visit with her par ents, Mr and Mrs I1 S lleucoek Hoy Daggett succeeded in getting I control of his little five-year-old dau I shter He found her with his run away wife at Montrose, Col, Miss Sadie Curran came down from Dawson Friday to spend the day with friends and remain for the K. of C dance Dr James Houston returned Satur day to Nebraska City, after a visit i with the family of his brother. Dr I. j M. Houston There are several cases of chick j on pox in town Several of Mr and Mrs Frank Catnhlin's children are I afflicted Mrs VoitOven and Nellie Cain went to Hiawatha last Friday to visit j the hitter's sitter, Mrs. It. I. Mr j Coy , Rev It Ilex will leave next Wed nesday for Florida, where he will take ;t long, and much needed rest Miss Minnie Murphy came down front Humboldt last Friday and at tended the dance in the evening. George llol' returned Monday from St Joe, where he has been working for the Adams Kxpress Co. ■ C J O'Hrien came in from Mc Cook the latter part of last week to visit relatives and friends. Jack Walsh of the First National bank of Humboldt, was a busiuess visitor here Tuesday. FI/a Williamson and Gurley Alex ander returned Saturday from their trip to Sabot ha. Sheriff Fenton went to Dawson on Sunday to attind the funeral of Roy Wilkinson George ralUUad returned Friday night from a business trip down in Kansas. WANTED--Good milch cow. fresh ot soon to be fresh. Call at this of fice. Mi" Ail Smith of Humboldt vis ited over Sunday with relatives hero. Miss Minnie Murphy of Humboldt visited Falls t'iiy friend# Monday. I II Miles returned Monday night from a business trip to the east. Miss Klsie Hailey is entertaining a la ly friend from Bennett. Neb. Mrs Malvinn Doerner visited over Sunday with relatives in Kulo. Mrs Maude Wigtou will read The Tribune during inju Mr. and Mrs. A1 Pyle of Preston were in town Saturday. M If I'asley of l.itteoin spent Tuesday in our midst. —Young's Pantorium cleans and presses ladies skirts. f-l-tf Mrs Hayden Bowers was down from Yerdon Friday. John Wiltse was a business visitor to Pawnee Monday. Hoseoe Anderson was down from Humboldt Tuesday. Hail 1\roll of Stella was on our streets Tuesday. Hr. Montgomery was down from i Stella Tuesday. Miss Klsie Bailey lias been quite sick this week. •lake Whipple was in Nebraska Citv Tuesday. 'A m. Tunis was down from Stella iTuesday. George Jennings spent Saturday in St. Joe. Call on C. A. Heck for coal and wsod. —Get your wood and coal of C. A. Heck. 43-tf Mrs. Jeff Gilbert of ltulo was in this city Saturday. —Watertown Wisconsin Rye flour flour of C. A. Heck. See Clarence Heck for your coal this fall Phone 101 John Ratekin and wife front Ru lo spent Saturday shopping here. Ambrose and Joe Tieheu were down from Dawson Tuesday evening. Miss Norn Kelly was down front Verdon Friday for the K. of C. hall Miss Nannie Mosier Is one of the new subscribers lo The Tribune this week. Will and John Murphy of Dawson came down for the K. of C. dance Friday night. Tom Kean of Dawson was in tit tendance at the K. of C. dance Fri day evening. Miss Nina Tieheu came down front1 Dawson Friday lo visit friends and! attend the K. of (’. dance. John W Rolhenberger of Creigh ton, Neh., was in the city the latter I part of the week on business. Patrick and Morgan Walsh came down from Humboldt last Friday ev-1 oiling to attend the K. of (’. dancing party. Cornelius Sanford and wife re-' turned Friday from a three weeks’I visit with Mr. Sanford’s parents in Fremont. •Irs. Lea,'or of l.angdon, Mo., has1 boon here for the past week helping to care for her father, Charles Uhlig, J who is very tick 10(1 Poteet is on tile Pacific Kx press wagon a part of tile week. He lias been working for Archie Paxton, wiio lias been quite sick. John Powell bought Charles Port rey’s lluiek auto the latter part of last week and the question now is, which will keep iqi tlie biggest buzz. •John or his whiz wagon? Around The Court House. Sheriff Fenton was a business vis itor in Kansas this week. Deputy .lirn McFarland was a Pres ton visitor this week. L. O. Fd wards was in St. Joe Wednesday attending to some busi ness matters. W. li. Alexander of Dawson was a business visitor at the county clerk’s office Tuesday. Married, at the court house by Judge Gagnon. Friday, Samuel Mount and Miss Ruby Brown of Barada. The case of Sarah L. Baker vs. 10. S Pyle and Jennie It. Pyle, a suit in attachment, lias been filed in the district court. The Mrs. Apoionia Gergens ease' came up in the county court for a hearing Wednesday morning and was continued until a later date. The county attorney of Hall coun ty, the home of McCoig’s relatives, was in Falls Pity interviewing Sher iff Fenton and looking after the family’s interest in the case. Friday and Saturday were examina tion days, and. Supt. Oliver was kept ousy by applicants for passing hon ors. A number of high school stu dents took the examinations The Win. Curtis assault case was up for hearing in the county court Tuesday. The case was bound over to tin' district court, and Curtis was put under $SOO bonds. A number of Stella men were in the city as wit nesses. Claims allowed by the county board at its last session will be paid out of the general fund and bridge fund. As it is expected that neither fund will b>' adequate, it will be it case of. first come first served and For Sale. One good heavy boned mammoth •lack, weighing about l,10n pounds. Wight years old. Sure breeder. I F. Scarlett. 5-tf The World s Greatest 1 Singers Are at Your Service Victor Talking Machines Edison Phonographs Brings them to Your Fireside DELIGHTFUL ENTERTAINMENT AT A MODERATE EXPENDITURE A Complete Line of Edison Phonographs and Records. Come in and let us demonstrate their musical powers to you DAVIES & OWENS JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS FALLS CITY, NEBRASKA —Individual Tea Pots 15 cents at Rick’s, lot* Mark of Verdun was a Wrdon visitor here Monday. Mr and Mrs M. Mcliza were down from Wrdon Saturday Henry Hordes spent tin* latter part of lust week in liarada looking after business matters. —Diseases of Women and Children. X-Ray and Electrical Treatment. — Chester A. Brink, M. D. 5-4t Miss Grace Manger arrived last Thursday *roin Ohio to visit her uml* I. t\ Maugci* and wife. Miss Anita Wilson left the latter j part til the week for Valpariso. lad., where she will spend some time studying music. Mr, and Mrs. T. K. Marion of ilia watlia came over last Friday for a short \isit with ttie family of their son. C.H. Marion. James Sinclair and family camel up from near Knlo to attend the wedding of their son. George, to Miss Kate Shuienberg Tuesday. \V. A. Hossnck and wife spent a greater part of this week in Verdon and Stella with the former's sisters, Mrs. W. 0. Sloan and Mrs. K. Withe**. Card cf Thanks. We desire to thank the many kind friends and neighbors for their assistance and sympathy during the illness, death and burial of our darling baby, James Stanley Whit aker. and for the many beautiful flor al offerings. The tender sympathies of our friends and neighbors so free ly expressed lias made our burdens lighter to bear. MR and MRS I It. WH IT A KICK. Baptist Church. There will lie regular services as usual at the Baptist Church Sunday. The pulpit will be supplied by Rev. C II. .Masten oi Auburn. IBs morning subject will be, “The Character and Influence of Joshua.” His evening subject will be, “The Robber." Come and bear him. —15. K. Reiehel. Pas tor. Special Notice. By mistake we have in Falls City, Neb., a new $90.00 6-ton Bitless Stock Scale with steel frame, beam box and compound beam. This must be sold at once and the first reas onable offer will be accepted. Scale fully warranted. Address.—Jones of Binghamton, js? K St.. Binghamton, N. V. Notice. Tlit' partnership heretofore existing between O. 1\ fleck and Ferd M. Harlow has ibis day been dissolved O. P. Heck continuing in the busi ness except that pertaining to gaso line. coal oil and lubricating oil, which will be conducted by Ferd M. larlow. Dated January 26th. 1910. HECK & HARLOW. Marriage Licenses. Judge Gagnon issued the follow ing marriage licenses this week. Chas. A. Heim, Dawson.21 Pearl Klinia, Dawson.24 Samuel Mount. Barada.22 Ruby Brown, Barada.17 Silas Whitehead. Barada.19 Olive Jarvis. Barada.18 George Sinclair. Falls City.22 Katherine Shulenberg, Falls City..20 Harmon Loennig. Humboldt .26 Malile M. Furiow. Humboldt .22 Answering the Children i _ By Mrs. Allen Hensley. There is u question that is a vital one to every thoughtful mother. To each of us there has come or will come a time when our child has put ■ or will put to us the question— | “Mother, where did the baby come I from?” How is the question to be I answered? There is, thank Clod, no shame-fac edness in the child; lie asks the question simply, as he might ask: — “Mother, where does tin1 rain come from?” excepting as simple a reply, and with us rests tin* grave responsi bility of answering him rightly. It seems to me a fundamental nec essity that in order to present the subject beautifully to our child, we must think beautifully of it ourselves. We must place the sex relation on the high ethical level where it be longs or we must be honst and log ical and openly avow ourselves ath eists and inconoclasts. If we do not look at the sex relation purely our selves, how can we expect our child ren to do so? The following idea is often urged by mothers:—"But 1 do not want my children to hear of such things, 1 want them to be innocent.” Of course ! you do, deai mother. If this were the question, whether our children should be told of these things, or allowed to remain in ig norance of them, there would be no need of discussion. Wo should all most probably elect that they renrain ignorant until they are of mature age, but, unfortunately, this is not the question. Any woman who lias any knowledge of school life, of the pre cocity of the children of the present day, of the sexual unrest that con stitutes one of the greatest dangers of a great city, knows that there is no doubt that our child must sooner or later, sometimes at a vc'ry early age, learn of sex matters from his companions, if he does not learn them elsewhere. Few mothers have any conception to what extent these subjects are discussed by children and at what an early age. Your little ten-year old son goes to school to-day ignor ant of any explanation of the coming of his baby sister except that of the stork, or the doctor’s medicine chest, perhaps; he comes home with a very different idea that makes him in his heart despise his parents, that makes him ashamed and horrified, that re mains with its vulgar terms and its alarming suggestiveness to mar the future serenity of his young soul. It is not a question as to whether lie shall learn of these things or not; it is a question of how lie shall learn them Shall lie be made acquainted with the great law of reproduction through the coarse words of a servant! or the vicious imaginings of a morbid | school fellow, or shall he be told of them reverently, beautifully, by the lips of his mother who bore him? Barly images do not leave the mind of a child. An ugly word, an impure picture, an obscene act, will remain with all its horrid suggestion, not on ly throughout his boyhood but through all his manhood and maturity. The lad may struggle hard to be pure, but it will be a terrible fight. God and llis angels alone know what our boys, whom we would give our lives for, have to contend against through the years of adolescence; if there be aught that we can do, as mothers, to help, to avert, to streng then, will we not do it gladly?—The Light' Chapman Sells Out. A deal was made the first of the week between Chapman, the feed yard man, and J, P. Musselman of I Morrill, Has., whereby the latter be comes owner of the stables. The I new firm will be .T. P. Musselman & Son, and they will continue to oper ate. the place as a feed and sale stable. Good for 10 Cenfs Cut this out. ()ne of these coupons is good for 10 cents on each sack of Gold Coin Flour you purchase from any of these dealers: F. E. Schmitt L. L. Aldrich C. A. Heck John Hermes R. A. Dittmar L. C. Mauger Chas. M. Wilson Every sack guaranteed to give satisfaction or you return it and get your money back. ^ Try it and make your wile happy. Only good if pre sented inside the next ten days. Falls City, Jan. 27, 1910. Sigh here— / GEHIING THEATRE JOHN P GEHL1NG. Mgr. One Night Only, Sat. Feb. 5 GRACE CAMERON In C. H. Kerr's Four Act Comedy Nancy Great cast, Christ Nelson, Phoebe Cardownie, Frank Watters, Jack Raymond, Ed Haynes, Robert Mor dant. and others. Company direct from New York City, entire production carried by the company, electrical, mechanical and scti.ic effects forming beautiful stage pictures. More comedy, more pathos, more art Ihan all of Miss Cameron’s form i r successes. PRICES 50 and 75c and $) Tickets on sale at the Gehling bak ery Wednesday morning at 0 o'clock. TAKE YOUR HOME PAPER FIRST THEN SUBSCRIBE FOR The Kansas City Star and Times The Star and Times, reporting the full twenty-four hours’ news each day in thirteen issues of the paper each week, are furnished to regular subscribers at the rate of 10 cents per week. As newspapers. The Star and The Times have no rivals. No other publisher furnishes his readers with the full day and night Associated Press reports, as does the Star and Times. This should recommend the papers especially to the pregressive merchant and farmer I deliver both the Star and Titties to the subscriber’s door promptly on arrival of trains. Give me a trial. CLIFFORD AGEE Distributor Should you want Tho Star by mail send 10c per $5.20 a year. Address The Kansas City Star. H* I