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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 28, 1910)
CRUSHED BY FALLING TREE YOUNG MAN MEETS WITH A FATAL ACCIDENT. V Roy Wilkinson. Well and Favorably Known. Caught Underneath A Falling Tree. While visiting with his cousins out of town, Roy Wilkinson was caught underneath a falling tree and instantly killed. His friends wen felling a tree and accidentally he stepped under it instead of away iron it as it. fell. The funeral was conducted 1'roiu the Evangelical! Church in Dawson Sunday. The services were conduct ed by Hie Dawson I O. O. I*\ assist ed by tlie lodges front Humboldt, Sa lem and Verdon, Kev, Holdermuu preaching the sermon, assisted by Prof. Oliver of Falls City, who spoke briefly but appropriately. Roy was nearly twenty-three years old at the time of his unt xpected death. He grew up in the vicinity of Dawson and is widely and favorably known. That he has made many friends is vouched for by the fact that, many regard 11is funeral as the largest ever held in Dawson. Friends and acquaintances came front lav and near to pay their last tribute to his remains. ii,, leaves a fat In v. mot her, and four sisters to mourn his too sudden death. Many friends and relatives unite in expressions ol sympathy and condolence for the grief burdened par cuts, who will find their burden of loss a heavy one.- A Friend. HERE AND THERE. Short News Items That. Will Inter est Our Readers. Latest thing in women's clothes: the co, oon gown, a m w idea just shown at tli show in New York. A farmer m ar Lyttou, Iowa has it 100-acre pond stocked with tur bear ing animals. Last winter he sold furs to the amount of $8,000. The men working the Burlington steam shovel south of Peru, uncover ed a nest of snakes dast week. I lip place was Utterly alive with snakes of all native varieties. I - Work will soon be begun on an an tomobile garage for Humboldt. Plans call for a building 00x120, and equip ped with the latest machinery tor quick and expert service. If Congressman llinshaw's plan succeeds it will mean an increase to $1,080 a year to every carrier whose route is twenty-four miles, and $2.50 per month per mile in excess. ^ Miss Amelia Smitliers of Peru fell about a month ago and broke her arm. One day recently when she had the injured arm out of the sling for the first time, she tell again and broke the other arm. E. Wheeler was a sufferer last week with rheumatism in the neck and shoulder. His wife and both his sisters have been sick much of the time for more than a month, but i all .ii much ! tter 1 his week St el la Press. Sasli Reynolds has sold the furni ture and lease of the Overman Hotel at Stella to A. 11. Edwards of Omaha, who took possession Wednesday. Mr. Edwards is a hotel man of years of experience and will conduct the Over man in a most up-to-date manner. One of Rulo's old men. who has been a pattern of drunkenness at times for many years says he lias quit and is feeling just its good or even better than usual. Probably his wife and children are not deploring his loss of ‘‘personal liberty.” The Campbell Pros, are having considerable trouble this winter with their camels and dromedaries at their farm south of Fairbury. One camel died last week, and the rest of the herd is sick and it is very prob able more will die. The animals are infected with a louse which it seems impossible to kill. The boys have a large herd of camels and a loss of out! of these animals means a loss of considerable money. Farm for Sale. 1 will Beil my fiuui nine miles north east of Falls City, consisting of 300 acres. See me or write. ERNEST WERNER, Sr., 2t Falls City, Neb. Report of The Condition of the Farmers State Bank Of Preston, Nebraska Charter Number 70S, incorporated in the State of Nebraska, at the close of business November In, 1909. KESOt'KCES, Loans and discounts. 7 3o.750.7o Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 303.07 Banking house furniture and fixtures o50.00 Current expenses and taxes paid.. 1,168.64 Due from nat’l, state and private banks ami bankers. _ 9,98t».23 Currency . 1.365.00 Silver, nickels and cent 492,03 1.857.03 Total. $50,715.73 LIABILITIES. Capital stock panl in ... 7l3.wiO.00 Surplu- fund. 2.000.00 , Undivided profits. 2,903.11 Individual deposits subject to check. .$20,107.12 Time certificates of deposit 12.ol*>.50 32.sl2.s2 I Total. 750.715.73 STATE OF NEBRASKA, j County of Richardson. ' I, Clyde Thacker, cashier of the above named bank, do hereby swear that tin*, above statement is a correct and true copy of the re port made to the State Banking Board. Clyde Thacker. Cashier attest: W. C. Mak<;kave, Director Levi Thacker, Director. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 24th day of January, 1910. lit’Y 1*- t»keenwai.d. Notary Public. My commission expires Dec. 22, 1911. AMONG THE BOOSTERS. At tlu* meeting of the Commercial (lnl> last Friday night tin* quistion of | electric lights for Dawson was up for discussion. Dawson Outlook. George 1* Irving of the staff of I the Chicago Dry Goods Reporter and an authority on small town improve ments, will make his town boosting talk in Taylor's opera house Tuesday j evening under the auspices of the Club The elub will sell Rooster buttons to tile number of GOO j at 2f> cents it piece to defray Mr. 1 Irving’s expenses. Tuesday night i Mr. Irving will tell how VVyntore can improve itself, lie will tell tell how sonn of the things and conditions nov existing here should lie corrected, and will tell how to do it. lie believes tiie salvation of the country lies whol ly in the prosperity and well being of the small towns. The cities are now corrupted and will remain so. The small towns are building up the titles at the expense of the home community. Wynton an. After a week of competition the I’iaUsmouth commercial club lias adopted the slogan, “See IMatls mouth Succeed.” The business men of the town will have the words printed on their stationery, letting the world know iluit, I'lattsmouih is in the battle with might and maiu.I’hitts inouth lias adopted the right sort of program. Now get in the game. Daily News. Nebraska City has just organized a "Good Fellowship Committee” whose duty it is to furnish eiitertaitini'i-nt fot its members and to boost Nebraska City. They have selected for their rallying cry “Roost Nebraska City." The local post will rent quarters for the meetings which will tie convened the first Saturday of each month. Marly in February a big lee. pfiou will be given. The boo-ter microbe- is getting: in good work in Southeastern Nebraska. We pray that with the coming of warm weather the leaven of bigger tilings may permeate every part of tills section and grow a glorious har vest of larger development. Public Sale* 1 w ill sell at public sale on the Den tils McCarthy farm, GW miles south west of Falls City, on Monday, Janu ary 111, the following property: 17 Head of Horses and Mules one Col. Weaver, 4 years old, not afraid of antes and can he driven by any woman; one Col. Weaver Geld ing J years old, well broke; one* pony 6 year old; om mare 16 years old, in foal; two suckling mules; two J-ycar old mules; one bay gelding ■> years old, gentle;; one black gelding, 4 years old; one bay mare It; years old, in foal; erte yearling mule; two 2-year-old mules; one team of good 4-year-old mules; one sorrel mare ft years old, in foal; one black gelding 4 years old. 10 Head of Cattle—One good milch cow, fresh; one 2-year-old heifer; one cow with calf by side; two yearling heifers; one yearling steer and four calves. Nine head of hogs. Farm Implements One wagon good as new, one good hay rack, one new 2-row cultivator, one 2-row go-devil; one disc harrow, one riding lister, one riding plow, one endgate seeder, one old mower, one post auger. 20 rods 24-in American wire, two walking cultivators, one walk ing plow, two harrows, one set driv ing harness, two sets work harness. Terms of Stile—Ail sums of $10 or less, cash on sums over that amount a credit, of six months will be given on bankable note without interest if pa.d when due. if not so paid to draw' interest at 7 per cent from date of -ale. A discount of 2 per cent for cash. W. A. W A MS LEY. Lunch on the grounds. Col, Marion, Auctioneer. George Holt., Clerk. Referee's Sale. RICHARDSON COUNTY DISTRICT COURT. .Jennie R. Pyle. Plaintiff, vs Edward S. Pyle, Defendant. By virtue of a decree of the Dis trict Court of Richardson County, Nebraska, rendered in the above en titled cause at the October term thereof 1909, in which decree the undersigned was appointed referee to make sale of real estate hereinafter described, I will as such referee at the hour of l:oo o'clock p. in. on the 5th day of February, 1910, offer at public sale in front of the w est door of the court house in Falls City, in Richardson County, Nebraska, the following described real estate, to wit: Twelve acres in the west half of the northeast quarter of the south east quarter of Section 20, Township 1, Range 17, Fast, in Richardson Co unty, State of Nebraska, and more particularly described by meets and bounds, as follows: Beginning at a 'Stake on the south line of said NE hi of SE’4 S 20—Township 1,Range 17, Fast N. 79 degrees 30 minutes E. 14.60 rods from said line southwest corner of said N. East V4 of SE 14. thence as the magnetic needle now points July 30th, 1884 N. 79 degrees 30 minutes K. 28.28 rods to a stone in said south line, thence N. 10 degrees, \V. 3.43 rods to center of It. R, and in the south line of right of way. Thence F. 72 de grees 20 minutes. \Y. 28.50 (28.50) rods to a stone, thence south 10 degrees, E, 66.30 (66.30) rods to place of beginning, containing 12 acres. This tract of land was the homestead of the parties to the above entitled cause, who were husband and wife, but the court having found in said cause that the defendant had desert ed his wife and family and is now in parts unknown, the interest of Un said defendant in said homestead was deem'd by the court to Im> sold tor the benefit of his family; the interest of the plaintiff. Mrs. Jennie It. I’yle. ft ill 1" sold at the same lime, site consenting to* m to in uiit ing #! provided in the decree atoiv said. which fact ft ill h' made known ; 1 'aiders on the day of sale. Perms of salt cash. .1. IL WILHITE. Referee. First Publication Ian 7, a times GEORGE’S BEE. Ceorge M. Jackson, of Piggott, Ark . has a philanthropy bee in his bonnet that is going to sting him on a tender spot if he doesn’t watch out. Ueorge, who is well healed, ac cording to report, tit rough Ames Fades I loft, the eccentric million aire Rt Lousian, who is playing "good angel" for the tramps of the country, has offered L0OO acres of good Arkansas land to the hoboes. How’s society to distribute i(. At the meeting where the unuounecmeiit, was made, 2,ill'll hoboes heard it without any wild outbursts of enthu siasm most of them being too busy at the time cramming free lunch down t henisch i s. It ts proposed that the land he di vided into ten aere tracts, each holm to be given that much land as his own. with no restrictions on il It is the Inference that they would he expected to cultivate their lai d, how ever. Just what tilt* average holm would do with ten acres of laud In a deeper problem than “How old is Ana?” We do not anticipate any great rush from this branch of the "unemployed'' to take their claims. ] Cheap and Safe. The small stun of $2 will hoy n $5,000 policy, good for live years,from tin Bichnrdson County Farm .Mutual Insurance Co., provided the building lias good lightning rods. Then these policies can lie renewed another five years for the still smaller foe of fifty cents. Smaller policies cost tin' same amount. Tlie lust 22 years this company has been thoroughly tried and found re liable. We have over two million insurance in force, and constantly gaining new members. All the farm property of the county ought In be insured with us. It is folly lo keep on sending money out of the county for good safe protection. School boartls and lountry churches can save money by insuring with us. Cali, write or phone to me, over IMMinur's i tore, Falls City, Nebraska, S \MUEL IJCHTY, Ser'y Di solution Notice. Notice is hereby given Unit Thomas Wiuterholtoin has sold iiis interest in the firm of Wirth & Wintcrbottom to L. I‘. Wirth, and the business will berenfter be conducted hv Mr. Wirth. All accounts payable to h. P. Wirth, and all liabilities will be paid hy N P. Wirth. h. P. W1UT1I. 1 I lOMAS W IN’TEU BOTTOM WARREN TO^PAN, Lynn,Mass. Cured of severe compound cold and cough by ytnol ••From Dec. 20, 'O.S. to March I, ’09, I had three hail colds, one on top of l he other. I got so weak I could hardly get around. Nothing seemed to help mo until I began to Inke Vinol. The change was magic. I lire© bottles com pletely fixed that compound cold and stopped the terrible cough—and what surprises me most, at the same time it cured me of a severe stomach trouble that has bothered me for 20 years. Vifiol is certainly a wonderim medicine* Mr. Tuppan is one of Lynn's most prominent and highly respected merchants, whose word is as good as lus bond. The reason Yinol is so successful in such cases is because it contains the two most world famed tonics the medicinal, strength cuing, body-building clonic- • 1 <"""! Over Oil and Tonic Iron. Your Money B.. ’ »u Vvc Not Satisfied. A. C. WANNER, Druggist, Fails City. Lamo lmck cornea on suddenly and is extremely painful. It is caused by rheumatism of the muscles. Quick relief is afforded by applying Cham berlain's Liniment Bold by all drug gists. Olininlu'i'liiln'H Cough Remedy iipc disappoints those who use il for obstinate coughs, colds an ! irrilatioi ■ of ilie throat unit lungs Ii -'iuu! unrivalled as a remedy tor all I lim it and lung di eg... Sold l/> all dm., gists. Having decided to move to South Dakota. 1 will sell at my farm, I I miles north and ,3-4 miles east of Falls City; 1=4 mile west of arada; 5 miles east and one mile south of •rmubert, on CTST TH l ay, rt — Sale to commence at 10 o’clock sharp, the following described propel t\: 44 Head Hors8SandMulcs AIL NATIVE STOCK !? Head Horses !7 1 Span Bay Mares, 8 years old, weigh ing 2,650. 1 Black Mare, 12 years old, weigh ing 1,400 pounds. 1 Gray Mare, 14 years old, weighing 1,300 pounds. 1 Three-year-old Mare, weighing about 1,050. (All the above mares are with foal to a Jack.) 1 Brown Mare, three years old.wettjh ing 1,050. 1 Span Bay Horses, four and five years old, weighing 2,400. 1 Standard Bred Mare, three years old, weighing 1,100. 1 Bay Driving Horse, three years old, weighing 1,150. 1 black Percheron mare, three years old, weighing 1,250. 2 Two-year-old mare colts. 1 Spotted Shetland Pony, three-years old, broke and perfectly gentle. 3 Spring Colts—extra good. 27 Head [Vluies 27 i K 1 Span Bay Marc Mules, weighing 2,600: 17 hands high, three years old. 12 Head of coming three-year-old mules, most of which are broke. These Mules are 16-hand Mules. 1 Span of Black Mules, three and four years old, weighing 2,400. 10 head of coming two year-old mulea All are matched • and will make large mules. 1 Suckling Muie Colt. ■ — — ' ' *~ ■ Milch Cows, Heifers and Yearlings >4 Milk Cows, two with calf by sides. 2 Heifers, will be fresh soon. I Yearling Heifer. 3 Yearling Steers. 3 Heifer Calves. 3 Steer Calves. 1 Shorthorn Bull, 20 months old._ Implements 1 Corn clump and elevator. 3 lumber wagons. 1 two-seated carriage, 1 Spring wagon. 1 rubber-tired buggy, almost new. 1 steel-tired buggy. 1 Deering Mower. 2 riding sulky plows. 1 John Deere riding lister. 1 John Deere two-row disc. 1 Flying Swede two-row disc. 2 walking cultivators. 1 harrow. 1 feed grinder. 1 hay loader. 1 corn planter. 4 sets work harness, t set double buggy harness. 1 set single buggy harness. Household Goods AND KITCHEN UTENSILS 1 Wallworth piano, almost new. 1 sewing machine. 5 bedsteads with springs. 2 extension tables, extra leaves. 1 kitchen table. 2 stand tables. 1 bureau. 1 commode. Some good building stone. About 2 rocking chairs. 5 dining room chairs.4 kitchen chairs 1 kitchen sink. 1 washing machine. 1 Home Comfort range. 1 heating stove. 1 Sharpless cream separator. 1 large iron kettle. 325 bushels of good oats. _i f I All sums of $10 and under, cash; on all sums over $10 a 1 Q ft T credit of three, six or nine months will be given on a bank H H K IW w' B able note, drawing f» percent interest, .? per cent off for cash. No property to be removed until settled for. COL. C. h. MARION, Auct. I C QDICKI FR J. M. EVANS, Clerk. **• 0^1 V^I\U-t-ilX