The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, January 28, 1910, Image 4
w < to to <4 W P K W « w to p o K _ W P <$ CO CO (4 W Ph w w « w co P o X w p <3 co co P5 W Ph w w W w c»l P o w w p <3 CO CO W W p w w X w CO p o X X p <3 CO CO ►4 W P: W W * w CO p O K W P <3 co CO c4 W Pi w W X w co P O X W P <3 co CO (4 W Ph w w 34 W CO p o 53 TTT!T:-,l>EP.a .'.M.E "1-■■ ■ ' E I HOUSEKEEPERS' SALE I HOUSEKEEPERS' S1LE I HOUSEKEEPERS' SALE | HOUSEKEEPER SALE I HOUSEKEEPERS SALS | HOUSEKEEPERS'SALS | HOUSEKEEPERS' SALE | EoJ^EEHEBB’ SALE j HOUSEKEEPERS' SaIT""*j" HOUSEKEEPERS'‘sA^fl Tailored Suits, Vi Off 30 Suits of all kinds, including Black and colors, all sizes, priced early at $12 to $00 now go at half price. There is not a freak or bad style suit among them and all but five are this season’s pur chase. The cut is so staple and sensible that any lady can wear these as long as she finds it de sirable. Cloaks, Z2 Price Desiring to close out all Coats before the end oi the season, we now offer every Ladies, Misses and Child's Coat at half our lor mer price. There remains an unusually full assortment, includ ing every size up to 4G at prices that cost you now from Sl.bO to $15 Among the Ladies Coats are the newest planed styles, n Blacks, Navy, and light and dark mixtures. Muslin Underwear Our styles and values this season are i r superior to those of last,. All this stock was bought six months ago. before the advance on materials. We have the fullest confidence that careful investigation will support our claim, that we are offering Ready-to-wear Muslin Garments for less than cost ot materials. Every garment is well made and tastily trimmed as home made. Corset Covers From 25c to $2 Presents a display that meets every purse or fancy. At 25, 35, and 50 cents are some popular numbers, having every desirable feature. Good fitters, well made servicable cloths, dainty lace and embroidery. We car ry Brassieres, which critical dressers find desirable at 50 cents and $1. Muslin Gowns From 50c to $4 All wants are anticipated. Our showing is especially strong at $1, $1.25, $1.50 and $2. And among these are high necks, square necks, low round necks, etc. Short and long sleeves, in Muslins.Cambrics, Nainsooks. Musiin Drawers Pam with hemstitched tucks, a well wearing drawer of excel lent muslin, well made Only 25c Wide embroidery flounce, good muslin, a splendid value Only 35c Fine embroidery flounce with tucks, handsome garment Only 45c Three hemstitched tucks,fine embroidery ruffle, best we have ever offered at Only 50c Up to $2 are many attractive and real bargains in open and closed drawers. Combinations Combination Corset Cover and drawers or skirts at 85c, $1, $1.25, $1.50 and up. Muslin Skirts I 'rom 50c to $5 Especially rich in Skirts at 75c,$1, $1.25, $1.50 and $2. Nev er have we seen these equalled. Many very cheap lace or em broidery flounces, made of ex celent fabrics, correct in de sign and work. GROCERIES 18 lbs Granulated Sugar $100 Regular Price Now Whole Tomatoes.ex tra large tins 20 .15 Fancy Sliced Lemon Cling Peaches .25 15 Little Jap Bart. Pears 20 12 Canned Apples 05 Spearhead Tobacco .55 40 Golden Rule Tobacco 45 25 Blue Crass Tobacco 45 25 Maple Syrup, gallon 135 100 Maple Syrup, galloc .75 50 Maple Syrup, quart 40 ,30 12 or. Green Circle Seedless Raisins 05 100 bottles Assorted Pickles 05 I can Pure Fruit Jam, all fruits .15 10 I can Pure Fruit Jam, all fruits . ,, .35 .25 3 for E C Corn Flakes SO 10 $0 21 Large assortment of Pickles in bottles. Fruits. Starch. Meats, etc., at 5c. 10c. 15c, 20c, 25c, worth nearly double I r;ii,c a r>\ on rv ^ t-\ i ovstifectp In the well nigh universal ad vance of prices, Silk remains as cheap as in many years. The styles of this coming spring promises to be very favorable to this most graceful and adapt able fabric. Foulards. Pongees, Rough Silks, Messaline and Taf fetas are to be prominent. We are showing for early buyers a superb line of colorings in Rou gh silk at 50c, and some novel fancy Pongees at $1.00 ■ . Shaw Is. 20'^ Off An unusually full assortment left—long, square, shoulder, wool and Beaver. Silk Petticoats 25'* Off „ , I ' !Vv >]on>:yeak%^ ',.9' All Silk Petticoats at 25 per cent discount, About twenty five left in nearly all shades. Furs, 25'* Off Including Jackets w Every Jacket, Muff anil small or large fur piece is now put on sale at one-fourth off. Furs all very staple and change but little from season to season. Do not pass this chance. Men's Specials Any $1 Dress Shirt in our stock during tins sale, only 85 Cts. 12 dozen Jackets and Over alls, heavy indigo stripe, all sizes, would be cheap at 75c, Om Sale Price 65 Cts. 25 Pairs Men's Wool and Cot ton Pants formerly at $1 to $2. Closing out price 75 Cts. 16 Pairs Wool Pants formerly "oM qf ♦ r* l'vipo OUiv4 at tarf 1yO| C « v »- • A ■* ‘ $1.25 Waistings Some very choice # Dimities, Pique, Percales, in Stripe, Check and Plaid effects. 25c, 30c up to 50c Plain bleached Linen, 36 to | 90 inches. White Goods • Nainsooks, Long-cloth, In dia Linons, Persian Lawns, and French Lawns, Mercerized Ba tistes, Swisses, Piques, Barred and striped Lawns. All these in variety. w p I <s 110 L H p ! W H ! y : w is ,o K j ■■■ ; W P ! & a w p n w M H -VJ P O P w p r/2 W P W Pt M W w I M, : w ig w K P <! t/2 b P w p w w « w w p o w w p < m in P W P W W w w m P o W w p c cc b P W P w M « W ro P O « W P C c/j OT P H CL, W P « w M P § W P w b P W P w w Ui w w p o w 2 9 X o cj a M W M a a P3 Hi Hi > a M a o CJ Hi a a a a *3 a a w tn > a a o CJ M a a a a *3 L3 a Hi Hi I P> f a a o a Hi a a a a •3 a a M Hi > a a a o a M a a a a *3 a a Hi Hi > a a a o a w a a a a a a a C/2 w > a a hrl l-H O cj Hi a a a a •3 a pr Hi Hi > a a a o cj Hi a a a a a a a Hi Hi > a a __ FALLS CITY NEBRASKA BEGINS Bima ii■■ i Our purchases for this sale were mostly made last October. This enables us to make lower prices than we could name on the pres ent market. It may be difficult to convice you that cotton goods chea^at any fgure that can be now made, but we assure you that the next twelve months will see no Sower cost, and we shall, diSttip^he Housekeepers’ Sale sell all Domestic Cotton Fabrics on very small margins. You have learned to look forward to this occasions a real bargain opportunity', coming not at the end of the season, after you have supplied your wants, but at its very beginning and at the time when you have leisure to do vour sewing and get ready for the heated period. The variety of fabrics offered is wider than ever before and is accompanied by a full display of strictly summer goods. You will be interested in noting that we offer well known brands, enabling you to obtain qualities \vith which you are thoroughly familiar, at bargain prices. a THE YEARS 1$t)^ AND 1910 With no regrets for the year 1909 our most successful in sales and general conditions—we enter 1910 with a confidence, born of evi dence of your good will, that must surely bring to you and to us a satisfactory business. No honorable means to help bring about this end, will be spared bv us. It has been and is now, our policy to sell merchandise on its merits, at prices as low as circumstances yvill permit, without fear or favor and without chicanery or unbusinesslike representations. Za ' epartment Sheets Mohawk Valley *7/} Sheets, 81 by 90 in . 4 UC Mohawk Valley Sheets, 90 by 90 in.4 3C Mohawk Valley Sheets. 81 by 90 in., Hemstitched, ©£* for only. 03C Mohawk Valley Sheets, 90 by 90 in,, Henstitchcd, Q A for only. xUC Sanitary Seamed ACZss Sheets, 81 by 90 in. Embroideries It is the testimony of every one who has seen our new Em broideries that our showing is the most practical, reasonably priced ever shown by us. It includes, besides splendid lines of staple muslin, nainsook, and Swiss all-overs, edging and in sertions. Many new designs in Con vent work of extraordinary beauty, on a cloth suitable for underwear andi n combination with linen, and in the heavier cottons, which are to be again used for suits and dresses. Calicoes and Percales 12,000 yards Full Standard American and Simpson Calicoes in Black, Indigo, Grey, Reds, Light Blues and White £Lfy Grounds, per yard.OC 50 pieces Best 36-inch Per cale made, all colors^ ^1/ per yard. 1 ^ 2 C Camfonc Muslin Nainsook Finish Union Jack Cambric per yard./C Royal Cambric n per yard only. I \IC Nainsook 100. Sale | | Price per yard, only. .. X 1. C Berkley GO. Standard 'jjg Per yard.... .i^e Fine Spun 90. | / Very soft, only. .. . X bt' ^C Lonsdale—well known ^ sale price, per yard 1 C Wamsutta—a high f A grade, per yard. 1 ■ C I Long Cloth 10 to 25c. Nain sooks 1212 to 50 cents. Ginghams Checks, Plaids, Stripes 50 Pieces Amoskeag —small check Ginghams, best made, woith 10 cents, sale H\/ price, only per yard . 4 100 Pieces A. F. C. M. F. C. Red Seal, and Toile du Nord Dress Ginghams, | / yard, only.1 20 Pieces Manchester | A Chanibry, only. lUL 20 Pieces Imperial | £* Chambry, per yard. A 3C 15 Pieces Soft Finish Chev iot, splendid for shirts, dresses, etc, during this sale | A per yard, only. 1 U C Bleached Muslin 36 Inches Wide American Girl— fair—light weight nmslin til/ per yard. 3/2C Crystal Spray—better grade medium, dur- £ g/ ing this sale. . . 0/2C Admiral—soft finish good quality per yard Master—heavier a' better, per yard. . .^ Beacon—a serwxT^ able quality per yard* Old Reliable—some heavier, per pard. Hope—well knowni—2,500 yds on hand, during this { A sale only. Mr Cabot—You have I AI / _ used it, per yard .. . J y /4-Q Lonsdale—no better I A made, per yard.1 UC Fruit of the Loom 1 AI / heaviest we carry. j{j/2C Pillow S Sanitary Pillow Slips, 45 by 36 in Sanitary Pillow Slips, 42 by 36 in Mohawk Pillow Slips, 42 by 36 in Mohawk Pilliw Slips, 45 by 3£\,! Mohawk Pillock Slips, 50 by 38 . . \ Mohawk Pillow 36 in., Hemstitched } Sale Price.... .I Pillow Casing Pepperell 42-ineh Unbleached ched Pillow Casing *1 O per yard. i. v! Pepperell 45-inch Unblea ched Pillow Casing pe | A yard. l*tC Pepperell 4G-inch Bleached Pillow C-iSing per yard | at this sale.13C Pepperell 42-inch Bleached Pillow Casing por yard ij 4 during this sale. . l*tc Androscoggin 36-inch Bleach ed Pillow Tubing per | f yard. 1 UL Androscoggin 42-inch Bleach ed Pillow Tubing pei f yard. 1/1/ Androscoggin 45-in Bleach ed Tubing per yard lO during this sale. lOL Unbleached Muslin 30 Inches Wide Hazelton—good CL\/ ~ weight, per pard 3 C Great Central Market Muslin heavy even thread /" f / Sale Price.©/2C Pepperell R— Weil €% known standard OC Black Rock—heavy, Q|/ fine, per pard. . Q/-2C Indian Head—very /J heavy and strong sC Shseting Dan River 9-4 Unbleached Sheeting during this -fl Sale. &IC Dan River 10-4 Unbleached I Sheeting. Special sale /j ^ price. &,J C Dan River 9-4 Blea- ^ ched Sheeting . /mtijC j Dan River 10-4 Blen- r* ched Sheeting Pepperell 8-4 Ur.blca ched Sheeting 6* & C Pepperell 9-4 Unblea ^ A ched Sheeting Pepperell 10-4 Un- ^ f bleached Sheeting ^OC Pepperell 6-4 Bleach ed Sheeting Pepperell 8-4 Bleach- ^ A ^ ed Sheeting Pepperell 9-4 Bleach- ^ S eel Sheeting iwDC Pepperell 10-4 Bleach- ^ Q eel Sheeting Pepperell 9-4 Half Bleechecl Sheeting i£OC Pequot 9-4 Unbleach eel Sheeting ejUC Dwight Anchor 9-4 jf| ^ Unbleacheel Sheeting \3UC Dwight Anchor 9 4 ^ Bleacheel Sheeting Anelroscoggin 10-4 hall ^ Q Bleacheel Sheeting £0 VC X P < co co PS W Pk M M X W co p o ffi w p < CO CO PS W P M X M W co P o W H P C co W5 PS IP Pi m x M rk PI CO p O W W P < CO co PS X X X X X X co P o W X p <! CO co PS X PH w p « p CO p o X X p <t. X CO PS X Ph w X X X CO p o X P P < CO CO PS X Pk co X X X CO p o X X P <fl CO CO PS X Pk p w X X co P o X Hblk m i I o d i/5 H W W H ►t) W w M W !> f< W X o q cn td td td td q td to 02 m K"* q td « 0 1 Q' I q td td td q td q q td X 0 q 01 td W td td q td to Cfl w > M td « o q t« td W td td q td to w w > q td ffi o q m td W td td q td to Cfi w > q td ffl o q 02 td td td fed q ►n to 02 02 > q td X o q 02 td td td td q td to 02 02 > q td hnirl Waists 20% Off About $500 in Shirt Waists incuding all our Lawn, Linen, Silk and nets, arc now put out to close at one-fifth off. As there is to be but slight changes in the styles of waists this spring, this is a real bargain. Bargains in Children’s G'waks 30 Children's Coats 8 to 14 years—every one a good garment and worthy in evejy respect. Old prices $3.50 to $5. Your choice during this sale $1.75 New Corsets New models for spring are in. We continue to carry “W. E.” and Warner’s Rust Proof and recommend them as equal to any made. I( « 1%. H I IjT * m i-avooi, ni i i\u iuo Many ladies have probably not stopped to note the ex tremely wide variety we carry in most every kind of lace. We aim to have constantly on hand, not only one or two designs of a width and kind, but a full var iety of all in many patterns. If you wish a low priced waist we have it, if you wish better, our prices are just as correct on that. New Wash Fabrics St. Call Batiste, Luxury Silk, Congo Cloth, Galatea Coth, Tis sue Chambreys, Fancy Linens. . All new. Come and see them. Ladies' Wool Presses One=HaIf Off 20 Misses and Ladies’ Dresses, Black, Brown, Navy, Green and evening shades. Prices from $9 to $25. Sizes 34 to 40, All these Dresses now go at half price. A $25 Wooltex Dress for $.12.50. Cheaper ones in styles,that will be stylish the coming season, in Wo men 's sizes as low as $4 to $G. Dress Skirls, 10% Off Over 200 Wool Dress Skirts lrom which to select.—every de sirable stylo and fabric is found in exceUent variety. Prices from $2.25 to $1G. Ten per cent dis count will bo given on all these during this sale. 6720 Rugs, Carpets, Mattings ( and Linoleums Large Rugs have so far displaced oilier floor coverings, that we have increased our variety of kinds and sizes, until we now show in slock most of the sizes made in Axminstcr, Velvet, Tap estry, Body Brussels, Smyrna, Wilton and Ingrain. We'guaran tee that our prices are us low as those made by any firm carry ing a stock in this region. Twenty rugs of entirely new design have just come in. For this sale we offer ten high class rugs 9x12 feet at 20% to 25% Off Small Rugs With every room size rug two to four small ones are needed. A very large showing of these from 18 by 3G inches, to 3G by 72 inches, is constantly on hand. Ingrain Carpets Ingrain Carpets in Cotton, and wool. Stair carpets from 15c to $1.25 Rug Fillings in Wool, Cotton and Petroleum. Linoleums 12 foot Linoleum, choice pat terns, light grade, sale price 60 Cents G foot Linoleum, several ex cellent designs, Sale price 55 Cents G foot Inlaid Linoleum 90 Cents Later we shall have in stock 16 foot Inlaid Linoleum This is new this season and brings to the consumer a long desir ed inprovement in Linoleum. Trunks. Suit Cases, Bags Up stairs you will find this line creditably represented. Our prices will be found a little under those of many carrying trunks and bags. Aii Table Linens, 10% Off During this sale we will give ten per cent discount on all Linen Tabe Cloth and Napkins. Remember this discount is from our plainly marked prices. We might throw out two or three pieces at special prices among which you would find noth ing to please you. Rather than do this, we give everybody a chance to save. Lace Curtains, 10% Off Over $1,000 worth of Lace Curtains, as inventoried this month. We are not so much over stocked. The investment is large because we carry so extensive a variety. All these go dur ing this sale at ten per cent disccunl New Wool Suitings and Silks Fancy Pongee Silks are going to be in great demand Stripes, Sharkskin, Mixtures in Wool & Vigireaux, in Tan and Grey. The latest, newest effects in Wool Suitings. A1 new. f FALLS CITY NEBRASKA S3 o <3 03 1 M: S3! W w M Ml W to to > f H t >1 <3 TO W w M M M M S> TO TO > M' M S3 O a TO M S3 M M M M S3 TO TO > M M _ S3 O <3 m M S3 M M M M S3 TO <38 to 8 MU MB MB Mg Mg Mg TO TO > H M S3 O c3 TO M S3 M M M M S3 TO TO > M M S3 O c TO M S3 M M M M S3 TO TO > M M i HOUSEKEEPERS’ SALE | HOUSEKEEPERS’ SALE | HOUSEKEEPERS SALE | HOUSEKEEPERS’ SALE | HOUSEKEEPERS’ SALE | HOUSEKEEPERS’ SALE | HOUSEKEEPER • SALE I HOUSEKEEPERS’ SALE I HOUSEKEEPERS’ SALE | HOUSEKEEPERS’ SALE | HOUSEKEEPERS' SALE | HOUSEKEEPERS’ SALE | HOUSEKEEPERS’ SALE I