The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, January 28, 1910, Image 3

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Your Friends
Admire Your
Table Ware
We .ire showing- some Dinner
Sets in Decorated and White
and tiold that should com
mand your attention, and with
each set we pack,
Free to You
An Imported China Salad Bowl
Worth $1.25 to $1.50
\ our choice of several decorations. We have other sets
! than those on display. See the wart; at
Chas. M. Wilson's
A New Line
To the Northwest
Through the Big Horn Basin
The Big Horn Basin is fast settling up and offers the greatest
opportunities for farmers, and especially farm renters to secure line
government irrigated farms at the mere cost of the water, and
often a single crop can be made to pay for the farm. Ten yearly
payments without interest. This is cheaper than paying rent in
any locality.
With the completion of the new line this promises to become a
great wealth producing region.
The oil, gas and irrigation of the Big Horn Basin will make
hat country a combination of farm and industrial prosperity.
Write me for full descriptive literature
do with me to the Basin and let me help you select a new home.
Dollars paid for rent are lost.
I). CLEM DEAVER, Genekai. Agent,
Land Seekers Information Bureau
Room 6, “O' Building, Omaha, Nebraska.
* it’s the man with money i
it* - d
s* saved in the bank who makes a success. «l
» Will you have money in the bank to take
■t* advantage of the opportunity when it comes? «1
* • Your home bank should get your deposits, H
m thereby being able to accommodate you H
* should you need a loan. *1
* Do unto others as you would have others 3
do unto you. By patronizing your home 2
bank, you are helping your neighbor and 2
' fulfilling the scriptures. 2
l The Farmers’ State 13anl< %
_ This is not a one man bank, but the cashier invites, and receives the hearty
r and intelligent, support of the Board of Directors. Our Officers and Di
rectors are not engaged in any business undertakings of a speculative
** nature and no loans are made to the customers of the bank to be used in
^ questionable business ventures.
I am trying to make a
date with
They tell me he is strictly up-to
date and well posted on all classes
of domestic animals and also farm
property in general
He can certainly please you, as he has had s xteen years expe
rience. He is also from Missouri, and if given the opportunity will
• SHOW YOU results.
or TELEGRAPH at my exponse,
Phones 168-131-216 Falls City. Neb.
A Word With You
Blankets and Robes
At a Great Reduction
Finest Line in the Gity 11/ A a** |_J C" I
Call and See Us . WAurl I tL
The Book Of God.
A glory gilds the Sacred page,
Majestic like the sun,
It gives a light to every age,
It gives, hu* borrows none.
The Spirit breathes upon the Word,
And brings the truth to sigiit;
Precepts and promises afford
A sanctifying light.
The hand Hint gave it still supplies
The gracious light and heat;
His truth upon the nations rise.
They rise, but never set.
Lot everlasting thanks be thine,
For such a bright display;
It makes a world of darkness shine
With beams of heavenly day.
-William Cowper.
It is well to suspect that love for
sinners which is based on curiosity
about the slums.
It would help the sale of some
'hoes if they were warranted to
squeak in church aisles.
Legal Notice.
lit. S. Pyle, whose true name is
Edward S. Pyle, non-resident defend
ant, will take notice Hint on the 25th
day of January, 1910, Mrs. Sarali L.
Maker filed her petition, as plaintiff,
in the District Court of Richardson
County, State of Nebraska, against
you the said E. S Pyle, defendant,
the object and prayer of which are
to obtain judgment against you on a
joint and several note made and de
livered to the said Mrs. Sarah L.
Maker, by yourself and Jennie R. Pyle
which said note is dated October 12,
1905, and is for the sum of $125.00
with interest from said date at the
rate of eight per cent per annum
from said date, and which note be
came duo on October 12, 1900, and
upon which there is now due, in
cluding interest, the sum of $201,40.
And you are further notified that
at Hk> same time, said plaintiff pur
suant to the statute in such cases,
made and provided, sued out an
order of attachment against you in
said cause on the ground that you
are a lion-resident of the State of
Nebraska, and have real estate in
said county and stale, and, that said
order of attachment was delivered to
the sheriff of said county on said
date and that on the 2tith day of
January. 1910, lie, the sheriff, did
levy upon said land by attaching the
same, which is located near tile vil
luge of Preston, Nebraska, and is
described as follows:
Hong the 12 acres ol hind pur-1
Hiased by you front the heirs of!
John Pyle, deceased, and situated in!
the east 42 rods of the northeast quar-j
ter of the southeast quarter of Sec
tion No. twenty, in Township one.
north, Range seventeen, east of the
6th P. M., in Richardson County, No
And you are further notified that
unless you plead, answer or de
I tiiur to said petition flied in said
cause, on or before Monday the 7th
day of March, 1910, the same will he
taken as true and judgment rendered
against you according to the prayer
I of stiid petition, and an order by said
court will be had that said attached
real estate be sold at public sale as
under execution, to satisfy whatever
amount the court shall find due from
you to the plaintiff herein, and pay
the costs of said action and of said
sale and of the proceedings in at
tachment. SARAH S. BAKER,
By John Wiltse and J. E. Leyda.
Dated January 26th, 1910.
First Publication Jan. 28,’10-4t.
Htxve y
coFPee ?
Jan. 28, 1910.
Dear Friend: ,
1 am getting big.
enough to drink tea
and coffee.
Are you?J
Papa and mama used
to drink coffee just
for breakfast, but
they get such gooi
coffee now that they
drink it three times
a day. They say the
best coffee in town
is handled at Schtr.i11 * s j
Gro *-ery and Meat Mar
ket. Your friend,
Meat Market & Grocery;
Wc Guarantee to Cure
Your Cold with
Rexall Cold Tablets
or Rexall Cherry Juice
Cough Syrup
25c Each
Only at
MM illan’s
Opposite Postoffice l ulls City, Neb.
H. M. Jenne Shoe Store
Exclusive Agents for the
famous line of “ BALL
ber Boots and'Overshoes
Everyfhing in Shoes
Magnetic Healing
Miss Lizzie Reitlaml, a gradu
ate of the Weltmer School of
Magnetic Healing, of Nevada,
Mo. I am prepared to treat dis
eases of all kinds. Rhone 27*»
Located at Mrs. Burris’ residence
south of the convent. 4t
hiii «■«■« mmmniim
: D. S. McCarthy ■;
* * i 1
: E)RJ\T AND :
; TF*AN©FK.R;;
Prompt attention piven \ |
] to the removal of house- j '
h6ld poods. ! :
*!• 4*
| horse and Cow hides, £
Wool and Pelts t
| highest Market Price %
| Porter Randolph |
f. Falls City. Phone 422
Auctioneer |
4 ♦
4* V
£ If you contemplate2'hauing£ a V
i* sale see me or write for terms T
t* •
!’ at once I guarantee satisfac- X
£ tion to my patrons
• • --- •-*
| C. H. HARION |
: x
Sales conducted in
scientific and busi- |
| nesslike manner
| C. H. MARION ]
k Halls City, Nebraska i
•> 2
STOP (or a moment and figure the valuable time you are losing, by
not going at once and taking a
LOOK at our valuable lands in Southern Kansas, that you now have an
opportunity to get at prices ranging from $40.00 to $60.00 per acre.
Good land and improved.
LISTEN, Eighteen good farms sold since January 1st, 1910; Four farms
in one day; three buyers for the same farm. Such is the history of
bargains I am offering you NOW.
Do You Want Anv of this Land?
If you do, get a move on you; if you don't, just take your time and pay
rent as you have been doing. I will take you to see this land any
day. |
Falls City, Neb.
You Take No Risk
When you place your order with us. We guarantee
good stock, good workmanship, prompt delivery, and
furnish all this at the lowest possible prices.
What More Can You Ask ?
This is the kind of memorials that has helped us build
the reputation we stand back oi.
Falls City Marble Works
Established 1881. R. A. <i). F. A. NEITZEL, Mjrs.
Wm*mi ivm hoo* jit
c>vii out riH-n ^ ,r->
Tfui Of.her
Of a
HU body of a range i ; practically the life of a range. The
life of a range depends on tlie material of which it is made.
CHARCOAL IRON, by actual tests, has been proven to resist
rust, heat and cr\ -uallization 300 greater than steel.
IRON. No ot ,:r rau-.-e in (he world i?, made of this material.
It co ts uii: i'h ial h» more tin p steel, but the MAJESTIC never
stands be h forto- t wnenit can improve its range. By compar
ing tin- life of old-time iron nails with the steel nails of to-day,
or old-style iron stov pipe and tinware with the present day
steel product, gives ."ii an idea of the lasting qualities of the
MAJESTIC over a steel range. This feature alone adds 300 %
to the life of the MAJESTIC.
Oklahoma Land Bargains
Located on the Santa Fe Railroad, in a fine agricultural district
half way between Enid and Guthrie. We have 5 churches, 2 banks
with one-quarter million deposits, fine brick school building and
good twelve grade school. We are second to none in the raising
of wheat, corn, oats, cotton and fruit. The average rain fall for
the past seven years has been (37) inches.
If you are looking for a home, or an investment, this section
of the state offers you the very best inducements. Wite us for in
formation, or better come and see.
160 acres—31 > mites from town, 130 acres under cultivation;
30 acres in pasture. Good five room house, good orchard, two wells
of good water, barn for six horses, granary room for 1,000 bush
els, 40 acres fall wheat, 7 acres hog-tight. Pice $40 per acre.
We Have Land from $20 Per Acre Up
160 acres—120 acres in cultivation, 40 acres in pasture. Good
six room house, small barn and granary, plenty of good water,
This is fine alfalfa land and is a bargain at $50 per acre.